List of mother heroine gold medal recipients. How many children does the heroine mother have in Russia? Payments to low-income families

By 1944, it had already become clear who would win the war. However, our country is faced with another problem - damage has been caused in all areas of life. The losses numbered millions of people, mostly men, and the demographic problem had to be solved. Therefore, the government decided to encourage women and provide assistance in raising and maintaining children. It was then that the Order of the Mother Heroine was established.

Order "Mother Heroine"

The regulations on the order stated that it was intended for mothers who managed to give birth and raise at least ten children. Along with the order, the honorary title “Mother Heroine” was also introduced.

The title and order were given to women when the youngest child reached the age of one year, provided that at that moment all other children were alive. The exception was children who died while performing military or official duties, if they were related to the defense of the Motherland. Children taken into the family or adopted who were deprived of parental care were also taken into account.

The awarding of the order took place with some special features; it was accompanied by the presentation of a special diploma from the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces. Such a letter contained an indication of the right of its owner to receive benefits and privileges provided for by law. The appearance of letters has changed over time. They issued Large and Small Certificates.

The first orders were awarded in October 1944, and 14 women received them. At first they wanted to present the order number 1 to a communist woman, but since there were non-party members among them, Aleksakhina received this order. She gave birth to and raised 12 children, more than half of whom fought and four died. In total, over the history of the award, about 430 thousand women received it.

Mother heroine poster


The badge of the order consisted of two parts. The first part was a pentagonal figure, which was made of silver. The second part was made of gold and was a five-pointed star. These two parts were fastened together using three rivets. Sometimes the third part of the order is also distinguished - a block made of gilded silver and covered with red enamel with the inscription “Mother Heroine”. On the reverse side there was a pin with which the order was attached to clothing.

The reverse is smooth and has three rivets that connect the first two parts. In the center of the order there is a mark in two lines - “Mint”. Below is the order number.

Collectors distinguish the following types of orders, the peculiarity of which is the variants of the hallmark and serial number.

The first version had a stamp and numbers applied manually with a punch. The numbers of such an order have a minimum value of 51. This variant had three varieties:

  • The first had a large stamp with the length of the first word about 9 mm. The sign is found in early copies, around 9-11 thousandths.
  • The mark on the second variety was small. The first word did not exceed 6 mm in length, and the height of both lines was approximately 1.5 times less than in the first variety. This number is mainly found in the range of 10–31 thousand. Almost all examples have a serial number located above or between the rivets.
  • The latter variety has a medium mint mark. About 7 mm is occupied by the word “Coin” in this case. The line height is greater than in the previous one, found in the range of 30–39 thousand.

Some collectors noted differences in the location of the rivets: the distance between them varied, and accordingly, four more subtypes were identified:

  • 6.5 mm - this is the distance the order with number 351 had;
  • 7.2 mm - orders with numbers up to 3000;
  • 5.4 mm - orders with numbers in the range of 6–10 thousand;
  • 8.8 mm - approximately from 11 to 40 thousand.

In the second version, the “Mint” mark was made in raised letters, the numbers were also applied by hand, numbers 38959–90347. Varieties are considered large medium and small mint marks. However, this division is very conditional. It is determined only by such a parameter as the length of the word “coin” and does not take into account many other varieties, such as: the difference in the spelling of the letters “M” and “D”, the position of the short word above the letter “Y” and others. There are many more variations of the stamp; it is simply not possible to classify them based on the currently available information.

The third option has a mint mark applied in large letters and an instrumental bearing of the serial number of the order.

Duplicates and documents

In case of loss of the award, no replacement was provided. In some exceptional cases, the issuance of a duplicate was permitted. This occurred provided that the loss of the order occurred as a result of a natural disaster or military action, and also if it could not be prevented in any way.

In this case, on the back of the order, the letter “D” was added to the number corresponding to the number of the lost one. There were applications using both stamping and gravel. In rare cases, the letter “D” might be missing from duplicates. It happened that to issue duplicates, awards that were made but not presented were used. In this case, the number on them was erased and refilled.

The following documents were included with the medal:

  • a special charter issued by the Presidium of the Supreme Council, called the Great Charter;
  • certificate, or Small Diploma.

