Bunny poem for the new year. "Bunnies Celebrate the New Year"

E. Malyonkina

U bunny ears
stick out on the top of the head,
He loves it delicious
cabbage leaf
Runs fast
and jumps deftly,
That's because
he eats carrots!

T. Kersten

Bunny ate a sweet leaf
I dozed off on a soft bed,
And a delicious one came to him
Juicy-sweet cabbage dream.

E. Monakhova

There is an animal sitting in the bushes here.
Oh, her ears are trembling.
It is clear that she is afraid:
“Tsiz! Silence! The fox is coming!

N. Shkonda

Under the broom bush
Bunny built his own house.
The winds are NOT afraid of him,
There is nothing safer than a tent.
And he sees a fox trail -
And the whole wide world is not nice.
Runs away from trouble
The sly man confuses his tracks.

V. Berestov

It won't be long before trouble is in the forest.
Know how to cover your tracks!
Try to guess
Where did it go? bunny!
The trail winds back and forth.
Where the bunny was, there is no bunny!

S. Ostrovsky

The field where the cabbage grew
Scared the wolf with a crunch.
"Hardly a hare, hardly a coward
A crunch can do that.
That's right, there's a bear in the garden..." -
And he ran away without looking back.
Hare spared no effort -
He overcame the wolf with a crunch.

E. Zamaraev

A gray ear will flash.
Behind the bushes there is a turn,
Behind the pine tree there is a turn,
And behind the tree there is a turn.
This hare in a gray fur coat
For cabbage in the garden.
And in winter around the corner
A white ear will flash.
This is a bunny in a winter coat
He goes for carrots.

T. Gusarova

In the forestry store
In the corner, on the display case
Three white fur coats are lying.
A buyer arrived:
-Sell me your fur coats
For my children, for the bunnies will.
- Why do you need these?
Children will get dirty.
What good are white people to you?
- Snow-white winter
In light clothes
Bunnies are not afraid of the evil wolf.

Auntie Au

To the pharmacy, on the very outskirts of the forest,
Bunny came for a cure for stress:
- Sell it quickly, Madame Wolverine,
Bottle "Osmelina", bottle "Anti-fear"
And ointments, twelve large vials -
"For rapid growth of claws and fangs"!

M. Piudunen

Bunny walked through the forest
Changed my white fur coat
On beautiful gray fur
To hide from everyone
Under the trees, bushes, between
Huge stones
So that both in the field and in the forest
He managed to outwit the fox.

N. Volkova

I'm gray-gray hare I'm drawing.
In the distance, behind a snowdrift, there is a deep ravine,
There is a hidden enemy in the ravine!
Two pointy ears stick out from the snow -
The fox guards the defenseless bunnies!
What to do?!
What to do?!
I don't play like that!
I erase the gray hare with an eraser.
On a white piece of paper with an oblique line
I'm drawing a white, white hare.
And let them say that my drawing is empty...
I hear the bushes moving, crunching,
I see footprints in the fluffy snow.
And I will save the bunny from the enemy!

N. Melnik

Bunny galloped through the forest,
I was resting in the clearing.
Oh, sister fox is running,
She's an expert at deception.
The bunny hid under the Christmas tree.
There are green needles there.
Oh! Needles! Pegs! Pegs!
The bunny's paws are very painful.
He has enough fears!
We'll go chase the fox away
IN dark forest, not close at all.
Bunny! Hurry to the house
You see, there’s not a soul nearby!

T. Potapova

One day in the summer, by the stream,
I built the house for the hare.
Come in, dear hare,
At least one, at least the whole family.
Insulate floors for the winter
And prepare food.
Berries, aspen bark,
Onions, cabbage and carrots.
And live in peace
Yes, thank me.
And with the neighbors beavers
Sing songs until dawn.

N. Samonii

Our bunnies are fashionistas,
The frock coats were changed:
Nowadays the hares are white,
Even though they were gray.
Life is easier for gray people in autumn
In the midst of gray nature,
And in winter it’s calmer -
Wear white clothes.
White color is a saving color,
Merges with the snow,
That's why hares have fur
Before winter changes:
So that the insidious wolf does not eat!!! –
Hares know a lot about fashion.

A. Teslenko

Snuck bunny to the garden,
He opened his mouth wide,
How glad is the scythe,
That he took the basket with him.
There are cabbage and carrots,
Pickling will be good
Everything will come in handy in winter,
My little bunny will be well fed.

N. Shkonda

Bunny Mitka, although small,
But resourceful and daring.
Cleverly played pranks in the garden
I thinned out the carrots in the morning.
I tore out the beets with roots,
Rutabagas laid out in rows...
Where did the cabbage grow yesterday?
The garden bed suddenly became empty.
He's such a daredevil.
This little trickster.

Rita Zaitseva

Said Bunny: “It snowed.
Covered the clearing with a carpet.
That's it, my gray fur coat
Now I won't wear it.
I'll change it for the winter -
I won't forget about this -
And until spring, until warm days,
I will be snow-white.
So that in a white fur coat in the snow
To seem invisible
and the Wolf, my enemy,
Don't get caught at dinner!"

V. Gvozdev

Hare- the beast in the forests is not rare,
He just hides under a branch.
- We see you, big-eared one.
Come to us, we won’t hurt you.
We'll treat you a little
The hare is modest, untouchable.
- I won’t eat out of my hands.
I'm even afraid to listen.
You can't convince me -
It's very scary to be a hare!

