Which country has the longest life? 1st place: Monaco

Today we will talk about the life expectancy of people in different countries of the world and compare it with Russia.

Every person at least once in his life thought about living forever. Of course, no one has yet been able to realize such a desire, but there are a lot of centenarians in the world. Even humanity as a whole began to live much longer than our distant ancestors. Previously, the age of about 40 years was considered the end of life, but today the average life expectancy is approximately 70 years.

Life expectancy in Russia

In 2015, WHO (World Health Organization) compiled a list of countries with life expectancy for the entire country, for men and for women. Russia ranks 110th on this list with an average life expectancy of 70.5 years. It is noteworthy that for women this figure is much higher - more than 10 years.

Women in Russia live on average 76.3 years, men - 64.7. Many attribute this to the fact that most of the country’s male population is negligent about their own health and safety measures in extreme situations. While women, on the contrary, strive to stay “in shape” longer, adhering to a healthier lifestyle.

Japan is a country of long-livers

This is where they really care about living as long as possible. Japan is the world leader in life expectancy. According to the same rating, this figure is 83.7 years. Separately for men and women it was 80.5 years and 86.8 years, respectively. O. It is the female population of Japan that ranks first in life expectancy in the world.

Why does Japan have the palm? For many centuries, the Japanese have been concerned about their body and health. Most Japanese people follow a healthy lifestyle and eat healthy food. Few people here overeat in one meal or prefer chips to vegetables.

The result of this lifestyle is obvious: outwardly, the Japanese also look much younger than their years for a very long time. It is often impossible to determine the age of a middle-aged person. This also affects health: thanks to dietary food, internal organs are less susceptible to disease, and heart attacks occur less often.

European countries

Almost half of European countries are in the top ten of the WHO rankings. Thus, Switzerland (83.4 years) is in second place after Japan, followed by Germany (83.1 years), occupying second and third place in the ranking.

Also present here:

— Spain is in 5th place with an indicator of 82.8 years;
— Iceland in 6th place - 82.7 years;
— Italy in 7th place - 82.7 years;
— France in 9th place -82.4 years;
— Sweden closes the top ten with an indicator of 82.4 years.

As can be seen from the list, life expectancy in these countries is almost the same. Experts attribute this primarily to a well-developed healthcare system. In countries such as Germany, Switzerland, France, Sweden, medicine has reached the highest level, which makes it possible to effectively prevent and treat a variety of diseases, including cardiovascular diseases. Thanks to this, in many European countries it is possible to prolong the lives of thousands of people prone to various diseases.

The quality of food and the environment are also important factors. Europe has very high standards for the quality and safety of all food products. Therefore, it is easy to find truly healthy food here. Even products such as fatty cheeses, sausages and the like are made from high-quality raw materials, which are carefully controlled by law.

The ecology of countries located near the Mediterranean Sea - Spain, France, Italy - has a positive impact on life expectancy. Due to the mild climate, cases of respiratory and pulmonary diseases and heart disease are less common here.

The culinary habits and traditions of these countries also contribute to increasing life expectancy. The presence of a large number of vegetables, fruits, and natural products in the diet ensures the smooth functioning of the body. This directly affects your overall health, quality and length of life.

All this together creates excellent conditions for the long life of the peoples of these countries.

Australia - 4th place in the WHO ranking

Having diluted the European countries, Australia entered the top ten of the ranking. The country, seemingly cut off from the rest of the world, is also famous for its life expectancy, the average of which was 82.8 years in 2015.

Australia is isolated from the world, does not participate in wars and has nothing to share with its neighbors, because they are far away. In view of this, life here is quite calm and measured, and the people are exclusively concerned with their own lives. This may be one of the reasons for the longevity of Australians. By the way, the difference between men and women is not so great: 80.9 and 84.8, respectively.

The climate in this part of the world is also favorable: mild winters and moderately warm summers. Many Australians are engaged in farming, growing organic products: organic food helps to improve and maintain health for many years. In addition, healthcare is well developed here.

