Six principles of successful people. Take care of your surroundings

The difference between a successful person is that when others doubt their abilities, he looks forward and takes action.

All successful people are similar to each other: in their thinking, efficiency, active lifestyle, leadership and desire to achieve great success. It seems that nothing is impossible for successful people.

The difference between a successful person is that when others doubt their abilities, he looks forward and takes action.

1. Do it until you achieve the result.

Many people, after failure, are afraid to take up business, citing: “This is not mine.”

But imagine if a child took five steps and declared that it was not his, what would happen to him next? After all, to learn to walk, five steps will not be enough. It happens that a person gives up, one step away from success.

“Even if you are very talented and put in a lot of effort,

Some results just take time:

you won't get a baby in a month,

even if you get nine women pregnant.” .

Warren Buffett.

This quote confirms that you can't stop halfway. Many people, telling their success story, said that success did not come immediately.

2. See all possibilities.

Everyone has the same opportunities, but some prefer to upgrade virtual heroes, others discover a million-dollar way to make money.

There are many opportunities, you need to consider them.

“You don’t have to wait for extraordinary opportunities.

Take ordinary occasions and make them great.

Weak people wait for opportunities, strong people create them.”

Orison Swett Marden

3. Find successful people.

Thomas Renard's formula for success “10 + 40 + 50 = 100% success”,

where 10% in the success formula is your skills and knowledge,

40% is your way of thinking,

50% is your environment.

Try to surround yourself with decent, honest, open, smart and successful people. We are our environment from which we learn everything we know. Spend more time with people you respect and can learn from.

4. Learn from failures.

For some, failure is a reason to stop. But look at failure as an experience, because after going through failures, you know exactly what to do right.

“Failures only show that we had the courage to do something. No more, no less! What stands between us and the fulfillment of our dreams is the fear of failure.

Although, in essence, failure is a harbinger of victory.

Failures help us learn the necessary life lessons and no longer deviate from the path leading to true success.”

Robin Sharma

don't look for excuses for your failures,

look for opportunities to become successful.

5. Don't be afraid of responsibility.

Those who sit in the shadows, afraid of responsibility, will never become successful.

Many people have a couple of good ideas that can be implemented.

But many ideas die at the theoretical stage. The stumbling block can be the fear of taking responsibility.

A person becomes an adult and independent when he begins to make decisions himself and feel for them responsibility . Human becomes old when he - feeling responsible - is no longer able to make new decisions, but makes the same ones.

Artemy Andreevich Lebedev

6. Choose the direction yourself.

Don’t live according to the patterns of work-home, work-home, retirement.

Be the master of your life and live consciously.

“There are two wonderful days in the life of every person: the day I was born, and the day I understood why.”

John Maxwell

7. Don’t wait for success, go to it yourself.

Most people live in anticipation. Waiting for a salary, waiting for a miracle (I’ll win the lottery or get lucky and change my car someday)… Perhaps. Successful people will not wait and be in the unknown, they, despite difficulties, will come to success.

“Only we ourselves can make a decision and move towards success.

And no one can take away what is destined for us.

The main thing is not to deviate from the intended path. The main thing is to continue to believe that you can and not listen to outside opinions.”

Konstantin Sheremetyev

Grand Doctor of Psychology, scientist, businessman

8. Find like-minded people and don’t listen to pessimists who say it’s useless to fight

with difficulties and failures.

You dream about something, try to connect your environment, but they tell you that it is impossible, unrealistic. Look for like-minded people. It’s not for nothing that they say, “tell me who your friend is, and I’ll tell you who you are.” It is a fact that our environment influences us.

“Pessimism is a mood, optimism is a will.”

9. Who, if not me?

“If not me, then who? If not now, then when?

If I am not for myself, then who is for me?

But if I am only for myself, then why am I needed?


Inspire yourself. It is inspiration that gives you the strength to achieve your success.

“Miracles are where people believe in them.

And the more they believe in them, the more often they come true.”

Successful people do not have any magical powers. They don't let stress control them, they take control of their lives and strive to improve it every day. Below is a list of things that successful people DO NOT do. Perhaps if you want to become successful and positive, you will need this list.

