Essay on the topic “Krylov’s Fables. Why do I like Fables and

Fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”: The jumping Dragonfly sang red summer, did not have time to look back, as winter rolled into my eyes. The pure field has died, There are no longer those brighter days, As under each leaf A table and a house were ready. Everything has passed: with the cold winter, Need, hunger sets in, The dragonfly no longer sings, And who would think to sing on a hungry stomach! The evil one is depressed by melancholy, She crawls towards the Ant: Don’t leave me, dear godfather! Let me gather my strength And only until the spring days Feed and warm me! Gossip, this is strange to me: Did you work in the summer? Ant tells her. Was it before that, my dear? In the soft ants we have Songs, playfulness every hour, So that it turns your head. Oh, so you. . . I sang all summer without a soul. Did you sing everything? This is the thing: So come and dance!

Moral of the fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant": Did you sing everything? This is the thing: So come and dance! The fable “Dragonfly and the Ant” - analysis: Krylov borrowed the idea of ​​​​the fable about the dragonfly and the ant from the fabulist La Fontaine, who in turn spied the plot from the no less famous ancient Greek writer Aesop. The ant symbolizes hard work and it is not surprising, because this genus is famous for its efficiency; they work hard at any time of the year. The dragonfly, on the contrary, is associated with frivolity. The moral of the story is simple: if you don’t want to freeze and starve in winter, work in the summer.

Fable “The Crow and the Fox”: How many times have they told the world that flattery is vile and harmful; but everything is not for the future, And the flatterer will always find a corner in the heart. Somewhere God sent a piece of cheese to a crow; Crow perched on a spruce tree, she was just about ready to have breakfast, she was lost in thought, and she had the cheese in her mouth. To that misfortune, the Fox ran close by; Suddenly the cheese spirit stopped the Fox: The Fox sees the cheese, The Fox is captivated by the cheese, The cheat approaches the tree on tiptoe; She twirls her tail, doesn’t take her eyes off Crow, and says so sweetly, barely breathing: “My dear, how pretty! What a neck, what eyes! Tell stories, really! What feathers! What a sock! And, truly, an angelic one! There must be a voice! Sing, little light, don’t be ashamed! What if, sister, with such beauty you are a master of singing, After all, you would be our king bird! The praise of the Prophet made her head spin, The joy stole the breath from her goiter, And in response to Lisitsyn’s friendly words, the Crow croaked at the top of her crow’s throat: The cheese fell out - such was the trick with it.

Moral of the fable “The Crow and the Fox”: How many times have they told the world that flattery is vile and harmful; but everything is not for the future, And the flatterer will always find a corner in the heart. Fable “The Crow and the Fox” - analysis: The fox in the fable is flattering and very cunning, but not bad at all, you can’t call her simple either. She is not lacking in intelligence and resourcefulness. But the crow, on the contrary, was a little stupid that she believed in the fox’s persuasion and croaked at the top of her lungs, because she actually didn’t know how to sing and couldn’t boast of an angelic voice, but how pleased she was to listen to the fox’s praise. She missed her piece of cheese, and the fox was like that.

Fable The Monkey and the Glasses: The Monkey's eyes have become weak in old age; And she heard from people that this evil is not yet so big: You just have to get glasses. She got herself half a dozen glasses; He twirls his glasses this way and that: Now he presses them to the crown, now he strings them on his tail, now he sniffs them, now he licks them; The glasses don't work at all. “Ugh, the abyss!” she says, “and he is a fool, Who listens to all human lies: They only lied to me about the Glasses; But there is no use in them.” The monkey, out of frustration and sadness, grabbed them so hard that the splashes sparkled. Unfortunately, this is what happens with people: No matter how useful a thing is, without knowing its value, the ignoramus tends to make everything worse about it; And if the ignorant is more knowledgeable, then he also persecutes her.

Moral of the fable “The Monkey and the Glasses”: Unfortunately, the same thing happens with people: No matter how useful a thing is, without knowing its value, the ignoramus tends to make his sense of it worse; And if the ignorant is more knowledgeable, then he also persecutes her. The fable “The Monkey and the Glasses” - analysis: Krylov’s fable The Monkey and the Glasses is remarkable primarily because the main idea in it is expressed not only in morality, the main irony is in the text. An attentive reader will easily understand that the Monkey plays the role of an ignoramus, and the glasses are directly associated with science. People-Monkeys, who know nothing about science, are far-sighted and as keen as glasses, often with their ignorance they only make everyone around them laugh.

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Krylov Ivan Andreevich is a famous, world-famous fabulist. Each of his works is an instructive masterpiece. From childhood, teachers and parents give us to read Krylov's fables, so that we grow up and are brought up with the right examples and morals.

Thus, Ivan Andreevich’s famous work “Quartet” teaches us to be more self-critical. After all, according to the plot of the fable, the problem was not at all in how the animals were seated, but in the fact that they did not possess the necessary talents. “The Dragonfly and the Ant” makes you think that everything needs to be planned in advance, because then there may be no time left to think. The moral of the work “Swan, Crayfish and Pike” is that no matter will be brought to its logical conclusion until the people related to it find a common language and begin to act together, together.

You can retell Krylov’s fables and talk about the meaning inherent in each of them endlessly. The most important thing is to understand why they were written. My opinion is for education. Each work ends with a certain moral that should be embedded in the hearts of children and adults.

First of all, the fables of Ivan Andreevich, the great writer, teach us to be kind to each other. Another important moral is honesty. You should never lie, because the most sophisticated lies will still come out. Some fables say that you should always remain yourself, and most importantly, be able to find a way out of any situation. Krylov talks about how envy is one of the worst human feelings, and the desire to learn and improve will have a positive effect on each of us.

It is thanks to such morals that the fables of the famous Ivan Andreevich Krylov will be useful not only to schoolchildren, but also to some adults who will be able to set a good example for their children in the future.

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  • The fable genre originated before the advent of our era. Since ancient times, these stories have been popular among children born into noble families. They served as a way of education and training. The children enjoyed learning the deep moral meaning through a light and funny story. This genre describes common life situations. The author makes it clear what way out of them can be found.

    Everything that Krylov’s fables teach corresponds to the concepts of goodness and justice

    For the first time, fables were recognized as an independent literary genre thanks to Charles Bata. These works are based on human vices. Entertaining stories describe character traits recognizable in others. They are realistic and capture the imagination. The child comprehends the content of the story, which allows him to correct his behavior.

    Moral for kids and adults

    Krylov in his work had the goal of improving the world. The comedy plot hides the imperfections of human society. Merits and positive achievements are placed on the podium. The story reveals to the reader:

    • A decent attitude towards life and society;
    • Moral values ​​in behavior;
    • Own shortcomings.

    After reading the fable, the worldview undergoes changes. The author skillfully shows how comical the vices of humanity are. The reader, who recognizes himself in the heroes of the work, is critical of his own person.

    Short works with deep meaning

    All objects in Krylov's works have a special meaning. In the fable “The Mirror and the Monkey,” the author gives the mirror the properties of a provocateur. It reflects the true essence of events. You need to strive to correct your own behavior, and not criticize others. This is the only way to improve the world. The works help to deeply study the Russian language. They contain.

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