Average molar weight of the reaction. Problems on gas laws

Problem 24. At what molar ratio of argon and nitrogen is a mixture obtained whose density is equal to the density of air?

Solution. The average molar mass of the mixture is equal to the average molar mass of air, i.e. 29 g/mol.

Let the mixture contain moles and y moles. Then, using the definition of the average molar mass, we can write the relation

We see that the average molar mass of a gas mixture depends on the relative, and not the absolute, amount of components of the mixture, i.e. not from x and y separately, but only from their relationship.

Problem 25. The hydrogen density of the mixture of oxygen and ozone is 20. Determine the mass, volume and mole fractions of oxygen in the mixture.

Solution. The average molar mass of the mixture is 20 2 = 40 g/mol. Let the mixture contain x moles and y moles. Then, using the definition of the average molar mass, we can write the relation

whence Consequently, the amounts of oxygen and ozone in the mixture are equal, i.e. the mole fraction of oxygen is 50%.

According to Avogadro's law, the volume of a gas is directly proportional to its quantity, and the proportionality coefficient is the same for all gases and depends only on temperature and pressure, therefore the volume fraction of a gas in a mixture is always equal to its mole fraction.

Let us now find the mass fraction of oxygen. The mass fraction is

We see that the mole, volume and mass fractions of a substance in a mixture do not depend on the total amount of the mixture (from x). Therefore, for calculations, any convenient amount of the mixture is often chosen, for example, 1 mol, or 100 g, etc.

Answer. Mole and volume fractions, mass fraction.

Problem 26. Find the hydrogen density of air having the following volumetric composition:

Solution. Since the volumes of gases are proportional to their quantities (Avogadro’s law), the average molar mass of a mixture can be expressed not only in terms of moles, but also in terms of volumes:

Let's take mixtures, then Substituting these values ​​into formula (1), we get

Problem 27. (MMA, medical faculty, 1989). There is a mixture of nitrogen and carbon dioxide. When you add which gas to this mixture, its density: a) will increase; b) will decrease? Give two examples in each case.

Solution. This is a very beautiful problem on the upper and lower bounds of the average molar mass of a mixture. The idea behind the problem is that we cannot accurately calculate the average molar mass because we do not know the relative quantities of the substances. However, there is a simple mathematical theorem according to which, for any content of components, the average molar mass is always greater than the smallest molar mass among all components of the mixture and less than the largest molar mass:

As applied to this problem, this means that

In order for the density of the mixture to increase, it is necessary to add a gas with a molar mass greater than .

For this, it is enough that g/mol, for example

Similarly, in order for the density of the mixture to decrease, it is necessary to add a gas with a molar mass less than g/mol, for example CH4 (M = 16) and He (M = 4).

Problem 28. (MSU, Faculty of Chemistry, 1994). Determine the density of ethanal under the conditions you choose.

Solution. The idea of ​​the problem is that it is necessary to select the conditions (temperature and pressure) under which it is a gas. It is enough to take normal pressure kPa and not very high temperature, for example. After this, the density can be calculated using the Mendeleev-Clapeyron equation:

Many people make a natural mistake in this problem, choosing normal conditions under which ethanal is a liquid and its density cannot be determined by gas laws.

Problem 29. (MMA, medical faculty, 1990). When dehydrogenating 100 liters of butane, 200 liters of hydrogen were released. Determine the molecular formula of the resulting product. Gas volumes were measured at 150 °C and 101 kPa.

Solution. The equation for butane dehydrogenation can be written in general form:

We must find x. To do this, you can determine the number of moles of butane and hydrogen using the Mendeleev-Clapeyron equation and find their ratio. However, the solution of many gas problems is greatly facilitated by the use of Avogadro's law, according to which the ratio of the quantities of gases is equal to the ratio of their volumes.

Therefore, the formula of the resulting hydrocarbon is

Problem 30. (MMA, medical faculty, 1993). What volume of air is consumed to completely burn a mixture of cyclobutane and butene with a volume of ? Gas volumes were measured under identical conditions.

Solution. Cyclobutane and butene are isomers (general formula), therefore the amount of oxygen required for complete combustion of the mixture is determined only by the total amount of hydrocarbons and does not depend on the individual content of each of them in the mixture. General reaction equation:

According to the equation, the quantity is 6 times the quantity, therefore, according to Avogadro's law, 6 times the volume is required for combustion, i.e. Since the volume fraction in air is 20%, the required volume of air is

Answer. 300 liters of air.

Problem 31. (MSU, Faculty of Biology, 1992). Ethanal vapor was mixed with hydrogen in a molar ratio of 1:2 at a pressure of 300 kPa and a temperature of 400 °C in a closed reactor intended for the synthesis of ethanol. After the end of the process, the gas pressure in the reactor at a constant temperature decreased by 20%. Determine the volume fraction of ethanol vapor in the reaction mixture and the percentage of conversion of acetaldehyde to ethanol.

Let the initial mixture contain x moles of ethanal, then, according to the condition, The total number of moles of gases is equal to

The reaction of ethanal with hydrogen is reversible. Let y mole enter into this reaction, then hydrogen is also consumed by y mol, and formed by y mol.

The final mixture contains: . The total number of moles of gases is .

According to the condition, the pressure in the final mixture decreased by 20% compared to the initial one. Since the temperature does not change during the reaction and the volume of the reactor is constant, the decrease in pressure is caused only by a decrease in the number of moles of gases. Thus, or

where 1 and 2 are the number of moles of helium and hydrogen, respectively. The number of moles of gases is determined by the formulas:

Substituting (6) and (7) into (5), we find


Substituting numerical values ​​into formulas (4) and (8), we obtain:

Answer: p= 2493 kPa, =3 10 -3 kg/mol.

Task 8. What are the average kinetic energies of translational and rotational motion of molecules contained in 2 kg of hydrogen at a temperature of 400 K?

Solution. We consider hydrogen an ideal gas. The hydrogen molecule is diatomic, and we consider the bond between the atoms to be rigid. Then the number of degrees of freedom of a hydrogen molecule is 5. On average, per degree of freedom there is energy<E i >= kT/2, Where k- Boltzmann's constant; T- thermodynamic temperature. The forward motion is attributed to three ( i=3), and rotational two ( i=2) degrees of freedom. Energy of one molecule

The number of molecules contained in a mass of gas is equal to

Where v- number of moles; N A - Avogadro's constant.

Then the average kinetic energy of the translational motion of hydrogen molecules

Where R=k N A- molar gas constant.

Average kinetic energy of rotational motion of hydrogen molecules

. (2)

Substituting numerical values ​​into formulas (1) and (2), we have

Answer: <Е пост >=4986kJ , <Е вр >=2324kJ .

Problem 9. Determine the average free path of molecules and the number of collisions in 1 s that occur between all oxygen molecules located in a 2-liter vessel at a temperature of 27°C and a pressure of 100 kPa.

Solution. The average free path of oxygen molecules is calculated by the formula


Where d- effective diameter of an oxygen molecule; p - the number of molecules per unit volume, which can be determined from the equation

n=p/(kT), (2)

Where k- Boltzmann's constant.

Substituting (2) into (1), we have


Number of collisions Z, occurring between all molecules in 1 s is equal to

Where N- the number of oxygen molecules in a vessel with a volume of 2 10 -3 m 3;

Average number of collisions of one molecule in 1 s.

Number of molecules in the vessel N=n V.(5)

The average number of collisions of a molecule in 1 s is


where is the arithmetic mean speed of the molecule

Substituting expressions (5), (6) and (7) into (4), we find

Substituting numerical values, we get

Answer : Z=9 10 28 s - 1,< >=3.56 10 -8 m.

Problem 10. Determine the coefficients of diffusion and internal friction of nitrogen located at a temperature T = 300 K and a pressure of 10 5 Pa.

Solution. The diffusion coefficient is determined by the formula


where is the arithmetic average speed of molecules, equal to

Average free path of molecules.

To find, we use the formula from the solution to Example 4


Substituting (2) and (3) into expression (1), we have


Internal friction coefficient


Where r - gas density at a temperature of 300 K and a pressure of 10 5 Pa. To find r Let's use the equation of state of an ideal gas. Let's write it for two states of nitrogen - under normal conditions That=273 K, r= 1.01 10 5 Pa and in the conditions of the problem:

Considering that

. (7)

The coefficient of internal friction of a gas can be expressed through the diffusion coefficient (see formulas (1) and (5)):

Substituting numerical values ​​into (4) and (8), we get

Answer : D=4.7 10 -5 m 2 /s,

Problem 11. The volume of argon at a pressure of 80 kPa increased from 1 to 2 liters. How much will the internal energy of the gas change if the expansion was carried out: a) isobarically, b) adiabatically.

