Modest. Is being modest a necessity or a choice? Modesty is the most powerful weapon of a Woman in the fight for a Man

  • Modesty gives freedom - from self-confidence and vanity.
  • Modesty makes it possible to learn from the people around you, adopting their best qualities.
  • Modesty ensures independence - from excessive comfort and luxury.
  • Modesty provides an incentive to achieve more; a modest person believes that before people appreciate him as a person, he must achieve results in his business.

Expressions of modesty in everyday life

  • Hearing. A person who loves and knows how to listen to his interlocutor with sincere interest is modest.
  • Concessions. By yielding in ordinary everyday situations, a person shows modesty and respect for others.
  • Charity. A person who does charity and does not advertise it demonstrates a number of virtues; modesty is one of them.
  • Family education. By instilling in a child a sincere interest in the people around him and suppressing manifestations of selfishness, parents instill modesty in him.

How to achieve modesty

  • Modesty is largely the result of upbringing and the result of a person’s internal work on himself. Modesty is controllable by a person, and it can be cultivated in oneself, avoiding vanity in every possible way.
  • Relationships with family. By showing respect and reverence for elders, interest in equals and concern for juniors, a person develops modesty.
  • Interest in the people around you. A modest person is genuinely interested in those around him; each of them has something to learn. By being interested in people and not sticking out one’s own self, a person learns modesty.
  • Help those in need. By helping those who need it, and not expecting a return in the form of fame, a person shows modesty.
  • Forbearance towards mistakes. A modest person does not boast of education and does not point out to others their mistakes; be it ignorance of some literary quotation or the wrong choice of cutlery for eating fish.

Golden mean

Vanity | complete lack of modesty


Self-deprecation | modesty elevated to absolute, the other side of pride

Catchphrases about modesty

Modesty is often mistaken for weakness and indecisiveness, but when experience proves to people that they are mistaken, then modesty gives new charm, strength and respect to character. - Leo Tolstoy - Modesty suits any young man. - Russian proverb - Modesty is the adornment of wisdom. - Japanese proverb - The humble one is not the one who is indifferent to praise, but the one who is attentive to blame. - Jean Paul - Juste Jean Roy, Joseph François Michaud / History of chivalry A book about real knights - humble, believing, virtuous, about knightly ideology, morality and education system. The second chapter of the book is devoted to modesty. Fontenot M., Jones T. / A Primer on Modesty for the Proud Soul A book about fortitude, the source of which is modesty and curbing the sin of pride. A practical guide to awakening virtue.

What is modesty? This is an extremely multifaceted quality. For some it advertises in the best light, for others it interferes with their lives.

On one side of the scale – sweet shyness, feminine shyness, dignified restraint. On the other - awkwardness, excessive modesty and indecisiveness in important matters.

When coming to meet the groom’s parents, it’s nice to be modest. But when applying for a job or demanding a salary increase, shyness is not good.

Men will certainly add that modesty is good outside the bedroom: they really like it when, with the onset of darkness, angels turn into tigresses. There's a lot to be found in the still waters, you just have to look hard.

What is modesty in appearance? There is such a thing as “modesty of the body.” This is a moderate showing of his bare parts and piquant details.

As soon as people began to cover themselves with fig leaves and change clothes in the bushes, we can talk about the manifestation of bodily modesty.

An immodest appearance implies a deep neckline, bright patent leather stilettos and a ribbon instead of a skirt. I remember the joke about Bridget Jones: “Dear Bridget, was your skirt sick and didn’t come to work?”

It's not just appearance that can be modest. Both the behavior and the very way of life of many people fall into this category. They are not prone to luxury.

Modesty is the absence of ostentatious demonstration of one’s virtues and wealth: physical, mental, spiritual, material. “Bragging is not good” - this is how children are raised today.

A modest life is a life without excesses. Modest behavior is not only compliance with etiquette, but also a humble attitude towards life in general.

Of course, the modest fellow will not throw his feet on the table, shout loudly in church and swear like a shoemaker.

He also tends to have a reluctance to attract attention to himself. Humble people are rarely in the center of the crowd.

They do not boast about their successes, do not flaunt their achievements and merits. It is unlikely that they could become presidents and pop stars. Public success and modesty do not mix.

It is believed that modesty of a person is beautiful. However, in any capacity, a sense of proportion is important. Imagine a situation where a guy’s parents meet his fiancee.

