All-Russian test work in English demo version. Preparing for the Unified State Exam and VPR in English lessons

Test work in foreign languages
is being held for the first time.

In the 11th grade, CVs are conducted for students who have not chosen the Unified State Exam in the relevant subjects.

The VPR in 11th grade does not replace the Unified State Exam, but is an additional form of assessing the level of training of graduates in those subjects in which they do not plan to take the Unified State Exam. Consequently, the compulsory Unified State Exam subjects are not included in the list of VPR subjects for 11 grades.


Instructions for performing the work

Written work in English is allotted1 hour (60 minutes). The work includes 18 tasks.
The first five tasks are listening tasks. Recommendedexecution time is 10 minutes.
Task 6 is a task of reading a text with an understanding of its maincontent. The recommended time to complete the task is 15 minutes.
This is followed by 12 tasks of a lexical and grammatical nature.
The recommended time to complete these tasks is 35 minutes.
To complete the oral part of the test in EnglishLanguage is given 15 minutes per respondent. The oral part containstwo tasks: reading the text aloud and describing a photograph based on the plan.
The oral part is performed in a computerized form in a specialaudience equipped for this purpose after completion of executionwritten part.
The points you receive for completed tasks are summed up.


Sample tasks for training the oral part of the VPR:

download VPR speaking option 1

download VPR speaking option 4

Sample tasks for describing a photograph:

Photo description plan

Photo description.

a) I’ve chosen photo number…

I like taking pictures and I really want to tell you about this picture which I took last (winter/summer…)

We were/I was visitingour/my relatives/friends/… Sochi/Novosibirsk.

b-c) In this picture you can see my…….

He/she is(they are)....years old(fairy/dark/red/brown haired)(middle-sized/short/tall man-woman)

He/she is wearing…. To my mind he/she is really photogenic.

We are/they are/he is + Ving I guess she/he is dreaming about….

We've/they've just+V3(ed)+smth.

They are/he is going to…..

d) I keep this photo in my album because it reminds me how happy we were/ I was on that day/ how interesting (exciting) it was to go…./to visit this museum/park/city/place.

Also he/she always asks me to take her/his photos.

And I think this photo turned out really well.

e) I decided to show this photo because that season I bought a new camera.

Firstly, you've alwayswanted to hear a lot of/about….

Secondly, ……wanted to know/

Thirdly,………interested in/of….

And I knew it would be interesting for you to see this photo.

Do you like it? /

Do you think I look like my dad/ mom/ aunt/ uncle/ brother….?/

Do you think……is nice?

Sample texts to read:

Text 1

These days, more and more people are trying extreme diets to lose weight quickly. Some people think these diets are great, but others think they are not good for you. Without a doubt, there are some advantages to these diets. Firstly, you can see results really quickly and this can keep you motivated to lose more weight. Secondly, they encourage self-control, because you have to stay focused for the diet to work.On the other hand, there are some disadvantages to these diets. To begin with, they can be difficult to follow, so you may give up easily and put weight back on quickly. Also, there are many restrictions. This means, you may not get enough nutrients to stay healthy. All in all, there are both advantages and disadvantages to extreme diets. Anyone who wants to lose weight should think about it very carefully and make sure they see a doctor before starting a diet.


Shopping in Britain is also famous for its Freshfood. Freshfood is a chain of food stores and very successful supermarkets which has grown tremendously in the twenty years since it was founded, and now it has branches in the High Streets of all the towns of any size in Britain. In the beginning the stores sold only foodstuffs, but in recent years they have diversified enormously and now sell clothes, books, records, electrical and domestic equipment. The success of the chain has been due to an enterprising management and to attractive layout and display in the stores. It has been discovered that impulse buying accounts for almost 35 per cent of the total turn over of the stores. The stores are organized completely for self-service and customers are encouraged to wander around the spaciously laid out stands. Special free gifts and reduced prices are used to tempt customers into the stores and they can"t stand the temptation.

Text 3

The Verrazano Bridge, which was designed by Othmar Ammann, joins Brooklyn to Staten Island. It has a span of 4,260 feet. The bridge is so long that the shape of the earth had to be taken into account by its designer. Two great towers support four huge cables. The towers are built on immense underwater platforms made of steel and concrete. The platforms extend to a depth of over 100 feet under the sea. These alone took sixteen months to build. Above the surface of the water, the towers rise to a height of nearly 700 feet. They support the cables from which the bridge has been suspended. Each of the four cables contains 26,108 lengths of wire. It has been estimated that if the bridge were packed with cars, it would still only be carrying a third of its total capacity. However, size and strength are not the only important things about this bridge. Despite its immensity, it is both simple and elegant, fulfilling its designer's dream to create "an enormous object drawn as faintly as possible".

Text 4

Britain was originally a land of vast forests, mainly oak and beech in the Lowlands and pine and birch in the Highlands, with great stretches of marshland and smaller areas of moors. In the course of time, much forest land was cleared and almost all Lowlands outside the industrial areas were put under cultivation. Today only about 6 per cent of the total land area remains wooded.Extensive forests remain in eastern and northern Scotland and in south-eastern and western England. Oak, elm, ash, and beech are the commonest trees in England, while Scotland has much pine and birch. The Highlands with thin soil are largely moorland with heather and grasses. In the cultivated areas that make up most of Britain there are many wild flowers, flowering plants and grasses.

Text 5

The fauna or animal life of Britain is much like that of north-western Europe, to which it was once joined. Many larger mammals such as bear, wolf have been hunted to extinction, others are now protected by law. There are many foxes. Otters are common along rivers and streams, and seals live along much of the coast. Hedgehogs, hares, rabbits, rats and mice are numerous. Deer live in some of the forests in the Highlands of Scotland and England. Some 230 kinds of birds live in Britain, and another 200 are regular visitors, many are songbirds. The most numerous are blackbirds, sparrows and starlings. Robin Redbreast is the national bird of Britain. The number of ducks, geese and other water fowl has diminished during recent years. There are many threats to wildlife and ecological balance around the coast. The biggest threat to the coastline is pollution. Even much-loved Black pool is not officially safe. More than 3.500 million tons of industrial waste is pumped into the North Sea every year.