Solution . Let's apply the first law of thermodynamics. According to this law, the amount of heat Q, transferred to the system is spent on increasing internal energy U and on external mechanical work A:

Q=U+A (1)

The value of U can be determined by knowing the mass of the gas m, the specific heat capacity at constant volume c v and the change in temperature T:


However, it is more convenient to determine the change in internal energy U through the molar heat capacity C v, which can be expressed in terms of the number of degrees of freedom:


The change in internal energy depends on the nature of the process during which the gas expands. During isobaric expansion of a gas, according to the first law of thermodynamics, part of the amount of heat goes to change the internal energy U, which is expressed by the formula (4) Find U for argon according to formula (4) it is impossible, since the gas mass and temperature are not given in the problem statement. Therefore, it is necessary to transform formula (4).

Let us write the Clapeyron-Mendeleev equation for the initial and final states of the gas:

p(V 2 -V 1)=(m/M)R(T 2 -T 1).

Substituting (5) into formula (4), we get


This equation is calculated for determination under isobaric expansion.

During adiabatic expansion of a gas, there is no heat exchange with the external environment, therefore Q=0. Equation (1) will be written in the form

This relationship establishes that the work of gas expansion can only be done by reducing the internal energy of the gas (minus sign in front of):

The work formula for an adiabatic process has the form


where is the adiabatic exponent equal to the ratio of heat capacities:

For argon - a monatomic gas ( i=3) - we have =1.67.

We find the change in internal energy during the adiabatic process for argon, taking into account formulas (8) and (9):


To determine the work of expansion of argon, formula (10) should be transformed, taking into account the parameters given in the problem statement. Applying the Clapeyron-Mendeleev equation for this case, we obtain an expression for calculating the change in internal energy:


Substituting numerical values ​​into (6) and (11), we have:

a) with isobaric expansion

b) with adiabatic expansion


Problem 12. A charge of 15∙10 -9 C is uniformly distributed over a thin ring with a radius of 0.2 m. Find the electric field strength at a point located on the axis of the ring at a distance of 15 cm from its center.

Solution . Let's divide the ring into identical infinitesimal sections dl. Charge each section dq can be considered point-like.

Electric field strength dE, created at point A on the axis of the ring by the charge dq, is equal to:


Where (2)

Total field strength E at point A, created by charge q, according to the principle of superposition, is equal to the vector sum of the intensities d E i fields created by all point charges:

Vector d E let's break it down into components: vector d E 1 (directed along the axis of the ring) and vector d E 2 (parallel to the plane of the ring).


For each pair of charges dq And dq/, located symmetrically relative to the center of the ring, d E 2 And d E / 2 the total will be zero, which means

Components d E 1 for all elements are directed equally along the ring, therefore the total stress at a point lying on the axis of the ring is also directed along the axis.

We find the modulus of the total tension by integration:


where α is the angle between the vector d E and the axis of the ring;


Using expressions (1), (2) and (4), for E we get:

Substituting the numeric data gives:

E=1.3∙10 3 V/m.

Answer: E=1.3∙10 3 V/m.

Problem 13. Z a charge is transferred in the air from a point located at a distance of 1 m from an infinitely long uniformly charged thread to a point at a distance of 10 cm from it. Determine the work done against the field forces if the linear charge density of the thread is 1 µC/m. What work is done in the last 10 cm of the path?

Solution. Work done by an external force to move a charge q from a field point with potential φi to a point with potential φ 0 is equal


An infinite uniformly charged thread with a linear charge density τ creates an axially symmetric field of strength .

The strength and potential of this field are related by the relation

Where .

Potential difference between field points at a distance r i And r 0 from the thread


Substituting the found expression for the potential difference from (2) into formula (1), we determine the work done by external forces to move a charge from a point located at a distance of 1 m to a point located at a distance of 0.1 m from the thread:

Substituting numerical values, we get:

A 1=4,1∙10 -5 (J).

Answer: A 1=4,1∙10 -5 (J).

Problem 14. The current strength in a conductor with a resistance of 20 Ohms increases over a period of time 2 s according to a linear law from 0 to 6 A. Determine the heat Q 1 released in this conductor in the first second, and Q 2 in the second, and also find the ratio Q 2 / Q 1.

Solution. The Joule-Lenz law in the form is valid for direct current. If the current strength in the conductor changes, then this law is valid for an infinitesimal time interval and is written in the form

Here the current strength is some function of time.

In this case

Where k– proportionality coefficient characterizing the rate of change of current:

Taking into account (2), formula (1) will take the form


To determine the heat released over a finite time interval ∆t, expression (3) must be integrated within the range from t 1 to t 2:

Let's do the calculations:

those. In the second second, seven times more heat will be released than in the first.

Answer: 7 times more.

Problem 15 . The electrical circuit consists of two galvanic circuits; elements, three resistances and a galvanometer. In this chain R 1 = 100 Ohm, R 2 =50 Ohm, R 3 =20 Ohm, E.M.F. element ε 1 =2 V. Galvanometer registers current I 3 =50 mA, going in the direction indicated by the arrow. Define E.M.S.. second element. Neglect the resistance of the galvanometer and the internal resistance of the elements.

Note . Kirchhoff's laws are used to calculate branched chains.

Kirchhoff's first law. The algebraic sum of current strengths converging at a node is equal to zero, i.e.

Kirchhoff's second law. In any closed circuit, the algebraic sum of the voltages in individual sections of the circuit is equal to the algebraic sum of the emfs occurring in the circuit.

Based on these laws, it is possible to create the equations necessary to determine the required quantities (current strengths, resistances and E.M.F.). When applying Kirchhoff's laws, the following rules must be observed:

1. Before drawing up the equations, arbitrarily select: a) the directions of the currents (if they are not specified by the conditions of the problem) and indicate them with arrows on the drawing; b) the direction of traversing the contours.

2. When composing equations according to Kirchhoff’s first law, consider the currents approaching the node to be positive; currents leaving the node are negative. The number of equations compiled according to Kirchhoff's first law must be one less than the number of nodes contained in the chain.

3. When drawing up equations according to Kirchhoff’s second law, we must assume that: a) the voltage drop across a section of the circuit (i.e. the product Ir) enters the equation with a plus sign if the direction of the current in this section coincides with the selected direction of bypassing the circuit; otherwise the product Ir enters the equation with a minus sign; b) E.M.S. enters the equation with a plus sign if it increases the potential in the direction of bypassing the circuit, that is, if when bypassing you have to go from minus to plus inside the current source; otherwise the E.M.F. enters the equation with a minus sign.

The number of independent equations that can be composed according to Kirchhoff's second law must be less than the number of closed loops present in the circuit. To compose equations, the first circuit can be chosen arbitrarily. All subsequent circuits should be selected in such a way that each new circuit includes at least one branch of the circuit that was not involved in any of the previously used circuits. If, when solving the equations compiled in the above manner, negative values ​​of current or resistance are obtained, this means that the current through this resistance actually flows in the direction opposite to the one arbitrarily chosen.

Solution. Let us choose the directions of the currents, as they are shown in the figure, and agree to go around the contours clockwise.

According to Kirchhoff’s first law, for node F we have: (1)

According to Kirchhoff’s second law, we have for the contour ABCDFA:


or after multiplying both sides of the equality by -1


Accordingly for the AFGHA circuit


After substituting numerical values ​​into formulas (1), (2) and (3), we obtain:

This system with three unknowns can be solved using the usual techniques of algebra, but since the conditions of the problem require determining only one unknown ε 2 out of three, we will use the method of determinants.

Let's compose and calculate the determinant ∆ of the system:

Let's compose and calculate the determinant ∆ε 2:

Dividing the determinant ∆ε 2 by the determinant ∆, we find the numerical value ε 2:

ε 2=-300/-75=4 V.

Answer: ε 2=4 V.

