Inner peace is harmony with the outer.

Anyone who is more or less seriously interested in “internal” styles should clearly understand the so-called Five Gates through which the body interacts with the external environment. Although we truly swim in the ocean of all kinds of energies, both universal and generated by other inhabitants of the “created” world, our Qi does not mix with them freely and chaotically, but comes into contact through strictly defined switching points that have a capacity in both directions, out and in. There are only five of them.


This refers to the entire head, although more specifically we should talk about the yin-tan (between the eyebrows) and bai-hui (on the very top of the head) points. Food and air come to us through the nose and mouth, bringing the “after-heavenly” Qi, the main flow of information goes through the eyes and ears, the sense of smell and taste analyzer also contribute. However, not everything is so wonderful - the senses are quite rightly called “thieves”, stealing precious power.

Staring at something too long and attentively, engaging in idle chatter and similar pleasant things, we inevitably dissipate Qi into space. Probably everyone is familiar with a certain emptiness that arises after a long useless chat with one or more sticky interlocutors. The more intense and emotional the exchange of remarks, the greater the resource goes to waste, and the screams splash out energy in buckets. Truly, silence is golden! In ancient times, Buddhist monks were advised to keep their eyes downcast and their mouths, of course, shut, which is a rule they follow to this day.


In principle, it is enough to be aware and mentally control the palms in general, but the actual “gates” are the Lao Gong points, located almost in the center, on the line of the middle finger. They belong to the pericardial canal, which begins in the fourth intercostal space and runs along the inside of the arms. If you clench your fist lightly, the tip of your middle finger will rest on this point.

It is thanks to the ability of the palms to give and take energy that we observe such phenomena as healing, diagnostics, “energy” blows in various martial arts schools, moving objects at a distance (telekinesis) and other miracles.


Like the palms, each foot has a clearly marked entrance and exit of energy. These are the yongquan points that begin the rather long kidney meridian. Nominally, this is the “center” of the sole, although purely externally the point is slightly shifted forward. Through the Yunquan we interact with the earthly Qi, “raising” it upward, and through them we “throw off” all the energetic “dirt” and all sorts of excesses.

Thus, the feet are like grounding, without which any delicate equipment will sooner or later burn out both due to its own breakdowns and under the influence of rough external currents. That’s why it’s useful to walk barefoot, giving Mother Earth the opportunity (that’s right, the Earth in the planetary sense) to pull off what has managed to stick outside or accumulate inside, and that’s why excessive cooling of the feet threatens kidney disease.

Since ancient times, it has been believed that a morning massage of the yongquan or entire feet has a beneficial effect on the entire body, promoting healing from “a hundred diseases.” You should massage for at least three to five minutes with circular movements of your thumb or palm, combining Lao Gong and Yun Quan.

The habit of the famous ancient poet Su Tung-po to do this every morning and every evening before bed is documented, which brought him an enviable longevity.

Any person has “free will” from birth and has the right (if he wants) to make every possible effort to preserve his physical and mental health.

While awake, a person has Consciousness and can analyze his entire life through reflection. Based on his life experience and the life experience of people close to him, he understands perfectly well that the most important condition determining his long and happy life is life in harmony with the world around him.

If you think about it, this statement is very meaningful.

Living in harmony with the world around you means that:

✓ natural and housing factors are not dangerous to humans;

✓ air, water and food do not harm health;

✓ we are social and are always surrounded by people, so regardless of whether they are close relatives or casual acquaintances, they should not adversely affect our health;

✓ clothes, shoes, things necessary for life, jewelry, etc. should be pleasant to use and not dangerous (not harmful) to humans;

✓ medications, if they must be used, must help recovery and not have dangerous side effects;

✓ there are also domestic plants and pets, and many of those objects and factors, living in harmony with which is very important for human health.

– So how can we build our lives in order to, if possible, minimize environmental factors that can adversely affect our health?

Radesthesia can greatly help us in solving these and many other issues.

The logic of radiaesthetic work in everyday life

As we have said many times, the “Eternal Higher Self” always tries to keep its “earthly home” - the human body - in the best possible shape. Therefore, it always, when a person’s actions can harm his health, informs the person about this with signals that we perceive as intuitive (cm. ). However, we all know very well that we are not always able to understand and take these “signals” into account. Whoever knows how to do this in some “incomprehensible” way to others succeeds in life. This often causes envy among others, which over time can greatly “undermine” the health of the “lucky” person. But this is another topic of Multidimensional Medicine.


We do not always “listen” to the “intuitive telegrams” of our VVY and commit one unreasonable action after another, thereby gradually destroying (losing) our health.

– So what to do if you have partially or completely lost the natural ability to decipher the “short telegrams” of your VVY in the form of imperceptibly flashing positive or negative emotions?

