Southern Triangle (constellation). Southern Triangle constellation of the southern circumpolar region

(lat. Triangulum Australe) is a constellation of the southern hemisphere of the sky, lying south of Angolum partially in the Milky Way. The brightest star is 1.9 apparent magnitude. It occupies an area of ​​110 square degrees in the sky and contains 32 stars visible to the naked eye.

Its closest neighbors are the constellations , Bird of Paradise, Compass and Square.

On a clear and moonless night, about 20 stars can be distinguished with the naked eye in this constellation. With the exception of three, all the rest are at the limit of visibility with the naked eye. The three brightest stars (one of the second and two of the third magnitude) are the brightest not only in the constellation Southern Triangle, but also in the neighboring regions of the celestial sphere. It is these three stars that form a triangle that attracts the attention of residents of southern countries, and this explains the name of the constellation.

This constellation is not visible on the territory of Ukraine and the Russian Federation. Full visibility is at latitudes south of +20°. The best viewing conditions are June.


New constellation. It was proposed as a separate constellation on the celestial globe of Plancius in 1589. Introduced into scientific practice by Johann Bayer in 1603 in his star atlas Uranometry.

click on the image to enlarge it

Lat. Name

Triangulum Australe
(genus: Trianguli Australis)

Reduction TrA
Right ascension from 14 h 45 m to 17 h 00 m
Declension -70° to -60°

110 sq. degrees
(83rd place)

Brightest stars
(value< 3 m)
  • α TrA - 1.91 m
  • β TrA - 2.83 m
  • γ TrA - 2.87 m
Meteor showers
Neighboring constellations
  • Square
  • Compass
  • Bird of paradise
The constellation is visible at latitudes from +30° to -90°.
The best time to observe is not observed

    Southern Cross (constellation)- Southern Cross click on the image to enlarge it Lat. name Crux (gen. n ... Wikipedia

    Southern Triangle- Southern Triangle ... Wikipedia

    Southern Triangle- click on the image to enlarge it Lat. name Triangulum Australe (genus Trianguli Australis) Abbreviation TrA Symbol Southern Triangle Direct sunrise ... Wikipedia

    SOUTHERN TRIANGLE- (Triangulum Australe), a circumpolar constellation in the southern part of the sky, located south of the constellation Norma. The three brightest stars, Alpha magnitude 1.9, Beta and Gamma (both magnitude 2.9), form a clear triangle. Open cluster NGC 6025... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

    SOUTHERN TRIANGLE- (lat. Triangalum Australe) constellation of the Southern Hemisphere ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    southern triangle- noun, number of synonyms: 1 constellation (121) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Dictionary of synonyms

    Triangle (constellation)- This term has other meanings, see Triangle (meanings). Triangle ... Wikipedia

    Southern Triangle- (lat. Triangulum Australe), constellation of the southern hemisphere of the sky. * * * SOUTHERN TRIANGLE SOUTHERN TRIANGLE (lat. Triangalum Australe), constellation of the Southern Hemisphere. Introduced by Bayer (see BAYER Johann Jacob) ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Southern Triangle- (“Southern Triangle”) constellation of the Southern Hemisphere of the sky, the brightest star is 1.9 visual magnitude (See Magnitude). Not visible on the territory of the USSR. See the starry sky... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Southern Triangle- a small constellation between 15h and 16h right ascension and 65° and 70° southern declination. Partly located on the Milky Way. Surrounded by the constellations Centaurus, Altar, and Bird of Paradise. Placed on the star map by Bayer (see Constellations). The brightest star... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Southern Triangle- a new southern circumpolar constellation. In the middle latitudes of the northern hemisphere it is always below the horizon.


Milky Way

The constellations through which the Milky Way passes are highlighted, taking into account its brightness.


Characters? animals? inanimate objects?


Number of Messier objects in the constellation. The lighter the background of the constellation, the more objects there are in it.

Latitudinal visibility of the constellation
Constellation area
Number of stars in the constellation
Limit magnitude

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Use the mouse scroll wheel while holding down the Shift key to emulate your own movement; Alt speeds up the process.


Navigation stars


Southern Triangle- a new constellation. Its history intersects with the history of the appearance of the Southern Cross in the sky and celestial maps. The Southern Cross and Triangulum Southern are two iconic constellations in the southern sky.

