The knowledge of the Atlanteans is kept in a secret dungeon under the sphinx. Secrets of the Hall of Chronicles

Study the "Emerald Hidden" of TOTA ATLANTA. The whole truth is there. The pyramid was built by That Atlas. They are closing in on the underworld. where Atlantis was and is. listen to this lecture
The face of the sphinx is the face of an inhabitant of the hall of Amenti. known as the sparkling god. He brought secret knowledge to Atlantis. And the bodies of the lion and the krill, the arla, mean that he is the king of heaven and earth. “Under the sphinxes there is a space ship. huge moshiu.
When Atlantis first arose, by the Earth, rising in a sea mirage, then
it was a long time ago, at the turn of time. The Messenger of the heavenly Cycle appeared, With him the best
man has reached life, And the path to the Man-Soul has become clear. His nature is from another
beginning, Even though he appeared to us dressed as a man, He brought the light of knowledge to earth.
Having passed through the strong doors of Suntal, the ruler of Unal was not alone with the people,
Possessing the power of heaven _ Horlet. He marked out the island into ten sections, and
there were kings among the people.
The peoples were ruled by the Almighty King, Alone on the planet, a sparkling god. And that's it
kingdoms lay at their feet, In the shadow of the guarding olive grove, Wisdom and
knowledge generously giving, And a happy life is a free lesson. Erected a miracle Temple
in the middle of the earth Without human hands and someone's hint, Sculpting only with the power of Yotlan.
As in a fairy tale, the buildings of the island took on flesh. So, mile after mile of wonderful forms,
He created floors of space with words, placed the Essence of Light in Unal, Burning
shining with a spatially black light, the same as at night near the blue lake, Horlet
_ lord of invisible forces. Inside he built great Halls, Their life forms
inhabiting others, only revealing their chaos in the halls with a word. And his wisdom is like water in a canal
lam, Bound the spaces of Unal forever, Into an underground massif invisible to people.
He chose three to serve as the gates between him and the people of earthly Atlantis. So that
every ruler who rules the country could hear the thoughts voiced in the Temple. AND
The chosen ones of heaven became their lips, Bringing to people the Word from another life~.
When the flood occurred and the underground world was flooded, the Atlanteans came above the surface of the earth and created civilizations from wild people.
`There was light in ancient Atlantis. And yet, darkness was hidden in everything. Pali
from Light into darkness some of those who ascended to heights among people. Vozgordi-
They were proud of their knowledge and became proud of their position among people. Deep
They plunged into the forbidden, opened the gates that led down. They were looking for everything
more knowledge, but wanted to bring it from the bottom up. The one who goes down must
wives must have balance, otherwise he is bound by the absence of our Light. And they opened
then with his knowledge of the paths ordered to man. But, in His Temple, the all-seeing one,
The Dweller reclined in his Agwanti while His soul floated freely
according to Atlantis. He saw the Atlanteans opening gates with magic, which is great
the enemy will be brought to Earth. His soul quickly flew back into his body. Revolted
He is from his Agwanti. He called three powerful messengers. Gave it to them
an order that destroyed the world to pieces. Deep beneath the earth's crust, in the Halls of Amenti,
The occupant descended in the blink of an eye. He called upon the powers with which the Seven
The rulers were owned; (!!!) changed the balance of the Earth. Gone under the dark waters
Atlantis. The gates that opened were destroyed; the entrance that led was destroyed
down into the depths. All the islands were destroyed except Unal and part of the Isle of the Sons
Occupant. He saved them for mentors, Lights on the path of those who will come
after, Lights for the lesser children of men. He then called me, Thoth,
before his face, he gave me orders about everything that I must do: “Take
with you, O Thoth, all your wisdom. Take your notes, take your magic. Go like
mentor of people. Go, preserving the teachings, until, in due time, the Light grows among
people. You will be a light through the centuries, hidden, but still seen by the enlightened
husbands. Throughout the Earth We give you power, you are free to give it and take it away. Collect
you are now the sons of Atlantis. Take them and run to the people of the stone caves. Fly to the ground.
Children of Khem." I then gathered the sons of Atlantis. He brought everything to the spaceship
my notes, brought the chronicles of the sunken Atlantis. I gathered all my strength, a lot
tools of powerful magic. And we took off on the wings of the morning. Soared high above
The Temple, leaving behind the Three and the Dweller, deep in the Halls, under the Temple. Immersed
into the waves the great Temple, closing the path to the Rulers of the Cycles. And yet forever
whoever has knowledge, the way to Amenti will be open. We quickly flew on wings
morning, rushed to the land of the children of Khem. There, with my power, I conquered them and ruled them. WHO-
I carried the children of Khem to the Light. Deep under the stones I buried my ship,
giving an hour when a person can become free. Above the ship I erected a sign in the form
lion, but at the same time similar to a person. There, under the image, it still rests
my ship to rise when the need arises~.

The Great Sphinx contains the entrance to an underground portal

This rare photo was taken from a hot air balloon in the 19th century, even before the excavation and restoration of the huge ancient Egyptian sculpture. Pay attention to the huge hole located in the head of the Sphinx.

The Great Sphinx of Giza is without a doubt one of the most mysterious ancient monuments on the planet. This amazing example of ancient architecture remains one of those few artifacts whose mystery scientists have been trying to unravel for many years. The statue, 73 meters long and 21 meters high, holds the record as the largest monumental sculpture on the planet.

It is believed that the Great Sphinx was discovered in 1817, when it was covered in sand up to its shoulders. Soon, under the leadership of archaeologist Giovanni Batista Caviglia, excavations were carried out, as a result of which it was possible to completely free the chest of the statue from sand. And only many decades later, in 1925, during the archaeological expedition of Emile Barez, the entire Sphinx was completely cleared of sand deposits.

Many researchers believe that the Sphinx is not a complete monument. After a certain number of discoveries, scientists began to believe that it was originally intended for something greater, unknown to us today.

