What damage do tractors and combines cause to the soil? Preservation and improvement of soil fertility. Fighting water erosion and improving soil structure

13.10.2013 21:35:01

Transfer of tractor power to the soil from least losses and without damaging the soil structure is only possible if the slip coefficient is maintained at a low level. Slipping depends on the characteristics of the soil, its moisture content,

Viscosity, surface condition, as well as type of work and weight of machines.

It is impossible to completely avoid slipping, but keeping it as low as possible is necessary. This can be achieved by improving the traction of the tractor wheels with the surface. To do this, it is necessary, on the one hand, to increase the contact surface of the tires when gripping the ground by reducing the pressure in the tires and expanding the contact surface, on the other hand, to use ballasts that increase the load on the axles, thereby increasing the depth of the tire tread into the soil and the pressure at her.

Crawler tractors are 15% more expensive than traditional tire models. In factories, the price difference reaches 20% for new generation machines. And yet, what is the gap with the tracks, why are agricultural machines with this equipment more and more appreciated, more desirable and why not, more present on Romanian farms?

To make use of the thousands of hectares he operates in County Arad, the farmer admitted he is trying to update his fleet with as many tracked vehicles as possible. It does not load the soil because, as the engineer explains, the support is no longer on a small surface, but the weight of the tractor or combine is distributed over a larger surface.

Slipping causes significant damage to both the soil and the machine. On the soil, significant slippage forms a large compacted layer, which, when using large units, can go to a depth of more than one meter. It will no longer be possible to eliminate such a compaction. Accordingly, the laying of technological paths and their annual use by many units when carrying out all types of work further aggravates the situation. How possible solution, sometimes it is proposed to change the direction of laying technological paths, which, however, when compactions are formed to a great depth, practically does not give the expected result. If you have any questions, come in: dessert delivery in Izhevsk.

In addition, it seems that the farmer is also satisfied with the level of consumption of the "giants" on the tracks. The American builder was the first farm tractor manufacturer to patent a four-speed system. A thought for larger engines.

Uninterrupted operation is guaranteed for 000 hours. According to experts, tracked and high-performance machines are designed for large farms with extensive land use and increased productivity. They provide high returns on investment. Depending on the work, the tracks are guaranteed to withstand between 000 and 000 hours of operation, but there have been cases where they exceeded maximum quantity hours. It is very important how such agricultural machinery is operated. The cost of maintaining tracks is decreasing, said Mircea Siolpan.

On the surface of the places where equipment slips, a dense combed layer of soil forms, through which plants cannot break through, and it also does not allow moisture to pass to deeper layers, causing the formation of places of stagnant dampness. It is clear that in places of compaction, capillary rise of moisture is also impossible.

Wheel slip occurs when the front and rear wheels move out of balance, causing one axle to push or pull the car while the other brakes. It is very easy to determine the percentage of slipping on modern cars: to do this, just look at the instrument panel, which contains the corresponding mark of the amount of slipping. The permissible slip rate is predetermined to be the same or different sizes tractor wheels on the front and rear axles. For tractors with the same wheels, the permissible slip rate is 10-15%, and for tractors with different sizes of wheels on the axles, this value should not exceed 5-6%. At the same time we're talking about about measuring slip at the appropriate driving speed - up to 8 and approximately 12 km / h, depending on the type of work and soil properties, and with the differential lock on.

Large slippage, especially when the rear axle pushes the front braking axle, is dangerous for the drive transmission system to the axle. The planetary clutch system, which is often used in such drives, may simply not withstand heavy loads and deteriorate due to the destruction of its teeth, especially when high rate slippage is also added and movement on high speed. Repairing this system will be much more expensive than choosing the right mode of work from the very beginning. Some manufacturers are now improving this clutch system by increasing the number of teeth to achieve better load sharing between them. But if the overloads are too high, even this may not help.

