Only white wet clods quickly flashed by. Picture for the poem No one will be home

Poem “There will be no one in the house. "was written in 1931. From the very first line the theme of loneliness sounds. The mental state of the lyrical hero is emphasized by the image of the outside world: twilight, snow, frost:

Only white wet lumps

A quick flash of the flywheel,

Only roofs, snow, and, except

Roofs and snow, no one.

The third and fourth - the central stanzas of the poem - introduce the motifs of memory and guilt:

And again they will stab you to this day with unreleased guilt, And the window along the crosspiece will crush the hunger for wood.

The final stanzas (5 and 6) are contrasted with the first and second: if at the beginning of the poem the cross-cutting motif is the motif of loneliness, then at the end She appears:

You'll appear out the door

In something white, without quirks,

In some ways, really from those matters,

From which flakes are made.

Boris Pasternak grew up in an amazing family, where everything contributed to awakening a craving for creativity. Father is a famous artist, academician of painting; mother is a talented pianist. The composition of poetry was preceded by a passion for music, which the future poet loved “more than anything in the world,” and painting lived next to music. Vrubel, Vasnetsov, Serov, Ge and many other celebrities visited my father’s workshop. Pasternak became neither a musician nor an artist, but painting and music organically entered the fabric of his poems and merged together. The works of Boris Leonidovich are unusual; the poet’s imagination takes us into a mysterious, sometimes not entirely clear at first glance, world.

One of my favorite poems is “There will be no one in the house.” This work reflects the circumstances of the poet’s personal life: in nineteen thirty-one, Pasternak creates a new family. This event served as the starting point for the poet’s then-born lyrics. The poem was written in the same year and was included in a collection with the symbolic title “Second Birth.”

Often Pasternak’s poems are structured like this: the poet is alone in a room, separated by walls from the outside world, but suddenly the walls “disappear”, begin to “see through”, and there is a kind of reunion of the poet (lyrical hero) and the reality around him.

“There Will Be No One in the House” is one of these works. It can be divided into two parts. The first of them consists of four stanzas. A slightly sad picture appears before us: twilight, silence, the lyrical hero sitting by the window, wet lumps of snow, roofs.

Winter day through the doorway

causes feelings of sadness, melancholy, despondency and, for some reason, guilt.

The second part consists of the last two quatrains. The picture changes in the most unexpected way, and this suddenness is felt already in the first lines:

But unexpectedly along the curtain

An intrusive shiver will run through...

The arrival of the lyrical heroine is called an “invasion”; her appearance can only be compared with the “future”; with her comes peace, life. And everything around is changing. There are no “white wet lumps” now, but there are snow flakes, which are now one with it. Her dress is not even called a dress, but “something white,” from the kind of material from which “flakes are made.” For some reason, I see her very similar to the Snow Queen from the fairy tale by G.H. Andersen.

The material – flakes, cotton – makes the heroine airy, unattainable, cut off from the world. The author creates an amazingly beautiful picture: she floats out in a white dress made of snow, inaccessible and beloved. Thus, through the ordinary everyday life, the most important thing, the most important thing in life, “shines through.” The intonation of the poem changes: sadness and melancholy give way to enthusiasm and admiration.

I really like Boris Leonidovich Pasternak’s poem “There will be no one in the house.” It teaches us to see the small in the big and vice versa, it teaches us to look into ourselves and what surrounds us.

All his work is a “secret”, “allegory”, which contains the desire to understand: what our life is.

B. Pasternak “There will be no one in the house”

Analysis of the poem by B. Pasternak “There will be no one in the house”