  1. They don't think bad things

Have you ever thought that many problems would not exist if we ourselves did not invent them? Successful people know that jumping to conclusions is usually a bad idea. Instead of doubting people (“What if he doesn’t like me,” “What will he think of me?”) and thinking that they are untrustworthy, they make an effort to learn more about them.

  1. They don't lie

Living a lie is easy because the lie can become so strong that it will eventually make people believe it. Positive people face the truth and live in the truth, because making excuses will never solve problems, but only make them worse.

  1. They don't hold grudges

Successful people know that resentment only causes negative emotions and disappointments in life, so they let it go. They prefer to understand and forgive what happened and move on, learning from it.

  1. They don't forget about the little things

Isn't it true that the little things in life are quickly forgotten. Yes, but not for successful people. They are grateful for every blessing, no matter how small. They think it's stupid that greater benefits will make them happier if they can't be happy with what they already have.

  1. They take responsibility

Successful people understand that they are the architects of their own happiness and bear full responsibility for what happens to them. They are not "stuck in traffic" - they are late. Successful people never say “I can’t”, they just take it and do it.

  1. The problem for them is"not a problem »

For successful people, a “problem” is a challenge, not just another difficulty in life. They believe that obstacles are opportunities to get the best. Successful people never miss a chance to appreciate their efforts and improve their lives.

  1. They accept the circumstances

For most people, the world is a place of broken hopes, failed ideas and broken destinies. But successful people know that if they want anything is possible, and they know how to adapt to circumstances.

  1. They expect "nothing" from nothing

Successful people do not expect gifts from fate, they know that everything comes through hard work and hard work. Successful people are well aware that achieving success may take a little longer than they would like, but it is worth it.

  1. They don't get bored or depressed

Boredom kills creativity, inspiration and the desire to create. Successful people are fascinated and inspired by everything around them. They enjoy the world around them and explore it with enthusiasm.

  1. They don't compare with others

Successful people understand that everyone is different and everyone has their own level of development, and therefore they do not compare themselves to others. They are confident in what they are doing. Instead of paying attention to what others are doing, they focus on how to improve their lives.

  1. They don't suffer for every failure

For positive people, failure is not such a terrible thing that they try to avoid it at all costs. They know that failure is an opportunity when it comes to trying again. Failure helps successful people achieve success because it allows them to learn and grow.

  1. They don't look at the world with rose-colored glasses

Successful people do not focus on perfection and ideals, because they know that this is impossible. When was the last time you thought, “Today is the perfect day to start exercising,” or something like that. There is no perfect time. Successful people act here and now.

  1. They don't waste time on people who act in a harmful way.

Successful people do not allow those with harmful influences to drag them down. On the contrary, they surround themselves with positive people who will make them better, whom they would like to aspire to and who could become an example for them.


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Success is a complicated thing. In fact, anyone can become successful, but to do this you need to know the principles and rules of achieving success.

First of all, in order to change your life for the better, you need to change yourself, study, practice and believe in achieving success.

Let's now figure out what you need to change in yourself and what kind of person you need to become in order to succeed. It must be admitted that most of us spend almost no time seriously thinking about ourselves and our lives. In our busy daily schedule, we often neglect this important part of the success formula.

First of all, you must realize that you are an individual and you yourself determine the success of your life. Understand once and for all, you are the master of your destiny and the quality and standard of your life depends only on you. Don’t look for excuses, don’t blame the country you live in, your family, circumstances, but just look for opportunities and act. Many successful people were born into poor families, but despite this they achieved success. So no excuses! Believe in yourself! If at least one person can do this, then you can too.

Basic principles for achieving success:

1).Make a firm decision to become a successful person and move towards your goal. Make up your own, write down everything you want to accomplish in your life. How you see yourself, what you want to have, what to do, who to communicate with, what to see, etc. The clearer the portrait of you as successful, the faster you will become such a person. Anyone has the right to a dream and can become whoever they want. You can create a new future for yourself at any time.

2). Love yourself, life, the people around you. Try to avoid negative thoughts and focus on beauty, wealth and abundance. This way you will attract it into your life. Make life better in all areas.