According to the FAO (International Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) standard, each country must produce one ton of grain per year for each of its inhabitants. Today the world's population is approximately 7 billion 200 million people. Therefore, to comply with the FAO standard, the world must produce 7 billion 200 million tons of grain annually. According to FAO forecasts, in 2014 all countries combined will produce 2 billion 500 million tons of grain - a “record” amount of grain, according to the FAO. But this is only 34.7% of what is required. Maybe the word “record” should have been replaced with a more modest one. Let's draw the first conclusion: grain production in the world is not enough; it only satisfies one third of the needs of the Earth's population.

As you know, grain is produced using a tractor farming system, that is, a farming system using tractors, combines, cars, trailed equipment, sprinklers and warehouses. Millions of tractor drivers, combine operators, drivers and other workers work on this equipment. Their work cannot be called comfortable: they have to work in dust and shaking, as the song says, “in the rain and in the wind.” It’s not for nothing that high school graduates don’t flock to agricultural schools and universities. Maybe it's all about farming techniques? If we replace it with a more advanced one, which would work as pleasantly and comfortably as an engineer working at a computer today in a clean and cozy workshop at a Sony Corporation plant? May be. But where is this technology? Does it exist in nature? Unfortunately, it doesn’t exist, but there is a project for such technology - this is the AMAC system.

AMAC-system is an agricultural enterprise designed for long-term mass production of crop products. It does not contain tractors, combines, cars, trailers, sprinklers or warehouses. It includes AMAC (automated bridge agrotechnical complex), a storage channel, mounted units and a contact power line. In practice, the AMAC system is a plant, but the plant is not a stationary urban type, but a dynamic (self-propelled) plant. The initial prerequisite for the emergence of the AMAC system was the assumption: if land, as an object of labor and a means of production, cannot come to a modern mechanized, electrified and automated plant, then such a plant itself must come to the land. With the advent of the AMAC system, we can talk about the emergence of a new method of farming - “factory farming”.

The AMAC system can be used most effectively for the production of grain, such as wheat. Since the AMAC system is a plant, its active land has an impressive size, for example, 10 thousand hectares. In the AMAC system ideal conditions for growing plants, so it provides a wheat yield of, for example, 10 tons per hectare (the world's record wheat yield is 19.2 tons per hectare). With these parameters, one AMAC system can produce 100 thousand tons of wheat grain per year. The world produces 700 million tons of wheat grain annually (the figure varies from year to year), therefore, to produce this amount of grain, 7 thousand AMAC systems will be required. The reader may ask: does the author propose to produce wheat not with a tractor system, but with a factory system? Yes, this is exactly what the author proposes and will try to justify.

In the tractor farming system with no-tillage (“zero” tillage) with a yield of 2.7 tons per hectare (this is the average wheat yield in the world), approximately 27.7 kilograms of motor fuel are spent to produce one ton of wheat, or, converting them into electric energy, - 95.6 kilowatt-hours (344.2 MJ - if it is more convenient for the reader). When producing 700 million tons of wheat, 19,390,000 tons of motor fuel per year will be required. This is a 3,580 kilometer long train with 298,308 carriages, each tank containing 65 tons of motor fuel. And all this is burned in the engines of millions of tractors, combines and cars. Annually! When producing the same amount of wheat, AMAC systems do not use a single drop of motor fuel, since they only use electrical energy. Oil is not eternal resource. Sooner or later it will end. Motor fuel will also run out. Electrical energy will never run out, since it can be generated using coal-fired power plants (there is much more coal on Earth than oil), nuclear fuel, and renewable energy sources using wind, water (hydroelectric power plants) and the Sun. By using solar semiconductor batteries, AMAC systems can become enterprises with autonomous power supply and operate exclusively on solar energy. Moreover, to produce 700 million tons of wheat grain, AMAC systems will require half as much energy as tractor systems. This is due to the fact that in AMAC systems there are less extended transport communications and less energy-intensive vehicles(with lower motion resistance coefficients). Saving electrical energy will be 33,460,000 megawatt-hours. This energy will be enough for ten million city residents for almost three years, if each of them “increases” 100 kilowatt-hours of electricity monthly on their electric meter. This is the first argument in favor of AMAC systems.

