Extraterrestrial civilizations are a reality! "man and extraterrestrial civilizations".

Came from other planets

One of the strange phenomena of the last decade is the increasing number of cases of people telling stories about their supposedly unearthly origin. This is especially true for indigo children, whom I have been researching for several years. According to my statistics, 20-25 percent of indigo children remember that other planets used to be their homeland, and some can quite clearly talk about the peculiarities of life there. Involuntarily, I became interested in this strange phenomenon, and I began to accumulate my own archive of “witness testimony.” I soon learned that John Mack, Richard Boylen and others were doing similar research abroad.

I tentatively called the new phenomenon “people from the stars.” Of course, there were doubts. What if a person fantasizes and has a highly developed imagination? He could well imagine a different society, a different world, and identify some of its differences from our earthly one...

However, small children who, having barely learned to speak, excitedly tell their parents about other planets and space life in general, are unlikely to be disingenuous; their story is repeated and, as a rule, remains unchanged. They are sincere and spontaneous in their memories and are very offended, not feeling trust in themselves. Because of this, sometimes they become isolated. There is also no reason for an adult to declare himself an alien from another planet, because he immediately falls under suspicion - are you normal? I have never met such dreamers.

Most often, people talked about their extraterrestrial origins, sincerely trying to find out what they are, why their memory stores such incredible information, what meaning do their memories carry, and where do they get such a craving for the sky? Some directed their questions to the researchers. But many, of course, do not turn to anyone, keeping their secrets all their lives.

For me it all started with Boriska Kipriyanovich from the city of Zhirnovsk. I met him when he was seven years old. Having barely learned to speak, the boy only knew that he was talking about his past life on Mars, reporting such details about the “red” planet that even a specialist does not have. When asked how he knew all this, the boy answered: “I know from the inside!” It should be taken into account that, like many indigo children, Boris absolutely does not accept lies in people and relationships.

There were, of course, other interesting meetings, confessions from adults who were not among the indigo children. Not often, but there were. It is curious how many described the nature of other planets or social relations in society.

“By origin, I am from the planet Siren, this is the planet of peacemakers,” Veronica M., a Minsk resident, wrote to me. “On our planet, we are considered almost heroes for the fact that we decided on this most difficult action - being born in the bodies of the inhabitants of the Earth. Each of us our own mission, but the common goal is the spiritual revival of the planet. We need your understanding, but you will also need our wisdom and our help, just know how to be patient and wait."

The planet Siren, according to Veronica’s recollections, is located in the constellation Orion. The appearance of the planet: the terrain is slightly mountainous, the vegetation is low-growing, there are large animals. The lifespan of the inhabitants is from two to three thousand Sirenian years, then a change of body. The appearance of the inhabitants is humanoid: tall, reddish skin, large eyes, small nose and mouth. The diet is energetic and autotrophic, although small plant structures are sometimes consumed. Communication is telepathic. The inhabitants are friendly, strong, and speak the languages ​​of other alien races. Technology and technology on the planet are very developed. There are no devices like “flying saucers”; they travel supposedly as bodies. As a resident of Belarus, Veronica is now studying in Latvia at an international college. Other Russians also remembered other constellations and planets.

Extraterrestrial civilizations exist!

In my opinion, a lot of work to identify the characteristics of extraterrestrial civilizations was done by an experienced ufologist, a resident of the city of Bezhetsk, Tver region, Pavel Ivanovich Khailov. He is a geologist by training, graduated from the Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute, participated in geological expeditions in Primorye and the Urals, and with the collapse of the Soviet Union, he lost his job because the new owners did not allocate money for the exploration of new deposits. Pavel Khailov is a participant in our first scientific and practical conferences through the International UFO Association, which took place in the early 90s.

Fascinated by the problem of searching for extraterrestrial civilizations, Khailov acted unconventionally: he collected most of the facts from disparate sources through comparative analysis and synthesis, like putting together a mosaic. He had to analyze extensive literature - more than three hundred units of book publications alone, and there is no count of magazine and newspaper clippings. The result was a fairly comprehensive picture of the cosmic universe based on witness and contact information. It took him about 20 years. He has collected such a volume of basic information that quantity logically turns into quality.

The multipopulation of space is indisputable for Pavel Khailov. Recently, he has been working on creating a “Brief Catalog of Extraterrestrial Civilizations,” dividing them by levels of evolutionary development. Thus, three types of civilizations have been identified: low-developed civilizations (LC), moderately developed (SC) and highly developed (VVC). In turn, each of these types of computer centers is divided into three large groups according to the state of matter or its energy content. There were also three of these groups: I - dense type (dense energy matter); II - subdense intermediate type (moderately discharged energy matter); III - plasma type (highly rarefied energy matter). And all this despite the fact that the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations is disputed by “big” science, and representatives of academic circles treat EC researchers as fools - they say, they are obsessed with UFOs and “little green men”.

Yes, it is known that even in the ufological community, not all researchers find grounds to accept the version of extraterrestrial civilizations, therefore they focus on parallel worlds, underwater or underground civilizations of the Earth, even on a secret base in Antarctica. These are the concepts of Jacques Vallee, V.G. Azhazhi and a number of other researchers. Some people avoid the word “extraterrestrial”, trying to replace it with something else. We won’t argue: perhaps they are absolutely right and time will confirm their insight. But, on the other hand, by completely abandoning the scientific search in the direction of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations - in the original meaning of this word, we risk remaining in blissful ignorance for a long time regarding the realities of the universe. What if extraterrestrial super-developed space communities do exist? And they are able to visit the Earth, moreover, they initially participated in the creation of humanity, whose action we still attribute to a hypothetical God? Will the situation persist for an infinitely long time when we, having proclaimed ourselves the only intelligent beings in space, the “crown of nature,” have driven ourselves into self-isolation from other worlds?

Worlds in outer space

Probably, many have wondered: why we, the earthly community, are not growing up, what could be expected from a civilization that has mastered nuclear and computer technologies, is exploring space, dreaming of finding fellow humans in the Universe... Why are earthlings moving so slowly towards realizing their involvement? to a living and intelligent Cosmos, or worse, they stubbornly deny the existence of developed civilizations? Why do we value the unsubstantiated concepts of the “crown of nature” and the uniqueness of the earthly mind in the Universe? Why do we not only not improve spiritually from century to century, but noticeably degrade ourselves, both in international and interpersonal relations? Why have we elevated consumer instincts and the pursuit of pleasure to the rank of the main priorities of humanity? After all, in this way we become like creatures who live according to the law of the rectum! Bleeding the planet in pursuit of comfort, we do not think about the future of our own descendants, and we have no other planet in stock...

Can we ourselves learn anything from other civilizations? A large chapter in my yet unpublished book “People from the Stars” is devoted to this issue, but here I can only briefly outline the basic principles of life of a number of CCs. The features of civilizations from the constellations Pleiades, Orion, Sirius, Cygnus, Andromeda, Libra and others were considered. The achievements and differences of the TCs from these constellations are described in sufficient detail in the “Catalog of TCs” by Pavel Khailov.