Problem 16 . A flat square circuit with a side of 10 cm, through which a current of 100 A flows, is freely established in a uniform magnetic field of induction 1 T. Determine the work done by external forces when the contour is rotated about an axis passing through the middle of its opposite sides through an angle of 90 0. When the circuit is rotated, the current strength in it is maintained constant.

Solution. As is known, a moment of force acts on a circuit with a current in a magnetic field: (1)where - magnetic moment of the circuit; -magnetic induction; -angle between vectors and .

Molar mass is the mass of one mole of any substance, that is, its number, which contains 6.022 * 10^23 elementary particles. Numerically, the molar mass coincides with the molecular mass, expressed in nuclear mass units (amu), but its dimension is different - gram/mol.


1. If you were to calculate the molar mass any gas, you would take the nuclear mass of nitrogen and multiply it by index 2. The result would be 28 grams/mol. But how to calculate the molar mass mixtures gases? This problem can be solved in an elementary way. You just need to know which gases and in what proportions are included in the composition mixtures .

2. Consider a specific example. Let's imagine you have a gas mixture that consists of 5% (mass) hydrogen, 15% nitrogen, 40% carbon dioxide, 35% oxygen and 5% chlorine. What is its molar mass? Use the formula for mixtures, consisting of x components: Mcm = M1N1 + M2N2 + M3N3 +...+ MxNx, where M is the molar mass of the component, and N is its mass fraction (percent saturation).

3. You will learn the molar masses of gases by recalling the values ​​of the nuclear weights of the elements (here you will need the Periodic Table). Their mass fractions are known according to the conditions of the problem. Substituting the values ​​into the formula and making calculations, you get: 2*0.05 + 28*0.15 + 44*0.40 + 32*0.35 + 71*0.05 = 36.56 grams/mol. This is the molar mass of the indicated mixtures .

4. Is it possible to solve the problem using another method? Yes, definitely. Let's imagine you have the same mixture, enclosed in a sealed vessel with volume V at room temperature. How can one calculate its molar value in the laboratory? mass? To do this, you will first need to weigh the vessel on an accurate scale. Label it mass like M.

5. Then, with the support of a connected pressure gauge, measure the pressure P inside the vessel. After this, using a hose connected to a vacuum pump, pump out a little mixtures. It is easy to realize that the pressure inside the vessel will decrease. After closing the valve, wait approximately 30 minutes for the mixture inside the vessel to return to ambient temperature. After checking this with a thermometer, measure the pressure mixtures pressure gauge. Label it P1. Weigh the vessel, mark a new one mass like M1.

7. It follows that m = (M – M1)RT/ (P – P1)V. And m is the same molar mass mixtures gases you need to know. By substituting known quantities into the formula, you will get the result.

The molar mass of a substance, denoted M, is the mass that 1 mole of a certain chemical substance has. Molar mass is measured in kg/mol or g/mol.


1. In order to determine the molar mass of a substance, you need to know its qualitative and quantitative composition. The molar mass expressed in g/mol is numerically equal to the relative molecular mass of the substance – Mr.

2. Molecular mass is the mass of a molecule of a substance, expressed in nuclear mass units. Molecular weight is also called molecular weight. In order to determine the molecular mass of a molecule, it is necessary to add up the relative masses of all the atoms that make up its composition.

3. Relative nuclear mass is the mass of an atom expressed in nuclear mass units. The nuclear mass unit is an accepted unit of measurement for nuclear and molecular masses, equal to 1/12 the mass of a neutral 12C atom, a particularly common isotope of carbon.

4. The nuclear masses of all chemical elements present in the earth's crust are presented in the periodic table. By summing up the relative nuclear masses of all the elements that make up a chemical substance or molecules, you will find the molecular mass of the chemical substance, which will be equal to the molar mass expressed in g/mol.

5. Also, the molar mass of a substance is equal to the ratio of the mass of the substance m (measured in kilograms or grams) to the number of the substance? (measured in moles).

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Considering that the value of the molar mass of a substance depends on its quality and quantitative composition, that is, it is defined as the sum of the relative masses of the elements included in its composition, different chemical substances, expressed by the same number of moles, have different masses m (kg or g).

The masses of atoms or molecules are extremely small, therefore in molecular physics, instead of the masses of molecules and atoms themselves, it is customary to use, according to Dalton’s proposal, their relative values, comparing mass molecule or atom with 1/12 of the mass of a carbon atom. The number of substances that contains the same number of molecules or atoms as there are in 12 grams of carbon is called a mole. The molar mass of a substance (M) is the mass of one mole. Molar mass is a scalar quantity; it is measured in the international SI system in kilograms divided by moles.


1. To calculate the molar mass it is enough to know two quantities: mass substance (m), expressed in kilograms, and the number of substance (v), measured in moles, substituting them in the formula: M = m/v. Example. Let's say we need to determine the molar mass 100 g of water in 3 moles. To do this, you must first translate mass water in from grams to kilograms – 100g=0.01kg. Next, substitute the values ​​into the formula to calculate the molar mass: M=m/v=0.01kg/3mol=0.003kg/mol.

2. If in the equation M=m/ ? substitute another known identity: ?=N/Nа, where N is the number of molecules or atoms of a substance, Nа is continuous Avogadro, equal to 6*10 to the 23rd power, then the molar mass is calculated using a different formula: M=m0*Nа. That is, there is another formula for calculating the molar mass. Example 2. The mass of a molecule of a substance is 3 * 10 (to the power of minus 27) kg. Detect Molar mass substances. Knowing the value of the continuous Avogadro number, solve the formula: M=3*10(to the minus 27th power)kg*6*10 (to the 23rd power)1/mol=18*10(to the minus 4th power)kg/mol.

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In a school chemistry course, we come across such a term as molar saturation. It is also present in chemistry textbooks prepared for university students. Knowing what molar mass is and how to calculate it is necessary both for schoolchildren and students who want to easily pass the chemistry exam, and for those who have decided to choose this science as their future profession.


1. During analytical chemistry experiments, sampling is extremely common. In all of the reviews, among other parameters, the amount of the substance taken is determined. In most problems of analytical chemistry one comes across such concepts as mole, number of substance, molar mass and saturation. Chemical concentrations are expressed by several methods. There are molar, mass and volume concentrations. Molar concentration is the ratio of the number of substances to the volume of solution. This idea is found in chemistry courses in grades 10 and 11. It is expressed as the formula: c (X) = n(X) / V, where n (X) is the number of solute X; V is the volume of the solution. Most often, the calculation of molar concentration is carried out in relation to solutions, since solutions consist of water and a dissolved substance, concentration which needs to be determined. The unit of measurement for molar concentration is mol/l.

2. Knowing the formula for molar concentration, you can prepare a solution. If the molar saturation is known, then the following formula is used to acquire the solution: Cb = mb/Mb * Vp Using this formula, the mass of the substance mb is calculated, and Vp does not change (Vp = const). After this, a substance of some mass is slowly mixed with water and a solution is obtained.

3. In analytical chemistry, when solving problems about solutions, molar saturation and mass fraction of a substance are interrelated. The mass fraction wb of a solute is the ratio of its mass mb to the mass of the solution mp:wb = mb/mp, where mp = mb + H2O (the solution consists of water and a solute) Molar saturation is equal to the product of the mass fraction by the density of the solution divided by the molar mass: сb = wb Pp-pa/ Mb

To determine the molar concentration of a solution, determine the number of substances in moles that are present per unit volume of the solution. To do this, find the mass and chemical formula of the dissolved substance, find its number in moles and divide by the volume of the solution.

You will need

  • graduated cylinder, scales, periodic table.


1. With the support of an accurate scale, discover the mass of the solute in grams. Determine its chemical formula. After this, using the periodic table, find the nuclear masses of all particles included in the molecule of the initial substance and add them up. If there are several identical particles in a molecule, multiply the nuclear mass of one particle by their number. The resulting number will be equal to the molar mass of the substance in grams per mole. Find the number of solute substances in moles by dividing the mass of the substance by its molar mass.

2. Dissolve the substance in a solvent. It can be water, alcohol, ether or another liquid. Make sure that there are no solid particles left in the solution. Pour the solution into a graduated cylinder and find its volume by the number of divisions on the scale. Do you measure volume in cm? or milliliters. To determine the simple molar concentration, divide the number of solute in moles by the volume of solution in cm?. The result will be in moles per cm?.

