Consent to conduct a speech therapy examination of the child. Consent of parents (legal representatives) to speech therapy support for the child

“Rowanushka”, Shumerlya, Chechnya.

Speech therapist teacher:

In case of violation of the rights of a child.

Consent of parents (legal representatives)

for speech therapy support for a child


(Full name of parent (legal representative)

being a parent (legal representative)________________________________________________


(F.I.O., date of birth of the child)

I agree to his (her) speech therapy support at MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 16”

“Rowanushka”, Shumerlya, Chechnya.

Speech therapy support for a child includes: speech therapy examination, if necessary, individual and subgroup lessons with the child (senior preschool age), parent counseling.

Speech therapist teacher:

Provides information about the results of a speech therapy examination of a child when parents (legal representatives) apply;

Does not disclose information obtained during an individual conversation with the child and his parents;

Confidentiality may be violated in the following situations:

In case of violation of the rights of a child.

The parent (legal representative) will be informed about such situations.

This consent was given by me “____”____20___ and is valid for the duration of my child’s stay in kindergarten.

I reserve the right to withdraw my consent by means of a written document.


for psychological and/or speech therapy support for the child

I agree to his (her) psychological and speech therapy support at the Municipal Educational Institution Silikatnenskaya Secondary School (hereinafter referred to as the Institution) located at the address: 433393 Ulyanovsk Region Sengileevsky District Silikatny Village Sadovaya St. 3
Psychological support for a child includes: psychological diagnostics, observation during the adaptation period, participation in group developmental classes, if necessary, individual lessons with the child, counseling of parents.

Teacher – psychologist and/or speech therapist:
- provides information on the results of a psychological and/or speech therapy examination of the child when parents (legal representatives) apply;

Consent of parents (legal representatives)
for speech therapy support for a child

I ____________________________________________________________________,
(Full name of parent (legal representative)
being a parent (legal representative)__________________________________________
(Full name, date of birth of the child)
I agree to his (her) speech therapy support at the Municipal Educational Institution Silikatnensky Secondary School named after V.G. Shtyrkin (hereinafter referred to as the Institution) located at the address: 433393 Ulyanovsk Region Sengileevsky District Silikatny Village Sadovaya St. 3
Speech therapy support for a child includes: speech therapy examination, if necessary, group/subgroup or individual lessons with the child, counseling of parents.
Speech therapist teacher:
- provides information about the results of a speech therapy examination of a child when parents (legal representatives) apply;
- does not disclose information obtained during an individual conversation with the child and his parents;
- develops recommendations for teachers of the institution for individual work;
- provides information about the child when registering for the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission (PMPC).
I confirm that by giving this consent, I am acting of my own free will and in the interests of the child, of whom I am the parent (legal representative).
This consent is given by me and is valid for the duration of my child’s stay at the Institution or until this consent is revoked. This Consent may be revoked at any time upon my written request.
(signature) (signature decryption)
Date: " _____ " _______________ 20______

A big problem for a school speech therapist in organizing effective speech therapy assistance for students is student attendance. In an instructional and methodological letter about the work of a speech therapist teacher at a secondary school, Yastrebova A.V., Bessonova T.P. it is written “Responsibility for children’s attendance at classes at the speech therapy center lies with the speech therapist, class teacher and school administration.” Unfortunately, nothing is said about parental responsibility.

But it is the parents who organize the student’s extracurricular activities and help in solving educational problems that arise. A lot depends on parents’ understanding of their own child’s speech problem, awareness of the structure of speech therapy assistance, and trust in the speech therapist teacher.

An agreement for speech therapy classes is not an official legal document, but it allows you to clearly formulate the purpose of speech therapy classes, parental consent and parents’ understanding of the child’s problem, as well as the responsibilities of the two parties. After concluding an agreement, parents take a much more responsible approach to solving educational situations, warn about the reason for the child’s absence from classes, and report their difficulties in working with children.

The contract for each child is printed in 2 copies: one remains with the speech therapist, the second with the parents.


for conducting correctional and developmental speech therapy classes

We (I): mother _____________________________________________________________________

father ____________________________________________________________________

We allow children to visit __________________________________________________

(child's full name, age)

speech therapy sessions to eliminate violations of oral and written speech

(underline as appropriate).

Place of classes: speech therapist's office.
Speech therapist teacher: Full name

We, parents, undertake:
1. Bring (emphasize) the child to speech therapy classes without delay.

3. Provide the child with everything necessary for correctional and developmental work.

4. The reason for non-appearance can only be illness, about which we undertake to notify the speech therapist (contact numbers: 35-Х-ХХ, 8-914-ХХ-ХХ-ХХХ). If more than 3 classes are missed without a valid reason, the child may be expelled from speech therapy classes..

_________________ ______________________

date parents' signature

Me, speech therapist teacher Full name, I undertake:

1. Conduct the required number of classes to assist in eliminating speech problems.

2. Promptly report any changes in the schedule and location of classes, if any, by phone

_____________________________________________(parents' contact numbers).

3. During the school year, inform parents about the results of correctional and developmental work and, upon completion, provide the necessary recommendations..

_________________ ______________________________

date signature of the speech therapist

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