The importance of creativity in human life. Creative approach to life

Sometimes it is believed that creativity is the creation of something new that has a positive social significance and contributes to the progressive development of humanity.

The more a person learns, analyzes, observes, the more and more widely he opens up to the creative process - the creation of new forms.

Creative components are present everywhere, both in the composition of sensory representations and in the system of conceptual images, both in living contemplation and in empirical, theoretical knowledge.

Creativity helps a person free his individuality. At the time when the creative process is activated, a person acquires activity and a desire to act. The soul strives for its goal.

The ancients believed that creativity is an individual view of things, the ability to see each object in its own way. Creativity can free a person from his psychological pathologies. Creative thinking requires freedom, emancipation, and the elimination of all external inhibitions. Every person has the ability to generate ideas and evaluate them critically. At the same time, excessive criticism fetters thought.

Creativity is love, freedom, being filled with various energies and the desire for action.

Creativity is based on many factors, including abstract and lateral thinking, the readiness of memory and the ability to speak, as well as the ability to connect facts, the ability to work with information and the will to bring any process to completion. In short, for the realization of creativity the main things remain: work, talent and the ability to find oneself in the surrounding reality.

Creativity is associated with intuition, it helps you make more accurate decisions. Impulses carrying information travel through numerous channels. The spatial and temporal summation of impulses, the associated mosaic of excitation and inhibition, is the physiological basis of human thinking. However, processing and summation of impulses is not thinking. it is necessary to form spatial and temporal configurations of pulses in which the structural invariant is highlighted and noise is eliminated.

This invariant underlies images. From this level of interaction, thinking opens. Due to individual characteristics of the psyche, images are created physiologically in the same way, but have different information and content phenomena.

Creativity can be called awareness of one’s spiritual impulses, impulses coming from the inner world. Creativity encourages a person to live in this world, but at the same time to remain outside it.

Creativity also has several levels of development:

  1. A person mainly reacts to impulses that come from the external world and almost does not react at all to the internal one. The inner world then becomes a simple generator of needs. Here you can diagnose narrowness of consciousness and the inability to see your capabilities. This person is able to listen to something new, but is not able to apply it. Naturally, it is difficult for him to analyze, invent, and construct, because it is not his! This is new! Often such people, feeling sorry for themselves, stop at some stage, and they are not able to see themselves as part of some process.
  2. A person understands and sees the shortcomings of other people, but is unable to accept himself. He has a developed threshold for an internal critic; this is often projected onto other people and the creative process is inhibited. Although it must be said that he can feel and feel a lot, although he is not always able to express it in words. You can add. that fear is also the enemy of creativity. The process of creativity, together with excessive criticism, leads to paralysis.
  3. A person knows how to observe, analyze and highlight the main thing in situations. He understands that each person has his own reality around him and there is no need to judge anything. It is easier to interact with people and search for, feel their individuality, while revealing his own, which helps him generate new ideas and gain approval through their implementation. The character of such a person is characterized by a fairly strong will, and such influence of the inner will helps to change mental attitudes. Man opens up to his own evolution and gains greater freedom. Motivation for action always comes from internal impulses.
  4. A person easily creates images, any kind, in every field, be it mathematical or humanitarian or technical. These people feel their freedom and the limits of its influence, and are also open to any of their thoughts. They are able to understand the illusions of others, not destroy their castles, and at the same time, preserving themselves, their values, help others understand and accept themselves.

“Whoever has experienced the pleasure of creativity, for him all other pleasures no longer exist.” A.P. Chekhov.

Creativity in our life.

“In the beginning God created heaven and earth.” - The Bible and the history of our world, the world in which we live, begin with these words.

In the life of every person, creativity occupies a special place, since its manifestations are multifaceted. It played an important role in the development of history, and continues to make it to this day. Creativity is unique in that it is unique, cannot be copied, it is individual. This state is the highest gift for every intelligent inhabitant of the Earth. It is with its help that a person can demonstrate his abilities, express thoughts and feelings, and talk about his individuality.

Another thing is that creativity manifests itself in different ways. We notice its trend most clearly in culture and art. For cultural figures: writers, poets, sculptors, artists, musicians, creativity sometimes plays the most significant role in life, pushing everything else into the background. Creativity for such people becomes the key purpose of existence. And they realize this and are vocal about it. Creativity is nothing more than a state of mind, its disclosure to others, and first of all, to oneself. An artist is able to express his inner world with colors, and the stronger his emotional state at the moment of creation, the more he will tell us about himself, and the more keenly his painting will attract everyone's attention.

