1 7 inches in cm. How to calculate the height and width of a TV screen in centimeters, knowing the diagonal in inches? Calculation of the optimal distance from the viewer to the TV screen

    In Russia, before it (an inch) was equal to 10 lines. There are now many converters on the Internet, for example, here. And to quickly convert inches to centimeters or centimeters to inches, I suggest using this table.

    Usually, when talking about inches, we mean the English inch, and in this case

    1 inch = 2.54 centimeters.

    And historically, an inch was equal to the width of a man's thumb.

    Previously, when expressing an inch in centimeters after the decimal point, there were more digits and an inch was equal to 2.53999 cm.

  • How many centimeters are in an inch

    To answer such questions, it is very convenient to use the Google measures calculator. To answer this question, type in Google:

    1 inch in centimeters

    (Google will answer you: 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters).

    Ask other questions by analogy, for example. 5 vershoks in centimeters

  • There are different units for measuring length: inches, feet, centimeters, millimeters, meters, and so on. An inch is an English unit of measurement; it is equal to 2.54 centimeters. Or if we bring everything to the generally accepted unit of measurement of length (it is a meter), 1 inch = 0.0254 meters.

    Inches are converted to centimeters by multiplying by 2.54.

    • 1 inch=2.54 centimeters

    For inaccurate calculations (growth), you can approximately multiply by 2.5. The next unit of measurement after the inch is the foot. There are 12 inches in one foot, so rounding an inch to 2.5 cm you can only make a maximum error of 0.48 cm

    In different countries that use a non-metric measurement system, the length of an inch varies. It is usually 1/12 or 1/10 inch. The concept of an inch was introduced in Russia by Peter the Great. However, it was relevant to the measures used at the time. In real Russia, the English and French inches are most often mentioned. Since the middle of the last century, namely since 1958, the English or imperial inch has been equated to 2.54 cm, which is currently most often used.

    An inch in Russia usually means a value measuring 2.54 centimeters. Other countries also have a unit of measurement called the inch, but it is significantly different from our inch. More precisely, our inch is not ours. He's English.

    This topic didn’t bother me for a long time until such an incident happened in my life when my friend Kostya and I went to an electrical store. They sold a 35-inch TV there, it was very beautiful and big. At that moment we were interested in this sensitive issue and we decided find out how many centimeters there are in an inch. A sales consultant passing by saw our puzzled faces, he came up to us and asked what you were interested in? Then we told him everything. He explained to us that there are 2.54 centimeters in one inch.

    One inch is two point fifty-four centimeters. Nowadays, it is customary to calculate the diagonal of televisions and all kinds of pipes in inches. Therefore, in order to calculate how many centimeters are in an inch?, simply multiply the number in inches by 2.54 cm.

    INCH - A unit of length, one twelfth of a foot, equal to 2.54 cm

    When buying a TV, people often ask this question, since imported TVs are marked in inches

    1 inch equals 2.54 centimeters

    If the TV diagonal

    32 inches is 81 cm

    40 inches is 102 cm

    42 inches is 107 cm

    An inch in Dutch means thumb, but not its length, but its width.

    Only the width of the thumb is different for all people, so you need to be like the average adult man, his width will be closest to an inch, which is approximately 2.54 centimeters.

    But this standard was not always present and was measured differently in different countries.

    In Austria-Hungary it is called the Viennese inch, equal to 2.6340278 cm

    In England it is called the imperial inch or English inch since 1958, equal to 2.54 cm

    And before:

    since 1819 approximately 2.5400438 cm

    since 1895 equal to 2.5399978 cm

    since 1922 equal to 2.5399956 cm

    since 1932 equal to 2.5399950 cm

    since 1947 equal to 2.5399931 cm

    In Germany:

    in Bavaria is equal to 2.43216 cm or decimal inch - 2.918592 cm

    in Baden equal to 3 cm since 1810

    in Prussia equal to 2.61545 cm since 1755 or decimal inch - 3.76625 cm since 1816

    in the Rhineland is equal to 2.61541 cm

    in Saxony it is 2.36 cm

    In Spain it is called differently 1 pulgada, which is equal to 2.32166 cm

    In Quebec they used the French inch, since 1985 it is equal to 2.707005 cm

    In China it is called 1 cun, equal to approximately 3.33333 cm

    In Mexico it is called 1 pulgada and is equal to 2.3278 cm.

    In the Baltic province three different inches were used:

    Courland inch is approximately equal to 3.36 cm

    Riga inch is approximately equal to 2.24 cm

    Revel inch is approximately equal to 2.6715 cm

    The following measures were in effect in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania:

    Old Polish or crown inch was used until 1819, equal to approximately 2.48 cm

    the Novopolsky inch from 1819 to 1849 is equal to 2.4 cm

    Wroclaw (also called Breslau, Silesian) inch is equal to 2.742 cm

    old Lithuanian inch is approximately 2.7076 cm

    In Rio de La Plata it is called 1 pulgada, approximately equal to 2.547 cm

    In the USA, since 1958, the American inch is equal to 2.54 cm. Since 1866, it has been equal to 2.540000508 cm

    In France, a French inch is approximately 2.706995 cm

    In Japan it is called 1 sun, equal to approximately 3.0 cm

    There are approximately two and five centimeters in one inch. An inch in Dutch means thumb, that is, the width of an adult man's finger. But in different countries the inch has different magnifications.

