Analysis of the story “Honestly.

The final part of the text is filled with a special meaning: a boy who has such a strong will will, in any case, turn into a real and worthwhile person. He will never let down those who trust him, and that is worth a lot. The examples are excerpts from the work of L. Panteleev.

Sentences 7-16 contain a description of the main character’s game with the boys, where he was guarding the “powder warehouse.” On his part, he gave his word of honor that he would not leave his post.

And so it happened. He did the same when participating in the game. Surely nothing in life will scare him either. At the same time, a real major was entrusted with assessing the “sergeant’s” behavior. Even a person with a rank is sure that this guy is a “real warrior” in the future (sentence 47), that is, a person endowed with a strong will and the talent to keep his word.

The author is impressed by the boy's ordinary and neutral phrase, which implies a far-reaching assumption regarding his fate. This means that if a child manages to overcome himself in childhood in order to preserve honor and dignity,

then in the future he will act in the same way. Sentences 1 and 2 are proof of the presence of fear and resentment in the boy's heart. Although the child refuses the tempting offer from the narrator to go home, because he does not want to break his word.

The narrator also offers the boy another way out (“I... will stand up for you...”), and still the boy does not give his consent to this, because the man is not a participant in the game or a military man. Such an act is considered proof that the child has a very strong will.

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It’s not too bad that I can’t tell you what this little man’s name is, and where he lives, and who his dad and mom are. In the darkness, I didn’t even have time to get a good look at his face. I only remember that his nose was covered in freckles and that his pants were short and were held on not by a strap, but by straps that went over his shoulders and fastened somewhere on his stomach.

One summer I went to a kindergarten - I don’t know what it’s called, on Vasilyevsky Island, near the White Church. I had an interesting book with me, I sat too long, read, and did not notice how evening came.

The garden was already empty, lights were flickering in the streets, and somewhere behind the trees the watchman’s bell was ringing.

I was afraid that the garden would close, and I walked very quickly. Suddenly I stopped. I thought I heard someone crying somewhere to the side, behind the bushes.

I turned onto a side path - there, white in the darkness, was a small stone house, the kind that can be found in all city gardens; some kind of booth or guardhouse. And near her wall stood a little boy of seven or eight years old and, hanging his head, cried loudly and inconsolably.

I walked up and called out to him:

Hey, what's wrong with you, boy?

He immediately, as if on command, stopped crying, raised his head, looked at me and said:

How is this nothing? Who offended you?

So why are you crying?

It was still difficult for him to speak, he had not yet swallowed all his tears, he was still sobbing, hiccupping, and sniffling.

Let's go, I told him. - Look, it’s already late, the garden is already closing.

And I wanted to take the boy by the hand. But the boy quickly pulled his hand back and said:

I can not.

What you cant?

I can't go.

How? Why? What happened to you?

“Nothing,” said the boy.

Are you unwell?

No, he said, he’s healthy.

So why can't you go?

“I am a sentry,” he said.

How's the sentry? What sentry?

Well, don’t you understand? We play.

Who are you playing with?

The boy paused, sighed and said:

Don't know.

Here, I must admit, I thought that the boy was probably sick after all and that his head was not right.

Listen, I told him. - What are you saying? How is this so? Are you playing and don’t know with whom?

Yes, said the boy. - Don't know. I was sitting on the bench, and then some big guys came up and said: “Do you want to play war?” I say: “I want.” They started playing and they said to me: “You are a sergeant.” One big boy... he was a marshal... he brought me here and said: “Here we have a powder warehouse - in this booth. And you will be a sentry... Stay here until I relieve you.” I say: "Okay." And he says: “Give me your word of honor that you won’t leave.”

Well, I said: “Honestly, I won’t leave.”

So what?

Well, here we go. I stand and stand, but they don’t come.

Yes,” I smiled. - How long ago did they put you here?

It was still light.

So where are they?

The boy sighed heavily again and said:

I think they're gone.

How did you leave?

So why are you standing then?

I said my word of honor...

I was about to laugh, but then I caught myself and thought that there was nothing funny here and that the boy was absolutely right. If you have given your word of honor, you must stand no matter what happens - even if you burst. Whether it's a game or not is all the same.

This is how the story turned out! - I told him. - What are you going to do?

“I don’t know,” the boy said and began to cry again.

I really wanted to help him somehow. But what could I do? Should he go look for these stupid boys who put him on guard, took his word of honor, and then ran home? Where can you find them now, these boys?..

They probably already had dinner and went to bed, and are dreaming for the tenth time.

And the man is standing guard. In the dark. And probably hungry...

You probably want to eat? - I asked him.

Yes,” he said, “I want to.”

Well, that’s it,” I said, after thinking. - You run home, have dinner, and in the meantime I’ll stand here for you.

Yes, said the boy. - Is this possible?

Why can't it?

You are not a military man.