The special certificate was made in the form of a booklet, on the cover of which there was the state emblem and the inscription “Mother Heroine”. Inside there was a place for a photograph, on the next page it was indicated who received the order, how many children the woman raised, and there was a seal of the Presidium of the Supreme Council and the signatures of the chairman and secretary. Over time, this letter changed somewhat:

  • In the first half of the 40s, the coat of arms on the cover had 11 ribbons, in the second - 16. Since 1960, this coat of arms has had 15 ribbons.
  • Before 1967, there was a signature line under the photograph of the recipient; after 1967, there was no line.
  • Before 1972, the number of children was recorded manually, after that - by typography.
  • In 1980, “with the award of the Order of Mother Heroine” was also added to the phrase about conferring the title.
  • In the second half of the 80s, the signature of the secretary of the USSR PVS was removed.
  • 1990 - instead of “Mother Heroine” - “Union of Soviet Socialist Republics”, as well as “USSR President Gorbachev”.

The certificates contained a provision on the presentation of the order on the right side with the seal and signature of the secretary of the PVS of the USSR and on the left - information about who received the order. In addition, information is provided on the benefits to which the awardee was entitled. It also changed:

  • in 1948 the phrase about advantages and benefits was removed;
  • in the 60s they began to put the signature and seal of the secretary of the USSR PVS, and in 1967 they were completely removed.

In the 80s, the surname of the recipient was removed, and the phrase “awarded with the order” was replaced with “awarded the order,” as in the Great Certificate. From the second half of the 80s, the document number was moved from the third spread to the first.

In addition to the Order of Mother Heroine, there were also awards provided for raising and giving birth to a smaller number of children.

Medal of Motherhood

The medal was established by Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces in 1944. Women who gave birth and raised five or six children received the Motherhood Medal. She had two degrees, the first being the highest.

Mothers who gave birth to and raised five children were awarded a medal of the second degree, and six - the first. The conditions were the same: the youngest child had reached the age of one year and the remaining children had to be alive at that time.

The First Class Motherhood Medal was made of 925 sterling silver and was in the shape of a circle. There was 16 grams of silver in the medal. The front side depicted a mother and child. At the top left there was an asterisk with rays diverging from it. A laurel wreath was depicted around the circumference. At the bottom there was the inscription USSR on a ribbon.

The reverse side of the medal had an image of a hammer and sickle and the inscription “Motherhood Medal”. All images and inscriptions were convex. The Second Class Maternity Medal was similar, except that it was made of bronze.

Order of Mother's Glory

Established in 1944 by the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces. The Order of Maternal Glory was awarded to mothers who gave birth and raised from seven to nine children. This order had three degrees. Those who had seven children were given the order of the third degree, eight - the second, nine - the third.

Order of Mother's Glory

The order of the first degree was made of silver, it had the shape of an oval and was convex. At the top was a flying banner covered in red enamel, on which was inscribed “Mother’s Glory” and the degree of the order.

Under the banner there was a shield covered with white enamel, with the inscription “USSR” on it. At the top of the shield there was an asterisk covered with red enamel. An oxidized hammer and sickle were placed at the bottom of the shield. The bottom of the order had gilded leaves, and the inscriptions were also gilded.

The sign of the Order of Mother's Glory, second degree, was somewhat different from it. The banner was covered with dark blue enamel and there was no gilding on the leaves located below. The order of the third degree had no enamel on the shield or banner or gilding on the leaves. There was slightly less than 20 grams of silver in all three orders.

The Order of the Mother Heroine, despite the fact that it is made of gold, is not very popular among collectors. It is believed that the average price for such a reward is approximately $500. The price of some other orders and medals of the highest degree starts from several thousand. Perhaps this is due to the rather large circulation, and, accordingly, to its high prevalence.

Nothing can compare with the emotions a mother experiences when her baby is born. To support parents and provide them with some benefits, the state level provides for the presentation of the Mother Hero Award for mothers who have given birth to 4 babies.

In the last century, it was considered the norm for a family to have more than 5 children. Often, especially in villages, it was about 10 boys and girls who were born to one woman. Of course, it was not easy to constantly feed so many kids, especially in view of the lack of a nutritious diet and quality things, but many families succeeded.

To support such parents, the Order “Mother Heroine” appeared in the USSR in 1944. This award was given only to those mothers who gave birth to 10 or more boys and girls, in gratitude for their birth and decent upbringing.

It was believed that every mother raising a large number of children should have such a title in order to increase the demographic level and birth rate in the country. After all, these figures decreased significantly during the Great Patriotic War due to the death of many people who did not manage to become parents in the pre-war period.