T. Degunova

Long-eared and fluffy
Waiting for trouble
Like a ball flashes quickly,
Cleverly confuses his tracks.
There the fox was wary,
Wolf with teeth - watch out!
And insidiously hid
On a high branch there is a lynx.
A winged predator in the sky
Pricks up the beak-hook.
Hare ours is looking for shelter -
Yurk! under the bush and silence.
There is no rest for a minute:
A crack and a shot, rumbling.
Bunny, small and sensitive,
Again he asked the striker.

E. Grudanov

There was an island on the river.
Lived there bunny- jump and jump.
I slept sweetly under a bush
And he gnawed the bark of aspen trees.
Suddenly he looks - there is a river everywhere...
R-time!.. And there is no island!
The hare was so scared
What climbed a tree
Even though I didn't know how to climb...
That’s why it remained intact!
Soon all the water will go away...
He will find friends!
Everyone will be vying with each other
Talk about him: “Hero!..”

The snow didn’t have time to attack -
Bunny I used to turn white...
And now in the forest he
It's very scary to be alone!
What if you meet a fox by chance?
Will a hawk notice from above?..
White cannot escape!
You can see white everywhere...
Bunny trembles and waits:
Well, when will it snow?!

M. Piudunen

Hare running from the wolf,
Hiding in a hole he said:
"If only I could get some needles
Like a hedgehog, there is no strength
To be afraid of all the animals in the forest,
At least I’m wearing expensive fur coats,
But you have to save yourself
Only by running away from others.
I would curl up in a ball
Having quickly conquered your fear,
I ran into a gray wolf,
I hit my nose with a needle,
He wouldn't hurt me
And he was always friends with me.
And when at the meeting I saw
I said hello."

T. Efimova

Laughed at hare frogs:
“What huge ears!
Carrying such a heavy burden?!
You have to carry them in a cart!”
The hare answered them: “I hear
When the mice are busy in the hole,
Through the forest in the evening
The fox is sneaking after me!
And if you, laughter,
Put the same ears on
We would run for our lives now -
The heron is hunting you!

L. Zubanenko

There are footprints left in the snow,
But they suddenly stopped.
Maybe a bird was sitting here
And flew off somewhere?
This hare jumped deftly
He's got a knack for it
Mixed up all the tracks
So that there is no trouble,
And sits in the dense forest
In a hole under a large bush.
White snow and white fur
They hide the hare better than anyone else.

T. Efimova

In the clearing one after another
Hares jumping in circles
They are happily trampling the snowball.
Jump-da-jump, hop-da-jump!
Waiting for the fox to come
That's right, you'll be surprised!
He'll pick up the trail with his keen sense of smell!
The circle is different...And it will fall!

Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden
Without fear bunny walks.
Bunny pulls carrot
Deftly for the tops from the garden,
The reddest root
He puts it in a big bag.
And he also tears cabbage,
So that the leaf is tight and crunchy!
And to your home without haste
Everything is transported on a cart.
Brave bunny! Not afraid
That the fox will come here!
She has something to do today
The cheat spotted the chickens!
And the owner won't come,
He guards the chicken coop!

I'm a bunny in a white fur coat
I love jokes
Solve riddles
And run without looking back!

Limonova Natalya

I'm a white and fluffy bunny,
I'm jumping merrily under the tree,
And a snow-silver fur coat,
I want to please everyone!

I'm jumping in the forest like a ball,
I am a fluffy soft Bunny.
I'm gray in the summer
And I gobble up carrots.
I'm very afraid in the forest
Uncle Wolf and Fox,
And that's why in winter
My suit turned white!

Ivanova Natalya

Here I am, a bunny in a white fur coat,
I came to see you for the holiday.
I'm a minute late -
I was looking for a Christmas tree for a long time.
The paths in the forest are covered with snow,
And the path cannot be discerned.
My legs are lost -
How can I get to the guys?
Here are my squinty eyes
They see a wolf flashing in the distance,
And then, like in a fairy tale,
It's like I've taken wings!
My heart is still beating,
The tail trembles slightly...
Fear does not remain alone
He always runs after me!
I'll have fun with you
Start round dances,
And look sideways with one eye -
No matter how you fall in the mouth!
There are names for a hare:
And a coward, and a scythe...
Let's catch up!
Who will come to play with me?
The snow is shining, the snow is lying,
Clean and sparkling.
The hare runs to the Christmas tree
In a fluffy blouse.
The hare is a little white barrel,
Button tail,
Jumps to the Christmas tree - hop and hop,
Come visit us at the Christmas tree!
It's time to celebrate the New Year
Long-eared bunny,
He will bring us a gift
And he will hide it under the tree.

Zagrebina Galina

I put on a white fur coat
I'm sitting under a tree branch.
How white snow, The little hare is white,
The wolves can't see me.
I love the New Year holiday, -
It's very, very tasty.
Dad will bring carrots
And mom is a cabbage leaf.

I am a fluffy, small, white bunny.
Bunny - jumping bunny - is often written in books.
Short ponytail to run away quickly
And the ears are long - who is nearby to know.
And the legs are strong so that you can jump faster.
And beat your paws on the drum to make it more fun.
Jump-jump! Jump-jump! And he ran away from the wolf!

On New Year's Day I'll be back again
They began to dress up as a hare.
But I didn’t become a hare:
The suit was too small for me.
I'll tell you a secret:
I am growing, but the hare is not!

