Essay "Starry Sky". “Description of the starry sky” essay

From the very beginning of human life on earth, the starry sky has fascinated people. It seemed unattainable and magical. The night sky, decorated with millions of small stars, attracted the eyes of poets and inspired the creation of wonderful poems and songs. And how many paintings were dedicated to this mysterious natural phenomenon.

There is probably not a single person on earth who could remain indifferent to the beauty of the night sky. From the very beginning, people continuously watched what was happening there, in the bottomless depths. Isolating groups of stars from thousands of constellations, they began to come up with names for them. Very beautiful and poetic, but for some reason incomprehensible. For example, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor look like two buckets, not bears.

There is something magical hidden in the starry sky; people noticed this a long time ago and began to predict fate using the stars. Of course, not everyone believes in this and is skeptical. Star science is called astrology. There are twelve zodiac signs, and astrologers claim that each of them influences the destinies of people.

I love looking at the sky at night, especially when it's warm. At the end of summer there are quite often meteor showers, and stars seem to fall from the ground. They say that you need to have time to make your cherished wish, but no one knows whether it will come true.

The stars are most beautifully visible outside the city, where there are no high-rise buildings or a lot of lights. How nice it is to sit by the fire with friends at night, look at little stars and talk. If you look at the night sky for a long time, it seems that you can drown in its depths. But there is no fear, at this moment you feel complete unity with nature. You won't feel this in the city.

Many sages of the past wanted to understand how our universe works and tried to achieve harmony with it. Stars appeared long before humanity was born on Earth. And maybe the day will come when we will all be gone, and the stars will remain forever. I think that the person who could solve their riddle has not yet been born, but I would like to believe that one of the great sages has already been able to drink a little from this cup of knowledge.

You can write an essay describing the starry sky using the option provided. This is an artistic description of the starry sky.

Description of the night sky

Night is the most mysterious period of time. The world of people falls asleep and darkness comes to replace it - the time of dreams, dreams, hopes. And it is at this time that millions of stars flash in the sky.

Have you ever noticed such a sky? How majestic and unshakable it is. This is the whole Universe that exists next to us. And for a moment it seems that our world is so tiny, petty. And man is a small part of all this.

Often you sit on the veranda in the evening, look at the sky, and there... Thousands, no, even millions of heavenly bodies. With the advent of the month, the white glow only flares up, forming beautiful patterns. Someone will see the image of a person, someone will see a funny animal, and someone will see scattered golden beads. It was as if some wizard had lost his magic bag.

The starry sky always gave peace and balance. It was the harbinger of a new day. They used the constellations to navigate their way and learned to predict the future. The appearance of the starry sky changes depending on the time of year: some constellations appear, others disappear. Therefore, this miracle has attracted the attention of people since ancient times.

If you look up on a clear, cloudless night, you will see a magnificent picture of the starry sky. Thousands of flickering multi-colored lights form fancy shapes, captivating the eye. In ancient times, people believed that these were burning lanterns attached to the crystal vault of heaven. Today we all know that these are not lanterns, but stars. What are stars? Why are they shining and how far are they from us? How are stars born and how long do they live? This and much more is our story.

To understand what a star is, just look at our Sun. Yes, yes, our Sun is a star! But how can this be? - you ask. “After all, the Sun is big and hot, and the stars are so small and don’t provide any warmth at all.” The whole secret is in the distance. The sun is practically “nearby” - only about 150 million kilometers, and the stars are so far away that scientists do not even use the concept of “kilometers” to measure the distance to the stars. They came up with a special unit of measurement called the “light year.” We will tell you about the light year a little later, but for now...

Why are stars colored? Hot and cold stars
The stars we observe vary in both color and brightness. The brightness of a star depends both on its mass and on its distance. And the color of the glow depends on the temperature on its surface. The coolest stars are red. And the hottest ones have a bluish tint. White and blue stars are the hottest, their temperature is higher than the temperature of the Sun. Our star, the Sun, belongs to the class of yellow stars.