    Centimeters in an inch - more than two, but less than three)

    Different countries have different meanings of an inch, but in Russia the word inch is used to understand the English inch; it is equal to 2.54 centimeters.

    Currently, dimensions in inches are most often used to indicate the diameter of water and gas pipes. Here is a table for converting standard diameters to millimeters:

    In fact, the word inch appeared in the Russian language thanks to Peter 1, because it was he who introduced this measure into circulation. Currently, the English inch is mainly used, which is a measure of length in the non-metric system and is equal to 2.54 centimeters.

    In different countries, it is customary to measure distances in inches, and in each country, an inch in centimeters will have a different meaning. If we take for example an English inch, it is equal to 2.54 cm, which corresponds to the width of the thumb of an average adult man.

Do you remember the little girl from the fairy tale, Thumbelina? Ever thought about the origin of her name? Let's talk about this.

About the word "inch"

In Dutch, the word "inch" means "thumb". This is a measure of length equal to the width of the average person's thumb (although some claim that we are talking about the length of his upper phalanx). But, no matter what part we are talking about, it turns out that Thumbelina is a girl the size of a finger.

By the way, another hero of the same size is known in the fairy tale epic. It turns out that our beloved Boy Thumb could also be called Thumbelina by analogy. Just a joke, of course. However, people's fingers are different, so I would still like to clarify: how many mm are in an inch?

About inch size

Determining what an inch is in mm is not so easy. The fact is that this unit, which is already hundreds of years old, has changed repeatedly even within the same system of measures, not to mention different ones. The Viennese inch was equal to 2.6340278 cm, or 26.3 mm; in Spain the local inch (pulgada) was 23.2 mm; in Mexico, where it was also called pulgada, the inch to mm size was approximately 23.3.

This list can be replenished almost indefinitely. Each of the German lands had its own, different from the others, type of the mentioned length measure: Baden, Bavarian, Saxon and Prussian, as well as the inch of the Confederation of the Rhine. In the Baltic provinces, respectively, there were Courland, Riga and Revel. In the territories of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth there were Old Polish and New Polish inches, as well as Wroclaw, Breslau, Silesian, and Old Lithuanian. France had its own measure of length. There were similar units even in Japan and China. So, 1 cun (Chinese inch) in mm was 33.3. There is also the so-called Vidicon inch, most often used when measuring the matrix of a digital camera. It is equivalent to 16.93 mm.

About the Metric Convention and the Metric System of Measures

On May 20, 1875, in Paris, in the building of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the so-called The Metric Convention is a treaty designed to ensure uniformity of international metrological standards. Russia also joined this agreement - on behalf of the emperor, the agreement was signed by the embassy adviser Okunev. The adoption of the convention served as an important impetus for the development and beginning of the development of meter and kilogram standards. Later, basic units of quantities were introduced in the fields of electricity and optics. More than 50 states have currently joined the Meter Convention, including all the most industrialized ones.

Two important notes. First: the inch is an outdated unit that has nothing to do with the metric system. Moreover, the OIML (International Organization of Legal Metrology) strongly recommends its prompt withdrawal from circulation where it is still used for measurements (the reason, I think, is clear). Second remark. The largest and most highly developed country, the United States, although it has signed the Metric Convention, still does not consider it obligatory to use the metric system of measures. The inch is widely used as a local unit of measurement, which in the rest of the world makes it very difficult to follow OIML recommendations.

About the English inch

So what exactly is this unit, how to express 1 inch in mm? Currently, when this term is mentioned, as a rule, the English or imperial measure of length is meant. Its value has also changed several times, but since 1958, converting inches to mm will give the result 25.4 per unit. So the size of our fairy-tale characters would now be 2.54 cm. Indeed, crumbs!

By the way, in England an inch is called inch, its generally accepted symbol is quotation marks: for example: 17". So a person who has decided, say, to buy a TV, should not be confused by the double stroke or the mention of in next to the number characterizing We are all talking about the same units SI.

In the USA, as in England, since 1958, an inch has been considered equal to 2.54 cm. There, this unit is used in various fields, and quite widely - for example, when indicating the caliber of small arms. In America, gun caliber (inner diameter of the barrel) is measured in hundredths of an inch. Accordingly, the famous Colt 45 caliber means a weapon with a barrel diameter of 0.45 inches (11.43 mm).

Where is the inch used?

A legitimate question arises. Why should a person living in a country that uses the metric system of measures (Russia) be concerned about American length indicators or, say, how to convert mm to inches? But it's not that simple. Recently, due to the expansion of American technology and the emergence of new technical terms, inches have begun to be used in Russian much more often. Even before, there were entire industries where the mentioned quantity was considered the main unit of measurement. Thus, it is customary to measure the caliber of artillery pieces in inches. True, this should be dealt with separately. For example, in the UK, unlike the US, gauges show thousandths of an inch. And the famous Russian “three-ruler” is the 3 mentioned units (7.62 mm).