This is not surprising, since from childhood we were all taught to live by strictly following signals from our senses and logically interpreting them. It's not even bad at all. If you can think logically, then medical dowsing is just for you.


Having mastered the basics of Multidimensional Medicine, you will be able to consciously navigate the world around you, that is, live in harmony with it.

Being in a state of consciousness, we can calmly comprehend all the events that happen to us. Essentially Our whole life is a constant choice to do or not do something: “should I buy these or these shoes, glasses, socks?..” We don’t buy such goods very often, but we go to the grocery store almost every day. The abundance of bright packaging can make you go crazy, and everyday intrusive advertising often prevents us from making the right choice.

Let us remind you that we are all different and we know from childhood: “What is good for a Russian is death for a German!”

We also know that the right choice can only be made by “consciously listening” to your “subconscious”. Thus, our task is to learn to meaningfully establish a connection between our “consciousness” and the “subconscious” and receive answers from there to the questions that interest us.


Our “Eternal Higher Self”, together with all memory archives, can be called the “subconscious” of a person.


The task of individually choosing the right decisions in everyday life - establishing harmony with the surrounding world - comes down to establishing a stable and safe contact for a person between his “consciousness” (“Earthly Self”) and the “subconscious” (“Eternal Higher Self”).

The above clearly demonstrates rice. 2.3. The fundamental statement of L.G. Puchko says that to work effectively using her methodology it is necessary to establish a stable connection between “consciousness” and “subconsciousness”, is presented on the left side of the figure. The arrows show that the “question” from the “consciousness” should easily reach the “subconscious”, and the “answer” - back. This means that the “forward” and “reverse” communication channels must be 100% operational.

The central part of the figure shows that a person’s “consciousness” can be unambiguously associated with his “Earthly Self,” and his “subconsciousness” with the “Eternal Higher Self” and the spiritual body.

The right side of the figure shows a schematic picture of the interaction between the “earthly” and “spiritual” components of a person. It is shown that for sustainable radiaesthetic work it is important that these “human components” are reliably connected with the mental body.

We hope that you now have a sufficient understanding of what medical radiesthesia is, so it's time to start practicing.

Human connection with the outside world

A person receives information about the surrounding world and its properties

through the senses. This information can be perceived by a person as

through special measuring instruments, and directly.

Human sense organs are organs

sense of smell

sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste and

vestibular apparatus (acceleration



contains receptors that respond to


all influences and pathways,




Fig.2 Sense organs





For example,

physical, chemical, etc.

What is a receptor? Derived from the Latin word recipere



these are the end ones


perceiving stimuli from external (exteroceptors) and internal

(interoceptors) environment of the human body.

Physical signals perceived by receptors are converted into

nerve impulses of an electrochemical nature that spread throughout

nervous system at speeds from 5 to 125 m/s (from 18 to 450 km/h). Receptors

encode various types of signals into a single universal frequency-

pulse code. The number of nerve impulses per unit time is proportional

nal intensity of signals perceived by receptors (i.e. the stronger

the signal, the higher the frequency of nerve impulses). Those. a man on his own

already a complex measuring device.

Most information comes to us through vision (up to 80%) and hearing

(up to 18%), and the rest of the information is through touch, smell, taste and vestibule

polar apparatus.

The world external to man can be described physically

chemical, biological, psychological and social properties.

We will consider only physical and chemical effects on humans.

Of these influences, let us consider electromagnetic vibrations and acoustic


Spectrum of electromagnetic vibrations from 10-9 microns (i.e. one trillion-

millimeter) for Σ-radiation up to 1011 µm (or 100 km) for radio channels

communications. Those. the range from 10-9 to 1011 µm is 1020 µm. Inside this diameter

range – infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet and x-ray

nova radiation. All these radiations affect humans. But feel-

telny, i.e. perceived consciously by the central nervous system,

Only visible light with a wavelength from 0.4 to 0.76 µm (i.e. from 400 mm

up to 760 mm). We are not talking about distance, but about spectrum, about wavelength. IN

In another range, our organs of vision have zero sensitivity. But in

In this range, visual sensitivity is very high; our eye can distinguish 570

gradations in intensity (brighter - paler) and 148 in color (i.e. along the wavelength

us). Modern measuring instruments do not have such sensitivity.

Acoustic vibrations. The range of these vibrations from infrasound to

frequency 10-5 Hz to hypersound 1011 Hz. (for comparison - voltage frequency in

electrical network 50 Hz). Within this range there are ultrasounds (104 - 109

Hz). A person hears sound from 16 to 20,000 Hz. Average person in this range

can distinguish up to 325 gradations in intensity (louder - quieter) and until 1800

frequency gradations (above - below). If modern equipment has

such sensitivity, then to distinguish combinations of sounds, like a person, she is still


Through training, a person can significantly increase his senses.

ability of your senses and expand your perceptual range.