Sharov Vyacheslav

Bunny boy
The bunny is as white as snow.
He received his gift -
And he took off running!

Winter has finally come
New Year is coming soon.
And my mother herself
It takes a long time to sew something.
I'll wear that outfit
And I won't be a boy.
I'll be happy at the Christmas tree
Jump like a white bunny!

Ivanova Natalya

It's cold outside the window,
But I'm not afraid of frost.
My fur coat is warm,
And a fluffy white tail.
Santa Claus for my holiday
He gave me this fur coat,
To the wolf - the ugly one
He sternly threatened with his finger.
The Christmas tree is a beauty
We dressed up together
On the holiday they are fulfilled
All cherished dreams!

Jump-jump, jump-jump.
I'm at the Christmas tree, my friend.
How many happy faces I see!
The entire elementary school is here!
There, in the forest, there are a lot of Christmas trees,
Only here is a special view:
Like a shard of sun
It burns with a bright glow.
Hey girls and boys,
Be a friend to the bunny!

Polyakov B.

We are at the New Year's tree
Let's celebrate today
The best holiday in the world
New Year!
Let it be wider
And our round dance becomes more friendly.
Hello, New Year holiday!
Let your wishes come true
And only good deeds
It will be full New Year!
May he bring joy!
So let's have fun
Jump, run and frolic,
So that the New Year's holiday
We will remember it for a long time!

Zagrebina Galina


Gray in summer
White in winter
By character
I'm timid.
I gallop deftly
I love carrots.

Ivanova Natalya

My suit is made of plush,
Ears stick up on the hat,
For short pants
The tail bubo is sewn on.
Both summer and winter
I'm jumping like a clockwork
And not a coward at all,
When the fox sleeps.

I'm wearing a white fur coat now,
In the spring I will turn gray,
Even a child understands
Who is sitting under a bush?
Having escaped from the wolf deftly,
I'm gnawing on my carrot
And he shouts after him:
“Well, hare, wait a minute!”

Dobrovan Mila


Approximate reading time:


Teddy Bear
T. Marshalova

Teddy bear cub
He washes his nose in the morning with his paw,
Today is New Year's Day
It's the first time to meet.

From under the furry Christmas tree
The fox waves his furry paw:
“Here he is - Grandfather Frost!
He brought snow with him too!”


Once upon a time there lived a prickly hedgehog
In the dense forest.
Having met the Christmas tree,
Prickly remarked:
"I'm wearing sticks and needles
And on a green Christmas tree!

Tatyana Bokova

Dad the hedgehog is seriously upset, upset,
That you won’t find a Christmas tree in the steppe during the day with a fire.
New Year will come, and he will have to
Become a cheerful Christmas tree yourself.
Keep garlands and stars on needles,
Otherwise the hedgehogs won’t have a Christmas tree!

The hedgehog looks to the sky:
What kind of miracles are these?
Hedgehogs are flying in the sky
And if you take it in your palms, they melt.
White snowflakes.

I. Chernitskaya

The bunny washes himself
Going to the Christmas tree.
I washed my nose, I washed my tail,
I washed my ear and dried it.
I put on a bow,
He became a dandy.

Christmas tree, prickly needle,
Where did you grow up? - In the forest.
What did you see there? - Fox.
Wolves and bears
These are my neighbors.
And on New Year's Eve
Everyone sings a song.

Squirrel gift
Irina Gurina

Naughty squirrels
Collected cones
Beads were made
Grandma squirrel.

After all, to grandma on New Year's
Santa Claus won't come!


Gift from a hedgehog
Irina Gurina

Santa Claus, tell me quickly
What are the hedgehogs doing there?
And hedgehogs to each other
They give you miracle mugs!

We painted them ourselves
And then they packed it up!
The hedgehog says to the hedgehog:
- You won’t find anything better in the world!

Zaykin's gift
Irina Gurina

Bunnies are making something.
Bunnies proudly say:
We are a gift to mom
Let's do it ourselves!

Carrot crumbs
We made earrings!
Each one gnawed half a carrot -
There will be a surprise for mommy!

Gift for a titmouse
Irina Gurina

Two tits took the knitting needles,
The scarf was knitted by two tits.
We were even surprised:
- How much yarn do you need?

Striped, fluffy and bright
It will be mommy's gift!
And on New Year's Eve
Our mom will find it!

Fox's gift
Irina Gurina

Why is there a fox in the hole?
Fussing, having fun,
Even humming a song?
And the fox is embroidering!

And dreams: - To the bullfinch
I'll give it to you on New Year's Day.
I'll put it on the branches
With embroidered napkins!

About the bear
Andrey Paroshin

New Year is walking through the forest:
The forest is noisy from the holiday.
All animals are interested
Only the bear sleeps in its den.

He doesn't need gifts
And you don't need a New Year.
It’s good in the den, it’s hot, -
He sucks his own paw.

At the Snow Maiden's baby
There are friends: hedgehogs, bunnies,
Squirrels, bears and foxes,
Yellow-breasted titmice...

We invite everyone to the holiday.
Come, we are waiting for you!
With a kind word and attention
We won't bypass anyone.

bear dream
A. Kostakov

Sympathizes with the bear
Forest people in winter.
Never clubfoot
Didn't celebrate the New Year.

A barrel of honey for him
Santa Claus left
And he snores in the den,
Covering your nose with your palm.

But who will congratulate him?
You won't meet a daredevil.
Wake up the couch potato -
What if my sides get sore?

