A new type of mind. The emergence of modern man The emergence of modern man

The inhuman world in which modern man lives forces everyone to wage a constant struggle with external and internal factors. What happens around an ordinary person sometimes becomes incomprehensible and leads to a feeling of constant discomfort.

Daily Sprint

Psychologists and psychiatrists of all stripes have noted a sharp surge in anxiety, self-doubt and a huge number of different phobias among the average representative of our society.

The life of a modern person passes at a frantic pace, so there is simply no time to relax and escape from numerous everyday problems. The vicious circle of running a marathon at sprint speed forces people to race against themselves. Intensification leads to insomnia, stress, nervous breakdowns and illnesses, which has become a fundamental trend in the post-information age.

Information pressure

The second problem that modern man cannot solve is the abundance of information. A stream of various data falls on everyone simultaneously from all possible sources - the Internet, mass media, press. This makes critical perception impossible, since internal “filters” cannot cope with such pressure. As a result, the individual cannot operate with real facts and data, since he is unable to separate fiction and lies from reality.

Dehumanization of relationships

A person in modern society is forced to constantly face alienation, which manifests itself not only in work, but also in interpersonal relationships.

Constant manipulation of human consciousness by the media, politicians and public institutions has led to the dehumanization of relationships. The alienation zone that has formed between people makes it difficult to communicate, to look for friends or a soul mate, and attempts at rapprochement by strangers are very often perceived as something completely inappropriate. The third problem of 21st century society - dehumanization - is reflected in popular culture, the linguistic environment and art.

Problems of social culture

The problems of modern man are inseparable from the deformations in society itself and create a closed spiral.

Cultural ouroboros causes people to withdraw even more into themselves and move away from other individuals. Contemporary art - literature, painting, music and cinema - can be considered a typical expression of the processes of degradation of public self-awareness.

Films and books about nothing, musical works without harmony and rhythm are presented as the greatest achievements of civilization, full of sacred knowledge and deep meaning, incomprehensible to the majority.

Crisis of values

The value world of each individual can change several times during his life, but in the 21st century this process has become too fast. The result of constant changes is constant crises, which do not always lead to a happy ending.

The eschatological notes that creep into the term “crisis of values” do not mean a complete and absolute end, but they make us think about the direction in which the path should be taken. Modern man is in a permanent state of crisis from the moment he grows up, since the world around him is changing much faster than the prevailing ideas about it.

A person in the modern world is forced to drag out a rather miserable existence: thoughtless adherence to ideals, trends and certain styles, which leads to the inability to develop one’s own point of view and one’s position in relation to events and processes.

The widespread chaos and entropy that reigns around should not be frightening or cause hysteria, since change is natural and normal if there is something constant.

Where and from where is the world heading?

The development of modern man and his main paths were predetermined long before our time. Culturologists name several turning points, the result of which was modern society and people in the modern world.

Creationism, which fell in an unequal battle under the pressure of adherents of atheology, brought very unexpected results - a widespread decline in morals. Cynicism and criticism, which have become the norm of behavior and thinking since the Renaissance, are considered a kind of “rules of good manners” for moderns and elders.

Science in itself is not the raison d'être of society and is unable to answer some questions. To achieve harmony and balance, adherents of the scientific approach should be more humane, since the unresolved problems of our time cannot be described and solved like an equation with several unknowns.

Rationalization of reality sometimes does not allow us to see anything more than numbers, concepts and facts, which do not leave room for many important things.

Instincts versus reason

The main motives for the activities of society are considered to be the inheritance from distant and wild ancestors who once lived in caves. Modern man is just as tied to biological rhythms and solar cycles as he was a million years ago. An anthropocentric civilization only creates the illusion of control over the elements and one’s own nature.

The payback for such deception comes in the form of personal dysfunction. It is impossible to control every element of the system always and everywhere, because even your own body cannot be ordered to stop aging or change its proportions.

Scientific, political and social institutions are vying with each other about new victories that will certainly help humanity grow blooming gardens on distant planets. However, modern man, armed with all the achievements of the last millennium, is not able to cope with a common runny nose, like 100, 500 and 2000 years ago.

Who is to blame and what to do?