Inches are also used in the automotive industry: they measure the diameter of a car's rims. Since the existence of the Soviet automobile industry began with foreign technologies and licenses, foreign terminology was also used to a large extent. For example, one of the firstborns of the domestic automotive industry, KIM-10, had a cylinder diameter of 2 1/2" (or 63.5 mm). The diameters of telescope lenses are also indicated in inches, and this unit of measurement is also used for marking pipes.

About pipe inch

A long-standing tradition is the use of the value in question when working with gas and water pipes, as well as to designate the threads cut on them. But it should be noted: a pipe inch in mm is not at all the same as an ordinary inch.

This concept cannot be called scientific, and yet it has a strictly defined meaning. A pipe inch is considered to be the outer diameter of a pipe in which the inner diameter corresponds to a regular inch. This value is somewhat arbitrary: pipes have different thicknesses, which, of course, affects the ratio of diameters. And yet it was possible to achieve some uniformity on this issue.

About conditional passage

When talking about the parameters of manufactured (rolled) pipes, we usually mean their outside diameter. Of course, with the same external values, but with different wall thicknesses, the internal dimensions of different products can differ significantly. Therefore, the concept of a special internal diameter has been introduced, which can correspond to a certain external value. For example, in a pipe with a passage of 40 mm, the actual internal diameter can be represented by any fairly close number.

Why do you need to know this? Then, the main indicator by which the passage of water is calculated is the internal diameter of the pipe. And in plumbing practice, they use both steel products, marked in inches, and copper, aluminum, stainless steel, produced according to metric standards. Therefore, a correct translation is necessary: ​​inches to mm of pipe (linking the value in question to metric values). There are special tables (GOST 3262-75) that establish the correspondence between different types of pipes and their parameters. In them, the value of the nominal diameter (passage) of the pipe is taken as the base value.

About threads

Pipes often have to be connected. For diameters over 6 inches, welding is usually used; smaller products are twisted using threads, the parameters of which are usually expressed in inches. Pipe thread pitch is the number of threads placed on one such unit. There are also tables of correspondence between thread pitches in mm and the number of threads per inch. There is also a more general table that connects the inch dimensions of cylindrical pipe threads with its metric parameters. In accordance with it, in particular, a 3-inch thread in mm corresponds to the values ​​87.884; 86.405 and 84.926 (nominal values ​​of outer, middle, inner diameters, respectively). In general, pipe thread is a whole science plus a considerable group of different standards, the goals of which are the correct connection of threaded elements and structures. These standards are based on the inch system of units.

And again about inches

The name “inch” and its derivatives can often be found in the description of other production processes. For example, the word “inch” sometimes refers to a board an inch thick or a nail of the same length (in these cases, converting inches to mm again becomes relevant). But that's not all. Until now, the concept of “inch” is popular when referring to fasteners and many other metal products. And yet this word would be considered an anachronism if not for the rapid development of computer technology, which brought new terms into our circulation. The resolution of printers and some other devices is usually indicated in dots per inch (dpi). There is also the concept of pixels per inch (ppi), used to indicate the resolution of the device that input or output graphics. The concepts of dpi and ppi are technologically not identical to each other.

The screens of mobile phones and monitors are also measured in inches (previously in the USSR this value was expressed in cm). It’s worth talking about screens in a little more detail.

About Pixels and Images

Many people, when talking about television or other screens, consider its size to be the most important indicator. They intensively convert the length of the diagonal into more familiar measures (for example, 21 inches in mm), trying to figure out whether this value is sufficient for them. At the same time, there are indicators no less important, which buyers of such equipment sometimes do not pay attention to.

Pixel is a technical term that has migrated into everyday use. If we move away from complex definitions, a pixel can be called the smallest indivisible image object of a certain color. A computer's raster image is a collection of pixels arranged in rows and columns. The principles of television are somewhat different, but even here it is customary to talk about the resolution of the device, that is, its ability to display the greatest number of details (units) of the picture being shown. Of course, any image is more beautiful and high quality, the higher the number of pixels per unit screen area. This is the already mentioned ppi indicator (the number of dots per inch of the display). The ppi value is extremely important for obtaining a bright, clear, high-quality picture, so you definitely need to pay attention to it when purchasing the appropriate equipment.

However, happiness is not only in pixels - at least that’s what many experts say. The pursuit of high resolution leads to a serious increase in the load on graphics cards. That is, buyers of television and other similar equipment should carefully weigh all the pros and cons and settle on the optimal device option for themselves.

Inches, inches...

In computer practice, we also remember this value when we clarify the parameters of hard drives, disk drives, and DVD drive characteristics. Digital cameras are also indicated in inches. What is a matrix and what effect does its size have on the quality of images? This is a very interesting and important question, but for another discussion.