Does quantity mean quality?

The most populous countries are also included in the WHO ranking list. Although they did not take a leading position in life expectancy. As a rule, in these countries the birth rate exceeds the death rate, which is why the population grows. But it does not always depend on life expectancy. In some cases it is much lower than the population of the country.

Breakthrough in increasing life expectancy in China

China is one of the most numerous and interesting countries in terms of increasing life expectancy. Despite the fact that it exceeds all others in population, it was only in 54th place with an indicator of 76.1 years (74.6 for men and 77.6 for women). Nevertheless, this is already a great achievement for the country.

The fact is that not so long ago, in 1949, this figure was only 35 years. This age was the average throughout the populous country. The government became seriously concerned about this problem and began to take development measures. The state managed to correct the situation by creating the world's largest social security system.

The government has made a great contribution to the development of the country, thanks to which the poverty level has decreased many times: more than 700 million people have moved from a poor social level to a moderately prosperous one. According to statistics, this is 70% of the entire world population that has escaped poverty.

For more than 50 years, all spheres of public life have developed in the country - culture, education, economics, healthcare. There has been a great improvement in the health sector, which has reduced the number of diseases in all age groups. Separately, a cooperative rural health care system has been created, which has improved the situation among the population employed in rural industry.

A lot of attention is paid to environmental safety. Considerable resources have been invested to ensure environmental standards in China's major cities and rural regions.

Thanks to the combination of all these factors, life expectancy in China has been able to rise so quickly in a relatively short period. This is the biggest leap in the world.

Life expectancy in India

The situation in the world's second most populous country is radically different from China. There is a very high birth rate here, which is not regulated in any way. Moreover, the following trend is noted: the higher the social status of the family, the fewer children are born in it. Accordingly, the maximum birth rate occurs in the lower strata of the population. And in them, unfortunately, infant mortality is very high, and diseases are common that do not allow people to live to old age.

As a result of this imbalance, the number of population in the country does not depend in any way on life expectancy, which, according to the rating in question, is 68.3 years. Thus, India ranks 125th in the list.

Summing up

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that life expectancy directly depends on:

- lifestyle of the majority of the population;
— level of healthcare development in the country;
— quality of food and water;
— environmental situation;
— the level of general development of the country as a whole and its population.

It is important to emphasize that the more sensitive the people themselves are to their own health, the longer they can live in this world. Therefore, life expectancy in a country depends not only on the quality of medical development, but also on the lifestyle of each of us.

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中華人民共和國, ex. 中华人民共和国, pinyin: Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó Tibetan... ... Wikipedia We humans take pride in our long (and increasingly long) lives, but the surprising fact is that in terms of longevity

Homo sapiens

significantly inferior to some other representatives, including sharks, whales and even or. In this article you will learn about the 11 longest-living representatives of various species in order of increasing life expectancy.

The longest living fish is koi carp (50 years)

In the wild, fish rarely live more than a few years, and even aquarium goldfish require good care to reach a decade. But many fish in the world would envy the colorful koi carp popular in Japan and other parts of the world, including the United States. Like other cyprinid species, koi can withstand a wide range of environmental conditions, although (especially given their bright colors that people like) they are not particularly well camouflaged for protection from predators. Individual koi are thought to live for over 200 years, but the most widely accepted estimate among scientists is 50 years, which is much longer than the average koi in your aquarium.

The longest living bird is the macaw (100 years)

These colorful parrots are capable of reproducing throughout their lives, with females incubating eggs and caring for chicks while males forage for food. With a lifespan of up to 60 years in the wild and up to 100 years in captivity, macaws are almost as long as humans. Ironically, although these birds can live a very long time, many species are endangered due to people's desire to keep them as pets and deforestation. The longevity of macaws and other members of the parrot family begs the question: Since birds evolved from dinosaurs, and since we know that many dinosaurs were just as small and colorful, could some of these prehistoric reptiles have reached the age of a century?

