Lesson: getting to know the number 8. Game “Eight Chairs”

Elena Luchkova
Lesson summary “Introducing the number 8”

Subject classes: Number and number 8.

Tasks: Give an idea of ​​the number and number 8, consolidate the ability to correlate a quantity with the corresponding number, form an idea of ​​​​the formation of the next number by adding one, as well as by adding 5 and 3, 6 and 2, 4 and 4, consolidate the ability to correlate number with quantity, build a number series, practice forward and backward counting skills within 8; strengthen the ability to distinguish concepts: higher - lower, wider - narrower, longer - shorter, thicker - thinner, older - younger; develop intelligence, attention, creativity, imagination, thinking, speech, cultivate restraint, perseverance, goodwill, feelings of mutual assistance, the desire to help.

Demo materials: circles to illustrate problem solving, a house to reinforce the composition of the number 8

Progress of the lesson

Hello guys!

This morning I came to work and saw a letter. The math fairy sent it to us (show letter). She asks us to solve interesting problems. To solve them, let's do a warm-up.

Listen carefully and answer:

If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair? Below the table.

If the road is wider than the path, then is it a path? Already roads.

If a ruler is longer than a pencil, then is it a pencil? In short, rulers.

If a rope is thicker than a thread, then is it a thread? Thinner than a rope.

If the sister is older than the brother, then the brother? Younger than sister

1. The hedgehog took the needle in its paws,

He began to sew hats for the animals.

Five for the little bunnies,

Three for the little gray wolf cubs.

Hedgehog sews hats efficiently.

How many hats does the tailor have? (5+3=8)

2. Lost hedgehog

And the hedgehogs lie and are silent.

One behind the tub, one behind the feeder,

One under a leaf, one under a bush.

How to find children as quickly as possible?

There should be a little less than five. (4)

3. Gave the hedgehogs a hedgehog

Eight leather boots.

Which one of the guys will answer?:

How many were there? (4+4=8)

4. The hedgehog asked the neighbor's hedgehog:

Where are you from, fidgety?

I'm stocking up for winter. See, the apples are on me.

I collect them in the forest. I brought six and am carrying two.

The neighbor wondered if this was a lot or not. (6+2=8)

Well done!

Ball game "Name the neighbors"

Guys, does the math fairy still have tasks for us? (the teacher reads the task, we find the letter).

Composition of number 8

Solve problems

Come on, how many guys are there?

Does he ride on the mountain?

Seven are sitting on a sleigh,

One is waiting.

Children's answers.

Educator: Let's illustrate the problem. Let's put circles instead of children. How many children sit on a sled? Let's put the same number of red circles. How many children are waiting? Let's put so many blue circles. How many kids are on the slide? How did you get 8?

Six nuts mommy pig

I carried it in a basket for the children.

The hedgehog met a pig

And he gave me two more nuts.

How many nuts pig

Did you bring it to the kids in a basket?

Children's answers.

Educator: Let's illustrate the problem. Instead of nuts, put circles. How many nuts did Pig carry? Let's put the same number of red circles. How many nuts did the Hedgehog give to Pig? Let's put so many blue circles. How many nuts did Pig bring to the children? How did you get 8?

Our cat has five kittens,

They sit side by side in a basket.

And the neighbor's cat has three!

What is five and three?

Children's answers.

Educator: Let's illustrate the problem. Instead of kittens, let's put circles. How many kittens does our cat have? Let's put the same number of red circles. How many kittens does your neighbor's cat have? Let's put so many blue circles. How many kittens are there in total? How did you get 8?

Physical education minute.

Are you probably tired?

Well, then everyone stood up together.

They stomped their feet,

Hands patted

We reached our socks,

Turned right, left

Everyone sat down quietly.

Close our eyes tightly

We count to 8 together

Open, blink

And we continue to work.

Apples fell from the branch to the ground.

They cried, they cried, they shed tears

Tanya collected them in a basket.

I brought it as a gift to my friends

Four for Seryozhka, four for Antoshka,

Speak quickly,

How many are Tanya's friends?

Children's answers.

Educator: Let's illustrate the problem. Instead of apples, put circles. How many apples did Tanya bring to Seryozhka? Let's put the same number of red circles. How many apples did Tanya bring to Antoshka? Let's put so many blue circles. How many apples did Tanya bring? How did you get 8?

Three bunnies, five hedgehogs

How many kids are there in the garden?

Children's answers.

