Happy holiday thanks day. Methodological development (grade 4) on the topic: World Thank You Day

WORLD THANK YOU DAY Happy holiday - Thank You Day! All the gratitude cannot be counted, From kind sunny smiles Evil and revenge hid in a corner. Thank you! let it sound everywhere, A good sign throughout the Planet, Thank you - a small miracle, A charge of warmth in your hands! Say it like a spell, and you will feel how suddenly a new friend will give you a wish for goodness and happiness!

THANK YOU January 11th is a day on which it is customary to be polite and remember good manners more often. On this day, one of the international holidays is celebrated, which is called World Thank You Day. The word “thank you” is said every day by people of different ages, gender, nationality, religion and even upbringing. But few people know that the expression of gratitude in the form of the word “thank you” originated in the Russian language many centuries ago.

HISTORY OF THE WORD “THANK YOU” Etymologists believe that during the times of paganism, in the everyday life of our ancestors, words of gratitude sounded like “thank you” or “thank you,” but with the advent of Christianity, our ancestors replaced them with a word that today sounds like “thank you.” Initially, the modern “thank you” meant a shortened version of the expression “God bless!” Our ancestors put into this expression something much more than just gratitude. It meant not just the gratitude of the interlocutor for the service you provided, but said that he was expressing a feeling of gratitude to life. Subsequently, the expression was shortened, and the familiar “thank you” was born, which heads the list of words in the rules of good manners.

INTERESTING FACT An interesting fact in the history of this word is that some experts claim that “thank you” arose during pagan times and is derived not from the expression “God save!”, but from “Save Bai.” Bai was one of the pagan gods. However, such speculation is rejected by most etymologists, and the origin of the word is attributed to the 16th century.

Politeness is more than just good manners! Our grandmothers taught our mothers, our mothers teach us that “thank you” and “please” are the main words with which a person expresses his gratitude, politeness and good upbringing. But is it really so important to say “thank you”? The word “thank you,” according to psychologists, is truly magical. Hearing it, a person experiences emotions similar to those that arise in children when they are affectionately stroked on the head. Having received verbal gratitude, a person subconsciously tunes in to the positive.

THANK YOU TODAY. Today, people are so immersed in their worries, problems and everyday bustle that they sometimes simply forget to say words to each other such as “good afternoon”, “thank you”, “please”, etc. Modern people are materialists, brought up on phrases like “thanks don’t gurgle” or “you can’t put thanks in your pocket.” This means that today it’s unlikely that anyone will do you a favor or do a kind deed for “thank you.” Is this approach to life correct? Probably not. After all, in the pursuit of material good, we completely forget about the spiritual world. And for every person, the spiritual world is expressed in friends who come not for material goods and material gratitude.

THANK YOU IS HAPPINESS. After all, you must admit that sitting on a bag of gold alone, you are unlikely to want to laugh with happiness. It is doubly pleasant to share happiness with your friends, and therefore say words of gratitude to others more often. Did someone shake your hand when you got off public transport? Say, "Thank you." Did they help you carry a heavy bag? Say “Thank you” again. After all, kind words are always nice to hear and they are the ones who make people kinder, but only when you say them sincerely. THANK YOU

GIVE JOY When you wake up on January 11th, remember that kindness will save the world, smile and give words of gratitude to your loved ones, relatives, friends and people around you. And most importantly, give your “thank you” on this day and on other days of the year!