The presence of representatives of other star systems in our earthly society is no longer such an impenetrable mystery, and this can be seen from the stories that I and other researchers were able to collect and analyze. But, of course, there will be more confessions - I’m sure of that. Why are the so-called “people from the stars” introduced into our society? In the meantime... For now, we can draw some conclusions regarding the social structure of a number of extraterrestrial civilizations.

Lessons from other civilizations

The most important thing, in my opinion, is that highly developed civilizations are completely moving away from disunity, fragmentation, from division into specific principalities and states. On their planets there are no borders between the subjects of national entities, which means there are no territorial disputes or claims. And there is no struggle for raw materials and resources, which from now on become the common property of everyone.

These civilizations are united and subordinate, as a rule, to a single common center. The names of the control centers are different, be it the Council of the Wise, the Supreme Council, the Central Government or the Central Council of Civilization - this is how they designate the supreme power on their planets. In extreme cases, the highest rulers can rule not the entire planet, but individual continents, as is done, say, on the planet Pikran. That is, the tendencies of some countries of the Earth towards unification, as is gradually being done in Europe, are steps in the right direction.

Of particular interest is such an important aspect as the multipopulation of a number of planets, when populations reach tens or even hundreds of billions of inhabitants, but this does not cause any insoluble problems in society. All residents are equally provided with food (most often energy, autotrophic), and territory for living, and creative work. “They” achieved peaceful coexistence on their planets, built something similar to super-communism - of course, without exploiting their own kind. The main occupation of the residents of the CC is creative work for the benefit of one and all.

A very important role in the society of extraterrestrial civilizations is played by the recognition of the Cosmic laws that they know and which are always observed. Analyzing the behavior of earthlings, representatives of the CC come to the conclusion that, first of all, we need to change our life priorities. And this is impossible without changing the way of thinking. Therefore, some CCs see work to develop the intellectual and moral potential of earthlings as the main measure to save humanity. And it seems that such work has begun. It is probably not without reason that “new children” began to be born in all countries at the same time, or, as they were called, indigo children, who have a very developed intellect, no self-interest and an extremely high internal level of morality. Perhaps the birth of indigo children is an element of helping us.

We have great aggressiveness, and this too should be overcome by any means. Up to and including genetic correction to change this trait in us. According to representatives of the CC, the majority of the inhabitants of the Earth emit radiation of a predominantly negative nature.

A very important sign of the inhabitants of highly developed civilizations, in our opinion, is telepathic rather than verbal communication. Thus, apparently, such a negative quality inherent in people as deceit and insincerity, when one thing is said and something completely different is thought, is eliminated. Among aliens, thoughts and feelings are usually quite transparent.

The division into ideologies and different religions, which are the source of conflicts and wars on Earth, brings us great harm. To overcome this ideological discord within ourselves, to understand that humanity is united and must have a single spiritual and moral orientation - this step will become a significant act in our development as a civilization.

Life on our planet is in danger of self-destruction, because, contrary to common sense, we do many things to harm ourselves. We act as if the destruction of our home planet is a matter of honor for each of us. Our negative energy - the energy of thoughts, feelings and deeds - is growing at an alarming rate.

Some are even pleased with this development of events on Earth - for example, the aggressive part of the intelligent cosmos. Such civilizations exist, and one of them is the well-known civilization of the “grays” from the constellation Reticularis Reticularis. Observing how much effort and money we spend on arming armies, on the technocratization of society and our way of life, they are pushing humanity towards self-destruction, although at the same time they are afraid of us. Isn’t this where their obvious desire to bring people down to earth, to captivate them with the pursuit of material wealth comes from? If only we would give up space exploration, the patrimony of developed civilizations.

Mission of messengers from the stars

The phenomenon of the birth of representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations in human bodies is most likely not accidental, and this is not a hoax. Probably, over time, this will help earthlings more effectively understand and accept the help of the Cosmos. People from the stars, who came from the depths of Space, seem to be protected by their cosmic brothers, but it is around such people that there is a clear struggle between dark and light forces, since the dark ones also know about their mission among earthly humanity and try in every possible way to interfere with this.

It is not easy for such people to live on Earth; it is doubly difficult for them than for ordinary residents. I see this in their difficult destinies. But it is they, “people from the stars,” who, overcoming the obstacles that the world around them puts in front of them, suffering and purifying their souls, bring us hope. Let me remind you that one of these alien people was Elena Ivanovna Roerich, who did not hide the fact that one of her places of residence was the planet Venus, and whose ascetic activity is well known to all of us.

It seems that we should study the phenomenon of people from the stars, explore their goals, protect the messengers of space, although the first thing we willingly do is defame the phenomenon itself, and those who declare it out loud, and, of course, the carriers of the phenomenon themselves. It is necessary to understand the phenomenon with the involvement of the scientific research apparatus if we really want the enlightenment and purification of all earthly humanity. And one last thing. Probably, the concept I presented looks rather pessimistic. We are disorganized, poorly trained creatures, aggressive, narcissistic, but... not hopeless. And the interest in us from a number of extraterrestrial civilizations, their help to us, at least in the form of introducing “people from the stars” or the same indigo children, as well as in other actions, is also not accidental. Education on planet Earth of God-humanity, as discussed by Nietzsche, Vl. Solovyov, the Roerichs, slowly, but still being realized.

Historical precedents for improving society have been and will continue to occur. Remember: the United States of America was once created as an example of a single and indivisible nation. And before that, Alexander the Great had the goal of uniting all the countries of Asia, Napoleon sought to create the United States of Europe, there is information that the United Nations was created at the prompting of the outside. Of course, the world wars taught us a lot and moved us forward evolutionarily... Through suffering and trials, humanity will quickly come to morality.

The historical example of Russia in this sense is also important and indicative, and, as you know, special hopes are placed on us. To realize and accept the help of highly developed civilizations - this will be a significant step for earthly humanity in its movement forward and this will be our evolutionarily justified choice. Self-isolation from other civilizations only leads earthlings to a dead end, to self-destruction, as was the case with previous earthly civilizations. ...Will we listen to the clues? Do we realize that all this is vital for us? There is hope for this...

Gennady BELIMOV.



Extraterrestrial Civilization Sirius

It is located in the constellation Canis Major. This is the leading, self-generated and oldest Extraterrestrial Civilization. An amazing coincidence, because Sirius is the brightest star visible from Earth.

QUESTION: What is a “spontaneous civilization”? Is it possible for something to arise on its own?

ANSWER: In fact, everything is the Creation of the Lord. This means that the Extraterrestrial Civilization Sirius is a derivative of the Creativity of God, and not of other Extraterrestrial Civilizations. That is, this is a civilization that was formed in the process of spiritual evolution. From a stone to a highly organized intelligent being - a person. There are Extraterrestrial Civilizations that “split off” from the older civilization. For example, Daya is an Extraterrestrial Civilization that spun off from Dessa.