How to remember inch size?

A person who does not have a good memory for numbers should know the following: 4 inches in mm will be 2.54 * 4, i.e. a little more than 1 cm. In cases where special accuracy is not needed, such a scheme can be used in some everyday situations.


If you write the query “inch” in any search engine, then the answer options will certainly include a link to the story by James Aldridge “The Last Inch.” This is a small but truly worthwhile work, which has become a classic of world literature and has been filmed more than once. A deeply tragic story about human courage, complex relationships between father and son, quirks of fate.

But the title of the story is interesting. Why "The Last Inch"? In the story, a ten-year-old child, who had never flown an airplane before, had to not only drive the car along a very difficult route, but also land it in difficult and even dangerous conditions. The child did it. The last inch before landing became a milestone that turned him into a different person - an adult, responsible, and it also highlighted a new facet in the future relationship between father and son. So it is not always correct to express inches in mm - sometimes this value requires completely different approaches and equivalents.

In addition to the metric method of measurement, there is another - non-metric system. In Russia, it is customary to measure the width and length in meters, centimeters, millimeters. But there are states (USA, UK) in which a non-metric method of measurement is used, i.e. in inches. All buyers of video equipment know that in descriptions of the technical characteristics of smartphones, TVs, laptops, tablets, sellers indicate the dimensions of the display or monitor in inches. Many people wonder how much is this in centimeters? Let's find out the answer in more detail from knowledgeable experts.

In the middle of the last century, it was established that one inch is equivalent to 2.54 centimeters. Previously, it was believed that this measure was equal to the width of the tip (phalanx) of the thumb on a man’s hand. In the old days, measurements were made this way because there was no ruler or tape measure at hand. The data varied and had average values. But over time, everything fell into place. Now there is no problem converting inches into metric units; to do this, you just need to have a calculator at hand. Multiply the given value by k = 2.54 (constant coefficient), the result is centimeters. For example, let’s find out how many centimeters are in 5″ . To do this, multiply 5 by 2.54; it will turn out to be 12.7 cm. However, the exact size of an inch is 2.5399931 centimeters; for convenience, the number was rounded to hundredths. Having a computer and access to the World Wide Web, just enter into a search engine: “Online calculator, converting inches to cm.” Tabs will open for you, choose the one you like and follow it. Next, insert the value into the required field, click on the “Calculate” button, and get the result instantly. If you want to find out what screen diagonal your TV or other device has, then look at the tables. Here you will also see the width and length in centimeters. Using this table is not difficult. The first column contains diagonal dimensions in inches, the second in centimeters. Further columns are height, width, divided into columns, where the parameters are also presented in inches, centimeters. Such information about the dimensions of the equipment will allow a person to choose, for example, a TV of the required size so that it fits into the interior of the room. The value is not always indicated as a whole number, but what if it is given as a fraction. The pipe sizes look like this: 1/8; 1/4; 3 3/8; 7/8. To know how much it will be in centimeters, follow the link. There, inches are converted to millimeters. It is enough to divide the resulting figure by 10, and you get centimeters. Using measuring tapes, you can easily take measurements of an object - both in inches and in meters and centimeters. On one side of the tape inches, feet are marked, on the other the metric system is drawn (mm, cm, m). If you purchase such a tape measure, you will not have to convert your measurements.

After reading the advice of experts, it will not be difficult for you to choose the most suitable method of converting a value. Please be aware that in most cases, measurements in inches are written in English measurements, but non-metric measurements from other countries are sometimes found. And they differ from English coefficients: in France: 2.7; in Spain: 2.3 centimeters.

Naturally, not everyone wants to sit and apply formulas to find the diagonal in centimeters, as well as the height and width of the screen. And why, when there is a special online converter. Use it.




The optimal distance to a FullHD TV with this diagonal: meters

The optimal distance to a 4K TV with this diagonal: meters

So that you don’t have to convert inches to centimeters yourself, we have prepared a table with ready-made results. It will help you find the diagonal that is ideal for your living room, bedroom or kitchen:

