The most disciplined people. Purpose is the cornerstone of any discipline

If you think you don't have discipline, then you don't need it. What you need is a goal that excites you. If there is a goal, there will be time to achieve it, which you yourself will want to organize competently and effectively. For this reason, I think the importance of discipline for success is overstated, to say the least. Most people lack motivation: a sincere desire to achieve their goal at any cost.

Many people think that discipline is some kind of magical quality that you need to be born with. Like, for some it is given, but for others, no matter how hard you try, it is not. Others believe that discipline can be developed through long drills, both in the literal sense (many note army discipline) and figuratively. But I would still like to figure out what we mean when we say this word, “discipline”?

If I wake up early every morning to study English, is that discipline? Most people will answer: of course. I will say that last of all I think of myself as a disciplined person.

Discipline is a natural result of motivation

How do I explain the fact of getting up at 5 am in order to study English? It’s very simple: I have a very high level of motivation. I wake up early in the morning because I really want to wake up and practice my language. I am spurred on by my desire to spend the calm, fresh morning hours preparing for international exams. I know that at work I should be working, not studying. And I also know that after work my brain leaves much to be desired: all the information it can absorb is a couple of episodes of Desperate Housewives. So when else to study, if not in the morning?

So it turns out that discipline is such a strange term, which, if you look at it, includes an upcoming reward (I will pass the exam!) and the desire to be better in the eyes of other people and set an example for them (my friends thought hard about their own goals, which I don’t have time for after a month of my “ups”). What else is included in this concept? Of course, positive thinking and commitment to your goals. I tell myself that I can do anything, and I really can do anything. I highly doubt that without the above points I would have any kind of “discipline”. After all, what is important is not the very fact of getting up early, having a strict schedule, constantly doing some things, but what we are doing all this for.

Accordingly, the right path to discipline is to find your motivation. Guided by this simple conclusion, I can give some advice to those who dream of being disciplined.

Becoming disciplined

  1. First tip: pick one habit and add it to your schedule, without changing anything else yet. Don’t try to immediately become a model of discipline and good routine. Just do the same thing at the same time every day. Do you dream of losing weight? Do gymnastics. Do you want to learn a language? Finally, get busy. Is it time to save up for renovations? Find a part-time job that you can devote one to two hours a day to. Anything.
  2. Second tip: break down this habit. What does it mean? This means that the actions you do, you do to achieve certain goals. What are these goals? What do you want to achieve in a week, in a month, in a year? This is necessary so that you yourself can clearly see why you are working out and keep your motivation in good shape. Let's return to the example with foreign languages. If you just want to “learn”, you don’t have to start: after a week, at most, your efforts will come to naught. What do you want to learn for? What will this give you? Only by answering these questions can you move on. No sane person would waste his time doing something “easy.” Everything must have a reason.
  3. Third tip: always remember your new habit. Don't let current affairs and unexpected events interfere with your daily activities. If you feel your motivation is dropping, revive it immediately. Remind yourself of your goals, visualize them (hang a beautiful poster with your dream city in front of your desk if you want to travel, for example). Lastly, blog. Inspire others and be inspired yourself.

By following these simple rules, you will find that discipline is not a “magic means” of achieving goals, but a natural result of correct and inexhaustible motivation, and making yourself a disciplined person is not at all difficult.

Today we will figure out how to develop discipline. What does the term mean? This is a set of certain rules of behavior of an individual that correspond to the norms established in society or the requirements of compliance with a certain routine. How to raise her, and why she is actually needed, we will find out in the article.

Attitudes towards discipline vary

Some, consciously or not, view discipline with fear and negativity, believing that this quality fetters freedom, makes people unhappy and forces them to strictly adhere to order.

An undisciplined person is distracted, unorganized, unpredictable, vulnerable, and cannot be relied upon. Moreover, the individual is captive of his own fears, laziness, and is a hostage to desires. He does not control mood changes and is unable to influence doubts.

And such people often do not achieve success in life, arguing this by imaginary freedom, by the fact that they are free in their actions and are not obliged to carry out assigned tasks or follow prevailing conditions and foundations.