3). Find a business that will bring you pleasure and allow you to earn the necessary amount of money. Most people become successful and rich through entrepreneurship. If you are not an entrepreneur, your chances of becoming successful and rich are already several times less because of this alone. When starting a new business, don’t expect everything to work out right away. Be prepared to try again as often as necessary. A successful person fell no less than a loser, he just got up every time and moved on. Make it your motto: “Never give up!”

Successful people are very often real fans of the activity that makes them money than everyone else. Ordinary people are rarely truly passionate about their work, or even dislike it at all. They are usually fans of something else - leisure, entertainment, in general, things that are not their source of income. Therefore, it is not surprising that as a result they do not have much of a competitive advantage and earn no more than average.
If you are not one of those people who would happily go to a seminar or conference in your specialty on the weekend and would perhaps get more pleasure from it than from going to the movies or billiards, this is an alarming sign. This means that you are not doing your own thing, and you should think about changing your occupation.

And if you do do what you love, then don’t put money first, the main thing is the benefit that you can give to people. Always strive to bring more value instead of just competing. And the money will come by itself.

4). Reach out to successful people and keep in touch with them, since we become those with whom we communicate. But, under no circumstances envy them. Don't compare yourself to other people, but tune in to them. Find someone who has done better in the area you want to succeed in and do the same. Communication with successful people will help you get closer to your own success.

5). Constantly learn and develop. Load yourself with information on the topic in which you want to become a master. Build into yourself the program “I will do this until I become a master!” If you want to achieve success, then you need to study success. If you want to be happy, then you need to study happiness. And if you want to get more money, then you should seriously study the issues of achieving financial success. Everyone who has achieved anything did not achieve it by chance, but through training and practice. Don't expect a great idea about how to succeed to pop into your head out of nowhere. In our world, nothing can appear out of nowhere. And at the same time, if you are looking for knowledge on how to succeed in this life, then you will definitely find it. Knowledge is the shortest path that will lead you to your dreams and goals.

6). Focus on the things that really matter to you and do them regularly. Nothing can replace intense, results-oriented work. The sooner you start acting, the better your chances.

7). Learn to enjoy everything you do, then even routine work will bring joy. Be open to the world. New people, places, actions, knowledge - all this gives rise to new ideas and thoughts in your head that bring you closer to success.

Every person wants to become successful. The main problem is that success is a very loose concept. For some, this means achieving heights in their careers, for others it is enough to simply feel happy, for others they want to combine family and work, and for some it is enough to be a good family man. Therefore, it is very difficult to give an exact definition of success.

Everyone can achieve their heights. All it takes is some effort. Correct behavior will help form the rules of a successful person. They are suitable for any purpose. How should a successful person behave? What ways to attract what you want should you pay attention to first? Different peoples give different advice on this matter. It is worth considering the most popular of them, as well as compiling several reminders that will always help you achieve what you want by adhering to certain behavior.


The first rule you can have is to work a little on your environment. What does it mean? It is required to communicate with people from the circle to which the citizen aspires.

That is, if you want to be rich, you need to be friends and constantly be in the company of wealthy people. A good family man will associate with those who have also achieved success at home.

This is a kind of psychological technique that allows you to achieve success on a subconscious level and tune in to a specific goal. It’s worth noting: it’s not for nothing that successful people don’t communicate with simpletons. It kind of pulls them down. Therefore, you will have to reconsider. There is no need to cross out old friends. But if they do not correspond to the circle in which the main communication will take place after achieving the goal, it is necessary to minimize communication with such people.

Don't put things off

What's next? The rules of life for a successful person are varied. The next piece of advice that is given to people is to never procrastinate. That is, always do today what was planned. And even a little more.

There is an expression: “Do today what you can do later, tomorrow you will live as others cannot live.” In general, the habit of putting things off and not sticking to a specific plan is not at all a trait of a successful person. Quite the contrary. Rules are, first of all, good psychological guidelines that allow you to always move forward and set new goals for yourself.

No excuses

It is worth paying attention to the fact that successful people do not make excuses. Never before anyone. They a priori remain confident, analyze all their mistakes so as not to make them again in the future.

That is why the rules of life for a successful person in most cases indicate that a citizen must get rid of the habit of making excuses. Do not apologize, but rather look for excuses and express them to others. This will not be easy to do, but this is the only way to ultimately achieve certain heights.

