Military-political aspects of ensuring information security in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization space.

MILITARY THOUGHT No. 7/2010, pp. 10-18

ColonelCM. BOYKO ,

Candidate of Historical Sciences

ColonelI.L. DYLEVSKY ,

candidate of military sciences

Reserve ColonelS.A. KOMOV ,

Doctor of Military Sciences

Major GeneralS.V. KOROTKOV ,

candidate of military sciences

BOYKO Sergei Mikhailovich was born on July 14, 1964 in the Rostov region. He graduated from the Kazan Suvorov Military School (1981), the Kiev Higher Combined Arms Command School (1985), the Military University (1996), and the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces (2005).

Expert of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the field of international information security. He has more than a dozen published scientific articles on the history of Russia and information security issues.

In 2000-2009, he took part in the preparation and implementation of decisions of the Interdepartmental Commission of the Security Council of the Russian Federation on information security.

DYLEVSKY Igor Nikolaevich was born on August 28, 1962 in the city of Semipalatinsk.

Graduated from the Voroshilovgrad Higher Military Aviation School of Navigators (1984), the Air Force Academy named after Yu.A. Gagarin (1993), postgraduate studies at the same academy (1999), Military Academy of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces (2004).

Has more than 30 published scientific articles and proceedings. Head of the military unit as part of groups of UN government experts (2004-2005) and a group of experts from member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (since 2006) on international information security.

Sergey Anatolyevich KOMOV was born on May 19, 1954 in the city of Sursk, Penza region. Graduated from the Kiev Higher Engineering Radio Engineering School of Air Defense (1976), the Military Engineering Radio Engineering Academy of Air Defense named after Marshal of the Soviet Union L.A. Govorova (1991).

Professor, Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation. Author of more than 100 scientific papers, has eight copyright certificates for inventions.

Member of the group of experts of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the problem of international information security. Participant in negotiations on this issue in the format of a group of experts of the UN (2004-2005), SCO (2006-2009), CSTO (2008-2009).

Currently - Advisor to the Military Scientific Committee of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

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B oiko Vasily Romanovich - head of the organizational part of the political department of the 4th Infantry Division of the 13th Army of the North-Western Front, senior political instructor.

Born on February 28, 1907 in the village of Vodyanoye, now Shpolyansky district, Cherkasy region of Ukraine, in the family of a poor peasant. Ukrainian. Member of the CPSU(b) since 1930. He graduated from the 5th grade of a rural school and worked as a laborer for the kulaks. He worked in his native village and was the chairman of the village council.

In the Red Army since October 1929. He graduated from the Odessa Military Infantry School in 1933.

At first he was in command work, then he became a political worker: secretary of the party organization of the unit, regiment commissar.

Senior political instructor V.R. Boyko was a participant in the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939–1940. The head of the organizational party of the political department of the 4th Infantry Division, senior political instructor Boyko, in a battle on February 15, 1940 west of Lake Vuoksa (Karelian Isthmus) under enemy fire, by personal example, inspired the soldiers of the rifle company to carry out the combat mission. Another time, the rifle battalion was stopped by heavy fire from Finnish soldiers. As an experienced commander, V.R. Boyko understood that in such a situation it was impossible to wait, otherwise unnecessary losses would not be avoided. With a call: “Forward! For the Motherland! he rushed towards enemy positions. All the fighters rose to attack behind the courageous commissar. The task was completed.

On March 5, 1940, he replaced the regiment's commissar, who was out of action, and led the soldiers into the attack, which contributed to the advance of the infantry across Lake Vasikka-Saari. On March 9, when the enemy tried to surround the regiment's observation post, Boyko gathered all the headquarters workers and led them in a counterattack.

U Kaz of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on April 7, 1940 for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command and the courage and heroism shown to the senior political instructor Boyko Vasily Romanovich awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

In 1941, V.R. Boyko graduated from the Military-Political Academy named after V.I. Lenin. Since July 1941 - on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. In July-October 1941 - head of the political department of the 181st Infantry Division, in October 1941 - June 1942 - military commissar of the 183rd Infantry Division, in June - August 1942 - member of the Military Council of the 58th Army in the reserve of the Kalinin Front. Major General (12/20/1942).