Let's draw a portrait of a disciplined person

First of all, he is reliable and keeps his word. His energetic power helps in achieving the goal. Discipline blocks internal contradictions and laziness. She consciously switches her mind to searching for motivation to overcome difficulties and achieve the task she has set for herself. It’s like going for a morning jog: the next day laziness overcomes, but an organized person continues the planned training course without any doubt. Because it becomes part of his life.

It is discipline that gives freedom and gives confidence. The first is manifested in choosing a goal, helps to throw off the shackles of one’s own vices and weaknesses, and protects from external factors that interfere with its achievement. And confidence gives a guarantee that you will achieve your goal, because there is internal organization.

How to develop discipline in yourself?

1. The first thing to do is to understand its importance and significance. Let's move on to the exercises:

  • Give about ten examples of how self-discipline helps you achieve your goals.
  • Write a short essay on a piece of paper about her strength.

2. Find motivation to develop self-discipline. So:

  • Mark 20 compelling arguments why you need it.
  • Write down on 5 sheets of paper what you will become after developing self-discipline, emotionally and colorfully, juicily.
  • And then just as brightly about your new future.

3. Create a rhythm of life that will cultivate this quality. Visiting a gym or fitness club will help with this, for example, three times a week after work and twice on weekends. They are excellent at organizing classes in any martial art or sport (for example, hockey).

4. Change your thinking. Learn self-control. Affirmations and attending special psychological trainings will help with this.

These are just a few methods on how to develop discipline. In fact, there are many of them. The main thing is not to be lazy, but to study the information about them and choose the ones that are convenient for yourself.

About willpower

It is inextricably linked with discipline. It must be developed to become successful. This is a conscious submission of oneself to the rules and norms established in society, as well as the creation of certain conditions for overcoming difficulties at the time of need to manage one’s internal and external actions.

A person possessing this quality acquires many new useful characteristics, such as high self-esteem, self-control, stress resistance, and organization. Moreover, a person reaches heights, develops positive thinking, acquires communication skills, gets rid of bad habits without finding meaning in them, and so on. And yet, how to develop discipline and willpower?

These tips will help strengthen discipline, so:

1. Give up bad habits. Look at your life from the outside, identify those that are not beneficial, and start working on eliminating them. Here's the exercise:

  • If you want to quit smoking, test yourself through temptation. It's difficult, but effective. Every time your hand reaches for a cigarette that lies in front of your eyes, stop yourself.

2. Learn to switch attention. This is the reverse method to the previous one. When you feel like smoking, think about something else, remember a highlight of your life, dream about your upcoming vacation.

3. When getting rid of bad habits, come up with new useful ones. For example, start jogging in the morning, exercise, put things away in certain places, introduce fish into your diet once a week, and so on. The main thing is to perform the action systematically.

4. Stick to a routine.

5. Make a plan for the day, week.

6. Always finish your work without leaving things for tomorrow.

7. Exercise, eat right, meditate.

8. Be neat, always take care of your appearance and health, this is half the success.

There is another effective method: make a promise to someone. And you will strive to fulfill it, so as not to be branded as idle talk and irresponsible. Reinforce the work done with praise, encourage yourself for any achievements. Do not use words with a negative meaning, such as “I can’t”, “I won’t”, “it won’t work out”, “I can’t cope” and so on. And keep track of your actions, how much you ate and what, write down, for example, how much time you spent watching TV. To train your will and character, replace useless activities with cleaning the house, playing sports, and so on.

In general, in any upbringing process, parents play a fundamental and major role. Of course, the child’s environment has a colossal impact on the formation of qualities, but it is in the family that the foundation of the child’s strong personal skeleton is laid. So, how to develop the discipline that needs special attention:

  1. Established rules (rituals and traditions) must be strictly observed in the family. For example, this is the daily routine, leisure time, and so on.
  2. It is important for parents to remain consistent. If the father punishes, the mother should not interfere in the educational process, otherwise the child will not understand why he was reprimanded. It is necessary to strictly determine the punishment for the offense, then the child will know what to expect for the offense.
  3. You cannot overdo it with punishment so that the child does not withdraw into himself and harbor a grudge.
  4. Confirm educational methods by personal example. If you scold him for the mess on his desk, and things are even worse with you, he will not learn the lesson.

Let's look further at how to instill discipline in a child. There are, of course, exceptions to the rules when the baby, for example, missed a nap, thus disrupting the daily routine. In this case, it is simply necessary to explain the reason for the violation of the routine so that there are no further disruptions.