Gifts from Santa Claus
Stozhkova N.

Santa Claus puts all the bunnies under the Christmas tree
By soft toy- fluffy wolf.
Let every coward play the one
Who brings terror to him in the forest.

And each fox gets a new comb
For a trendy, shiny and red hairstyle.
So that there is no time for the bunnies to offend -
You have to keep your hair in order.

What does Santa Claus have in store for the bear cub?
A basket of raspberries? Honey from a barrel?
Left under a huge forest spruce
An alarm clock that will wake up the bear in the spring.

Zaykino's letter
Tatiana Petukhova

White hare in secret
I put the letter under the tree.
He writes: “The forest is so empty,
And the snow crunches, well, like cabbage.

Maybe someone on New Year's
And will he bring me a gift?
And although it’s awkward to ask,
But cabbage and carrots
I confess honestly to you,
I often dream about it at night.

I'm waiting for the girls
I'm waiting for the boys
I'll give them a lot of cones!


The wolves told the news
A. Kuznetsova

The wolves told the news,
The forty brought news,
What a tree in the dense forest
There is a decorated one!

The animals heard the news,
We ran through the forests.
Everyone wants to check for themselves
Look at the tree for yourself.

For whom, why, where
Did this miracle appear?
Who brought the Christmas tree here?
Isn't it Santa Claus himself?

Is there time to figure it out?
Who brought it, why did they take it away?
Ah, foxes, squirrels, hares,
Open a noisy ball!

Animal New Year
Boris Zakhoder

The animals celebrated the New Year.
The animals led a round dance.
Around a green Christmas tree.
Both the Mole and the Hippopotamus danced,
And even evil Wolves!

The Porcupine also started dancing -
prickly needles,
And all - tremble,
And that's all - scream
And that's all - run away from the Christmas tree!

Look: at least he’s good! -
And he is trembling with fear!..
- But you won’t get through me! -
Said Che-re-pa-ha!
- We'll dance at a snail's pace,
But we’ll probably out-dance everyone!

New Year's miracle
Shamil Shakirov

On this shining winter day
Everything was like in a fairy tale:
The trees burned with cold fire,
White colors blazed.

But in the park, pale as a shadow,
The kitten walked around unhappy.
The day did not seem shining to him
So very beautiful.

But New Year is not just a day,
And the time when miracles
They come and, brother, believe it or not,
Come true forever.

And maybe that's why
The kitten has a home
And now it purrs in the ear of that one,
Who took him under cover.

Come on, Christmas tree, brighten up
Klokova M.

Come on, Christmas tree, brighten up
Shine with lights.
We invited guests
Have fun with us.

Along the paths, in the snow,
Through the forest meadows
Came to visit us on holiday
Long-eared bunny.

And behind him - look, everyone!
- Red fox.
The fox also wanted
Have fun with us.

Clubfoot bear.
He brings honey as a gift
And a big shot.

Come on, Christmas tree, brighten up
Shine with lights.
So that the paws of animals
They danced themselves!

New Year's masquerade
Irina Gurina

The animals are having a ball,
New Year's carnival.
It’s night, but the forest has no time to sleep,
The full moon is shining.

The wind blew along the way
Star colored confetti.
In the clearing there is a masquerade:
Everyone made their own outfit.

The hare dressed up as a wolf,
He pretended to be a squirrel.
The wolf took the needles from the spruce tree,
Looked like a hedgehog.

And the fox dressed up as a bunny:
Ears, mask on nose.
Here, go and find out!
The elk dressed up as a fox.

Chorus of tits on a birch tree
And the icicles chime.
Animals dance in the cold,
The ball is thundering from all sides!

New Year in the forest
Irina Gurina

In the middle of a snowy clearing
The tree sleeps serenely.
Like a sleeping princess
Queen of the Wonder Forest.

The old elk calls the animals:
- Hey, here! Hurry, hurry!
Have you forgotten? After all, today
There will be a New Year's holiday!

We need to decorate the Christmas tree,
Run for gifts:
Otherwise it's New Year
There's no way he'll come to us!

The gray wolf carries firecrackers,
Hedgehog - garland and toys.
And the eared bunnies
The cones on the Christmas tree are silver.

The squirrel carries pies
Woodpecker - foil stars.
The month flew from the sky,
Sat on top of the Christmas tree!

Smiling New Year
It's coming towards them through the snowdrifts!

It was in January
A. Barto

It was in January
There was a Christmas tree on the mountain,
And near this Christmas tree
Evil wolves roamed.

Once upon a time,
Sometimes at night,
When the forest is so quiet,
They meet a wolf under the mountain
Bunnies and hare.

Who's up for the New Year?
Fall into the clutches of the wolf!
The little bunnies rushed forward
And they jumped onto the tree.

They flattened their ears
They hung like toys.

Ten little bunnies
They hang on the tree and are silent.
The wolf was deceived.
It was in January -
He thought that on the mountain
Decorated Christmas tree.


New Year in the forest
Andrey Paroshin

On New Year's Day,
On New Year's Day
Lots of holiday troubles!

Hanging balloons together
Red foxes,
Ribbons of bright tinsel
Braided in pigtails.

The lights are burning all around,
All the animals are happy:
Jumping around in a lively dance
White hares.

Celebrate New Year
Gray wolves, -
They dance together in a circle
At the decorated Christmas tree.

The bells are ringing
The cones are golden.
Only one sleeps in the den
Brown bears.