Text 6

Ozone layer or ozonosphere, region of the stratosphere relatively high concentrations of ozone, located above the earth's surface. Ozone in the ozone layer is formed by the action of solar ultraviolet light on containing oxygen. The ozone layer prevents most ultraviolet (UV) and other high-energy radiation from penetrating to the earth's surface but does allow through sufficient ultraviolet rays to support the activation of vitamin D in humans. The full radiation, if unhindered by this filtering effect, would destroy animal tissue. Higher levels of radiation resulting from the depletion of the ozone layer have been linked with increases in skin cancers and cataracts and have been implicated in the decline of certain amphibian species. In 1974 scientists warned that certain industrial chemicals could migrate to the stratosphere. Damage to the ozone layer can also be caused by sulfuric acid droplets produced by volcanic eruptions.

Text 7

The newspaper printing is a rather unusual activity since each day the newspaper material is prepared a new. Newspaper includes editorial board work the following functions: getting the right news, writing it in the form of an article, selecting the best items for the print, and displaying the selected copy in the paper. All these tasks are performed by journalists, editors and rewrite men, photographers and makeup editors responsible for the issue of the paper.

Thus, the newspaper reporting starts with collecting information for the paper. However, journalism does not stop here. Newspapers and magazines publish a great deal of stories, not only news items or political stories, for example, stories of humorous or some other type. Such essay-type articles may be called human interest stories. Besides, newspapers carry many items on sports, personalities of today as well as stories on science, art and technology. Rather popular are also the reports about the flights of astronauts and space research matters in general.

Text 8

We spend a great part of our lives at our jobs, so choosing a right career is one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. Many students finish high school and begin college without a clear idea of ​​what they want to do in the future. Part of the problem is the size of the job market itself. With so many kinds of jobs (2000) how can you tell which will interest you? Some of occupations are already overcrowded. In old industries there may be little need for new workers, while new and growing industries will offer jobs now and in the future. Therefore, it is extremely important to explore your choice of occupations from every angle, collect as much information as you can. But above all you must evaluate yourself. Find out where your interests and talents lie.. First start with yourself, make a list of your interests, talents and abilities. By concentrating on a few, or on one you may surprise yourself at how good you can get.

Text 9

Foreign languages are absolutely necessary for people nowadays. More and more people of different professions decide to study foreign languages ​​in order to raise their professional level. Making business nowadays means the ability to speak at least one foreign language. English is the language of business correspondence, many foreign newspapers and magazines, and communication between people of different nationalities all over the world. Reading foreign literature in the original, understanding foreign films without translation, making friends with people of other nationalities may make our intellectual and cultural horizons wider. Foreign languages ​​often bring new perspectives in career and private life. Many aspects of our Life, like science, entertainment, business, studying became international. Many Russians decide to receive good education, start their career or just spend some time abroad. Upon returning to Russia they are able to share their knowledge, experience and information gained abroad with their colleagues and friends.

Text 10

What was the family life like in ancient Scandinavia? Most Viking male population was all round handymen, but some had special skills. You could find boat-builders, potters, leatherworkers and smiths.

Most Viking men knew how to handle a boat and most of them could fight if they had to, to protect the family or to support their chief. Women were known to work at home and bear responsibility for household chores. They baked bread, did spinning and weaving, turning sheep wool into cloth and items they would wear. They looked after their children, made the family's clothes and cooked two meals which most families had daily. On the farm, women milked the cows and made cheese. Viking children helped their parents and did not attend school. However, they were not illiterate. They learned Viking history, religion and law from stories and songs. By the age of 15 or 16 they were considered adults. It was common for girls" fathers to choose their future husbands.

Text 11

As soon as spring brings a new growth of bushes and berries, bears start feeding. They eat and eat. All through the spring and summer their feeding goes on. The bears build themselves up. They store food and fats that they will need in the fall when they start their long sleep.

As days grow shorter, and the temperature begins to fall, bears hunt for a sleeping place. It may be a shallow cave, or a deep crack between rocks. Some bears end up sleeping in hollow logs. Logs seem to be bears’ favorite places. Bears seem to choose small spaces. They can keep warmer in a cave that’s just large enough to hold them than in a larger cave. They often line their sleeping place with leaves and dried grass.

All through their winter naps, bears will not eat. Often they will sleep for 7 months, moving only now and then.

Text 12

Many lands that had once been swamps were drained or filled in. There are different reasons why people drained swamplands. Some were drained to fight diseases caused by insects that lived in them. Because swamps were considered unpleasant places in which to live and harmful to health, many people thought that unless they were drained the land was worthless.

Other swamps were drained to make new land. As the population grew and more land was needed, people drained swamps or filled them to make room for more farms and factories, more roads and airports.

Few people thought that it might be harmful to get rid of swamps. As swamps disappeared, other things happened. There were both more floods and more droughts than before. There were also more fires, for swamps had acted as firebreaks. Hunters noticed that there was less wild game. Wild life that once lived in the swamps was dying out, because it had no place to live.

The first maps were drawn by explorers to help them find their way home and show people where they had been. The maps showed the shape of the land, distances between places and special features such as caves and old trees. Nowadays, maps show the towns and villages, and the roads, railways, rivers and mountains. Symbols are used to show all the different things on a map and there is a key to explain what the symbols stand for.

Over the centuries, people explored most of the Earth and put together the map of the world we use today. Maps of the world or large areas are often either “political” or “physical”. The political map shows territorial borders. The purpose of the physical map is to show features of geography such as mountains, soil type or land use including roads, railroads and buildings.

People have enjoyed sports for thousands of years. Children, men and women play sports both for pleasure and for challenge. Every sport involves physical skill. Every sport has a set of rules that the players of the sport follow. In some sports one person competes against other individuals. Examples of these sports include boxing, tennis and so on. In many games one team competes against the other team.

People can go in for winter and summer sports. Summer sports are typical for warmer countries. Those who live in regions that experience cold winters have long enjoyed ice skating, skiing, and sledding. These activities have grown immensely in popularity over the years. Today thousands of resorts cater to the winter tourist trade, and millions of people each year take winter sports vacations.

A hobby is an activity you enjoy doing, it is something of your choice, something unique to your taste and talent. A hobby can improve our well-being; it can give more meaning to our life. Just as physical exercise is important for the body, relaxation of the mind is also essential. In fact, studies reveal that people who cultivate themselves through such activities are less likely to suffer from anxieties, depression and other negative feelings. A hobby is the easiest way to restore your balance whenever you are over-worked or stressed. Since it is an activity of your choosing, it will always give you pleasure and help you to relax. Even if you indulge in your hobby for a short period of time, you still can feel the difference in your energy level and spirit. When you have a hobby, you will always find time for it.