Educator: Let's illustrate the problem. Let's put red circles instead of bunnies. How many bunnies go to kindergarten? Let's put the same number of red circles. How long do hedgehogs go to kindergarten? Let's put so many blue circles. How many kids are there in total? How did you get 8?

The apples in the garden are ripe,

We managed to taste them

Two rosy, liquid,

Six with sourness.

How many are there?

Children's answers.

Educator: Let's illustrate the problem. Instead of apples, put circles. How many rosy apples are there? Let's put the same number of red circles. How many sour apples? Let's put so many blue circles. How many apples are there in total? How did you get 8?

The seagull warmed up the kettle,

I invited seven seagulls to visit,

“Come everyone for tea!”

How many seagulls, answer!

Children's answers.

Educator: Let's illustrate the problem. Instead of seagulls, let's put mugs of different colors. How many seagulls did the kettle heat? Let's put a red circle. How many seagulls did you invite to visit? Let's put blue circles. How many circles are there in total? How did you get 8?

Didactic game: “It happens - it doesn’t happen”

1. Is there a circle with three corners? (no, the triangle has three corners)

2. Do squirrels and baby squirrels have 4 tails? (no, 2 tails 1 +1=2)

3. Does a bunny have 4 legs? (Yes. The hare only has 4 legs)

4. Is there a round square? Why? (No. A square has four corners)

5. Do foxes and baby foxes have only 4 ears? (Yes. 2 ears for a fox + 2 for a baby fox = 4)

Game "Composition of the number 8"

Guys, look at the house in the attic that lives number 8, and 2 residents will live on each floor. We'll put 7 and 1 here. (showing a house with the composition of the number 8)

Game "Live number series"

Counting forward and backward within eight (first in chorus, then with two or three children independently).

Game "Neighbours"

Name the neighbors of the number 5...7...4...6.... 3…. 2…

Bottom line classes.

With what date and we met today?

What did you like most?

What games did you play?

What difficulties did you encounter along the way?

At the end, children are given cards with the image numbers 8 and eight apples(for coloring in free time).

Alla Barantseva
Summary of GCD in the senior group. Mathematical and sensory development. Topic: “Introducing the number and number 8”

Leading educational area: cognitive development

Integration of educational areas:

social and communicative development; physical development; speech development; artistic and creative development

Create conditions for children to master ordinal counting within 8


Educational:*Introduce the number and number 8,

*Form an idea of ​​the formation of the next number by adding one, as well as by adding 5 and 2, 6 and 2, 4 and 4.

* Strengthen the ability to correlate a number with a quantity, build a number series, practice forward and backward counting skills within 8;

*Continue to teach how to compare aggregates and use the concepts “same”, “equally”, “equally”.

*Consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes, properties of objects;

*Continue to teach how to classify objects according to various characteristics (color, size, shape);

Educational: Develop speech, attention, mental operations, logical thinking, and the ability to work independently.

Educational: cultivate restraint, perseverance, goodwill, feelings of mutual assistance, and a desire to help.

Equipment and materials:

flat image of a spider (seven legs have blue shoes, one has red shoes, removable); geometric shapes (circle, square, oval, triangle, rectangle, made of thick fabric; image of the number “8”; 2 wooden spoons; 4 tangerines; 5 baby books; 6 boxes of pencils; balloons (5 blue and 3 red); plastic cups (6 blue and 2 red); apples (4 red and 4 yellow); cards with numbers 1-8; cards with images of objects 1-8; sets of counting sticks, Cuisenaire sticks (for each child).

GCD move:

Introductory part

(children stand in a circle on the carpet)

Surprise moment

The appearance of a soft toy spider, who says that he came to visit the guys, but along the way he lost one of his shoes. The teacher invites the children to help him and choose from several fabric geometric shapes one that is similar in shape to the spider’s shoe (an oval, then sews it on. The spider thanks the children for their help, praises them for their good knowledge of geometric shapes and asks the children to show him what else they can do Then he participates in all activities in the lesson.

Main part.

(children sit at tables)

2. Work on cards.

The teacher suggests counting how many shoes the spider had when he arrived and putting the same number of blue counting sticks (7) on the cards. Then lay out as many red sticks as the number of shoes the children gave him (1), and count how many there are as a result (8). After this, 2-3 children describe the sequence of their actions and the result (how they got the number 8).

3. Conversation with children.

Introducing the number 8. The teacher puts a picture of the number 8 on the board and asks the children what it looks like (two hoops, bagels, a snowman, glasses, etc.). Then he learns a poem about the number eight with the guys:

Number eight, number eight

We always wear it on our nose.

Number eight, and hooks -

You get points!