How many stars are there in the sky?
It is almost impossible to calculate even approximately the number of stars in the part of the Universe known to us. Scientists can only say that there may be about 150 billion stars in our Galaxy, which is called the Milky Way. But there are other galaxies! But people know much more accurately the number of stars that can be seen from the surface of the Earth with the naked eye. There are about 4.5 thousand such stars.

How are stars born?
If the stars light up, does that mean someone needs it? In the endless space there are always molecules of the simplest substance in the Universe - hydrogen. Somewhere there is less hydrogen, somewhere more. Under the influence of mutual attractive forces, hydrogen molecules are attracted to each other. These attraction processes can last for a very long time - millions and even billions of years. But sooner or later, the hydrogen molecules are attracted so close to each other that a gas cloud forms. With further attraction, the temperature in the center of such a cloud begins to rise. Another millions of years will pass, and the temperature in the gas cloud may rise so much that a thermonuclear fusion reaction will begin - hydrogen will begin to turn into helium and a new star will appear in the sky. Any star is a hot ball of gas.

The lifespan of stars varies significantly. Scientists have found that the greater the mass of a newborn star, the shorter its lifespan. The lifespan of a star can range from hundreds of millions of years to billions of years.

Light year
A light year is the distance covered in a year by a beam of light traveling at a speed of 300 thousand kilometers per second. And there are 31,536,000 seconds in a year! So, from the closest star to us called Proxima Centauri, a beam of light travels for more than four years (4.22 light years)! This star is 270 thousand times farther from us than the Sun. And the rest of the stars are much further away - tens, hundreds, thousands and even millions of light years from us. This is why stars appear so small to us. And even in the most powerful telescope, unlike planets, they are always visible as dots.

What is a "constellation"?
Since ancient times, people have looked at the stars and seen in the bizarre figures that form groups of bright stars, images of animals and mythical heroes. Such figures in the sky began to be called constellations. And, although in the sky the stars included by people in this or that constellation are visually close to each other, in outer space these stars can be located at a considerable distance from each other. The most famous constellations are Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. The fact is that the constellation Ursa Minor includes the Polar Star, which is pointed to by the north pole of our planet Earth. And knowing how to find the North Star in the sky, any traveler and navigator will be able to determine where north is and navigate the area.

Some stars, at the end of their lives, suddenly begin to glow thousands and millions of times brighter than usual, and eject huge masses of matter into the surrounding space. It is commonly said that a supernova explosion occurs. The glow of the supernova gradually fades and eventually only a luminous cloud remains in the place of such a star. A similar supernova explosion was observed by ancient astronomers in the Near and Far East on July 4, 1054. The decay of this supernova lasted 21 months. Now in the place of this star there is the Crab Nebula, known to many astronomy lovers.

The birth, life and decay of stars is studied by the science of astronomy. Love astronomy, study it - and your life will be filled with new meaning!

Mazhorova Anastasia

I really like looking at the starry sky.

In the summer, in a village where there are no multi-storey buildings, I go out into the street at night, sit near the house and look at the sky.

The starry sky sometimes looks deep, bottomless, and sometimes it seems that you can stretch out your hand and reach the stars.

At first, looking at the starry sky, you become a little scared, you even feel dizzy, it seems that if you don’t stay on your feet, you can fall into the heavenly abyss. But then you realize that the sky is like a fluffy, soft blanket, it caresses and warms. And involuntarily, looking at the stars, you want to smile.



Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 27"

g.o. Saransk

City literary and creative competition

"Russia is a space power"

dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the space flight

first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin


starry sky

Completed by: 4th grade student A

Municipal educational institution "School No. 27"

Mazhorova Anastasia

Checked by: primary school teacher

Terletskaya N.V.


starry sky

I really like looking at the starry sky.

In the summer, in a village where there are no multi-storey buildings, I go out into the street at night, sit near the house and look at the sky.

The starry sky sometimes looks deep, bottomless, and sometimes it seems that you can stretch out your hand and reach the stars.

At first, looking at the starry sky, you become a little scared, you even feel dizzy, it seems that if you don’t stay on your feet, you can fall into the heavenly abyss. But then you realize that the sky is like a fluffy, soft blanket, it caresses and warms. And involuntarily, looking at the stars, you want to smile.