In technical terms, Sirius was ahead of all other Extraterrestrial Civilizations of our Universe by many centuries. This is a very pragmatic, tough and disciplined Extraterrestrial Civilization.

QUESTION: How does the toughness of the Sirians manifest itself?

ANSWER: Rigidity is manifested only in relation to one’s incarnate earthlings for their own benefit, as well as in relation to the organization of civilization itself. This refers to the social plan. But at the same time they strictly distinguish between external and internal. There must be order in the external. And this order: planning, discipline and control - ensures dynamics, movement, growth due, first of all, to the ordering of energies, balancing of energies, and implementation. And the inner world is soulfulness and spirituality, which must be treated with care and discernment.

For Sirians, 80 percent is spent on planning and calculation, and they leave 20 percent of their feelings for their personal affairs, for a narrow circle of interests.

QUESTION: Many beliefs and traditions of the ancient world were brought to Earth by Extraterrestrial Civilizations as the foundation for the development of culture. Was Sirius involved in this?

ANSWER: Yes, of course. An example is the cult of Osiris in Ancient Egypt. Constellation Canis Major

QUESTION: Are there representatives of Sirius on earth?

ANSWER: Representatives of Sirius on Earth are the yellow race (Mongoloids) and the red race. But such a division existed at the very beginning of the settlement of the Earth. Now peoples have mixed, and there is no longer a strict division by race.

The Baltic states, India, Japan, France, Spain, Brazil are the sphere of interests and influence of the Extraterrestrial Civilization Sirius. Although this influence is no longer as clear as it was before. In connection with the development of transport, communications, and the erasing of borders between countries, this division into spheres of influence of Extraterrestrial Civilizations on Earth is gradually erased.

Religious teachings on Earth are Eastern religions.

Extraterrestrial Civilization Orion

This is a very famous Extraterrestrial Civilization. She, like Sirius, is mentioned in many esoteric sources. Located in the constellation of the same name.

Orion is also a self-generated Extraterrestrial Civilization. For Orion, strength is of great importance: the strength of the body, the possibility of physical influence and influence.

“A hand full of strength can do more than a whole bag full of laws” - this is the credo of this Extraterrestrial Civilization. “Power techniques” are very important for them.

Help in creating something for the Orions is equivalent to help in destruction. Orions are not tormented by ethical and philosophical questions. Orion is a fulfiller of orders in exchange for the services he needs. Methods of execution are dictated by the situation, and not by the norms imposed by the public of the Universe. Orion does not take politics and diplomacy well. Prefers forceful methods: ultimatum, stubbornness, insistence on one’s own.

At the same time, Orions are smart and spiritually developed people. Orion simply adapts better than any other Extraterrestrial Civilization to unexpected conditions. By the way, Orion has the strongest medicine. The Orions solved the problem of disease and body change.

QUESTION: How does the spirituality of the Orions combine with their aggressiveness?

ANSWER: When it comes to aggression in Extraterrestrial Civilizations, there is no need to relate this aggression to that which is known on Earth under this concept. Strict obedience to rules is also aggression.

Orion is a strong and dynamic civilization. This means that Orion incarnates, in conditions of rough vibrations of the Earth, acquire not only dynamism, but also aggressiveness. This is why many terrorist organizations often pretend to be Islamic, although they are not.

Orion prefers not soft methods of persuasion and “recruitment”, but hard, forceful ones. In this way, Orion supports the force strategy and saves time. And Orion has become more active recently.

There is also such a moment. All extraterrestrial civilizations are going through stages of formation and growth. Orion is currently going through a growth crisis. After the crisis has passed, it will be possible to talk about Orion as a full-fledged Extraterrestrial Civilization of the Hierarchy of Light Forces. So far, Orion is only a “candidate”. Constellation Orion

QUESTION: Which countries are under the supervision of Orion?

ANSWER: These are countries where Islam is the main religion. China can also be included here. Representatives of this Extraterrestrial Civilization on Earth are the Negroid race and Arabs.

Extraterrestrial Civilization Dessa

Dessa is an Extraterrestrial Civilization born of Sirius. Located in the constellation Cygnus.

Dessa is characterized by community, unity, brotherhood, but not equality. Everything is based on Love for yourself and your neighbor. This is a civilization of cheerful, loving and quite problematic people.

Dessits (inhabitants of Dessa) are distinguished by their emotionality and sensitivity. This is an impulsive, rapidly experiencing civilization. In her touchiness she is quite vindictive, but in her sympathy she is sacrificial. Therefore, there are some difficulties in interpersonal relationships. They also have certain contradictions between their heart and mind. At the same time, they have a very careful attitude towards nature and a complete lack of pragmatism. This is the most soulful Extraterrestrial Civilization.

QUESTION: And probably the most emotional?

ANSWER: Dessits have 50 percent emotions, and the rest is planning and calculation. First they will shed tears, and then they will count.

QUESTION: Which countries does Dessa oversee?

ANSWER: Representatives of the Extraterrestrial Civilization Dessa on Earth are a white race. Dessa's influence is strong in Russia and the Caucasus.

The religious doctrine on Earth is Christianity. Constellation Cygnus

Extraterrestrial Civilization Daiya

The Extraterrestrial Civilization Daya is located in the constellation Ursa Major. Daya is a civilization born by Dessa a long time ago. So long ago that the connection with the “parents” has been lost, but there is goodwill and a friendly attitude. This is a powerful and beautiful civilization.

The people of Daya are a strong and intelligent people, but they are stubborn. Dayans are endowed with sufficient pragmatism and are inclined towards politics. The representatives of this civilization on Earth are Jews.

The religious doctrine on Earth is Judaism. The main idea is the suppression of the Ego through a narrowly limited community, chosenness. In a narrowly limited community, that is, in a relatively small team, a person more clearly demonstrates the features of his individuality, and this in turn means that it is easier to work with those manifestations that negatively affect the evolution of the species. What is manifested is already material for work. Until the flaw is discovered, there is nothing to work with. And in a large team these shortcomings are hidden. That is why we are talking about a narrowly limited community, for example a clan. Constellation Ursa Major

Extraterrestrial Civilization Alpha Centauri

To be more precise, this is not an Extraterrestrial Civilization, but a populated planetary administrative system that unites the governments and scientific institutions of all Extraterrestrial Civilizations.

Ideas of Extraterrestrial Civilizations

QUESTION: What ideas are there in Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: Any thinking space, and our Universe is such, cannot exist without an idea. As soon as the idea disappears, spiritual evolution stops, and after some time the reverse process begins - spiritual degradation. You can observe a similar stop on Earth. The technical revolution replaces the Spirit.

The material world is a crossroads of ideas. Each Extraterrestrial Civilization has its own priorities, its own methodology for translating ideas into reality.