Researchers were puzzled not only by the incredible size and mysterious beauty. Scientists have no idea who erected this majestic monument. This fact - the absence of any information - adds even more mystery to the majestic monument, around which there are already various disputes. Countless pseudo-scientific speculations connect its appearance with disappeared civilizations and alien creatures. Some scientists, such as Mark Lehner and Graham Hancock, point to the connection of the Great Sphinx, the pyramids of the Giza plateau and the Nile River with the constellations Leo, Orion and our Milky Way galaxy.

But the biggest mystery lies not on the surface, but under the Sphinx. Many researchers have long assumed the existence of underground passages and chambers. It is believed that directly under the ancient monument there is a repository of prehistoric chronicles - the Hall of Records. They say that this archive holds the key to understanding our civilization and the real history of mankind. It is known from mythology that the library is located somewhere in Egypt, and many agree - it is under the Sphinx, which proudly rises above the pyramids.

Recorded in ancient papyrus scrolls, the Hall of Records houses the knowledge of the ancient Egyptians; in particular, the story is told and the exact geographical coordinates of the lost continent of Atlantis are given. In terms of significance, this archive can only be compared with the Great Library of Alexandria and its ancient Greek manuscripts. Some believe that the Hall of Records was built by the Egyptians, others believe that its creators were a much more ancient civilization.

Interestingly, there are several extremely rare old photographs that show numerous entrances to the mysterious monument. It is believed that they lead to corridors under the Sphinx, ending in huge chambers. These mysterious underground libraries are filled with ancient texts that could piece together the puzzle called "The Unknown History of Humanity."

In the book “The Riddle of the Sphinx. Message from the Guardians of Civilization" Graham Hancock and Robert Bauvel claim that the Egyptian government, together with American archaeologists, blocked research under the Sphinx in order to prevent any underground intervention and limit access to the information contained there.

So, under the monument there is most likely a system of passages leading to unknown underground halls. In particular, Charles Thompson, who examined the Sphinx in 1733, mentions certain entrances and an “opening in the upper part of the back” of the ancient monument.

Rare photographs show many strange details that were hidden during later restoration work. Some photos show a huge crack above the hips, which many believe leads to the burial chamber. According to, there is documented evidence of a large rectangular entrance at the top of the hind legs. This entrance, measuring approximately 120 by 60 centimeters, is mentioned in the reports of many travelers who visited the Sphinx. It is believed that the shaft leads to a burial chamber, and it was built during the time of the pharaohs. Even then, only a few people could have access to it.

It is a well-known fact that many discoveries made in Egypt were not made public and were hidden from the public in the most careful manner. Many excavations have been suspended by the Egyptian government due to "national security" concerns. One of the most striking examples is an underground labyrinth discovered in 2008 by a group of Belgian and Egyptian researchers.

The underground temple consists of more than 3 thousand rooms, the walls of which are painted with the most incredible hieroglyphs and paintings. This mysterious complex is located about a hundred kilometers from Cairo, not far from the pyramid of Amenemhat III.

They tried to carefully hide the loud discovery. The results of the expedition were published in the same 2008 in the scientific journal NRIAG, and the results of the research itself were presented in a public lecture at the University of Ghent, which was attended by the Belgian media. The project was hastily abandoned soon after because the secretary general of the Supreme Egyptian Council of Antiquities banned the sharing of information about the discovery due to national security concerns.

Therefore, it would not be surprising if it suddenly turns out that local authorities have tried to limit public access to all the secret cavities, chambers and tunnels discovered under the Sphinx.

As the radicalization of the Eastern world increases, calls for the destruction of pagan monuments of antiquity are increasingly heard. No sooner had the dust settled from the collapsed Buddha statues in Bamiyan in 2001 than the remains of the ancient Assyrian city of Nimrud were looted. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of similar examples.

However, the height of treachery was calls for destruction Sphinx and the great pyramids of Giza, which were repeatedly heard in the Arab world. The most paradoxical thing about such calls is that, oddly enough, they can help world science shed light on many secrets and mysteries of the ancient civilizations of the Earth!


From time immemorial, Egypt was considered the cradle of world civilization. Today there is no doubt that the creation of the legendary Sphinx took place more than 11 thousand years ago, long before the Flood: this is evidenced by traces of sea erosion on its surface.

As for the pyramids of Giza, a number of researchers argue that they were not created for the burial of the pharaohs, but for completely different needs, and only then turned into the tombs of the rulers of Egypt. Disputes continue about who the first pharaohs and gods of Egypt really were: people, aliens from the stars, or entities from other worlds. No answer! Bye.

The veil of secrecy could be lifted by large-scale archaeological excavations on the Giza plateau, but the Egyptian
the authorities do not give permission for them. If excavations do occur, they are stopped by the authorities as soon as scientists get closer to one of the ancient secrets.

Meanwhile, psychics, writers, alternative scientists unanimously talk about a certain mysterious library under one of the paws of the sphinx. As if it contains information about previous civilizations of the Earth, knowledge about unique technologies and even information about the future of the planet!


One of the first to declare that there was some sacred knowledge under the Sphinx was the famous American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce.

In his opinion, under one of the paws of the sphinx there really is a certain underground room in which unique technologies and scrolls with information about the past civilization of the planet are stored. The Edgar Cayce Foundation has repeatedly financed the search for this room, but in vain.

Nevertheless, there is no need to doubt the words of the medium, since in the East since ancient times there has been a legend according to which somewhere under the sphinx there is a “Hall of Knowledge” with the technologies, history and wisdom of a lost civilization stored there.


The existence of the “Hall of Knowledge” is mentioned by the Byzantine historian George Sinstsela, who lived in the 9th century, as well as the legendary Hermetic writings. If you believe ancient writings, then the god of wisdom Thoth himself hid the sacred books underground. The wall records of the temple complexes of Egypt speak about the same fact, calling the ancient repository “Chamber of Archives”, “Hall of Records” or “Hall of Knowledge”.

It is quite obvious that somewhere under the Giza plateau there really is a secret chamber with some sources of valuable information. According to legend, in the secret room there are also things that personally belonged to the gods Thoth, Osiris and Isis. This fact is directly mentioned in one of the spells of the Funeral Texts, dated 2000 BC. e.