But we cannot say that creativity is just a part of culture and art. In fact, it is much more significant. Those who work day after day to create new projects and technologies can also be safely called creators: scientists, architects, geneticists. With the help of science, humanity is making giant steps forward. Take, for example, such an exact science as physics, where everything is presented in theorems and formulas. But even here, among the many numbers and calculations, creativity takes place. When a group of scientists begins to work on a new technical invention, one of the main questions is what exactly should be invented, for what purpose, what is it for, and what will it look like. And here, in this aspect, creativity manifests itself most clearly.

But, if a person is neither a poet, nor an artist, nor a scientist. For example, he is a simple worker, a loader or a janitor. Creativity is no less present in his life. It is only possible that its manifestations are not so bright and less noticeable to society as a whole. After all, even just to give your beloved girl a bouquet of flowers you need to apply a little imagination. A letter sent to a friend, a handmade card, even a sand castle built by a five year old is creativity.

Creativity, of course, should give a person pleasure and relieve stress. After all, it is better to express your grievances, anger, disappointment on paper, pour it all out in prose or poetry, than to take out your pain on your loved ones. Sometimes emotional shock can contribute to the manifestation of some creative gift. And then ordinary words written in crooked handwriting can, over time, turn into world classics, and paint splashed on canvas in a fit of anger can become an expensive masterpiece.

Thus, creativity is so necessary that humanity cannot do without it. It, like air, helps us breathe, exist, survive and enjoy life. It comes largely through inspiration. And in order for a person to learn to master it, he should listen to himself and the entire world around him.

The concept of “creativity” is broad and multifaceted. It keeps pace with a person and helps us develop. How necessary it is to engage in creativity, how it affects the psychological state - let's try to figure it out. We all come from childhood. Each of us was creative in childhood and adolescence. We sculpted bunnies in kindergarten, drew, played musical instruments, staged skits at matinees and got real pleasure from it.

If you remember your childhood feelings, your involvement in life and the intensity of your day, it seemed that there were so many interesting and unknown things ahead. With a sense of curiosity, a child wakes up in the morning and runs to discover the world, he asks a thousand questions to his parents, constantly changes his actions, and finds more and more new hobbies. Growing up, a person, as a rule, takes up his day with “useful and adult” things, reducing the percentage of creativity many times over. Work and responsibilities appear, and a person artificially begins to create frameworks for himself and sometimes exists in them all his life. The specificity of the development of man and human society is the process of going beyond existing knowledge and experience, mastering new knowledge and acquiring invaluable experience.

Creativity solves this problem; it is the excess of the initial level of activity in a unique and very effective way. Creativity is the joy of creation. Creativity plays a huge role in a person’s life and his psychological state. Thus, in Tsarist Russia, in order to prepare a girl for marriage and choose a worthy husband, boys and girls were taught the basics of various arts, and creative activities were an everyday duty for them.

If a person did not know at least 30 dances, of which 14 were waltzes, he could not get to the ball. Judge for yourself, what would he do there? At the ball it is forbidden to stand when everyone is dancing, or to remain silent when it is time for conversation. Such people, depicting part of the interior, are removed and are no longer allowed to attend balls. You must comply with the accepted rules of etiquette in society, be an interesting conversationalist, active when everyone is dancing - dance, show interest, respect for people. On the one hand, it is part of a certain lifestyle. Having transformed, society changed its habits and dressed in different clothes, leisure and entertainment changed from balls to dance floors of clubs, but the need for educated, interesting, creative interlocutors remained.

On the other hand, creativity is one of the main sources of inner strength, a feeling of energy, joy, inspiration, and uplift. There are not many people on Earth who have not at least once fallen into depression and apathy. How to get out of this state as quickly as possible, and what’s even better - not to end up in it?! Creativity helps a lot to maintain a positive attitude. Creativity is an action, and an independent action. Do it, create it, imagine it! Draw pictures, embroider with beads, sculpt from clay, build castles from matches, create models of cars, tanks, airplanes - whatever you want, as long as this hobby brings you pleasure. You need this!

When you do what you love, even the most difficult thoughts recede, your mind and body rest. And a rested brain will definitely find the right solution. When a person creates, creates something new, he has no time to get sick, illnesses recede. This is especially true for older people. Always leave at least 15 minutes for creativity. After all, you will spend this time alone with yourself and what you love. By immersing yourself in the world of your own ideas, a person eliminates the possibility of experiencing constant stress from real events occurring in the world.