More specifically, prioritization can be illustrated using the example of an approach to medicine. Sirius: improving medical technology. Growing new cells, new organs, cloning. Renewal of the body by replacing old with new, sick with healthy. Dessa: search and elimination of the causes of painful changes in the functioning of the body, due to the harmonious development of the Spirit and body. Orion: from the very birth of a person, preventing illness and changes. Routine, diet, exercises aimed at improving the body.

“A healthy mind in a healthy body” - this is Orion. “A healthy mind is a healthy body” - this is Dessa. “High technology - health” is Sirius.

On Earth, Sirius’s idea of ​​health was sublimated into the saying: “If we had money, we’ll buy health.”

QUESTION: Are residents of Extraterrestrial Civilizations also engaged in self-improvement and their spiritual growth, like earthlings?

ANSWER: Yes, of course. They also believe that true growth is possible only with a full and deep awareness of one’s “I”, which is achieved only through the accumulation of experience in each individual.

However, as on Earth, representatives of Extraterrestrial Civilizations are not alien to both materialism and pragmatism.

Daya, however, has a different approach. Daya is a proponent of collective intelligence. Daya does not accept the infinity of the “I”, immortality, and accordingly she is little concerned about medical and physiological improvements.

It is necessary to distinguish between the Soul and individuality. The soul is immortal, but individuality can be mortal. Upon contact with the monad, individuality is destroyed, only the Soul remains.

Daya is focused specifically on the Soul, and not on individuality. Whereas other Extraterrestrial Civilizations are more inclined to combine both the immortality of individuality in constant development and the development of the Soul.

QUESTION: Is there a priority idea in Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: The universal idea or, so to speak, the meaning of life in Extraterrestrial Civilizations is the improvement of the material world and the evolution of consciousness. Such evolution as selection acts in the Lord’s Plan as a mechanism for improving the Spiritual World. Thanks to this evolution, it becomes possible to build new worlds.


Beloved and Respected Higher Powers, Extraterrestrial Civilizations, Chairman of the conference Alteri and all conference participants!

I, Matsik Nadezhda, prepared the report.

The topic of the report is “Extraterrestrial Civilizations with which physical contacts occur.”

Subject of the co-report: “Extraterrestrial Civilizations Orion and Antares, with which physical contacts occur”

We jointly chose the topic of the report with the Beloved and Respected Teacher Seraphim of Sarov, we also received recommendations from the Higher Powers, the co-reporters, on what exactly should be included in the report.

All the time while writing the report, I felt the support of my Beloved and Respected Extraterrestrial Civilizations, TC Orion, TC Antares, Teacher.

I am very grateful to you all.


Report plan:

I. Management

II. Main part

1. Analysis of contacts with Extraterrestrial Civilizations

2. Extraterrestrial Civilization - Orion

3. Extraterrestrial Civilization - Antares

III. Conclusion

IV. Solution

Humanity has always been interested in whether life similar to that on earth exists somewhere else in the Universe, whether intelligent Extraterrestrial Civilizations exist. Every second, powerful receivers of various types of radiation, tuned to receive information from space, wait for signals.

The question of searching for Extraterrestrial Civilizations has occupied and continues to occupy the minds of thousands of scientists and self-taught researchers. There are a huge number of hypotheses, conjectures, assumptions.

Now we can say with confidence that in addition to planet Earth, there are other inhabited planets in the Universe that are part of Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Representatives of these Extraterrestrial Civilizations have the opportunity to communicate with earthlings and convey to them important information about how other worlds work, what problems their inhabitants face and how they can help earthlings.

Main part

1. Analysiscontactov with Extraterrestrial Civilizations

Thousands of years ago, from the beginning of the creation of man on Earth to the present day, there has been constant interaction between people and Extraterrestrial civilizations. You can trace how the intensity of this interaction changes at different stages of human development. At first, during the transition of Monads to the human level, the help of representatives of Extraterrestrial Civilizations was necessary, so they came to Earth in a physical body and were called Gods. Those who created space for a person to live came, who invested part of themselves in the creation of a person, the appearance of a person, and helped the development of his personality. Representatives of Extraterrestrial Civilizations actively helped people: they taught astronomy, medicine, construction and other areas of life.

The interaction took place at the physical level using human senses, such as vision, hearing, touch, and smell.

Subsequently, contacts between earthlings and alien structures were carried out through telepathy, sometimes with the help of words or images.

Currently, many people interact with representatives of Extraterrestrial civilizations on a mental level, receive a lot of important information, maintain regular contact with them, and, moreover, act as their assistants on Earth.

Thus, in today's world, a lot of information has accumulated about UFOs, about meetings of individuals and even government representatives with alien guests, as well as materials from telepathic contacts with representatives of various extraterrestrial structures.

For several years now in Russia, the International Public Scientific Research Association “Cosmopoisk” has been actively engaged in research into anomalous phenomena and UFOs.

At the beginning of 2014, the Kosmopoisk association summed up the results of the UFOSETI program (a system for collecting and analyzing eyewitness accounts of the appearance of unidentified flying objects) for 2013. During the year, 202 messages were received, which is comparable to the data for previous years (in the period from 2001 to 2010, the number of received messages did not reach one hundred, in 2011 it exceeded 150, and in 2012 more than 250 eyewitness accounts of UFOs were collected). Almost a hundred messages came from Russia, more than thirty from the CIS countries (mainly from Ukraine), more than sixty from other countries of the world.

Analysis of the data showed that in 2013 there were fewer triangular and disk-shaped objects compared to the statistics of previous years, while the number of spherical and cigar-shaped objects increased. In addition, reports of objects emitting rays of light or landing have become more frequent.

The head of the Kosmopoisk association, Vadim Aleksandrovich Chernobrov, has published many books based on research obtained during expeditions and data obtained from UFO eyewitnesses.

The book "Chronicles of UFO Visits" reveals for the first time Soviet and Russian archives of UFO sightings.

A place of honor in the collection is given to the so-called “Siegel archive”. Zigel Felix Yurievich - ufologist, “father of Russian ufology”, was collecting information about UFOs in Soviet times. In a turning point for Russia in 1991, the archive of the Siegel group, after the death of its leader, was literally taken to pieces, most of the material was confused and, probably, irretrievably lost. Kosmopoisk helped collect part of the archive.

The book contains information about unidentified objects from the 26th century BC. to 08/26/2002.

90% of archival information consists of human observations of various forms of UFOs. In some cases, the UFO looked like a ball, in other cases it resembled: a log, a triangle, a dome, a rhombus or an ellipse. 10% of the information is the explicit and implicit interaction of people with representatives of extraterrestrial guests.

Let's look at the basic data from the archive.

In the 26th century BC. e. ancient Chinese chronicles described in great detail with many technical details the arrival of people and robots (the same iron brothers) on aircraft of various designs. One of these aliens, Huang Di, even became emperor for a time, taught the Chinese to dig wells, make musical instruments, be treated with acupuncture and much more, and then, together with 70 fellow tribesmen, flew on a “dragon” supposedly “beyond 7 limits, to the constellation Xuanyuan ".