How the animals waited for Santa Claus
Lyudmila Shevchenko

New Year is coming very soon!
Santa Claus will come to visit,
They are still waiting for the Snowman;
The animals are busy for now:

They decorate the Christmas trees together:
On green needles
Hanging toys
Serpentine, firecrackers.

Good Grandfather Frost
Brought gifts to everyone:
Misha - honey and pies,
And for the fox - boots.

Squirrel - nuts,
Mushrooms, russula:
Grandma Yaga - sneakers,
An apple and three carrots.

The wolf was late for the holiday,
But he passed the exam.
He is now a wolf stargazer.
Glory to the gray one, honor!

Happy New Year, kids!
Even though it's time to sleep,
The animals dance and sing,
All friends are invited to visit!

Santa Claus and animals
Irina Gurina

Santa Claus walked through the forest,
He carried gifts for the children.
He walked through the snowdrifts
And a little tired.

I sat down under the tree to rest,
Look at the map of the forest.
And a bag with gifts
He put it on the snowball.

Birds sang in the distance.
He sat on a stump,
He got up and hurried on,
But I forgot my bag!

Everything around is white and white,
And the gifts were swept away.
The good grandfather realized
Look, there’s no bag in your hands!

I began to call animals for help,
The animals began to search.
A bullfinch and a titmouse are digging snow,
Under a bush there is a beaver with a fox.

The little bunny dug up the snowdrift,
The snow was crushed by the little squirrel's tail,
And the hedgehog sighs loudly:
- How will you find him now?

The wolf, like a dog, followed the trail
And I found a bag in the snow.
The animals jumped, galloped,
They waved their paws at grandfather.

And then the forest people
Happy New Year!

Father Frost
Irina Gurina

Animals look to the sky:
What kind of miracles are these?
On magic horses
Santa Claus is flying in a sleigh!

Golden sun ray
Lost among the gray clouds.
The horses are hitting them with their hoofs,
The bells sing in an arc.

Making a circle in the winter sky,
The sleigh suddenly tilted!
And a bag with gifts
It fell right into the snow!

Santa Claus has disappeared in the distance
And the hedgehogs found the bag.
A wolf and a fox came running,
Bunny little oblique,

The bullfinches flew in,
Partridges, wood grouse.
They whisper quietly: What kind of miracle is this?
The dump truck sticks out from there,

Doll, blocks, horse
And a big chocolate bar!
Scooter, watches and stamps...
These are children's gifts!

The owl hooted sadly:
- My head is just spinning!
Are our children really
Will they celebrate the holiday without gifts?

The animals collected everything in a bag
And they ran after him.
A wolf rushes ahead,
A whole regiment of squirrels follows,

And behind them are partridges,
Foxes, hedgehogs, bunnies.
The white sleigh caught up
And they gave all the gifts.

Santa Claus shed a tear
He wiped his nose with a mitten,
Gave everyone some candy
And went on to the children!

Kitten and puppy
V. Viktorov

Lived in the same apartment
Kitten and puppy
We were friends
Kitten and puppy.

One mustachioed
Another furry one
We were friends
Kitten and puppy.

But a strange toy
The guys brought it into the house,
Tails tucked together
Kitten with a puppy.

Prickly toy,
It's called a Christmas tree,
Needles spread out,
Stands in his corner.

And here on this tree
With a green tuft
Attacked on the sly
Kitten with a puppy.

With teeth, paws
She was scratched
And the tree was knocked down
Kitten with a puppy.

The boys arrived soon
And the tree is on its side.
There was a lot of grief
Kitten and puppy.

They were so slammed
They were spanked like that...
And it was very embarrassing
Kitten and puppy.

And the Christmas tree was decorated,
Guests were invited to the house
And they even invited
Kitten with a puppy.

One mustachioed
Another furry one
We were having fun under the Christmas tree
Kitten with a puppy.

And here are poems about the New Year from famous poets.

I washed my nose, I washed my tail,
I washed my ear and dried it.
Put on a bow - he became a dandy

Santa Claus is in a hurry for the holiday
In a red fur coat and felt boots.
He brings gifts with him
For small children.

Petenka - a ball,
Sasha - a book,
And to the girl Katya -
Teddy bear backpack.

Not a simple backpack -
The barrel opens
And inside sits cold
Northern snowman.

Red-cheeked and broad-shouldered
Good Grandfather Frost!
Everything was decorated in fluffy snow
And he brought gifts!

Let the lights burn on the branches,
There are round dances!
Let about all obedient children
Happiness will be taken care of!

“About the Christmas Tree”, Korney Chukovsky

We would be at the Christmas tree
She would run
Along the path.
She would dance
Together with us
She would knock
Spin around the Christmas tree
Toys -
Multi-colored lanterns,
Let's spin around the Christmas tree
From crimson and silver
We'd laugh at the Christmas tree
Matryoshka dolls
And they would clap for joy
In the palms.
Because tonight
At the gate
The cheerful one knocked
New Year!
New, new,
With a golden beard!

I ran over the fence
And Frost stands and waits,
He walked next to me -
Not a step behind.
Our shirts are in the yard
They dance on a rope with the wind.

I'm running - Frost is behind me!
Frost attacked the linen,
Sharp icy dust
Got through him.
He grabbed it and made it tough -
And the laundry froze.

Place it on the snow - it won't fall.
Push it - it will go.
I pushed just barely -
The sheet went first
And the shirt walked
Sleeves spread out.