If she comes in wearing a nightgown instead of a dress, drinks a glass of wine in one gulp, starts singing songs and telling jokes, they will probably be scared.

And if she sits without raising her head, is afraid to answer questions, nervously fiddles with her purse and does not maintain a conversation, will it be successful? In 80% of cases, they will fall in love with a moderately modest girl who communicates politely, smiles shyly and is decently dressed.

No one will argue that excessive boasting does not make a person beautiful. But sometimes having an “active conceit” about oneself helps one achieve heights.

If a person declares to everyone that he is very capable, fairly intelligent and beyond measure handsome, others begin to believe in it.

And others, much more talented, but modest, remain sitting like gray mice behind office partitions. And it’s not easy for other halves to discern a soul mate through shyness.

If you notice that Excessive modesty is bad for you, try to keep only her good sides to yourself. Learn to communicate with people, smile openly at them, ask questions and answer in detail without trembling in your voice.

Rehearse your speeches, practice in close groups (for example, making a toast at a banquet), and speak in public.

– cashiers, consultants, mothers on the playground, taxi drivers. Perhaps one day you will enjoy shining in the spotlight and success will intoxicate you!



adj., used very often

Morphology: modest, modest, modestly, modest And modest; more modest; adv. modestly

1. Modest they call a person who does not brag about his merits, merits and, when communicating with other people, does not like to attract much attention to himself, which is considered a sign of good upbringing.

The entire scientific community was well acquainted with his works, but the professor himself was a modest man and appeared at conferences extremely rarely.

2. Modest They call a person who does not spend more money on himself than is necessary in everyday life.

Modest in your needs.


3. Modest They call something that doesn't attract much attention.

Modest appearance. | Modest colors of northern nature. | He always dressed in a modest gray suit.


4. Modest They call something that consists of the most necessary things and has no excesses.

A modest lunch. | A modest wedding. | Modest furniture. | Modest apartment. | Over the years of farming, the modest house of the former collective farm chairman turned into a three-story cottage.

Simple, ordinary, poor

5. Modest refers to an employee who occupies an ordinary, insignificant position.

A modest employee in the Ministry of the Interior, but what vanity!


6. Modest they call someone's income if it is small or insignificant.

Modest salary. | Modest income.

7. Modest they call something that covers a small part of something in general.

Have modest knowledge. | Set yourself a modest goal. | What we see in museums is only a modest piece of the rich art of the past.

Moderate, limited

8. Modest they call something that is not known popular.

The athlete now plays for a modest Italian club.

modesty noun, and.

modest adj.

modest adj.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Dmitriev. D. V. Dmitriev. 2003.


See what “modest” is in other dictionaries:

    Temperate, temperate, moderate, unpretentious, undemanding, meager, well-behaved, decent, decorous. Prot. shameless Wed. . See well-behaved, temperate, meek, small, mediocre, decent, bashful, quiet... Dictionary... ... Dictionary of synonyms

    HUMBLE, moderate in all demands, humble; meek and undemanding of himself; not putting his personality first, not dreaming about himself; decent, quiet to handle; ·opposite self-confident, presumptuous, proud, selfish; proud... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

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    HUMBLE, oh, oh; me, me, me, me and me. 1. Restrained in revealing one’s merits and merits, not boastful. The scientist is modest. 2. Discreet, moderate, simple and decent. Modest behavior. Modest appearance. Dress modestly (adv.) ... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    modest- modest, brief. f. modest, modest, modest, modest and permissibly modest; compare Art. more modest... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

    modest- oh, oh; skro/men, modest/, skro/me 1) Not flaunting his merits, merits, not boastful. A modest person. The artist must be modest, because his light, like the moon, only comes from the sun, but he himself is not the sun (Prishvin). 2)… … Popular dictionary of the Russian language

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    modest- Old High German – (h)rama (frame, border). Common Slavic – krom (frame, edge, edge). Czech – skrovny (modest, moderate). Polish – modest. The word “modest” has been known in Russian since the 17th century. The word is borrowed from Polish, where... ... Semenov Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language

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Personality, which is expressed in the fact that a person comes into a state of extreme awkwardness from some life events. Characteristic features of modesty are a person's strong concern about what other people will think of him. Such a person most often avoids talking about himself or does it very little. In a conversation with him, one gets the impression that he puts the needs and needs of the interlocutor much higher than his own. We can say that this person is overly concerned about others, about what opinions people have about him from the outside.