In the 20th century BC. e. An ancient Japanese king witnessed the arrival of 7 disks. The picture of the king greeting strangers in the sky was depicted on the Chin San tomb in Kyushu province.

In the 15th century BC. e. Pharaoh Thutmose III, together with his subjects, watched for a long time the maneuvers of “circles of fire” in the sky.

In the 4th century BC. e. Indian manuscripts described the technical structure of flying saucers "vimanas" and cited, as we would now say, the tactical and technical characteristics of these devices, i.e. they indicated how, at what speed, at what altitude these "vimanas" fly.

During the Middle Ages, UFO sightings continued. It is literally impossible to find countries where “discs”, “balls”, “wheels”, “plates”, “haystacks”, “fish” are not recorded in the sky.

In Russia, documentary evidence has been preserved of the appearance of one of these objects on August 15, 1663 over the village of Robozero in the Vologda province. For an hour and a half, local residents and clergy observed the instantaneous disappearances, appearances and maneuvers of a luminous ball with a diameter of about 40 m over the lake. The peasants tried to approach the ball by boat, but they were stopped by the heat coming from it, but the daredevils were able to see what was next to the object Even the bottom of the lake was brightly illuminated (at a depth of 8 m!), and from time to time two rays emanated from the ball...

The closer we get to the end of the 19th century, the more the number of recorded UFO sightings increases. Finally, in the 20th century, mass observations began, and their most significant peaks occurred during the years of the First and Second World Wars.

True, the unidentified objects did not yet have a single and established name; they were called both meteors and signs of God, but most often - the enemy’s secret equipment. Nimble luminous balls often pursued the planes of all the warring parties, the British considered them a German weapon of retaliation and called them “cabbages”, the Germans and Japanese thought that they were dealing with American aircraft, while the Americans suspected that the “balls” were made in the USSR.

They started talking openly about UFOs only after the Second World War. The number of sightings of all the mysterious objects in the sky was steadily growing, and all that was needed was an excuse for the post-war, sensation-starved press to pick up a new topic. And such an occasion presented itself: on June 24, 1947, the American Arnold Kenneth, flying over the Cascade Mountains, noticed how his plane was overtaken at supersonic speed by nine disk-shaped objects, which, when moving in a two-row formation, jumped up in approximately the same way as a stone thrown from a rock jumps on the surface of water. with a skillful hand.

Scientists' skepticism about UFOs began to dissipate after prominent American economists and businessmen, led by Ford, watched for about an hour as a UFO landed on the tail of a plane flying over US territory.

In 1953, immediately after the “wave” of UFO sightings in the United States, the need arose to engage in ufological research on UFOs. Thanks to this, many people on Earth learned that contacts with extraterrestrial structures were taking place.

Let's consider two cases from the archive that indicate physical contacts with extraterrestrial guests.

In mid-February 1981 from 17 to 18 pm near the village of Borok, 60 km from the city of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region, USSR.
According to eyewitness A.I. Kozhenkov, he and a friend watched as a space object landed, shaped like a loaf of bread with a diameter of 4-5 meters, gray-bluish in color. The object opened in the form of a flower. Two people came out and approached him. Outwardly they looked alike. Each one has two arms and two legs. The body is slender, slightly fluorescent - pink color shimmers with purple. The guests were dressed in white tights; no organs were visible underneath. The fingers and hands were also glowing. Face: long and thin nose. The eyes are close to the nose, like people's, and the lips are beautiful. The sounds emanating from the aliens were like beautiful music, of different tones and resembled purring. Memoirs of an eyewitness: “ They continued their "singing". At the same time, the speaker’s mouth opened and his lips moved. And surprisingly, I answered them with the same “music”. The first thing I remember was that the aliens tried to reassure me that there was nothing to be afraid of. It sounded friendly" The conversation lasted 8-10 minutes, in which the guests said that they are from three stars and if they are conditionally connected into a triangle, then the center is the place where they live. Then they went back to the device, went inside, and disappeared. The takeoff was neither visible nor heard. After everything he saw, the eyewitness experienced a feeling of inner peace for a long time and began to have a philosophical attitude towards many everyday issues.

In May-June 1989, in the evening in the Ortachala area in the south of Tbilisi, USSR.
Several eyewitnesses, including 9-year-old Evgeniy Nikolaevich Gigauri and his girlfriend, observed the flight of a round silver body. When the object approached, it turned out that it was an elongated oblong silver oval, which was translucent in the center. Inside, an old man in faintly glowing silver clothes sat smiling at the teenagers. The old man, sitting in a typical driver's position, did not operate the vehicle in any way; his motionless hands lay on his knees. The height of the object was about 1.5-2 meters, which could be concluded from the fact that the ceiling was 20-30 cm above the old man’s head, and the lower part of the body was at the same distance from his bent legs. The UFO slowly turned and flew away towards the mountains south of Tbilisi. Teenage eyewitnesses rushed to tell their parents about what they saw; Gigauri’s mother confidently concluded that it was the saint who was flying.

From the examples we see that interactions between earthlings and alien guests occur at different levels of manifestation, mainly in the form of point contacts with specific people and are episodic in nature.

With the advent of the New Program on Earth, a lot has changed. New mechanisms of human habitation have been activated, the Earth has moved to a new, spherical level of development. It is those structures that took part in the creation of the New Program, invested their understanding, knowledge and experience into it, that are allowed to reach the Earth and can have physical contact with earthlings so that the New Program can be implemented more quickly. Communication between Extraterrestrial Civilizations and earthlings is mutual assistance, when the interests of both sides, coming into contact, contribute to the rapid development of a new bright spherical experience.

In June 2014 practice. Fedovites and students of the Theological School of the Absolute began to gain experience in practical interaction with Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Many students began to receive text information from extraterrestrial guests and learned to show love and care for them. Manifested in the state of “We”, integrity of the Soul and Personality, observance of the Laws of the Absolute. Determined goal-setting and self-improvement in interaction with Extraterrestrial Civilizations will help quickly and qualitatively bring the moment of physical contact with extraterrestrial guests closer.

Next, in my report, I want to talk in detail about 2 Extraterrestrial Civilizations that intensively and fruitfully cooperate with people, these are the Orion Extraterrestrial Civilization and the Antares Extraterrestrial Civilization.

Extraterrestrial Civilization Orion and Extraterrestrial Civilization Antares are part of the FED group, together with people they participate in projects, bring knowledge and love to people through channelings.

Extraterrestrial Civilization Orion

If you look at the sky, you can easily find the constellation Orion. Orion (aka the Hunter) is a large constellation visible from both hemispheres of the Earth. The best conditions for observations are in November - January. The constellation is visible throughout the territoryRussia. It includes not only many stars, but also a number of nebulae, of which the most widely known is the Orion Nebula, in which a cluster of stars forms the sword of Orion. These stars are also called Trapezium. The two brightest stars in Orion are Rigel and Betelgeuse.

