A serious illness, or how to adapt to life in Russia if you are not like everyone else?! Sign up for courses.

Becoming financially independent means, most often, finding a job. But this is only half the battle on the way to gaining a foothold in your workplace and starting to climb the career ladder. A trial period and a period of adaptation to new conditions will be required.

Starting or moving to a new job is always a stressful and difficult process. This is especially true for the first working day. In other words, “as you harness it, so will you go.” Most middle managers involved in personnel selection in companies believe that the main factor in the successful adaptation of a new employee to the team is the level of accessibility of the “newcomer” to information related to work in a particular workplace. For this purpose, special programs are even created that will help a new person protect himself from stressful situations and fully demonstrate his performance.

First day of work

On the first day of work, a new person really needs the support of an employee of the personnel department or, as they call it today, the HR department. The new colleague is given attention in order to create a positive attitude in his mind for further work and to minimize his psycho-emotional stress. After all, the goal of the HR department is to retain personnel.

On the other hand, without the efforts of a newcomer in the same direction, an HR employee is unlikely to be able to achieve this.

Pay attention! A “newbie” is simply obliged not only to show interest and activity (willingly get to know his colleagues, the generally accepted rules of a given team, the nature and scope of his work), but also to independently set himself up morally for a positive result.

You need to concentrate your efforts due to the fact that the first working day is full of events and a lot of information, the need to understand the structure of the company, the peculiarities of the business process, and the work style of the immediate manager.

The result of such bilateral work largely depends on the scale of the organization, the volume and complexity of the tasks it faces. In a small business company, any nearby employee can familiarize a new colleague with the rules. In a large organization, the help of a specialist with a broader profile will probably be needed so that the new employee does not find himself limited by the scope of his duties only, and is able to clarify for himself the main goal that the corporation sets for itself. This will help him evaluate the role of his work and his responsibilities in the common cause. Not to mention the fact that a newcomer needs to be shown and told where everything is, how to find the right departments, and who to contact for certain questions. In turn, department colleagues add details to the general information.

During the adaptation period, it is useful to assign a personal mentor to a newcomer, who, if necessary, can be contacted for useful advice, who will answer any question at any time. After all, questions begin to arise only in the process of work. At first, a newcomer can often be embarrassed in front of management or afraid of distracting colleagues from work. But a wrong decision or wrong action out of ignorance can cause much greater harm not only to the beginner, but also to the overall cause.

Behavior tactics

In our usual environment, we know exactly what to do to solve the problems that face us. In a new team, in order to feel like a “fish in water”, it is important to know how to behave in order for adaptation to be successful, to know what is more important - maintaining your own work style, your own rules and habits, or applying the generally accepted style of work in a given team.

Pay attention! HR specialists believe that it is very important to adhere to the “golden” mean, which involves the manifestation of individuality.

It can be very useful for improving the work style of the department team and the company as a whole. This fact can, from the very beginning, significantly “work” in favor of the newcomer and raise his rating, if, of course, there is a healthy psychological atmosphere in the team. This will facilitate contact with colleagues and superiors. You cannot ignore their offers to take part in a joint dinner or conversation on abstract topics, for example, in a smoking room. Overcoming stiffness in the process of such contacts helps to quickly get used to the new environment.

Secrets of successful adaptation

The secrets of successful adaptation are to perform your duties diligently and responsibly, without showing much zeal. The desire to immediately, from the first days, be liked very much is more likely to harm than bring you closer to success in the team. It has long been known that no team accepts “upstarts” who “stick their heads out with their own opinions.” It is useful to wait until colleagues with experience speak out, and then (preferably at their request) join in the reasoning.

And what you shouldn’t do at all is delve into the process of gossip and, moreover, take someone’s side in squabbles on topics that arose on the basis of events that occurred before the appearance of a newcomer in this team.

Only the desire to learn, the ability to safely accept criticism, patience, a friendly attitude towards everyone without exception, and a moderate sense of humor will help you very quickly become one of the people in the new team.

It's no secret that the appearance of a new colleague arouses special interest in him among the entire team, which consists of very different people, including very cocky ones. They will definitely try to test your strength, aggravating the discomfort that you experience. For old-timers, being new to the team is a fresh opportunity to add adrenaline, an opportunity to stand out, increase your self-esteem, and feel like an experienced mentor.

