Taras Bulba is the main one. The pain of battle and the greatest loss

The story “Taras Bulba” by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, part of the cycle of stories “Mirgorod” (2 parts), was written in 1834. This is one of the most outstanding Russian historical works in fiction of that time, distinguished by a large number of characters, versatility and thoughtfulness of compositions, as well as the depth and capacity of the characters.

History of creation

The idea to write a large-scale historical story about the feat of the Zaporozhye Cossacks came to Gogol in 1830; he worked on creating the text for almost ten years, but the final editing was never completed. In 1835, in the first part of Mirgorod, the author’s version of the story “Taras Bulba” was published; in 1942, a slightly different edition of this manuscript was published.

Each time, Nikolai Vasilyevich remained dissatisfied with the printed version of the story, and made changes to its content at least eight times. For example, there was a significant increase in its volume: from three to nine chapters, the images of the main characters became brighter and more textured, more vivid descriptions were added to the battle scenes, the life and life of the Zaporozhye Sich acquired new interesting details.

(Illustration by Viktor Vasnetsov for “Taras Bulba” by Gogol, 1874)

Gogol very carefully and meticulously read the written text in an effort to create that unique combination that would best reveal his talent as a writer, penetrating into the depths of the characters’ characters, showing the unique self-awareness of the entire Ukrainian people as a whole. In order to understand and convey in his work the ideals of the era he describes, the author of the story with great passion and enthusiasm studied a wide variety of sources that described the history of Ukraine.

To give the story a special national flavor, which was clearly manifested in the description of everyday life, the characters, in bright and rich epithets and comparisons, Gogol used works of Ukrainian folklore (thoughts, songs). The work was based on the history of the Cossack uprising of 1638, which Hetman Potocki was tasked with suppressing. The prototype of the main character Taras Bulba was the ataman of the Zaporozhye Army Okhrim Makukha, a brave warrior and ascetic of Bohdan Khmelnitsky, who had three sons (Nazar, Khoma and Omelko).

Analysis of the work


The beginning of the story is marked by the arrival of Taras Bulba and his sons to the Zaporozhye Sich. Their father brings them in order to, as they say, “smell gunpowder,” “gain their wits,” and, having hardened themselves in battles with enemy forces, become real defenders of their Motherland. Finding themselves in the Sich, young people almost immediately find themselves in the very epicenter of developing events. Without even having time to really look around and get acquainted with local customs, they are called up for military service in the Zaporozhye army and go to war with the gentry, who oppress the Orthodox people, trampling on their rights and freedoms.

The Cossacks, as courageous and noble people, loving their homeland with all their souls and sacredly believing in the vows of their ancestors, could not help but interfere in the atrocities committed by the Polish gentry; they considered it their sacred duty to defend their Fatherland and the faith of their ancestors. The Cossack army goes on a campaign and bravely fights with the Polish army, which is much superior to the Cossack forces both in the number of soldiers and in the number of weapons. Their strength is gradually drying up, although the Cossacks do not admit this to themselves, so great is their faith in the fight for a just cause, fighting spirit and love for their native land.

The Battle of Dubno is described by the author in a unique folklore style, in which the image of the Cossacks is likened to the image of the legendary heroes who defended Rus' in ancient times, which is why Taras Bulba asks his brothers-in-arms three times “do they have gunpowder in their flasks,” to which they also answered three times times: “Yes, dad! The Cossack strength has not weakened, the Cossacks are not yet bending!” Many warriors find their death in this battle, dying with words glorifying the Russian land, because dying for the Motherland was considered the highest valor and honor for the Cossacks.

Main characters

Ataman Taras Bulba

One of the main characters of the story is the Cossack ataman Taras Bulba, this experienced and courageous warrior, together with his eldest son Ostap, is always in the front row of the Cossack offensive. He, like Ostap, who was already elected atamans by his brothers-in-arms at the age of 22, is distinguished by his remarkable strength, courage, nobility, strong-willed character and is a true defender of his land and his people, his whole life is devoted to serving the Fatherland and his compatriots.