3. If the solution is already ready, then in most cases its saturation is determined in mass fractions. To determine the molar concentration, calculate the mass of the solute. Use a scale to determine the mass of the solution. Multiply the known percentage of solute by the mass of the solution and divide by 100%. For example, if you know that there is a 10% solution of table salt, you need to multiply the mass of the solution by 10 and divide by 100.

4. Determine the chemical form of the solute and, using the methodology already described, determine its molar mass. After this, find the number of solute in moles by dividing the calculated mass by the molar mass. Using a graduated cylinder, find the volume of each solution and divide the number of substances in moles by this volume. The result will be the molar saturation of the substance in this solution.

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Nitrogen is an element with nuclear number 7 in the periodic table of chemical elements, which was discovered by D. I. Mendeleev. Nitrogen is designated by the symbol N and has the formula N2. Under typical conditions, nitrogen is a diatomic gas that is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. It is this element that makes up three-quarters of our earth’s atmosphere.


1. Today, nitrogen is widely used in various types of production. Thus, compounds containing this element are used in the creation of dyes, explosives, medicines and other chemical industries.

2. Nitrogen gas has good properties that prevent rotting, decomposition, and oxidation of materials. It is used for purging various pipelines and for filling tire chambers of cars and aircraft. In addition, nitrogen is used for the production of ammonia, special nitrogen fertilizers, in coke production, etc.

3. How to detect mass nitrogen know, of course, only expert chemists and physicists, and the formulas given just below will allow you to subtract and find out mass this substance even to the most inexperienced pupils or students.

4. It turns out that it is famous that the molecule nitrogen has the formula N2, the nuclear mass or the so-called molar mass is 14.00674 a. e.m. (g/mol), and, consequently, the color mass of the molecule nitrogen will be equal to 14.00674? 2 = 28.01348, round to get 28.

5. If you need to determine mass molecules nitrogen in kilograms, then this can be done using the following method: 28?1 a. e.m. = 28 ? 1.6605402 (10) ? 10? 27 kg = 46.5? 10?27 kg = 438. Determination of mass nitrogen will allow in the future to easily calculate formulas containing mass molecules nitrogen, as well as find the necessary components, which, for example, are unknown in a chemical or physical problem.

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In industry, nitrogen is used mainly to purchase ammonia, and is also used to provide an inert environment in various chemical processes, often in metallurgical plants when pumping flammable liquids. Liquid nitrogen is widely used as a refrigerant; due to its “freezing” properties, it is actively used in medicine, exclusively in cosmetology.

Molecular weight is molecular weight, which can also be called the mass value of a molecule. Molecular mass is expressed in nuclear mass units. If we analyze the value of molecular mass in parts, it turns out that the sum of the masses of all the atoms that make up the molecule represents its molecular mass mass. If we talk about units of mass, then preferably all measurements are made in grams.


1. The representation of molecular weight itself is related to the representation of the molecule. But it is impossible to say that this condition can be applied only to such substances where the molecule, say, hydrogen, is located separately. For cases where the molecules are not separately from the rest, but in a narrow connection, all of the above data and definitions are also valid.

2. To begin with, in order to determine mass hydrogen, you will need some substance that contains hydrogen and from which it can be easily isolated. This can be some kind of alcohol solution or another mixture, some of the components of which, under certain conditions, change their state and easily free the solution from its presence. Find a solution from which you can evaporate necessary or unnecessary substances using heating. This is the easiest method. Now decide whether you will evaporate a substance that you do not need or whether it will be hydrogen, a molecular mass which you plan to measure. If an obscene substance evaporates, it’s nothing terrible, the main thing is that it is not toxic. in case of evaporation of the desired substance, you need to prepare the equipment so that all the evaporation is preserved in the flask.

3. After you have separated everything indecent from the composition, start measuring. For this purpose, Avogadro's number is suitable for you. It is with its support that you will be able to calculate the relative nuclear and molecular mass hydrogen. Find all the options you need hydrogen which are present in every table, determine the density of the resulting gas, because it will fit one of the formulas. After this, substitute all the resulting results and, if necessary, change the unit of measurement to grams, as discussed above.

4. The representation of molecular weight is especially relevant when it comes to polymers. It is for them that it is more significant to introduce the representation of average molecular weight, due to the heterogeneity of the molecules included in their composition. Also, by the average molecular weight, one can judge how high the degree of polymerization of a particular substance is.

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In chemistry, the mole is used as a unit of number for a substance. A substance has three collations: mass, molar mass and number of substance. Molar mass is the mass of one mole of a substance.


1. One mole of a substance is the number that contains as many structural units as there are atoms in 0.012 kg of an ordinary (non-radioactive) carbon isotope. The structural units of matter include molecules, atoms, ions and electrons. When, in the conditions of the problem, a substance with a relative nuclear mass Ar is given, from the formula of the substance, depending on the formulation of the problem, either the mass of one mole of the same substance or its molar mass is found by performing calculations. The relative nuclear mass of Ar is a value equal to the ratio of the average mass of an isotope of an element to 1/12 of the mass of carbon.

2. Both organic and inorganic substances have molar mass. For example, calculate this parameter in relation to water H2O and methane CH3. First, find the molar mass of water:M(H2O)=2Ar(H)+Ar(O)=2*1+16=18 g/molMethane is a gas of organic origin. This means that its molecule contains hydrogen and carbon atoms. Each molecule of this gas contains three hydrogen atoms and one carbon atom. Calculate the molar mass of this substance as follows: M(CH3)=Ar(C)+2Ar(H)=12+3*1=15 g/mol Similarly, calculate the molar masses of any other substances.

3. Also, the mass of one mole of a substance or the molar mass is found by knowing the mass and number of the substance. In this case, molar mass is calculated as the ratio of the mass of a substance to its number. The formula looks like this: M=m/?, where M is molar mass, m is mass, ? – the number of a substance. The molar mass of a substance is expressed in grams or kilograms per mole. If the mass of a molecule of a particular substance is known, then, knowing Avogadro’s number, it is possible to determine the mass of one mole of a substance in the following way: Mr = Na*ma, where Mr is the molar mass, Na is Avogadro’s number, ma is the mass of the molecule. So, say, Knowing the mass of a carbon atom, it is possible to determine the molar mass of this substance: Mr=Na*ma=6.02*10^23*1.993*10^-26=12 g/mol

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What is molar saturation? This is a value showing how many moles of a particular substance are in one liter of solution. The method for finding the molar mass depends on the conditions of the problem.

You will need

  • – precision scales;
  • – measuring container;
  • – salt solubility table;
  • – Periodic table.


1. Let's say you are given a task: to determine what the molar saturation of a solution of 71 grams of sodium sulfate contained in 450 milliliters of solution is.

2. Before everyone else, write the exact formula of sodium sulfate: Na2SO4. Write down the nuclear weights of all the elements that make up the molecule of this substance: Na – 23, S – 32, O -16. Don’t forget to multiply by the indices! The final nuclear weights are: Na – 46, S – 32, O – 64. Consequently, the molecular weight of sodium sulfate is 142.

3. By dividing the actual mass of sodium sulfate by the molar mass, find out how many moles of this salt are in the solution. This is done as follows: 71/142 = 0.5 mol.

4. If 71 grams of sodium sulfate were contained in 1000 ml of solution, it would be a 0.5 molar solution. But you have 450 milliliters, therefore, you need to recalculate: 0.5 * 1000 / 450 = 1.111 or rounded 1.1 molar solution. The problem is solved.

5. Well, what if you were given (say, at a laboratory workshop in chemistry) an unknown amount of some substance, say, sodium chloride, a container with an unknown amount of water, and were asked to determine the molar concentration solution, the one that has not yet been obtained? And there is nothing complicated here.

6. Carefully weigh the sodium chloride, preferably on an accurate (laboratory, ideally analytical) balance. Write down or remember the result.

7. Pour the water into a measuring container (a laboratory graduated beaker or a graduated cylinder), set its volume, and, accordingly, its mass, based on the fact that the density of the water is 1.

8. Make sure, using the salt solubility table, that each sodium chloride will dissolve in that amount of water at room temperature.

9. Dissolve the salt in water and again, using a measuring container, set the exact volume of the resulting solution. Calculate molar concentration solution according to the formula: m * 1000 / (M * V), where m is the actual mass of sodium chloride, M is its molar mass (approximately 58.5), V is the volume of the solution in milliliters.