Some point out that making excuses in front of people shows a person's insecurity and even vulnerability. Not the best trait of a successful citizen. If someone respects the culprit of a particular event and loves him, then a justification for the actions will be found on its own. And for those who treat a person with disrespect and some kind of disgust, it is useless to prove anything. A long-known fact that everyone will have to remember.

Work comes first

The rules of a successful person necessarily include such an item as hard work. It should not be confused with procrastination. This is a completely different nuance.

The thing is that to achieve success in a particular area you will have to work hard. Moreover, it does not have to be official employment from which money is earned. It's about work in general. For example, above yourself. Or your desires. It all depends on what goal you want to achieve.

As they say, “Time for business is time for fun.” Successful people are constantly busy with something, they are always working. Hard work will be rewarded in the end. And this should be remembered. If a person does not devote enough time to this feature, there is no hope of success in any field.

Rest is also good

Nevertheless, this does not mean at all that a person should turn into a draft horse and see nothing except work (including on himself). The rules of successful people in the world indicate that rest is also required.

Stress, tension and constant work give rise to the accumulation of negative emotions and fatigue. Some people may experience depression due to lack of rest. All this, of course, will prevent you from moving towards your goal. Most likely, it will make achieving it impossible.

That is why it is important to learn to relax and not accumulate negativity in yourself. The main thing is that rest is regular. And if everything that was planned for today is done in full, then it’s a sin not to relax. Sometimes, having a good rest, a person can do more than usual. By the way, if you rest and work every day at the same time, then a person’s activity will automatically increase when necessary. And decrease during rest periods. This is a great guarantee of success.

Don't be jealous

The basic rules of a successful person indicate that you should not look with envy at the achievements of other people. Envy is bad. This means attracting negativity to yourself. Accordingly, it will only worsen a person’s situation. You will have to remember this.

If someone has achieved great heights, most likely, this person showed more perseverance and determination. There is room for improvement! Instead of dependence, you should learn to understand what more successful people give

The price of time

But the basic tips don’t end there. The rules of rich and successful people say that everyone should value their time. It’s just that it can’t be stopped or brought back.

It is recommended to plan your day and schedule it hourly. Next, stick to a specific schedule. And of course, do not get distracted and do not deviate from the planned plan. Did you manage to get everything done faster than you wanted? Great! You can either exceed the norm or relax.

Some say: "Time is money." If you want to become rich, then so be it. After all, for the wasted time, you could have done something that would bear fruit in the future.


But these are not all the rules of a successful person. The thing is that psychologists and ordinary people put forward a lot of theories according to which behavior in one direction or another will help to reach certain heights.

Great attention is paid not to work, but to self-development. That is, self-improvement. Any successful person is someone who is constantly developing and does not stand still.

This does not mean that you need to constantly study at universities, take courses or sit through various lectures. Not at all. There is an expression This is the rule that must be followed in order to achieve a certain success.

In general, man is an imperfect being. This means he always has something to strive for. And we need to remember this. Self-development and self-improvement are the traits of all successful and rich people. Without them, a person, one might say, becomes stupid and stops developing. This prevents you from getting what you want.

There is no limit to perfection

7 rules of successful people (and even more) have already been given. But it is worth noting another rather important point. Successful and rich people do not strive to be perfect; they do not do their work flawlessly. Such individuals simply do what is required.

There is no such thing as a perfectly executed job. After all, as has already been said, man is an imperfect being. This means that a priori he will not be able to perform his work flawlessly. Why? Because you can always say: “I can do better.”

If a person thinks that he has done the job perfectly, then his expectations may not be met. This is a serious blow to a citizen’s self-esteem and desire to perform certain tasks flawlessly. Therefore, you should not do your job perfectly. This way there will be fewer disappointments and broken expectations.


Any rules of a successful person necessarily indicate how to relate to your failures. No one is safe from them. This is usually quite normal. In any business there are periods of ups and downs. Usually the attitude towards the former is excellent. After all, success is always good.

How to deal with failures? It is noted that failures are also prospects. They teach a person not to make mistakes in the future. As they say, you learn from mistakes. Therefore, failures and failures are also quite good prospects for further development. Successful people view them as life lessons for the future, without attaching destructive meaning to them.