Eldest son Ostap

A brave warrior, like his father, who loves his land with all his heart, Ostap is captured by the enemy and dies a difficult martyr’s death. He endures all tortures and trials with stoic courage, like a real giant, whose face is calm and stern. Although it is painful for his father to see his son’s torment, he is proud of him, admires his willpower, and blesses him for a heroic death, because it is worthy only of real men and patriots of his state. His Cossack brothers, who were captured with him, following the example of their chieftain, also accept death on the chopping block with dignity and some pride.

The fate of Taras Bulba himself is no less tragic: having been captured by the Poles, he dies a terrible martyr’s death and is sentenced to be burned at the stake. And again, this selfless and brave old warrior is not afraid of such a cruel death, because for the Cossacks the most terrible thing in their lives was not death, but the loss of their own dignity, violation of the holy laws of comradeship and betrayal of the Motherland.

Youngest son Andriy

The story also touches on this topic: the youngest son of old Taras, Andriy, having fallen in love with a Polish beauty, becomes a traitor and goes over to the enemy camp. He, like his older brother, is distinguished by courage and boldness, but his spiritual world is richer, more complex and contradictory, his mind is more sharp and dexterous, his mental organization is more subtle and sensitive. Having fallen in love with the Polish lady, Andriy rejects the romance of war, the rapture of battle, the thirst for victory and completely surrenders to the feelings that make him a traitor and traitor to his people. His own father does not forgive him the most terrible sin - treason and sentences him: death by his own hand. Thus, carnal love for a woman, whom the writer considers the source of all troubles and creatures of the devil, overshadowed the love for the Motherland in Andriy’s soul, ultimately not bringing him happiness, and ultimately destroying him.

Features of compositional construction

In this work, the great classic of Russian literature depicted the confrontation between the Ukrainian people and the Polish gentry, who wanted to seize the Ukrainian land and enslave its inhabitants, young and old. In the description of the life and way of life of the Zaporozhye Sich, which the author considered the place where “the will and Cossacks throughout Ukraine” develops, one can feel the author’s especially warm feelings, such as pride, admiration and ardent patriotism. Depicting the life and way of life of the Sich and its inhabitants, Gogol in his brainchild combines historical realities with high lyrical pathos, which is the main feature of the work, which is both realistic and poetic.

The images of literary characters are depicted by the writer through their portraits, described actions, through the prism of relationships with other characters. Even a description of nature, for example the steppe along which old Taras and his sons are traveling, helps to penetrate more deeply into their souls and reveal the character of the heroes. In landscape scenes, various artistic and expressive techniques are present in abundance; there are many epithets, metaphors, comparisons, it is they that give the described objects and phenomena that amazing uniqueness, rage and originality that strike the reader right in the heart and touch the soul.

The story “Taras Bulba” is a heroic work glorifying love for the Motherland, one’s people, the Orthodox faith, and the holiness of feats in their name. The image of the Zaporozhye Cossacks is similar to the image of the epic heroes of antiquity, who harrowed the Russian land from any misfortune. The work glorifies the courage, heroism, courage and dedication of the heroes who did not betray the sacred bonds of comradeship and defended their native land until their last breath. Traitors to the Motherland are equated by the author to enemy offspring, subject to destruction without any twinge of conscience. After all, such people, having lost honor and conscience, also lose their soul; they should not live on the land of the Fatherland, which the brilliant Russian writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol sang with such great fervor and love in his work.

