Suggestion at a distance is a very effective training method! How everything will look on the blog.

According to psychologists and esotericists, a person can be influenced not only verbally, but also with the help of the power of thought. Thanks to the simplest techniques you will learn how to do this.

Experts say that there are many ways in which you can learn to influence people with just the power of thought. As it turned out, this can be done even from a distance. Psychologists claim that there is nothing supernatural in these methods: for this you only need to know the basics of human psychology. By following simple rules, you can win over any person and force others to perform any actions you wish.

As it turned out, influencing a person with the power of thought alone is not so simple. To do this, you need to have certain qualities, and most importantly, focus. Only in this case the result of psychological influence will bring a positive result.

First of all, the object of influence must be in a relaxed state. Therefore, it is best to do this when a person is sleeping or is slightly intoxicated, since at such moments a person’s subconscious is not able to work at full capacity.

The most important thing is faith in a positive result. If you are skeptical and expect failure, chances are you will fail. Don’t doubt your capabilities, and soon you will learn how to control people’s subconscious.

Don't lose faith if you don't succeed at first. For these techniques to bring results, constant training is necessary, and preferably with different people.

At the moment of transmitting the impulse, imagine that it is moving from the forehead area to the corresponding part of the body of the target. At this moment, be sure to monitor your breathing: it is important that it be even.

At the time of performing the technique, not only the recipient, but also you should be in a relaxed state. You should not influence a person while in a bad mood, otherwise you risk harming him.

It doesn’t matter whether the person is at a distance or nearby. At the moment of impact, you must be abstracted from the crowd. Extra noise and fuss can distract your attention, which means it will be very difficult to get the desired result.

You should not perform techniques in an overly lit place. If you're doing this at home, dim the lights, or better yet, turn them off completely.

To influence a person with the power of thought, you need to concentrate. The noise and conversations of others can distract you, but calm music and incense sticks will help you relax.

If you influence a person with the goal of healing or supporting him, at this moment you should smile. In this way, you instill happiness and joy in the subject’s subconscious, which means that his physical and mental state will soon improve.

To learn how to influence people with the power of thought, you need to have a rich imagination. You must be able to visualize, imagine what you want in all its colors, and even experience certain emotions. Then soon you will be able to use the techniques at any time and without additional preparation.

How to influence a person with the power of thought

Once you know how and under what conditions the techniques should be performed, you can begin to take action. There are several popular ways to influence people.

From the photograph. This technique is one of the most common. It is perfect for those who want to influence a person at a long distance, or for beginners. To complete this, you only need a photograph of the object. Place it in front of you and for several minutes imagine that the person from the photograph is now next to you. Then slowly say what you want from that person and repeat it many times. When you are sure that the recipient has heard you, complete the technique.

At a short distance. If the person next to you wants to learn the technique of influence, this method is perfect for the two of you. Go to different rooms, close your eyes and mentally imagine the image of each other. Only one of you should send the message, the other’s task is to receive it. Repeat the technique for twenty minutes, and then open your eyes and see the result. If you fail, don't be upset. Perhaps you just need to gain experience.

Treatment of a person. With just the power of thought, you can heal both the physical and mental condition of the patient. In the same way, you can provide moral support to someone who needs it. Sometimes loved ones use this technique unconsciously. As it turned out, a loving heart and concern for a loved one can really work miracles. To heal the recipient, imagine that you have a ball of healing energy in your hands. Now mentally transfer it to another person. Imagine how he inhales this ball, and his body is filled with positive energy. His mood changes for the better, he begins to smile, rejoice and forgets about the obsessive illness. It is very important that at this moment you feel the patient’s condition, otherwise there will be no result.

On human action. Thanks to a simple technique, you can not only force a person to perform a certain action, but even make him fall in love with you. To do this, you need to sit comfortably, take three deep breaths, close your eyes and formulate a short message. Imagine that the addressee is next to you, even try to smell him, and then say your order. Start visualizing its action. For example, if you want a person to text you or call you, imagine how he picks up the phone and begins to write to you what you want to receive from him. If you want this very much, the object will soon make itself known to you. To master telehypnosis, you need to devote 20-25 minutes to it every day.

Message to man. Sometimes there is a need to urgently contact a person, but it is impossible to do this here and now. In this case, this technique will help you. To do this, formulate a precise message, and then take a deep breath and exhale, during which your message will be sent to the recipient.