10. Let's say the mass of sodium chloride was 12 grams, the volume of the solution was 270 ml. 12000 / (58.5 * 270) = 0.7597. (Approximately 0.76 molar solution).

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Molar mass is the mass of one mole of a substance, that is, a value indicating how much of a substance contains 6.022 * 10 (to the power of 23) particles (atoms, molecules, ions). What if we are not talking about a pure substance, but about a mixture of substances? Let's say about the air that is vitally needed by a person; tea, it is a mixture of a great variety of gases. How to calculate its molar mass?

You will need

  • – precision laboratory scales;
  • – round-bottomed flask with a ground section and a stopcock;
  • – vacuum pump;
  • – pressure gauge with two taps and connecting hoses;
  • – thermometer.


1. Before everyone else, think about the possible calculation errors. If you do not need high accuracy, limit yourself to only the three most significant components: nitrogen, oxygen and argon, and take “rounded” values ​​for their concentrations. If you need a more accurate result, then also use carbon dioxide in the calculations and you can do without rounding.

2. Let's imagine that you are satisfied with the 1st option. Write the molecular weights of these components and their mass concentrations in the air: - nitrogen (N2). Molecular weight 28, mass saturation 75.50%; - oxygen (O2). Molecular weight 32, mass saturation 23.15%; - argon (Ar). Molecular weight 40, mass saturation 1.29%.

3. To simplify calculations, round the concentration values: - for nitrogen - up to 76%; - for oxygen - up to 23%; - for argon - up to 1.3%.

4. Make a simple calculation: 28* 0.76 + 32* 0.23 + 40*0.013 = 29.16 grams/mol.

5. The resulting value is very close to that indicated in reference books: 28.98 grams/mol. The discrepancy is due to rounding.

6. You can determine the molar mass of air with the help of a simple laboratory skill. To do this, measure the mass of the flask with the air in it.

7. Write down the result. Then, having connected the flask hose to the pressure gauge, open the tap and, turning on the pump, begin to pump out air from the flask.

8. Wait a while (so that the air in the flask warms up to room temperature), record the readings of the pressure gauge and thermometer. After this, closing the tap on the flask, disconnect its hose from the pressure gauge, and weigh the flask with a new (reduced) amount of air. Write down the outcome.

9. Then the universal Mendeleev-Clapeyron equation will come to your aid: PVm = MRT. Write it in a slightly modified form: ?PVm = ?MRT, and you know both the metamorphosis of air pressure?P and the metamorphosis of air mass?M. The molar mass of air m is easily calculated: m = ?MRT/?PV.

Useful advice
The Mendeleev-Clapeyron equation describes the state of a perfect gas, which air, of course, is not. But at pressure and temperature values ​​close to typical, the errors are so insignificant that they can be neglected.

Molar mass is the most important combination of any substance, including oxygen. Knowing the molar mass, it is possible to make calculations of chemical reactions, physical processes, etc. This value can be determined using the periodic table or the equation of state of an immaculate gas.

You will need

  • – periodic table of chemical elements;
  • - scales;
  • – pressure gauge;
  • – thermometer.


1. If it is true that the gas being studied is oxygen, identify the corresponding element in the periodic table of chemical elements (periodic table). Find the element oxygen, designated by the Latin letter O, the one located at number 8.

2. Its nuclear mass is 15.9994. Since this mass is indicated taking into account the presence of isotopes, then take the most well-known oxygen atom, the relative nuclear mass of which will be 16.

3. Consider the fact that the oxygen molecule is diatomic, therefore the relative molecular mass of oxygen gas will be equal to 32. It is numerically equal to the molar mass of oxygen. That is, the molar mass of oxygen will be 32 g/mol. To convert this value into kilograms per mole, divide it by 1000, you get 0.032 kg/mol.

4. If it is true that the gas in question is oxygen, determine its molar mass using the equation of state of an immaculate gas. In cases where there are no ultra-high or ultra-low temperatures and high pressure, when the state of aggregation of a substance can change, oxygen can be considered an ideal gas. Pump out the air from a sealed cylinder equipped with a pressure gauge, the volume of which is known. Weigh it on a scale.

5. Fill it with gas and weigh it again. The difference in mass between an empty and a gas-filled cylinder will be equal to the mass of the gas itself. Express it in grams. Using a pressure gauge, determine the gas pressure in the cylinder in Pascals. Its temperature will be equal to the ambient air temperature. Measure it with a thermometer and convert it to Kelvin by adding 273 to the value in degrees Celsius.

6. Calculate the molar mass of the gas by multiplying its mass m by the temperature T, and the universal gas continuous R (8.31). Divide the resulting number stepwise by the values ​​of pressure P and volume V (M=m 8.31 T/(P V)). The result should be close to 32 g/mol.

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The mass of 1 mole of a substance is called its molar mass and is designated by the letter M. The units of measurement of molar mass are g/mol. The method for calculating this value depends on the given conditions.

You will need

  • – periodic table of chemical elements D.I. Periodic table (periodic table);
  • - calculator.


1. If the chemical formula of a substance is known, then its molar mass can be calculated using the periodic table. The molar mass of a substance (M) is equal to its relative molecular mass (Mr). In order to calculate it, find in the periodic table the nuclear masses of all elements that make up the substance (Ar). Traditionally, this is the number written in the lower right corner of the cell of the corresponding element under its serial number. Let's say the nuclear mass of hydrogen is 1 – Ar (H) = 1, the nuclear mass of oxygen is 16 – Ar (O) = 16, the nuclear mass of sulfur is 32 – Ar (S) = 32.

2. In order to find out the molecular and molar mass substance, it is necessary to add up the relative nuclear masses of the elements included in it, taking into account the number of their atoms. Mr = Ar1n1+Ar2n2+…+Arxnx. Thus, the molar mass of water (H2O) is equal to the sum of the nuclear mass of hydrogen (H) multiplied by 2 and the nuclear mass of oxygen (O). M(H2O) = Ar(H)?2 + Ar(O) = 1?2 +16=18(g/mol). The molar mass of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is equal to the sum of the nuclear mass of hydrogen (H) multiplied by 2, the nuclear mass of sulfur (S) and the nuclear mass of oxygen (O) multiplied by 4. M (H2SO4) = Ar (H) ?2 + Ar(S) + Ar(O)?4=1?2 + 32 + 16?4 = 98(g/mol). The molar mass of primitive substances consisting of one element is calculated in the same way. Let's say the molar mass of oxygen gas (O2) is equal to the nuclear mass of the oxygen element (O) multiplied by 2. M (O2) = 16?2 = 32 (g/mol).

3. If the chemical formula of a substance is unfamiliar, but its number and mass are known, its molar mass can be detected using the formula: M=m/n, where M is the molar mass, m is the mass of the substance, n is the number of the substance. Let's say it is known that 2 moles of a substance have mass 36 g, then its molar mass is M= m/n=36 g? 2 mol = 18 g/mol (most likely each is water H2O). If 1.5 mol of a substance has mass 147 g, then its molar mass is M = m/n = 147 g? 1.5 mol = 98 g/mol (most likely each is sulfuric acid H2SO4).

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Molar equivalent mass shows the mass of one mole of a substance. It is designated large by the letter M. 1 mole is the number of a substance that contains the number of particles (atoms, molecules, ions, free electrons) equal to Avogadro’s number (continuous value). Avogadro's number is approximately 6.0221 · 10^23 (particles).


1. In order to discover the molar mass substances, multiply mass one molecule of a given substance per Avogadro number: M = m(1 molecule) N(A).

2. Molar mass has the dimension [g/mol]. So, write down the total in these units of measurement.

3. Molar mass equivalent is numerically equal to its relative molecular weight. The relative molecular mass of a substance is denoted as M(r). It shows the ratio of the mass of a molecule of the specified substance to 1/12 of the mass of an atom of the carbon isotope (with nuclear number 12).

4. 1/12 of the mass of an atom of the carbon isotope (12) has the symbol – 1 a.m.u.:1 a.m.u. = 1/12 m(C) ? 1.66057 · 10^(-27) kg? 1.66057 10^(-24) g.

5. It should be understood that relative molecular mass is a dimensionless quantity; therefore, it is impossible to put an identity sign between it and molar mass.