How can you celebrate "thank you" day at school? On this day, it is imperative to organize an event for children, the purpose of which is to instill politeness. On this day you can arrange a quest game. A group (or two groups) of children are given envelopes with a route (the stops are indicated in it) and boxes (baskets, bags, etc.) in which they will need to put all the “thank yous” found. You should look for “thank you” at the stops indicated on the route. The team that reaches the finish line first will win. The game is played in the school building after school or on the street. What “mysteries” might there be? For example, one of the stops is some room in which there is no one. The guys look around carefully and understand that they need to find something. As a result, somewhere on the windowsill behind the curtain they find a sign with the inscription “Mercy” and put it in their basket, after which they move on. At one of the stops, for example, a teacher or a high school student may be waiting for them with an empty glass in their hands. He doesn’t say anything, but the children must figure out that they need to fill the glass with water, that is, help the person. When this is done, he will give the guys, for example, a badge with the word “thank you.” At another stop, the student asks the guys to help him solve the problem (here it is advisable to prepare an entertaining riddle problem). When the guys solve it, the student will thank them and give them, for example, a ribbon with the word “thank you” painted on it. To ensure that the quest does not last very long, but at the same time does not end too quickly, you need to come up with about 10 riddles, that is, include 10 stops in the route. Tasks can be not only search-intellectual (assemble puzzles, solve riddles, etc.), but also sports. At the end of the route, the organizers check whether all the hidden “thank yous” are collected in the basket and award the winning team a prize. The second team that reaches the finish line later should also be rewarded. After this, you can invite the guys to tea and a disco.

Goal: To introduce children to polite words and teach them how to use them in life.

1. Teach children to use polite words.

2. Introduce the words “thank you” to stories.

3. Instill in children the skills of cultural behavior in communicating with each other and other people.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, presentation; on the blackboard: exhibition of children's drawings “Thank You Day”; decorating the office with balloons and posters.

Form: matinee

Progress of the event:

1 student Psychologists have found that words of gratitude have a positive effect on a person, on his emotional state and mental activity. And the word “thank you” is the most grateful of all grateful words!

15 student It is easy to apply in life, it is very simple and sincere. Of course, if it comes from the heart, from a heart overflowing with gratitude. Only in this case will it play its magical role. The word “thank you” is a vehicle for establishing warm, friendly relationships.

Today is the world day of the most polite word in any language - the word “thank you”. (Children take turns coming out with a card, saying the word and attaching the card to the board)

Arabic: Shoukran (shukran)
English: Thank you

Hawaiian: Mahalo (mahalo)
Greek: Evkaristo (efkharisto)
Mongolian: Vayarla (vayala)

Danish: Tak (tsak)

Icelandic: Takk (sooo)
Italian: Grazie
Spanish: Gracias (gracias)

Latvian: Paldies (paldis)
Lithuanian: Kob chie (kob chi)

German: Danke schön
Romanian: Multimesk
Tatar: Rekhmet (rekhmet)
French: Merci beaucoups

2nd student Friends, here you go just in case

Poems about a schoolboy alone

His name is... but by the way,

We wouldn't call it better here.

3 student “Thank you”, “Hello”, “Sorry”

He's not used to pronouncing it.

A simple word "sorry"

His tongue did not overcome him.

Student 2 He won’t tell his friends at school

Alyosha, Petya, Vanya, Tolya.

He only calls his friends

Alyoshka, Petka, Vanka, Tolka.

3 student A, maybe he is familiar to you

And have you met him anywhere,

Then tell us about it,

And we... We will tell you “thank you.”

Game (conducted by teacher):

- Now let's play a game. I will read the story, and you, when necessary, insert polite words into my story (in unison).
“One day Vova Kryuchkov went by bus. On the bus, he sat by the window and looked out at the streets with pleasure. Suddenly a woman with a child entered the bus. Vova stood up and told her: “Sit down... (in unison, please). The woman was very polite and thanked Vova: ... (thank you). Suddenly the bus stopped unexpectedly. Vova almost fell and pushed the man hard. The man wanted to get angry, but Vova quickly said: ..... (sorry, please).

- Well, you know polite words. Feel free to use them more often.

5th student In ancient times, our ancestors, when speaking words of gratitude, used only the verb “to thank”: they said: “Thank you!”, “Thank you!”.

4 student This was the case at a time when paganism dominated our land. When Christianity came, the word “thank you” was replaced with “thank you.”

5 student The origin of this Russian word is beautiful and sublime!
It was born in the 16th century from the phrase “God save.” Our ancestors put much more into these two words than just gratitude. It is very reminiscent of a wish - a wish for salvation, turning to God, His merciful and saving power. Subsequently, the expression was transformed and shortened. And the word “thank you”, familiar to all of us from childhood, was born.