Women raising 10 or more minors could count not only on receiving the appropriate certificate, but also on a number of benefits. For example, such a mother receives various benefits and discounts on utility bills.

The description of such an award suggests that a mother could receive such a title not only for the birth of her babies, but also for adopting children from the maternity hospital. At the same time, the diploma was issued only if, at the time of delivery, the youngest son or daughter was no older than 1 year, and all other minors were alive at that time.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, this benefit was abolished.

Modern analogue of “Parental Glory”

The USSR-era Order “Mother Heroine” was abolished simultaneously with the collapse of the Union and the transition to new legislation, so in Russia, in 2019, it is not valid.

By Presidential Decree No. 775 in 2008, a new Order of “Parental Glory” was established, which only parents with many children can count on receiving. The first award took place at the beginning of 2009, for success in raising children.

What does it mean to receive the status of “Parental Glory” from the Soviet Order of “Mother of the Heroine”? Now the award can be given to both parents who are raising 4 or more children in their family. It is also envisaged that such families will receive additional certificates and a one-time payment in the amount of 50,000 rubles.

Parents can also receive additional status raising 7 or more children. This is an order and its miniature copy, which can be worn on special occasions. "Maternal Glory" looks like a bow made of silk ribbon, and a similar award for the father of children is a pentagonal block.

Many believe that in Soviet times, persons awarded an honorary title could count on receiving more benefits, for example, receiving their own living space, good payments for the maintenance of minors. Now the legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for anything like this. In some regions, local authorities still give such families some benefits, for example:

  1. Benefits for utility bills ( or compensation for money spent);
  2. Providing an emergency place in kindergarten;
  3. Trips for children to resorts.

How many children do you need to have to get the title?

How to get a reward for raising a large number of minors in a family? The type of award and the possibility of receiving it directly depends on how many children are being raised in the family.

  1. Mother's medal 1st and 2nd degree is given for raising 6 and 5 children;
  2. The Order of "Maternal Glory" 1-3 degrees is given for the birth of 7 to 9 babies.

An innovation in the opportunity to receive this award in 2019 is the strict selection of families who can apply for this title. Now it is not enough for a family to have many children, the number of which is sufficient to have such a sign.

According to the requirements defined in Executive Order 1099, parents who meet the following conditions can count on receiving the award:

  1. Parents are married;
  2. Parents created favorable conditions for their children;
  3. Proper care for all adopted children as if they were our own;
  4. The youngest child in the family must be at least 3 years old;
  5. The family must have adopted children under 5 years of age.

Since the state has limited the number of persons who can count on receiving such a benefit, the regions have also limited the ability to qualify for such an award. So, for example, in some regions, only 2 families per year can apply for such a sign.

What benefits can you expect?

If in Soviet times the Order “Mother Heroine” provided for the possibility of receiving various benefits and benefits, then The law of the Russian Federation does not provide for this.

Now families are given the opportunity to receive only those benefits that are provided for by regional legislation: emergency places in kindergartens, compensation for utility bills.

At the moment, a bill is being considered that provides for payments and benefits for holders of the “Parental Glory” award. It is planned that such people will have the right:

  1. Receiving a benefit in the amount of one for holders of a 3rd degree medal;
  2. Payment of 7 times the amount for single mothers as a social pension;
  3. Reducing utility bills;
  4. Preferential admission for children to universities.

A large family will have the right to receive such benefits only if the youngest in the family is already 1 year old. Moreover, each parent must have citizenship of the Russian Federation.

“Mother-heroine” is, without a doubt, the most honorable title that a woman with many children could receive. We are talking about the Soviet Union. This “title,” like the order of the same name, appeared on July 8, 1944, when the corresponding Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was issued. To become the owner of this title, it was necessary to give birth or adopt and raise 10 or more children. The youngest family member must have turned 1 year old at the time of the mother’s award. Of course, it was necessary that all children born in the family were alive. The exceptions are military personnel who died while performing their duty to the Motherland, as well as citizens who gave their lives to save other people. Deceased children were also taken into account when issuing the order if their death was the result of an illness or injury received at work.

Now the Order of “Mother Heroine” is not awarded. His last awards date back to 1991.

Let us note that simultaneously with this order, other awards were given in the USSR, designed to encourage mothers of many children. This is the Order of “Maternal Glory” (its owners were mothers of 7, 8 and 9 children), as well as the Medal of Motherhood of the 1st degree (it was given for raising 6 children) and the 2nd degree (the award was intended to honor the mothers of 5 children).