Be firm while remaining kind

A huge mistake parents make is duplicity. This is when a child is hugged and praised, and a minute later they scream with all their might, waving their fists for their offense. You cannot achieve anything by screaming and hysterics; you must remain calm and restrained, remain soft and friendly even at the time of punishment, so that the baby does not get scared and understands his offense. There is enough rigor and seriousness in voice and behavior.

It is necessary to communicate with the child correctly

This is a direct guarantee of successful discipline. Understand that your child cannot read your thoughts. It is necessary to talk and take into account the opinion of a small, but already individual. Take an interest in his life, achievements in the garden, school. Praise and encourage for a good result. Share your joy and news. If your child does not understand any rules, write them on a sheet of paper, attach them in a visible place, and explain them calmly several times until he understands them.

And also, always remain fair. You cannot punish children without reason and then regret what you did. If there is definitely guilt, fulfill the promised punishment so that next time the child understands what will await him for the offense.

The main thing is to surround the child with warmth, care, and affection, so that he understands that the family is a reliable fortress, where they will always listen and help cope with any trouble. This is important. Remain a friend, learn to build such a relationship with a little person so that she is not afraid to come home with a problem. Having a reliable, trusting connection, you can easily raise a disciplined, organized, decent, purposeful person.

So, now we know how to develop discipline in a child and an adult. The main thing is to have patience and endurance in any process, set life priorities correctly, strive for the best, self-develop, improve, because there is no limit to this. And only then will you be truly happy and lucky.

When people encounter the word “discipline,” they become outraged. Many went through an attempt to discipline them in their childhood. Often those who resisted were severely punished. Our parents tried to instill good qualities in us, but their methods were so unpleasant and cruel that everyone developed a negative attitude towards discipline, a quality that helps in achieving goals. And here the question arises, how to discipline yourself.

Why there are problems with discipline

Let's start with the definition of discipline - what is it? This is a kind of self-restraint, which implies adherence to certain rules. A person takes a subordinate position in relation to certain algorithms, rules, laws, etc. Discipline can be compared to law-abiding - when a person knows the laws and adheres to them, does not violate them. However, violation of discipline does not always result in punishment, especially when it comes to an adult.

Today, the cult of freedom has become widespread. A person must be free. However, many people do not understand what this means. Many people understand freedom as the ability to do whatever they want. However, psychologists consider freedom to be a person’s ability to live in accordance with his desires and achieve them. Feel the difference between doing whatever comes into your head and making your desires come true.

A natural question arises: why become disciplined? This quality, according to psychologists, helps in realizing one’s desires. In other words, a disciplined person becomes successful and happy. He can achieve whatever he wants, and not just waste time proving his freedom.

A disciplined person is a free person because he can have whatever he wants. It is precisely those people who avoid discipline, but shout about their freedom, who are unhappy and limited.
They are not free from their freedom, while a disciplined person becomes free by achieving his goals through the use of discipline. What is discipline?
This is adherence to specific rules that help achieve the goal. A person simply takes those actions that will lead him to his goal and controls this process. This is self-discipline.

How to discipline yourself?

Let's take a step-by-step look at everything you need to do to cultivate self-discipline.

1. Fall in love with discipline and learn to perceive it as a great benefit. Exercises:

  • Describe at least 10 examples of how discipline and self-discipline helps a person achieve his goal and desired happiness!
  • Write an essay on the topic “Discipline is my strength!” Believe me, such essays are incredibly helpful and very effective. The essay must be at least 1 page.

2. Create powerful motivation for Self-Discipline. Exercises:

  • Write in your workbook (without skimping on words and paper) at least 20 significant reasons - why do you need Discipline?
  • Describe (on paper) in colors, with examples and images, how will you, your personality, change when you cultivate self-discipline? (minimum 5 pages)
  • Describe as vividly as possible - how will your life and destiny change when you discipline yourself? (minimum 5 pages)

3. Create rhythms of life that discipline you! Something that will help you build a correct and effective rhythm. Sports, any sports sections, help very well in solving this problem. For example, you start visiting a fitness club, gym - 3 times in the morning (before work) and 3 times in the evening (on other days). Morning yoga, running, etc. will help you. They also teach martial arts well, I recommend it.