6 student New York is considered the most polite and largest city in the world - here they most often say “thank you.” Moscow took 30th place in the politeness rating among 42 “big” cities.

7 student A grateful person is attentive and open to people, he notices any service done for him. He is ready to repay the same coin of kindness and responsiveness that he received from others.

8 student We are all well aware of the importance of good manners, their necessity in everyday life, but we express most of our thanks, as if by chance, without thinking about their meaning. However, words of gratitude have magical properties - with their help, people give joy to each other, express attention and convey positive emotions - something without which our life would become boring and gloomy.

6 student How does it happen that one person is grateful and another is not? Why does this depend? From the mind, heart, education?

Song about kindness

7 student Gratitude can be expressed with a look, a smile and a gesture, which is called “gratitude without words.” A gift, which is so important during the holidays, also sometimes serves as a worthy way to give thanks. But most often we say this simple word with such great meaning - “thank you.”

9 student Thank you! - that’s what good sounds like,

And everyone knows the word

But it so happened that it

It comes out of people’s lips less and less often.

Today there is a reason to say

Thank you! To those who are close to us,

It's easy to become a little kinder

To make mom more fun,

And even a brother or sister,

With whom we often quarrel,

Say: Thank you! and in the warmth

The ice of resentment will melt soon.

I'll tell you a secret, friends:

All the power of the word is in our thoughts -

It’s impossible without kind words,

Give them to your family and friends!

Game “Say the Word” (led by the teacher)

Now we’ll play and find out from you, do you know “Magic Words”?

​ Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word... (thank you)

 Even a tree stump will turn green when it hears... (good afternoon)

​ If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom…. (Thank you)

​ The boy is polite and developed and speaks when meeting... (hello)

​ When we are scolded for pranks, we say... (excuse me, please)

​ In both France and Denmark they say goodbye when saying goodbye... (goodbye)

10 student Happy holiday - THANK YOU Day!

I can’t count all the thanks,

From kind sunny smiles

Evil and revenge have huddled in a corner.

THANK YOU! let it sound everywhere

There is a good sign on the whole Planet,

THANK YOU - a small miracle,

A charge of warmth in your hands!

Say it like a spell.

And you will feel how suddenly

Wishing you goodness and happiness,

A new friend will give you!

Even children know: it's ugly
It’s not enough to say “Thank you!” for kindness.
This word has been familiar to us since childhood.
And it sounds on the street and at home.

But sometimes we forget it,
And in response we just nod joyfully...
And already worthy of our pity
Quiet “Thank you” and “Please.”
And not everyone is ready to remember
The meaning of hidden kind words.

12 disciple The Word is like a prayer, ask.
With this word: “God save me!”
YOU listened to all my words.
Thank you!!! Thank you!!!

13 student The word “thank you” has great power
And the water comes to life from him,
It gives wings to a wounded bird,
And a sprout sprouts from the ground.
Be grateful to the world on this day,
On the “thank you” holiday, open your soul,
Melt the ice, take winter away from your heart,
Any discord will subside at this time!
We wish you to be loved,
A strong family and success in work.
Say “thank you” to everyone more often
And you will be welcome on Earth!

14 student Thank today everyone who is close to you, everyone you love and appreciate. And remember: “thank you” is a firefly word, so warm up the people close to you today!

Teacher Our holiday has come to an end. I hope you understand everything and POLITE WORDS WILL BECOME GOOD FRIENDS for YOU!


  • introduce the children to the history of the holiday, the meaning of polite words, kindness, friendship, rules of conduct,
  • to cultivate feelings of unity, mutual assistance, respect for others,

Equipment: selection of music, presentations, cartoons, costumes.

The event took place in the assembly hall, 7th grade students told and showed the children from kindergarten and primary school students the story of “Magic Words”.

Showing the cartoon “Thank you”. (Not presented because it is large and is in the possession of the author of the article)

Teacher: It turns out that what a wonderful word “Thank you” is. It makes everyone brighter, the sun smiles, all good deeds are accomplished.

Happy Holiday - Thank You Day!
From kind sunny smiles

Thank you! let it sound everywhere
Thank you - a small miracle,
A charge of warmth in your hands!

