The maximum number of points in the OGE is English. What is the OGE - rules for taking the exam and the scale for transferring points

The OGE is an exam that 9th grade graduates will have to take in the 2017-2018 academic year. Students of schools, gymnasiums and lyceums must demonstrate their level of knowledge in 5 subjects, two of which will be compulsory (Russian language and mathematics), and three will be asked to choose from the proposed list of disciplines.

We invite all ninth-graders, their teachers and parents to understand the following issues in more detail:

  • What does the OGE score affect?
  • How are scores converted into school grades?
  • What should those who have not passed the minimum OGE threshold do?

The attitude of schoolchildren and parents towards final assessments is ambiguous. The need to prepare for a large number of subjects frankly frightens secondary school students, as does the prospect of being left without a long-awaited educational document. Is all this really so scary?

Before you panic, it’s worth understanding these truths:

  • The exam includes questions that are included in the standard curriculum of secondary education and are mandatory for study in all secondary schools in the Russian Federation.
  • The passing score threshold for compulsory subjects is truly “minimum.” It is more than possible to overcome it even for a child with an average level of academic achievement.
  • The exam format is softer than in the 11th grade. Students take the OGE within the walls of their home school and, naturally, it is not interested in low results.

If everything is so rosy and easy, then a logical question arises - why are exams needed in the 9th grade at all? The ministry explains that the OGE is not only about monitoring the level of knowledge of students, but also about monitoring the quality of teachers’ work. Knowing that exams are ahead, both children and teachers treat the educational process more responsibly.

OGE points and five-point assessment

To convert primary scores into grades scored by students when completing examination work in a specific subject within the framework of the OGE 2018, a special compliance scale will be used. This scale has been developed for each of the 14 academic subjects:

If the scale for converting points for the OGE 2018 seems too complicated, you can use special online systems to interpret the results and find out. What grades did you finish 9th grade with? Here is one such calculator:

When entering specialized classes, FIPI recommends taking the following minimum primary scores in OGE subjects as the passing threshold:


Russian language


(natural science profile)

Total – 18,

but no less:

10 in algebra

6 in geometry


(economic profile)

Total – 18,

but no less:

10 in algebra

7 in geometry


(physics and mathematics profile)

Total – 19,

but no less:

11 in algebra

7 in geometry

Social science


Computer Science and ICT

(no experiment)

(with experiment)



Foreign language

Who will be able to retake the OGE in 2018

The scale presented to your attention for converting primary OGE scores into assessment for 2018 shows that the probability of “failing the exam,” although negligibly small, still exists.

If for any reason (and there can be many of them, both psychological and physical), the student was unable to write the OGE with the minimum score, he will get another attempt. A 9th grade graduate may even have several such attempts.

Ninth-graders in 2018 will have a chance to correct a mistake provided that no more than 2 subjects are passed unsatisfactorily. If a grade of “2” is given for more than 3 OGE exams, the graduate will not receive the right to retake and will be forced to take a time-out for a year to better prepare for the final tests.

Table 1

The maximum number of points that an examinee can receive for completing the entire OGE exam paper in chemistry (without a real experiment) is 34 points.

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. The guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 23 points.

Scale for converting the primary score for completing an examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale (working with a real experiment, demo version 2)

Table 2

A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 25 points.

The maximum number of points that an examinee can receive for completing the entire examination paper (with a real experiment) is 38 points.

A system for assessing the completion of individual tasks and the OGE 2018 exam paper in chemistry as a whole.

Students' answers to tasks in Part 1 are checked by experts or using a computer. Correct completion of each of tasks 1–15 is scored 1 point. Correct completion of each of tasks 16–19 is assessed with a maximum of 2 points.

Tasks 16 and 17 are considered completed correctly if two answer options are correctly selected in each of them. For an incomplete answer - one of two answers is correctly named or three answers are named, of which two are correct - 1 point is given. The remaining answer options are considered incorrect and are scored 0 points.

Tasks 18 and 19 are considered completed correctly if three correspondences are correctly established. An answer in which two out of three matches are established is considered partially correct; it is worth 1 point. The remaining options are considered an incorrect answer and are scored 0 points.