But Coptic legends, recorded by Arab travelers, tell us in more detail about the secret room. The texts speak of underground passages leading from the three pyramids to a certain repository of knowledge. True, at the entrance to each of the underground passages there is a certain magical guard statue that destroys uninvited guests.

The ancient Greek philosopher Iamblichus, who lived in the 4th century, in his book “On the Mysteries, Especially of the Egyptians, Caledonians and Assyrians,” wrote about a corridor connecting the galleries inside the Sphinx with the Great Pyramid. As follows from the philosopher’s texts, the entrance to the underground galleries can be found between the paws of the sphinx, if sand and mountains of garbage are removed from there.

The Sumerian tables claim that the refuge of the Anunnaki, aliens from the stars, was an underground city, where a tunnel led, starting under “Huvan” “with teeth like a dragon, with a face like a lion.” Only the Sphinx fits this description.

The writings of the famous Roman historian Pliny also speak of underground halls under the sphinx, where countless treasures are hidden. Arab sources also emphasized that the entrance to the dungeons was guarded by mechanical statues, which destroyed everyone who tried to go down into the dungeon without the permission of the priests.

There are dozens, if not hundreds, of similar evidence, among them there are even testimonies of people in ancient times who were in the described underground tunnels. However, they were prevented from progressing far in their research by numerous traps and robotic statues.

Has no one tried to uncover the ancient secret these days? We tried. But the result was, to put it mildly, quite strange...


Edgar Cayce, in his prophecies, assured that the sphinx contained the remains of immigrants from Atlantis, and the entrance to the underground halls was located in the cornerstone at the left paw of the sphinx. It would seem that it would be simpler: to illuminate the indicated area of ​​land with radar and begin excavations. This is exactly what Japanese scientists from Waseda University did in 1989.

It turns out Casey was right! Under the left paw of the sphinx, they actually found a tunnel at a depth of two meters, going obliquely down towards the Pyramid of Khafre. Cavities and tunnels were discovered behind and around the northwestern wall of the queen's chamber. It would seem - the sensation of the century, we need to drill, dig, explore. Alas! Egyptian authorities immediately banned all further research.

Following the Japanese, in the same 1989, the ground under the paws of the Sphinx was illuminated by US geophysicist Thomas Dobecki. His equipment also revealed the existence of a rectangular chamber under the sphinx's front paws. However, the same Egyptian Organization of Antiquities, which was led by Zahi Hawass in those years, did not allow the American to gain access to sacred knowledge.

Moreover, after Dobetsky’s discovery, the Egyptians completely prohibited foreigners from carrying out any geological or seismic work in the area of ​​the Sphinx.

A completely logical suspicion arises that the Egyptians know more about the secrets of the Sphinx than they tell researchers from other countries of the world, and are terribly afraid that the truth will surface.


In 1993, Zahi Hawass himself began excavations near the sphinx. True, not where, according to seismic reconnaissance data of the Japanese and Americans, the “Hall of Knowledge” was discovered, but to the right of the sphinx. They allegedly discovered some tunnels, but the work was stopped there. Then the spy versions begin, one more fantastic than the other...

It was as if a stele with hieroglyphs telling about the “Hall of Knowledge” suddenly appeared from the ground between the sphinx’s paws. It was immediately removed from the eyes of tourists so that they would not suddenly read the ancient message. The only question is: how could they do this without translation?

Then the Egyptians allegedly dug up an underground room discovered by the Japanese in 1989. But there was only a jug and a rope in it, but a passage to the next round room was found in the floor. From it, as ancient sources reported, three underground passages led towards the great pyramid.

This is where miracles begin. In one of the passages, the researchers came across a veil of light, which turned out to be a protective field that did not let anyone through. Near him, a person felt bad, he vomited, but if he persisted, he began to feel that he was dying - and retreated.

Passage under the Sphinx

Unable to break through the protective field of an unknown nature, Egyptian scientists illuminated the area behind it with radar. Instruments showed the existence of a 12-story building extending deep into the earth. Deciding not to tempt fate, Egyptologists invited foreign experts.

In some unknown way, they were still able to turn off the protective field and entered the tunnel. The building turned out to be a kind of descent shaft, leading travelers to the outskirts of a huge underground city.

The entire journey was filmed and then allegedly shown at a private viewing in Australia. The film tells the story of an underground city created more than 15,000 years ago. The gigantic structure is located on an area comparable to the Nile Valley - 10.4 by 13 kilometers. Huge temples, lakes a kilometer in diameter and many other wonders were discovered in the city.

Even water was supplied to the city through a hydraulic water supply system. The only surprising thing is that no one has seen this film, except for anonymous sources who “leaked” information about it to the yellow press.


But here’s what’s strange: the mysterious city has been known since the middle of the 20th century. A detailed description of the grandiose underground structure can be found in Dr. Selim Hassan's report "Excavations at Giza" in 10 volumes, published in 1944 by the Cairo State Publishing House. Its translation can even be found on the Internet.

According to the Egyptologist, in the last year of excavations, archaeologists discovered the entrance to the underground city. Descending into the void, they saw many huge temples, magnificent palaces, rivers and lakes. At the same time, everything said that the city was created according to a single clear plan.

The question arises: where is this city today, why are there no excursions to it? No answer! And the country's authorities in an interview claim that the city does not exist, and the discovered underground cavities are the remains of ordinary mines.

It is believed that the main entrance to the city is located in the area of ​​the sphinx and, of course, is guarded. But the second one is located in one of the Coptic churches in Cairo. If you know this place, then through it you can go down the stone steps to the “ancient metropolis”.


However, if you look at the essence of the issue from the point of view of the Egyptian authorities, everything looks more than logical. Suppose Russia discovered artifacts of the Hyperborean civilization somewhere on the Kola Peninsula. Would we really invite the whole honest world to study the find? Never!

Obviously, the Egyptians did the same, judging sensibly that they would always have time to boast, but for now it was necessary to remove all the amazing artifacts from the city. If you can’t find a use for them, then sell them to Western countries.

What, according to ancient myths and tabloid articles, did Egyptian scientists find in the underground city?