Having studied the above techniques, you will be able to influence people even at a time when they are not aware of it. However, the possibilities of our subconscious do not end there. With the power of thought, you can not only force the reflectors to do what you want, but also fulfill your deepest desires. You will soon be able to verify this. We wish you happiness and good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

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How often do situations happen in our lives when the person you need does not appear. He doesn’t call, doesn’t come, doesn’t write! How can you make him show up? And is it possible to do this without imposing yourself?

It often happens that the person you love, for some reason, does not show himself in any way. You quarreled, or some misunderstanding occurred between you. And the person moved away from you. Offended or simply decided not to communicate with you anymore.

There are other situations when you yourself would be happy to call or get in touch, but do it! This action of yours can cause a person to have a negative attitude towards your manifestation. It may seem intrusive, unethical, or even exculpatory.

So what to do in this case? After all, in fact, because of some banal little thing, a misunderstanding occurred between people close to each other. And this very disagreement serves as a break in the relationship, which initially could have led to a closer and more stable relationship!

Dialogue is the very action that resolves all these misunderstandings and understatements. Because everyone begins to speculate in their own head, to complete drawings, and as a rule, these “SKETCHES” acquire truly fantastic and expressive pictures, absolutely not in accordance with the real state of affairs!

Many people, due to their psychological structure, portrait (type of introvert), being offended, carry all their feelings and emotions within themselves. And it is very difficult for them to make contact. It is difficult for them to overcome this psychological barrier, to step over their stereotypes and make at least some kind of contact.

What then to do in such cases? What can you do? How to call a person for a dialogue or even a meeting without entering into the dialogue first? Is it possible to make the person you need express a desire to see you or call you?
Can! And for this case there is energy practice that helps.

Many people know that there are such phenomena in our lives that are inexplicable, but very interesting. And, as a rule, every person has encountered such phenomena in his life. Let's say you thought about a person, and suddenly, out of the blue, lo and behold, after a while the bell rings and this person calls you either on the phone, or at the door, or you come face to face with this person on the street. Have such cases ever happened in your life?! Remember!

Here the question arises: were you the first to think about the person or the person about you? Both can be true. After all, relationships exist even between people who are not very close to each other, and even just acquaintances. This all means that... And it acts like a telephone call.

You may ask the question: is it possible to manage such a process purposefully? Is it possible to call or even call a person, in this way, yourself? Mentally or in some other way?
CAN! Those who work with subtle energies have such opportunities. This can be done by a person who knows how to control his mental images, and his thought has the power to call, invite, remind of himself - AT ANY DISTANCE! Such methods in magic and parapsychology are called - “ call a person" And if a magician or parapsychologist “calls in this way,” the one he calls will definitely appear. There are special rituals that allow you to call a person. There are also more subtle levels of such work. The parapsychologist does not call a specific person. A parapsychologist influences the desired REALITY! And circumstances begin to develop in such a way that people meet sooner or later!

This is not fantasy - this is a reality that ordinary people involuntarily encounter in their lives. And knowledgeable people control and manage these processes at will!

A question arises. Is it possible to turn to such a knowledgeable person, a magician or a parapsychologist for help? Is it possible to use parapsychology to make the right person appear?
Of course you can! Moreover, this will not be a love spell or the influence of dark forces. The usual “call”, based on the strengths and capabilities of each person, is to receive and send impulses!

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All methods of remote influence on a person can be divided into two categories: technical and mental. In the first case, radiation from psychotronic generators is used, but their impact only allows one to evoke certain emotions in a person, nothing more. It is not yet possible to order a person to perform a specific action using this method.

That is why the greatest interest is in influencing at a distance through the use of special mental techniques.

Using ISS

One of the most interesting areas of remote influence on humans is associated with the use of ASCs - altered states of consciousness. The trained operator sits on a comfortable couch in a soundproof room. Soft, low lighting is used to promote relaxation.

Having relaxed and entered a trance, the operator can remotely connect to the subconscious of the person he is interested in. Since the connection occurs at the subconscious level, there is no resistance from consciousness. As a result, the operator can read any information he is interested in or give a person a task to perform a certain action.

The main difficulty of this technique is the training of operators - there are very few people with high abilities. In fact, the number of specialists of this level is counted in units. In addition, not every action can be suggested. In particular, any suggestions aimed at causing physical harm will not work. That is, you cannot, for example, force a person to commit suicide.

Therefore, this method is used to collect information and suggest some fairly simple actions. For example, you can force a person to take a tourist trip to a certain country. Hire someone, sign a contract, etc. Any actions that do not run counter to a person’s worldview and moral values ​​can be initiated.

Influence through dreams

One of the most difficult but effective methods is to influence a person through his dreams. The method of influence is based on the use of lucid dreams.