The Higher Civilization Orion has been closely interacting with humanity for a long time.Many historical facts speak about this .

The huge role of this constellation is confirmed by the discovery of Richard Bauval, who studied the astral cult of Ancient Egypt. In his research, which concerned the ventilation shafts of the greatest pyramid of Giza, he put forward the theory that the construction of the pyramids is inseparably linked with the location of the 3 stars of the “belt” of this constellation. The computer program showed that it was in 10500 BC. the three stars of Orion's belt corresponded exactly to the three pyramids of the Giza valley. This date is also confirmed by the famous Sphinx of the Giza Valley. He's looking straight east where the sun rises

The extreme point of movement of the constellation Orion coincided with the period when colossal climate changes occurred on planet Earth. So, according to scientists, the constellation Orion marked the end of a certain era in the history of planet Earth - in other words, Sunset. So Orion turned into a guardian of the border (threshold), which separated certain periods of time from each other.

Some photographs and videos record the appearance of UFOs, which scientists consider to be guests from a parallel Universe. According to scientists, communication with the Earth occurs exclusively through the stars of the famous constellation Orion.

With the advent of the New Program for the Development of Humanity, more extensive information about Extraterrestrial Civilizations has become available.

Thanks to the channeling from 06/09/2012. on the topic “Earthly - Cosmic Souls” we learned a lot of information about the Higher Civilization Orion, which the Great Commonwealth shared with us.

Extraterrestrial Civilization Orion consists of several civilizations. All of them together are conventionally called Orionites. The Orions are all different, but their Souls are similar.

The spaces in which Orion's civilizations are located differ from earthly living conditions. Orion lives not only on planets, but also on interplanetary artificial structures, which are absolutely artificially created technical substances in which there is both biological life and spiritual life.

The soul on Orion is created in conditions different from those on earth.

The monad that begins development first goes through the water regime. There are planets on Orion where there is a lot of water, and life takes place in an aquatic environment. On Orion, gravity is less, and the water environment is lighter and more plastic.

The plants and animals of the aquatic environment of Orion do not have monads. When the Monad falls on Orion, it immediately becomes mermaid-like creatures, which are similar in structure to people. The internal structure is very similar, there is a head similar to a human one.

There are also limbs, but they are very plastic, elastic with membranes. They look like flippers. There are not two limbs, but one whole. This, one might say, is a mermaid's tail.

Start of quote: « And the Soul that appears in the aquatic environment, the Monad, looks like a droplet earring. At the top, where the hook is, is the Monad herself. And below her, like a bubble, is experience. If there is an earthly Soul, it is a Monad in the center, and ideally there is a Sphere around it. Here is a drop. And the Monad is at the very top». End of quote.

On Orion, gravity is less than on Earth, so there is no dying and birth of the physical component of mermaids. Animals and plants - they complete the processes of embodiment and are restored.

When the Monad gains experience interacting with the physical and plant world, it leaves with a drop of experience and reaches another level of living and gaining new experience. She goes out into another planetary space, where there are individuals similar to people, having arms, legs, and a head. They are very similar to earthly humans, but are taller, which is two fifty - up to three meters, since gravity is less than on Earth and there is the possibility of high growth.

The accumulation of experience at this stage of development remains drop-shaped.

Development among Orionites occurs at the level of the Mind, at the level of consciousness. The mind is impersonal, there is no personality, but there is individuality - this is the experience that is gained by the Monad.

Orionites live in clans, where there is a hierarch and there are different levels of sub-hierarchical relationship. They build programs on the Rational Mind, consciously and live according to them.

Start of quote: « Rational Reason is not a manifestation of absolute Reason. Absolute mind is love, the Absolute. On Orion there is a dependence of the Mind on the experience that has been gained. When the Monad is separated from experience, then it simply dissolves back into the Absolute. And the experience remains in the cells where the specific experience is placed. And the collected droplets with a different individual set - from them they make one common substance, which is endowed with artificial intelligence and there is no longer a Monad of absolute presence there. There is artificial intelligence. And due to this, the development is very fast and very significant.”. End of quote

The most difficult thing for Orions is to rebuild their Monad, make it spherical and lower it inside their experience. Therefore, their Souls come to Earth with the goal of learning to love and creating a spherical Soul. So that, having returned to Orion, to the third level of civilization (now the second) - to build your civilization according to sphericity, namely, the interaction of the Monad with the sphere.

That civilization on Orion that has the sphericity of the Soul is considered the most highly developed civilization. It arose after the manifestation of earthly Souls, which reached the development of not quite a god-man, but to the middle. And only then a new civilization of spherical Souls also began to appear on Orion.

For Earth, Orion Souls are interesting because they very quickly acquire flexible consciousness and thereby can help earthly Souls gain experience precisely in the formation of flexibility of thought.

Orion - these were those who originated life in water and this did not take root on Earth, but on Orion it exists. Therefore, all the legends about the underwater kingdom, about Neptune, about mermaids - this is the life that was on Earth, but at the suggestion of Orion.

The Extraterrestrial Civilization Orion has provided great assistance to humanity - it has given Spiritual tools: the Gesture of the Mind and the Integral of Spherity, which help people to intensively develop. The Mind Gesture tool allows the Mind to go beyond the limits of Consciousness and enter the extraterrestrial world in the subtle body and comprehend it. The Co-Creators spoke about this in the channeling dated September 17, 2012 “The power of thought, the power of the Spirit, the spiritualization of matter.” The Integral of Luminosity can be called the elixir of youth, since when performing this tool, the Light of the active Mind saturates the human physical body.

In December 2013 under the leadership of the Extraterrestrial Civilization Orion, the 6/11 international scientific and practical conference was held. People, together with VC Orion, have gained a bright spherical experience of co-creation in love-making when writing reports and manifesting during the conference.

Extraterrestrial Civilization Antares

The star Antares (the heart of Scorpio) is the main star in the constellation Scorpio - Alpha Scorpius. This is a very powerful and strong red star, the radius of which is equal to 700 radii of our Sun. A star of the first magnitude, one of the 20 brightest stars in the sky. Its luminosity is 50,000 times the luminosity of the Sun.

Antares is one of the four royal stars of Persia, and the three most influential stars of Ancient China.

About 2.5 thousand years BC. e. Antares was projected onto the point of the autumnal equinox and therefore was called “Guardian of the West” by ancient Iranian astrologers.But for the Chinese, Antares is the main eastern star - the Emperor of the East.

05/03/2012 Extraterrestrial Civilization Antares interacted with earthlings for the first time by channeling on the topic « Technical progress on Earth, its development prospects,” where it was said that acquaintance and interaction with the FED group, with Alteri, the head of the FED group, began in 1993. Communication and cooperation were very fruitful.

The High Civilization Antares consists of several civilizations located in different spaces.

Among them there is an energy civilization in which the physical form will not be manifested, it will only be in an energy state.

And there are civilizations where there is a physical form. close to the form of people that exists on Earth and very similar DNA.