This is especially true for large, already conservative companies with an established composition of colleagues who have managed to overcome many professional obstacles and have managed to get used to each other, and perhaps even get tired of each other.

Pay attention! In such conditions, it is important not only to perform your duties efficiently, but also to gain a “strong back”, find like-minded people and, with their help, create solid professional ground.


Rejection of a new employee has acquired a modern name - mobbing. This phenomenon can be assessed as office hazing, harassment or bullying of the unsettled. Moreover, this phenomenon can be observed not only on the part of ordinary employees, but also on the part of managers. The manifestation of such an unhealthy atmosphere in the team forced, for example, Sweden to develop a special anti-mobbing law.

The consequences of mobbing, generated by fear and internal tension in the team, according to research by European specialists from HR departments, can be stress, headaches, insomnia, nightmares, detachment, doubt, guilt, shame and even paranoia and suicide (in 10% of cases ). What is the solution?

First of all you should:

  • analyze your behavior;
  • improve your professionalism;
  • observe what is happening in the team.

Studies have determined the degree of harmfulness of some habits that are useful to know about: idle talk with colleagues and a tendency to gossip; frequent smoking; obsessive, tactless and irresponsible behavior; being late; loud speech, especially on the phone on a personal topic; meals during working hours; laziness; carelessness with negligence and such vices as arrogance, lies, stupidity, denunciations and rudeness.

Forbidden tactics of behavior in a team

There is no doubt that the art of joining a team requires tension. It can always be reduced. It’s very easy to turn your colleagues against you, because those who want to use the “who’s new guy” tactic can be found very quickly. To do this, let’s start from the opposite and list the techniques that should be forbidden for a beginner.

  • When getting ready for work, stock up on “equipment” in the form of a block of chewing gum, a bag of seeds, perfume with a strong smell, bright nail polish, which ladies will use without hesitation and exclusively during working hours. Use this “arsenal” purely individually, without sharing with anyone.
  • Frankly demonstrate that you have a “sophisticated” mobile phone with loud speakers that can break through any walls and partitions in the office with their decibels. Receiving and sending calls should occur hourly and exclusively without tactfully leaving the office.

  • Show your “uncontrollable” efficiency at the end of the day with a delay in the office after working hours. This will allow all colleagues to finally “realize” what kind of slackers they are.
  • For your home life, someone else’s lighters, office paper, pens, rulers, erasers will always be useful, which you grab when you go home.
  • Choose the warmest and most comfortable workplace for yourself, remembering to often open the window in the office.

Well, and something else in a similar manner... At first glance, it would seem that there is nothing particularly serious, much less criminal, in the actions mentioned above. But life, as we know, is made up of little things, and hostility, as a rule, is gradually born from them. Your colleagues will not even be able to formulate an answer to the question of why they so consistently dislike you.

Pay attention! An important task faces a new employee in a new team - to learn to analyze his actions and highlight those that cause a negative reaction from colleagues.

By mastering the art of communication, it is quite possible to acquire skills to overcome obstacles in solving a sometimes difficult problem - how to adapt to a new team.

At the peak of possibilities. Rules of Professional Efficiency Posen Robert

How to adapt to change

In an ever-changing world, step-by-step career planning is the best option. When the situation around you is unstable, you need different career plan options, otherwise serious problems are possible. What will you do if, for example, your company goes bankrupt? Or what if a new technology emerges and you are no longer needed as a specialist? The one who has several options for action always wins: he will be able to adapt to any changes.

Not simple enough react for change. You need to learn to benefit from them. It is important to identify real trends and take advantage of new opportunities. But try to avoid newfangled trends and economic bubbles.

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When we just think about moving to another city, we are filled with enthusiasm: everything will be new there, we will be able to start life from scratch, we will begin to play sports, devote time to self-development, and in general we will finally realize all the dreams and desires that we have for some reason. - reasons did not materialize at the old place of residence. However, already a month after moving, we begin to feel lonely and realize that there is no one around who could support us in difficult times.

Of course, everyone experiences moving to a new place differently, and for some it is quite easy, especially if there is a loving family nearby. But what about those who decide to change their city of permanent residence on their own, hoping for new successes, but only encounter loneliness and a complete lack of desire to leave home at all?