(children stand in a semicircle at the board)

4. Arranging the number series 1 – 8.

The teacher asks the children to take turns coming to the board and putting the next number and picture with the number of objects corresponding to this number. At the end, a forward and backward count is made within eight (first in chorus, then by two or three children independently)

(children stand in a circle on the carpet)

5. Physical exercise “Slick Jack”.

Do you know that Jack -

A very clever person?

Look how it is now

He will jump eight times!

Eight times? Can't be!

We need to ask again!

Let's run up to him and ask:

“How many times did you jump?”


6. Didactic exercise “Find which objects are eight.”

There are several groups of objects on the table: wooden spoons, baby books, boxes of pencils, tangerines; balloons; plastic cups; apples. Children identify groups consisting of 8 objects, and with the help of the teacher, draw a conclusion in what ways the number eight can be obtained (for example: 8 balls are obtained from 5 blue balls and 3 red; 6 blue cups and 2 red, and there are 8 in total; here there are 4 red apples and 4 yellow ones, and together there are 8 of them).

7. Surprise moment.

Spidey admits that eight is his favorite number, and praises the fact that the guys know so much about this number. He says that he brought them gifts in colored envelopes, but he doesn’t know if there will be enough for everyone. How to find out? Possible answers for children: “We need to give each child one envelope” or “There are 8 children here and there are also 8 envelopes, there are equal numbers of them (the same number, which means there are enough gifts for everyone.”

Each envelope contains two tasks for the development of logical thinking: didactic games “Divide geometric shapes into groups” and “Draw paths”.

(children complete the task, sitting freely on the carpet)

8. Didactic game “Divide geometric shapes into groups.”

Children classify shapes according to three different characteristics (shape, size, color).

(children sit at tables)

9. Working with Cuisenaire rods.

At Spider's request, the guys build steps to his house (from "magic wands" representing numbers from 1 to 8)

10. Didactic game “Draw the paths.”

The spider asks the guys to help him draw a path to his house so that he doesn’t get lost when he returns home. Each child has 2 houses drawn on the card, and the space between them is filled with eight dots. Children must draw a line connecting the houses through several points and figure out how to compare whose “path” is longer (they need to count the number of points). (Children's independent work)

Final part

11. Summary of the lesson.

Children, together with the teacher, remember what number and figure they met today, what moments in the lesson they liked most, what difficulties they encountered along the way. The spider is thanked for the gifts and invited to stay with the group. At the end, children are given cards depicting the number 8 and eight ducklings (for coloring in their free time).

Summary of demonstration lesson on FEMP

in the preparatory group

On the topic: “Introducing the number eight.”

Teacher of the 1st qualification category MBDOU "D/S No. 10" Elena Viktorovna Shestopalova


- introduce the number 8, pay attention to the configuration of this number, draw in the air.

Learn to correlate numbers with the number of objects.

Develop the ability to lay out a figure from geometric shapes.

Strengthen the ability to navigate on a plane.

Demo material : card with the number 8, geometric material and objects for counting (8 bunnies and 8 carrots), visual material, map - labyrinth, Chipolino toy, pencil cases for children, fox “tangram”.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator : - Guys, look who came to us! Let's say hello to him. Chipolino wants to stay in our class and study with us.

Educator: - Guys, look, Chipolino didn’t come alone, bunnies came with him. Let's count them. - How many bunnies? (children count).

Educator: - Yes, that's right, there are seven of them! - What do bunnies like to eat? (children's answers) Yes, that's right, carrots and cabbage.

Let's treat the bunnies with carrots too.

– Each bunny has one carrot. Go, Danil, count the carrots!

How many carrots are there?

Okay, how many bunnies?

What can you say about bunnies and carrots?

Because bunnies and carrots?

Yes, that's right, they are equal.

Educator: - Another bunny ran into the clearing to join the bunnies.

Go Karina, count how many bunnies there are! That's right, there are eight of them.

- So there were 7 bunnies, another bunny jumped up, there were 8 of them.

What to do, because one bunny doesn’t have enough carrots. (Children answer: let's treat the bunny with a carrot).Go Nastya, give me a treat.

- And now how many carrots are there? – Children: There are as many carrots as there are bunnies – they are equal.Educator: Right. Look what the number 8 looks like, what does it look like? (Answers)

Educator: - Number 8 is so delicious, it comes from two bagels!

Number 8, number 8

We always wear it on our nose

Number 8 plus hooks,

You get points.