1 2.54 0.49 1.25 0.87 2.21
2 5.08 0.98 2.49 1.74 4.43
3 7.62 1.47 3.74 2.61 6.64
4 10.16 1.96 4.98 3.49 8.86
5 12.7 2.45 6.23 4.36 11.07
6 15.24 2.94 7.47 5.23 13.28
7 17.78 3.43 8.72 6.1 15.5
8 20.32 3.92 9.96 6.97 17.71
9 22.86 4.41 11.21 7.84 19.92
10 25.4 4.9 12.45 8.72 22.14
11 27.94 5.39 13.7 9.59 24.35
12 30.48 5.88 14.94 10.46 26.57
13 33.02 6.37 16.19 11.33 28.78
14 35.56 6.86 17.43 12.2 30.99
15 38.1 7.35 18.68 13.07 33.21
16 40.64 7.84 19.92 13.95 35.42
17 43.18 8.33 21.17 14.82 37.63
18 45.72 8.82 22.41 15.69 39.85
19 48.26 9.31 23.66 16.56 42.06
20 50.8 9.81 24.91 17.43 44.28
21 53.34 10.3 26.15 18.3 46.49
22 55.88 10.79 27.4 19.17 48.7
23 58.42 11.28 28.64 20.05 50.92
24 60.96 11.77 29.89 20.92 53.13
25 63.5 12.26 31.13 21.79 55.35
26 66.04 12.75 32.38 22.66 57.56
27 68.58 13.24 33.62 23.53 59.77
28 71.12 13.73 34.87 24.4 61.99
29 73.66 14.22 36.11 25.28 64.2
30 76.2 14.71 37.36 26.15 66.41
31 78.74 15.2 38.6 27.02 68.63
32 81.28 15.69 39.85 27.89 70.84
33 83.82 16.18 41.09 28.76 73.06
34 86.36 16.67 42.34 29.63 75.27
35 88.9 17.16 43.58 30.51 77.48
36 91.44 17.65 44.83 31.38 79.7
37 93.98 18.14 46.07 32.25 81.91
38 96.52 18.63 47.32 33.12 84.12
39 99.06 19.12 48.57 33.99 86.34
40 101.6 19.61 49.81 34.86 88.55
41 104.14 20.1 51.06 35.73 90.77
42 106.68 20.59 52.3 36.61 92.98
43 109.22 21.08 53.55 37.48 95.19
44 111.76 21.57 54.79 38.35 97.41
45 114.3 22.06 56.04 39.22 99.62
46 116.84 22.55 57.28 40.09 101.83
47 119.38 23.04 58.53 40.96 104.05
48 121.92 23.53 59.77 41.84 106.26
49 124.46 24.02 61.02 42.71 108.48
50 127 24.51 62.26 43.58 110.69
51 129.54 25 63.51 44.45 112.9
52 132.08 25.49 64.75 45.32 115.12
53 134.62 25.98 66 46.19 117.33
54 137.16 26.47 67.24 47.07 119.55
55 139.7 26.96 68.49 47.94 121.76
56 142.24 27.45 69.73 48.81 123.97
57 144.78 27.94 70.98 49.68 126.19
58 147.32 28.44 72.23 50.55 128.4
59 149.86 28.93 73.47 51.42 130.61
60 152.4 29.42 74.72 52.29 132.83
61 154.94 29.91 75.96 53.17 135.04
62 157.48 30.4 77.21 54.04 137.26
63 160.02 30.89 78.45 54.91 139.47
64 162.56 31.38 79.7 55.78 141.68
65 165.1 31.87 80.94 56.65 143.9
66 167.64 32.36 82.19 57.52 146.11
67 170.18 32.85 83.43 58.4 148.32
68 172.72 33.34 84.68 59.27 150.54
69 175.26 33.83 85.92 60.14 152.75
70 177.8 34.32 87.17 61.01 154.97
71 180.34 34.81 88.41 61.88 157.18
72 182.88 35.3 89.66 62.75 159.39
73 185.42 35.79 90.9 63.63 161.61
74 187.96 36.28 92.15 64.5 163.82
75 190.5 36.77 93.39 65.37 166.04
76 193.04 37.26 94.64 66.24 168.25
77 195.58 37.75 95.89 67.11 170.46
78 198.12 38.24 97.13 67.98 172.68
79 200.66 38.73 98.38 68.85 174.89
80 203.2 39.22 99.62 69.73 177.1
81 205.74 39.71 100.87 70.6 179.32
82 208.28 40.2 102.11 71.47 181.53
83 210.82 40.69 103.36 72.34 183.75
84 213.36 41.18 104.6 73.21 185.96
85 215.9 41.67 105.85 74.08 188.17
86 218.44 42.16 107.09 74.96 190.39
87 220.98 42.65 108.34 75.83 192.6
88 223.52 43.14 109.58 76.7 194.81
89 226.06 43.63 110.83 77.57 197.03
90 228.6 44.12 112.07 78.44 199.24
91 231.14 44.61 113.32 79.31 201.46
92 233.68 45.1 114.56 80.18 203.67
93 236.22 45.59 115.81 81.06 205.88
94 238.76 46.08 117.05 81.93 208.1
95 241.3 46.57 118.3 82.8 210.31
96 243.84 47.07 119.55 83.67 212.52
97 246.38 47.56 120.79 84.54 214.74
98 248.92 48.05 122.04 85.41 216.95
99 251.46 48.54 123.28 86.29 219.17
100 254 49.03 124.53 87.16 221.38
101 256.54 49.52 125.77 88.03 223.59
102 259.08 50.01 127.02 88.9 225.81
103 261.62 50.5 128.26 89.77 228.02
104 264.16 50.99 129.51 90.64 230.24
105 266.7 51.48 130.75 91.52 232.45
106 269.24 51.97 132 92.39 234.66
107 271.78 52.46 133.24 93.26 236.88
108 274.32 52.95 134.49 94.13 239.09
109 276.86 53.44 135.73 95 241.3
110 279.4 53.93 136.98 95.87 243.52
111 281.94 54.42 138.22 96.74 245.73
112 284.48 54.91 139.47 97.62 247.95
113 287.02 55.4 140.71 98.49 250.16
114 289.56 55.89 141.96 99.36 252.37
115 292.1 56.38 143.21 100.23 254.59
116 294.64 56.87 144.45 101.1 256.8
117 297.18 57.36 145.7 101.97 259.01
118 299.72 57.85 146.94 102.85 261.23
119 302.26 58.34 148.19 103.72 263.44
120 304.8 58.83 149.43 104.59 265.66
121 307.34 59.32 150.68 105.46 267.87
122 309.88 59.81 151.92 106.33 270.08
123 312.42 60.3 153.17 107.2 272.3
124 314.96 60.79 154.41 108.08 274.51
125 317.5 61.28 155.66 108.95 276.73
126 320.04 61.77 156.9 109.82 278.94
127 322.58 62.26 158.15 110.69 281.15
128 325.12 62.75 159.39 111.56 283.37
129 327.66 63.24 160.64 112.43 285.58
130 330.2 63.73 161.88 113.3 287.79
131 332.74 64.22 163.13 114.18 290.01
132 335.28 64.71 164.37 115.05 292.22
133 337.82 65.2 165.62 115.92 294.44
134 340.36 65.7 166.87 116.79 296.65
135 342.9 66.19 168.11 117.66 298.86
136 345.44 66.68 169.36 118.53 301.08
137 347.98 67.17 170.6 119.41 303.29
138 350.52 67.66 171.85 120.28 305.5
139 353.06 68.15 173.09 121.15 307.72
140 355.6 68.64 174.34 122.02 309.93
141 358.14 69.13 175.58 122.89 312.15
142 360.68 69.62 176.83 123.76 314.36
143 363.22 70.11 178.07 124.64 316.57
144 365.76 70.6 179.32 125.51 318.79
145 368.3 71.09 180.56 126.38 321
146 370.84 71.58 181.81 127.25 323.22
147 373.38 72.07 183.05 128.12 325.43
148 375.92 72.56 184.3 128.99 327.64
149 378.46 73.05 185.54 129.86 329.86
150 381 73.54 186.79 130.74 332.07