Like the Southern Cross, the Southern Triangle is strangely mentioned by Dante in the Divine Comedy (Purgatory, VIII, 88-90), as a counterpoint to the description of the four stars of the Southern Cross (Purgatory, I, 22-23)

... "The ones you saw before dawn,
They bowed down, all four, in due time;
They were replaced by this three-star.”

(But according to other researchers of Dante's work, these are the three bright stars of the southern hemisphere of the sky - Canopus, Achernar and Fomalhaut. None of them are included in the Southern Triangle.)

The Divine Comedy was written in the first quarter of the 14th century and it is not entirely clear where its author got information about the constellations of the southern hemisphere, inaccessible at that time. However, nothing is impossible here, because the Arabs at that time could easily reach the equator along the eastern coast of Africa, where Somalia is.

For the first time documented, the stars of the Southern Cross appear in a drawing by Master Joao ( Maitre Joao). This is a Spanish navigator who sailed under the Portuguese flag and reached Brazil in 1500 at latitude 18° south. In a simple drawing without a grid or any figures, we recognize the Southern Triangle, as well as the two stars of Centaurus (α and β), and the constellations Southern Cross and Fly.

A little later, in 1502, Amerigo Vespucci ( Amerigo Vespucci) probably describes the three stars of this particular constellation as a regular triangle nine and a half degrees from the pole.

Plancius understood that the coordinates of two constellations (Cross and Triangulum) were inaccurate and “corrected” them in the globes of 1592 and 1594 - despite the fact that other cartographers had decided not to use them for the time being. Finally, in 1598, after astronomical observations by Houtman and Keyser during

    Southern Triangle- click on the image to enlarge it Lat. name Triangulum Australe (genus Trianguli Australis) Abbreviation TrA Symbol Southern Triangle Direct sunrise ... Wikipedia

    SOUTHERN TRIANGLE- (Triangulum Australe), a circumpolar constellation in the southern part of the sky, located south of the constellation Norma. The three brightest stars, Alpha magnitude 1.9, Beta and Gamma (both magnitude 2.9), form a clear triangle. Open cluster NGC 6025... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

    SOUTHERN TRIANGLE- (lat. Triangalum Australe) constellation of the Southern Hemisphere ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    southern triangle- noun, number of synonyms: 1 constellation (121) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Dictionary of synonyms