No one in particular is to blame for the substitution of values ​​and everyone is guilty. Modern human rights are both respected and not respected precisely because of this distortion - you can have an opinion, but you cannot express it, you can love something, but you cannot mention it.

Stupid Ouroboros, constantly chewing his own tail, will one day choke, and then there will be complete harmony and world peace in the Universe. However, if this does not happen in the foreseeable future, future generations will at least have hope for the best.

Homo sapiens came to the region much later - about 40 thousand years ago. After the appearance modern of people European Neanderthals became completely extinct in about 5 thousand years. The exact reasons for the extinction of H. neanderthalensis are unknown,... food and other resources. The authors of the new work tried to estimate the size of the populations of Neanderthals living in Europe and modern of people, focusing on several indicators. Scientists have calculated the number of known sites of both types, their size and number...


Their ideas and very slowly move along the steps of knowledge of the World. Many, even fundamental, scientific theories modern People were accepted as the final ideas about the world. This happened for only one reason - because of the lack of... all these abilities. First of all, thanks to a healthy lifestyle, a kind attitude towards the world and people in particular, a worldview based on high human values ​​and, of course, comprehensive holistic self-development. The third way is...


All kinds of electrical appliances make our life easy and convenient. And in this sense, living standards modern of people equal to the highest standards of antiquity, say, those of the ancient rulers of Egypt, who were served by hundreds of servants... the highest point ever reached by mankind. But are we truly satisfied with this modern life? I think no. Nowadays almost everything People are not satisfied with their current life. Workers are in constant dispute with employers and...


... " And even though the interpretations made on the basis of these observations are significantly outdated, and the theoretical part is only suitable for history, the very fact that People noticed the relationship between bodily manifestations and the psyche gives us, modern people, unlimited possibilities in knowing yourself and others. There is no need to talk about the applicability of this art. At the very least, it's just interesting...


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The balance between Yin-Yang, a theory known back in ancient China. The electron carries a negative Yin charge. Modern electronic technology mainly uses electrical energy produced by electron flow and then converted into others... under conditions created by the balance between Yin and Yang. U modern of people became a habit of staying up late at night, using all kinds of lighting apparatus, and getting up late at noon. Some People sleep during the day when they should strengthen them...

There are four different types of humans on Earth

There are four different species of humans on Earth.
http://ari.ru/news/c0bab5086 a couple of quotes:
“Several human species live on Earth, the relationships between which are subject to the laws of biology. That is, you cannot interbreed randomly - otherwise negative consequences will occur.

- This is known. First, there is Haldane's rule. It establishes: the greater the genetic distance between people, the less likely it is that they will produce fertile and healthy offspring. The second rule is cleaning out hybrids. It is precisely because in nature these two rules work non-stop that there are no mixed-breed individuals on Earth. For a person, this means the following: all interracial marriages will lead to the extinction of the mixed race." "On Earth there are four types of people - African, Mediterranean, Russian-plain, Asian. Between any pair of species, the distance in time ranges from 350 thousand years to 1 million years. These facts are extremely important not only for knowledge of the history of human development, but also for medical purposes, since the crossing of different types of living beings leads to pathologies or degeneration."


Academician Derevianko:
"On Earth there was
extinct species
primitive man
unknown to science"

An analysis of the genomes of a previously unknown species of fossil man, the so-called “Denisovan,” whose remains were discovered by Novosibirsk archaeologists in Altai, indicates that there was another extinct species of primitive man on Earth, completely unknown to science. Director of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Anatoly Derevyanko, announced this today at a press conference in Novosibirsk.

“The Denisovan has up to 17 percent of the genomes from the Neanderthal, 4 percent from the genome of an unknown species and subspecies,” Derevianko said.

This is so far the only evidence that, in addition to Neanderthals and Australopithecines, an extinct population of ancient people lived on Earth, the existence of which scientists did not even suspect.

Derevianko believes that sensational anthropological finds confirming the existence of an unknown species of ancestors of modern people will most likely be found in Altai. And it does not exclude that already in this archaeological season.

The discoveries of Novosibirsk archaeologists have indisputably proven that on the territory of modern Altai, about 50 thousand years ago, two groups of fossil hominids coexisted - Neanderthals and Denisovans, and they interspecies crossed.