Because during the creation of man on Earth, DNA from the Extraterrestrial Civilization Antares was used in the construction and building material

There is also a similarity in planetary properties between the planets: in mass, in volume, in orbit around the sun, around a star, and has a similar cyclicity, but the atmosphere on the planets is different.

All humanity on planet Earth is one civilization, and on planet Antares there are five such humanity or five completely different civilizations living in the same space, located at different levels and, practically, little interacting with each other. Only for emergencies.

Extraterrestrial Civilization Antares has extensive experience in technical properties, technology development and technical developments.

And much of what is on Earth was brought from the worlds and the planet Antares, both at the level of communication with people, and also at the level of communication in energy-information fields. Antares technical developments used on Earth account for 57.8% of the total development volume.

With the advent of the New Program, the conditions for users of energy information blocks have changed. One of the main conditions was the presence of a Spiritual component. Therefore, in order to help earthlings, the Extraterrestrial Civilization Antares began to build additional energy blocks to the information blocks, so that people with high Reason, high intelligence and high spiritual manifestation could work with this information; previously, the spiritual component was not particularly important.

Those projects that are now invested in the information field of the Earth for the technical development of earthlings, they will be environmentally safe. These are completely new types of technologies that do not affect the bowels of the earth and the resources of the Earth, and also do not harm the other two stages of development - these are the souls of the plant and animal worlds.

These will be space developments of new spacecraft capable of studying other dense worlds, so that humanity can more quickly study the solar system. So that through devices delivered to other planets of the solar system, it is possible to obtain reliable data from these planets.

All these technologies are given only for use within the solar system, because... The human mind and intellect, at the current time, do not provide an understanding of what is outside the solar system.

In order for this process to begin, other programs are created, programs of a different nature, which are focused not on technical, but on energy development .

This is a very powerful tool when a person himself becomes such a technical means, capable of accumulating, generating energy, accumulating and generating energy of a spiritual nature.

And this energy is very powerful, strong, and becomes the basis for the structure of the center of the core of the new Universe.

Therefore, now there is a very great interest in the Earth, earthlings and their development specifically in the spiritual sense.

Researchers have long been trying to find contacts with extraterrestrials, but the theoretical basis for this search has remained unchanged since ancient times. Today, only the following fact is considered reliable: there is life on Earth, but it has not yet been found beyond its borders.

ABOUT extraterrestrial civilizations was mentioned at one time by the philosopher Anaxagoras, who argued that there could be intelligent beings on cosmic bodies, since stars consist of the same matter as the Blue Planet. In the Middle Ages, the church denied the existence of any life other than earthly life.

Only thanks to astronomy did experts begin to use special methods to search for hypothetical humanoids or their traces in outer space.

If aliens exist.

When alien civilization will be able to explore space, it will colonize the Galaxy. Colonization itself, according to many scientists, will last approximately 10 million years.

According to experts, modern astronomical telescopes, which will be lifted into low-Earth orbit, will be able to detect terrestrial-type celestial bodies in the Galaxy by the movement of stars and changes in their spectrum.

By discovering planets similar to Earth, researchers will be able to determine whether they could be inhabited by extraterrestrial civilizations. The fact is that when a planet rotates around a star, the force of gravity displaces the movement of this star. The spectrum pattern remains mobile, and the spectral lines begin to shift. Relative to the observer, the speed of the star will change under the influence of the mass of the planet.

Search for aliens.

Some experts are looking for extraterrestrial intelligence in other planetary systems, based on an analysis of the spectral lines of gases of artificial and biological origin. Scientists have come as close as possible to unraveling the conditions under which life can arise, as well as the duration of this process.

It is worth noting that organic molecules are quite widespread in space. But people still don’t know for sure how the first living cell came about. If we assume that this is an accident, and not the result of a logical process, then, in accordance with statistical calculations, a similar event in the Galaxy can occur in as many years as the Universe exists.

According to astronomers, there could be from one to a million extraterrestrial civilizations in space. If we start from the average value, we can calculate the density with which civilizations are distributed in the Galaxy. So, alien peoples will be thousands of light years away from each other.

Space exploration.

All attempts to detect radio voices alien intelligence have not brought any results yet. Experts examined more than 2 thousand stars at different frequencies. True, according to astronomers, at this point in time only 0.1% of the work that is required to explore space in all frequency ranges has been completed.

As one professor once said, trying to find aliens can be compared to finding a needle in a haystack, but it is justified by the enormous value of that needle.

→ Do alien civilizations exist?

Extraterrestrial civilizations may have such a high level of development that their logic and behavior are completely inaccessible to our understanding.

In order to determine what an extraterrestrial civilization is, you must first understand what humanity is. In earthly nature, many communities of organized beings exist and coexist. Colonies of bacteria live their own lives and have no idea about ant communities. Ants also live their own lives; they can already use colonies of bacteria for some of their own purposes. But they, too, are not even aware of the human world. The indigenous tribes of Africa or the Amazon have a good knowledge of the nature around them, but they know little about other communities of people, cities and countries. The borders of their world end in those places that the tribe’s hunters reached. Outside these places lives a community of people who consider it very civilized, intelligent, perfect and highly organized.

People interfere in the lives of all beings at lower stages of development. But despite all this, they themselves still know little about the Universe around them. People of this society, for obvious reasons, do not show a desire to show off their knowledge to the Aboriginal tribes. For the same reasons, extraterrestrial civilizations at the next stage of development are unlikely to try to show off their knowledge and technology to people. The mistake of humanity is that it endows extraterrestrial civilizations with a logic that is understandable to it. It would be the same if, for example, the aborigines believed that a large silvery bird flying over them had the same logic as they themselves. But the natives, not to mention bacteria, insects, plants or animals, do not have access to the logic of people from the outside world.

Likewise, the logic of extraterrestrial civilizations is unlikely to be accessible to people. Extraterrestrial civilizations are capable of manipulating the human world, just as people do with creatures and organisms at lower levels of development. Obviously, extraterrestrial civilizations have the ability and means to instantly destroy our civilization. They do not do this simply for humanitarian reasons, just as people try not to unnecessarily disturb aboriginal dwellings, anthills and bird nests. It is very likely that the human community participates in the overall ecosystem of the Universe, being its necessary, or perhaps even a very important link. Our earthly ecosystem would also suffer a catastrophe if colonies of bacteria suddenly disappeared from it. If humanity exists, it means that someone in the Universe really needs it. We know nothing about this; the plan of the higher forces of nature, which created our world for some of their purposes, is not yet available to us.

Extraterrestrial civilizations observe our lives using means, the design and operating principle of which is beyond the limits of existing technical knowledge.