6. If you want to find a molar mass individual element, refer to the table of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev. The molar mass of an element will be equal to the relative mass of an atom of this element, which is usually indicated at the bottom of each cell. Hydrogen has a relative nuclear mass 1, helium – 4, lithium – 7, beryllium – 9, etc. If the problem does not require high precision, use the rounded mass value.

7. Let's say the molar mass of the element oxygen is approximately 16 (in a table this could be written as 15.9994).

8. If you need to calculate the molar mass simple gaseous substance, the molecule of which has two atoms (O2, H2, N2), multiply the nuclear mass element per 2:M(H2) = 1 2 = 2 (g/mol); M(N2) = 14 2 = 28 (g/mol).

9. The molar mass of a difficult substance is the sum of the molar masses of each of its constituent components. In this case, the nuclear number that you find in the periodic table is multiplied by the corresponding index of the element in the substance.

10. For example, water has the formula H(2)O. Molar mass of hydrogen in water: M(H2) = 2 (g/mol); Molar mass of oxygen in water: M(O) = 16 (g/mol); Molar mass of each water molecule: M(H(2)O) = 2 + 16 = 18 (g/mol).

11. Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) has the formula NaHCO(3).M(Na) = 23 (g/mol);M(H) = 1 (g/mol);M(C) = 12 (g/mol);M (O3) = 16 3 = 48 (g/mol); M(NaHCO3) = 23 + 1 + 12 + 48 = 84 (g/mol).

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Molar saturation is a value that shows how many moles of a substance are in 1 liter of solution. Let's say that a liter of solution contains exactly 58.5 grams of table salt - sodium chloride. Since the molar value of this substance is exactly 58.5 g/mol, we can say that in this case you have a one-molar salt solution. (Or, as written, 1M solution).

You will need

  • – table of solubility of substances.


1. The solution to this problem depends on certain conditions. If you know the exact mass of the substance and the exact volume of the solution, then the solution is very primitive. Let's say 15 grams of barium chloride is contained in 400 milliliters of solution. What is its molar saturation?

2. Start by remembering the exact formula of this salt: BaCl2. Using the periodic table, determine the nuclear masses of the elements included in its composition. And, taking into account the index 2 of chlorine, you get the molecular weight: 137 + 71 = 208. Consequently, the molar mass of barium chloride is 208 g/mol.

3. And according to the conditions of the problem, the solution contains 15 grams of this substance. How much is this in moles? Dividing 15 by 208 gives: approximately 0.072 moles.

4. Now you need to take into account that the volume of the solution is 1 liter, and each is 0.4. Dividing 0.072 by 0.4 gives the result: 0.18. That is, you have approximately a 0.18 molar solution of barium chloride.

5. Let's complicate the solution of the problem a little. Let’s imagine that you would begin to dissolve in 100 milliliters of water at room temperature the already mentioned table salt, which is very familiar to you, sodium chloride. You added it in small portions, stirring thoroughly and waiting until it was completely dissolved. And then the moment came when another tiny fraction did not dissolve completely, despite the intense stirring. It is required to determine what the molar saturation of the resulting solution is.

6. Before everyone else, you need to discover the solubility tables of substances. They are in most chemical reference books; you can also find this data on the Internet. You can easily determine that at room temperature the saturation limit (that is, the solubility limit) of sodium chloride is 31.6 grams/100 grams of water.

7. According to the conditions of the problem, you dissolved salt in 100 milliliters of water, but in tea its density is actually equal to 1. So let’s sum it up: the resulting solution contains approximately 31.6 grams of sodium chloride. A small undissolved excess, as well as some change in volume when dissolving the salt, can be neglected; the error will be small.

8. Accordingly, 1 liter of solution would contain 10 times more salt – 316 grams. Considering that the molar mass of sodium chloride, as stated at the very beginning, is 58.5 g/mol, you will easily find the result: 316/58.5 = 5.4 molar solution.

Molar mass substances– this is the mass of one mole, that is, its number, which contains 6.022 * 10^23 elementary particles - atoms, ions or molecules. Its unit of measurement is gram/mol.


1. To calculate the molar mass, you only need the periodic table, basic chemistry skills and the knowledge to make calculations, of course. Let's say, a widely known substance is sulfuric acid. It is so widely used in a wide variety of industries that it rightfully bears the name “the blood of chemistry.” What is its molecular weight?

2. Write the exact formula of sulfuric acid: H2SO4. Now take the periodic table and see what the nuclear masses of all the elements that make up it are. There are three of these elements - hydrogen, sulfur and oxygen. The nuclear mass of hydrogen is 1, sulfur – 32, oxygen – 16. Consequently, the total molecular mass of sulfuric acid, taking into account the indices, is equal to: 1*2 + 32 + 16*4 = 98 amu (nuclear mass units).

3. Now let's remember another definition of mole: this is the number substances, the mass of which in grams is numerically equal to its mass expressed in nuclear units. Thus, it turns out that 1 mole of sulfuric acid weighs 98 grams. This is its molar mass. The problem is solved.

4. Let's imagine you are given the following data: there are 800 milliliters of a 0.2 molar solution (0.2 M) of some salt, and it is known that in dry form this salt weighs 25 grams. It is required to calculate its molar mass .

5. First, recall the definition of a 1-molar (1M) solution. This is a solution, 1 liter of which contains 1 mole of some substances. Accordingly, 1 liter of 0.2 M solution would contain 0.2 mol substances. But you have not 1 liter, but 0.8 liters. Consequently, in reality you have 0.8 * 0.2 = 0.16 moles substances .

6. And then everything becomes easier than ever. If 25 grams of salt according to the conditions of the problem is 0.16 moles, what number is equal to one mole? After performing the calculation in one step, you will find: 25/0.16 = 156.25 grams. The molar mass of salt is 156.25 grams/mol. The problem is solved.

7. In your calculations, you used the rounded values ​​of the nuclear weights of hydrogen, sulfur and oxygen. If you need to make calculations with high precision, rounding is unacceptable.


Examples of solving typical problems

V. Determination of the average molar mass of a mixture of gases

Formulas and concepts used:

where M(mixture) is the average molar mass of a mixture of gases,

M(A), M(B), M(B) are the molar masses of mixture components A, B and C,

χ(A), χ(B), χ(B) - mole fractions of mixture components A, B and C,

φ(A), φ(B), φ(B) - volume fractions of mixture components A, B and C,

M(sur.) - molar mass of air, g/mol,

M r (sur.) - relative molecular mass of air.

Problem 23. Calculate the molar mass of a mixture in which the volume fractions of methane and butane are 85 and 15%, respectively.

The molar mass of a mixture is the mass of all its components taken in a total amount of substance in the mixture of 1 mol (M(CH4) = 16 g/mol, M(C4H10) = 58 g/mol). The average molar mass of the mixture can be calculated using the formula:

Answer: M(mixture) = 22.3 g/mol.

Problem 24. Determine the density of a gas mixture with nitrogen, in which the volume fractions of carbon(I V) oxide, sulfur(I V) oxide and carbon(II) oxide are 35.25 and 40%, respectively.

1. Calculate the molar mass of the mixture (M(C O 2) = 44 g/mol, M (SO 2) = 64 g/mol, M(CO) = 28 g/mol):

2. Calculate the relative density of the mixture with nitrogen:

Answer: D N2 (mixtures) = 1.52.

Problem 25. The density of the mixture of acetylene and butene behind helium is 11. Determine the volume fraction of acetylene in the mixture.

1. Using the formula, we determine the molar mass of the mixture (M(He) = 4 g/mol):

2. Suppose we have 1 mole of mixture. It contains x mol C 2 H 2, then in accordance with

3. Let us write the expression for calculating the average molar mass of the gas mixture:

Let's substitute all known data: M(C 2 H 2) = 26 g/mol, M(C 4 H 8) = 56 g/mol:

4. Therefore, 1 mol of the mixture contains 0.4 mol of C 2 H 2. Let's calculate the mole fraction χ(C 2 H 2):

For gases φ(X) = χ(X). Therefore, φ(C 2 H 4) = 40%.

Determination of the average molar mass of a mixture of gases - Examples of solving typical problems - Basic chemical concepts. Substance - GENERAL CHEMISTRY - CHEMISTRY - Comprehensive preparation for external independent testing According to the current EIT program - intended for preparation for external independent assessment. It contains theoretical material presented in accordance with the current chemistry program for secondary schools and the Higher Education program; examples of solving typical problems; thematic test tasks.