Fill your life with other disciplinary activities. It’s very good to start attending personal growth trainings, including on the topic of discipline.

Learn to consciously manage yourself - master self-hypnosis and affirmations. To do this, read the relevant articles via the links. For example:

  • “I control myself, I subordinate my inner world to my Goals”
  • “I turn on activity, joy and strength to achieve my Goal”
  • “I turn it off, I burn away laziness and passivity”
  • “I awaken the will, all the strength to the goal”

Such self-hypnosis commands switch your consciousness into an active mode of operation in order to turn off weakness and interfering manifestations, turn on your will, stimulate energy and take action.

5. Find yourself a good mentor, coach, trainer who will help you develop self-discipline. According to statistics, 99% of all successful and great people had mentors and coaches. And the more tough and demanding their teachers were, the faster they achieved their goals. Most of them say this.

Video on the topic

Sleep on schedule

Set for yourself the optimal time for getting up in the morning and falling asleep in the evening. You know perfectly well what time you need to wake up in order to calmly get ready for work and get there on time. You also know how many hours you need to sleep in order to get enough sleep and feel good all day. This is all individual for each person, so make yourself a schedule that will be most convenient for you. And follow it strictly. It will be difficult only at first, then following these rules will be very easy for you.

If you suddenly violate the schedule, then punish yourself - no matter how funny it may sound. The punishment can be anything - thirty push-ups, depriving yourself of your favorite cake, and so on. And of course, the less you violate the established boundaries, the easier it will be for you to comply with them in the future.

Sports activities

Any sport disciplines a person, if, of course, you take it seriously. Find a sport that you like and sign up for the appropriate section. You will attend classes, for example, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 18.00 to 19.30. If you don’t miss classes without a good reason, then sticking to this schedule will teach you to be disciplined in other areas of your life.

You can also go in for sports on your own, for example, running in the morning for a certain amount of time or doing a set of exercises. However, it will be somewhat more difficult to force yourself to do this regularly, since you know that no one will control you or scold you for bad results, and besides, the money for a missed lesson will not be lost, as is the case with attending a section. In addition to developing self-discipline, playing sports brings another undeniable advantage - good health and a beautiful body.

Daily schedule

Get yourself a small notebook or diary where you write down all the important things you need to do. Moreover, write them down in this format: task – approximate time to complete – priority. If you can determine as accurately as possible how long it will take you to complete each task, this will help you calculate how many tasks you can realistically get done in one day. The priority of a task must be determined in order to understand which task can be transferred to the next day in case of lack of time, and which cannot. For example, you can nail a shelf tomorrow, but today it’s better to go visit your grandmother, because you promised her a long time ago.

If we are talking about work responsibilities, then consider not only the urgency of the task, but also the likelihood that you may have to redo it or modify it.

And one last thing. Forget the phrases “I’m a weak-willed person,” “this is too difficult for me,” “I’m too lazy and will be lazy all my life.” All these are just excuses for those who do not want to change anything in their lives. And if you repeat such phrases to yourself, then do not expect any internal motivation and will - they will not appear. Tell yourself that whatever you set your mind to, you will succeed. And then you will see how inner willpower will begin to fill you and it will not be difficult for you to maintain self-discipline.

How to discipline yourself? This is a question that worries individuals who do not know how to obey external or their own established rules when achieving goals. When a person really wants something, this desire will discipline him. A disciplined person is a person who is capable of obeying the rules that he sets in order to achieve a set goal.

Thanks to discipline, a person is a socially adequate person who is capable of maintaining order, because he recognizes the existence of a general law and follows certain rules and norms. If it is difficult for a person to discipline himself, it is difficult to realize the meaning of the word “order,” then it is impossible for him.

One who can discipline himself, control his behavior, so much so that external negative factors cannot distract him, and if such a person can subordinate himself to the current order, then he can consider himself a disciplined, decent person.

Discipline has many enemies. Disciplining yourself is more difficult if you are impulsive and distractible. Outwardly, one can also identify an undisciplined person - he is fussy, has a loose gait, is not collected, does not control his statements, often complains and takes the position of a victim, constantly makes excuses and refers to external circumstances.

A person who knows how to discipline himself is not late, remembers and keeps his promises. It is a little more difficult for a person to discipline himself as evening approaches, as fatigue affects him.