The effect is as follows: you need to enter a lucid dream, there are methods for this. In this case, the person who will be affected must also sleep at this time. In a dream, the dreamer finds the person he needs, which is also far from easy - usually there are sprites, illusory images in dreams. The dreamer needs to find a real person - that is, his subtle body.

Suggestion is carried out like this: you need to approach the person you are interested in, grab him by the neck and the back of his head with your left hand, and press the thumb of your right hand into the center of the forehead and clearly pronounce the suggestion phrase. It should be noted that in this case it is impossible to initiate any actions destructive for a person. At the same time, suggestions aimed at the benefit of this person himself work well. For example, in this way you can help him quit smoking, drinking, and using drugs. You can make him treat other people well, etc. Any installation that does not pose a direct threat to the person himself will be carried out.

Of course, the use of lucid dreams to influence at a distance is only available to dreamers with extensive experience, sometimes amounting to tens of years.

People around us sometimes behave in such a way that our lives seem to be poisoned. And I want to influence the person so that he corrects his behavior. It is most difficult to influence those closest to you, but for this case there is a good plan of action.


Agree that a person has the right to his point of view. The person close to you is not your slave. And he is not obliged to do as you want. Even if his behavior hurts you, he has a choice - to do just that.
Naturally, you should not be in a victim state. But to change the situation, you need to start by recognizing the other. Agree within yourself to look at a person as an individual who has his own views, tastes and principles of life. I'm sorry if this person has offended you in any way.

Find out what the dream is. Don’t think that he just wants to sleep and watch TV, and nothing else in life. A person's dreams often come from his childhood. Ask questions, talk to the person until you find out what he dreams of or has ever dreamed of.
Find out what he tried to do to get closer to his. Often people's bad behavior is due precisely to the fact that they are desperate to achieve their goal. Don't give any advice at this step, just listen. You must understand well what the person's problem is. Try to look at life through his eyes.

Find information about how other people have achieved a similar dream. Here you will have to work hard. We need to find the good things in life. You will have to read a lot of books and articles. It would be nice to meet people who have achieved success.
Conduct this information gathering in secret. Your task is to be well prepared for the next step. You will have to talk to the person about whether his dream is achievable. For him to be inspired, you yourself need this idea. And that's why you need evidence. Look for them until you find them.

Show the person how he can get closer to his dream. Be careful and wait until the person is ready for such a conversation. Create the necessary environment for this. Tell us everything you know. Express confidence that he can succeed.
At the end of the conversation, say that you have a small request. And explain what you expect from him. Since you cared about his dream, he may be sensitive and open to your requests. It is likely that you will find a compromise regarding something that hurts you personally.

Please note

Don't try to manipulate a person. By showing care and love, you touch the soul of a person. Trying to somehow manipulate, you will only destroy the relationship.

Useful advice

A person has the right to disagree with you and not be influenced by you. In this case, leave him alone and show him by personal example how to live. Be patient.


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Subconscious is responsible for actions that you perform automatically, without thinking. It controls not only the instinct of self-preservation, but is also a repository of vital information. All your fears, complexes, values ​​and attitudes are embedded in the subconscious. To some extent it controls consciousness person, causing a certain range of feelings (guilt, fear, euphoria, etc.) and pushing towards specific behavior. If the subconscious has such power, then, having learned to influence it, you can easily influence person.


One of the most famous methods of influencing the subconscious is hypnosis. With the help of hypnosis, one is put into a doze or pseudo-sleep, which is why consciousness is inhibited, and a person can be suggested to do anything. IN

In this article, I want to tell you about the most effective methods known to me on how to convey thoughts to a person at a distance, as well as warn you against possible dangers that await you along this path.

My name is Maria, and for 6 years now I have been practicing techniques for instilling thoughts at a distance. In books it is written very simply, but in reality you need to have great motivation and constantly pump up your willpower! I’ll tell you with my own example how I achieved my goal. If you are persistent and don’t give up after just a couple of workouts, then everything will work out!

I was studying in my first year of psychology when I became interested in psychoanalysis and Jung's theory. Then I plunged headlong into the theory of the collective unconscious. Its essence is as follows: our mind, in addition to personal information, has always had and will have access to universal human knowledge. It's like a network that touches everyone. And just as we communicate over the telephone network, the collective unconscious allows us to “reach out” to another, transmit thoughts at a distance. As F. Begbeder wrote:

“The more boldly I play with your subconscious, the more resignedly you submit to me.”

How to prepare for the suggestion of thoughts at a distance?