The tasks of Part 2 (20–23) are checked by a subject commission. When assessing each of the three tasks, the expert, based on comparing the graduate’s answer with the sample answer given in the assessment criteria, identifies elements in the student’s answer, each of which is worth 1 point. Maximum score for a correctly completed task: for tasks 20 and 21 - 3 points each; in model 1 for task 22 – 5 points; in model 2 for task 22 - 4 points, for task 23 - 5 points.

Tasks with a detailed answer can be completed by students in different ways. Therefore, the sample solutions given in the evaluation criteria should be considered only as one of the possible answer options. This applies, first of all, to methods for solving calculation problems.

OGE 2017 points conversion table

Finding out your grade based on test scores has become much easier. Thanks to this table, you can assess the level of your knowledge and fill in the gaps in topics that raise questions for you.

Solve, check the correct answers and find out your score. We would also like to draw your attention to some planned in KIMs in 2016.

* Russian language

The mark “4” is given if the student scored from 25 to 33 points, of which at least 4 points for literacy (according to the criteria of GK1-GK4). If, according to the criteria of GK1-GK4, a student scores less than 4 points, a mark of “3” is given.

The mark “5” is given if the student scored from 34 to 39 points, of which at least 6 points for literacy (according to the criteria of GK1-GK4). If, according to the criteria of GK1-GK4, a student scores less than 6 points, a mark of “4” is given.

* Mathematics

The maximum number of points that an examinee can receive for completing the entire examination work is 32 points. Of these, for the module “Algebra” - 14 points, for the module “Geometry” - 11 points, for the module “Real Mathematics” - 7 points.

The recommended minimum result of the examination work, indicating the mastery of the federal component of the educational standard in the subject area “Mathematics”, is 8 points scored in total for completing tasks in all three modules, provided that at least 3 points from them are in the “Algebra” module , at least 2 points in the “Geometry” module and at least 2 points in the “Real Mathematics” module. Overcoming this minimum result entitles the graduate to receive, in accordance with the curriculum of the educational institution, a final grade in mathematics or algebra and geometry. Recommended scales for converting the primary score into an examination mark on a five-point scale:

  • the total score for completing the work as a whole - in the exam mark in mathematics;
  • the total score for completing tasks related to the “Algebra” section (all tasks of the “Algebra” module and tasks 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20 of the “Real Mathematics” module) - into the exam mark in algebra;
  • the total score for completing tasks related to the “Geometry” section (all tasks of the “Geometry” module and task 17 of the “Real Mathematics” module) - into the exam mark in geometry).

* Chemistry 1

Work without real experiment,

The mark “5” will be given if, out of the total amount of points sufficient to obtain this mark, the graduate has scored 5 or more points for completing the tasks of part 3.

* Chemistry 2

Working with a real experiment,

The mark “5” will be given if, out of the total amount of points sufficient to obtain this mark, the graduate has scored 7 or more points for completing the tasks of part 3.

Impact on the certificate

According to the above grading criteria, test scores for the OGE can be recalculated using a standard five-point system. But these grades will not affect the final certificate. Students will be given certificates with the grades they earned during the school year. This assessment only affects if you receive a bad mark on the OGE - the certificate will not be issued.

This grading system was introduced to more accurately assess the level of knowledge of students with good and excellent grades.

The main state exams in Russia have begun. For schoolchildren who have completed 9th grade, the time has come for diligent preparatory studies and, of course, stress. No one wants to score fewer points than they should.

In this article, you will find a table for converting OGE points using a five-point system. Based on it, you will know what minimum you need to score for a “three”, “four” and “five” in each subject in 2017.

Scale for converting OGE points to grades

Russian language

The mandatory exam in this subject consists of 3 parts:

  1. Presentation
  2. Testing
  3. The task consists of writing a complete and detailed answer


The second compulsory subject that you will have to pass in order to advance to 10th grade. Those wishing to continue their studies in the faculties of physics and mathematics are recommended to score the maximum score, which in 2017 ranges from 22 to 32.

The examination paper in mathematics, as well as in the Russian language, consists of 3 parts:

  • Algebra (11 tasks), tasks are divided into basic and advanced levels of difficulty
  • Geometry (8 tasks)
  • Real mathematics (7 tasks)

The recommended passing score is 30. In order to get a “C”, you will need to score at least 8 points (5 in algebra and 3 in geometry). The results will be available on June 16, 2017.