I propose to characterize the heroes of the work “Taras Bulba” in this way:
1. Ostap. He is the eldest of two sons in the family. He received a proper education - he graduated from the Kyiv Academy. However, studying was difficult for the guy at first. Only his father's threats forced him to learn.
He is kind, sincere, brave and courageous. Over time, he began to be considered one of the best in the academy. He had close comrades and was loved and appreciated by many people. Ostap dreamed of the Sich. All his life, like his father, he dreamed of battles and battles. In addition, it was important for Ostap to perform feats of arms. He wanted to become like his father in this way. The guy sincerely loved his homeland and remained faithful to it until the end of his days. When the soldier was captured, he showed strength of spirit and, despite the terrible torment, did not utter a word, did not groan or cry. That is, Ostap is an example of a true citizen, patriot, courageous and brave fighter.
2. Andriy. This is the youngest son in the family. He received a good education in Kyiv, where learning was quite easy for him. However, unlike his older brother, Andriy was more peaceful. That is, he did not dream of exploits and battles as much as Ostap. He was attracted to peaceful life with its pleasures.
Having fallen in love, the youngest son of Taras commits a crime that even his own father will soon not be able to forgive - he betrays his homeland and goes over to the side of the enemy. One day he utters the following words: “What are my father, comrades and homeland to me?” He gave up everything he had for the sake of love with the lady. Forgetting about everything, Andriy enters into battle with his comrades from yesterday. For such a betrayal that was unacceptable in those days, his son is punished by his father.
3. Taras. This is the central character of the work, a real Cossack, the father of two sons. Taras shows the traits of a warlike, brave person. This is what the author says about him: “Taras was one of the indigenous, old colonels: he was all about scolding anxiety and was distinguished by the brutal directness of his character. Eternally restless, he considered himself the legitimate defender of Orthodoxy.” He achieved respect, because he won many fights. Despite the fact that the man is no longer young, the Cossack spirit still plays within him.
The meaning of Taras’s life is military campaigns. He is not used to peaceful life. Taras is a sincere patriot of his land, who treats his comrades with love and does not spare his enemies. When he found out that his son Andriy had now become his enemy, he did not spare him either. He doted on his eldest son Ostap. Perhaps he saw his reflection in it. But when his real hope dies, Taras falls into despair and kills all the Poles who come across his way. Soon the Cossack was caught. During the execution, Taras, like his son, behaved courageously. Even at the stake, Taras tried to help his comrades.

One of the most famous works of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is “Taras Bulba”. The description of events that took place over more than two centuries is one of the main motives of this story. And they all affect the fate of one character.

Creation of a story, reflection of historical events

In his work “Taras Bulba,” Nikolai Vasilyevich touches on the country’s past, when a person broke away from everyday life and became capable of performing heroic and patriotic deeds. When Gogol wrote this story, he often turned to many historical sources.

However, at the center of the narrative of the story "Taras Bulba" there is no description of any specific historical event. The author dedicated his work to the entire era when the Ukrainian people waged a national liberation struggle. I tried to reveal their heroic characters and attitude towards their native land.

A plausible description of the events of the era

We are talking about events related to the struggle of Ukraine against the Lithuanian and Polish invaders, when the main character Taras Bulba, whose character description is quite interesting, together with other Cossacks created and began their struggle against the gentry.

Nikolai Vasilyevich does not resort to methods of softening or embellishing the events of that era. On the contrary, he quite vividly and plausibly recreates pictures of the past associated with the war. Gogol chose a moment in the life of the Ukrainian people when their patriotic spirit was at the very peak of its rise. And it was this heroism that the writer was able to capture in his work.

The main character of the story and his main features

To clearly imagine the main character, it is necessary to delve into the description. First of all, he was a very difficult person. His whole way of life speaks about this. Starting from living conditions (room decoration, or rather, the lack thereof) and ending with relationships with loved ones - spouse or children, as well as comrades in arms. Particular attention must be paid to the behavior of this character in battle.

Taras is a Cossack colonel with extensive combat experience. And he believes that he is always right in everything. Wise from life experience, he demands unconditional submission. His whole life is devoted to dangers and difficulties, the Cossack is filled with a thirst for justice. It is not created for family comfort; its real element is the Sich.

The main character's relationship with his sons

Taras Bulba, whose character description is mainly based on hard, sometimes even overly hard, traits, is a person not devoid of sentimentality. Somewhere you can see how he shed a tear, seeing the care of his wife or remembering his youth and comrades in arms. Taras is used to being a father not only to his two sons, but also to all the Cossacks who believe in him. These are the ones he commands and whose lives are in his hands.

People trusted him, and he must be an example for them. At first glance, in relations with sons it is impossible to notice any special love and affection, but nevertheless there is a certain stern tenderness. The father hopes that his children will become worthy Cossacks and defenders of the Fatherland. They will not disgrace his name.