And little tailor Frost
It stings the cheeks, cuts the nose.
The wind rushed towards
He jumped on my shoulders.
The wind is an icy rider -
He whistles loudly behind his back.
Frozen spruce trees are cracking,
The sleigh creaks in the snow.

“Morning”, Alexander Tvardovsky

Spinning easily and clumsily,
The snowflake sat on the glass.
The snow fell thick and white at night -
The room is bright from the snow.

The flying fluff is a little powdery,
And the winter sun rises.
Like every day - fuller and better,
Fuller and better New Year...

“There was a Christmas tree in the forest”, Sergei Mikhalkov

There was a Christmas tree in the snow -
Green bangs,
One and a half meters.

An event occurred
One winter day:
The forester decided to cut it down! —
So it seemed to her.

She was noticed
Was surrounded...
And only late in the evening
She came to her senses.

What a strange feeling!
The fear has disappeared somewhere...
Glass lanterns
They burn in its branches.

Jewelry sparkles -
What an elegant look!
At the same time, without a doubt,
She is standing in the forest.

Not cut down! Whole!
Beautiful and strong!..
Who saved her, who undressed her?
Forester's son!

“Song about the Christmas tree”, S. Marshak

What grows on the Christmas tree?
Cones and needles.
Multi-colored balls
They don't grow on the Christmas tree.

They don't grow on the Christmas tree
Gingerbread cookies and flags,
Nuts don't grow
In gold paper.

These flags and balloons
Grew up today
For Russian children
On New Year's holiday.

In the cities of my country,
In villages and towns
So many lights have grown
On merry Christmas trees!

The children will go to bed early
On the last day of December,
And they’ll wake up a year older
On the first day of the calendar.

The year will begin with silence,
Unfamiliar with last winters:
Noise behind the double frame
Barely perceptible.

But the guys are calling outside
Winter day through ice glass -
Into the refreshing cold
Of cozy warmth.

We will remember you with a kind word
Years old care,
Starting early in the morning
New day and new year!

“Animals Celebrated the New Year”, Boris Zakhoder

The animals celebrated the New Year.
The animals led a round dance.

Around a green Christmas tree.
The Mole also danced,
And Behemoth,
And even evil Wolves!

The Porcupine also started dancing -
prickly needles,
And all - tremble,
And that's all - scream
And that's all - run away from the Christmas tree!

Look: already -
At least he's good! —
And he is trembling with fear!..

- But you won’t get past me! —
Said Che-re-pa-ha!

- We'll dance
Step by step
But everyone
Let's dance!

“Herringbone”, Z. Alexandrova

Little Christmas tree
It's cold in winter
A Christmas tree from the forest
We took it home.

Little white bunny
Christmas tree asked:
"Mint Gingerbread"
Bring it to the bunny!”

The squirrel was jumping
In a blue fur coat:
"Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
I'll go with you!

Little Christmas tree
The rooms are warm,
Hare and squirrel
They breathe on the glass.

Red finches
Hovering by the window
In a warm thawed patch
The Christmas tree is visible.

How many on the Christmas tree
Colored balls,
Pink gingerbread,
Golden cones!

How many under the Christmas tree
Little guys!
They stomp, they clap,
They shout cheerfully:

"Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
Bright lights
Blue beads
Christmas tree, ring,

An elegant branch
Lower it lower
Us chocolate
Treat me to some fish!

Let's stand under the Christmas tree
In a friendly round dance.
Fun, fun
Let's celebrate the New Year!

“Christmas tree”, Raisa Kudasheva

Shaggy branches bend
Down to the children's heads;
Rich beads shine
Overflow of lights;

Ball hides behind ball,
And star after star,
Light threads roll
Like golden rain...

Play, have fun
The children have gathered here
And to you, beautiful spruce,
They sing their song.

“A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

A Christmas tree was born in the forest,
She grew up in the forest
Slim in winter and summer,
it was green.

The snowstorm sang a song to her:
“Sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye!”
Frost covered with snow:
“Make sure you don’t freeze!”

Cowardly bunny gray
Jumped under the Christmas tree.
Sometimes a wolf, an angry wolf,
I ran at a trot.

Sing more cheerfully and more friendlyly, children!”

The nuts in them glitter gilded...
Who is not welcome here, green spruce?..

Chu! Snow in the dense forest
It creaks under the runner.
Hairy horse
He's in a hurry, running.

The horse is carrying wood,
There's an old man on the wood.
He cut down our Christmas tree
Right down to the spine.

And here you are, dressed up,
She came to us for the holiday.
And lots and lots of joy
I brought it for the kids.

Sing more cheerfully and friendly, children!
The tree will soon bow its branches.
Choose what you like...
Oh, thank you, beautiful spruce!..

"New Year"

New Year is knocking on the door!
Open it to him quickly.
Red-cheeked toddler -
Your reliable friend now.

You will truly be friends,
Together you will grow
Gain strength, health,
All your illnesses will forget you.

Invite him into the house
Then the clock struck.
The clock strikes twelve times.
Happiness has come to you! Meet me!

The Christmas tree glows with lights,
A fairy tale is nearby... Here comes the sleigh
They creaked at the gate...
Who's there? It's Santa Claus!

I came to the holiday with my granddaughter,
He brings gifts with him.
And the toys that are on the Christmas tree,
Suddenly they came to life. Hares, gnomes,

Dolls, balls, kittens,
Birds, squirrels and foxes,
Bear cubs and hedgehogs...
The naughty girls started dancing.