    Southern Triangle- (lat. Triangulum Australe), constellation of the southern hemisphere of the sky. * * * SOUTHERN TRIANGLE SOUTHERN TRIANGLE (lat. Triangalum Australe), constellation of the Southern Hemisphere. Introduced by Bayer (see BAYER Johann Jacob) ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Southern Triangle- (“Southern Triangle”) constellation of the Southern Hemisphere of the sky, the brightest star is 1.9 visual magnitude (See Magnitude). Not visible on the territory of the USSR. See the starry sky... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Southern Triangle- a small constellation between 15h and 16h right ascension and 65° and 70° southern declination. Partly located on the Milky Way. Surrounded by the constellations Centaurus, Altar, and Bird of Paradise. Placed on the star map by Bayer (see Constellations). The brightest star... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    (lat. Triangalum Australe) constellation of the Southern ...
  • SOUTHERN TRIANGLE in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Triangle" (lat. Triangulum Australe), constellation of the Southern Hemisphere of the sky, the brightest star of 1.9 visual magnitude. On the territory of the USSR there is no ...
    a small constellation between 15h and 16h right ascension and 65° and 70° southern declination. Partly located on the Milky Way. Surrounded by constellations...
  • SOUTHERN TRIANGLE in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    - a small constellation between 15 h and 16 h right ascension and 65¦ and 70¦ southern declination. Partly located on the Milky…
  • SOUTHERN TRIANGLE in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language.
  • SOUTHERN TRIANGLE in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    (lat. Triangalum Australe), constellation of the Southern ...
  • SOUTH in the Directory of Miracles, unusual phenomena, UFOs and other things:
    a village in the Belorechensky district of the Krasnodar Territory, next to which one of the anomalous zones in Russia probably exists. In the summer of 1997...
  • TRIANGLE in the Dictionary of Automotive Jargon:
    - emergency sign...
  • TRIANGLE in the Directory of Constellations, Latin names.
  • SOUTH in the Directory of Telephone Codes of Russian Cities and Mobile Operators.
    352813, Krasnodar, ...
  • SOUTH in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    352602, Krasnodar, ...
  • SOUTH in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    352424, Krasnodar, ...
  • SOUTH in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    352346, Krasnodar, ...
  • SOUTH in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    352072, Krasnodar, ...
  • SOUTH in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    346766, Rostovskaya, …
  • SOUTH in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    346663, Rostovskaya, …
  • SOUTH in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    238436, Kaliningradskaya, ...
  • SOUTH in the Directory of Settlements and Postal Codes of Russia:
    172764, Tverskoy, …
  • TRIANGLE in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    part of the plane bounded by three straight segments (sides of a triangle), each having one common end in pairs (vertices of a triangle). The sum of all the angles of a triangle...
  • SOUTH in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    The southern coast is a narrow coastal strip of the Crimean peninsula along the Black Sea, between Cape Laspi and the mountains. Alushta (duration approx. 80th century). ...
  • TRIANGLE MUSIC. in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    or triangle - a metal percussion instrument of eastern origin with an indefinite sonority. Consists of a steel rod bent in the shape of a triangle. By …
  • TRIANGLE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron.
  • TRIANGLE in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • TRIANGLE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    polygon with 3 sides. Sometimes a triangle is also understood as a part of the plane limited by the sides of the triangle. If for some reason one is singled out...
  • TRIANGLE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a, m. 1. Geometric figure - a polygon with three angles, as well as any object or device of this shape. Rectangular t...
    SOUTH URAL, part of the Urals to the south of the latitudinal section of the river. Ufa. High 1640 m (Yamantau). Width (due to foothills) ...
  • SOUTH in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    SOUTHERN TRIANGLE (lat. Triangulum Australe), constellation South. hemispheres...
  • SOUTH in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    SOUTH POLE, the point of intersection of the imaginary axis of rotation of the Earth with its surface in the South. hemispheres. Located within the Polar Plateau of Antarctica...
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    SOUTH OCEAN, arb. name adjacent to Antarctica south. parts of the Atlantic., Ind. and Quiet...
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    "SOUTHERN CROSS" ("Southern Cross"), wooden. motor-sailing vessel, on Krom in 1898-99 Anglo-Norwegian. exp. K. Borchgrevinka sailed to...
  • SOUTH in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    SOUTHERN CROSS (lat. Crux), constellation South. hemispheres of the sky, shaped like a cross. Longer crossbar Y.K. almost exactly points to...
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    SOUTH WHALE, sea. mammal of the family smooth whales. Length in avg. 14-16 m (up to 20), weight up to 100 tons. Lives in ...
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    SOUTHERN BUG, ​​r. in Ukraine, flows into the Bug Estuary of the Black Sea. 806 km, pl. bass 63.7 t. km 2. ...
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    THE SOUTHERN COAST OF THE CRIMEA, a narrow (from 2 to 8 km) gently rolling strip of the coast of the Crimean Peninsula, bounded by the northern slopes of Ch. ridges...
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  • TRIANGLE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    TRIANGLE, self-sounding music. instrument - a steel rod bent in the shape of a triangle, which is struck with a stick. Used in orchestras and instruments. ensembles. ...
  • TRIANGLE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    TRIANGLE (lat. Triangulum), constellation North. hemispheres of the sky; from the territory Russia is best seen in late summer, autumn and...
  • TRIANGLE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    TRIANGLE, part of a plane bounded by three straight segments (sides of a triangle), each having one common end in pairs (vertices of a triangle). The sum of all angles...
  • TRIANGLE in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
    southern, southern, southern, southern, southern, southern, southern, southern, southern, southern, southern, southern, southern southern, southern, southern, southern, southern, southern, southern, southern, ...
  • TRIANGLE in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    triangular, triangular, triangular, triangular, triangular, triangular, triangular, triangular, triangular, triangular, triangular, ...
  • TRIANGLE in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords:
    Ruler with an odd number...
    austral, hot, southern, midday, midday, ...
  • TRIANGLE in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    tool, polygon, letter, constellation, trigon, ...
    adj. 1) Correlative in meaning. with noun: south, associated with it. 2) Peculiar to the south, characteristic of it. 3) a) Located...
  • TRIANGLE in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    1. m. 1) A geometric figure on a plane, bounded by three intersecting lines forming three internal angles.. 2) Any object of this shape. ...
  • SOUTH in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language.
  • TRIANGLE in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    triangle, …
  • SOUTH in the Spelling Dictionary.

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