The average wheat yield in the world, as mentioned above, is 2.7 tons per hectare. This is due to the fact that the tractor farming system does not provide optimal soil structure and cannot withstand minimum terms field work and is highly dependent on unfavorable weather conditions. For example, the surface layer of soil is constantly compacted from year to year by the running gears of tractors, combines and cars, which disrupts the soil structure, interferes with the normal functioning of beneficial microorganisms and, as a result, reduces wheat yields. Rains and bad weather do not allow tractors, combines and cars to go to the fields to quickly carry out field work, especially sowing and harvesting. Irrigation machines (especially circular ones) do not allow irrigating large wheat fields evenly and in doses for each plant. AMAC systems are all-weather enterprises, they can harvest crops even in prolonged rainy weather, do not compact the surface layer of active land, irrigate each plant evenly and in doses, and accurately fulfill the planned deadlines for all field work. The wheat yield in AMAC systems of 10 tons per hectare will be normal and standard. Moreover, in in some cases, it may approach the record one. This is the second argument in favor of AMAC systems.

With moldless (“zero”) tillage (it is used in almost all countries), pesticides are widely used to control weeds. With an average wheat yield of 2.7 tons per hectare, and its production of 700 million tons per year, almost 260 million hectares of land are used for its cultivation. Assuming that for one square meter If only one gram of pesticide is applied, then 2.6 million tons of pesticides are applied annually to the entire area of ​​wheat fields. I am sure that the reader does not need to explain what harm these pesticides can cause or have already caused to people, animals, birds, insects and all living things on Earth. In AMAC systems, pesticides are not used in principle, since the fight against weeds and plant pests is carried out using laser, ultrasonic, electromagnetic and other modern methods and devices. This is the third argument in favor of AMAC systems.

In addition to the above three arguments, it was possible to point out several more equally interesting and significant arguments in favor of AMAC systems. Not wanting to expand the scope of the article, the author sends the interested reader to the Internet site amak-sistema.ru, where you can find additional information about other extraordinary properties of the AMAC system, about the principle of its operation, about patents and about its author.

A critical reader will certainly have a question: if the AMAC system is so perfect, then why has it not yet been implemented anywhere? Why don't we see it in the fields? There are several reasons. Firstly, everything new has always been introduced, is being introduced and will be introduced with difficulty, in the struggle between the old and the new, the familiar and the unknown. Even for a ballpoint pen from the appearance of its project to mass implementation it took 62 years! And in the case of the AMAC system, we are talking about the implementation of a fundamentally new plant, about the creation of a new “factory-building” industry, about overcoming the inertia of thinking and the omnipotence of habitual methods and traditions. Secondly, make a decision on the implementation of AMAC systems and the allocation necessary resources Only the leaders of large technically developed and grain-producing countries, such as the USA, Canada, Russia and others, can. Or the heads of large corporations, for example, such as DuPont (controls 18% of world grain production and 42% of US corn production). These managers either do not know about the existence of the AMAC system project, or they know, but do not want to take risks - they are waiting to see who will take the risk first. A simple farmer and the author of the AMAC system cannot even build a prototype. And, thirdly, until the oil gushers dry up, the tractor farming system suits everyone: farmers, scientists, designers, officials, and even the military (today a tractor, and tomorrow, if necessary, a tank). As long as there is oil, the tractor farming system will not give up its “place in the sun” to anyone. And he doesn’t give in.

A new spring has come. Millions of tractors and cars with trailed units go to the fields. The sowing season will pass, and after it the usual and familiar everyday life of grain growers will begin. Millions of tons of motor fuel will again be burned in the engines of tractors, combines and cars in grain fields. Millions of tons of pesticides will be scattered across the fields again. There will be “battles for the harvest” again. Wheat will again be harvested at an average of 2.7 tons per hectare, and the FAO will report a “record” grain harvest, which is only one-third the norm established by it. The author does not know how many more years there will be no AMAC systems in grain fields. But he is confident that they will appear, just as Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky believed in his rocket, selflessly making its wooden model in the attic of his house under the incredulous, skeptical grins and jokes of neighbors and distrustful colleagues. Today rockets are flying. The time will come when highly efficient, comfortable and beautiful AMAC systems will work in the fields!

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