The main differences between the two sons of the protagonist

Where can one begin to describe the sons of Taras Bulba? Probably because of their differences. The eldest, Ostap, is presented by the author as the embodiment of courage. He, just like Taras, loves his homeland, people and is devoted to the Cossack brotherhood. His appearance is menacing and filled with enormous inner strength. He is a real warrior who must continue his father’s difficult work.

Andriy is softer and more gentle. The features of a hot-tempered young man are noticeable in him. It is not typical for him to reason and think about his actions. His life is spontaneous and influenced by feelings, not reason. Even in battle, he committed actions that Ostap, having a cold-blooded character, would never have dared to do.

The author’s attitude towards Andriy’s sincere feelings

Nikolai Vasilyevich in his story “Taras Bulba” contrasts the description of Andriy with the image of his older brother. Of course, he emphasized the sincerity of the love of this tender, impressionable young man for the Polish girl, but did not hide the fact that Andriy could not rise above the level of an ordinary person.

The author condemned him for the fact that the young man neglected both his father and brother, as well as his love for the Motherland and his people, forgot about them for the sake of personal feelings. Nikolai Vasilevich especially emphasizes the contradictions of their characters in the images of the brothers. On the one hand, there is Ostap, filled with courage and courage, on the other, Andriy, absorbed in his own individualism.

His image is opposed to the entire character of the people, and his death was necessary retribution for the betrayal of common aspirations. The description of the sons of Taras Bulba is of great importance, since it allows us to reveal the meaning of the action of the main character. Murder of a son.

Manifestation of a tough character, or Revenge for betrayal

A description of the story "Taras Bulba" would not be complete without discussing the scene of the protagonist's murder of his own son. Why did the father decide to do such a terrible act? The laws of the Cossacks were very strict. Theft and murder were punished severely. There was no question of that, because it was believed that there could not be such people among the Cossacks.

When Andriy fell in love with the lady, he forgot all the vows he made. For the sake of his love, the young man was capable of anything: killing a comrade, betraying his homeland. Taras understands that between a sense of duty to the Fatherland and his own emotions, his son makes a choice in favor of love. He commits an act that cannot be called masculine. And here there can be no excuses for him. And Andriy himself understands this. He dies at the hands of his father in silence, only quietly uttering the name of his beloved.

Another loss of an elderly Cossack

Trouble, as we know, does not come alone. Taras's second son is captured. The description of Ostap from Taras Bulba from the first pages of this work is constantly filled with the most heroic features. He embodies the very era described by Nikolai Vasilevich. It was not only in battles that Ostap showed his courage - and in captivity he did not lose his dignity.

The young Cossack went through many tortures, but retained his courage and honor. Even in the face of death, he looks through the eyes of his father to show that he did not betray his people and Motherland. He remained faithful to Cossack traditions and did not disgrace the memory of his ancestors. The opinion of Taras Bulba, who was always an example for him, was so important to him.

So Taras lost both of his sons. Like a madman, he fights on the battlefield, wanting to avenge the death of Ostap. The Poles paid dearly to catch the desperate Cossack. Taras Bulba dies as courageously as he fought and lived. Until the last minute, he remembered his comrades and his beloved Fatherland.

"Taras Bulba". Description of the steppe, or the image of Ukrainian open spaces

There is a wonderful description of Ukrainian nature in the story. The author depicts him at the moment when Taras is traveling with his sons to his comrades. Everyone is busy with their own thoughts. The father remembers his youth, reflects on how time flies, and is sad about his dead friends. Ostap is busy thinking about his mother’s excitement, which greatly touched the heart of the young Cossack. And Andriy dreams of a beautiful Polish woman who has settled in his heart.

And here Nikolai Vasilyevich begins in his work ("Taras Bulba") a description of the steppe. Having paid attention to the beauty of Ukrainian nature, the heroes forget about their own thoughts - they were so captivated by the boundless expanses of their native land. They immerse themselves in the atmosphere of steppe life, hear its every sound, and merge with the surrounding nature.