Cheat Sheet for Success

What are the 10 rules of a successful person that help many achieve what they want? All of the above can be written down in the form of a small reminder. It will serve as a good assistant in achieving one or another goal.

The memo may look like this:

  1. Work, work and work again. Hard work is rewarded.
  2. Rest is as important as hard work.
  3. Envy is the key to failure.
  4. Time is money. There is no need to waste it.
  5. Planning is the key to successfully completing things.
  6. Calm helps you move towards your goal.
  7. You need to learn to forgive. And loved ones.
  8. Learn to say no to excuses.
  9. Surround yourself with successful people.
  10. Show persistence and perseverance.

It is interesting to read the stories of the ascent of young and n now successful businessmen. It’s always pleasant, especially if you apply it to yourself and think, what if I can do it too. As our psychologists, motivators, consultants say, about whom I’m already talking, you just need to act as successful people do, and you will become just as successful. Naturally, I will argue with this, but there are principles that guide successful people. This is exactly what we will be talking about today.

I confess, I’m a sinner, literally until today I didn’t know that one of the successful social networks “VKontakte” was created by a programmer, and now a successful businessman, 28 year old (at the moment) Pavel Durov. And the story of his rise would have passed me by (you never know how many Zuckerbergs create social networks), if not for Pavel’s life principles, which I have already heard separately, but are collected here in one place. And they really appeal to me, since most of them guide me in life (I don’t understand why I don’t have a personal social network yet? ). My comments are highlighted here in italics.

    1. Find out what you really like. The golden rule is: do what gives you true pleasure, and then you will become much happier.

In my opinion, this principle was promoted by Steve Jobs. Yes, but don’t forget that some of the happiest people are all sorts of crazy people who live in their own imaginary world. But if you create a real, not a virtual world, exactly the one you like, then this will be real happiness.