Say it like a spell
Wishing you goodness and happiness,
A new friend will give you!

Teacher: It’s great when we’re all together, and let’s now sing a wonderful song about friendship “You, me, and you and me.”

1 student. Psychologists have found that words of gratitude have a positive effect on a person, on his emotional state and mental activity. And the word “thank you” is the most grateful of all grateful words!

2 student. It is easy to apply in life, it is very simple and sincere. Of course, if it comes from the heart, from a heart overflowing with gratitude. Only in this case will it play its magical role. The word “thank you” is a vehicle for establishing warm, friendly relationships.

1 student. Today is the world day of the most polite word in any language - the word “thank you”.

Screening of the presentation “Thank you in different languages ​​of the world.” Presentation

Arabic: Shoukran (shukran)
English: Thank you

Hawaiian: Mahalo (mahalo)
Greek: Evkaristo (efkharisto)

Mongolian: Vayarla (vayala)

Danish: Tak (tsak)

Icelandic: Takk (sooo)
Italian: Grazie
Spanish: Gracias (gracias)

Latvian: Paldies (paldis)
Lithuanian: Kob chie (kob chi)

German: Danke schon

Romanian: Multimesk

Tatar: Rekhmet (rekhmet)

French: Merci beaucoups

Teacher: Guys, what other magic words do you know? “Thank you”, “Please”, “Thank you”, “Sorry”, etc. But we are always so attentive to each other, maybe you have such cases?...

Friends, here you go just in case
Poems about a schoolboy alone
His name is... but by the way,
We wouldn't call it better here.

3 student.

"Thank you", "Hello", "Sorry"
He's not used to pronouncing it.
A simple word "sorry"
His tongue did not overcome him.

2 student.

He won't tell his friends at school
Alyosha, Petya, Vanya, Tolya.
He only calls his friends
Alyoshka, Petka, Vanka, Tolka.

3 student.

Or maybe he is familiar to you
And have you met him anywhere,
Then tell us about it,
And we... We will say thank you.

Teacher: Probably there are no such guys among us, so now we’ll check. Let's play. I will read the story, and you, when necessary, insert polite words into my story (in unison).

“One day, Vova Kryuchkov went by bus. On the bus, he sat by the window and looked at the streets with pleasure. Suddenly a woman with a child entered the bus. Vova stood up and told her: “Sit down... (in unison, please). The woman was very polite and thanked Vova: ... (thank you). Suddenly the bus stopped unexpectedly. Vova almost fell and pushed the man hard. The man wanted to get angry, but Vova quickly said: ... (Excuse me, please)

Teacher: Well, you know polite words. Feel free to use them more often.

Screening of the presentation “World Thank You Day”. Presentation

4 student. One day people came up with the idea of ​​celebrating “World Thank You Day” on January 11th. In ancient times, our ancestors, when speaking words of gratitude, used only the verb “to thank”: they said: “Thank you!”, “Thank you!”. This is how it was at the time when paganism dominated our land. When Christianity came, the word “thank you” was replaced with “thank you.”

5 student. The origin of this Russian word is beautiful and sublime!

It was born in the 16th century from the phrase “God save.” Our ancestors put much more into these two words than just gratitude. It is very reminiscent of a wish - a wish for salvation, turning to God, His merciful and saving power. Subsequently, the expression was transformed and shortened. And the word “thank you”, familiar to all of us from childhood, was born.

6 student. New York is considered the most polite and largest city in the world - “thank you” is most often said here. Moscow took 30th place in the politeness rating among 42 “big” cities.

7 student. A grateful person is attentive and open to people, he notices any service done for him. He is ready to repay the same coin of kindness and responsiveness that he received from others.

8 student. We are all well aware of the importance of good manners, their necessity in everyday life, but we express most of our thanks, as if by chance, without thinking about their meaning. However, words of gratitude have magical properties - with their help, people give joy to each other, express attention and convey positive emotions - something without which our life would become boring and gloomy.

6 student. How does it happen that one person is grateful and another is not? Why does this depend? From the mind, heart, education?