Modern analogue of the award

In modern Russia, the main state award for encouraging citizens who have made a significant contribution to the development of the family institution is the Order of Parental Glory. The decision to establish it has been made.

We emphasize that the order can be received not only by the mother, but also by the father, if the family is incomplete. The main condition is that the parent has raised 7 or more children, and both blood relatives and adopted children are taken into account. It is important that the social unit is an example of a socially responsible family that leads a healthy lifestyle and cares about the comprehensive development of children.

The Order of Parental Glory can be received as soon as the seventh child turns 3 years old. In this case, as in the case of Soviet awards, the remaining children must be alive, with the exception of the situations described above. If we are talking about adopted children, then their parents must be involved in their proper upbringing for at least 5 years by the time they receive the honorary title. Of course, family members should not be held administratively or criminally liable or come to the attention of supervisory authorities.

An important condition for receiving the award is that both children and parents have Russian citizenship.

Additionally, our country has established a medal of the Order of Parental Glory. In accordance with, it can be received by one of the parents who has raised four or more children.

How to receive the Order of Parental Glory?

To become the owner of the order, you need to contact the social security authorities at your place of residence. The department staff will tell you what list of documents will need to be prepared.

The “minimum” includes:

  • ID cards of parents and children (for those over 14 years old - passports, for children - birth certificates);
  • documents on registration at the place of residence;
  • adoption certificates (if necessary);
  • marriage certificate;
  • consent from social security and health authorities as confirmation that the family is safe;
  • certificates from places of work of adult family members.

In addition, references from the parents’ places of work, children’s studies, as well as documents (diplomas, certificates, etc.) confirming that younger family members have achieved success in education, sports, and actively participate in social and cultural life may be required. A plus will be other evidence that children are growing up in favorable conditions, and parents are raising them at the proper level.

Before collecting documents, consult with social security officials in your region.

Social protection specialists will review the collected package of documents within a month. Next, the papers are submitted for consideration to representatives of the President (as a rule, this procedure takes 3 months), and if the decision is positive, the large family will be invited to a meeting with the head of state, who will personally present the Order of Parental Glory. This algorithm of actions will be relevant in 2019.

Benefits for holders of the Order of Parental Glory

At the same time, this highest award gives not only status, but also the right to receive a monetary reward in the amount of 100 thousand rubles. This encouragement is enshrined at the federal level.

Also, a mother with 20 years of work experience and a father who has officially worked for 25 years can count on being awarded the title Veteran of Labor (accordingly, they will enjoy the privileges legally established in Russia for honorary workers).

The law gives the right to receive the order not only to two-parent families, but also to single parents, if the other conditions for the award are met.

Regional authorities may also introduce additional benefits for those who received the Order of Parental Glory. These could be:

  • enrollment of children in kindergarten out of turn;
  • benefits when paying for housing and communal services (discount can be 50% of the cost);
  • opportunity to improve living conditions;
  • discounted travel on public transport;
  • additional financial incentives;
  • free vouchers for sanatorium treatment and rehabilitation, etc.

You should find out about additional benefits from your local social security authorities.

Thus, the modern “Parental Glory” award is intended to recognize the merits of not only mothers, but also fathers in raising worthy members of society. In essence, this is a reward for the entire family, which serves as an exemplary unit of society, where love, support and mutual understanding reign. It is worth saying that the order is awarded to only a few dozen families per year (2-3 from the region), who will be able to pass a competitive selection and provide all the necessary documents (not only the minimum package of papers is important, but also confirmation of any merits).

Tenderness and affection, love and care are associated with a person dear to the heart. For many, a mother is the closest and dearest person who will understand under any circumstances, accept in any conditions and forgive any mistakes.

This is a man with a huge heart, ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of his children. In addition to the grateful smiles and mutual love of children, which are considered the most precious reward for a woman, she is also entitled to an honorary title from the state. In what cases can a woman in modern society count on a special status? How many children must the heroine mother raise, and not just give birth to?

History of the title

For the first time, the need to celebrate the merits of a mother who is able to give birth, raise and uncomplainingly give her children to the state was felt at the end of the Second World War, back in 1944. The Soviet leaders, without suspecting it themselves, established the high rank and the accompanying order “Mother Heroine” on July 8. According to the Orthodox calendar, it is considered Valentine's Day, which is also celebrated as Family Day. The latter is venerated in memory of the Murom saints Peter and Fevronia, known for their loyalty and love for each other, standing despite prohibitions both during their lives and after their death.