Bess Kate

2. Which sentence matches the picture? Choose and read the correct answer.

  1. Frogs like clocks.
  2. The fox likes the clock.
  3. Foxes like cats.
  1. I can see a nice crocodile.
  2. I can see nine crocodiles.
  3. I can see five crocodiles.
  1. I see a pig with a stick.
  2. I see a frog with a pen.
  3. I see a pig with a frog.
  1. Read an excerpt from Anya’s letter to her English friend John. What animal do you think she is writing about? Name it.

I have got a friend. It is red, blue and green. It is brave. It is not angry. It's nice. It can fly well. It likes to fly to the zoo. It can"t run and swim. Its name is Polly. It is five. It lives with me, my mom and dad. It likes my home. We like Polly too.

  1. Choose the correct word. Read the sentences.
  1. a strong dog.

A) have b) has

  1. ten pencils.

a) have b) has

  1. I...a pupil.

a) am b) is c) are

  1. My friends...brave and strong.

A) am b) is c) are

  1. ...are you sad?

A) am b) is c) are

  1. He...not lazy.
  1. am b) is c) are
  1. Convince your parents to buy you a pet. You will succeed if you tell as much about him as possible.

6. You met at an international camp. Find out as much as you can about each other. Role-play a conversation with a classmate.


in the 2015 – 2016 academic year

in English

in 3rd grade

1. Listen to Miss Chatter's story about an unknown hero who saved a cat from a cold river. Help Miss Chatter find and thank the hero. Mark it ✓ in the picture.

2. Read the letter and complete the tasks.

Dear pen friend,

My name is John. I am a boy. I am nine. I am from the USA. I live with my mom, dad and two sisters Betty and Kate. They are five. The girls like fairy tales. What is your name? How old are you? Have you got a sister or a brother?

My birthday is on the 18th of August. Summer is my favorite season. In summer I roller skate, ride my bike and swim. I can swim very well. I like to play football and tennis. When is your birthday? What is your favorite season? What do you like to do? What can you do well?

I have got a gray rabbit Harry. Harry is nice and funny. He doesn't like to skip and play. Harry likes carrots, cabbage and bread. I like my rabbit but I would like to have a dog and a big parrot. Have you got a pet? Is it funny? Please write back.

Your pen friend,

John Smith

1) Complete the sentence. Circle the appropriate letter.

John has got...

  1. mum, dad, two sisters and a brother Harry.
  2. mum, dad and two sisters.
  3. mum, grandpa and two sisters.
  1. Find the correct answer to the question: “When is John’s birthday?” Circle the appropriate letter.

A) in spring b) in summer c) in autumn

  1. Read the sentences. Mark the incorrect sentence. Circle the appropriate letter.
  1. John is from the USA.
  2. He has got a rabbit.
  3. John likes to read fairy tales.
  4. He would like to have a big parrot and a dog.
  1. Match the beginning and end of the sentence.

John likes carrots, cabbage and bread.

Harry like fairy tales.

Betty and Kate like football and tennis.

3. Choose the right word. Circle the appropriate letter.

  1. Where...the children? a) am b) is c) are
  2. John ... got a gray rabbit, a) have b) has
  3. My little sister doesn’t ... a bike, a) have b) has
  4. Ann...her beautiful flowers every day. a) water b) water
  5. Does Tiny... letters and postcards? a) get b) gets
  6. When do the friends... to bed? a) go b) goes

4. Read the story and fill in the missing words.

I home, his, gets up, breakfast, face, usually, watches

Andrew lives with his mom, dad and little sister Rose. Andrew is a pupil. He goes to school everyday. He____at seven o’clock. He washes his ___ and hands, cleans his teeth. Andrew and his dad have____at 7.45 am. Andrew comes ____ at 2 pm. After lunch hedoes__ homework and plays with Rose.In the evening Andrew __ TV or readsbooks. He _____ goes to bed at 9 pm.

5. Read John's letter again (Exercise 2). Write him a reply. Try to answer all the questions in the letter.

Dear John,

My name is I am from Russia. I am

I live with

My birthday is on the

My favorite season is

I like to

I can

I have got

Please write back.

Your pen friend


Test in 4th grade

Part I

Listen to the texts and circle the letter under the picture that reflects the content of the text.

Part II

Read the text and complete the tasks.

It was the first day at school. It was nine o'clock. All the pupils were in the classroom. They knew they had a new teacher - Miss Chatter.

After the bell Miss Chatter came into the room. She was kind and nice.

“Good morning, children,” she said and smiled. The lesson began. But the pupils didn’t do what their new teacher said. They spoke loudly and ran in the classroom.

Suddenly it became dark and very cold for a minute.

The pupils sat still at their desks and looked at Miss Chatter.

Their new teacher took Oliver’s pen, looked at it and said: “Three, two, one!” The blue pen became red and turned into a nice red umbrella. Miss Chatter took the umbrella and touched Oliver’s chair. The chairs began to dance with the children sitting on them. Oliver was happy. All the pupils laughed. Soon all the chairs and the pupils danced in the classroom.

Miss Chatter opened the umbrella and the rain of sweets began. The pupils were surprised but happy. “It's great!” Oliver said.

In the second lesson Miss Chatter and her pupils counted white rabbits and black kittens

in the classroom, read stories about whales, talked with the goldfish. Children answered her questions, drew on the walls of the classroom and learned funny poems by heart. The pupils had a good time. They enjoyed Miss Chatter's lessons.

The next morning Oliver, Ann and their classmates ran to school. But there was a different teacher in the classroom - a new teacher.

“Where's Miss Chatter?” asked Ann.


“Our teacher - Miss Chatter!” answered Oliver.

“I don’t know Miss Chatter. Let’s begin our lesson,” said the new teacher.

The children were sad. But Oliver saw Miss Chatter’s red umbrella in the left corner of the classroom. He smiled.

  1. Complete the sentence by choosing one option from the three proposed.

1) On the first day at school...

  1. the pupils had only one lesson.

B) a new teacher came into the classroom.