Scientists managed to decipher the complete genome of the “Denisovan”, preserved only in small tissue samples - a phalangeal bone of a finger and two teeth, which were previously found in the Denisova Cave in Altai. According to scientists, "Denisovan" is related to Neanderthals.

Archaeologists continue to work in Denisova Cave, where, according to Derevianko, “there are up to 14 cultural horizons. This allows us to trace the dynamics of the development of ancient man.”

In the scientific world, of all the achievements of the recent period, the discovery of the remains of a previously unknown species of fossil man (“Denisovan”) in Altai is ranked second in importance after the discovery of the Higgs boson.

Academician Derevianko was awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation in 2012 for outstanding discoveries and works in the field of studying the ancient history of mankind in Eurasia and the formation of man of the modern anatomical type.


Andrey Tyunyaev:
academician Derevianko proved
polycentric theory
human origins

June 10, 2013 will go down in history as the day that changed ideas about man. Before this, it was “officially” believed that humanity was one species, the ancestors of which came out of Africa about 60 thousand years ago. Then after June 10, humanity turned from a species into a genus. And Africa “drowned,” just as Plato’s fictional Atlantis drowned. Regarding this significant event, we asked several questions to the President of the Academy of Basic Sciences, Andrei Aleksandrovich Tyunyaev.

Andrey Alexandrovich, what is the meaning of the event?

Today the laureates of the annual Russian state prize in the field of science and technology were named. The winner of one of the prizes was the director of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Anatoly Derevyanko. He received an award for his discoveries in the study of the ancient history of mankind in Eurasia. It should be noted that Assistant to the President of Russia Andrei Fursenko explained the reasons for presenting the award to Anatoly Derevyanko: the results achieved by the Russian scientist who discovered the remains of a previously unknown species of fossil man (“Denisovan”) in Altai are breakthrough in nature and “really change the understanding of science about how evolution took place.” , human advancement."

It's too short. Is it possible to describe the picture of the discovery in more detail?

First of all, I sincerely congratulate Academician Anatoly Derevyanko on his undoubtedly well-deserved award. This is truly an outstanding, very important and extremely timely discovery. What is the change in ideas? Here's the thing. In January 2013, we talked about this very topic. The President newspaper published the material “The Russian Academy of Sciences supported Andrei Tyunyaev’s polycentric theory about the origin of man.” It was about this discovery and this situation. Let me briefly recall the essence of the polycentric theory. German anthropologist Franz Weidenreich (1873 - 1948) hypothesized that different people descended from different ancient ancestors. The French anthropologist Paul Pierre Broca (1824 - 1880) developed polycentrism, for example, in works such as the famous article "Humanity - One Species or Several?" All anthropologists and anatomists have always given the same answer to this question: humanity consists of several species.

How do human species differ?

There are many differences. Let's start at least with those that we are used to - skin color, geometric dimensions, eye shape, etc.

But they don't mean anything...

It was precisely this misconception, or rather deception, that was imposed by a certain group of “scientists” pursuing their own political goals. We won’t name them, I think many will guess. It was these “scientists” who launched a persecution of real researchers around the world and launched a large-scale inquisition. Let’s not name the names of the victims: let them now appear in the nightmares of the neaties who kicked them. I have witnessed such attacks at some conferences. In fairness, it should be noted that serious scientists have never allowed themselves and do not allow themselves to make incorrect attacks against their colleagues. Chief inquisitors are usually candidates of science.

How much will Anatoly Derevyanko’s discovery affect the situation?

I think seriously or even radically. After all, this is what happened. If before June 10 of this year it was officially believed that all people are no different, and, in connection with this, it is possible to engage in promiscuity with representatives of different races, then after June 10 the picture turned the other way - several species of humans live on Earth, the relationships between which are subject to the laws of biology. That is, you cannot interbreed randomly - otherwise negative consequences will occur.

What are the negative consequences of such consequences?