What is the diagonal and why in inches?

The word "diagonal" comes from the Greek language, which is probably not that important to many. In mathematics, a diagonal is a straight line connecting the vertices of opposite angles in a quadrilateral. Today, the diagonal is used to determine the size of the screens of televisions, monitors, phones and other electronics. The unit of measurement is the English inch, which is equal to 2.54 centimeters.

Why exactly an inch? This unit became generally accepted after the widespread use of American technology, which used them. They are used to inches, and no one is going to switch to other units yet. In the USSR, when domestic technology was dominant, diagonals were measured in centimeters.

Now a little about the screen aspect ratio. It is often said: the ratio of width to height. The aspect ratio reflects the screen format or the proportion between the vertical and horizontal sides of a rectangle. Until recently (around 2009), TVs and monitors with a 4:3 ratio were widespread, that is, for every 4 units in width there are 3 units in height. Today this format has been replaced by the wider 16:9, which is preferred since most of the content (movies, TV shows) is produced for it. 4:3 is only convenient in monitors for office computers that are used for working with tables and documents.

How to calculate the height and width of a TV screen in centimeters, knowing the diagonal in inches?

It was not without reason that we settled on aspect ratios. Knowing the format will be useful to us to find the height and width of the screen. How it's done?

We will consider the aspect ratio 16:9.

We have: a – 16 (width); b – 9 (height).

In this case we get: c 2= ; c= ; c=18.35. Knowing this, we find the scaling factor, that is, we divide the diagonal in centimeters by the number obtained by the formula: 104.14/18.35 = 5.67. Now we can find the height and width for the 16:9 format by multiplying the resulting number by 16 (width), and then by 9 (height).

Width: 16*5.67=90.7 cm

Height: 9*5.67=51.03 cm

It is logical that for the ratio 4:3 we substitute these values.

Calculation of the optimal distance from the viewer to the TV screen

No matter how manufacturers try to make TVs more modern and safer for the eyes, if you spend a long time looking at the screen, there is still a risk of visual impairment. To reduce risks, it is important to correctly determine the optimal distance from the viewer to the TV. There are several ways to do this.

Option 1. Based on the relationship between the size of the TV and its distance from the viewer. Used until recently for CRT televisions. This method is often called the five diagonals rule. Hence the calculation: convert inches to centimeters, multiply the number by 5. Example: 22”=55.88 cm; 55.88*5=279.4 cm, or 2.79 m. However, this method of calculating the optimal distance from the viewer to the TV became outdated along with picture tubes.

Option 2. It is also more accurate if you calculate the distance for modern TVs. For screens with FullHD and 4K, everything is completely simple: we divide the diagonal by 25 or 39, respectively. The distance is obtained in meters.

Example: 22:25=0.88 m at FullHD resolution; 22:39=0.56 m at 4K resolution. As you can see, the higher the resolution, the closer you have to be to the TV.

