Angry remarks towards people. Aphorisms about anger

Don't get angry at people who make you angry or annoyed.

Don't waste precious minutes of your life on them.

They don't deserve it.

To all those who wish me harm...Good for you, do you hear?! Good!!!)))

Don't think badly about someone you don't have to think about at all...

We don't like people not because they are evil, but they are evil because we don't love them. L.N. Tolstoy

All anger comes from powerlessness. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

People fight because of different misconceptions.

Evil is not what comes into a person's mouth, but what comes out of it.

Paulo Coelho "The Alchemist"

Will Bowen came up with an interesting game with a bracelet.

You put the bracelet on your hand and as soon as you start complaining/criticizing/scolding someone, you immediately change the bracelet to your other hand. The goal is to keep the bracelet on one hand, without changing clothes, for 21 days. Cleanses, so to speak, thoughts and evil thoughts. Will himself, who is an American pastor, was able to achieve this result only after six months.

When I lived as a child in the summer palace of Norbulingka in Tibet, the palace servants often advised me to bite my fists when I was angry with my playmates. Looking back, I find this advice quite wise. After all, the more angry you are, the harder you will have to bite your fists. This will probably enlighten you and remind you that it is better to refrain from anger, because otherwise you yourself will have to endure the pain of the bites. Moreover, physical pain will instantly distract your mind from anger. Dalai Lama XIV

M. Bulgakov

Every day you have enough reasons to be irritated by the behavior of one or another person from your environment. So, at this point you need to ask yourself if this is worth paying attention to. If you are honest, more often than not your answer will be no. And in this way you will disperse this heavy and dark matter that threatened to crush you. Analyze yourself, see how this usually happens when you succumb to irritation because of what someone said or did: this state automatically attracts all other negative experiences, you begin to remember all the other cases when this person’s behavior seemed unbearable to you . And often even you don’t stop there: you start thinking about all the other people who are unpleasant, antipathetic, even disgusting to you, so that in the end you even begin to choke with indignation. Tell me: is this reasonable?..

I still don’t understand why people stay angry with each other for a long time. Life is already unforgivably short, it’s impossible to really get anything done, there’s so little time that you can say there’s none at all, even if you don’t waste it on all sorts of stupid things like quarrels.
Max Fry

Every minute you are angry at someone, you lose 60 seconds of happiness that you will never get back. Will Rogers

Fear malice like fire; Do not allow it to reach your heart for any plausible pretext, especially because of something unpleasant to you: malice is always malice, always a fiend of the devil. Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt

He who is not evil is perfect and godlike.It is filled with joy and is the resting place of the Spirit of God.

Venerable Anthony the Great.

It is not the one who knows how to distinguish good from evil who is smart, but the one who knows how to choose the lesser of two evils.

Over the years, you choose less and less of all evils.
Semyon Altov

Evil is the good we see through myopia.
B. Pascal

Evil is the desire to assert oneself at the expense of others and everything else.
D. Andreev

Evil is always honored, but the innocent suffer,
And the one who sacrifices himself for others,
Only hostility and anger are found in them in response.
J. Racine

The evil we do brings upon us less hatred and persecution than our virtues.
F. La Rochefoucauld

The opportunity to do evil presents itself a hundred times a day, and to do good - once a year.

It takes one day for some major evil to come to light, but it takes several centuries to wipe it off the face of the earth.
L. Blanc

And evil only wants to make us happy.
E. Lec

Every evil is somehow compensated. Less money means less worries. Less success means fewer envious people. Even in those cases when we are not in the mood for jokes, it is not the unpleasantness itself that depresses us, but the way we perceive it.