Initially, the question was discussed about how many children the mother-heroine should give birth to and raise in order to receive a distinctive title. The plans were to reward communist women who gave birth and raised more than 10 children, one from each friendly republic of the USSR. But there were none, because those caring for so many children had no time for joining the party and no time for party concerns.

Which woman was the first to receive status?

It is not without reason that we remembered mothers at the end of the war. Given the huge losses, it was necessary to improve the demographic situation in the country.

Worthy applicants were sought throughout the country. The award ceremony was timed to coincide with the anniversary of the revolution. The orders were awarded to those mothers who, having given birth and raised more than 10 children, lost sons and daughters at the front. The first woman to receive the order was Aleksakhina Anna Savelyevna, who had 12 children, 8 of whom fought for their homeland at the front, and four of them died in battle. This order was given to the State Historical Museum by the children of Anna Savelyevna. In the museum's collections, if you wish, you can look at the first award in the state. The award ceremony took place in the Kremlin with all honors. The greatest joy for the family was the increase in living space in the barracks where a large family lived. After the war, a year later, they were given two whole rooms, allowing them to live in spacious apartments, but their life could not be called easy: the time was hungry and difficult.

What benefits did women have in the past?

A woman was awarded an honorary title if her youngest child reached the age of one, and all older children had to be alive at the time of conferring special status. In Soviet times, women with many children were entitled to tangible help, and this applied not only to those who had the title of “heroine mother.” How many children did you need to raise for this?

With the birth of the third child, the state was already supporting the family. These include good benefits for children and an increase in maternity leave. And also this is a priority registration in a nursery and a reduced fee for kindergarten, free meals at school.

And women awarded the order retired five years earlier, had free travel on public transport upon retirement and significant benefits when paying utility bills. Separate living space is the main privilege of heroine mothers, which they had the right to claim even after their older children reached adulthood. No one dared to remove such a woman from the housing queue, so she was guaranteed to receive the apartments provided by the state.

How the work of the mother-heroine is celebrated today

The last award of the order took place on November 14, 1991. With the collapse of the USSR, they forgot about the merits of mothers and chose for a long time to forget about the benefits for them. In some regions, they tried to single out women who decided to take on such a feat of motherhood, honoring them with the medal “For Services to the Fatherland” or the Order of Friendship. But they did not provide benefits and did not reflect the main essence of the high rank.

How many children does the heroine mother have today? What are its costs for raising worthy citizens? Understanding the relevance of the issues within modern Russia, legislators paid attention to the demographic situation and the invaluable role of a woman who selflessly devotes herself to motherhood. The Order of “Heroine Mother” was not returned, but a new award for heroic parents in modern Russia exists - this is the Order of Parental Glory. Attached to it is also a certificate of honor. But is this enough?

How many children must a heroine mother have in Russia to receive status?

Established in 2008, a new honorary state award is given to parents who have raised 4-7 children. These may not necessarily be born children; adopted children are also taken into account. The Orthodox community also made its contribution and established the Order of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom; since 2007, it has recognized worthy people in six categories. This award honors mothers whose children have become heroes of Russia, and also honors entire families, teams and outstanding individuals who have made a huge contribution to strengthening the institution of the family in Russia.

What benefits and rights do modern heroine mothers have?

Mothers who have taken on the difficult task of raising and round-the-clock care in large families enjoy benefits that do not exist in all regions. Local governments in a number of areas have provided for:

Discount on utilities from 30%;
free travel on public transport;
registration of a child in a preschool institution out of turn;
for those who want to organize their own business (farming, small commercial enterprise), tax exemption is provided for a certain period of time, and in the future you can count on loyal taxation and an interest-free loan for the development of the enterprise;
subsidies, benefits for housing construction.

But the main help is maternity capital, which allows a woman to wisely manage funds that can become the foundation of a woman’s financial independence. Her future prosperity depends on how wisely she manages this opportunity.