The amazing thing is that even 15 minutes of creativity a day will add both strength and desire to act for the whole day. Moreover, not every modern person, devoting 8 to 12 hours a day to his work, can see the results of his work. Even piles of documents processed during the working day may not be seen in reality: they are replaced by some virtual electronic files. And only creativity can allow you to experience pleasure from the result of your work. Children can help with creativity - play with them, draw or make things with your own hands. By taking a break from everyday life and the hustle and bustle, you will become closer to your child.

Joint creativity and interests strengthen family relationships. If you have difficulties communicating with your partner, find common ground. Think about what you can do together, maybe going to a dance class together will bring lightness and understanding back to the relationship. Creativity can also be undervalued, unrecognized, invisible and understandable only to its author, but at the same time it can still be creativity. The creative result is measured not by the cost or number of CDs sold, but by the strength of emotions, sensations and smiles on your face, the reaction of viewers and fans, family and friends.


Creativity is of great importance both for human healing and for his development. It influences the conscious and unconscious, the creator and the viewer. Different psychologists interpret the role of creativity in our lives differently.

Freud believed that it is necessary to analyze not only the works themselves, but also the personalities of the creators. He believed that creative people could put their unconscious, their desires and fantasies into artistic form.

Jung considered the interpretation of a work of art through the personality of the artist to be incorrect. He wrote that the source of inspiration can be not only something personal, but also the collective unconscious. This is why works of art have such an impact on us, because they contain the powerful voice of all humanity.

May distinguishes between the concepts of talent and creativity. If talent is given to a person from above, and he can use it or not, then creativity is manifested in activity. In his opinion, creative people have no fear of the finitude of life, but they are more sensitive and vulnerable. He considered creativity a kind of courage, a challenge to the finitude of life.

There are many conjectures about the sources of creativity. Isn't this a reason to think about a creative approach to your own life? Every day we create our path step by step. Some people paint, compose music, or sing amazingly, some are excellent cooks or are talented in raising children, and some realize themselves in business. All these are manifestations of creativity. You just need to see it in your life and use it as a source of healing and pleasure.

You need to allow yourself to plunge into creativity, as if into the ocean, to be imbued with works of art, as if you were its author, and maybe create something yourself.

I thought for a long time about what I would like to say about creativity in the life of mankind. The more I thought about it, the more I became convinced that I had to speak up about it as quickly as possible, because this is what really bothers me. This is a topic that has become close to me. Why is this so? Probably because, as far back as I can remember, I loved creating something.

When I was two or three years old, I delightedly drew various patterns on the ground or sand near the water with a stick, and then watched with bated breath as the wave absorbed my drawing, how it gradually dissolved in the water, and when the wave finally receded, in place of the image there is already a crystal-clear surface again, ready for new achievements. This helped me: I wanted to make a beautiful drawing so much that I tried again and again and sometimes it happened that the water no longer filled the drawing and then I felt truly happy.

What am I talking about? It’s the same in creativity, isn’t it? Through numerous mistakes, damaged sheets, broken pencils, broken strings, you can achieve your goal: express your thoughts in a song, create a picture of unprecedented beauty, become the author of an innovative project that can help people. I believe that true creativity must go side by side with many attempts, the desire to create something truly worthwhile.

For me, the word “creativity” is primarily associated with music. I’m used to expressing all my thoughts, experiences, moods with a song, a piece of music. Sometimes it happens that the day is not going well, and the weather is not the best, but you pick up the instrument, sit down, play and feel good again.

I don't believe that only the composer is creative. In fact, every musician, every performer is a creator, because even when performing someone else’s song, a composition written decades ago, you can add something new, add a piece of your soul, and then it will become your work.

When a person, with the help of his abilities, creates something amazingly new, when, thanks to his work, he goes beyond his capabilities, when he jumps above his head - all this makes him a Creator, because from under his fingers something appears that has become a fruitful effort of humankind. consciousness, creativity, intuition, thoughts and desires. Or is this not the main purpose of creativity?

Creativity, in my opinion, is not a way to make money. Of course, it’s just wonderful when they subsequently pay you for your development or invention, appreciating it at its true worth. However, if at the very beginning you start from the thought: “How much will I get?”, then your thoughts are driven only by the thirst for money, but not by the desire to create or the desire to realize yourself, to express your emotions.

For me, creativity is something like magic. It’s not clear, but I’m fascinated by how a person creates a pot on a potter’s wheel, because a new essence emerges from under his fingers, something appears out of nothing. I always hold my breath when I watch artists. I have always been fascinated by this ability to “plant” on paper a sunny day, the flight of a butterfly or a human smile.

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