Educator: - Let's write the number 8 in the air. Okay! Now look, you have leaves on your tables. There are several symbols written there, among which is the number 8. Circle it (children do).

- Guys, how many times have you seen the number 8? (answers).

8 P M F 3 8 9 E V 8

Children: 3 times. – Educator:

Where is the first number 8 located? (children's answers are on the first page).

- Where is the second number 8? (on the sixth).

Where is the third number 8? (on the tenth).

Well done! Everything is correct, we put the leaves and pens on the edge of the table.

- Now, look guys, what kind of figure is depicted on the sheet? (Children's answers: the figure of a fox).

Educator : What geometric shapes does a fox consist of?

(Children answer: from triangles and squares).

- How many triangles? (Children count and answer)

- How many squares? (answers)

– What is the difference between triangles and squares? (answers).

Right. Now look, you have a box with geometric shapes on your tables. Look and name them.

- Educator : Guys, now try to build from these geometric shapes the same figure as mine. (Children complete the task).

Educator : Well done, it’s very good that everything worked out for you. Now let's play together with Cippolino.

Physical education minute: children stand in a circle. The teacher plays the tambourine, the children run away, after clapping their hands 3 times, the children stand up in groups of three. Then they scatter again, the teacher claps 2 times, then the children get into pairs, etc. Well done guys, now let’s sit down in our seats.

Guys, look, there are geometric figures depicted here, name them (children answer).

That's right, who can tell me which figure is located above the circle;

Under the circle;

To the left of the circle;

To the right of the circle; etc. (Children must name the location of the figures in space).

- Well done! We completed the task. - But Chipolino says that a fox got lost in the forest and cannot get home, and asks us to help her.

Educator : Let's show and tell you how to get the fox home. The children describe the road in detail: the fox will go straight, then turn left, then straight again, turn right, and reach the house; There are other options, children must find and show them. (Develop orientation in space).

-Educator :

Guys, Cippolino really enjoyed working with us, but it’s time for him to leave, let’s say goodbye to him, but he will come to visit us.

Summary of direct educational activities in the senior group.

(familiarity with the numbers “8” and “9”)
Lobanova E.E., teacher of MBDOU “General developmental kindergarten No. 102”, Ivanovo
Description: I bring to your attention a summary of the GCD for children of the older group. This easy activity will help children remember the numbers “8” and “9”. GCD is carried out in subgroups. The notes can be used by preschool teachers in their work.
Target: children’s mastery of counting within 9, familiarization with the numbers “8” and “9”
- teach counting within 9;
-introduce the numbers “8” and “9”;
- strengthen the ability to work with accounts;
Demo: picture with eight children, number cards with numbers from 0 to 9.
Dispensing: cards with the image of shovels (9), with the image of a sled for all remaining children, abacus, number cards with numbers from 0 to 9.
(Before the lesson, all children are given cards with pictures of shoulder blades and sleds; those children with pictures of shoulder blades remain in the group, and the children with pictures of sleds go to play)
Educator: Guys, tell me, is it good to be able to count and know numbers?
Children: Yes!
Educator: Why and where might this be useful to you?
Children: In the store, to know how much money to pay for a purchase; in order to know how old we are; to know your house number; what floor we live on, etc.
Educator: That's right, well done! Of course, we need numbers and counting almost everywhere; buses, minibuses, and trolleybuses also have numbers, and if we don’t know the numbers, we’ll get on the wrong route, go in the wrong direction, and can get lost. Yes?
Now look, you all have pictures of shoulder blades, we have a lot of them. Show me all the shoulder blades, and even I have the same shoulder blade. What good blades. Do you like to dig snow and shovel it uphill?
Children: Yes!
Educator: Look, guys, at the picture, there are children drawn here, and they don’t know what to play. Let's give them our shovels. (Children attach pictures with shoulder blades to the picture with children)
Oh, guys, did all the children have enough shovels, I don’t know? But, this can be found out using the score.
Sit at the tables, listen to the task. Look at the picture again, and on the top row, count as many bones as there are children in the picture, and on the bottom row, count as many as there are shoulder blades in the picture.
Educator: What did you get? Did all the children get shoulder blades?
Children: Everyone!
Educator: How many guys?
Educator: How many blades?
Educator: What more?
Children: Shoulder blades
Educator: How much more?
Children: For one.
Educator: Less of what?
Children: Guys.
Educator: How much less?
Children: For one.
Educator: Right! Eight guys are eight abacus bones, nine shoulder blades are nine abacus bones. Nine is more than eight, and eight is less than nine.
Look at the board, these are eight circles (I show a number card with eight circles), and another eight can be written as the number “8” (I show the number “8”)
Number eight is so delicious
She is made of two bagels.
Number eight, number eight
We always wear it on our nose.
Number eight plus hooks-
It turns out - glasses.
Educator: And this, guys, is a card with nine circles, and you can also write it with the number “9” (showing the number “9”)
Nine, like six, look closely,
Only the tail, not up, but down
Two nines and a plank-
We are going on a sled to the river.
Number six upside down
Became a different number
You can check -
It's no longer six, but nine.
Educator: So guys, be careful not to confuse six and nine. Now let's rest a little!
Physical education minute:
One, two - everyone get up.
Three, four - squat,
Five, six - turn around
Seven, eight - smile
But it's nine - don't yawn
Take your place.
Educator: Now take the number cards and numbers and arrange them from zero to nine. (Children complete the task).Now change places with your neighbor and check if he has done everything correctly. Well, how did you check?
Children: Yes!
Educator: Did you all manage?
Children: Yes!
Educator: Well done, you made no mistake!
And now we will all stand up. Now you will need to do the following: I will, in turn, show each of you a number and name the movements that you must do that number of times. (Masha - 5-clap. Ilya- 7-bend. Nikita-3-sit down. Anya- 8-stomp. Alena- 2 nod her head. Alyosha- 4-step forward. Varya-6- jump. Misha- 9-pat knee. Danila - 1 – turn around yourself.)
Educator: Well done! We were not mistaken. And now I want to check if you remember well what the numbers “8” and “9” look like. Our numbers are all scattered throughout the group and they need to be returned to the houses, but not all of them, but only the numbers “8” and “9” . Numbers eight go to the red house, and numbers nine go to the blue house.
Well, don’t be shy, get down to business! (Children look for the numbers “8” and “9” in the group and place them in two houses)
Educator: Did you find all the numbers? Let's count how many digits "8" you found?
Children: Eight.
Educator: How many nines?
Children: Nine.
Educator: Right. How well can you count! Well done! Now I won’t worry about you! I know that you will correctly find the right house, floor, will not confuse the apartment numbers, and will always know how old you are.
Educator: Did you like counting?
Children: Yes!
What new things did you learn today, what did you get acquainted with?
What did you like most? (children's answers)
Educator: I also really liked how you tried and answered today. Well done!
Thank you all very much!