In addition to many minor artifacts, a chamber was discovered that contained the “Rod of Energy,” which belonged to Thoth himself. This item is described in detail, by the way. Ancient writings tell how the Atlanteans, who survived the cataclysm, were attacked by wild peoples with spears and clubs. God Thoth helped the refugees from Atlantis avoid inevitable death by pointing his staff at their enemies. And they immediately froze, like stone statues.

With the help of this wand you can control the forces of nature, strengthening or neutralizing them. Externally, the rod looks like a tall thin staff 1.5 meters in height and 3 centimeters in diameter. There is an energy crystal on top, and the staff itself is studded with precious stones.

People who tried to pick up the staff began to feel unwell. Apparently, the energy emanating from the staff was only safe for creatures called Egyptian gods. Fortunately, the researchers did not remove the precious relic from her cell, but the path to it was also closed to outsiders.

It is not surprising that the Egyptians - if, of course, all of the above is true - are hiding ancient artifacts from the world community. Despite space photography and a report on the excavations of Selim Hassan, Egyptian authorities today reject any information about the existence of an underground city under the Giza plateau.

In vain! If something irreparable for world culture suddenly happens and the Sphinx and the pyramids are destroyed, ancient secret knowledge may fall into the wrong hands. And who knows how this will turn out for our civilization?


Since 1997, Egyptian authorities have been hiding from the world the scientific discovery they made that year and in the years following it. Since then, they have owned it individually and kept it secret from our entire world. I suggest you familiarize yourself with this Discovery of the Century, as well as their latest Discovery.

Many years ago, namely 70 years have passed since Edgar Cayce predicted that one day a room would be found in Egypt that would be called the Hall of Evidence or the Hall of Records, and it would be associated with the Sphinx. It is this room that will tell us about the existence of a Highly Developed Civilization on Earth millions of years ago, and the passage to the Hall of Evidence will come from the room located under the right paw of the Sphinx. .

Already in 1989, using special equipment, a group of Japanese scientists from Waseda University, led by Professor Sakuji Yoshimura, discovered a narrow tunnel under the left paw of the Sphinx leading towards the Pyramid of Khafre. It began at a depth of two meters and went down obliquely. They also found a large cavity behind the northwestern wall of the Queen's Chamber, as well as a "tunnel" outside and south of the pyramid, extending underneath the monument.

They used modern "non-destructive testing" techniques based on electromagnetic waves and radar equipment.

But before they could conduct further research, Egyptian authorities intervened and stopped the project. Yoshimura and his expedition were unable to return to work in the Queen's Chamber.

In the same way, in the same 1989, seismic exploration of the Sphinx was carried out by the American geophysicist Thomas Dobetsky. And it also led to the discovery of a large rectangular chamber under the front paws of the Sphinx.

Dobecki's research was part of a geological survey of the Sphinx led by Professor Robert Schoch of Boston University. But his work was suddenly stopped in 1993 by Dr. Zahi Hawass of the Egyptian Antiquities Organization. Moreover, the Egyptian government no longer allowed any new geological or seismic research to be carried out around the Sphinx. And this despite the fact that Schoch’s research came close to solving the age of the Sphinx, which local authorities had previously been interested in.

Also in 1993, the film “The Secret of the Sphinx” was released, in which the emphasis was placed on the fact that the Sphinx and a number of other monuments in the Giza necropolis date back to at least the 11th millennium BC.

Partial funding for The Secret of the Sphinx was provided by the Edgar Cayce Foundation and its affiliate Association for Research and Enlightenment, ECF/ARE, and their supporters. It was this documentary that first reported on Thomas Dobecki's seismic survey around the Sphinx and his discovery of a large rectangular cavity deep in the rock beneath its front paws.

This prompted ECF/ARE to connect this fact with Cayce's Hall of Records and its prediction.

Also in 1993, Zahi Hawass begins excavations of a newly discovered temple complex from the Old Kingdom with underground tunnels that were located on the southeastern side of the Sphinx.

But the emphasis was still placed not on the Hall of Testimonies under the Sphinx, but on another discovery that distracted the public from the Hall of Testimonies. This discovery was information that a certain chamber was hidden in the depths of the Great Pyramid.

A German engineer from Munich, Rudolf Gantenbrink, examined the narrow shafts using a miniature robot with a television camera and at the very end of the southern shaft near the walls of the Queen's Chamber he discovered a small door with copper handles. With great problems, but he managed to remove the opening of this door.

This was done by a film crew led by director Jochen Breitenstein and his assistant Dirk Brakebusch.

And Gantenbrink’s problems arose due to the fact that the German Archaeological Institute did not receive in time the necessary permission to film the opening of the door from the Egyptian Antiquities Organization, which was nevertheless given orally by Zahi Hawass with the support of Gantenbrink by Dr. Stadslmann.

But already in 1995, the Egyptian Antiquities Organization warned German authorities not to attempt to continue studying the Great Pyramid.

And in December 1995, Zahi Hawass was asked to film a documentary for television, which was dedicated to the riddles of the Sphinx. And Hawass led the film crew into the tunnel, which was located directly under the Sphinx.

“Perhaps,” he said, “even Indiana Jones did not dream of visiting here. Can you believe we are now inside the Sphinx! No one has opened this tunnel before, and no one knows what is inside it. We're going to open it first."

I can assume that this film crew was from the Paramount Studios film company, as mentioned in Drunvalo Melchizedek’s book “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life,” Volume 2, Chapter 11, which was published in 2003. This is the passage in his book:

“In November 1996, a source in Egypt contacted me. He said: something has now been discovered that surpasses anything ever found in Egypt. A stone stele (a flat stone slab with inscriptions) emerged from the ground between the Sphinx's paws. The inscriptions on it spoke of the Hall of Testimonies and the room under the Sphinx.

The Egyptian government ordered the immediate removal of the stele so that no one could read the hieroglyphs engraved on it. Then they began to dig the ground between the Sphinx's paws and discovered the room that the Japanese discovered in 1989. It contained an earthenware jug and a coiled rope. According to my source, the authorities followed a tunnel from this room into a circular room from which three more tunnels led to the Great Pyramid. In one of them, two amazing phenomena were discovered.