The song “What is kindness” is performed. Music applications. Presentation

7 student. Gratitude can be expressed with a look, a smile and a gesture, which is called “gratitude without words.” A gift, which is so important during the holidays, also sometimes serves as a worthy way to give thanks. But most often we say this simple word with such great meaning - “thank you.”

Thank you! - that’s what good sounds like,
And everyone knows the word
But it so happened that it

Today there is a reason to say
Thank you! To those who are close to us,

To make mom more fun,
And even a brother or sister,

The ice of resentment will melt soon.
I'll tell you a secret, friends:

Give them to your family and friends!

The dance of the Little Ducklings is performed.” Music applications.

Game “Say a word” (conducted by the teacher).

Now we’ll play and find out from you, do you know “Magic Words”?

Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word... (Thank you)

Even a tree stump will turn green when it hears... (Good afternoon)

If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom…. (Thank you)

The boy is polite and developed and says when meeting... (Hello)

When we are scolded for pranks, we say... (Please forgive me)

In both France and Denmark they say goodbye... (Goodbye)

10 student.

Happy holiday - THANK YOU Day!
I can’t count all the thanks,
From kind sunny smiles
Evil and revenge have huddled in a corner.

THANK YOU! let it sound everywhere
There is a good sign on the whole Planet,
THANK YOU - a small miracle,
A charge of warmth in your hands!

Say it like a spell.
And you will feel how suddenly
Wishing you goodness and happiness,
A new friend will give you!

Even children know: it's ugly
It’s not enough to say “Thank you!” for kindness.
This word has been familiar to us since childhood.
And it sounds on the street and at home.

But sometimes we forget it,
And in response we just nod joyfully...
And already worthy of our pity
Quiet “Thank you” and “Please.”
And not everyone is ready to remember
The meaning of hidden kind words.

There is great power in the word “thank you”
And the water comes to life from him,
It gives wings to a wounded bird,
And a sprout sprouts from the ground.

Be grateful to the world on this day,
On the “thank you” holiday, open your soul,
Melt the ice, take winter away from your heart,
Any discord will subside at this time!

We wish you to be loved,
A strong family and success in work.
Tell everyone “thank you” more often
And you will be welcome on Earth!

14 student. Thank today everyone who is close to you, everyone you love and appreciate. And remember: “thank you” is a firefly word, so warm up the people close to you today!

Teacher. Not only should our words be kind, but also our actions, so that neither we, nor our parents, nor friends have to blush for them. Well-mannered children will never make fun of the physical disabilities of their comrades or laugh at them.

Sasha's eyes are big
Our Sash is nearsighted.
The doctor prescribed him glasses
According to the rules of science.

Sanded in the workshop
Two pieces of glass for glory,
Then with a caring hand
They were inserted into the frame.

The glasses were invested by the masters
In a plastic box
And Sasha’s grandfather yesterday
I received them at the cash register.

But about the glasses for all the guys
It became known immediately.
They shout to him: "Why
Do you have four eyes?

Sasha, Sasha is a diver!
You have two pairs of eyes.
Only you, bespectacled,
Don't brag about glass!"

Sasha cried with shame,
I buried my nose in the wall.
“No,” he says, “never.”
I won't wear glasses!

But his mother consoled him:
- There is no shame in wearing glasses.
Everything must be done in order to
To see it better!

Teacher. And now we will tell you a story about the boy Dima, how he, with polite words, saved his entire family from a terrible disease. Watch carefully and memorize the recipe.