It is important to understand that telepathy does not work with consciousness, but with subconscious structures. The best preparation will be techniques that will force you to go beyond the boundaries of your usual “I”, for some time to abandon the restrictions familiar from childhood. In my case, yoga and meditation, which I had been doing for several years by that time, helped me. Another good way to tap into the subconscious is lucid dreaming. Art. Laberge has written many practical books on this topic. The main thing is to remember: if you decide to do this, you can’t stop halfway. Your determination is the key to controlling another person's thoughts from a distance.

Technique for instilling thoughts at a distance: stages

So, you have learned to tune into the subconscious and are determined to continue working. Great! The main thing is to remember: everyone can do this if they want!

  1. Preparing the premises. To practice, you need to choose conditions that are comfortable for you. Which do you prefer – cool or warm? With light music in the background or incense? In the dark or in the light? Create all the conditions to relax as much as possible, and go ahead!
  2. Preparing yourself. Sit (or lie down) in a comfortable position, turn off your mobile phone. Concentrate on your breathing: inhale for 4 counts and exhale for 8 counts.
  3. Visualization. Most people are visual people, like me. This means that it is easier for them to perceive visual information. During my first attempts at instilling thoughts at a distance, it was easier for me to work with a photograph of the person to whom thoughts were being instilled. Hold the photo in your hands for a while, tune in to the person, remember him.

If there is no photograph, or you already have some experience, close your eyes and mentally imagine your goal. Her or his hair, smile, gait. What can this person do now and how does he do it? If you are an auditory learner (one who perceives information more easily by hearing), concentrate on the memories of the person's voice. Is it loud? What timbre? For kinesthetics (such people are more accustomed to navigating the world based on tactile sensations), a good helper will be a thing associated with an object. For example, it could be a gift from this person, personal jewelry, or a pen with which he wrote for a long time.

  1. Telepathic influence. Only when you are completely attuned to the person and it seems as if he is standing right in front of you, can you begin this stage. You need to send a clear request or phrase to those you influence. Confidently, firmly, in a voice that does not require refusal, pronounce your request. Better out loud. To begin with, you should use simple tasks like “call Marina” or “Are you hungry?” It is important not just to convey a verbal command, but to feel it. In the telephone example, imagine the object calling the number provided. And with food, convey the very feeling of hunger. Be persistent, but don't get stuck here for too long! 3-4 minutes is enough.
  2. Exit from the state. A very important point that beginners often don’t take into account! After transmitting the information, concentrate on yourself and the sensations in your body. Hug yourself, maybe pinch yourself. You need to feel yourself within your body. Look around, focus your gaze on familiar objects. So, you are a huge fellow for coming all this way! Allow yourself to rest a little or eat something sweet. For example, I prefer to go for a short walk.
  3. Workout. The technique of instilling thoughts at a distance does not always work out the first time. It's important to remember: You've already done more than most newbies before you! You can no longer stop there! I’m ashamed to admit, but I once gave up after the first two attempts. I only resumed training a few months later when I met my current mentor, who could do really scary things to people if he wanted to! Repeat your workouts 2 to 5 times a week. Remember, the harder you try, the faster you will achieve what you want. And I checked for myself: every person has such abilities. By the way, this was even proven in the neuropsychological laboratory of the brain.

Limitations and possible consequences

There are more suggestible and less suggestible people. You can influence anyone - the main thing is to guess the moment when he or she is least protected.

  1. The easiest way is to influence loved ones who do not put boundaries between you and them. After all, telepathy can not only harm, but also support, convey a sense of protection and even improve health.
  2. The most vulnerable periods of a person’s life are moments of intense emotions (sorrow, joy, fear), sleep (using the technique described above, you can learn to influence a person’s dreams), communication with loved ones (for example, lovers are at their weakest when enjoying each other’s company).
  3. Remember! When you establish a telepathic connection with a person, your mind is also open to him, although to a lesser extent than his. You should not start your training by influencing enemies, murderers, or just shady people. The consequences can be very dire!
  4. Don't forget about the boomerang effect. Negative influence will result in negative consequences for you.

Technique for quickly influencing a person’s thoughts

I began to use this method when I achieved my first successes in the technique of instilling thoughts at a distance. It is not always possible to allocate enough time for telepathy, especially since at my pace of life it is difficult to find a suitable place for this whenever there is a need.

So, to use this method, you need to write a clearly worded request on a small piece of paper. While you are writing what you want to convey to another person, mentally remember his image, voice, character. What you write should be addressed specifically to the object of your influence. It is advisable that nothing distracts you at this moment.