First, the officials saw a light field, a veil of light blocking the entrance. When we tried to go through this field, nothing happened. Even a bullet couldn't penetrate it.

Additionally, if anyone attempted to physically approach the light field within approximately 9 m (30 ft), the person would become ill and begin to vomit. If he tried to forcefully move forward, he felt that he was dying. No one, as far as I know, could touch the mysterious field.

When examined by instruments from the surface of the Earth, something completely unthinkable was discovered behind the light field. An underground twelve-story building ~ imagine, twelve floors going deep into the earth!

The Egyptians realized that they could not cope with these problems on their own. The Egyptian government asked for foreign assistance. It was decided that there was a specific person (I will not say his name) who could turn off the light field and enter the tunnel. He will have two assistants. One of these people is a good friend of mine, so I closely followed the course of events, receiving information first hand. My friend brought with him representatives of the Paramount Studios film company, which had to obtain permission to shoot a film about the discovery of this unique tunnel. By the way, it was Paramount that made the film about the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb, therefore, it had very good connections in Egypt.

The researchers planned to enter, or at least try to enter, this tunnel on January 23, 1997. The government asked the film company for several million dollars, which they agreed to. However, the day before the group entered the tunnel, the Egyptians decided that they wanted more money and asked for one and a half million "under the counter", which infuriated the film company. Paramount said no, and that was the end of it. It was quiet for about three months.

Then I accidentally learned that another group of three people had entered the tunnel. They turned off the light field using the sounds of their voices and the holy names of God. The leader of the group, who is widely known and does not want his name mentioned, went to Australia and showed a video of the penetration of a tunnel and a twelve-story building, the latter of which turned out to be more than just a building. This structure extended underground for many miles and was actually the outskirts of the city. I have three good friends in Australia who have seen this film.

Then another person appeared, Larry Hunter, who devoted more than 20 years of his life to the archeology of Egypt. Mr. Hunter contacted me and gave me information almost identical to what I received from my sources in Egypt, except that it was more detailed. The city covers an area of ​​10.4 by 13 km (6.5 by 8 miles) and extends twelve stories deep into the earth, the perimeter of the city is outlined by unique Egyptian temples.

The following information echoes the work of Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval, Message of the Sphinx. Graham and Robert guessed that the three pyramids at Giza were placed on Earth in exact correspondence with the three stars of Orion's Belt. According to researchers, all the major stars of the Orion constellation can be found in the temple locations in Egypt, but they have never been able to conclusively prove this theory. Mr. Hunter did this, and I have seen for myself that his proof is correct. Using his celestial navigation skills acquired during his time in the Navy, Mr. Hunter found temples at every single location corresponding to every major star in the Orion constellation. He used the Global Positioning System (GPS) to locate these locations on Earth with an accuracy of 15 m (50 ft) and physically visited each location where the temple was supposed to mark a star. This is how this hypothesis was tested. Another thing is surprising: in every place there was a temple and every temple was made of a unique material, not found in any other temple in all of Egypt. The same material is used to make the foundation blocks of the three pyramids at Giza, including the Great Pyramid. It's called a coin in stone. It's limestone that looks like it has coins mixed into it. It is unique and found only in temples located within the six and a half by eight mile area of ​​the underground city.

This is the hypothesis in brief, the correctness of which is disputed by official Egyptian authorities. The underground city that Thoth spoke about really exists, and it can accommodate 10 thousand people. According to Mr. Hunter, the boundaries of the city are marked by temples made of unique material, and the location of the temples themselves correspond to the location of the stars in the constellation Orion.

Based on what I've seen, I think it's true, although Egyptian officials consider the city a fantasy. I take an objective point of view. In the end, the truth will definitely become known. If this is true, then when the underground city is uncovered, this archaeological find will lead to the growth of human consciousness."

News edited Dr. Kripke - 9-07-2012, 11:30

I bring to your attention interesting information for thought about who the Egyptian gods are, about the “Hall of Chronicles” under the Sphinx and its connection with the great pyramids.

Cayce was sure that the key to unlocking Atlantis should be sought in the Egyptian pyramids. According to his theory, copies of documents of Atlantis, testifying to its history and civilization, were transferred by the Atlanteans to “Hall of Chronicles” . This was the name of a small pyramid located between the right paw of the Sphinx and the Nile River.

Edgar Cayce believed that this pyramid contained the bodies of immigrants from Atlantis. He also predicted the date when the Hall of Chronicles would be discovered - approximately 2000. There they will find various decorations, tables, seals, tools and other ancient objects.

The construction date of the Cheops pyramid, named by Cayce, fluctuates somewhere between 10490 and 10390 BC. The Sphinx was created around this time.

Moreover, Edgar Cayce even named the exact location of some information located in the Sphinx. This information was supposed to tell humanity about the period when great progress took place in Egypt due to the coming of the developed Atlanteans. According to Casey, information must be located in the cornerstone of the base of the Sphinx's paw.

The information carried by the Cheops pyramid covers, perhaps, the entire history of mankind, right up to 1998 of our time. Casey claimed that at the specified time the Great Messiah will appear on earth, who came to fulfill the prophecies kept in the Hall of Chronicles.

Cayce called the Cheops Pyramid "Pyramid of Understanding".

According to his assumption, it was created on the basis of universal laws. The pyramid was created for a higher purpose than just burial; inside it is mathematical and astronomical evidence that in 1998 the Earth will undergo a number of significant changes.

A pole change is possible this year. The appearance of the Messiah on Earth is precisely what causes changes to occur. The pyramid also contains descriptions of these changes, although they are all encrypted.

So, Cayce long ago predicted that humanity would have to open a secret Egyptian vault and prove existence in a civilization that existed thousands of years ago.

And although no one can probably name the exact date for this, some conclusion can be drawn from the predictions, namely: modern humanity can bring the same destruction as the ancient Atlanteans.

And so it happened. Already in 1989, using special equipment, a group of Japanese scientists from Waseda University, led by Professor Sakuji Yoshimura, discovered under the left paw of the Sphinx a narrow tunnel leading towards the Pyramid of Khafre.

It began at a depth of two meters and went down obliquely.