  1. the pupils went for a walk.
  1. Choose the correct answers to the questions.

1) Why did Oliver and his classmates run to school the next morning?

A) They wanted to see Miss Chatter’s umbrella.

  1. They liked to run in the classroom.
  2. They liked Miss Chatter's lessons.

2) Why did the pupils sit still at the desks?

  1. Miss Chatter spoke loudly.

B) It became dark and cold for a minute.

  1. The lesson began.
  1. Choose the statement that does not correspond to the content of the fairy tale.
  1. At first the pupils didn’t do what Miss Chatter told them.
  2. There was a rain of toys in the classroom.
  3. Oliver and his classmates had a good time that day at school.
  4. There was a red umbrella in the corner of the classroom.
  1. Number the sentences according to the fairy tale you read.

They read stories about whales and talked with the goldfish in the lesson.

It became dark and very cold in the classroom.

“Good morning, children,” Miss Chatter said and smiled.

But they saw a different teacher in the classroom. She wasn't Miss Chatter.

The chairs danced with happy students in the classroom.

Part III

Fill out the form for classes in the English language club.

  1. Name
  2. Phone number
  3. Favorite subjects I like to
  4. Your hobby
  5. What do you like to do in your English lesson?


Materials for intermediate certification

in the 2015 – 2016 academic year

in English

in 5th grade

a) Match the words to make phrases.

to protect

to play

to repair

to catch

to treat






b) Complete the sentences with the new word combinations.

1. Vets__________different__________: domestic, wild and zoo.

  1. Where do you_______________? - At school. We have a big playground and swimming pool.
  2. He's going to be a mechanic. He wants to
  3. Police officers have a dangerous job. They
  1. Complete the text.

Use: very, takes, dangerous, intelligent, hard, athletic

We asked people of different occupations: “What characteristics should a person have to do such a job?” Read their answers.

“I'm a firefighter. Sometimes my job can be dangerous. If you want to do this job, you should be brave, and responsible.”

“I work as a nurse. Every day a nurse care of sick people. A nurse works_____.

It isn't easy. She should be kind and friendly.”

“I am a teacher. You should know a lot of things to answer the questions of curious students! So

you should be sociable and And the teacher should love children.

I think it’s important.”

  1. Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter.
  1. My mum always cares about all the members of our family.

a) will take b) is taking c) takes

  1. When my granddad was younger, he was a police officer and ... criminals.

A) catches b) has caught c) caught

  1. Who are these letters from? - I don’t know. The postman... just... them.

A) is bringing b) will bring c) has brought

  1. When... you... to the library? - The day after tomorrow. I haven’t finished the book yet.

A) will... go b) have ... gone c) did ... go

5. - Stamps. It is my hobby.

A) do ... collect b) have ... collected c) will ... collect

6. Last year, my sister visited Moscow and ... a lot of photos.

A) takes b)took c)take

  1. Look! They…. theirs bikes without using their hands!

A) have ridden b) will ride c) are riding

  1. Ben can go home now. He... his test.

A) will do b) is doing c) has done

  1. The students ... to school 5 days a week. There are no lessons at weekends.

a) go b) went c) have gone

  1. Put the words into the correct order.

are / What / you / going / be / to /?

speaking / with / students / her/ The / is / teacher /.

tell / us / you / Will / about / hobby / your /?

protect / businessmen / Bodyguards / stars / and /.

He is a vet. Animals/He/takes/care/sick/.

  1. Complete the letter. Put the verbs in the Past Simple or the Present Perfect.

Dear Jane,

It’s always a pleasure to read your letters! It was (be) great to know about your hobbies. I_____(already / to finish) my homework and I can write you a letter about my hobbies. I like reading, too. Last month I____(take) part in school competition for young readers. I ____(to win) the first prize. I like reading fantasy stories. I__(just / to finish) a novel “The Hobbit” by J. Tolkien.____you__ (to read) it?

Theater is my another hobby. I______(to join) the School Theater recently. And now I want to be an actress. Yesterday my parents and I___(to go) to the theatre. The performance was wonderful!

What do you think about it? And what are you going to be?

Write back soon.

Best wishes,



Materials for intermediate certification

in the 2015 – 2016 academic year

in English

in 6th grade


Task 1. Listen to four stories from young travelers. Match the speaker's story with the name of the holiday. The assignment gives one extra name for the holiday. You will hear each story twice. Enter your answers in the table.

  1. St Valentine's Day
  2. Pancake Day
  3. Mother's Day


Speaker 2

Speaker 3

Speaker 4

  1. Bonfire Night
  2. Christmas Day

Task 2. Listen to the conversation between Linda and Tom. Complete the tasks. Complete the sentences by choosing the correct option from the three given. Circle the appropriate letter. You will hear the conversation twice.

  1. Linda
  1. has already bought a present.
  2. has no idea what present to buy.
  3. wants to buy a small turtle.
  1. Traveling underwater is
  1. an interesting novel.
  2. a computer game.
  3. an adventure film.

3) Their friend, Sam, likes

  1. taking colorful photos.
  2. going fishing in the sea.
  3. studying the underwater world
  1. Tom decides to buy
  1. a computer game.
  2. some exotic fish.

S. an adventure book


Read the text and complete tasks 3, 4, 5.

Laura and Catherine didn't want to go camping. They didn't want to sleep in a tent, or eat roots or drink dirty water from a river. All they wanted was to be home in their nice warm beds, with no bugs, wild animals, or dirt on the ground. But they had to walk along the forest path together with their mom and dad. They had crossed a river and now their socks and shoes werewet. It was terrible! They were so tired, they wanted to eat and sleep.

At last, they stopped for the night. Dad set up the tents and made a fire, then he caught some fish in the river for supper. The sisters didn’t like fish very" much but they had to eat it because they were very hungry. After supper, the girls pulled their wet clothes off, and put on their nice clean pajamas.

“Mum, it’s uncomfortable to sleep in a tent,” said Laura.

The girls wanted to fall asleep but they couldn’t.

“What's that noise?” Catherine asked.


“EEEEEEEP screamed the two sisters. Mum and Dad jumped out of their tent. “There’s a monster in that tree!” screamed Laura.

Dad laughed. “It's only an owl. Now go back to sleep, please!”


“EEEEEEE!” screamed the girls.