Little Dima never said “thank you” or “please”. Every day, from morning to evening, his demands were heard:
- Play with me! Draw with me! Give me the pencils! - the boy shouted to his older brother Vita.
- Mom, buy me a wind-up car!
- Grandma, give me something to drink! Bring food to my room!
- Grandfather, read me fairy tales!
This behavior of Dima greatly upset his relatives, but they never refused him anything and fulfilled all his demands.
Mom constantly reminded the boy to be polite and say “please” when you ask for something, and “thank you” when you thank him.
“Why would I say these words?” - thought Dima. - “I get what I want without them.”
For some time, the boy continued to upset his loved ones with disrespectful treatment... But one day, they decided to teach him a lesson... One day, Dima returned home from school. It was an ordinary day, no different from other days. The boy threw off his backpack and, as always upon returning home, went to the kitchen where his grandmother was preparing lunch.
“Grandma, I’m hungry, give me something to eat,” he demanded.
“Vitya, let’s go play sea battle,” Dima shouted, walking past his brother’s room.
- Grandfather, I left my backpack in the corridor, bring it here!
Dima was sure that his grandparents and brother would do everything he told them, because this was always the case. He sat in his room and waited. Time passed, but nothing happened. Unable to bear it, Dima ran out of the room to see what was happening. Everyone was in his original place and was in no hurry to carry out his orders.
“Vitya, why don’t you come and play with me!? Grandma, I'm hungry! Grandpa, where is my backpack!?” - the boy was indignant. However, no one paid attention to his requests. Everyone continued to go about their business. The relatives acted as if they had not seen or heard the boy. Dima was embarrassed and even upset. “Why doesn’t anyone answer my requests? Something is wrong here,” he reasoned. - “Perhaps they fell ill with some terrible disease, because of which they stopped hearing and seeing me?” These thoughts made Dima scared...
When mom returned from work, Dima ran out to meet her:
- Mom, mom, something terrible happened...
- What happened, son? Why are you so excited? - Mom asked.
“Grandfather, grandmother and Vitya fell ill with a terrible disease,” the son blurted out.
- What kind of disease is this?
“They don’t hear or see me,” said the boy.
“Yes, what are you saying,” my mother was surprised. Why did you decide this?
- Because today they don’t notice me all day and when I ask them for something, they don’t answer and don’t do what I asked them to do. Mommy, what should we do now?
The mother looked at her son with a smile:
- Tell me, son, do you remember the “polite” words that I taught you?
- Of course, I remember: “thank you” and “please.” What does this have to do with it? - Dima was perplexed.
- And at that. Did you say the polite word “please” to your grandparents and brothers when you asked them for something? - Mom asked.
“Nooooo,” the son answered embarrassedly.
“You see,” said my mother reproachfully. “That’s why your relatives didn’t see you and didn’t hear your requests, and didn’t answer them.
- So that means they are not sick and see and hear everything?
- Of course, and you can verify this right now.
- How? - Dima asked.
- Go and ask them for everything you asked for before, but now don’t forget to say the polite words “please” and “thank you.”
Dima ran up to his brother, politely said: “Vitya, play with me, please,” and froze in anticipation. “Of course, I’ll play,” my brother readily responded. The polite word “please” had an effect on Vitya.
Dima joyfully ran to his grandmother: “Grandma, feed me, please.” “Of course, grandson, now I’ll feed you.” “A polite word helped again!” - the boy rejoiced, “now all that’s left is to check on grandpa.”
“Grandfather, please bring my backpack, it’s so heavy.” “Now, my dear, I’ll bring it,” replied the grandfather. “Thank you, grandpa!” - Dima thanked in response.
Dima could not believe the miracle that happened before his eyes. It's so simple! You just need to say the polite word “please” when you ask for something, and you will receive what you asked for. And when you receive it, you must remember to say “thank you.”
Dima remembered this lesson well. From then on, he always said “please” and “thank you” to everyone.

Thank you! - that’s what good sounds like,
And everyone knows the word
But it so happened that it
It comes out of people’s lips less and less often.
Today there is a reason to say
Thank you! to those who are close to us,
It's easy to become a little kinder
To make mom more fun,
And even a brother or sister,
With whom we often quarrel,
Say: Thank you! and in the warmth
The ice of resentment will melt soon.
I'll tell you a secret, friends:
All the power of the word is in our thoughts -
It’s impossible without kind words,
Give them to your family and friends!

Teacher. Our holiday has come to an end. I hope you understand everything and polite words will become good friends for you! And know that kindness is a huge force.

Event “Politeness Lessons”,

dedicated to "World THANK YOU Day"

Target : Introduce children to polite words and teach them how to use them in life.