Electronic textbook
Moscow 2013

2. Basic concepts and laws of chemistry. Atomic-molecular science

2.10. Examples of problem solving

2.10.1. Calculation of relative and absolute masses of atoms and molecules

The relative masses of atoms and molecules are determined using those given in the table by D.I. Mendeleev's values ​​of atomic masses. At the same time, when carrying out calculations for educational purposes, the values ​​of the atomic masses of elements are usually rounded to whole numbers (with the exception of chlorine, the atomic mass of which is taken equal to 35.5).

Example 1. Relative atomic mass of calcium A r (Ca) = 40; relative atomic mass of platinum A r (Pt) = 195.

The relative mass of a molecule is calculated as the sum of the relative atomic masses of the atoms that make up a given molecule, taking into account the amount of their substance.

Example 2. Relative molar mass of sulfuric acid:

The absolute masses of atoms and molecules are found by dividing the mass of 1 mole of a substance by Avogadro's number.

Example 3. Determine the mass of one calcium atom.

Solution. The atomic mass of calcium is A r (Ca) = 40 g/mol. The mass of one calcium atom will be equal to:

m(Ca)= A r (Ca) : N A =40: 6.02 · 10 23 = 6,64· 10 -23 years

Example 4. Determine the mass of one molecule of sulfuric acid.

Solution. The molar mass of sulfuric acid is M r (H 2 SO 4) = 98. The mass of one molecule m (H 2 SO 4) is equal to:

2.10.2. Calculation of the amount of substance and calculation of the number of atomic and molecular particles from known values ​​of mass and volume

The amount of a substance is determined by dividing its mass, expressed in grams, by its atomic (molar) mass. The amount of a substance in the gaseous state at zero level is found by dividing its volume by the volume of 1 mole of gas (22.4 l).

Example 5. Determine the amount of sodium substance n(Na) contained in 57.5 g of sodium metal.

Solution. The relative atomic mass of sodium is equal to A r (Na) = 23. We find the amount of a substance by dividing the mass of sodium metal by its atomic mass:

Example 6. Determine the amount of nitrogen substance if its volume at normal conditions. is 5.6 l.

Solution. The amount of nitrogen substance n(N 2) is found by dividing its volume by the volume of 1 mole of gas (22.4 l):

The number of atoms and molecules in a substance is determined by multiplying the amount of substance of atoms and molecules by Avogadro's number.

Example 7. Determine the number of molecules contained in 1 kg of water.

Solution. We find the amount of water substance by dividing its mass (1000 g) by its molar mass (18 g/mol):

The number of molecules in 1000 g of water will be:

N(H 2 O) = 55.5 · 6,02· 10 23 = 3,34· 10 24 .

Example 8. Determine the number of atoms contained in 1 liter (n.s.) of oxygen.

Solution. The amount of oxygen substance, the volume of which under normal conditions is 1 liter, is equal to:

n(O 2) = 1: 22.4 = 4.46 · 10 -2 mol.

The number of oxygen molecules in 1 liter (n.s.) will be:

N(O 2) = 4.46 · 10 -2 · 6,02· 10 23 = 2,69· 10 22 .

It should be noted that 26.9 · 10 22 molecules will be contained in 1 liter of any gas at ambient conditions. Since the oxygen molecule is diatomic, the number of oxygen atoms in 1 liter will be 2 times greater, i.e. 5.38 · 10 22 .

2.10.3. Calculation of the average molar mass of a gas mixture and volume fraction
gases contained in it

The average molar mass of a gas mixture is calculated based on the molar masses of the gases that make up this mixture and their volume fractions.

Example 9. Assuming that the content (in percent by volume) of nitrogen, oxygen and argon in the air is 78, 21 and 1, respectively, calculate the average molar mass of air.


M air = 0.78 · M r (N 2)+0.21 · M r (O 2)+0.01 · M r (Ar)= 0.78 · 28+0,21· 32+0,01· 40 = 21,84+6,72+0,40=28,96

or approximately 29 g/mol.

Example 10. A gas mixture contains 12 l NH 3, 5 l N 2 and 3 l H 2, measured at no. Calculate the volume fractions of gases in this mixture and its average molar mass.

Solution. The total volume of the gas mixture is V=12+5+3=20 liters. The volume fractions j of gases will be equal:

The average molar mass is calculated based on the volume fractions of the gases that make up this mixture and their molecular weights:

M=0.6 · M(NH 3)+0.25 · M(N 2)+0.15 · M(H2) = 0.6 · 17+0,25· 28+0,15· 2 = 17,5.

2.10.4. Calculation of the mass fraction of a chemical element in a chemical compound

The mass fraction ω of a chemical element is defined as the ratio of the mass of an atom of a given element X contained in a given mass of a substance to the mass of this substance m. Mass fraction is a dimensionless quantity. It is expressed in fractions of unity:

ω(X) = m(X)/m (0 o C and a pressure of 200 kPa, the mass of 3.0 liters of gas is 6.0 g. Determine the molar mass of this gas.

Solution. Substituting known quantities into the Clapeyron–Mendeleev equation we obtain:

M = mRT/PV = 6.0 · 8,31· 313/(200· 3,0)= 26,0.

The gas in question is acetylene C 2 H 2 .

Example 17. The combustion of 5.6 liters (n.s.) of hydrocarbon produced 44.0 g of carbon dioxide and 22.5 g of water. The relative density of the hydrocarbon with respect to oxygen is 1.8125. Determine the true chemical formula of the hydrocarbon.

Solution. The reaction equation for hydrocarbon combustion can be represented as follows:

The amount of hydrocarbon is 5.6:22.4=0.25 mol. As a result of the reaction, 1 mol of carbon dioxide and 1.25 mol of water are formed, which contains 2.5 mol of hydrogen atoms. When a hydrocarbon is burned with an amount of 1 mole of the substance, 4 moles of carbon dioxide and 5 moles of water are obtained. Thus, 1 mole of hydrocarbon contains 4 moles of carbon atoms and 10 moles of hydrogen atoms, i.e. the chemical formula of the hydrocarbon is C 4 H 10. The molar mass of this hydrocarbon is M=4 · 12+10=58. Its relative oxygen density D=58:32=1.8125 corresponds to the value given in the problem statement, which confirms the correctness of the found chemical formula.


INTRODUCTION TO GENERAL CHEMISTRY Electronic textbook Moscow 2013 2. Basic concepts and laws of chemistry. Atomic-molecular science 2.10. Examples of solving problems 2.10.1. Calculation of relative

If ideal gases are in communicating cylinders separated by a tap, then when the tap is opened, the gases in the cylinders mix with each other and each of them fills the volume of both cylinders.

For an ideal gas (or two different gases) located in communicating cylinders, when the tap is opened, some parameters become the same:

  • The pressure of the gas (or mixture of gases) after opening the tap is equalized:
  • gas (or a mixture of gases) after opening the tap occupies the entire volume provided to it, i.e. volume of both vessels:

where V 1 is the volume of the first cylinder; V 2 - volume of the second cylinder;

  • the temperature of the gas (or mixture of gases) after opening the tap is equalized:
  • The gas density ρ and its concentration n in both cylinders become the same:

ρ = const, n = const,

If the cylinders have the same volume, then the masses of gas (or mixture of gases) in each cylinder after opening the tap become the same:

m ′ 1 = m ′ 2 = m ′ = m 1 + m 2 2 ,

where m ′ 1 is the mass of gas (or mixture of gases) in the first cylinder after opening the tap; m ′ 2 - mass of gas (or mixture of gases) in the second cylinder after opening the tap; m ′ - mass of gas (or mixture of gases) in each cylinder after opening the tap; m 1 - mass of gas in the first cylinder before opening the tap; m 2 is the mass of gas in the second cylinder before opening the tap.

The mass of gas transferred from one vessel to another as a result of opening the tap is determined by the following expressions:

  • change in gas mass in the first cylinder

Δ m 1 = | m ′ 1 − m 1 | = | m 1 + m 2 2 − m 1 | = | m 2 − m 1 | 2 ;

  • change in gas mass in the second cylinder

Δ m 2 = | m ′ 2 − m 2 | = | m 1 + m 2 2 − m 2 | = | m 1 − m 2 | 2.