Some people find it very difficult to discipline themselves and that it requires a lot of effort. However, you should not dramatize; you can turn the process of disciplining yourself into a creative, exciting process. A disciplined person is an individual who is respected among educated people. Therefore, along with the ability to discipline oneself, a person also gains respect, recognition and the opportunity to always achieve the intended goal.

How to become disciplined

How to become a disciplined person? To start working on this issue, you should find time, and this is the first step in how to make yourself disciplined. In complete calm, you need to think through a plan for. Actually, in order to discipline yourself, the goal is not so important, it is important to adhere to the developed plan in accordance with it.

It is necessary to create a plan for the actions that need to be taken to implement the plan. The plan must have a title, it is the goal, it can be called: “Discipline yourself.” Next there should be columns with names: actions, beginning, probable difficulties, strategies for overcoming difficulties, report.

Actions are steps to achieve a goal. For example, give up habits that take up time, look for information on your issue, ask for advice. There may be several actions, so it’s worth thinking through and writing them down.

The beginning is a time convenient for performing all actions. You can schedule this for any day and date. You cannot delay time and stretch it out; at first, this will not help you discipline yourself. But, adhering to the set deadline, the goal must be fully realized, taking into account any time constraints that may arise. For example, a person decides that he wants to start going to the gym, he needs to write down the earliest time he will complete this action, otherwise this desire will simply disappear. Over time, when it appears again, the person will begin to feel remorse for not having done it earlier.

Possible difficulties need to be carefully considered and any obstacles predicted. If you want to get used to getting up at 7.00 in the morning, but you know for sure that you will fall asleep when the alarm clock rings, then you should write “I will fall asleep again” in this column. By anticipating such obstacles now, it will be possible to strengthen the chances over the long term.

Strategies for overcoming difficulties - seeking advice or taking advice, these ideas are good options in coming up with ideas for this column. Later, those methods that previously contributed to solving the problem will become unique action patterns in different circumstances. If a person knows that some of the experience is unlikely to be useful as a strategy, then it is better to immediately abandon this method. Therefore, it is better to use new techniques and come up with more effective ones. For example, if a person is going to discipline himself, introduce a new habit of getting up at 6.00 in the morning, but every time he turns off the alarm clock and continues to sleep, then the alarm clock itself can be placed a little further from the bed. So, in order to turn it off, you will have to get up, that is, perform the very unpleasant action that makes you wake up.

The report is a part of the plan that does not need to be planned, since only after all the actions of the plan have been completed can it be described. The report should record how successful the implementation of the plan was, how quickly the result was achieved.

To discipline yourself, it is not enough just to make a plan. After the plan has been drawn up, it is necessary to carry it out. The main thing is to act with strict adherence to all actions, and gradually record notifications of completion. The plan needs to be reviewed all the time, reading progress notes, crossing out what was achieved, and emphasizing what to pay attention to. It is also worth abandoning strategies that have proven to be ineffective and incorporating only those into your behavior that have proven to be useful. It is necessary to extract all useful experience and introduce it into the preparation of the next plan. Making plans will help a person discipline himself, and over time he will be able to abandon them.

If a person discovers that he was not able to immediately achieve the perfect result, he should not lose heart. You should not allow yourself to become discouraged. You need to discipline yourself precisely in order to own yours. Learning involves making mistakes that lead to new experiences.

You can discipline yourself if you start getting rid of bad habits, those that take away a person’s precious time (constantly watching TV, frequent use of the Internet). By freeing up this time, a person will be able to discipline himself and do more productive things.

If a person is trying to discipline himself, then he should track his own progress daily. This tracking allows you to see how many steps are left to take towards your goal. Making an effort to complete your homework at the right time is a great practical way to discipline yourself. Since many people believe that disciplining themselves is difficult and boring, they need to change their thoughts. If a person thinks how boring it will be for him to master the whole process, in order to discipline himself, he needs to rearrange his thoughts in order to think what result and benefit the completed task will bring.