  1. Give up the junk you eat, drink and smoke every day. No secrets or tricky diets - natural food, fruits, vegetables, water. There is no need to become a vegetarian and completely give up drinking - you just need to limit sugar, flour, coffee, alcohol and all plastic food as much as possible. How many times have they told the world... On the topic of effective advice for those who want to lose weight
  2. Learn foreign languages. This will expand the depth of perception of the world and open up unprecedented prospects for learning, development and career growth. There are 60 million Russian-speaking Internet users. There are a billion English speakers. The center of progress is now on the other side of the border, including the language border. Knowledge of English is no longer just a whim of intellectuals, but a vital necessity. My recipes for learning English
  3. Read books. An approximate circle is your professional field, history, natural science, personal growth, sociology, psychology, biographies, high-quality fiction. If you don’t have time to read because you’re driving, listen to audiobooks. The golden rule is to read/listen to at least one book a week. That's 50 books a year that will change your life. This is correct, the main thing is to set your priorities correctly. Now I spend as much time as possible on foreign languages, but at other times I read a lot.
  4. Make the most of every weekend. Go to a museum, play sports, go out of town, skydive, visit relatives, go to a good movie. Expand your zone of contact with the world. The more new impressions you let through yourself, the more interesting life will be, and the better you will understand things and phenomena.
  5. Start keeping a blog or a regular diary. It doesn't matter what it's about. It doesn’t matter that you don’t have eloquence and you will have no more than 10 readers. The main thing is that on its pages you can think and reason. And if you just write regularly about what you love, readers will definitely come. Here it is, it’s not in vain that I’m writing here. Even people like Pavel Durov recommend it. Phew, balm for the soul.
  6. Set goals, record them on paper, in Word or on a blog. The main thing is that they are clear, understandable and measurable. If you set a goal, you can either achieve it or not. If you don’t put it in, then there are no options for achieving it at all. Without options, you cannot go there without knowing where and find something without knowing what.
  7. Learn to touch-type on the keyboard. Time is one of the few treasures you have, and you should be able to type almost as quickly as you can think. And you should think not about where the desired letter is, but about what you are writing. Thank you, that's exactly what I'm typing
  8. Ride the time. Learn to manage your affairs so that they work almost without your participation. First, read David Allen - “How to Put Things in Order” or Gleb Arkhangelsky. Make decisions quickly, act immediately, don’t put it off for later. Either do everything or delegate it to someone else.
  9. Give up computer games, aimless sitting on social networks and stupid Internet surfing. Minimize communication on social networks, leave one account. Destroy the television antenna in the apartment. Yes, yes and yes again!
  10. Stop reading the news. All the same, everyone around will talk about key events, and additional noise information does not lead to an improvement in the quality of decision-making. I have already mentioned this principle
  11. Learn to get up early. The paradox is that in the early hours you always get more done than in the evening. If on a summer weekend you leave Moscow at 7 am, then by 10 you will already be in Yaroslavl. If you leave at 10, you will be there by lunchtime at best. 7 hours of sleep is enough for a person, subject to high-quality physical activity and normal nutrition. I don’t like programmers who can only start working at 12 noon. You need to start working as early as possible, and this is confirmed by numerous examples of great people who manage to do much more than sleepy losers.
  12. Try to surround yourself with decent, honest, open, smart and successful people. We are our environment from which we learn everything we know. Spend more time with people you respect and can learn from (especially your bosses). As it turns out, we also choose our bosses. After all, serfdom was abolished in our country quite a long time ago, so there is little point in wasting time on unproductive communication.
  13. Use every moment of time and every person to learn something new. If life brings you together with a professional in any field, try to understand what the essence of his work is, what his motivations and goals are. Learn to ask the right questions - even a taxi driver can become an invaluable source of information. As Carnegie said, “Take a keen interest in other people.”
  14. Start traveling, change your surroundings more often. It doesn’t matter that there is no money for Argentina and New Zealand - the quality of your vacation is not related to the money spent. When you see how diverse the world is, you will stop focusing on the space around you, and you will become more tolerant, calmer and wiser.
  15. Buy a camera and try to capture the beauty of the world. When you succeed, you will remember your travels not only by vague impressions, but also by the beautiful photographs that you brought with you. As an alternative, try drawing, singing, dancing, sculpting, designing. That is, do something that will make you look at the world with different eyes. By the way, I don’t post all my photos, there are also my interesting(?) photos
  16. Play sports. You don’t have to go to a fitness club where jocks, pick-up artists, Balzac ladies and freaks hang out. Yoga, rock climbing, cycling, horizontal bar, parallel bars, football, running, plyometrics, swimming, functional training are the best friends of a person who wants to tone the body and get a surge of endorphins. And forget about the elevator. Yes, it’s definitely time, otherwise I’ve been lazy lately and take the elevator to the fourth floor. Unfortunately, our staircase is very smoky, and this is one of the reasons...
  17. Do unusual things. Go somewhere you’ve never been, take a different route to work, figure out a problem you know nothing about. Get out of your “comfort zone”, expand your knowledge and horizons. Rearrange the furniture at home, change your appearance, hairstyle, image. I've been wanting to dye my hair red for a long time, it'll probably suit me. I just imagine myself in a jacket and with a laptop walking to a client with a bright red head. Yes, inspired by it, I recently re-read The Red Headed League by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
  18. Invest. Ideally, you should invest part of your income every month, because a rich person is not the one who earns a lot, but the one who invests a lot. Try to invest in assets, minimize liabilities and control expenses.
  19. Get rid of the junk. Throw away any excess or unnecessary items that you haven't worn or used in the last year. Leave only what you like and need. It's a pity to throw it away - give it away.
  20. Give more than you take. Share knowledge, experience and ideas. A person who not only takes, but also shares, is incredibly attractive. Surely you can do something that others really want to learn.
  21. Accept the world as it is. Give up value judgments, accept all phenomena as neutral. And even better – as unequivocally positive.
  22. Forget about what happened in the past. It has nothing to do with the future. Take with you from there only experience, knowledge, good relationships and positive impressions.
  23. Don't be afraid. There are no insurmountable obstacles, and all doubts live only in your head ( They also say “all the bars are inside us”) . You don't have to be a warrior, you just need to see the goal, avoid obstacles and know that you will achieve it without a single chance of failure.
  24. The last one is the first one. Do what you like. Learn. Teach. Develop yourself. Change yourself from within.

It only remains to add that these rules need to be re-read periodically so as not to forget about them.

P.S. Along the way, you can read the history of the creation of the VKontakte network and the role of Pavel Durov in all this

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