Open Math Lesson

on the topic “Getting to know the number “8”

senior group

Educator: Sidorenko I.V.

Goal: Goal: Introduce children to numbers and the number eight; to form the number eight;

Repeat the ordinal count;

Learn to compare the number of objects;

Develop children's mathematical understanding;

Cultivate a desire to learn new material.

Equipment: Bear and bear cub (adult and child in costumes),

Dollware, colorful number eight, counting material

Handout and demonstration sample of mittens with ornaments,

Each child has a paper mitten for gluing ornaments,

Multi-colored geometric shapes made of colored paper, glue.


Progress of the lesson:

The teacher invites the children to remember the serial count and at this time there is a knock on the door. A bear comes in with a teddy bear and asks the children to teach him everything that the children learn in class.

The bear cub has a birthday soon, guests will come to him, but he does not know how to count and does not know how to prepare for receiving guests.

The teacher and the children invite the bear to stay in class.

And if a bear came to us, then how much was it? (children count).

Now it's 8.

So add one to seven, you get eight.

Vos. Shows the number 8 and reads a poem

The number 8 is made entirely of two zeros.

You're used to this number.

This figure is a snowman.

Only winter gives way to autumn,

Children make the number eight.

Vos. He asks the children what else the number 8 looks like. The children answer.

Vos. He suggests putting as many plates on the table as there are children in the lesson.

Children place 8 plates. Then he puts 7 cups. He asks how many plates there are more than cups. How many cups are there fewer than plates? Children answer - one.

Vos. Offers to lay out 6 forks. He asks how many forks there are less than plates. Children count and answer.

Physical exercise.

Vos. Invites children to play the game “The bear walked to the ford” and teach the bear cub to play together. Play 2-3 times.

Working with handouts and cards. Children count objects and find the corresponding numbers. Individual questions and answers for children.

Vos. Reminds that the bear cub has a birthday soon and invites children to make gifts with their own hands. Leading questions lead children to the decision to make a mitten decorated with an ornament of geometric shapes. Draws attention to the fact that there are also 8 figures in the ornament, and the ornament must be made in the same way as in the sample.

Finger gymnastics. Children complete the task. Summing up.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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