The poem was written in 1931. Theme: landscape and love lyrics. The lyrical hero describes a winter evening. The author compares the landscape with the inner world of the hero. The poem is permeated by the motif of loneliness, which is expressed in nature by the emptiness outside the window. The landscape is boring and monotonous: “Only roofs, snow, except roofs and snow, no one.” The window is also a symbol of the hero’s inner world, in which winter and loneliness currently reign. Despite this, he is open to the outside. The lyrical hero is overcome by memories of the past, which he cannot part with, and again and again he replays it in his head. They hurt him, he acted wrongly, wrongly and cannot forgive himself for this, he tirelessly reproaches himself: “And again they will prick him with guilt that has not been forgiven until now...”. And so, quite unexpectedly, the world of the lyrical hero begins to change. She appears and removes the boundaries between worlds. She comes suddenly, everything freezes in her presence, becomes silent. The lyrical hero calls it the future, so mysterious and unsolved, without which nothing will happen in the future. He says “you will appear,” that is, you will appear out of nowhere. “No quirks” - despite all this, it is very simple. “Flakes are made from” - light, weightless. Parsnip focuses our attention on the white color scheme. White color is a symbol of purity, the divine principle. When she appears, it is snowing outside the window. That is, with her arrival the world becomes much cleaner. And there is already hope to forget the old and start all over again.

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    “There will be no one in the house...” B. Pasternak

    “There will be no one in the house...” Boris Pasternak

    There will be no one in the house
    Except at dusk. One
    Winter day in the through doorway
    Undrawn curtains.

    Only white wet lumps
    A quick glimpse of moss,
    Only roofs, snow, and, except

    Roofs and snow, no one.

    And again he will draw frost,
    And he'll turn on me again
    Last year's gloom
    And things are different in winter.

    And they stab again to this day
    Unrelieved guilt
    And the window along the cross
    Wood hunger will suppress hunger.

    But unexpectedly along the curtain
    A shiver of doubt will run through -
    Measuring the silence with steps.
    You, like the future, will enter.

    You'll appear out the door
    In something white, without quirks,
    In some ways, really from those matters,
    From which flakes are made.

    Analysis of Pasternak’s poem “There will be no one in the house...”

    Most poets in their works strive to convey what they feel at the moment of their writing. Therefore, it is not surprising that recognized masters of lyricism often have poems with philosophical or political content, and poets with a clearly expressed civic position often write about love. Boris Pasternak is no exception in this regard, and his authorship includes poems on a wide variety of subjects.

    The poet himself never considered himself a person who was able to gracefully convey feelings in words, and sincerely dreamed that someday he would be able to learn this. However, it is through the poems of Boris Pasternak that one can track the most significant events of his personal life. An example of such a work is the poem “There will be no one in the house...”, which the poet dedicated to his second wife Zinaida Neuhauz.

    The romance between Pasternak and Neuhaus was shrouded in gossip and speculation. However, it was no secret to anyone that the poet actually stole his future wife from his best friend. By that time, Pasternak already had a family, and Zinaida Neuhauz herself had been legally married for almost 10 years. However, this did not stop me from breaking off relations with my “halves”. The poem “There will be no one in the house...”, created in 1931, is about the very beginning of this unusual novel. It begins with the fact that the author, admiring the winter evening “in the through opening of the uncurtained curtains,” recalls how he destroyed his first family. The author experiences an acute feeling of guilt, and is overcome by “last year’s despondency and the affairs of a different winter”. when he broke up with his first wife Evgenia Lurie. Pasternak doubts that he acted correctly and prudently. After all, family and a child are on one side of the scale, and on the other are feelings, which are not always the key to personal happiness. However, his doubts are dispelled by the one to whom he gave his heart. “Measuring the silence with steps, you, like the future, will enter,” this is how the poet describes the appearance of Zinaida Neuhaus not only in the apartment with frost-covered windows, but also in his life. Talking about the chosen one’s outfit, Pasternak notes that it is as white as the flakes of snow outside the window, thereby emphasizing the purity of this woman’s feelings and the selflessness of her actions. The image of Zinaida Neuhaus is shrouded in a romantic aura, but at the same time the poet portrays her as an ordinary earthly person who knows how to love and give happiness to those destined for her.

    Poem by B. L. Pasternak “There will be no one in the house. "(perception, interpretation, evaluation).

    Boris Leonidovich Pasternak lived and worked in a very difficult time for Russia. Old canons collapsed, old life changed harshly, people and destinies were broken. Perhaps it was precisely this anxious time that forced people to pick up paper, sit down at the table and try to find answers to questions in their poems, to look for the meaning of life...

    B.L. Pasternak is a wonderful poet with a subtle soul and a unique vision of the world. His work occupies a special place in the history of Russian literature.