Such people feel as if they are in the middle of a huge square, in which, except for them, there is not a single person: there is no one to talk to, no one to trust with the secret, even on a day off to meet, and even then there is no one with whom. All the friends stayed where they left, and now they don’t understand at all what they are doing here.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, then you understand perfectly what we are talking about. Surely you want to free yourself from nostalgia for your hometown by starting to live here and now. It’s impossible to always yearn for the past, this is tantamount to moving backwards, and this is clearly not why you changed your life so radically, is it? Let's figure out together how to adapt to being in a foreign city, so that after some time it doesn't seem so foreign.

Find a job

If you feel that you are sorely lacking in communication, then solve this problem in the simplest way - get a job. Common tasks that you will solve daily together with your colleagues will help you quickly get used to life in a new place, and communicating with people for whom this city is their home will allow you to learn much more about it than if you just read articles on the Internet . In addition, often among colleagues there are those who are able to understand the “newcomer” at a glance and subsequently become his friend.

Sign up for courses

Choose what you like: a foreign language, scrapbooking or decoupage classes, a vocal studio or training in a fitness room - the main thing is that your leisure time brings you pleasure and is also an excellent platform for meeting new people. United by common interests, you will quickly find topics for conversation, which means your chances of finding a new friend or at least a good comrade will increase significantly.

Be sure to take a walk, and nothing bad will happen if at first you do it alone.

Don't sit at home

Be sure to take a walk, and nothing bad will happen if at first you do it alone. Don’t limit your trips out of the house to a trip to the nearest grocery store; on the contrary, take time to explore the city: visit different areas and meet a “new friend.” Believe me, it’s very interesting to look at buildings that are different from those in your hometown, find the right stores and enjoy your own little discoveries.

Don't stay at home - 2

In addition to getting to know the city itself, it would be useful to get acquainted with its cultural life. Concerts, performances, sports and other public events - all this will allow you to feel that you do not live in a vacuum, that there are people around you and they spend their time interestingly, they try to diversify their leisure time, so as not to “go out” like you, in four walls.

Contact a psychologist

If you feel that you cannot cope with prolonged depression on your own, do not hesitate to contact a psychologist. A specialist will help you understand the roots of the problem and also find ways to solve it. And, in the end, this is also a kind of communication. Even for a fixed fee.

There's no shame in coming back

Most people who understand that they absolutely cannot settle down in a new place still do not return to their hometown, considering such an act an admission of their own insolvency. They think that they will be laughed at, shamed, and generally not accepted into their circle. But this is a fundamentally wrong judgment. Those who truly love you will not mock you when they remember your ambitious plans. They will be happy to have their friend, sister and daughter back, because they probably miss you as much as you miss them. Therefore, do not be afraid to return to where you are drawn, like a magnet. Sometimes you need to leave to realize that you want to come back.

Don't be afraid to return to where you are drawn like a magnet. Sometimes you need to leave to realize that you want to come back.

And finally: treat all difficulties as temporary phenomena. Another six months will pass, and you will be surprised to remember how you cried and yearned for your past life. Be open to everything new, and perhaps very soon you will meet someone who will become the most important person in your life.

Generally speaking, a crisis is not only the horror of destruction, but also a cleansing of ballast and the emergence of new opportunities, which means it is useful and positive in its essence. And even the crisis of the global economy, which frightens us with its scale and is unfolding before our eyes, ultimately serves as a cleansing enema for society, getting rid of everything superficial and unnecessary and bringing health. The trick is that “superfluous and superfluous” often become ordinary people who find themselves unclaimed, “out of work”, who have lost their jobs, livelihoods and guidelines in life. And any beautiful words about the “global expediency” of the crisis as such simply infuriate them. Well, even if they are understood intellectually, at the level of practice they give absolutely nothing.

What can we do? to survive the crisis adequately, and moreover, not just without losses, but also with acquisitions that can become the basis for development in the post-crisis period? So…

1. Take an inventory. Total. You need to clearly understand exactly how much money you have, how many debts and loans, on what terms, how stable or unstable your current income is, whether there are alternative sources, what you can count on in the near future, what you are willing to give up if necessary. first of all, second, and from what - under any circumstances. This will help you build a clear and realistic picture in your head: living with your eyes open is always safer.

2. Look for assets. That is, something that can support you literally or figuratively. Assets can be material (an apartment that you can temporarily rent out and move in with your parents; a car that you can “taxi”; jewelry that is “for a rainy day”; and so on) and intangible (friendships, support from loved ones, the love of a child or even the affection of a cat). All of these are life preservers that will prevent you from drowning if everything turns out really badly for you.