The longest living amphibian is the European proteus (100 years)

If you were asked to name animals that regularly reach the century mark, the blind amphibian is the European proteus ( Proteus anguinus) will probably be last on your list: how can a frail, eyeless, cave-dwelling, 30cm amphibian survive for even a couple of weeks in the wild? Naturalists attribute the longevity of the European Proteus to its unusually slow metabolism. These amphibians reach sexual maturity only at 15 years, and also lay eggs no more than once every 12 years. They hardly move except when searching for food. Moreover, the damp caves of Southern Europe where the European proteus lives have virtually no predators, allowing it to live up to 100 years in the wild. By comparison, the Japanese giant salamander, which is second on the list of long-lived amphibians, rarely surpasses the 50-year mark.

The longest living primate is humans (100 years)

Humans often live to be 100 years or more, making us the record holders for the longest life expectancy among primates. There are about half a million people in the world who are about 100 years old. Tens of thousands of years ago 中华人民共和国, pinyin: Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó Tibetan... ... Wikipedia was considered elderly if he lived to be 20-30 years old, and until the 18th century the average life expectancy rarely exceeded 50 years. High infant mortality rates and susceptibility to fatal diseases were the main culprits. However, at any point in human history, if you managed to survive early childhood and adolescence, your chances of living to 50, 60, or even 70 increased significantly. To what can we attribute this amazing increase in longevity? Well, in a word, civilization, especially sanitation, medicine, nutrition and cooperation (during the Ice Age, a tribe of people most likely left their elderly relatives to starve in the cold, and today we make special efforts to take care of our octogenarian relatives.)

The longest living mammal is the bowhead whale (200 years)

Typically, larger mammals have relatively long lifespans, but even by this standard, bowhead whales are far ahead, often exceeding the 200-year mark. Recently, analysis of the bowhead whale genome has shed some light on this mystery: it turns out that these whales have unique genes that help with DNA repair and resistance to mutations (and therefore cancer). Because the bowhead whale lives in arctic and subarctic waters, its relatively slow metabolism may also have something to do with its longevity. Today, there are about 25,000 bowhead whales in the northern hemisphere, a positive population recovery trend since 1966, when major international efforts were made to curb whalers.

The longest living reptile is the giant tortoise (300 years)

The giant tortoises of the Galapagos and Seychelles islands are classic examples of "island gigantism" - the tendency of animals confined to island habitats and without natural predators to grow to unusually large sizes. And these turtles have a lifespan that perfectly matches their weight, ranging from 200 to 500 kg. Giant tortoises are known to live longer than 200 years, and there is every reason to believe that in the wild they regularly surpass the 300-year mark. Like some of the other animals on this list, the reasons for the longevity of giant tortoises are obvious: these reptiles move very slowly, their basal metabolism is extremely low, and their life stages tend to be relatively protracted (for example, the Aldabra giant tortoise does not reach sexual maturity until at 30 years old).

The longest living shark is the Greenland shark (400 years)

If there were any justice in the world, the Greenland shark would be as famous as the great white shark: it is also large (some adults exceed 1000 kg) and much more exotic, given its northern Arctic habitat. You might think the Greenland shark is as dangerous as a jaw star, but while a hungry white shark will bite you in half, the Grenadian shark is relatively harmless to humans. However, the most remarkable fact about the Greenland shark is its lifespan of over 400 years. This longevity is explained by the cold habitat and very low metabolism. Surprisingly, these sharks reach sexual maturity after 100 years, despite the fact that most others at that age are not only sexually inactive, but are long dead!

The longest living mollusk is the Icelandic cyprina ( Arctica islandica) (500 years)

A 500-year-old clam sounds like a joke since most clams are practically motionless, so how can you tell with certainty whether it is alive or not? However, there are scientists who study such things, and they have determined that Cyprina Icelandica ( Arctica islandica) can literally live for centuries, as evidenced by one specimen that passed the 500-year mark (you can tell the age of a clam by counting the growth rings on its shell). Ironically, cyprina is also a popular food in some parts of the world, meaning that most shellfish will never be able to celebrate their 500th anniversary. Biologists have yet to figure out why Arctica islandica live so long, but one reason may be the relatively stable levels of antioxidants that prevent the damage responsible for most signs of aging in animals.