1. Teach children to use polite words.

2. Introduce the words “thank you” to stories.

3. Instill in children the skills of cultural behavior in communicating with each other and other people.

Progress of the event:

One day people came up with the idea of ​​celebrating a holiday on January 11 “World Thank You Day.” In ancient times, our ancestors, when speaking words of gratitude, used only the verb “to thank”: they said: “Thank you!”, “Thank you!”. This is how it was at the time when paganism dominated our land. When Christianity came, the word “thank you” was replaced with “thank you.” It was born in the 16th century from the phrase "God bless". A grateful person is attentive and open to people, he notices any service done for him. He is ready to repay the same coin of kindness and responsiveness that he received from others. We are all well aware of the importance of good manners, their necessity in everyday life, but we express most of our thanks, as if by chance, without thinking about their meaning. However, words of gratitude have magical properties - with their help, people give joy to each other, express attention and convey positive emotions - something without which our life would become boring and gloomy. Gratitude can be expressed with a look, a smile and a gesture, which is called “gratitude without words.” A gift, which is so important during the holidays, also sometimes serves as a worthy way to give thanks. But most often we say this simple word with such great meaning - “thank you.”

Thank you! - that’s what good sounds like,

And everyone knows the word

But it so happened that it

It comes out of people’s lips less and less often.

Today there is a reason to say

Thank you! To those who are close to us,

It's easy to become a little kinder

To make mom more fun,

And even a brother or sister,

With whom we often quarrel,

Say: Thank you! and in the warmth

The ice of resentment will melt soon.

I'll tell you a secret, friends:

All the power of the word is in our thoughts -

It’s impossible without kind words,

Give them to your family and friends!

Game "Say the Word"

Now we’ll play and find out from you, do you know “Magic Words”?

    Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word... (thank you)

    Even a tree stump will turn green when it hears... (good afternoon)

    If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom…. (Thank you)

    The boy is polite and developed and says when meeting... (hello)

    When we are scolded for pranks, we say... (excuse me, please)

    In both France and Denmark they say goodbye... (goodbye)

If, in word or deed

Did anyone help you?

Don't be shy loudly, boldly

Speak... (thank you)!

When I give something

They say to me: ...(Thank you).

If you meet an acquaintance,

Whether on the street or at home -

Don't be shy, don't be deceitful,

And say it louder... (hello).

Torn Sparrow

Spider threads.

Tweeted embarrassedly:


The Mole came out into the white light

And he said to Hedgehog... (hello).

If you meet a company,

Not hastily, not in advance,

at the moment of parting

Tell everyone... (Goodbye).

If you ask for anything,

Don't forget first

Open your lips

And say... (please).

If you don’t want to be considered ignorant,

I beg you, be wise,

Begin your request with a polite word:



Game "Polite words"

Now let's play a game. I will read the story, and you, when necessary, insert polite words into my story (in unison).
“One day Vova Kryuchkov went by bus. On the bus, he sat by the window and looked at the streets with pleasure. Suddenly a woman with a child entered the bus. Vova stood up and told her: “Sit down... (in unison - please). The woman was very polite and thanked Vova: ... (thank you). Suddenly the bus stopped unexpectedly. Vova almost fell and pushed the man hard. The man wanted to get angry, but Vova quickly said: ..... (sorry, please).

Well, you know polite words. Feel free to use them more often.

Question and answer

Teams are asked one question each, and for the correct answer they are awarded a token.

1.What should you do if an older person comes into your room while you are sitting?

Answer. You need to get up, give a chair, and sit down only after an invitation.

2. How to behave when a senior enters the classroom?

(Students must answer appropriately.)

3. How should you behave when meeting elders on the street or at home?

Answer. Stop and say hello first.

4. How to behave when talking with elders?

Answer. Talk while standing, do not put your hands in your pockets, stand straight, talk calmly.

5. If you address elders, what should you call them? On "you" or "you"? (Relevant answer.)

6. You sometimes have to meet old people, disabled people or women who need help: cross the street, carry something, climb a mountain, take the stairs, etc. What should you do?

(Get an appropriate response.)