The changes in the mass of gas (or mixture of gases) in both cylinders are the same:

Δ m 1 = Δ m 2 = Δ m = | m 2 − m 1 | 2,

those. how much gas left the cylinder with a larger mass of gas - the same amount of gas entered the cylinder with a smaller mass.

If the cylinders have the same volume, then the amounts of gas (or mixture of gases) in each cylinder after opening the tap become the same:

ν ′ 1 = ν ′ 2 = ν ′ = ν 1 + ν 2 2 ,

where ν ′ 1 is the amount of gas (or mixture of gases) in the first cylinder after opening the tap; ν ′ 2 - the amount of gas (or mixture of gases) in the second cylinder after opening the tap; ν′ - the amount of gas (or mixture of gases) in each cylinder after opening the tap; ν 1 - the amount of gas in the first cylinder before opening the tap; ν 2 - the amount of gas in the second cylinder before opening the tap.

The amount of gas transferred from one vessel to another as a result of opening the tap is determined by the following expressions:

  • change in the amount of gas in the first cylinder

Δ ν 1 = | ν ′ 1 − ν 1 | = | ν 1 + ν 2 2 − ν 1 | = | ν 2 − ν 1 | 2 ;

  • change in the amount of gas in the second cylinder

Δ ν 2 = | ν ′ 2 − ν 2 | = | ν 1 + ν 2 2 − ν 2 | = | ν 1 − ν 2 | 2.

Changes in the amount of gas (or mixture of gases) in both cylinders are the same:

Δ ν 1 = Δ ν 2 = Δ ν = | ν 2 − ν 1 | 2,

those. how much gas left the cylinder with a large amount of gas - the same amount of gas came into the cylinder with a smaller amount.

For an ideal gas (or two different gases) located in communicating cylinders, when the tap is opened, the pressure becomes the same:

and is determined by Dalton’s law (for a mixture of gases) -

where p 1, p 2 are the partial pressures of the mixture components.

The partial pressures of the mixture components can be calculated as follows:

  • using the Mendeleev-Clapeyron equation; then the pressure is determined by the formula

p = (ν 1 + ν 2) R T V 1 + V 2,

where ν 1 is the amount of substance of the first component of the mixture; ν 2 - the amount of substance of the second component of the mixture; R is the universal gas constant, R ≈ 8.31 J/(mol ⋅ K); T - mixture temperature; V 1 - volume of the first cylinder; V 2 - volume of the second cylinder;

  • using the basic equation of molecular kinetic theory; then the pressure is determined by the formula

p = (N 1 + N 2) k T V 1 + V 2,

where N 1 is the number of molecules of the first component of the mixture; N 2 is the number of molecules of the second component of the mixture; k is Boltzmann’s constant, k = 1.38 ⋅ 10 −23 J/K.

Example 26. Determine the average molar mass of a mixture of gases consisting of 3.0 kg of hydrogen, 1.0 kg of helium and 8.0 kg of oxygen. The molar masses of hydrogen, helium and oxygen are 2.0, 4.0 and 32 g/mol, respectively.

Solution. The average molar mass of the mixture is determined by the formula

where m is the mass of the mixture; ν is the amount of substance in the mixture.

We find the mass of the mixture as the sum of masses -

where m 1 is the mass of hydrogen; m 2 - helium mass; m 3 is the mass of oxygen.

Similarly, we find the amount of substance -

where ν 1 is the amount of hydrogen in the mixture, ν 1 = m 1 / M 1 ; M 1 - molar mass of hydrogen; ν 2 - the amount of helium in the mixture, ν 2 = m 2 / M 2; M 2 - molar mass of helium; ν 3 - the amount of oxygen in the mixture, ν 3 = m 3 / M 3; M 3 - molar mass of oxygen.

Substituting expressions for the mass and amount of a substance into the original formula gives

〈 M 〉 = m 1 + m 2 + m 3 ν 1 + ν 2 + ν 3 = m 1 + m 2 + m 3 m 1 M 1 + m 2 M 2 + m 3 M 3 .

〈 M 〉 = 3.0 + 1.0 + 8.0 3.0 2.0 ⋅ 10 − 3 + 1.0 4.0 ⋅ 10 − 3 + 8.0 32 ⋅ 10 − 3 =

6.0 ⋅ 10 − 3 kg/mol = 6.0 g/mol.

Example 27. The density of a mixture of gases consisting of helium and hydrogen, at a pressure of 3.50 MPa and a temperature of 300 K, is 4.50 kg/m 3. Determine the mass of helium in 4.00 m 3 of the mixture. The molar masses of hydrogen and helium are 0.002 and 0.004 kg/mol, respectively.

Solution. To find the mass of helium m2 in the indicated volume, it is necessary to determine the density of helium in the mixture:

where ρ 2 is the density of helium; V is the volume of the gas mixture.

The density of the mixture is determined as the sum of the densities of hydrogen and helium:

where ρ 1 is the density of hydrogen.

However, the written formula contains two unknown quantities - the densities of hydrogen and helium. To determine these values, another equation is required, which includes the densities of hydrogen and helium.

Let's write down Dalton's law for the pressure of a gas mixture:

where p 1 - hydrogen pressure; p 2 - helium pressure.

To determine gas pressures, we write the equation of state in the following form:

p 1 = ρ 1 R T M 1 ,

p 2 = ρ 2 R T M 2 ,

where R is the universal gas constant, R ≈ 8.31 J/(mol ⋅ K); T - mixture temperature; M 1 - molar mass of hydrogen; M 2 - molar mass of helium.

Substituting the expressions for the pressures of hydrogen and helium into Dalton's law gives

p = ρ 1 R T M 1 + ρ 2 R T M 2 .

Another equation was obtained with two unknown quantities - the density of hydrogen and the density of helium.

Formulas for calculating the density and pressure of the mixture form a system of equations:

ρ = ρ 1 + ρ 2 , p = ρ 1 R T M 1 + ρ 2 R T M 2 , >

which needs to be solved relative to the density of helium.

To do this, we express the densities of hydrogen from the first and second equations

ρ 1 = ρ − ρ 2 , ρ 1 = M 1 R T (p − ρ 2 R T M 2) >

and equate their right sides:

ρ − ρ 2 = M 1 R T (p − ρ 2 R T M 2) .

ρ 2 = M 2 M 2 − M 1 (ρ − p M 1 R T) .

Let's substitute the resulting expression into the formula for calculating the mass of helium

m 2 = M 2 V M 2 − M 1 (ρ − p M 1 R T)

and let's do the calculation:

m 2 = 0.004 ⋅ 4.00 0.004 − 0.002 (4.50 − 3.50 ⋅ 10 6 0.002 8.31 ⋅ 300) ≈ 13.6 kg.

The mass of helium in the indicated volume of the mixture is 13.6 kg.

How to find the average molar mass of a mixture of gases

If ideal gases are in communicating cylinders separated by a tap, then when the tap is opened, the gases in the cylinders mix with each other and each of them fills the volume of both cylinders. For

28. Average molar mass of a mixture of gases

The equation for finding the specific gas mixture constant is:

R = еg i R i = 8314.2(g 1 / M 1 + g 2 / M 2 +… + g n / M n)

Knowing the molar mass of the mixture, you can find the gas constant of the mixture:

Knowing the volumetric composition of the mixture, we obtain the following formulas:

g i = (R/ R i),

eg i= Re(r i/R i) = 1.

The formula for calculating the specific gas constant will take the form:

R= 1 / e(r i/R i) = 1 / (r 1 / R 1 + R 2 +… + r n / R n).

Average molar mass of a mixture of gases is a fairly conventional value:

M= 8314,2 / (g 1 R 1 + g 2 R 2 +. + g n R n).

If you replace the specific gas constants R 1, R 2,…, Rn using their values ​​from the Clayperon equation, we find the average molar mass of a mixture of gases if the mixture is determined by mass fractions:

M= 1 / (r 1/ M 1+ r 2/ M 2+. + r n/ Mn).

In the case when the mixture is determined by volume fractions, we obtain the following expression:

R= 1 / er i R i= 8314,2 / e r i M i .

Knowing that R= 8314.2 / M, we get:

M= er i M i= r 1 M 1 + r 2 M 2 +. + r n M n .

Thus, average molar mass of a mixture of gases is determined by the sum of the products of volume fractions and molar masses of the individual gases that make up the mixture.

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