    The poem “There will be no one in the house...” was written in 1931. It begins with these lines:

    There will be no one in the house

    Except at dusk. One

    Winter day through the doorway

    From the very first lines, the reader finds himself in a special atmosphere created by the author, in the atmosphere of peace and quiet of a winter day. It is worth noting that almost all of Pasternak’s works are difficult to read. This poem is no exception. I really want to divide the sentences in my own way, not paying attention to the punctuation marks added by the author. But this is only after the first, superficial reading. What do we see when we read the poem as the author intended? There are only four lines, but a clearly drawn picture appears before us!

    Only white wet lumps

    A quick flash of the flywheel.

    Only roofs, snow and, except

    Roofs and snow - no one.

    There is no need for a clear and detailed description of winter with all sorts of nuances. This is of no use. With a few precise strokes, the author conveys to readers the feeling of winter snowfall. We immediately see the fall of “white wet lumps” before our eyes.

    It is very interesting that in Pasternak, nature and the world around him in general are endowed with properties equal to those of the poet, and cease to be a passive object of description. Before Pasternak, the state of nature was described through the state of man. His nature is unique, without man. And now we are no longer looking out the winter window, but the window itself is looking at us with its “roofs and snow”:

    And they stab again to this day

    And the window along the cross

    Wood hunger will suppress hunger.

    I would like to note that one of the distinctive features of Pasternak’s poetry is the special metaphorical nature of his poems. His metaphor is unusual in itself and plays an unusual role. The nature and surrounding things described by the poet seem to experience the same feelings as the lyrical hero. A person’s feelings are not conveyed by directly describing his feelings. Pasternak compares them with nature using metaphors. Perhaps in this way the poet wanted to show the unity of the world, to collect scattered details and show their interpenetration. Objects and phenomena in Pasternak are intertwined with each other, at times even merging.

    Despite the fact that the poem is narrated in the first person, there is no lyrical hero as such. His image is not highlighted, unclear. He is perceived not as a separate person, but as the one through whose eyes we see this wonderful picture of a winter day. The lack of emphasis of the lyrical hero, his dissolution in the surrounding world is created in Pasternak’s poetry not only with the help of metaphor, but also with the help of the sound organization of the verse.

    The sound structure of the poem also shows the unity of the poet and the universe, the integrity of being - the unity of the external world and the lyrical hero, his harmony with himself and the world around him...

    In the following lines we find clear examples of assonance and alliteration:

    Only white wet lumps

    A quick flash of the flywheel.

    The repetition of sonorants “m”, “r”, “l”, consonants “b” and “x” and vowels “e” and “o” creates a feeling of monotony. It seems as if we hear the unhurried rustle of falling large flakes of snow and see their virgin whiteness... The color scheme of the verse is also eloquent, the main color here, of course, is “white”...

    The poem is written in trochaic tetrameter, with cross rhyme.

    Compositionally, the work can be divided into two parts. The first is purely descriptive, static... It gives the overall picture, the atmosphere of a winter day, silence, loneliness. The second part destroys the state of solitude and peace:

    But unexpectedly along the curtain

    An intrusive shiver will run through.

    Measuring the silence with steps,

    You, like the future, will enter.

    The lyrical heroine appears, the one for whom the hero of the poem was waiting, with the anticipation of which the entire winter idyll was breathing... She enters, “like the future,” personifying everything that is bright, beautiful and natural:

    You'll show up at the door

    In something white, without quirks,

    In something really from those matters,

    From which flakes are made.

    What awe and tender feeling these lines are imbued with! An unearthly and airy image of a girl involuntarily appears before your eyes, like light flakes of snow outside the window... And long after reading the poem, this picture remains in the memory, filling the soul with peace, tranquility and the sweet expectation of a miracle.

    This work received its second life as a song performed in the film “The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath.” Isn’t this the greatest recognition of a poet when his works are set to music?

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    / Works / Pasternak B.L. / Miscellaneous / Poem by B. L. Pasternak “There will be no one in the house. "(perception, interpretation, evaluation).