“That's just a frog. It won't hurt you. Please go to sleep, girls"!” Mum said.

Later that night, Laura woke up again. She looked outside the tent and saw a big shadow. She screamed again, “EEEEEEE! Dad! Help!”

“Girls, it’s only me,” Mum said. “It was cold so I went to get another blanket out of my backpack.”

The next morning, the girls felt a little silly about the night before.

“We're sorry, Mum, Dad. “We were like babies,” said the sisters.

“It’s all right, girls,” Dad said. “At least tonight you won’t be scared because you know what those noises are.”

They hiked a long way that day and were tired. The girls happily dimmed into their tent and dad wished everyone “good night”.


“EEEEEEE screamed the girls.

Dad looked at Mum and sighed, “Here we go again!”

Task 3. Choose the correct answer to the question. Circle the appropriate letter.

What is this text about?

  1. A family who went for a walk in the forest.
  2. A family who went on a cross-country camping trip.
  3. A family who lived in a big forest.
  4. A family who hated hiking and camping.

Task 4. Complete the sentences by choosing the correct option from those given. Circle the appropriate letter.

  1. The sisters wanted to stay at home because they did NOT like
  1. long cross-country trips.
  2. cold wet weather.
  3. setting up tents.
  4. fish for supper every day
  1. The first night was terrible tor the girls because
  1. they were hungry.
  2. they were alone.
  3. they were scared.
  1. they were cold
  1. During the second night, the sisters
  1. slept well in their tent.
  2. went fishing to the river.
  3. sat next to the fire with their father.

D. cried and screamed again.

Task 5. Read the sentences. Mark the sentences that correspond to the text - T (true), and the sentences that do not correspond to the text - F (false).

  1. The sisters were happy to go hiking with their parents.
  2. Though they were hungry, they didn’t eat fish for supper.
  3. The sisters were afraid of the forest’s night noises.
  4. The sisters couldn’t fall asleep during the second night, either.


Task 6. Read an excerpt from the letter. Write a reply to your pen pal. Answer his questions.

…Yesterday, our class got an unusual piece of homework. We have to write about the holidays which people celebrate both in Britain and in other countries. Each student got a holiday to describe. Could you help me, please?

I need some information about a holiday which is similar to our Pancake Day. Have you got a similar holiday in Russia? How do you celebrate it? Do you like this holiday and why?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,


Materials for intermediate certification

in the 2015 – 2016 academic year

in English

In 7th grade

1. Put in the missing words:

What's the matter with you, Sam?

I...bad. I’ve got a ... nose and a … .

Have you…a cough?

No, only a…throat.

Well, my dear, I think you"ve got .... Stay in bed, take ... and you"ll feel ... in a few days.

Shall I tomorrow?

No, you should… in bed for two or three days.

It's great. Tomorrow the Olympic Games will begin and I can ... sports from morning till night.

Oh, you are a ... fan, aren't you?

Yes, but I "m not just a ... . I"m good ... football and basketball.

2. Complete the sentences:

1. Be...! Don"t break the mirror. (careful / carefully)

2.Look! That young sportsman is swimming very... . (quick/quick)

3. His new manager is lively and ... . (energetic / energetically)

4. Now I... skate four times a week. (usual / usually)

5. The girl was... at jumping and running. (good/well)

6. What’s the matter with you? - I feel… (bad / badly)

3. Complete the sentences:

1. The boy his English. (hard/hardly)

2. Oh, it's too ...! I should leave. (late / lately)

3. It takes me... 40 minutes to get to the swimming pool. (near / nearly)

4. The sportsman was tired and could... speak. (hard/hardly)

5. There is a modern sports center ... our school. (near / nearly)

6. The athlete can jump very... . (high/high)

7. I haven't visited my old granny .... (late / lately).

8. He is a ... skilled engineer. (high/high)

4. Complete the sentences: put the adjectives or adverbs in brackets in appropriate form.

1. Yesterday she danced...than usual. She had a terrible backache. (bad)

2. I hope they"ll come ... tomorrow morning than today. (early)

3. He works... at English than his friend. (hard)

4. He swims ... than the Canadian sportsman. (fast)

5. You should play ... than yesterday. (carefully)

6. Steve and Sam did ... in the last game. (badly)

5. Read the text and answer the questions

Some time ago the British had very difficult money system. There were twelve pence in a shilling and twenty shillings in a pound. It means that they had more than one hundred pence in one pound. For a tourist it was almost impossible to Understand and use this system. But in 1971 it was changed to a simpler one. One pound is now one hundred pence, which is the same as in most money systems of the world.

You can sometimes think that over half of the people you see in the streets of London in summer are not Londoners, and most of them are not British at all. This is because London is one of the most popular cities of the world. Millions of people come here every year. So you can hear a lot of different languages ​​on buses, in the Underground, in cafes and restaurants.

  1. How many pence were there in one pound before 1971?
  2. Is British money system different from systems of European countries now?
  3. When do most tourists come to London?
  4. Why can you hear a lot of languages ​​in the streets of London?
  5. Why was it difficult for tourists to use the old British money system?


Test in English in 8th grade

I. Complete each sentence with one of the words - or phrases below. Use each one once only.

Under the threat of, was fond of, made him, was fond of, great wisdom, quit, lack of, believed in, patient, succeeded in, had to.

Isaac Newton is one of the greatest men in the history of science. He was born in a small village in England. His father, a poor farmer, died when Isaac was only 14. Newton had to ... school. The family suffered from a ... money. His her on the farm. However. Isaac didn't like farming. He ... poetry and mathematics. So he was sent back to school. He ... in his studies and entered Cambridge University after school. In autumn 1660 ... plague(plague) Cambridge University was closed. Isaac Newton ... return to his village and stay in his village for a year and a half. At home he went on with his studies. He was ... and hardworking. He... science and... ideas. When he was 21, Newton created the binomial theorem(binomial theory). Isaac Newton was a man of... . He died in 1727. There is a monument to Isaac Newton in Cambridge with the words "Newton. Who Surpassed"(surpassed) All Men of Science."

II. Complete the sentences. Fill in do or make in an appropriate form.

2. The boys got up at 6 a.m., ...their beds and ... morning exercises.

3. Mike has gone into town to ... some shopping.

4. 90% of housework is... by women.