The crackling of a grasshopper, the rustling of grass, the cries of gophers... The heroes watch the sunset and enjoy the fabulous colors that filled the earth. In this description one can feel Gogol’s love for his Motherland and its endless fields. It was in this part of the work that Nikolai Vasilyevich put a special piece of soul and warmth, trying to convey his emotions and feelings for his native land.

Throughout his career, he created interesting and colorful characters. In the story “Taras Bulba” the characters are so textured that they are remembered the first time. Of course, these images are collective and hyperbolic, but no less interesting and vivid.

Characteristics of the heroes of “Taras Bulba”

One of the main characters of the story of the same name is Cossack Taras Bulba. The author describes him as a man of courage, determination and courage. He was a real Zaporozhye Cossack: camaraderie and Christian faith were very important to Bulba all his life. He is no longer young, he occupies a certain position in the Sich. In the episodes of the feast on the occasion of the return of his sons from Bursa, in the scenes of the battle with the Poles, it is clear that Taras Bulba is respected and his advice is listened to. Even those who have only recently come to the Sich see in Bulba a wise and fair warrior. From the first chapters it becomes clear that he is not a family man - his wife rarely sees him, because the Cossack often goes on military campaigns with the Zaporozhye army, and Bulba did not like to stay at home, he believed that this had a bad effect on his character.
For Taras Bulba, the Sich and the fate of his Fatherland came first.

Ostap Bulbenko - eldest son Bulba, together with his brother, graduated from the seminary and after completing their studies returned home. The reader learns about how Ostap showed himself in the seminary from several episodes: Ostap at first did not want to study and tried to escape, but over time he came to his senses. This character truly reveals itself during the campaign against the Poles. Ostap appears before us as a worthy son of his father: a brave, strong Cossack who is endowed with analytical abilities.

Despite the fact that Ostap is captured by the Poles, the Cossack does not lose his composure and the firmness inherent in his character. After the execution scene, the reader has no doubt that Ostap rightfully deserves to be called a real Cossack. The hero goes to the execution place without fear, facing death with dignity.

Listing the main characters of the story “Taras Bulba” one cannot fail to mention Andrie, youngest son old Cossack. He is different from both his brother and his father. We can say that he took a lyrical soul from his mother, and determination and the will to win from his father. We can say that it was this combination that became fatal for the young man.

In military affairs, Andriy did not lag behind his brother, and sometimes did things that not a single Cossack could even think of. The young guy is fascinated by battles, parties, swords, swords, raids - everything that Cossack life consists of. The image of Andriy was created by Gogol in a romantic vein. The reader understands that two opposing principles are fighting in Andria: the desire to love and act according to the dictates of the heart and the desire to serve the native land, to stand guard over freedom and independence.

The characters in Taras Bulba are colorful and expressive.
Each image is described incredibly subtly, so that the reader has a very realistic picture before his eyes. For example, the scene of a trip to the Sich evokes associations with the painting “Bogatyrs” by V. Vasnetsov. Just like on the canvas, three people appear before us: a father and his two sons. They are the same fearless, courageous and brave warriors.

The story “Taras Bulba” is part of the “Mirgorod” cycle, which was published in 1835, and in 1842 it was published, supplemented and revised by Gogol. The main theme that the author laid down is the struggle of the Ukrainian people for national independence. Work on the work took Gogol almost 9 years.

Meeting with sons

Even the summary of “Taras Bulba” (story) is a short and melodic sketch of the history of Ukraine. Two young men returned from school. Their father meets them in the yard. A man laughs at the strange clothes the seminarians are wearing. The eldest son, Ostap, cannot stand the ridicule and challenges his father to a fight.

A thin mother runs out into the yard. Hugs his sons. The father calls his comrades together to share his joy. During the feast, Taras says that his brave sons have nothing to do at home. Therefore, in the morning Taras Bulba, Ostap and Andriy set off for the Zaporozhye Sich. The frightened mother hopes that the old man will forget about his intention, but he is already giving the appropriate orders for preparation.

They spend the night under the sky. Everyone was overcome by sleep. Only the poor and aged mother did not sleep a wink. Her heart is torn by unknown grief. She quietly combs the hair of her sleeping sons.