He who does not truly hate evil does not truly love good.
R. Rolland

A person commits small evils out of stupidity. Big - because it is profitable.
V. Zubkov

Few can do good, almost all can do evil.
B. Gracian

For the most part, doing evil to people is not as dangerous as doing them too much good.
F. La Rochefoucauld

The one who has experienced evil can forget it, the one who committed it - never.
A. Mare

Covered with a slogan and a flag,
Not knowing laziness and drowsiness,
Evil buys us with good,
That is the empty flower of justice.
I. Guberman

Good will always come from a good person, evil from a bad person will come in difficult times.
Kyrgyz proverb

If someone does good to us, we are obliged to patiently endure the evil caused by this person.
F. La Rochefoucauld

The means to combat evil are sometimes worse than the evil itself.
Publilius Syrus

Very little evil would happen in the world if it were impossible to do evil under the guise of good.
M. Ebner-Eschenbach

Every sweetness has its own bitterness, every evil has its own good.
R. Emerson

No matter how insightful a person is, he cannot comprehend all the evil that he creates.
F. La Rochefoucauld

Those who know no evil suspect no one.
B. Johnson

No villains and criminals have done so much evil in the world, shed so much human blood, as people who wanted to be the saviors of humanity.
S. Frank

Is it permissible to eradicate villainy by killing villains? But this means multiplying their number.
B. Pascal

The most dangerous people are those evil people who are not entirely devoid of kindness.
F. La Rochefoucauld

To be able to be evil, you must learn to be kind: otherwise you will simply be nasty.
V. Klyuchevsky

Anyone can get angry - it's easy; but to be angry with someone with whom you need to, and as much as you need to, and when you need to, and for the reason you need to, and in the way you need to, is not given to everyone.

Malice is the colonization of the skull with explosive objects.
I. Kholin

Due to the strangeness of human psychology, the names of the sowers of good gradually disappear from his memory, but the names of the great villains remain forever.
A. Avtorkhanov

Fortunately, everything that is disgusting
And it stirs the soul with anger,
Does not exist in the world for a long time,
And a new abomination will be born.
I. Guberman

Anyone can convince someone of something bad, they willingly believe something bad...
B. Gracian

He who condones bad people harms good people.
Publilius Syrus

A bad person cannot become good, and a good person easily becomes bad.

All bad deeds were born from good intentions.

Bad people do what good people only dream of.
G. Evart

Bad examples are undoubtedly more powerful than good rules.
D. Locke

If a person has done you harm, give him some candy. He is evil to you, you are candy to him. And so on until this creature develops diabetes.

Evil | funny

We always prudently cover up the secret feeling of our own guilt with hatred, which makes it easier to attribute guilt to another.

Wines | Hatred

Everyone has bile, but few people know its purpose: to help digest unpleasant news. Foma Evgrafovich Toporishchev

Anger, malice

Don't hold on to anger, pain or suffering: they steal your energy and hinder love. »

Anger, malice

Never forget what an angry person tells you.

Anger, malice

A person commits small evils out of stupidity. Big - because it is profitable.

The more a person is inclined to offend others, the worse he himself tolerates insults.

Anger, malice

Regardless of the reason for which you were insulted, it is best not to pay attention to the insult - after all, stupidity is rarely worthy of indignation, and anger is best punished with neglect.

Three persons reign in the world, their names are: Envy, Jealousy, Malice.

Envy | Jealousy | Human nature

All anger comes from powerlessness.

Anger, malice

Anger, malice

No amount of effort can avoid trouble. Drive away anger from yourself - this is the best way to stay away from trouble.

Anger, malice

Anger is open and fleeting hatred; hatred is restrained and constant anger.


Evil is the desire to assert oneself at the expense of others and everything else.

Anger, malice

Anger, malice

You are controlled by the one who makes you angry.

Enemy, envious

Anger, malice

The impotence of logical arguments always seeks reinforcement in excessive temperament.

Every blow we strike in anger is sure to fall on ourselves in the end.

Anger, malice

Aphorisms about anger, malice and evil people » Page 2

Anger, malice

Ants and worms also have bile.

Anger, malice

Anger, malice

He who shouts in anger is ridiculous, and who is silent in anger is terrible.