How to make yourself disciplined? Sleeping on a schedule helps you discipline yourself. You need to set yourself the best time to fall asleep and wake up. Every individual knows how much sleep he needs to get a good night's sleep. Also, everyone knows when it is best for him to wake up and have time to calmly, without fuss, get ready and have time to leave. This is different for everyone, so you need to create an individual schedule for yourself. Thus, a person will get more sleep, have time to do everything and be able to discipline himself. The less a person deviates from the established schedule, the easier it will be to comply with it.

Systematic exercise will help you become a disciplined person. If you take the sport seriously, it will discipline you. You need to find the sport you like and sign up for the appropriate section. It is the awareness that you need to go to class at the designated time that helps you discipline yourself. Following a training schedule teaches a person to discipline himself in other areas of life.

If there is no opportunity to play sports by visiting sections, you can start exercising on your own. Set yourself a time at which a person will study, and also set aside a certain time for this. However, it is more difficult to discipline yourself when doing home workouts, since there is no external control and the person relaxes more. Playing sports will teach a person to be disciplined, they will also give you health and a beautiful body, which will strengthen a person’s self-confidence.

A technique that will help a person discipline himself is to write on sticky notes the tasks necessary to complete them and attach them to visible places, for example, on the monitor if you have to work at the computer for a long time. By keeping a list of necessary things in sight, a person will remember them, they will seem inevitable until they are carried out. So, he will want to quickly get rid of the obsessive list, he will start working and cope faster. The sticker will act as a reminder flag, and your head will be freed from some of the information. This method is a good way to discipline yourself.

How to become a disciplined person? You should work on concentration, since the enemy of discipline is absent-mindedness. If you are doing one thing, you cannot be distracted by another. When a person interrupts doing one thing for a short break to do another, concentration is lost. It will take him time to return to the first task. As a result, a lot of time is wasted.

You can find many methods for developing concentration, or just every time you want to get distracted from the main task, start mentally scolding yourself and immediately return to work, this method will help you discipline yourself. If a person has responsibility, then the feeling of shame will overcome his desire to be distracted, which will allow him to discipline himself.

How to make yourself disciplined? The ability to control your finances and discipline in this direction will help you discipline yourself in other areas. Financial discipline is a very good way to discipline yourself, since the issue of finances is very often decisive. Often people buy unnecessary things for themselves, guided by momentary impulses. Of course, it can be difficult to resist another tempting purchase, but it is naturally possible to moderate impulsiveness in purchases. Therefore, it is important to discipline yourself in the desire to buy something for yourself, before reaching the checkout hundreds of times to think about how important it is, where it can be used, whether it has a long-term effect.

How to discipline a child

Parents who have managed to discipline themselves must now teach their child this. The approach to it, of course, looks different due to age differences.

To teach a child to discipline himself, you should not use methods of physical punishment. They harden children, making them irritable and aggressive. Children should be praised and rewarded when they behave well. To make it easier for a child to discipline himself, it is necessary to give him a reward only after he has done something. “Payment” made before performing an action will relax the child, he will not perform it to his full potential. The child must understand that parents are responsible people who can discipline themselves and follow their example.

To discipline a child, you need to reinforce his good behavior, voice praise when he really deserves it. Children always expect their parents to approve of their actions and behavior. Every time a child takes the right step and deserves praise, you need to hug, kiss and smile. Say phrases of approval: “You did well,” “You did it very skillfully.” It is necessary to comment on all the child’s actions. He must know that all actions have consequences; this understanding will help him discipline himself.

When the opportunity arises, you should give your child the right to choose (wash the dishes or take out the trash). This will bring a sense of personal independence, and discipline him in performing his duties. The child must know that he has responsibilities in the family that are solely his responsibility. Therefore, mandatory daily work needs to be established. For example, helping with setting the table, cleaning. This also includes the following actions: taking a bath, brushing your teeth. Instilling these habits from an early age will help your child discipline himself.

Parents are obliged to create a favorable environment that would be conducive to the fulfillment of responsibilities. You need to be friendly, smiling and transform the process of doing things into gameplay, for example, arrange a competition to see who can wash the most dishes in a certain time. This way, the child will learn to fulfill responsibilities and discipline himself, and it will be easier for him to do certain work, since the parents were able to transform it into a fun process.

To discipline a child, you need to set clear limits based on his age. If a child wants something beyond the pale and starts crying, you cannot follow his lead. Crying is a normal reaction of a young child to the dissatisfaction of his needs; it is better to ignore it and the child himself will calm down when he sees that there is no reaction to crying. This way the child will be able to discipline himself, and he will grow up with the understanding that not everything is always allowed.