    Listen to Pasternak's poem No one will be home

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    Picture for the essay analysis of the poem No one will be home

I think that Boris Pasternak's poem "Nobody Will Be Home" is about loneliness. The hero of the poem is completely alone at home, and an inexorable melancholy gnaws at him. Life flows very slowly, measuredly, without haste, reaching the point of monotony. Without any embellishment or joyful moments. Outside the window, winter nature reigns, which gives the already sad mood even more dark colors of the soul. But at the same moment, the hero is haunted by the thought that life can change.

Despite the bad mood, the winter landscape outside the window instills more positive thoughts. This white winter snow is very sensual, innocent and kind things are associated with it. Snow is a symbol of purity. The hero thinks so, because with the onset of winter, all the past: grievances, sadness - is erased and gives rise to new achievements "and will again draw frost... Last year's despondency."

The hero also has an expectation of something good. Hope for a happy future does not leave him until the end of the poem. This hope, like a “tremor of doubt,” may appear completely unexpectedly. It even seemed to me that she came to visit only at the worst moments, at peak moments of sadness. Salvation comes to a person when he truly needs it. She is dressed in white clothes, she is completely simple, “In something white, without quirks.” The description of the hero's hope is very similar to the description of winter; it could also be a loved one or relative who has not appeared for a long time. And cleansing the soul from past experiences is necessary in order to make room for new ones. Emptiness in the soul should not remain; one set of emotions leaves with the help of a “guest” and another comes. This can be called an endless cycle. A person lives, and his soul lives with him, which is never empty.

Thus, we can conclude that the author wanted to say that throughout the lives of all people there are unpleasant moments, in the light of which the meaning of life is lost. But you should never despair. You always need to find good moments, or at least try. A person is not alone in his emotions and experiences. Close and beloved people come to the aid of a morally broken person.

Analysis of the poem No one will be at home by Pasternak

The poem was written in 1931. It’s not easy in Russia - the NEP, another perestroika and the destruction of life values, foundations, destinies. It was especially difficult for the intelligentsia. Pasternak has his own style of writing poetry. The reader would like to add his own punctuation marks, but he cannot. The poem is written in trochee, alternating rhyme every other line.

The poet dedicated this poem to his second wife Zinaida. He practically “stole” her from his friend. Both had families, but this did not stop the lovers. In the first quatrain, he remembers his former family. Twilight, window not covered with curtains. The poet sits in the silence of a calm winter day. He is tormented by the fact that he is guilty and doubts his actions. There was a child left in the family left behind. He is visited by “last year’s despondency and the affairs of winter are different.”

As you know, this is physiology, and there is no escape from it. Men are polygamous creatures. Instincts take precedence over reason. As a creative person, to create new works, the poet needs new emotions, new impressions. For Pasternak, feelings come first.

And outside the window it’s snowing, it falls in shaggy clods on the roofs. And no one anywhere, silence.

He calls his new love “future.” She will appear unexpectedly, the curtain will flutter, and light, hurried female steps will be heard in the silence. And, lo and behold! So she fluttered out from behind the door in a simple airy white dress, without embellishment, looking like a snowflake. With this comparison, he wants to show the purity of her feelings and thoughts.

There are many metaphors in the poem. The poet endows nature with the ability to experience the same feelings as humans. His sensations are conveyed not simply by describing feelings, but through nature.

This poem, set to music, sounded like a beautiful, touching romance in the film “The Irony of Fate or “Enjoy Your Bath!”

Picture for the poem No one will be home

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The lyrical hero describes a winter evening. And from the very first lines the reader finds himself in a special atmosphere created by the author, in the atmosphere of peace and quiet of a winter day.

The poem is entirely metaphorical.

Pasternak's metaphor is completely unusual and plays an unusual role. The nature and surrounding things described by the poet seem to experience the same feelings as the lyrical hero. A person’s feelings are not conveyed by directly describing his feelings. Pasternak compares them with nature using metaphors.

Objects and phenomena in Pasternak are intertwined with each other, at times even merging.

Despite the fact that the poem is narrated in the first person, there is no lyrical hero as such. His image is not highlighted, not clear. He is perceived not as a separate person, but as the one through whose eyes we see this wonderful picture of a winter day. The lack of emphasis of the lyrical hero, his dissolution in the surrounding world is created in Pasternak’s poetry not only with the help of metaphor, but also with the help of the sound organization of the verse.