3. Look for reserves and alternatives. Remember: who not only survived the nineties, but also lived well? No, I’m not talking about bandits or those “at the trough,” although they are certainly the first to come to mind. I’m talking about cooperators and entrepreneurs who were able to quickly reorient themselves in a dramatically changed environment and find a new point of application of their forces - and a productive and creative application. It seems that now the same qualities will be required of us.

Stretch your memory and extract from there your skills and abilities that you have, but are forgotten as unnecessary: ​​the ability to do repairs, drive a car, knit beautiful sweaters, write tests and term papers for students and schoolchildren, bake 10 types of pies... All this can come in handy - either as an additional source of income, or as a means of saving and preserving an existing “source”. Remember: in times of crisis, specifically applied classes are in demand, and it is much easier for a person who has real practical skills to feed himself and his family than for someone who is accustomed only to “intellectual work.”

4. Look for helpers and like-minded people. Together, as you know, it’s good to beat dad, but as a team... Don’t be afraid and don’t hesitate to ask for help, it’s not humiliating, this is life. The independence and proud flight of a petrel is good, but not always possible, and human maturity lies not in “never passing on your problems to others,” but in the ability to adequately correlate your strengths and these problems - so as not to be buried under their overwhelming cargo.

In addition, it is quite possible that you will be mutually useful to the one you ask for help, and you will also be able to help him out in something. Mutual assistance and support will make it possible for even the most vulnerable to survive in difficult times, such as young single mothers who, having cooperated, can organize “home nurseries” and, alternately on duty there, work at least every other day and support themselves and their children. That’s when good relationships with kind elderly neighbors, fellow students, classmates and in general all those whom we have managed to forget about in the whirlwind of life will pay dividends!

5. Look for the positive. Remember, in the time of the dashing nineties, there was a poster in offices with a toad half-swallowed by a stork, but still holding him by the throat - and the signature: “Never give up”? Take it into account. Yes, changing a prestigious job to a harder and less prestigious one, or a significant loss of social status due to a sharp reduction in income is a heavy blow to one’s self-esteem. But this is only at first glance. If you think about it, any change is a new opportunity. And who knows, perhaps in the near future you will be able to join the management of a company where you are now forced to start “from the bottom” - everything is in your hands. In addition, a new job means new experience, new people, new connections, and an expansion of your social circle. Which means, again, new prospects. And it depends only on you whether you will see them or whether you will, like a cartoon character, be killed by the fact that “everything is bad and we will all die.” Yes, we will die. But not right away, and we’ll still flounder.

6. Assess the risks. This is important. Some people are at the other extreme: they sparkle with projects, they always have a dozen ideas in stock - but all of them are not thought through to the end, and, although outwardly attractive, they can be fraught with hidden dangers. A person’s task is to competently assess the risks of any step taken, weigh the pros and cons, formulating for yourself the most significant (which you cannot allow) and the least important (that is, what you can put up with). For example, you have a car and you plan to earn extra money as a private owner. Try to find the pitfalls, possibilities and costs of neutralizing them in advance: do you drive confidently and carefully (that is, will repairing a damaged car cost 100 times more than a “new one”), are you prepared for the appearance of inadequate passengers in the cabin (are you capable of act quickly in case of force majeure such as an attack, do you have the skills and means of defense - the same stun gun); what is the technical condition of your machine and how quickly it will break down with a multiple increase in the intensity of use. If, on the other hand, your children have nothing to eat and you no longer care about all these “factors,” it means that you have finally managed to build a “hierarchy of priorities” and are mentally prepared for this work, for which I congratulate you.

7. Write step-by-step plans. The globality of a goal is always scary, but when broken down into manageable pieces to “digest,” it becomes real and achievable. Of course, it’s scary to be left without work, in the face of the unknown - you don’t really know where to go and what to do... But it’s enough to write out in detail a plan of your actions at least for the next day (or better yet, for a week or two), and the picture of the future becomes more structured , which means understandable, which means real and not frightening. And you will always have time to make adjustments.

So, remember: a crisis, as mentioned earlier, is a bipolar concept, and always contains not only danger, but also an alternative, not only a turning point, but also an opportunity. And if it gives us the opportunity to move to another level and try to change our lives - go for it and remember: the one who walks can master the road!

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