At the first rays of the sun, Taras wakes up his sons, and they set off on their journey. The mother feels terrible misfortune, throws herself at their feet and hugs them for the last time. This is how the first part ends (summary). Taras Bulba takes the children to the Sich.

Bright moment - Cossack Sich

Dear, both sons and Taras are tormented by the image of a drooping mother. Their journey was calm, and a week later they find themselves in the glorious Zaporozhye Sich. They greet the guys like well-known, old friends. Young Cossacks are surprised by this attitude. They settle in the kuren and experience free life.

Nikolai Gogol clearly reflected the life of the Cossacks. “Taras Bulba” is a story about the courts of that time. So, the guys are amazed by the laws that the residents of Zaporozhye adhere to. For petty theft, a Cossack is tied to a pole, and passers-by beat him to death with a stick. Debtors are loaded into a cannon and not taken out until someone pays off the debt. The Last Judgment awaits the one who killed his brother in faith. Traitors are thrown into a pit next to the coffin of the deceased and buried alive. The terrible customs of the Cossack army. The characteristics of “Taras Bulba” show what rules guided society in the 16th - 17th centuries.

First war and blood treason

The young Cossacks were not trained for long. Not without the father’s petition, the army is going to repay the Poles for all the trouble that they brought to the Ukrainian lands. The squad goes on a campaign and burns villages and cities behind them. Their cruelty is a reflection of hatred. So, the army stands in front of the city of Dubno. Its walls have become impregnable for the Cossacks, so the leadership decides to starve the inhabitants to death. Gogol reproduces events as accurately as possible. The work “Taras Bulba” can be taken as a basis when studying the military maneuvers of the Cossacks.

The wait is long, and the warriors yearn for battle. Everyday idleness tires them more than battles. Ataman allows you to drink more.

One night Andriy, the younger Bulba, looks for a long time into the sky where the Milky Way shines. Suddenly a terrible thin figure appears before his eyes. He mistakes her for a ghost. But this is a woman, a servant of his old acquaintance.

She said that the lady saw him from the wall and asked him to spare him and bring her family bread. The guy agreed without hesitation. On the way to the cart with food, he stepped over his brother and disobeyed his sleepy father, who said that the woman would not lead to good things.

He entered the city through a secret passage. ON THE streets he was horrified by the picture of the hungry and dead lying in the middle of the street. His meeting with the lady set my heart on fire. Now he saw her as a woman, not a girl. She thanked him for her salvation with kisses, which Andriy passionately accepts. From their conversation we learn that the city does not surrender because it is waiting for reinforcements. In a fit of emotion, Andriy renounces his homeland and faith because of his love for a young lady. This was the meeting and its summary. Taras Bulba has no idea about his son’s betrayal.

The pain of battle and the greatest loss

Help arrived that same night. The foreign army killed some of the sleeping Cossacks. The chieftain blames drink for everything, but one of the Cossacks encourages the army. He says that it is a sin to drink during a battle, but there is no shame in having fun when they were not expecting a battle. This consoles the sad soldiers.

One Jew informs Taras that Andriy has switched to the other, enemy side. He praises his new outfit, talks about the respect he has earned among his enemies. It also talks about a man’s love for a beautiful lady. This is how the father learns about the events behind the wall, the treachery of his son and the reason for such actions, or rather their summary. Taras Bulba noticeably loses heart.

Jew also conveys the words of Andriy. He said that his father and Ostap, like brothers in faith, are now his enemies.

The enemy who remained a son

The battle begins after the Poles learn that part of the army has retreated to help in the Sich, which is being attacked by the Turks, they learned about the campaign. Many Cossacks fall. Taras sees his traitorous son and asks his friends to lure him into the forest. Andriy, who so mercilessly chops down yesterday’s brothers, is led to the bait. In the forest he finds himself in front of his father. But she doesn’t dare raise her eyes to him. He humbly accepts death from his own hands. The characteristics of Taras Bulba as a person can be traced very subtly here.