If we are talking about HD, then we can use a different method of calculation. We convert the diagonal of the TV into centimeters: 22”=55.88 cm. Multiply the resulting value by 2.3: 55.88*2.3=128.5 cm or 1.28 m.

Remember! These formulas allow you to calculate the approximate distance from the viewer to the TV. Each user selects the optimal distance based on personal requirements and vision. Therefore, having measured the approximate distance at home, approximately compare it in the store. The main thing is to find the distance at which the picture will be clearly visible, but at the same time the pixels will be invisible. Some experts advise purchasing TVs with a lower resolution, but a large diagonal - the picture will look great at a great distance.

Popular TV diagonals in 2016-2017

So, you are now familiar with diagonals and inches. We also figured out the formulas for calculating height and width. Now I propose to go through the popular diagonals in more detail to understand which one you need.

22 inches

Probably the bare minimum for modern users, below which they go below in rare cases (a very small room). 22 inches in centimeters – 55.88, height – 27.4 cm, width – 48.7 cm. This diagonal is ideal for most kitchens (7-10 square meters) and other small rooms. You don’t have to chase FullHD, and even more so 4K resolution, since HD remains quite comfortable on such a TV diagonal. Above, we have already calculated the optimal distance from the viewer to the TV at 22 inches: HD – 1.28 m, FullHD – 0.88 m, 4K – 0.56 m.

32 inches

If you look at the offers of popular stores, this diagonal is very popular. The interest in it lies in the fact that 32 inches today can be called the golden mean - not too little and not too much. 32 inches in centimeters - 81.28. Height – 39.85 cm, width – 70.84 cm. In most cases, FullHD resolution is used for 32 inches; there are also options with HD, but they differ slightly in cost. 4K at such a diagonal looks useless. The optimal distance from the TV to the eyes for 32 inches: with FullHD – 1.28 m, with HD – 1.87 m. A 32-inch TV is suitable for large kitchens (more than 10 square meters) and for small/medium rooms, depending on the situation.

40 inches

This diagonal will be an excellent choice for most users. 40 inches in centimeters – 101.6, height – 49.81 cm, width – 88.55 cm. With such a diagonal, FullHD resolution looks optimal, but with rare exceptions HD is also suitable. Many of the latest releases get the popular 4K, but how much you need it is up to you to decide. True, you are unlikely to find any serious differences from FullHD. The optimal distance from the viewer to a 40-inch TV: HD – 2.33 m, FullHD – 1.6 m, 4K – 1.02 m. The diagonal will fit perfectly into the design of most rooms.

46 inches

It is approximately similar to the previous diagonal, so in large rooms the difference will not be particularly noticeable. 46 inches in centimeters – 116.84. The height is 57.28 cm, width is 101.83 cm. FullHD resolution is preferred, the optimal distance from the TV to the user is approximately: for FullHD - 1.84 m, for 4K - 1.17 m. Ideal for medium-sized rooms.

50 inches

A fairly large diagonal, preferable for a TV that is planned to be installed in a room for watching films in high definition. 50 inches in centimeters - 127. Height is 62.26 cm, width - 110.69 cm. The best option is FullHD resolution, at which the optimal distance from the TV to the viewer is 2 meters. If you have the desire and the means, you can take a closer look at 4K (distance – 1.3 meters).

55 inches

Fans of cinema and high resolutions today prefer this particular diagonal: the price is more or less acceptable, and the quality is high. 55 inches in centimeters – 139.7. The screen height is 68.49 cm, width – 121.6 cm. With such a diagonal, 4K looks like a good choice, which can really show itself in its full glory here. The optimal distance will be 1.4 meters. However, FullHD also looks very good (distance is approximately 2.2 meters). As is clear from the dimensions, it is preferable to buy such TVs for large rooms.

60-65 inches

They can be called the largest among televisions, although there are also large models (100 inches), but there are only a few of them on the market, and the cost is several million rubles. And not every resident of our country has such a large room to install such solutions. Therefore, 60-65 inches is considered a common maximum today. 60 inches in centimeters – 152.4. The height is 74.72 cm, the width is 132.83 cm. Quite a lot, you must agree. 65 inches in centimeters is 165.1, height – 80.94, width – 143.9. Of course, we prefer 4K to enjoy a great picture. However, FullHD will look decent. The optimal distance from the TV to the user: 60 inches and FullHD – 2.4 meters, 4K – 1.53 meters; 65 inches and FullHD – 2.6 meters; 4K – 1.66 meters.

The diagonal of the TV plays a big role when choosing a TV receiver. The comfort of watching video on the screen depends on the correct choice of screen size. And it is completely false to say that the larger the diagonal of the TV in cm, all the better.

How much is it if you convert 1 inch to cm? As is known 1 inch equals 2.54 centimeters. Inch (from Dutch duim - thumb) is the name for the unit of measurement of distance in European non-metric systems of measures. Today, an inch is most often understood as an English inch, equal to exactly 2.54 cm.