When the message is ready, the most important stage begins. Crumple a piece of paper, squeeze it tightly in your fist, close your eyes and mentally repeat the message again. And then, without further delay, burn the sheet with the message. Either using a lighter or a candle - whatever is more convenient for you. That's all, the action can be considered completed, and you can return to normal life!

Telepathy with an animal

Techniques of suggestion of thoughts are often used on animals. This is especially true for trainers: only deep subconscious contact with the animal will allow them to achieve heights in training. Unlike a person, to “communicate” with an animal you need to see him, and it must see you. Here, eye contact and prolonged communication are important before using telepathy techniques. Therefore, the best subject would be a domestic dog or cat.

When you are completely ready and attuned to the animal, sit opposite it (or pick it up) and look closely into its eyes. Catch the moment when the animal catches your gaze and mentally send an order or request. The message should be as simple and natural as possible for the creature (“obey me,” “respect me”). Repeat this ritual daily to consolidate the effect on the animal.

A person is not only a body, but also a psyche and energy. Knowing how to use one or another parapsychological techniques, you will be able to influence a person’s unconscious beginning, his biofield and even physiological parameters.

Energy impact

In addition to water, air, fire and earth, parapsychologists and esotericists tend to highlight the all-pervading medium ether, which consists of energy fields. Knowing how to “connect” to the ether, you are able to transmit the necessary messages through it, give the person the necessary message.

You can learn interaction techniques with the help of meditation practices. In particular, very effective, according to experts in the field of parapsychology and esotericism, is establishing a mental connection with the Universe using Buddhist mantras, in particular “Om Mani Padme Hum.” Reciting this mantra during meditation will help you detach yourself from the real world and tune in to receive and transmit subtle energy waves of the ether.

With the help of meditative techniques, you can learn to transmit thoughts and feelings over a distance. At the highest levels of achieving harmony with the Universe, penetration into the essence of the ether, one can also physically influence people, which is widely used in alternative psychophysical medicine. In particular, in Reiki, when a master is able to, for example, stop bleeding and heal wounds with the power of thought.

Examples of working with energy channels:

  • Take a comfortable position, but make sure your back is straight. Through meditation, try to achieve maximum detachment from reality, get rid of extraneous thoughts. Next, imagine a stream of light emanating from your head and following upward into the Cosmos - an energy channel connecting you with the ether, with the Universe.
  • The next step is to imagine as clearly as possible the person you want to influence. It is not necessary to remember any subtleties of appearance or clothing - the main thing is to achieve a feeling of the real presence of a person next to you. After his image becomes as believable as possible, endow him with the same flow of light that you previously formed in your own.
  • Next, form in your thoughts the most accurate, clear message and mentally “send” it to the addressee. To do this, for example, you can imagine a “message” in the form of an envelope, a luminous ball, a sunbeam (as you wish), which comes from your head up the communication channel with the Cosmos and then carefully “lands” through the same communication channel of the addressee directly to his head.
  • After this, try to feel his feelings, imagine what emotions he should experience at the moment, what thoughts he has.

In this way, you can convey messages about impending danger, wish a speedy recovery, instill positivity in a person, etc.


Speaking about the ether, parapsychologists certainly mention torsion fields - these are peculiar channels in the ethereal environment invisible to the eye, which cannot be detected by any of the devices existing today. These signals:

  • capable of transporting any information;
  • transmitted at speeds greater than the speed of light;
  • work equally well no matter how far apart the person transmitting the information and the person receiving it are.

Meditation techniques are also used to transmit thoughts at a distance. You must learn to get rid of everything unnecessary that prevents you from focusing on the object of your influence, and also learn to form as specific, vivid messages as possible - not vague images, but very clear thoughts, wishes, orders, etc.

You can, in between, practice your skills even on strangers. For example, standing in a long-suffering line for some product or spending time at a bus stop waiting for transport. As an example of telepathic influence in such situations, we can offer the following technique:

  1. Choose a person (in our case, in a store/at a bus stop) who is not busy with anything.
  2. Focus your attention on the area between his eyebrows (Third Eye area).
  3. Create some simple message. For example, “turn around” or “look to the left.” Give the thought some specific shape - for example, the already mentioned luminous ball.
  4. Now feel how this ball comes out of your Third Eye zone and smoothly flies through the air to the recipient, penetrating his head in the area between the eyebrows. Repeat “sending” several times, achieving perfection. Watch the reaction. Even if a person did not complete the installation, but simply began, for example, looking around in bewilderment, then, quite possibly, he still heard your message. Keep training!

If you are interested in methods of influencing people, then check out our other article -. She will talk about psychological techniques for managing people.

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