It is necessary to rephrase common phrases, such as: “Are you hungry now?” to “lunch time for everyone!” Probably in the first case the child will want to say no, but in the second he has no choice. The child should be encouraged and punished immediately, otherwise he will forget what he did and will not understand the actions with which he will be approached to punish or praise, since for him this situation will become irrelevant.

When the child did not hear the command directed to him the first time, or heard it but ignored it, you need to repeat it again, and with an amendment, say that failure to complete the task entails unpleasant consequences. If next time there is no reaction from the child, then we need to move on to the consequences. Fear of consequences and responsibility for them will help the child discipline himself.

With each disobedience, you need to have a conversation with the child; parents should do this in turn, so that the child does not take offense at any one of them in particular. We need to explain to him what is expected of him, how important it is, and show the mistakes of his behavior and explain how he should behave next time.

It has long been known that motivation will not get you far. In addition to the desire to start doing something, it is necessary to develop these endeavors. Below are simple but effective techniques for strengthening self-discipline in 21 days.

Start taking care of yourself

For 21 days, watch yourself: what you do, how you stand, how you talk, what you are distracted by, how you walk and dress. Control yourself completely. Don’t poke around anywhere, watch your posture, the position of your arms and legs. Notice the moments when you begin to blossom. Even when you are alone, be collected.

It doesn’t matter where you are: at the cottage, at work or in the gym, you should look 100 percent and radiate positivity and confidence. Create yours based on comfort, stick to it.

The more you think about personal charm, the more of it you will have. Imagine that every day you are under the gun of cameras and you can’t look bad, you need to be on top all the time so as not to blush in front of the audience.

A simple exercise for every day will help you learn to control yourself - the Marine stance. You go up to the wall, press your heels, buttocks, shoulder blades, back of your head and elbows against it. You should stand in this position for at least 10 minutes every day. After a few days, you will notice that your back begins to straighten.

This small complex helps to develop, as you teach yourself to control your behavior and not be slack. Remember, you are doing this for yourself, not for others.

Create a morning ritual

Our productivity and concentration depend entirely on how we get up in the morning. You can hardly crawl out from under the covers after the eighth alarm and think only about how to quickly get back to bed at the end of the day. You can get up just before leaving the house, fussily get ready, stuffing some sandwich into yourself, and jump out into the street, not understanding what is happening around and in your head. But it’s best to prepare yourself in advance, feel your biorhythm and the breath of the new day.

You need to come up with a morning ritual that will set you up for the start of a new day.

Here is a simple option: getting up at the first alarm, exercise with a little physical activity, contrast shower, healthy breakfast, reading. Everything will take you about an hour. And 21 days is enough for this to become a habit.

Set yourself difficult tasks

Choose one truly challenging task per week and complete each one no matter what. Weather, circumstances, mood do not matter.

Doing 50 push-ups a day? Go to 80, 90 or even 100 - the sky's the limit. Are you writing one article in a couple of days? Write two. Are you spending a lot of money? generally at least a few days. Weak?

If you didn’t calculate your strength and chose a task that you simply cannot cope with, imagine that this is an order, like in war! You must do it, there is no other way.

Don't have time in a day? Put other things aside until you've done what needs to be done.

This task is difficult, because you must not let yourself down under any circumstances. When you complete it, you will be overwhelmed and confident that you can do a lot - if not everything. After all, all restrictions are only in your head.

Focus on the result

This exercise is similar to the previous one, but here you choose a goal, make a plan, and calculate the time and resources needed to complete your plan.

Try to achieve something in 21 days: create a website, write a chapter of a book, lose 3 kilograms, finish a big project... Almost immediately you will understand that people, circumstances, mood, entertainment, the Internet and much more are preventing you from meeting deadlines. But don't despair.

You should be on your goal, see it at the end of the road, think about it, and not about distractions.

Use reminders on your smartphone or computer so you don't forget what you need to do to achieve results.

There is no need to start from existing opportunities: this way, you, like most people, will never believe in yourself and will not begin to move towards success. Look into the future, attract it.

Remember that formation takes time and effort, but then it will lead you to your dream through any obstacles.

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