It was in 1958 that they decided to accept the value of an inch as exactly 25.4 mm, and before that there were many more digits after the decimal point. The ratio of inches and centimeters is as follows:

  • 1 inch = 2.54 cm = 25.4 mm
  • 1 cm = 0.3937 inch
  • 1 m = 39.37 inches
In the English system of measures, 1 inch = 12 lines = 72 points = 1/12 foot = 1/36 yard.

After the adoption of the international system of units of measurement SI, inches are considered an obsolete designation that should be gradually phased out. But, despite this, inches continue to be used in technology when indicating calibers and form factors, for compatibility with long-established technical solutions. In this case, a double stroke (quotation mark ") is used as a symbol for inches.

In television technology, the diagonal of the screen is expressed in inches, which is measured as the distance between the opposite corners of the matrix. For example, 37" means a screen with a diagonal of 37 inches or 37x2.54=93.98 cm.

A simple length converter to convert inches to centimeters and cm to inches:

For example, if you take a 32-inch TV, how much is it in cm? Using the calculations in the converter, we find that 32 inches in centimeters will be 81.3. Another example, converting 22 inches to cm, we get 55.9 centimeters. And if we take a diagonal of 42 inches, we get 106.7 centimeters.

TV diagonal in cm and inches, conversion table:

Inches Centimeters
22" 60 cm
32" 82 cm
37" 94 cm
40" 102 cm
42" 107 cm
50" 127 cm
60" 152 cm
70" 178 cm

How to choose a diagonal size

The choice of TV diagonal is influenced by two factors:

  1. distance from which you will watch the television receiver;
  2. picture resolution, played on the screen.

And this picture resolution depends both on the screen of the device you purchased, and on the video signal supplied to the TV input.

In the picture you see how to measure the diagonal of a TV.

The higher the resolution of the image, that is, the greater the number of points used to form it, the closer you can view the picture on the screen without compromising quality. And the lower the picture resolution, the smaller the TV diagonal in cm should be, or you need to increase the TV viewing distance.

You can check this yourself when choosing a TV receiver. If you look closely at a low-quality picture, for example, terrestrial television, you will notice all the shortcomings of both the image and the video signal processing circuits. And if you step back a little, minor errors will become invisible.

For example, if you take a television receiver with a diagonal of 32 inches, then for a signal with 625 lines (terrestrial television) the distance to the screen will be approximately three diagonals 32x3=96 inches or 96x2.54=243 centimeters, which is approximately 2.5 meters. And if the image resolution corresponds to 720p, then the distance to the screen for normal viewing will be already 1.9 meters or more. If the TV is already Full-HD, then it will be convenient to view the video image from a distance of 1.3 meters or more. These turned out to be the minimum distances to the screen, when viewing from which the distortions caused by the structure of the video signal will not be visible in the picture.

For example, if your viewing distance is approximately 2.2 meters, then when buying an HD Ready TV, you can choose a device with a diagonal of up to 37 inches. If you choose a Full-HD TV, you can increase the diagonal to 52 inches without compromising picture quality. And new models with 4K resolution (Ultra HD), which have a video conversion module to UHD resolution, will already be more than 60 inches at this viewing distance.

For example, one of these TVs: Samsung UE-65NU7400.

Diagonal 65 inches, 4K resolution, there is an upscaling module that increases the resolution of any video to 4K.


But when viewing from a distance that exceeds the calculated distance, a big difference between TVs with different resolutions will not be visible. Do not forget that the resolution of the device itself must match the video signal for the highest quality playback. Therefore, when today almost all TVs are Full HD and even models with Ultra HD resolution appear (4 times higher than Full HD), then the number of pixels in the video signal must be taken into account.

Terrestrial television currently has SD resolution (625 lines). But digital television is becoming more and more widespread, and there the resolution needs to be determined additionally, but it will be higher than SD. There are many films with Full HD quality, but there is still very little Ultra HD content. We can advise you to carry out all calculations today on the condition that you are viewing a video with Full HD quality, and you will receive a minimum viewing distance. And if you need to increase the distance, for example, installing a TV in the living room, then you will not see any damage to the picture quality.

An example of a modern (2018) TV with Full HD resolution: LG 43LK5900.


TV diagonal in cm table

The minimum TV viewing distance and screen diagonal size can be linked by the following table:

The diagonals of TVs are presented in inches and centimeters; the table allows you to choose the third according to two parameters. In the table, select the screen diagonal size horizontally, select the video resolution on the screen vertically (depending on both the TV and the input signal), and at the intersection of these values ​​there will be the required viewing distance in meters.

A signal with 720p quality can be produced by satellite television programs, games from consoles, copies of BD discs, and digital TV.

1080p resolution corresponds to Full-HD TVs and it is better to use such devices if you have sources of such a signal. Although there are circuit solutions for increasing signal resolution to 1080p, such circuits do not always work perfectly. Everything needs to be checked on site.

Therefore, it is better to determine the distance to the screen in advance and, accordingly, select the desired resolution and TV diagonal in cm for comfortable viewing.

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