This is known. First, there is Haldane's rule. It establishes: the greater the genetic distance between people, the less likely it is that they will produce fertile and healthy offspring. The second rule is cleaning out hybrids. It is precisely because in nature these two rules work non-stop that there are no mixed-breed individuals on Earth. For a person, this means the following: all interracial marriages will lead to the extinction of the mixed race. It is with bitterness that we have to admit that today’s mestizos will fall victims to the propaganda of Middle Eastern “scientists” who pursued their, no doubt, fascist goals and hammered this lawless idea into the heads of some of humanity. These goals were well highlighted in his interview with an American radio station by Rabbi Finkelstein. Those interested can listen to that broadcast in a recording on the Internet or read a printout of it. But in fact, it is not the differences between people and not their similarities that are important - these are all the activities of classifiers. The truth is important: if humanity is a race, then no religious-political propaganda should try to change it.

Why is the discovery of Anatoly Derevyanko important, well, would parity be maintained?..

His discovery proved that at least one more species of man existed and still exists. Anatoly Derevyanko called him “Denisovan” - after the name of the cave in which the remains of ancient man were discovered. The academician claims that today's Asians of the Malay race became the descendants of that Denisovan. It is important. Important for science. After all, as I said, we are looking for the truth. And we are not engaged in adjusting a version of the world around us to some religious dogma.

Is it possible to clarify what the differences in time between the human species that can now be distinguished are?

Yes. Today there are four major species of humans. I say “large” because no one has yet conducted research to clearly identify these same species. So, the four species are: the African species; the Mediterranean species are the descendants of Neanderthal man; the Russian-plain species is the one that until now has been commonly called “modern-looking man”; and, finally, the Asian species - the descendants of Denisovan man. Moreover, the African species is not monolithic, but consists of at least three to four species. There are more differences between them than between all the others combined.

The Denisovan species of man separated from, conditionally, a common trunk approximately 500 thousand years ago. This means that between any person living in the center of Russia and a person living in Southeast Asia, the genetic distance is such that it has formed over 1 million years. Can you imagine how different the genetics of these people are? The second to separate from the “common” trunk was the Neanderthal, or Mediterranean species. This, according to various sources, took place from 400 to 200 thousand years ago. That is, between us and some Mediterraneans the genetic distance can reach 800 thousand years. And one of the African species was the last to separate from the “common” trunk. This took place approximately 170 thousand years ago. This species went to Africa, where there were also human species, with which we have a theoretical point of kinship at a depth of 300 - 500 thousand years.

Yes, the picture is indeed different from what we had to learn at school...

So, science does not stand still. By the way, there is another stream of data that confirms the calculations I voiced. We are talking about nuclear DNA. To date, the DNA of a very large number of people around the world has been studied. This is several million, and perhaps already several tens of millions. Analysis of these data also shows that the division into these species took place in ancient times. True, according to Y-DNA data, this is 60 - 300 thousand years for different species. But the fact of differences between species remains.

How has your own research been received in this context by the scientific community?

Fine. As I said above, real “masters”, naturally, are well versed in this issue. For them, new data is yet another confirmation of the obvious. I first published my findings on anthropogenesis in Chapter III of the monograph “The History of the Emergence of World Civilization (System Analysis).” It was 2007. Here is the quote: “200 thousand years ago on the Russian Plain, in Europe, the Northern Mediterranean, and the Northern Caucasus, paleoanthropes moved into their final stage - the “Neanderthals” - and formed the Mousterian archaeological cultures. And in Africa and Asia there were also paleoanthropes with Acheulean cultures. And - fifth: 50 thousand years ago, on the territory of the Russian Plain, on the basis of the local species of paleoanthropus, a new type of man was formed - neoanthropus, who formed his own Upper Paleolithic archaeological cultures. Mousterian "Neanderthals" existed in the Mediterranean and Caucasus at that time. In Africa and Asia there are Acheulian paleoanthropes and in some places Chellean archanthropes.” This is said in different words, but the essence is still the same: several regions - several species of humans.

After this, already in 2008, I published the article “The Origin of the Russian People According to Archeology and Anthropology” (“Organizmica” (web), No. 9 (69), September 9, 2008). In it, all species differentiation was described in detail, and on its basis, the path of development of a modern human species was shown - or that type of human that lives on the Russian Plain. And in 2010, in co-authorship with Harvard professor Anatoly Alekseevich Klyosov at the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, we presented a report “Hypothesis about the appearance of haplogroup I on the Russian Plain 52 - 47 thousand years ago” (Collection of materials from the international scientific and practical conference “Comprehensive studies of modern and ancient human populations." - Minsk: Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus - June 23-25, 2010. - P. 384 - 396).