They also found a large cavity behind the northwest wall of the Queen's Chamber, as well as a "tunnel" outside and south of the pyramid extending underneath the monument.

They used modern “non-destructive testing” technology based on electromagnetic waves and radar equipment (so-called “geolocators” - ed.).

But before they could conduct further research, Egyptian authorities intervened. and... stopped the project.

Yoshimura and his expedition were unable to return to work in the Queen's Chamber after this.

Also, in the same 1989, seismic exploration of the Sphinx was carried out by the American geophysicist Thomas Dobetsky. And this seismic survey too led to the discovery of a large rectangular chamber under the Sphinx's front paws(see picture above).
Dobecki's research was part of a geological survey of the Sphinx led by Professor Robert Schoch of Boston University.

But, his work was suddenly stopped (?) in 1993 by Dr. Zahi Hawass from... Egyptian Antiquities Organization .

And even more than that, the Egyptian government no longer allowed new geological or seismic research to be carried out around the Sphinx.

And all this despite the fact that Schoch’s research came close to solving the age of the Sphinx, in which local authorities had previously been extremely interested.

Also in 1993, the film was released "The Secret of the Sphinx" , which emphasized that the Sphinx and a number of other monuments in the Giza necropolis date back to at least the 11th millennium BC.

Partial financing of the film "The Secret of the Sphinx" was made "Edgar Cayce Foundation" and its branch "Association for Research and Enlightenment" - ECF/ARE and their supporters.

It was this documentary that first reported on Thomas Dobecki's seismic exploration around the Sphinx and about his discovery of a large rectangular cavity deep in the rock under his front paws.

This prompted ECF/ARE to connect this fact with Cayce's Hall of Records and its prediction.

In the same 1993, Zahi Hawass begins excavations of a newly discovered temple complex from the times of the Old Kingdom with underground tunnels that were located on the southeastern side of the Sphinx, that is, to the right of the Sphinx!

But the emphasis was still not on “Hall of Testimonies” under the Sphinx, and to another discovery, which deliberately (as it now seems) diverted public attention from the “Hall of Evidence”.

This not too major discovery was the information that a certain chamber was hidden in the depths of the Great Pyramid.

A German engineer from Munich, Rudolf Gantenbrink, examined the narrow shafts using a miniature robot with a television camera and at the very end of the southern shaft near the walls of the Queen's Chamber he discovered a small door with copper handles. With great problems, but he managed to remove the opening of this door.

This was done by a film crew led by director Jochen Breitenstein and his assistant Dirk Brakebusch.

And Gantenbrink’s problems arose due to the fact that the German Archaeological Institute did not receive the necessary permission in time to film the moment the door opened from Egyptian Antiquities Organization , which was nevertheless given orally by Zahi Hawass (with the support of Gantenbrink by Dr. Stadslman).

But already in 1995, the Egyptian Antiquities Organization warned German authorities to... no longer attempted to continue exploring the Great Pyramid.

A little later, in December 1995, Zahi Hawass was asked to film a documentary for television (the program was dedicated to the riddles of the Sphinx).

And Hawass led the film crew into the tunnel, which was located directly under the Sphinx.

“Perhaps,” he said, “even Indiana Jones did not dream of visiting here. Can you believe we are now inside the Sphinx!

No one has opened this tunnel before, and no one knows what is inside it. We're going to open it first."

Now we can assume that the above film crew was from the Paramount Studios film company, as mentioned in Drunvalo Melchizedek’s book “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life,” Volume 2, Chapter 11, which was published in 2003.

This is the passage in his book:

… “In November 1996, a source in Egypt contacted me. He said: Something has now been discovered that is superior to anything ever found in Egypt.

From the ground between the paws of the Sphinx came out(!? – ed.) a stone stele with inscriptions was placed on the surface. The inscriptions on it told about the Hall

There is also evidence about the room under the Sphinx.

The Egyptian government ordered the immediate removal of the stele, so that no one can read the hieroglyphs embossed on it. Then they began to dig the earth between the paws of the Sphinx and dug up the room that the Japanese discovered back in 1989.

And what was in this room?

It contained an earthenware jug and a coiled rope. According to my source, the authorities went down a tunnel from this room to another, round room with a flat floor and ceiling.

From this room there were three more tunnels leading towards the Great Pyramid.

In one of these tunnels two completely new, amazing phenomena were discovered.

At first, officials saw a light field, a kind of veil of light blocking the entrance (hereinafter referred to as “ protective light field").

When we tried to pass through this field, nothing happened. Not only a man, not even a bullet could penetrate him.

Moreover, if anyone tried to physically get within about 9 m (30 ft) of the light field, that person would become so ill that they would vomit.

And if he tried to move forward through volitional efforts, he felt that... he was dying. And no one, as far as I know, has ever been able to touch even the “veil” of this mysterious light field...

When examined by instruments from the surface of the Earth behind a light protective field (!), something completely unthinkable was discovered: an underground 12-story (twelve-story) building.

P Can you imagine, as many as twelve floors going deep into the earth!

Editor's note.

... “The depth of the space treasured for earthlings under the paws of the Sphinx ... does not exceed 83-85 meters. This is consistent with the depths of the yet undiscovered shafts and chambers under the pyramids. Why are mastabas built only around the pyramid of Cheops and almost do not affect the area around the pyramids of Khafre and Mikerin?

Perhaps, around these two pyramids there is an underground labyrinth of rooms that has yet to be discovered, and knowledge about them forbade the pharaohs of future eras to make burials in this place” (see N.N. Glazkova, V. Landa “Ecumenical Secrets of the Pyramids and Atlantis.” IKF "Stalker", Ukraine 1997, p. 163).

The Egyptians immediately realized that they could not cope with such “problems” themselves. The Egyptian government requested foreign assistance.

It was decided that there was a specific person (I will not say his name) who... could turn off the protective light field and then enter the tunnel. In this case, this person will have two assistants. One of whom is a good friend of mine. Thanks to this, I closely monitored the course of events, receiving information first-hand.

My friend brought with him representatives of the Paramount Studios film company, which intended to obtain permission to shoot a film about the discovery of this phenomenal tunnel.