If you have completed 11 grades, then our next publication will be useful to you, in which we posted and also told you how you can find out the results by name and document number!


The exam in this subject includes:

  1. 4 tasks that require a complete answer, as well as a practical task using special equipment.

For “3” you will need to score 10. If you want to continue your studies in college in technical specialties, then the recommended number is 30 points. The results will be announced (June 13 - 14).


Work on this subject can be entirely your choice. The exam is carried out in 2 stages:

  • The test includes 19 tasks that require a short answer.
  • 4 tasks (with meaningful answer), laboratory work

Based on a five-point system, to get a “5” you will need to score from 27 to 34. For a “3” it is enough to score 9 points (or 9 to complete 9 tasks correctly). You will be able to find out the results on June 16, 2017.


The maximum score for this subject is from 36 to 46, which means that you need to correctly answer 36 questions (consisting of a test and tasks for which you need to provide a detailed answer).

If you are planning to apply to medical colleges, then you should score - 33 (recommended passing score).


The examination paper consists of two parts (a test and 2 tasks performed on a computer).

The minimum score for “3” is 5. To pass with excellent marks, you will need to score 22. Students are given 150 minutes to complete the work.

When will the results of the OGE (GIA) 2017 be known?

Click on the tab to view the graph.

Results announcement schedule

Regardless of the discipline you choose, prepare thoroughly. We hope that you will all score the required number of points and you will not have to retake it after September 1st.

Structure of the OGE in English

I Listening section

You have 30 minutes to complete the tasks.

1 task – to understand the main topic of the dialogue. It is required to determine the place in which this dialogue takes place: hotel, store, hospital. One of the answers is redundant. Maximumnumber of points-4

2 task – it is necessary to highlight the main idea of ​​each of the 5 speakers: he (she) is talking about... for example, about his favorite school subject or describes the premises of his class. Also one of the answers is redundant. Maximum quantitypoints-5

Tasks 3-8 – understanding details and searching for specific information in a monologue or dialogue. In these tasks, out of three proposed options, you need to choose one, in accordance with what you heard. For example, choose the country in which the family lives. Maximum quantitypoints-6

In total, you can get 15 points for the listening section.

II reading section

You have 30 minutes to complete the tasks in this section. Maximum quantitypoints -15

Task 9 – there are 7 excerpts from the text related to each other by theme and eight titles that need to be correlated with each other. One of the titles is redundant. Maximum quantitypoints-7

Tasks 10-17 represent one fairly large text. The tasks contain 8 statements with three possible answers (1-true, 2 – false, 3 – notstated). It is necessary to determine whether the statements are true, false, or whether such information is not stated in the text. Maximum quantitypoints-8

III grammar and vocabulary section

You have 30 minutes to complete the tasks in this section. This section presents 9 tasks for grammatical transformations of wordstasks 18-26 (i.e. to change the tense forms of the verb, degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs, plural of nouns,...) and 6tasks 27-32 for lexical transformations (changes in part of speech).

Maximum quantitypoints-15

IV letter section

In this section, students are required to write a personal letter in response to an incentive letter. You have 30 minutes to complete the task. Maximumnumber of points - 10.

V Speaking section

Task 1 – reading aloud a short text. 1.5 minutes are given for preparation. The text must be read in 2 minutes. The maximum number of points is 2 (if intonation is maintained, there are no unreasonable pauses, no more than 5 phonetic errors)

Task 2 – conditional dialogue – questioning. This task presents 6 logically related questions in the form of a public opinion poll. Each question is worth 1 point. 40 seconds are allotted for each answer. The maximum number of points is 6.

Task 3 - monologue based on the text of the task.

1.5 minutes are allotted for preparation, but the monologue should be no more than 2 minutes.

Attention! There is a picture in the task, but it does not need to be described! You need to speak coherently on all three questions presented in the task. Maximum – 7 points.

Total maximum number of points for the exam is 70

At “5” - 59-70 points

On "4" - 46-58

On “3” - 29-45. Those. The minimum threshold for passing the exam is 29.

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