In 2012, at the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, we made another sensational report - “The Collapse of African Theory.” It showed that the prevailing theory of human origins from Africa for many years was untenable. Such conclusions were made based on studies of the Y chromosome. Our report was delivered in plenary, which indicates its high scientific status. To date, about 20 scientific works have been published around the world about the insignificance of the “African theory”. We can say that this fact will soon become generally accepted.

In other words, the work of academician Anatoly Derevyanko, for which he was awarded such a high award, is only part of the mosaic?

Yes, partly. But a very important part. Almost no one deals with Asia. And no one is as serious as Academician Derevianko. I will not talk about Asian scientists, because the results of their research are treated differently. And Russian anthropologists and archaeologists are, as always, at their best. Thus, the mosaic today is like this. I'll say it again. There are four types of humans on Earth - African, Mediterranean, Russian, and Asian. Between any pair of species, the distance in time ranges from 350 thousand years to 1 million years. These facts are extremely important not only for knowledge of the history of human development, but also for medical purposes, since crossing different types of living beings leads to pathologies or degeneration. All that remains is to once again congratulate Academician Anatoly Derevyanko on his well-deserved award. We wish him health and further success.

The science

A new species of humans was discovered 50 km from Johannesburg in South Africa and was named " discovery of the century".

Scientists say this discovery will change our understanding of human ancestors. In total, more than 1,500 bone pieces were found in Africa, belonging to at least 15 individuals, ranging from children to the elderly.

The new species was named Homo naledi and belongs to the genus Homo, to which modern humans belong. Wherein naledi means "star" in Sesotho, one of the official languages ​​of South Africa.

New species of man

Researchers describe representatives of this species as slender, with a small brain, long legs and awkward. The men were approximately 1.52 meters tall, while the women were slightly shorter. The average weight reached 45 kilograms.

Examination of the bones suggests that these creatures were an interesting mixture of ancient apes and features of modern humans.

The brain was the size of a small orange. The teeth were simple and small. The thorax is primitive and ape-like, however, their arms are more modern, and their shape is well suited for the manufacture of basic tools.

The feet and ankles are designed for bipedalism, but the fingers are curled, which can be found in primates that spend a lot of time in trees.

Scientists cannot yet say how long ago these creatures lived, but they suggest that they may be the first of their kind ( Homo) and could have lived in Africa about 3 million years ago.

The discovery was made by specialists from University of the Witwatersrand, National Geographic Society And South African Science and Technology Authority.

"With almost every bone in the body having been represented many times, Homo naledi is the most famous fossil member of our lineage," said Lee Berger, a paleoanthropologist who led two expeditions that discovered the new species.

Types of ancient people

The first discovery was made in 2013 in the Rising Star cave., located in what is known as the Cradle of Humankind, a World Heritage Site.

Two expeditions were organized in November 2013 and March 2014. The fossils lay about 90 meters from the cave entrance, which was accessible only through a narrow chute only 18 cm wide.

The remains were studied by more than 50 scientists and researchers in May 2014.

Scientists believe they have discovered a burial site. Representatives of Homo naledi appear to have carried their dead deep into the cave, perhaps over many generations.

If so, then this suggests that naledi were capable of ritual behavior and symbolic thinking, which was previously thought to be characteristic of later species of humans for the last 200,000 years.

Experts believe that the discovery of a new species that is such a mixture of modern and primitive traits should force scientists redefine what it means to be human.

Timeline of human evolution

Ardipithecus ramidus- 4.4 million years ago

The remains were discovered in Ethiopia in the 1990s. The pelvic bone indicates adaptation to tree climbing and walking upright.

Australopithecus afarensis ( Australopithecus afarensis) – 3.9 – 2.9 million years ago

The famous "Lucy" skeleton belongs to this species of human relatives. OS tanks of this type have so far been discovered only in eastern Africa. Skeletal features suggest that Australopithecus afarensis was an upright walker, but spent some time in the trees.

skillful man ( Homo habilis) - 2.8-1.5 million years ago

This human relative had a larger braincase and smaller teeth than Australopithecus and other species, but retained primitive features such as long arms.