By the way, let me remind you that it was Paramount that was the first to make a film about the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb, which means that the company already had very good connections in Egypt.

The researchers planned to enter, or at least attempt to enter, this tunnel on January 23, 1997. The government asked the film company for several million dollars, which it agreed to.

However, the day before the group entered the tunnel, high Egyptian officials suddenly decided that they wanted more money and asked for one and a half million “per paw,” which literally infuriated the film company.

Paramount said no, and that was the end of it. For about three months after that it was quiet...

Then I accidentally learned that another group of only three people had entered the tunnel. And they turned off the protective light field... with the help of the sounds of their voices, and also with the help of... the holy names of God.

The leader of the said group, who is widely known but does not want his name mentioned, went, after entering the tunnel, to Australia where he showed his video about the penetration into the tunnel and into the mysterious building - an underground 12-story building, which turned out to be not just a building .

This underground “structure” turned out to be an entire complex that stretched underground for many miles and actually extended beyond the outskirts of the city.

Editor's note.

In a similar case, SIRA radar was deployed in Egypt in 1978 and discovered an unusual underground complex beneath the Egyptian pyramids.

The preparations made by Egyptian President Sadat resulted in 30 years of top secret excavation work to penetrate the complex's system.

At a recent meeting in Australia, one of the main Giza project specialists, Dr. Jim Hurtak, showed a video about their work, entitled "Depth Cameras"(CHAMBERS OF THE DEEP), from a film due to be released at the end of the century.

The film follows the exploration of a lost megalithic metropolis, built 15,000 years ago, that descends several stories below the Giza Plateau.

While some have spoken of a hidden chamber under the Sphinx's left paw, in reality it is where the legendary "City of the Gods".

Equipped with a hydraulic water supply system the size of the Nile Valley..., the film shows massive chambers comparable to our largest cathedrals, with deranged statues.

Investigators risked their lives with lights and cameras as they carefully navigated rubber boats through underground rivers and kilometer-long lakes to penetrate the sealed chambers beyond.

I also have three good friends in Australia who have seen this film in person. And they confirmed this fantastic discovery to me.

Then another man showed up, Larry Hunter(Larry Hanter), who devoted more than 20 years of his life to the archeology of Egypt.

Mr. Hunter contacted me and gave me information almost identical to what I received from my sources in Egypt, with the pleasant exception that it was more detailed.


The underground “city” covers an area of ​​10.4 by 13 km (6.5 x 8 miles), extends twelve floors deep into the earth, and the perimeter of this city is “outlined” by unique temples inside the Egyptian pyramid complex on the Giza plateau (see picture below).

Next information echoes Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval's Message of the Sphinx.

Graham and Robert (quite a long time ago) guessed that the three great pyramids at Giza were placed on Earth in exact correspondence with the three stars of Orion's Belt.

According to researchers, all the main stars of the Orion constellation can be detected as projections on the layout of the temples in Egypt, although they have not yet been able to definitively prove this theory.

Mr Hunter did it, and I myself was convinced that his proof was correct. Using his celestial navigation skills acquired during his time in the Navy, Mr. Hunter found temples in every single place, corresponding to each major star of the Orion constellation.

He used the Global Navigation System GPS(GPS - Global Positioning System) to determine the position and search of these places on Earth with an accuracy of 15 m (50 ft). And then he physically visited each place where the temple was supposed to mark the star. Thus, the old hypothesis was directly and directly tested and confirmed.

But! Surprisingly different: In each place there was a temple and each temple was made of a unique material not found in any other temple in all of Egypt. The same material is used to make the foundation blocks of the three pyramids at Giza, including the Great Pyramid.

It's called "coin in stone."

What kind of material is this?

This is limestone that looks as if coins were deliberately mixed into it.

It is unique and found only in special temples located on the territory underground city with an area of ​​26.5 x 8.0 miles.

This is the hypothesis in a nutshell, the veracity of which is invariably disputed by official Egyptian authorities.

underground city, about which the ancient Egyptian god Thoth spoke, thus really exists, and can accommodate at least 10 thousand people.

Let me remind you again.

Mr. Hunter insists that the boundaries of the city are marked by temples made of a special unique material, and the location of these temples exactly corresponds to the location of the corresponding stars in the constellation Orion (see picture above).

Based on what I saw, I think everything said above is true, although Egyptian officials stupidly insist that this city is pure fantasy.

I adhere to an objective point of view.

In the end, the truth will definitely be revealed to all people.

… And then, when the underground city is revealed, the great archaeological discovery will inevitably lead to the growth of human consciousness...

I can add to what was said above(Drunvalo Melchizedek) only that this underground city is one of the cities of Shambhala.

Information from the Book of Melchizedek "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life" has long been known to all those whose interest in the secrets of Egypt was deeper than simple curiosity.

For this reason, some print media (at one time) wrote articles about it, but nothing more. No in-depth research followed after this.

As for the Sphinx And " Hall of Testimonies ” underneath it, a local (Egyptian) archaeological team led by Zaha Hawass is still working there.

The remarkable thing about this is that his group works secretly, almost never going to the surface unnecessarily.

And if someone has to go to the surface, then this is done exclusively at night, when there are no tourists or other strangers near the Pyramids and near the Sphinx.

And perhaps they see such images (see picture below).

Today, scientists have uncovered a hydraulic underground water supply system the size of the Nile Valley.

The film shows massive rooms comparable to the largest cathedrals on earth, as well as extraordinary statues inside.

The researchers, risking their lives, with lights and cameras, carefully ferried rubber boats through real underground rivers and kilometer-long lakes to penetrate the sealed (beyond) chambers.

Unique records have already been made and many artifacts have been found.

So, no one is against local archaeologists secretly or openly conducting their research on the territory of their own country. It's their right. This is their country. These are their Pyramids and this is their Sphinx.

There is one important and very significant “BUT”, which gave me the right to intervene in these “local” affairs of Egypt.

More recently, this group of archaeologists ( including their leader Zahi Hawass) another Great Discovery was made, which the official authorities of Egypt ... decided to hide from the Humanity of the Earth.