5. The car was... in Germany.

6. Don't worry! Just... your best.

7. I"ve ... some coffee for you.

8. Last Sunday they... fun of him because he was wearing a strange hat.

9.Mr. Black...a lot of money as a lawyer.

10. Have you ... friends with your new classmates yet?

III. Underline the word with the same or similar meaning.


a) bullying b) argument c) warning

2. to be ashamed

a) to be unable b) to be shy c) to be surprised succeed in

a) to be out of luck b) to win c) to manage


a) ambitious b) clever c) crazy

5. tolerant

a) patient b) kind c) ambitious

6. to argue

a) ask b) to disagree c) to trouble

IV. Complete the sentences. Fill in to if necessary.

1. What makes you... think so?

2. She asked us not ... be late.

3. His mother told him ... come back at 10.

4. She made her son... read the letter.

5. We want you... join our organization.

6. Hot weather makes me...feel sick.

7. Don't make me... laugh.

V. Read the text and do the tasks.

Leonardo da Vinci

When they hear the name Leonardo da Vinci, most people think of his famous painting, Mona Lisa. This picture is in an art gallery in Paris, and it is visited by millions of tourists every year.

But Leonardo wasn't just a painter. He was also a talented inventor, engineer, architect and sculptor. He was full of new and exciting ideas.

Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452 at his father's country home near the town of Vinci in Italy. He spent his childhood surrounded by the wonders of nature, perhaps watching animals and insects that were all around him.

Leonardo was hungry for knowledge. He studied the world around him and drew the things he saw. He read everything he could find, listened to other people's ideas, and made notes of the things he learned. Some of his notebooks were as large as wall posters, and others were small enough to carry in his pocket. Many have been lost , but some of them were published in the 1800s and can be seen today.

Although he was full of new ideas, Leonardo didn't build many of his inventions. One of his notebooks includes a drawing of a person with a parachute. Only 300 years later, in 1783, a Frenchman became the first person who made and used a parachute.

Leonardo did lots of drawings of arms and legs and other parts of the body and he designed a mechanical man - a robot! This robot could sit up, wave its arms, move its head and open and close its mouth.

Leonardo da Vinci died in 1519. He was truly a man ahead of his time.

1. What kind of text have you just read?

a) a fairy - tale b) a biography c) an adventure story d) science fiction

2. Which of these would be the best as a different title?

a) Leonardo da Vinci - a famous painter.

b) Leonardo da Vinci - a man who invented a parachute.

c) Leonardo da Vinci - a man who studied the world around him.

d) Leonardo da Vinci - a man ahead of him time.

3. Choose the sentence which is not true.

a) Leonardo da Vinci is a world famous painter.

b) Leonardo da Vinci wanted to learn as much as he could about the world around him.

c) Leonardo da Vinci made notes of the things he learned.

d) Leonardo da Vinci was the first man who made a parachute jump.

e) Leonardo da Vinci designed a robot.

4. What do the words "a man ahead of his time" mean?

a) a person who keeps up with the times

b) a man of his time

c) a person ahead of his time

d) the smartest man of his time


Materials for intermediate certification

in the 2015 – 2016 academic year

in English

in 9th grade

  1. Listen to the people speaking about their future careers. Match the number of each speaker (1, 2,3) with the sentence (a, b. c, d, e) that reflect his or her idea most accurately.
  1. I haven’t decided what to do after leaving school yet; I’ll concentrate on my studies and choose my career later.
  2. I don"t want to think about my future career or my studies at school, I don"t want to think about any problems. I just want to have fun!
  3. I want to take up my father's job and become a famous surgeon.
  4. I’ll take up my father’s job and will try to- develop the family business.
  5. I don"t think that I"m suitable tor the professions that my family has chosen for me, but I know what career to choose.
  1. Complete the paragraph. Choose the right word.

Even it you arc very careful, you can’t ... (1) the risk of being injured while doing any sport. Gymnasts, hockey players and sprinters can break their legs and arms or can be badly hit when they train or compete. Some of the famous sportsmen suffer from their … (2) for the rest of their lives. It’s ... (3) that sportsmen like parachutists, divers and mountain climbers take even more serious ... (4). If they can"t concentrate or… (5) the speed of the wind or forget to check them .. (6), they can get into serious danger and the situation can become tragic for them.


b) take




h) victories




b) evident




b) risks




h) uncalculate




b) things



  1. Read the dialogue. Then mark the sentences as true (T) or false (F).

A: Hi, Ben! How were your exams?

B: Nice of you to ask about them. Everything is all right. Thanks.

A: Is it? You look worried. Is there anything wrong?

B: No, everything"s all right, but when we were waiting for the results of the exam, we spoke about our future and our career plans. You know. I was the only one who hadn"t decided yet.

A: Well, let's try to find out what kind of job could be suitable for you. I've got a special test that might give us the answer. All you need to do is to answer some questions. T he first one is: “Would you like to work in an office or be out and about during working hours?”

B: It depends... But no, I think I would rather work inside. It could be difficult to be outside if the weather is bad. But I want to have the opportunity to be out in good weather, too.

A: Are good working conditions, job

satisfaction and stability important to you?

B: Yes, I want my job to be exciting but not very stressful. Stability is very important to me, too. But I don’t want to work at the weekend or in summer.

A: And how about job satisfaction? What does that mean to you?

B: To me, job satisfaction isn’t just a quick promotion or good money. I want to feel useful

A: Would you prefer working with machines or with people?

B: When I was little, I enjoyed taking things apart to see how they worked. But now communicating with people is much more important to me, I want to work with nice and friendly people.

A: OK. That's enough. Let’s have a look at the test results. Well, there is a long list of jobs which meet your requirements. And the job of babysitter is at the top of the list.

B: Babysitter?! I have never thought about babysitting, but I don’t mind working with children, I’m very .good at sports and the job of a coach has a lot of advantages. I’ll definitely try to learn more about it.

1. Ben looks worried because he failed his exams.

2. Ben has passed his exams.

3. Ben decided everything about his career when he was little.

4. Ben has no career plans and it worries him.

5. Ben wants to have any job that allows him to work outside in any weather because he hates being in an office.

6. Ben doesn’t care about stability in a job.

7. Ben doesn’t mind if the job is stressful and doesn’t mind working at the weekend.

8. Job satisfaction for Ben means only good money and promotion opportunities.

9. Ben discovers that a job as a coach might be suitable for him.

4) Read the article and fill in the gaps with the sentences and parts of sentences A - G. Write the letter of the missing sentence in the box. There are two extra letters you will not need.