The sound structure of the poem also shows the unity of the poet and the universe, the unity of the external world and the lyrical hero, his harmony with himself and the world around him...

In the following lines we find clear examples of assonance and alliteration:

  • Only white wet lumps
  • A quick flash of the flywheel.

The repetition of sonorants “m, r, l”, consonants “b, x” and vowels “e, o” creates a feeling of monotony. It seems as if you can hear the leisurely rustle of falling large flakes of snow.

The color scheme of the verse is also eloquent; the main color here, of course, is “white”... White color is a symbol of purity, the divine principle.

When she appears, it is snowing outside the window, and with her arrival the world becomes much cleaner.

The poem is written in trochaic tetrameter, with cross rhyme.

Compositionally, the work can be divided into two parts.

The first is purely descriptive, static... It gives the overall picture, the atmosphere of a winter day, silence, loneliness.

The second part destroys the state of solitude and peace:

  • But unexpectedly along the curtain
  • An intrusive shiver will run through.
  • Measuring the silence with steps,
  • You, like the future, will enter.

The lyrical heroine appears, the one for whom the hero of the poem was waiting, with the anticipation of which the entire winter idyll was breathing... She enters, “like the future,” personifying everything that is bright, beautiful and natural:

  • You'll show up at the door
  • In something white, without quirks,
  • In something really from those matters,
  • From which flakes are made.

What awe and tender feeling these lines are imbued with! An unearthly and airy image of a girl, like light flakes of snow outside the window, involuntarily appears before your eyes... And long after reading the poem, this picture of waiting for a miracle remains in my memory.

History of creation

The poem “There will be no one in the house” was written in 1931. It was included in the collection “Second Birth” published in 1932. This was the time Pasternak met his future second wife, Zinaida Neuhaus, at that time the wife of Heinrich Neuhaus, the famous pianist and friend of Pasternak. To unite in marriage, which took place in 1932, Pasternak and Zinaida Neuhaus had to go through a difficult divorce from their former husband and wife. Pasternak left his son, and the children of the pianist Neuhaus lived in the family of Zinaida and Boris. The younger one, Stanislav, also became a famous pianist.

Zinaida Neuhaus-Pasternak was the writer’s wife until his death in 1960, but in fact, after 1945, the couple began to move away from each other. Pasternak’s last love was Olga Ivinskaya, for whose sake the poet never decided to leave his second wife, as he had once left his first for her sake.

Literary direction and genre

The poem is an excellent example of love poetry. Pasternak is a prominent representative of modernism of the 20th century, but after the revolution of the 17th century. he did not belong to any literary association, remaining an independent, original poet.

Theme, main idea and composition

The theme of the poem is love, which changes lives and gives the future. The main idea is connected with the amazing property of true love - to revive a person to a new life, give him the strength to survive the past, “despondency” and look into the future.

The poem consists of 6 stanzas. The first 4 stanzas describe the state of the lyrical hero, who succumbs to a gloomy winter mood and plunges into memories. In the last two stanzas, the mood of the lyrical hero changes with the arrival of his beloved. In some editions, the last two stanzas are even printed as an eight-line poem.

The poem does not have a lyrical ending; the lyrical hero does not make any emotional point. The arrival of his beloved brightens up the hero’s loneliness, but the further development of events is unclear; the lyrical hero only has a glimmer of hope that the heroine is his future.

Paths and images

The main state and mood of the lyrical hero is loneliness. It is described using the personification of twilight, which fills the house and is not something, but someone - a certain person who evokes melancholy. Another personality - an animated winter day - stands outside the windows, visible through the undraped curtains. The undrafted curtains themselves are a sign of disorder in the lyrical hero’s house, a lack of comfort in his life.

The second stanza is contrasting in color. Black roofs and white snow, the rapid movement (neologism flash) of white snowflakes waving out the window encourage the hero to succumb to the state of nature and “spinning around.” This internal movement, which is given to the lyrical hero by feelings (last year’s despondency), continues the spinning of the snow and the dynamic outlines of frost on the windows.