So, a person has enormous opportunities in immediate semi-

reading information about the properties of surrounding objects. For example, we can

evaluate (i.e. measure) body temperature of a sick person by touching

him with your body. We can say that the temperature is normal (36-37oC)

or high (39-40°C).

You can estimate the distance quite accurately. Some manage

estimate the voltage in an electrical circuit, you can estimate the power

light bulb by its glow, etc.

Wine or food tasters also perform measuring

new procedure.

But despite this, human capabilities are very limited. That's why

people began to figure out how to measure more accurately and how to measure what a person

I couldn't measure it at all. I had to come up with technical means - when

At first, the functions of the simplest device were performed by a person. Steps from-

distance, length and width were measured - with palms, fathoms, elbows, etc. But

with the advent of measuring instruments, the measuring procedure began to involve

It involves both a person and a technical device - a measuring device.

The resource system, according to the exact expression of V. M. Shironin, can add, subtract and divide resources. But don't multiply them. The resource system adds up - “expands the resource base” due to geographical (including in the subsoil) and geopolitical expansion, considering foreign territories, markets, capital as sources of resources that would be good to appropriate and distribute according to the principles of social justice. It is customary to call such activity “work to form a resource base.” Social dynamics in a resource state consists primarily of expanding the resource base and acquiring resources. The very fact of possessing resources means the power of the state and its prosperity. Even a relative decrease in the amount of resources available to the state is perceived by class society as depression. Therefore, to form a resource base, an aggressive domestic and foreign policy is always necessary. Any restriction on expansion, internal or external, in the resource system causes tension, increases already developed deficits and, accordingly, multiplies conflicts between classes over distributed resources. The ideology of expansion constituted the content of the Soviet concept of the world order, because only after the establishment of a Soviet-style class structure throughout the ecumene and the elimination of the free market, replacing it with the distribution of resources “fairly,” will the world be able to acquire the features of a bright future. The difference between today's Russia and the USSR in the formation of its resource base is, first of all, that the country faces competition for resources with transnational corporations no less than with other states. To participate in this kind of competition, Russia is forced to create analogues of transnational corporations within itself - such as Rosneft, Gazprom and Rosatom. The presentation of potential capital as resources is naturally resisted by other states and corporations, which is interpreted by the class structure as an activity hostile to the resource structure, as a threat. The resource state is always ready to fight enemies, its servicemen are just looking for someone to fight with, and are constantly preparing for this: they serve and provide service “to neutralize internal and external threats,” especially since identifying the enemy also means allocating resources for the fight with him. Actually, this kind of struggle is the main task of public service, which is aimed primarily at the alienation and development of resources, even if these resources are already the capital of “oligarchs”, other socio-economic systems, transnational corporations or mineral deposits. Moreover, internal tension (arising due to injustice in the distribution of resources between classes) is traditionally considered much more dangerous than external tension. In order to avoid the generalization of internal conflicts or mitigate them (“feed the people”), the resource state is forced to expand outward, developing more and more new resources. It is basically insatiable. However, the time comes, and such a state is faced with the impossibility of further expanding the resource base, with strict restrictions that lead to the fact that streams of complaints about resource shortages develop into social revolutions, ending with the elimination of old classes and replacing them with new ones. An ideal state for a resource state would be a state of permanent expansion in all directions and aspects - in the absence of restrictions on this expansion. Land, water, air, outer space - everything must be put at the “service of the people” as a collection of classes. Nature and society should, according to the main idea of ​​this world order, “serve people,” but not everyone, but those who profess the correct ideas for reorganizing the world. The ideal was achieved after World War II, when the power of the USSR seemed such that nothing could stop its expansion into all environments. In the states, due to which the resource base was expanded, a policy was carried out that was tested during the construction of socialism: mass repressions, during which, as far as possible, the old social structure was eliminated, after which new estates were created according to the Soviet model, and this process was organized and directed by the created on the ground there are local communist parties with their own criteria for the selection and placement of personnel and a nomenclature controlled by the CPSU and the KGB. However, when implementing this strategy, the Soviet class world was faced with strict internal and external restrictions on expansion, in which no increase in the amount of resources led to a decrease in the overall deficit. Rather, on the contrary, deficits increased in proportion to the efforts of the CPSU to equitably distribute resources. Ultimately, complaints about unfair distribution, starting with acceleration, grew into perestroika with its sad consequences for the Soviet system. The collapse of the class system led, as I have already said, to the emergence of markets that temporarily compensated for shortages. But today’s restoration of the class system and resource economy, coupled with a decrease in market freedom, shows that little has changed in the logic of the social structure of our country. * ie rk Of course, this world does not allow all relations with the outside world to be built as expansionist ones. In many ways, such relationships are built as borrowing. The outside