Laughter, fun and fun...
Only the spruce branches bend.
It seems just right
The Christmas tree will start dancing here.

And Snegurochka, little girl,
Hands out toys to guests
Chocolates, oranges,
Apples and tangerines...

The aroma of pine needles is in the air,
Outside the window the moon is shining,
Wonderful blue light
All the trees are silver.

Snowflakes are circling in the air,
Ice floes sparkle merrily,
Everything around is white and white...
The New Year gives us a fairy tale.

“New Year”, Dmitry Venevitinov

Friends! The New Year has come!
Forget old sorrows
And days of sorrow, and days of worries,
And everything that killed joy;

But don't forget the clear days,
Fun, fun of the light-winged,
Golden hours for dear hearts,
And old, sincere friends.

Live new in the New Year,
Leave old dreams behind
And everything that does not give happiness,
But only one will give birth to desires!

Still in this new year
Love jokes, games, joy
And old sincere friends.

Friends! Celebrate the New Year
In the circle of family, in freedom.
Let it flow for you, friends,
What happy childhood years!

Elena Mikhailova

What is New Year?
It's the other way around:
Christmas trees are growing in the room,
Squirrels don’t gnaw cones,

Hares next to a wolf
On a prickly tree!
The rain is also not easy,
It's golden on New Year's Day,

It shines as much as it can,
Doesn't wet anyone
Even Santa Claus
No one's nose stings.

Konstantin Fofanov

Dressed up the Christmas tree in a festive dress:
In colorful garlands, in bright lights,
And the Christmas tree stands, sparkling, in a magnificent hall,
Remembering with sadness the old days.

The Christmas tree dreams of evening, monthly and starry,
Snowy meadow, sad cry of wolves
And the neighboring pine trees, in a frosty mantle,
Everything is covered in diamond sparkles and snow fluff.

And the neighbors stand in gloomy sadness,
They dream and drop white snow from the branches...
They dream of a Christmas tree in a lit hall,
Laughter and stories of joyful children.

“It Was in January”, Agnia Barto

It was in January
There was a Christmas tree on the mountain,
And near this Christmas tree
Evil wolves roamed.

Once upon a time
Sometimes at night,
When the forest is so quiet,
They meet a wolf under the mountain
Bunnies and hare.

Who's up for the New Year?
Fall into the clutches of the wolf!
The little bunnies rushed forward
And they jumped onto the tree.

They flattened their ears
They hung like toys.
Ten little bunnies
They hang on the tree and are silent -
The wolf was deceived.
It was in January -
He thought that on the mountain
Decorated Christmas tree.

The girls stood in a circle.
They stood up and fell silent.
Santa Claus lit the lights
On a tall tree.

There's a star at the top
Beads in two rows.
Let the Christmas tree not go out,
Let it always burn!

“Christmas tree at school”, A. Pleshcheev

The school is noisy
The running and noise of children...
Know that they are not for learning
We gathered in it today.
No, Christmas tree
It is lit in her today;
The motley of its elegant
She makes the kids happy.
Toys beckon to a child's eye
Here are horses, there is a top,
Here is the railway
Here is a hunting horn.
And the lanterns, and the stars,
That diamonds burn!
golden nuts!
Transparent grapes!
May you be blessed
You, whose kind hand
I chose this tree
For the little ones!..
Rarely, rarely illuminates
Joy is bright in their days,
And all year long they will dream
Christmas tree bright lights.

The bunny washes himself and gets ready for the Christmas tree.
I washed my nose, I washed my tail,
I washed my ear and dried it.
He put on a bow and became a dandy.

Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree,
He lit the lights on it.
And the needles shine on it,
And there’s snow on the branches!

Mom decorated the Christmas tree
Anya helped her mother;
I gave her toys:
Stars, balls, firecrackers.
And then the guests were invited
And they danced at the Christmas tree!

On furry prickly paws
The Christmas tree brings the smell to the house:
The smell of heated pine needles,
The smell of freshness and wind,
And the snowy forest,
And a faint smell of summer.

The Christmas tree is dressing up -
The holiday is approaching.
New Year's at the gates
The Christmas tree is waiting for the kids.

Dad chose a Christmas tree
The fluffiest one.
The fluffiest one
The most fragrant...
The Christmas tree smells like that -
Mom will gasp immediately!

“To our Christmas tree”, A. Shibaev

To our Christmas tree - oh-oh-oh!
Santa Claus is coming alive.
Well, Grandfather Frost!..
What cheeks, what a nose!..
A beard, a beard!..
And there's a star on the hat!
There are specks on the nose!
And those eyes... are daddy's!

“Soon, soon New Year”, O. Chusovitina

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Natalya Marokhonko
"Bunnies are celebrating the New Year." New Year's party for children first junior group


New Year's party for 1 ml. gr.

The hall is festively decorated. The children enter the hall to the music.

Leading MOTHER is a Hare, all children are Bunnies

Ved. Decorated little kids came to the Christmas tree today -

Beautiful girls, beautiful boys -

Elegant bunnies.

(The bunny children walk in a flock around the hall)

They looked at the Christmas tree and clapped their hands.

What a nice outfit she really is.

Clap - clap, clap - clap, clap your hands

(They turn to the tree and clap)

We will smile at the Christmas tree, and "Hello" let's say loudly

Let's go, let's walk some more, and again "Hello" let's say.