“Mother-heroine” status: privileges in Ukraine

How are things going in Ukraine? Women who have given birth or adopted, in accordance with the legislation of the country, 5 or more children and raised them up to the age of 6, have the right to count on a pension for special services to the state, and when children reach the age of 8 - to the honorary title “Mother Heroine” , which is confirmed by the head of state. How many children can a heroine mother make happy? Ukraine is a country that deeply respects the role of a mother of many children in society. Such women have the right to:
one-time remuneration in the form of ten times the state subsistence minimum;
providing housing first;
can count on a 25% bonus to the basic pension;
for early retirement, but with a reservation, if the experience is at least 15 years;
at the age of 58, social assistance in the amount of 100% of the subsistence minimum, which a woman has the right to count on in the absence of the necessary work experience and loss of ability to work.

Titles and awards today: Order of “Parental Glory”

When thoroughly finding out and answering the question of how many children the mother-heroine has (Russia is a country that cares about its future, where issues of family education in large families are relevant and it is important to solve them at the state level), it is important to note the following.

The modern insignia, the Order of Parental Glory, is intended for two parents, obliging them to make equal efforts to raise their children. The monetary award that comes with the title is a good help for the family budget. But in Russia today it is not enough to have 7 or more children to obtain status, because the procedure for processing documents to obtain such a title is not easy. It is necessary to collect a whole package of documents confirming the right to proudly wear such an order. It is legitimate for the state to cut off unreliable parents who are not involved in upbringing, but only give birth to children. But parents who conscientiously fulfill their fatherly duty do not have enough free time to spend it collecting documents confirming their integrity. Therefore, not many parents deserving of the award received it today.

Titles are good, but what is the real support of the state?

The heroine mother in Russia, even with a new order, needs state support. It is not for nothing that legislators are talking about returning privileges for this category of citizens. After all, round-the-clock work and endless care is a feat that must be taken into account and, in addition to an extraordinary place for a child in kindergarten, it is necessary to think about the rest of the mother herself, who should be rewarded personally, at least with a health trip to a resort.

A woman who gives so much warmth and tenderness should also be fully gifted, because her contribution to the state is great, so benefits for heroine mothers should be agreed upon today. And the state will receive a return, because prosperous children, under the care of a responsible mother, will soon pay taxes regularly and be useful, contributing to the prosperity of the country.

Raising a new generation in the post-war years was a difficult task for mothers, especially for those families where the number of mouths that passed from childhood and adolescence to adolescence numbered more than ten.

In 1944, by Decree of the Supreme Presidium of the USSR, it was established that those mothers who went through this difficult work, dedicated their lives to their family and their children, raised a new generation for their homeland - were awarded the title “Mother Heroine” with the award of the same name - the order, externally somewhat similar to the “Hero of the USSR” award.

When assigning the title and presenting the award, legally adopted children who died or disappeared during the Great Patriotic War or other armed conflict in the post-war years were also taken into account.

It is noteworthy that the Order of the Mother Heroine, adopted during the Second World War, became the first award that a woman mother could receive. Previously, this kind of title and award did not exist in the USSR. After the war, the Soviet Union lost a huge number of its compatriots. For this reason, the country needed youth, descendants of a heroic people who would be ready to lift up the Soviet Union and restore not only the infrastructure, but also build a new communist society.

The first award, the Order of Mother Heroine, was awarded on November 1, 1944 to Anna Savelyevna Aleksakhina, a resident of the village of Mamontovka, Moscow Region. She raised 12 children.

Reward Description:

The Order of Mother Heroine is a relatively rare award. Over the entire period of the existence of the Soviet Union, 431 thousand women became favorites of the order. was the highest award and had no degrees. It was produced at the Moscow Mint and consisted of an award that was attached with an eyelet and a ring to a metal block. The width of the award is 28mm, with a height of 46mm, the total weight is 17.55g.

The front side of the award is represented by a convex five-pointed star made of precious metal - 950 gold, against the background of a five-pointed order silver backing with parallel rays diverging from the center to the edges (each face of the five-pointed backing is decorated with a thickened ray, which also makes it slightly convex). The block is represented by a figured plate made of silver with gilding; most of the field is covered with red enamel. There is also a legend here: “Mother Heroine”, letters with gilding.

The reverse side of the order is flat, in the center is the inscription “Mint”, below is the number of the certificate (registry number) with which the award was issued. The block is flat with a pin fastening element.

The cost of a genuine award with a certificate on the black market is from 18,000 to 30,000 rubles, depending on the quality of preservation and serial number. In accordance with Article 324 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Purchase or sale of official documents and state awards” is prohibited. Falerists have access to copies of the award at lower prices.

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