Death of the brave heroes of the Fatherland

Having recovered, Taras goes to his son. Ostap should be executed, but his spirit is alive and free. The only thing that worries him before his death is the absence of a loved one. In desperation, he asks if his father can hear him, Taras says that he can hear him. A patriot accepts death with ease. They are looking for the Cossack father in the crowd, but there is no trace of him.

Further, the story “Taras Bulba” tells how a father and his brothers take revenge for the death of their son cruelly and soullessly. He is hunted and subsequently tracked. In pursuit, he loses his pipe and says that it is not worthy for the enemy’s foot to trample on. That's how he was caught. The forces are no longer so powerful, which partly explains the broken spirit. Taras is tied to a tree and set on fire. From the top he has a view of the valley. He sees a river and boats on its bank. Bulba screams about possible salvation, and the wind carries the words to the brothers. The tree is engulfed in flames, but what is death for a Cossack? And on his deathbed, he did not forget about what had guided him all his life.

Boats are sailing along the river. The bullets do not reach the Cossacks. They think about their brother named Taras Bulba. The heroes who met us at the beginning of the story ended their lives on the pages.

The fate of Ukraine in the form of a mother

With amazing tenderness the writer describes the mother of two sons. In the story, he talks about her difficult fate - to live and wait for news about her children. In her person are all the mothers of the earth. She did not see much mercy from her husband and did not have time to enjoy the presence of her sons. A difficult fate early on made her an old woman. Before her sons leave, she clearly feels the approach of grief, but is unable to change anything. The last thing she does is rush to say goodbye to her children forever. Taras Bulba, Ostap and Andriy overshadow her figure, but still she is constantly present in the book.

The author says that the soul of a mother whose son is fighting will not find peace. She, like other women, will run around the squares and ask passers-by if they have seen her closest ones: son, husband, brother, father. The mother in the story is the earth, tired of shed blood.

Young chieftain

One of the main characters is Ostap. He is the embodiment of all the bright and honest feelings of a real Cossack. He is characterized by courage, strength, sincerity, and most importantly, faith in the work he is doing. Even his father said more than once that Ostap is his pride. Nevertheless, he spoke no worse about Andria.

Even in seminary, the guy showed character. He began to study diligently only after his father said that if he disobeyed, he would not let him go to the Sich, which he dreamed of. And by that time, Ostap had buried books in the garden more than once. In the story “Taras Bulba” the characters are described very vividly.

He showed the greatest courage in battle, for which he was elected chieftain. It was necessary to have no less faith in order to proudly accept death.

Ostap Bulba is a hero, patriot and Cossack, whose spirit was not subdued even by the death penalty.

Andriy - traitor or hero?

Even during his studies, Andriy stood out for his dreaminess. He studied well and, unlike his brother, always managed to avoid punishment. Ostap, on the contrary, took them without pain in his eyes.

The smaller Bulba dreamed of love. One day he was walking around Kyiv, and he was caught by a cart that was passing by. The guy had already grabbed the stirrups, but the driver suddenly lifted them, and Andriy fell face-first into the swamp. Then I heard laughter. A beautiful lady was looking at him. Pale and with thick black curls. The guy wanted to talk to her, but in this form he was not allowed through the gate. Then he saw her in the church, where she met her as a good friend. Then for the first time love touched the young man’s heart. The young lady went, and Andriy did not remember her until that night when the shadow of the maid hung over him. This is how Andriy, in love, betrayed his people. Taras Bulba renounced his son.

Strong figure - Taras Bulba

Taras in the story reflects the Zaporozhye Sich. He is fair, kind and believes in the sanctity of struggle. My father was proud of his "falcons". This can be seen after an argument in the courtyard, when Taras declares that his son is an excellent fighter. In war, children do not let down expectations and show their Cossack strength to the fullest. Nikolai Gogol often plays with the reader’s consciousness. Taras Bulba felt on a subconscious level what exactly would ruin his son. The words about the woman became prophetic.

He, as a symbol, became a consolation in trouble for Ostap, who was executed. Having put his own life at risk, Taras was next to his son at the time of death. And when it's time for him to leave, he thinks about his comrades who were left in trouble. Taras Bulba is a true patriot.

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