From the end of 1942 to 1947, V.R. Boyko was a member of the Military Council of the 39th Army on the Kalinin, Western, 1st Baltic, 3rd Belorussian fronts. He took an active part in the Battle of Rzhev, Smolensk, winter Vitebsk, Belarusian, Memel and East Prussian operations.

In May 1945, the army was transferred to the territory of the Mongolian People's Republic, in August 1945 it participated in the war with imperialist Japan as part of the troops of the Trans-Baikal Front. The rank of major general was awarded to V.R. Boyko on December 20, 1942, the rank of lieutenant general - 8 September 1945.

After the war, he continued to serve in the Soviet Army, remaining in his previous position until 1947, then studying. In 1949 he graduated from the Higher Military Academy named after K.E. Voroshilov. In 1950-1953 he was a military attaché at the USSR Embassy in the Hungarian People's Republic. Since June 1955, V.R. Boyko was a member of the Military Council of the Belarusian Military District, and since April 1957 - a member of the Military Council of the Ural Military District. In 1961 - 1971 - head of the political department of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR.

Since 1971, Lieutenant General V.R. Boyko has been retired. Lived in the hero city of Moscow.

V.R. Boyko died on April 3, 1996. He was buried in Moscow at the Vagankovskoye cemetery (section 7).

Honorary citizen of the city of Dukhovshchina, Smolensk region. Author of books about the war “With the Thought of the Motherland (The Battle Path of the 39th Army)” and “Great Khingan - Port Arthur”.

Lieutenant General (09/08/1945). Awarded two Orders of Lenin (04/07/1940; 11/05/1954), the Order of the October Revolution (02/25/1977), four Orders of the Red Banner (04/21/1943; 09/22/1943; 11/15/1950; 02/22/1968), orders of Kutuzov 1 th (07/04/1944) and 2nd degrees, Suvorov 2nd degree (04/19/1945), Patriotic War 1st degree (03/11/85), Red Star (11/03/44), Order of Zhukov (Russian Federation, 02/19/1944). 1996), medals.

Oleg Vladimirovich Boyko (February 23, 1974, Borodyanka) - Major General, Head of the Security Service of Ukraine in the Cherkasy region since October 31, 2015.


He started working with the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine.

In 2010-2014, he worked in the Department for the Protection of National Statehood of the SBU, and was the head of the “M” department for supervision of the media.

During the Revolution of Dignity, Colonel Oleg Boyko figured in the plan to conduct an anti-terrorist operation on the streets of the capital against protesters. In particular, he was considered responsible for shutting down several leading television channels. .

Thus, according to the plans of the special operations “Boomerang” and “Volna”, which were published at the time by Gennady Moskal, it was planned to shut down Channel 5, “24”, “Espresso TV”, TVi and “1 + 1” as part of the anti-terrorist operation to disperse Euromaidan. However, Colonel Boyko did not contribute to the implementation of these criminal plans, but, on the contrary, provided active assistance to Ukrainian patriots during the Euromaidan in 2013-2014, through which he was not lustrated by the new government, but, on the contrary, received growth.

On October 31, 2015, he was appointed head of the Directorate of the Security Service of Ukraine in the Cherkasy region.

On March 23, 2017, by decree of the President of Ukraine, he was awarded the military rank of major general.

Peculiarities of work and staffing under lustration conditions

Boyko formed a new team.

In the context of intensifying the fight against terrorism and separatism, according to Boyko, in 2015, Colonel Sergei Evgenievich Blakov received a new appointment - since 2015, assistant to the head of the USBU for coordinating anti-terrorism activities. Colonel Nikolai Chizh also became a consultant to the head of the Ukrainian State Security Service for interaction on issues of anti-terrorism activities.