I scratched my head and said:

Right. It won't work. I can't even take you off guard. Only a military man, only a commander can do this...

And then a happy thought suddenly came into my head. I thought that if the boy was freed from his word of honor, only a military man could remove him from guard duty, so what was the matter? So, we must go look for a military man.

I didn’t say anything to the boy, I just said: “Wait a minute,” and without wasting any time, I ran to the exit...

The gates were not yet closed, the watchman was still walking somewhere in the farthest corners of the garden and ringing his bell there.

I stood at the gate and waited for a long time to see if some lieutenant or at least an ordinary Red Army soldier would pass by. But, as luck would have it, not a single military man showed up on the street. I suddenly saw some black greatcoats on the other side of the street, I was delighted, I thought they were military sailors, I ran across the street and saw that they were not sailors, but craftsmen boys. A tall railway worker passed by in a very beautiful overcoat with green stripes. But the railwayman with his wonderful overcoat was also of no use to me at that moment.

I was about to return to the garden after a leisurely slurp, when suddenly I saw - around the corner, at the tram stop - a protective commander's cap with a blue cavalry band. It seems that I have never been so happy in my life as I was at that moment. I ran headlong to the bus stop. And suddenly, before I had time to reach it, I see a tram approaching the stop, and the commander, a young cavalry major, along with the rest of the public, is about to squeeze into the carriage.

Out of breath, I ran up to him, grabbed his hand and shouted:

Comrade Major! Wait a minute! Wait! Comrade Major!

He turned around, looked at me in surprise and said:

What's the matter?

“You see what’s the matter,” I said. - Here, in the garden, near the stone booth, there is a boy standing guard... He cannot leave, he gave his word of honor... He is very small... He is crying...

The commander closed his eyes and looked at me with fear. He probably also thought that I was sick and that my head was not right.

What does this have to do with me? - he said.

His tram left, and he looked at me very angrily.

But when I explained to him in a little more detail what the matter was, he did not hesitate, but immediately said:

Let's go, let's go. Certainly. Why didn't you tell me right away?

When we approached the garden, the watchman was just hanging a lock on the gate. I asked him to wait a few minutes, said that I had a boy left in the garden, and the major and I ran into the depths of the garden.

In the darkness we had difficulty finding the white house. The boy stood in the same place where I left him, and again - but this time very quietly - he cried. I called out to him. He was delighted, he even screamed with joy, and I said:

Well, I brought the boss.

Seeing the commander, the boy somehow straightened up, stretched out and became several centimeters taller.

Comrade guard,” said the commander. -What is your title?

“I’m a sergeant,” said the boy.

Comrade Sergeant, I order you to leave the post entrusted to you.

The boy paused, sniffed and said:

What is your rank? I don't see how many stars you have...

“I am a major,” said the commander.

And then the boy put his hand to the wide visor of his gray cap and said:

Yes, Comrade Major. Ordered to leave post.

And he said this so loudly and so cleverly that we both couldn’t stand it and burst out laughing.

And the boy also laughed cheerfully and with relief.

Before the three of us had time to leave the garden, the gate slammed behind us and the watchman turned the key in the hole several times.

The major extended his hand to the boy.

Well done, Comrade Sergeant,” he said. - You will make a real warrior. Goodbye.

The boy muttered something and said, “Goodbye.”

And the major saluted us both and, seeing that his tram was approaching again, ran to the stop.

I also said goodbye to the boy and shook his hand.

Maybe I should accompany you? - I asked him.

No, I live close. “I’m not afraid,” said the boy.

I looked at his little freckled nose and thought that he really had nothing to be afraid of. A boy who has such a strong will and such a strong word will not be afraid of the dark, will not be afraid of hooligans, will not be afraid of worse things.

And when he grows up... It is not yet known who he will be when he grows up, but whoever he is, you can guarantee that he will be a real person.

I thought so, and I was very pleased that I met this boy.

And I once again shook his hand firmly and with pleasure.

Sochi changes to option 15

Task 15.1

Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist A.A. Reformatsky: " What is it about language that allows it to fulfill its main role - the function of communication? This is the syntax." To justify your answer, give 2 examples from the text you read.

Let's remember what is syntax.

Syntax together with morphology makes up the grammar of the Russian language.

Syntax (gr. syntaxis - composition) is a branch of linguistics that studies ways of combining words into phrases and sentences, various types of syntactic units, their structure, functions and conditions of use. It turns out that syntax studies the structure of coherent speech.

Syntactic units are sentence and phrase. Their role and purpose in speech are not the same. The minimum unit of communication is a sentence. The sentence is the basic syntactic unit. It serves as the main means of expressing and communicating thoughts in the process of communication between people. A phrase is an auxiliary unit used to construct a sentence.

Consequently, syntax studies the sentence - its structure, grammatical properties and types, as well as the phrase - the minimal grammatically related combination of words. (©

Let's write an essay together!