The first two stanzas are completely static, there are no verbs in them. The movements in the poem are associated with snowfall and the invasion of the guest.

The affairs of winter are different - obviously, the past love of the lyrical hero. He does not name the people who hurt him, with whom he was unable to come to an agreement earlier. The fourth stanza is a complex sentence, the first part of which is a single-part, indefinitely personal one, that is, the personality of those who sting with guilt that has not been forgiven is not important and not interesting to the lyrical hero. The verb to prick refers to the lyrical hero, who in this stanza, using psychological parallelism, is compared with a window experiencing the pressure of “wood hunger” (metaphor). The verb squeeze refers to the wooden crossbars of the window, which press on the glass, but cannot break it.

The fourth stanza is the only one thrown out in the romance performed in the film “The Irony of Fate.” Obviously, due to the difficulty of listening and because of the hint of some guilt for the past, which Lukashin did not have.

The appearance of the beloved is preceded by a trembling of invasion (metaphor). A curtain is the opposite of a curtain; it is thick and often hangs not on the window, but on the door. Obviously this curtain is closed, but it fluctuates with footsteps. The steps appearing in the next line measure and destroy the silence in which the lyrical hero has been all this time. The heroine is not only compared to the future, but is also the future of the lyrical hero.

For the lyrical hero, the beloved’s clothes merge with the snow outside the window, which appears to the hero as material for the woman’s white clothes. Such an unfinished ending, in which the silence in the room is broken by a guest bursting straight from the world of “roofs and snow,” does not reveal the secrets of the future, but changes the hero’s worldview

Meter and rhyme

The poem is written in trochee with many pyrrhichs, which makes the rhythm look like the uneven breathing of a lover. The rhyme pattern in the poem is cross, female rhyme alternates with male rhyme.

Found a mistake?

There will be no one in the house
Except at dusk. One
Winter day through the doorway
Undrawn curtains.

Only white wet lumps
A quick glimpse of moss,
Only roofs, snow, and, except
Roofs and snow, no one.

And again he will draw frost,
And he'll turn on me again
Last year's gloom
And things are different in winter.

And they stab again to this day
Unrelieved guilt
And the window along the cross
Wood hunger will suppress hunger.

But unexpectedly along the curtain
A shiver of doubt will run through -
Measuring the silence with steps.
You, like the future, will enter.

You'll appear out the door
In something white, without quirks,
In some ways, really from those matters,
From which flakes are made.

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  7. What is there in life if we don’t love anyone, When no one can love us in return, When we see nothing in the past And in the future nothing is in our hearts...
  8. Why, without loving anyone, do you worry so ardently about yourself? Do you want to be loved? My dear, you want too much! Do you want to be loved? For what? Isn't it because in a word...
  9. The name will not always be the same - they will give me another one later. More fully, more powerfully, more strictly, my path will be outlined in it. It will be in your hand like a lamp. I'll see where the darkness is...
  10. The night is bitter in a lonely house. At this hour—a memory that has subsided for a long time—is crying. And again in languor I drink memories like wine. There, behind the city wastelands, Behind the boulevard in the street...
  11. ...And again in one of the clearings Between cheerful oak trees - Half-rotten logs of dugouts And the knees of swollen trenches. Even helmets, boots, windings Time could not turn into dust... Oh, my soldiers...
  12. The circle of the sun, the sky around - This is a drawing by a boy. He drew it on a piece of paper and signed it in the corner: May there always be sun, May there always be sky, May there always be mother, May there always be...
  13. Where are you leading me, what are you singing - autumn, sleepless, scattered rain? Plucking lifeless leaves from the branches, why am I following you in reality? There is no one on the street... Only darkness silently...
  14. I told myself: stop writing, - But my hands ask for them. Oh, my dear mother, beloved friends! I’m lying in the ward - they’re looking askance, I’m not sleeping: I’m afraid they’ll attack, - After all, next to me -...
  15. There was one day when they were Not a prostitute, not a slave, But they were all human From the soul of a resurrected shrine. It was Easter, one day of the year, and the night of Christ's Resurrection, When I looked at...
You are now reading the poem There will be no one in the house, poet Boris Leonidovich Pasternak

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