Colonel Alexander Starchenko was appointed as the new head of the Main Department for the Protection of National Statehood of the Cherkasy Ukrainian State Security Service in 2014.

In particular, the head of the Smolensk interdistrict department of the USBU, Igor Aleksandrovich Sinegub, was fired; he was replaced in 2015 by Andrey Vasilievich Bandurko. Also in 2015, the head of the Uman interdistrict department of the USBU Sergei Bozhko was fired and was replaced by Sergei Kovit. The head of the Kanev interdistrict department of the USBU until 2014 was Alexander Yalovenko, then the department was headed by Oleg Kravchenko (in 2014-2015), and Sergey Borovik (since 2015). The head of the Zvenigorod interdistrict department of the USBU until 2015 was Yuri Moskalenko, then the department was headed by Alexander Naumenko. In 2015, the long-time head of the Zvenigorod interdistrict department of the USBU Oleg Molchanov was released, then the department was headed by Alexander Oleynik (since 2015).

Boyko’s team also actively worked with temporarily displaced persons from the Donetsk and Lugansk regions to identify separatist-minded citizens among them.

Military rank - major general.

Married, has two sons.

Oleg Volodymyrovych Boyko (23 February 1974, m. Borodyanka) - Major General, Head of the Directorate of the Security Service of Ukraine in the Cherkasy region since June 31, 2015.


Having started work with the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine.

In 2010-2014, he worked at the Department for the Protection of National Power of the SBU, being the head of the “M” department - overseeing the functions of mass information.

During the hour of the revolution, Colonel Oleg Boyko was involved in the plan to carry out an anti-terrorist operation on the streets of the capital against protestors. Zokrema is considered to be responsible for connecting to several wired TV channels. .

Thus, according to the plans of the special operation “Boomerang” and “Khvilya”, as Gennady Moskal announced at the time, it was planned to connect to Channel 5, “24”, “Espreso TV”, TV and “1+1” within the boundaries of the anti-terrorist operation with dispersal Euromaidan. However, Colonel Boyko did not accept these evil plans, but instead, actively promoted the conciliation of Ukrainian patriots on the Euromaidan in 2013-2014, through which he did not luster the new government, but instead, rejected growth.

On June 31, 2015, he was appointed head of the Directorate of the Security Service of Ukraine in the Cherkasy region.

On January 23, 2017, by decree of the President of Ukraine, it was decided to assign him the military rank of major general.

Peculiarities of work and personnel security in the minds of lustration

Smartly forming a new team.

In our minds we have strengthened the fight against terrorism and separatism, for the taxes of Boyka in 2015. having given up a new position, Colonel Blakov Sergey Yevgenovich - since 2015, assistant to the head of the Ukrainian State Security Service for the coordination of anti-terrorism activities. Colonel Mikola Chizh also became a consultant to the head of the SBU on cooperation with anti-terrorism activities.

The new head of the Head Division for the Protection of National Power of the Cherkasy State Security Service in 2014. buv appointments Colonel Oleksandr Starchenko.

Zokrema, retired head of the Smilyansky interdistrict branch of the USBU Igor Oleksandrovich Sinyogub, born in 2015. replacing Andriy Vasilyovich Bandurko. Also in 2015. former head of the Uman interdistrict department of the Ukrainian State Security Service Sergiy Bozhko, who was replaced by Sergiy Kovita. Head of the Kaniv interdistrict branch of the USBU until 2014. formerly Oleksandr Yalovenko, and also Oleg Kravchenko (born in 2014-2015), and Sergiy Borovik (born in 2015). Heads of the Zvenigorod interdistrict branch of the USBU until 2015. formerly Yuriy Moskalenko, then formerly Oleksandr Naumenko. Booked in 2015 rich head of the Zvenigorod inter-district department of the USBU Oleg Molchanov, and further leader Oleksandr Oliynik (born in 2015).

Boyk’s team was actively working with the urgent displacement of individuals from the Donetsk and Lugansk regions to identify separatist-minded citizens among them.

Military rank - Major General.

Friendship, there are two blue ones.

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