Robot technologies in our home

here are lots of science fiction books and films about robots. Nice and humanlike metal and plastic creatures often become children’s friends there. Robots learn how to distinguish between good and evil, and how to become a friend to a human being. To our surprise and delight we find out that robots are able to experience feelings - they can feel happy, upset, and even angry.(1). They can even risk their life,(2), for someone they love.

Is artificial intelligence a pure fantasy or are there any scientific discoveries behind this idea?(3) What we know for sure is that robotics is a rapidly developing technology, and soon we can expect robots to enter our houses and stay there for a long time. It’s already happening in Japan, where machines of all shapes and sizes are widely used. Besides being used in different industries, robots do lots of housework: they clean the house, serve tea and wash up after that.(4) These robots wake people up in the morning, inform them about the weather and ask questions about their health. The robots are able to recognize faces, keep eye contact and maintain conversations. In Japan,(5), humanoid robots have already become friends for lots of elderly people.

Robots for households are usually designed in a humanlike manner and resemble human beings - they have a head, arms and legs. Japanese scientists believe that in several years robots will be common in every household and feel very enthusiastic about it.

A. in robots’ terms they risk being destroyed or reprogrammed

  1. Amazing but robots can take care of disabled or aged people!
  2. Some rescue robots, which can dig deep after earthquakes, have already been created.
  3. It's still difficult to answer this question.
  4. We can see robots break the technological law of logic and rational to defend human beings.
  5. Elderly people often feel lonely and need some company.

G. which has the largest percentage of aged people in the world


Test for the second quarter of grade 10


Listen to a conversation and choose the correct answer.

1. Eddy is playing a computer game to relax after his Spanish lesson.

2. Eddy is playing a computer game to practice the Spanish language.

3. Eddy is playing a computer game to develop his computer skills.

Use of English

Use the words in the appropriate forms.

Friends call me Lucky because I don’t have to work. If I remember it... (1. correct), it was Confucius, a Chinese...(2. philosophy), who said “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.” So I did that. And the thing I enjoy most of all istaking photos. This love for...(3. photo) gave me a reason for travelling, which is the second thing I love very much. My careerstarted at twenty when I received a ...(4. profession) camera as a gift, and since then I’ve been traveling the globe for 25 years. I work for several magazines and journals, they buy my photos, and that’s whyI can afford to make it my lifelong...(5. occupy) . I've got a largecollection of images of people and places. My favorite series is the ... (6. Australia) photos, because to me nothing can be compared tothe... (7. stun) views you can find there. Throughout Australiayou can find...(8. impress) rocks, awesome bush forests andamazing ocean waters.


Read the text and fill in the gaps with sentences A-G. There is one sentence you do not need.

Pets create a very special atmosphere at home, they add to the feeling of coziness and safety. They help us cope with stress and, being dependent and helpless in our world, make us feel important and worthwhile.(1) They wouldn’t survive in our flats and houses if we didn’t bring them food from the pet shops and essential vitamins from the vet clinics. They need us because a dog needs walking, a horse needs rubbing, and a goldfish wants the water in the tank to be clean and clear.

Some psychologists say that people who are lonely and non-confident tend to keep exotic pets. Those people hope that an unusual pet can add to their identity, put them aside from the crowd and help gain popularity with other people.(2) We pretend that we treat them as members of the family and try to impose our love on them. However, sooner or later the question emerges: do we have the right to sort out our own problems at animals’ expense?(3)

Scientists and environmentalists speak strongly against the so-called pet lovers, who adopt a kitten or a puppy just to please the kid or because of some impulse. Even the animals which have been living with people for centuries and have already adjusted to our world, need much more than their owner’s love. They need care based on knowledge, otherwise they’ll cause problems to you and their life will turn into a miserable experience. Before adopting a little hamster you need to find out everything about its eating habits and peculiarities of the cage housing. You need also to be aware that the pet requires everyday care and that you may find it monotonous and boring.

(4) Milagres, an Australian koala, could be considered a lucky one as she got to the zoo in time for the vets to save her. A European tourist had illegally exported her from Australia, as he was obsessed with the idea of ​​keeping that cute animal in his backyard. “I was going to plant a Eucalyptus tree in my back garden, and I thought that keeping a koala wouldn’t be such a problem,” he explained later. That was a dangerous misconception.(5) It can’t digest hard and thick eucalyptus leaves, and that’s why you need to have from one to six hundred eucalyptus trees to keep your koala happy and healthy. The number of trees depends on the climate - the more humid the climate is, thefewer trees you need (within the range given above).(6)

Little koala Milagres exemplifies a big problem caused by ignorant pet owners. Wild animals are neither toys nor interior design accessories and putting them in a wrong environment makes them suffer and eventually kills them.

A.When exotic animals are kept as pets, ignorance is even more dangerous and cruel.

B.Though koalas’ eating habits have been studied by scientists, the information about their diet is fragmentary and incomplete.

C.This is why lots of crocodiles, snakes and lizards, gorillas and cockatoos become inhabitants of densely populated, traffic jammed megalopolises.

D.Do we have the right to keep a crock in the bath, or a dolphin in the swimming pool?

E.Apparently, only zoo specialists are able to provide the animal with an appropriate menu.

F.We understand that the most fierce and dangerous creatures are vulnerable and helpless in people’s world.

G.In fact, the koala is very particular about the diet - it eats only very fresh green leaves, springs and sprouts.


Materials for intermediate certification in11th grade


Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer:True, False, Notstated

  1. Franc and Kate decided to go to the cinema together.
  2. The French comedy which they show at the nearest cinema house is the best film of the year.
  3. Kate had to send for the doctor because her brother had fallen ill.
  4. Kate's mother had to go abroad on business.
  5. Kate doesn't know how long her brother will have to stay in bed.
  6. A new sport club has been built not far from the supermarket.
  7. Kate suggests going to the swimming pool on Sunday in case the weather is fine.


Read the text and fill in the gaps (1-6) with phrases A - G. There is one phrase you do not need.