The longest-living microorganisms are endoliths (10,000 years)

Determining the lifespan of microorganisms is a rather complex process. In a sense, all bacteria are immortal because they spread their genetic information by constantly dividing (rather than, like most higher animals, by having sex). The term "endoliths" refers to algae, or algae, that live deep underground in rock crevices, corals and animal shells. Research has shown that some individuals from endolith colonies undergo cell division only once every hundred years, and their life expectancy reaches 10,000 years. Technically, this is different from the ability of some microorganisms to revive after stagnation or deep freezing after tens of thousands of years. Endoliths are literally constantly “alive”, although not very active. They are autotrophic organisms that carry out metabolism not with the help of oxygen or sunlight, but using inorganic chemicals that are practically inexhaustible in their habitats.

The longest living invertebrate is Turritopsis dohrnii (potentially immortal)

There is no reliable way to determine how many years the average jellyfish lives. These are so fragile that they do not lend themselves to intensive research in laboratories. However, no ranking of long-lived animals would be complete without mentioning Turritopsis dohrnii- a species of jellyfish that is capable of reverting to the polyp stage after reaching sexual maturity, making them potentially immortal. However, it is almost incredible that any individual T. dohrnii could live for millions of years. Biological "immortality" does not mean that you will not be eaten by other animals or killed by sudden changes in environmental conditions. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to keep jellyfish T. dohrnii in captivity, a feat that has so far only been accomplished by one scientist working in Japan.

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The average life expectancy on the globe is 67.59 years, in Russia in 2011 women lived 73 years, men 59.1 years, the average life expectancy in Russia is 66.05 years - far from the best result... Place in the world is already 129 ...Where do they live longer?

10. 81.86 years (in tenth place) - Italy.

Experts attribute the longevity of Italians to the Mediterranean diet, which to a greater or lesser extent reduces the risk of almost all diseases. Wine and olive oil contain antioxidants that affect the quantity and quality of cholesterol (good and bad), which significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Another plus of Italian cuisine is a large amount of herbs and spices - hypertension and strokes are less common. 9. A little longer - 81.9 years on average live in Australia

(ninth place). Experts believe that the factors for the longevity of Australians are the active lifestyle widespread in the country, the low level of obesity, the relatively low number of smokers and the opportunity to receive the necessary medical care, regardless of ability to pay - the merit of the government in organizing an excellent healthcare system for the people. 8. 82.12 years - that's how long they live in

Hong Kong (eighth place). Such a high level is ensured by a diet - mainly rice and vegetables - and an active lifestyle.

6. 7. Few people in Russia know about Guersney

5. (seventh place, 82.24 years) - a small island dependent on Britain (it is not part of the European Union, has its own currency, is located in the English Channel, 78 sq. kilometers and 65,000 inhabitants). A high standard of living provides access to a high level of healthcare and quality nutrition. Andorra

- a tiny country in the mountains between Spain and France (sixth place, 82.5 years). The location itself ensures an active lifestyle, plus the presence of a large number of sports grounds where residents often organize friendly competitions, in addition to a high level of education for almost 100 percent of the population, an almost complete absence of unemployment - accordingly, access to medical care. services, excellent quality of food... A low level of stress reduces cardiovascular diseases, and melt water probably also contributes. San Marino is in 5th place in terms of longevity - 83.07 years. One of the smallest countries in Europe with a fairly high standard of living, providing proper nutrition and access to a high level of medical care. service.