Homo naledi(age unknown - about 3 million years)

The new species has small, modern teeth, human-like feet, but more primitive fingers and a small skull.

Erectus or Homo erectus (Homo erectus) -1.9 million years – unknown

Erectus has a modern body build, which is almost no different from ours, but a smaller brain than a modern person combined with a more primitive face.

Neanderthal (Homo neanderthalensis) - 200,000 years - 40,000 years

Neanderthals were a lateral group of modern humans who inhabited western Eurasia before our species left Africa. They were short and strong compared to modern humans, but they had slightly larger brains.

Homo sapiens (Homo sapiens) – 200,000 years to present

Modern humans arose in Africa from a previous species known just like Homo heidelbergensis. A small group of Homo sapiens left Africa 60,000 years ago and settled in the rest of the world, replacing other species they encountered.

And they were replaced by a new species of “Homo sapiens”. These new people were the first people on Earth to have the same skull and overall body shape as modern humans. They were called Cro-Magnons, they were our immediate ancestors (for more details, see the article ““). The Cro-Magnons lived in caves or huts at the very end of the last Ice Age. In those days it was cold and winters were snowy; only short grasses and shrubs could grow in such conditions. Cro-Magnons hunted reindeer and woolly mammoths.

Hunting and fishing

The Cro-Magnons learned to make many new types of tools and weapons. They tied sharp points made of deer antler to their spears with the teeth pointing back so that the spear stuck deep in the side of the wounded animal. In order to throw spears as far as possible, they used special throwing devices. These devices were made from deer antler, and some of them were decorated with carved patterns. They caught fish using harpoons carved from deer antlers, with tips and barbs curved back. Harpoons were tied to spears, and fishermen pierced the fish directly with them.


Needles carved from deer antler were found next to the remains of Cro-Magnons. This suggests that people have already learned to sew animal skins. The Cro-Magnons cut deer antlers using a chisel-shaped stone tool - a chisel (read also the article ““). They were probably the first people to learn how to make needles and sew. At one end of the needle they made a hole that served as an eye. Then they cleaned the edges and point of the needle by rubbing it against a special stone. Perhaps they pierced the skin with a stone drill so that they could thread a needle through the resulting holes. Instead of thread, they used thin strips of animal skin or intestines. Cro-Magnons often sewed small beads made of colorful stones onto their clothes to make them look more elegant. Sometimes for these purposes they also used shells with holes in the middle.

Ancient burial

Many burials have been discovered in the earthen floors of Cro-Magnon huts and caves. The skeletons were covered with beads made from stones and shells, previously attached to rotted clothing. The dead, as a rule, were placed in the grave in a bent position, with their knees pressed to their chin (see also the article ““). Sometimes various tools and weapons are also found in graves.

This is the skull of a Cro-Magnon woman. It has the same shape as the skulls of modern people, and has a capacious, rounded skull, a pointed chin and a straight forehead.

Huts made of mammoth bones

Some Cro-Magnon tribes lived on the cold steppe plains of Eastern Europe. There were no caves to live in and not enough wood to build huts. However, the woolly mammoths they hunted provided them with almost everything necessary for life (read also the article ““). Cro-Magnons built huts from long shin bones and mammoth tusks, covering the frame with animal skins. The ends of the bones were inserted into the skulls because the builders could not stick them into the frozen ground. These Cro-Magnons wore pants and jackets made from mammoth skins. They ate mammoth meat and stored it in holes dug in the frozen ground.

How to make a caveman necklace

Cro-Magnons made necklaces from small stones and shells, fish bones or pieces of eggshells. They may also have worn beads made from seeds or grains of various fruits, but these have not been preserved in fossil form. Sea shells and pebbles often have small holes in the middle. If you happen to visit the sea, you can collect them and string them on a thread to make a necklace. You can also use a needle to poke small pieces of fresh eggshells. Thread them onto a cotton thread along with apple and orange seeds and you will have another necklace.

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