The need for ever more qualified specialists is growing geometrically. The world is getting more and more complex and today’s graduates are expected to know a lot and to be ableto work with loads of information. The information they get may be highly controversial and to assess it, young people need to understand the interconnections between politics, cultures, economies and technologies around the world. Due to globalization, education has practically ceased to function as a local system which trains workers for local industries. Today national education systems have to be changed(1) .

Languages ​​awareness is one of the essential requirements to a graduate today. Whatever field you are going to work in, you’ll have to communicate with colleagues, partners, providers or clients all over the world. To do it effectively you need sufficiently developed communication skills,(2) . Lots of people understand the importance of foreign languages(3) . If you have already left school, is it still possible to acquire the necessary language skills and make up for opportunities missed in school years? Most teachers would say “yes”, you can learn languages ​​in any age and get impressive results(4) .

The innovations are particularly helpful to people who don’t have much time and cannotspend days in the language classroom. Over recent years computers have become increasingly important for learning languages. Computer technologies and the internet enable students to learn languages(5) . IT technologies save time and it’s the main reason why e-learning and various online courses are getting more and more popular. From home, or while commuting they can practice vocabulary, grammar or write essays(6) . There are special pieces of software that can record the students’ speech and programs for work on pronunciation. Motivation for learning languages ​​is increasing too. The internet, as the greatest technological advance, has brought the most essential thing into language learning - live communication across continents and cultures.

A which can be instantly e-mailed to the tutor

B due to new technologies and innovative approaches to language teaching

C because the internet courses are becoming very popular

D so that they could meet unified global standards

E in other words you need to speak and write well enough to be understood

F but unfortunately they don’t know how to improve their level

G without too much effort

Use of English

Read the following opinions and use the words in the appropriate form.

I'm convinced that we shouldn't ignore politics. If young people are___ (1.difference)to it, they can’t influence it. Someone else isshaping their future and they will have to accept the results, whatever they are.I’m not saying that we should take part in all kinds of___ (2. move). Politics is a very___(3. controversy) thingand it’s often very difficult to say who is right and who is wrong.I never support people who protest___(4. aggression), no matterhow good are their ___(5. intend) are. I think we should analyze ___ (6. inform) and think for ourselves.


In somecountriesthere are Animal Police thatprotectthe rights of animals and defend them from cruelty and neglect. The environmentalists think that Animal Police should be established in every country.

Use the guidelines:

1. write to what extent you approve or disapprove of the idea

2. present your arguments “for”

3. present your arguments “against”

4. write your conclusion.

Write 200-250 words

VPR. English language. 11th grade. Written and oral parts. Training tests. Basic level. Gulov A.P.

O.: 2018 - 24 p.

The manual will help schoolchildren prepare for the All-Russian basic level test in 11th grade. The collection can also be used for additional training for the Unified State Exam in English.

Format: pdf

Size: 4 MB



Format: mp3/zip

Size: 11.4 MB


Written part
Listening tasks (1-5) 5
Reading task (6) 6
Lexico-grammatical tasks (7-18) 7
Oral part
Tasks 19-20 9

Written part
Listening tasks (1-5) 10
Reading task (6) 11
Lexico-grammatical tasks (7-18) 12
Oral part
Tasks 19-20 14

Written part
Listening tasks (1-5) 15
Reading task (6) 16
Lexico-grammatical tasks (7-18) 17
Oral part
Tasks 19-20 19
Test 1 20
Test 2 21
Test 3 23
Tests 1, 2, 3 24

1 hour (60 minutes) is allotted to complete written work in English. The work includes 18 tasks.
The first five tasks are listening tasks. The recommended time to complete is 10 minutes.
Task 6 is a task of reading a text with an understanding of its main content. The recommended time to complete the task is 15 minutes.
This is followed by 12 tasks of a lexical and grammatical nature. The recommended time to complete these tasks is 35 minutes.
When completing assignments, follow the instructions and write down the answer in the work in the space provided. If you write down an incorrect answer, cross it out and write a new one next to it. You can use the draft. Entries in draft will not be reviewed or graded.
We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip a task that you cannot complete immediately and move on to the next one. If you have time left after completing all the work, you can return to the missed task.
15 minutes per respondent are allotted to complete the oral part of the English language test. The oral part contains two tasks: reading the text aloud and describing a photograph based on the plan. The oral part is performed in computerized form in a specially equipped classroom after completion of the written part.
The points you receive for completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and gain greatest number points.

In March 2018, all-Russian testing will be held for the first time VPR work in English in 11th grade. VPR schedule 2018.

At the end of December 2017, samples of the 2018 VPR were published on the official website of FIPI.

Demo version of VPR 2018 in English for grade 11 with answers

The sample CD in the English language fully complies with the requirements of the description and allows teachers, students and the general public to get an idea of ​​the structure of the work, possible forms of tasks, their level of complexity and assessment criteria.

Options for VPR in English, grade 11, 2018

Option Answers
Option No. 5 (written part) Download criteria
Option No. 6 (written part) Download criteria
Option No. 1 (oral part) Answers(written and oral parts)
Option No. 2 (oral part) Answers(written and oral parts)
Listening option 5.6 download

The All-Russian test in a foreign language (English, German, French) includes written and oral parts.

In 2018, general education institutions have the right to choose whether to complete the entire work or only the written part.

All-Russian testing works (VPR) in 11th grade are intended for the final assessment of the educational training of graduates who have studied the school course of this subject at a basic level.

1 hour (60 minutes) is allotted to complete written work in English.

The work includes 18 tasks.

The first five tasks are listening tasks. The recommended time to complete is 10 minutes.

Task 6 is a task of reading a text with an understanding of its main content. The recommended time to complete the task is 15 minutes.

This is followed by 12 tasks of a lexical and grammatical nature. The recommended time to complete these tasks is 35 minutes. When completing assignments, follow the instructions and write down the answer in the work in the space provided. If you write down an incorrect answer, cross it out and write a new one next to it.

You can use the draft. Entries in draft will not be reviewed or graded. We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip a task that you cannot complete immediately and move on to the next one. If you have time left after completing all the work, you can return to the missed tasks.

15 minutes per respondent are allotted to complete the oral part of the English language test. The oral part contains two tasks: reading the text aloud and describing a photograph based on the plan. The oral part is performed in computerized form in a specially equipped classroom after completion of the written part.

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