3. 4th place with a life expectancy of 83.75 years, which today is home to about 130 million people, boasts an average life expectancy of 83.91 years - third place. This is far from a small country (as can be seen from the TOP, small countries with their own characteristics predominate in it), and it is difficult to explain such longevity of 130 million people only by the characteristics of diet, lifestyle, etc., especially when paying attention to longevity statistics: in 1999 year 76.9 for men and 82.9 for women, in 1960 70.2 years for women and 65.5 for men. More recently, the average lifespan in Japan was only 45 years (the twenties of the twentieth century). The most influential factor here is clearly the merits of the Japanese leadership regarding the health of its people.

2. In second place is another small country - Macau with an average life expectancy of 84.43 years. The country is a casino, and high taxes (70%) make it possible to keep healthcare at the proper level.

1. The first place by a wide margin is occupied by Monaco - people live there on average for almost 90 years (89.68). Factors - location on the Mediterranean coast (Mediterranean diet), unpolluted environment, wealth and government-funded medical care, relaxing atmosphere...

Let's look carefully at the graphs of average life expectancy in Russia and some other countries:

As you can see, until 1965, Russia still maintained the world level of growth rates in life expectancy.

Life expectancy in Russia for men and women. The fluctuations in the graph coincide from year to year, so there is hope for the reliability of the graphs.
Another graph. Yes, until 1965 Russia (USSR) still held out. In 2011 expected The average life expectancy in Russia has exceeded 70 years (70.3 years, T. Golikova reported this in February 2012 (according to WHO - 68 years). This probably means that expected

raising the retirement age?

The length of human life depends on many factors: lifestyle, nutrition, place of residence, genetic predisposition to certain diseases. In the CIS countries, the average life expectancy is somewhere around 60 years for men and 65 for women. In Western European countries this figure is slightly higher. But the people who will be discussed further broke all records and demonstrated a great love for life.

Supercentenarians Oldest man

The person who lived the longest was a woman (statistically, women live longer than men). The name of this heroine is Jeanne Louise Calment, this woman was born back in 1875 on February 21 in France, and died on August 4, 1997. Her total life expectancy is 122 years and 164 days(44724 total days). Jeanne became the person who lived the longest life of anyone known to science. The woman outlived her daughters and even her grandchildren. Information about the life expectancy of this heroine is carefully documented in scientific papers.

Oldest man

There is some debate regarding the age of the oldest man. claims that the record holder is Japanese Shigechiyo Izumi. He is said to have been born on June 29, 1865, and died on February 21, 1986. If the date of his birth is correct (apparently no documents have survived), then the centenarian from Japan lived 120 years and 237 days. Only a long-liver from France, Jeanne Calment, survived it. Shigechio was not only the oldest man on the planet, he also set the record for the longest working life for a person, 98 years. Surprisingly, the work experience of a Japanese person far exceeds the average life expectancy in Europe today. His name was recorded in Japan's first census in 1871. Interestingly, the man started smoking at the age of 70. However, after the death of the centenarian, the Department of Epidemiology in Tokyo and the Institute of Gerontology reported that, based on family registration records, Shigechio died at the age of 105 years. Whether this is true or not, we probably won’t be able to find out.

The second candidate for the right to be called the oldest man who ever lived on Earth is Thomas Peter Thorvald Christian Ferdinand Mortensen (August 16, 1882 - April 25, 1998). Although Thomas's date of birth is not shrouded in darkness, the Guinness Book of Records nevertheless considers him second, after Shigechio Izumi. Christian Mortensen is the oldest person born in Denmark, he is one of the ten oldest people on the planet. In total he lived 115 years and 252 days. There can be no doubt about Christian Mortensen's lifespan, and there are birth records, church baptism records, and even Danish census records that indicate his date of birth is correct.

Oldest person alive today

The oldest woman turned out to be Anna Eugenie Blanchard (born February 16, 1896), a French centenarian. The woman has lived for more than 114 years and 142 days.
The oldest man alive today is Walter Breuning, born September 21, 1896, a long-lived American. At the age of 113 years 290 days, he ranked 4th among the oldest people on the planet, ahead of him were only three women, one of whom was Anna Blanchard.

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