My favorite time to look at the starry sky is in July and August. It is at this time that many stars fall from the sky. It is believed that if you manage to make a wish before the shooting star goes out, it will definitely come true.

Whether this is so, I don’t know. I've never been able to make a wish while a star is falling. After all, they fall so quickly, in a matter of seconds. They flash like a spark, sweep across the sky, leaving behind a luminous trail, and disappear.

When I was very little, I felt very sorry for the little stars that were falling. I sadly told my mother: “There is one less star in the sky. What if people lived on it too?”

And I was also very interested in: “Where do the stars fall? Can they be found on earth?” To which my mother replied: “No, they burn up in the atmosphere and do not have time to reach the surface of the earth.”

Now, having grown older, I myself can learn everything about the stars from books.

Now I know for sure that a falling star is not a dead planet, but meteors and meteorites, solid cosmic particles and stones that, moving towards the Earth, fall into its atmosphere and burn up, causing a glow.

Some very large meteorites are still able to reach the Earth's surface. Entire expeditions are often sent to search for them.

Scientists, by studying the composition of meteorites, learn what the planets of the solar system were formed from, and what the Sun was like billions of years ago.

Television programs often talk about such a phenomenon as “star rain,” when thousands of meteors fall from the sky at the same time. I have never seen “star rain” myself, only in TV reports from the “News” program. But I really want to watch this phenomenon myself! It must be very beautiful! A real fireworks display from the stars!

I really hope that someday I will be able to see in the night sky how a huge number of meteors are falling at the same time...

And maybe one day I will even be able to find a piece of a meteorite that fell from the sky...

But I’m not the only one who likes to watch the stars. At all times, the sky has fascinated and attracted all humanity. Since ancient times, people have dreamed of conquering space and revealing all its secrets.

But the conquest of airspace was very long and difficult. Only the bravest and most desperate people decided to build aircraft and took them into the air. At first there were balloons, airships, airplanes, and in the twentieth century airplanes and spaceships appeared. The flights of the first testers were not always successful. There were many cases when brave souls died.

Nowadays, we are no longer surprised when we see a plane flying in the sky. And in the night sky you can often see a satellite flying by. Man has completely conquered near-Earth space.

This year marks fifty years since man first set out on space travel.

The first cosmonaut to fly into space was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. On April 12, 1961, he went into space on the Vostok spacecraft. His flight lasted only one hour and forty-eight minutes. During this time, he flew once around the globe, and then safely ejected to Earth.

The second flight into space was made on August 6, 1961 by German Titov. His flight had already lasted more than 24 hours. German Titov also returned safely to Earth.

In June of one thousand nine hundred and sixty-three, the first female cosmonaut, Valentina Tereshkova, flew into space.

For their flights into space, the first cosmonauts received many different awards. They became honorary citizens of many cities around the world, and the streets of these cities are named after them.

However, successful flights into space by the first cosmonauts do not mean at all that space travel is safe. Not once have human space flights ended tragically.

And these days, no one can guarantee the safe return of astronauts to Earth. There, far from Earth, various unforeseen situations can happen.

Not so long ago, in two thousand and three, an American spaceship crashed due to a malfunction in the system. All eight crew members were killed. Of course, scientists are doing everything possible to avoid such tragedies, but no one is immune from trouble.

It would seem that since space flights are so dangerous, maybe they should be stopped altogether, in order to avoid the loss of lives?

No! After all, astronauts do not fly into space for the sake of a walk or an exciting journey. They fly there to work. Cosmonauts monitor the state of the Earth's surface, the weather, and conduct various scientific experiments and research. In addition, astronauts often have to go out into outer space to work, which is very dangerous, because the phenomenon that we observe from Earth, such as the fall of meteors and meteorites, carries a serious danger there in space. Solid space particles in outer space fly at the speed of a bullet and can hit an astronaut and damage the spacesuit and even cause serious injuries.

That is why only the bravest people in good health go into space. But even they have to undergo serious training before flying.

Admiring the starry sky, I often think that somewhere up there, high, high, people are working...

What would our life be like without space explorers?

After all, space is fraught with many secrets and mysteries that our brave astronauts have yet to reveal. And I admire their heroism, their courage, resilience and determination.

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