(They continue to walk around the hall and stop)

Ved. Let's play with the Christmas tree and its lights


Let's wave our hands together, "Light Up"- let's say to the Christmas tree!

The Christmas tree lights up

Now let's blow - once! (blowing)

Our Christmas tree is not on fire!

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Ved. What an elegant Christmas tree stands,

And the Christmas tree is lit with bright lights

And for the Christmas tree we will sing a song

Children sing along to Popatenko's song "Christmas tree"

Ved. Ours wanted bunnies take a walk in the woods

The leading hare strokes the bunnies' heads, straightens their bows, and admires them.

Ved. Now you can go for a walk in the forest

They walk around the hall, the leader says who lives in the forest, what kind of trees there are, what kind of snow is in the forest, what else can be seen.

Ved. And it's cold in the forest! The bunnies were completely frozen. How cold

paws, what cold ears. We need to warm up, we'll


Dance « Runaway bunnies»

The presenter touches the bunny's ears and paws, says that everyone is warm and they can still take a walk in the forest

They walk to the music, approach the Snow Maiden’s house and admire it

Ved Don't know who lives in the house?

Children No!

Ved. knocks on the house, no one comes out. Mom - Hare takes a beautiful stick and knocks on the icicle

The Snow Maiden in the house will hit the metallophone

Ved. Nobody comes out, you have to knock on all the icicles

Ved. But who is in the house? I know! Lives in such a beautiful house

Snow Maiden! We need to call her!

Children Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!

Ved. Something doesn’t work out, Snow Maiden is probably afraid, she needs a song

sing to her, tell her who came to visit her.

Children sing R.'s song. n. m. « Bunny»

Snow Maiden I hear you! I hear you! I'm coming! I'm coming!

The Snow Maiden comes out

Snow Maiden Hello, bunnies

Children Hello, Snow Maiden

Snow Maiden I brought you magic and snowflakes as a gift

A snowflake flew to us and wanted to sit on our arms.

We tell her - fly away! We tell her - don’t melt!

And snowflakes and white fluffs fly.

Snow Maiden scatters snowflakes

Snow Maiden, help me and collect snowflakes

Children collect snowflakes and place them on a white blanket.

The blanket is tossed, snowflakes scatter, children collect

(repeat 3-4 times)

Snow Maiden You Snowflakes, spin around and turn into snowballs.

The blanket changes, opens - there are snowballs on it

Snow Maiden These snowballs are good, dance, kids

Ved. We'll take snowballs and start dancing with him

Snowball dance

Ved. Snow Maiden, we were walking through the forest, and Santa Claus met. Where is he?

Snow Maiden We need to call Grandfather. Together let's shout:

Santa Claus, come! Santa Claus, come out!

Santa Claus enters

Santa Claus Hello guys, cute bunnies

Snow Maiden Grandfather Frost, and you dance a merry dance for the bunnies

D.M. Yes, I brought it

Snow Maiden So why are we standing, let's dance together with


Dance of Santa Claus and Bunnies

D. M. Dance well, little bunnies, now let’s play

catching up.

Game "Catch-up"

Snow Maiden Grandfather Frost, where are the gifts for the bunnies?

D.M. Didn’t I give them as a gift? How did I forget about them?

Snow Maiden What to do? What a shame! We can't live without gifts!

D.M. Let's go look for gifts, little bunnies!

Don't lag behind me, walk briskly with your feet.

(children follow Santa Claus)

No on the right and no on the left? NO!

Isn’t it on the Christmas tree? NO!

Isn't it under the tree? NO!

Not on the stump? NO!

Isn’t it behind the stump? NO!

What kind of little Christmas tree is this, why isn’t it elegant?

We need to dress her up!

The Christmas tree is covered with a blanket, a Christmas tree is drawn on it

Santa Claus is trying to hang toys, but it doesn't work

D. M. Help me, little bunnies, decorate the Christmas tree, I need to blow the snow off the Christmas tree. Let's blow!

The children are blowing, it doesn’t work, D.M. suggests turning away from the Christmas tree, blowing hard, and stamping your feet. while the children are doing the task. Teachers remove the blanket from the Christmas tree

D. M. Turn around, little bunnies, look how beautiful she is standing,

and on it are gifts - toys for you. Take some toys

and dance with them

Children remove toys from a small Christmas tree.

Free dance with toys.

Ved. Thank you, Christmas tree, for the gifts for my bunnies.

And thanks to Santa Claus, but where is Santa Claus?

And we will go around the Christmas tree and wave our hand to it.

Children walk around the tree, wave, and the lights blink.

Publications on the topic:

"New Year at the gates." The children enter in a line while the soundtrack is playing. Host: Guys! Look how beautiful it is in our hall! We invited our friends to visit.

New Year's party To the music, children enter the hall and stop near the Christmas tree. Presenter: The New Year is coming, and we all gathered at New Year tree. Again.

New Year's party (multi-age group) New Year's party ( mixed age group) Presenter: Old Year, old year The New Year is ending, the New Year is approaching. Christmas tree again.

New Year's party "Hello, Christmas tree, my friend!" Hello, Christmas tree, my friend! Valid faces of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Stepashka. Piggy, Karkusha. To the sound of cheerful music, children enter the hall and stand up.

New Year's party. Holiday scenario for middle group children. Part 1 New Year's party. Holiday script for children middle group. Part 1 The hall is festively decorated. To the music, smartly dressed people enter the hall.

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