This discovery was a secret chamber where the only item belonging to Thoth is kept - hisRod of Energy, which is mentioned by himself in his Tablets:

Read the document: “The Emerald Tablets of Thoth Atlantean” - “Emerald Tablet I: The Story of Thoth Atlantean”:

… “We quickly rushed towards the morning sun, until the earth beneath us became the land of the children of Khem. Furious, they met us with clubs and spears raised in anger, wanting to destroy and destroy every single Son of Atlantis.

Then I raised my Rod and directed a beam of vibration, striking them so that they became motionless, like fragments of mountain stones. Then I addressed them with calm and peaceful words, and told them about the power of Atlantis, saying that we are the children of the Sun and his messengers. I pacified them with my magical science until they fell prostrate at my feet, and then I freed them..."

There is a mention of this same Rod in Elizabeth Heich’s book “Initiation”, chapter 32. “Instructions of Ptahhotep”:

… “Your father’s rod, made of a type of copper, can transmit radiations of any plane. At the will of a person, they can transform or intensify. The rod can be a blessing or a curse, depending on who uses it.

Initiates who possess all powers - from the highest divine to the lowest ultramaterial - can consciously transfer them into the rod. Human senses are able to perceive them, then they are experienced by people as emotional states.

Thus, the highest divine frequencies are experienced as universal love, and the lowest - ultramaterial - as hatred.

The initiate always uses the wand to create something good, and the ultramaterial vibrations serve him only when necessary as an invisible, impenetrable protective wall. With the help of this rod, the initiate can control all the forces of nature, strengthening or neutralizing them ... "

And now I will tell you about the Storage Chamber of the Rod of Thoth and about the Rod of Energy itself:

The Rod Storage Chamber itself is behind “Hall of Testimonies” , just opposite the very passage and entrance to the Hall itself, the light protective field from which was removed in 1997.

The door to the Chamber was opened by pressing on the stone and pushing it deep into the wall. On this stone was engraved the Rod of Thoth Energy with rays.

On the stone to the left (from the key stone), the goddess Maat was depicted. And on the stone to the right (from the key one) the goddess Maat was also depicted, but with a Rod.

After activating the key stone, part of the wall of the “Hall of Evidence” went inside, and the Door moved to the side, ending up behind the wall of the “Hall of Evidence”.

At the same time, a large doorway was exposed, which opened access to the “Chamber of the Rod”.

The “Chamber of the Rod” is large and has a square shape.

In the center of the Chamber there is a pedestal in the form of a pyramid with seven high steps. At the top of the pyramid, in its center, the Rod of Thoth Energy itself is installed.

The Rod of Life looks like a tall staff.

It is approximately 1.5 meters high and 3 cm in diameter at the center. The rod narrows downwards and widens towards the top. It is all strewn with precious stones, from which symbols are laid out. The top of the Rod is crowned with a crystal.

It is the Energy Crystal on top of the Rod of Life that emits the Radiance of Life, illuminating everything around with its light. And this light, like the Light of Energy, spreads into the open doorway, illuminating the area located directly in front of the Chamber in the Hall of Testimony itself.

The reaction (for some people) to this energy from the Rod of Life is the same as it was before to that light protective-force Field that blocked the passage to the Hall of Testimony: people felt sick - they felt nauseous, and if a person stayed a little longer and did not leave , then he suddenly and violently vomited.

Such a reaction is known to doctors as a reaction to an overdose of drugs, and in this case, as one should assume, to an overdose of the human Soul with energies coming from the Rod of Life.

However, not all people have the same reaction to the energies from the Wand of Life.

It turned out, however, that there were also people who were able to approach Chamber of the Rod and even enter it without having virtually any consequences for your condition and health.

True, they were only able to move forward to a certain point, and then they still felt so bad that they quickly retreated.

It is logical to assume that only the direct Heir of Thoth will be able to pick up the Rod of Life. One of the people of the Earth, on whose Soul a special encoding of the Rod was applied to merge their Energies, as well as their Life Forces.

The connection of the Life Forces and energies of the Rod of Life with the Heir of Thoth will occur at the moment of their physical contact.

And then we will be able to see the energy of the Soul of the one whom God Thoth himself chose to become the new owner of his magical Rod of Energy, for the Rod always radiates the energy that a person pours into it. This force has the same type of vibration as human energy, and therefore is safe for humans, but..., of course, within reason.

Thus, while the Chamber of the Rod and the Hall of Testimony itself are closed to public access, none of the above will happen.

Until there is free access to the Rod of Thoth, the heir of Thoth will not be able to take his Inheritance (the Rod of Life) into his hands, and the Second Coming of Thoth will not take place either, although the Time and Timing of this Coming may well be already approaching its climax, since the Change The Ages and Judgment Day were long ago programmed by the Gods for December 21, 2012.

And the Egyptian authorities, on the eve of this important event for the Humanity of the Earth, are simply hiding the fact of this Greatest Discovery in the History of our planet from the public, thus pushing back the Second Coming. Although, most likely, this event will occur in any situation.

And no bans from the Egyptian authorities can prevent this. It’s just that the real heir of Thoth will appear unexpectedly for all the people of the earth.

So we have two main options

further developments:

1 . Wait until the Egyptian authorities suddenly “wake up” their conscience, and they will make public the Discovery of the Century, showing the World what was filmed back in 1997. Namely: the moment of removing the protective light force field from the passage to the Hall of Testimonies, as well as the Hall of Testimonies itself. And those things that were removed by the Egyptian authorities now that the Opened Chamber of the Rod had already been opened in Thoth's own House.

2. To ask the official authorities of Egypt to lift the Veil of Secrets and show the World the Hall of Evidence and the Chamber of the Rod, thereby giving each of the people a chance to try their luck and... try to pick up Rod of Life to become the Heir of Thoth Atlas.

All information was taken from open sources on the Internet.

Naturally, it was scattered, but we managed to connect it into one logical chain.

In addition, the materials of this article used information from one contactee who contacted Thoth and confirmed the information that "Hall of Testimonies" should soon be declassified, and that this will help all people move to the next level of existence.

Therefore, believe it or not. That's your business. Everything is now handed over to your judgment.

You can leave your thoughts, as well as other information on this topic, in the comments.

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