7.What words do we say when we meet?

Answer: (“Hello”, “Good morning”, “Good afternoon”, “Good evening”, “I’m glad to see you”, “How are you feeling?”)

8.What words do we say when we break up?

Answer: (“Goodbye”, “See you tomorrow”, “See you later”, “Have a nice trip”, “All the best”, “All the best”)

9.What words do we say during breakfast, lunch, dinner?

Answer: (“Bon appetit”, “Thank you”, “Thank you”, “Everything was very tasty”)

10.What words do we say before going to bed?

Answer: (“Good night”, “Good night”, “Pleasant dreams”)

11.During the game, you accidentally pushed a friend and he fell. What will you do?

Answer: (Apologize and help him get up.

12.You are about to draw a picture, you don’t have the necessary pencil, but your friend does. What will you do?

Answer: (Ask politely: give it, please)


One day an old man was walking down the street, leaning on a large gnarled stick. He was very old and bent over with age, so he walked looking down at his feet. A boy walked towards him, raising his head up and looking at something in the sky. He ran into an old man. The old man was very angry with the boy. But then the boy said something, and the old man immediately became better.

What did the boy say that made grandfather stop being angry? (sorry please or forgive me please.)

"Be careful"

Let's play the game again. I will ask you to do something, if the request is polite, do it; If a request is made without a polite word, you don’t comply.

Please stand up;


Clap your hands please;

Spin around, please;

Stomp your feet;

Swap places with your neighbor;

Shake hands with your neighbor, please;

Please sit down.

Who can name more polite words?

The teams are given pieces of paper and each team writes their options within the allotted time; at the end of the time, the teacher checks the answers and counts their number.

(For example: please, thank you, good morning, afternoon, evening, night, excuse me, excuse me, goodbye).

Psychologists have found that words of gratitude have a positive effect on a person, on his emotional state and mental activity. And the word “thank you” is the most grateful of all grateful words!

It is easy to apply in life, it is very simple and sincere. Of course, if it comes from the heart, from a heart overflowing with gratitude. Only in this case will it play its magical role. The word “thank you” is a vehicle for establishing warm, friendly relationships.

"Thank you" in different languages

January 11 is the world day of the most polite word in any language - the word “thank you”. (Children take turns coming out with a card, saying the word and attaching the card to the board)

Arabic: Shoukran (shukran)
English: Thank you

Hawaiian: Mahalo (mahalo)
Greek: Evkaristo (efkharisto)
Mongolian: Vayarla (vayala)

Danish: Tak (tsak)

Icelandic: Takk (sooo)
Italian: Grazie
Spanish: Gracias (gracias)

Latvian: Paldies (paldis)
Lithuanian: Kob chie (kob chi)

German: Danke schön
Romanian: Multimesk
Tatar: Rekhmet (rekhmet)
French: Merci beaucoups

Happy holiday - THANK YOU Day!

I can’t count all the thanks,

From kind sunny smiles

Evil and revenge have huddled in a corner.

THANK YOU! let it sound everywhere

There is a good sign on the whole Planet,

THANK YOU - a small miracle,

A charge of warmth in your hands!

Say it like a spell.

And you will feel how suddenly

Wishing you goodness and happiness,

A new friend will give you!

Even children know:ugly
It’s not enough to say “Thank you!” for kindness.
This word has been familiar to us since childhood.
And it sounds on the street and at home.

But sometimes we forget it,
And in response we just nod joyfully...
And already worthy of our pity
Quiet “Thank you” and “Please.”
And not everyone is ready to remember
The meaning of hidden kind words.

There is great power in the word “thank you”

And the water comes to life from him,
It gives wings to a wounded bird,

And a sprout sprouts from the ground.
Be grateful to the world on this day,
On the “thank you” holiday, open your soul,
Melt the ice, take winter away from your heart,
Any discord will subside at this time!

We wish you to be loved,
A strong family and success in work.
Say “thank you” to everyone more often
And you will be welcome on Earth!

Our event has come to an end. I hope you understand everything and POLITE WORDS WILL BECOME GOOD FRIENDS for YOU!

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