world is perceived by class society as a source of resources, unique ones at that, which do not exist in the class system and, probably, cannot exist. But they must exist, since without them effective service is impossible, especially the fight against internal and external enemies. We are talking primarily about scientific and technical developments and technologies based on scientific knowledge about the external - not social - world. In conditions where the necessary resources cannot be stolen or borrowed, they have to be purchased. But in order to buy, you need real money. To receive this money (currency) you need to receive it. In the first decade of its existence, the Soviet government simply confiscated currency from the population or sold - for it - to the “bourgeoisie” artistic values ​​accumulated during imperial times. Subsequently, the search for what the hated imperialists would buy was a very important activity in a resource state. First, grain requisitioned from the “kulaks” was exported, then the export of coal and metals mined by the forced labor of the same kulaks, labor army soldiers, special settlers and prisoners began. Oil and gas replaced grain, coal and metals as export goods. The search for resources that can be sold abroad in order to buy what is necessary for class construction did not stop throughout the existence of Soviet power. Moreover, as the experience of industrialization shows, the fact that a country is left without bread and its population is dying of hunger is not as important as receiving, in exchange for requisitioned resources, imported factories, technologies, products, technical specialists and consumer goods for distribution among members of privileged estates. Today's civil servants are guided by a similar logic when concluding long-term contracts for the export of energy raw materials, despite the fact that the energy needs of the population are far from being fully satisfied. They believe that people will fight, as has always been the case, well, maybe someone will die in the cold - for the glory of the ideology of the energy superpower. The import of equipment, technology and scientific knowledge has been and remains a specific characteristic of the class world order. Advances in technology, especially in the form of weapons and household appliances, were imported into the empire, the USSR, and modern Russia. The import and distribution of this kind of resources is familiar and everyday, and the products of domestic “light” industry are most often unoriginal and are relatively successful copies of what is being done in the West or - now - in the East. In a class society, crafts flourish, but technology does not come into play - this is not the same “socio-economic formation.” The craft allows you to make unique products, shoe fleas, but does not provide technological development. Even the organization of mass production of “consumer goods” has always been a state problem, most often solved - after decisions of the CPSU Central Committee and the Council of Ministers of the USSR - by forming a special class and issuing it an appropriate resource. In addition, not all technologies could be imported; there were and are serious restrictions on the import of weapons, defense equipment and related technologies; You have to make such products yourself. But to do this, you first need to “get” ideas, prototypes, drawings and layouts. Obtaining what is necessary is a special activity consisting in monitoring foreign science and technological developments, evaluating them and, if necessary, withdrawing knowledge, technologies and individual products with the subsequent development of what was withdrawn by domestic science and industry57. After service people, fulfilling their duty to the Motherland, “receive” what they need, it is necessary to establish “modern production” in conditions where this by its very nature is impossible, since it is incompatible with the resource organization of the state and the class structure. To solve this difficult problem, it is necessary to locally violate the principles of the class world order, creating “special conditions for overcoming the technological and scientific gap from potential opponents.” In the vast expanses of the country, when the backlog is overcome, “mailboxes”, “closed cities”, “technoparks”, “science cities”, “free economic zones” appear, in which semblances of scientific and technological centers of the capitalist economy and even elements of the capitalist way of life are created. These oases are partially removed from the general class jurisdiction - the order of resource management; they have their own laws, including laws for the distribution of resources outside of administrative bargaining, in a targeted manner. It was the targeted distribution of resources (for the creation of a “product”, and not for the development of depleted resources) that made it possible to create domestic missiles, bombs or radars. The social result of this activity is the formation of a class of scientists and designers who do not fully fit into the class world order. These are not ordinary public sector employees; rather, in modern terms, these are liberal professions serving public services. Within such “zones” a special social structure is formed, in which the main service becomes the creation of “products”, and all other services pass into the status of providing and serving. Thus, in “academic towns” almost the entire distribution of power was concentrated in the administrations of the USSR Academy of Sciences and state research institutes. However, after the regime is lifted and the transition to normal development of budget resources disappears, the reason for which the oases were created disappears. And over time, they turn into class worlds that retain a shade of privilege (sometimes delimited from the rest of Russia by a “ban” and a control strip, demonstrating separation from the usual class world order), as happened with the Soviet ZATOs and academic towns. Despite such sacrifices to the principles of the class world order, the “introduction” of inventions, any technological innovations were and remain a headache for the class system, primarily because innovations change the structure of resource distribution, and this creates many more problems in relations between classes than it solves. Therefore, “technical re-equipment” and “implementation of the results of scientific and technological progress” represent, first of all, a social problem for the class world order.

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