There is such a thing as false modesty. They talk about it when anxious feelings prevent a person from leading a full life. Excessive modesty can significantly harm a person. Missed opportunities, constant stress, loss of interest in your favorite activity - these are the main consequences. That is why it is so important to learn to separate all kinds of fears from your own personality, to allow your inner content to manifest itself in the outside world.

Reasons for modesty

The concept of modesty originates from childhood. If a child is constantly pulled back, not allowed to realize his dreams, scolded for showing a bright individuality, then he will not develop the habit of realizing his goals. But it is so important in our lives to be able to express our desires, to know what you want to achieve as a result of certain efforts. A modest person will hardly allow himself to somehow stand out from the crowd, and this is extremely necessary if we are talking about a mature, accomplished person.

You should never hinder a child’s new beginnings or tell him that nothing will come of a new venture or idea. Children are extremely sensitive to various comments, so you should choose your words with caution and common sense.

Character trait - modesty

What is a modest person like? He probably often lowers his eyes, is embarrassed to utter an extra word in front of strangers, and estimates his own capabilities very low. In fact, such an attitude towards oneself cannot be called adequate, because it does not take into account the individual abilities and talents that, without a doubt, each of us possesses.

You need to understand that modesty blocks a person’s capabilities and forces him to keep his prospects to himself. It is certainly convenient for people around you to be around a modest person. He does not cause inconvenience, does not pester you with questions, and, as a rule, is very delicate in communication. But you need to understand that modesty harms the individual itself, does not allow her to be herself, to develop her own capabilities. Such behavior can lead to very sad results when talents and abilities turn out to be hidden inside and cannot find a way out into the world.

Modesty of a woman

Female modesty has at all times been considered synonymous with humility and an easy-going character. It is believed that natural delicacy and reluctance to interfere in the lives of others are characteristic of the fairer sex. There is a widespread belief that modesty, to one degree or another, adorns a woman. She becomes soft, pliable, pleasant, and will not contradict anyone. Meanwhile, not all women who express obvious modesty in communication really agree with everything that others say. It’s just that these women, for one reason or another, have a strong fear of being misunderstood and offended. They try their best to hide their own position, so that when you look at them, it is sometimes impossible to imagine what they really think. Modest women, as a rule, underestimate themselves, and therefore are often forced to play other people's roles in society.

How to overcome modesty?

Those who want to get rid of the habit of living by the needs and desires of other people need to reconfigure their own perception of reality. It is important to learn to look at things differently, at life around you. It should be remembered that excessive modesty and shyness always harm personality development. In other words, we can say that modesty is synonymous with self-doubt ( read an article about). Below are helpful tips to help minimize the appearance of modesty.

Thus, modesty is not so much a natural quality of a person as a habit of acting and behaving in society in a certain way. Of course, it needs correction, so that the person begins to realize his own value and significance.

From view its relationship to others and to itself and manifested in the fact that a person does not recognize any exceptional advantages or special rights, voluntarily submits himself to the requirements of social discipline, limits his own needs in accordance with the material conditions of life of the people existing in a given society, refers to respects all people, shows respect for minor shortcomings of people, if these shortcomings affect only his own interests, and at the same time is critical of his own merits and shortcomings. S. is a form of a person’s awareness of his responsibilities to society and the people around him. A modest person does not attach much importance to his positive qualities because he considers them completely obligatory and self-evident. This is especially true for people who have truly exceptional virtues, e.g. for those who voluntarily dedicated their lives to serving humanity. “Modesty crowns all virtues”, “Modesty adorns the hero” - these sayings, which have a long history, contain the meaning that true life consists not in the desire for glory, but in free activity for humanity. The lives of the leaders of the working class K. Marx, F. Engels and V. I. Lenin were examples of the greatest modesty. “...Out of disgust for any cult of personality,” wrote K. Marx, “I... did not allow numerous appeals in which my merits were recognized to be made public...” (vol. 34, p. 241). V.I. Lenin pointed out that excessive self-confidence, intolerance towards comrades, and capriciousness are completely unacceptable for a party leader. Socialism in public and personal life is one of the requirements of communist morality.

Dictionary of ethics. - M.: Politizdat. Ed. I. Kona. 1981.


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