Anger, malice

Getting angry means taking out the mistakes of another on yourself.

Anger, malice

If you cannot immediately calm your anger, hold your tongue. Keep quiet and you will calm down sooner.


Anger makes the smart more vigilant, and blinds the stupid.

Anger, malice

Bitterness makes a person pathetic.

Anger, malice

Speak when you're angry and you'll give the best speech you'll regret for the rest of your life.

Anger, malice

Stupidity does not always make a person evil, but anger always makes a person stupid.


Self-control in a moment of anger is no less high and no less noble than self-control in a moment of fear.

Anger, malice

Anger is only one way to respond to danger and is far from the best.

Anger, malice

Beware of rage, the beginning of which is madness, and the end of which is regret and repentance.


Anger, malice

An angry person is always full of poison.


Anger destroys even the wise. A fool pours out all his anger, but a wise man restrains it.

Fools and wise men

The stone is heavy, and the sand weighs too; but the wrath of a fool is greater than both of them.

Anger, malice

Anger is healed by time, but hatred is incurable.


An evil person harms others without any benefit to himself.

Aphorisms about anger, malice and evil people » Page 3

During anger one should neither speak nor act.

Anger, malice

To live without malice is the law of wisdom.

Anger, malice

You cannot rely on the testimony of an embittered witness.

Anger, malice

Rage is like a bitch: just as she gives birth to blind puppies, so blind accusations come from rage.

Anger, malice

He who leaves a fire without food extinguishes it. Likewise, the one who deprives an angry outburst of food at the very beginning, without fanning it, suppresses and eliminates it in himself.

Anger, malice

Anger will disappear as soon as thoughts of resentment are forgotten.

Anger, malice

You will not be punished for your anger; you will be punished by your anger.

Anger, malice

An angry person always believes that he can do more than he can.

Anger, malice

Any person who can anger you becomes your master. Read more…

Anger, malice

An angry person is like coal: if it doesn’t burn, it blackens you.

Anger, malice

If anger rages in your heart, guard your tongue from barking. Read more…

Anger, malice

If you don't want to be angry with someone often, get angry once.

Anger, malice

An angry person, having come to his senses, is angry with himself.

Anger, malice

Anger is walking the beast that lives in everyone.

Anger, malice

No evil person became evil overnight. Read more…

Lat.: Nemo repente fuit turpissimus.

Anger enslaves and humiliates even the most worthy person.

Anger, malice

Anger is the most persistent human emotion.

Anger, malice

Hatred can brew before anger boils over.

Anger, malice

Aphorisms about anger. Sayings and quotes about anger.

Sayings, aphorisms and quotes about anger.

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Evil is always honored, but the innocent suffer, And those who sacrifice themselves for others find only hostility and anger in them in return.

When you are angry, count to four; when you are very angry, you swear.

The anger of the packs of men has grappled, falling on the world blow after blow, only so that someone’s ships can pass through the Bosphorus free of charge. Soon the world

there will be no unbroken rib left.

Evil people are like flies that crawl over the human body and stop only at its ulcers.

Anyone can get angry - it's easy; but to be angry with the one you need, and as much as you need, and when you need, and for the reason you need, and in the way you need - this is not given to everyone.

Anger, Anger and Backbiting, Wise Quotes

An evil person harms others without any benefit to himself.

Let him not see the outcome of evil, who never does evil. The villain is surrounded by evil everywhere, like a scorpion caustic at itself.

Deeds, Good and Evil, Evil, Anger, People, Meanness Until greedy self-interest is destroyed, Until the power of evil passions is buried, Until the malice of dark forces is driven out,

Until then, the country will not bloom with the joy of people!

Power, Anger, Self-interest, Passion

He who is good is free, even if he is a slave; he who is angry is a slave, even if he is a king.

Good, Kindness, Evil, Anger, Wise Quotes, Slavery, Freedom

True wit is always akin to good nature. Wit loses value when it is combined with anger.

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