When people talk about extraterrestrial civilizations, for some reason they almost always mean a biological form of life. The search for extraterrestrial intelligence is also carried out exclusively as biological life forms that use radio waves. In fact, it is unknown what form of life the closest intelligent civilization to our solar system and superior to us in development may have. It is possible that extraterrestrial civilizations exist and there are many of them, but we do not see them for the simplest reason - they have a completely different form of life, practically unknown to us. Therefore, even with the most advanced earthly means and instruments, it will be almost impossible to detect them. If these are very ancient civilizations, they could have visited our planet long before intelligent humanity appeared on it.

It is possible that one of them could have created the world in which we now live. It may have means of monitoring our lives that are in plain view of people, but nevertheless completely invisible to them. Already at the dawn of its space age, humanity could send automatic research probes into deep space to study other worlds. We do not even suspect that elements of the environment can be such means of observing ourselves. Imagine those same aborigines whose lives are filmed by a remote-controlled video camera disguised as a stone or tree. The natives do not even suspect that someone is watching them, being at a great distance from them at that time. Even if one of them accidentally discovers it, not a single sorcerer or elder will be able to explain what it is. The only conclusion they will draw is something supernatural from another world. Doesn't this remind you of anything?

Representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations do not visit our planet; they have no special need for this.

The distance from the nearest star to the solar system is just under 5 light years. Even if we accelerate to speeds exceeding light, the flight from it to our planet will take a very long time. A highly developed civilization can hardly afford to spend it like that. There are many dangers in outer space - hard radiation, radiation, meteorites, etc. For a biological life form, such a flight would be extremely dangerous and very risky. In addition, a long flight requires huge reserves of energy and life support. Unless, of course, this civilization is so developed that it is capable of moving such distances in a very short time with minimal cost. But in any case, a visit to our planet by a highly developed civilization must have some important purpose.
There are different versions of what exactly might interest her on our planet.

First of all, these are the people themselves, as experimental subjects for some biological experiments. It is impossible to verify the authenticity of such messages. Even if this is so, it remains unclear why these experiments were not carried out earlier, long before the advent of the space age. Humanity as a biological species has lived on the planet for at least several hundred millennia. During such a time, any highly developed extraterrestrial civilization could already fully satisfy its anatomical curiosity. It also remains unclear why the captures of earthlings for experiments occur so demonstratively. If an extraterrestrial civilization prefers to remain invisible and unnoticeable to earthlings, then it would try to do this without witnesses. Another version says that aliens want to take over our planet and enslave its inhabitants. It's not worth taking seriously at all. This could have been done much earlier, when humanity did not have missiles with nuclear charges. This can be done now; humanity is unlikely to be able to oppose anything. If this does not happen, it is simply because highly developed space civilizations have no need for this.

The next version says that alien civilizations are interested in the unusually large reserves of minerals and resources of our planet. But it is absolutely impractical to mine and transport from here to another planetary system even a few tons of even the most valuable minerals. It’s the same as transporting several kilograms of coal from Vladivostok to Arkhangelsk across the whole country, and all the fuel, spare parts, food and breathing supplies for the crew also need to be taken with you. There are so many of these minerals and other minerals in space that we cannot even imagine. The dark spot in Jupiter's atmosphere alone contains more hydrogen than our entire planet. Of all observed UFOs, almost 97% in one way or another have a completely terrestrial and explainable origin. It is possible that the remaining 3% can also be explained by phenomena whose nature is simply not yet known to science. They are credited with the appearance of mysterious signs in the form of circles and other geometric shapes in wheat fields.

It is argued that in this way extraterrestrial civilizations are trying to declare their presence on our planet and establish contact. True, no one can answer the question of why this is done in such a puzzling and original way. Imagine that you need to meet a representative of an Aboriginal tribe somewhere in the depths of Africa. Which way of establishing contact will be the easiest and most understandable for them - showing them intricate, mysterious puzzles, or simply saying a friendly greeting in their language and giving them something interesting? Obviously, for a highly developed civilization, addressing the inhabitants of the planet in common languages ​​is not a big problem.

Circles and crop marks are actually made so that space satellites taking photographs of the planet's surface can correct and adjust their optical systems based on them. This is much simpler and cheaper than building and maintaining many special training grounds. In addition, recently mysterious signs and circles have almost stopped appearing. The reason for this may be that new generations of satellites have more advanced optical systems.

There is no need for extraterrestrial civilizations, which are far ahead of us in their development, to come into contact with the inhabitants of our planet. They simply have nothing to communicate with us about, we will not understand them, and it will be boring and uninteresting with us. Governments of different countries will ask them first of all for weapons and technologies that would allow them to gain superiority over other countries and peoples. Everyone knows perfectly well what such superiority can mean for humanity. This is probably well understood by those who watch us. Therefore, they do not give any of the nations such superiority. All mysterious stories about the use of extraterrestrial technologies in military or computer equipment produced in one of the countries of the world are nothing more than disinformation.

There is a lot of evidence about various contacts of the inhabitants of our planet with extraterrestrial civilizations. It is not possible to verify the authenticity of the vast majority of them. Photos and videos with strange light phenomena also cannot be taken seriously. They do not give a definite answer, but only raise more questions. Also, the various traces left at the landing site of unknown aircraft do not give a clear answer. Usually all reports about such places come from little-known contactees and ufologists. 15-20 years ago, the anomalous zone in the Molebka region in the Perm region became widely known. Information about UFOs came from there regularly, as from an official alien spaceport, and became almost daily news. But serious ufologists found nothing there and did not observe any unusual phenomena.

Over time, everything somehow calmed down by itself and now no one remembers about this place. As previously written, extraterrestrial civilizations do not have any special reasons for staying on our planet. And they are unlikely to waste time just to entertain us. Probably, extraterrestrial civilizations still sometimes visited our planet at different times and left some evidence of this fact. Rock paintings and legends could not have arisen only from the imagination of our ancestors. But now it is not known exactly who these aliens were. Perhaps these were not aliens at all, but mechanisms or biorobots sent by them to study a planet unknown to them. Earthlings have also sent and are sending such mechanisms to study other planets - lunar rovers, Mars rovers, research probes and stations.

There is an opinion that the facts of meetings with extraterrestrial civilizations, as well as all material evidence of such cases, are carefully hidden by the governments of different countries. But if such a civilization really wanted to meet with earthlings in order to declare its presence, its power and superiority, it would be unlikely to secretly meet only with governments. And even more so - allowing someone to control you. We should not forget that any extraterrestrial civilization that reaches our planet will, in any case, be several orders of magnitude ahead of the earthly civilization in its development. It must be assumed that she will solely decide for herself when, with whom she should meet, and whether she needs it at all. Therefore, one should not naively assume that aliens are only thinking about how to meet one of the home-grown ufologists.

Also, earthlings should not try to seek meetings with them themselves. With such a difference in technical and technological development, this meeting will not give anything good to seekers. Even if we all know for sure that extraterrestrial intelligence exists and is present on our planet or near-Earth space, it is unknown what to do with this understanding. It is very doubtful that even the governments of some countries will have the final say here. Most likely, you will just have to come to terms with this fact, especially since no one is bothering earthlings yet.

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