Famous linguist A.A. Reformatsky wrote: " What is it about language that allows it to fulfill its main role - the function of communication? This is the syntax." (Next sentence tocomments on this statement based on theoretical information about syntax - see above.) As you know, syntax studies the phrase and sentence, which is the minimum unit of communication. It is syntactic units, constructed according to certain laws, that serve as a means of expressing thoughts in communication between people. To confirm the validity of this idea, let us turn to the proposed text.

L. Panteleev's story is a dialogical unity, that is, a sequence of interconnected remarks. This is its main syntactic feature. It is during the dialogue that the narrator receives an answer to his many questions about why the sentry boy cannot leave his post: “... quote sentence 22..."

In addition to the short sentences characteristic of dialogue, the text also contains more complex syntactic structures. (Give a complex sentence as an example, indicate the types of syntactic connections in it. Tell me why in this case the author used a complex sentence. Next, in green font, I give my example, but when writing an essay must be replaced him to others.) B in the complex sentence “If you gave your word of honor, you must stand no matter what happens, whether it’s a game or not, it doesn’t matter”, different types of connections are used between the parts: coordinating and subordinating. Subordinate conditions and concessions help the author express his attitude towards a boy with a strong will and strong words.

(You can use sentences 1, 23, 30 or 55 as examples)

(We write the conclusion) So, A.A. Reformatsky is right: it is the syntax, which is responsible for the construction of sentences and the whole text, that helps to carry out the communicative function of language.

Task 15.2

Let's write an essay together!

At the end of his story “Honest Word,” L. Panteleev writes: “A boy who has such a strong will and such a strong word will not be afraid of the dark, will not be afraid of hooligans, will not be afraid of even more terrible things.” In this sentence, the narrator expresses his admiration for the child’s action. Left alone, fearing the approaching night, the boy nevertheless... (continue)

The boy could not break his word, although circumstances had changed: they forgot about him and the assignment given to him. But for him, playing war is a serious activity: “I am a sentry,” “I said my word of honor.” And this is a strong word!

Remaining true to this promise, the boy showed amazing willpower for a child. (Give examples from the text. Pay attention to sentences 5-6, 27-29).

(You need to complete the essay in such a way as not to repeat the phrases “strong will” and “strong word”, which we have already used more than once in the essay).

So, the author managed to convince readers that nothing would force his little hero to be a coward. With his high concept of honor and duty, he will grow up to be a real... (see sentence 47), hereby... (see sentence 55)

Task 15.3

How do you understand the meaning of the word SELF-EDUCATION? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-discussion on the topic: “What is self-education”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

When you write an essay, keep in mind that the boy’s behavior in an emergency situation is the result of his work on himself, the result of self-education.

Texts about Suvorov and Demosthenes can serve as examples from life experience. After all, these people also cultivated will and determination in themselves from childhood.

The final part of the text is filled with a special meaning: a boy who has such a strong will will, in any case, turn into a real and worthwhile person. He will never let down those who trust him, and that is worth a lot. The examples are excerpts from the work of L. Panteleev.

Sentences 7-16 contain a description of the main character’s game with the boys, where he was guarding the “powder warehouse.” On his part, he gave his word of honor that he would not leave his post. And so it happened. He did the same when participating in the game. Surely nothing in life will scare him either. At the same time, a real major was entrusted with assessing the “sergeant’s” behavior. Even a person with a rank is sure that this guy is a “real warrior” in the future (sentence 47), that is, a person endowed with a strong will and the talent to keep his word.

The author is impressed by the boy's ordinary and neutral phrase, which implies a far-reaching assumption regarding his fate. This means that if a child manages to overcome himself in childhood in order to preserve honor and dignity, then in the future he will do the same. Sentences 1 and 2 are proof of the presence of fear and resentment in the boy's heart. Although the child refuses the tempting offer from the narrator to go home, because he does not want to break his word.

The narrator also offers the boy another way out (“I... will stand up for you...”), and still the boy does not give his consent to this, because the man is not a participant in the game or a military man.

Such an act is considered proof that the child has a very strong will.

Effective preparation for the Unified State Exam (all subjects) - start preparing

Updated: 2017-02-10

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15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian linguist Alexander Aleksandrovich Reformatsky: “What in language allows it to fulfill its main role - the function of communication? This is syntax."

Indeed, when it comes to communication, syntax is very important. After all, it is a correctly constructed speech that allows the interlocutor to understand our thought, which in other cases can be misunderstood. It is very important to follow syntactic rules, link words correctly, and use appropriate punctuation marks.
For example, in the first conversation between the narrator and the boy, one is struck by the variety of punctuation marks and syntactic structures. The boy's story about the game uses different types of sentences, direct speech, interjections, and introductory constructions. All this gives the boy’s words liveliness and allows us to hear conversational intonations.
In the text we come across several uncommon sentences with the pronoun “I” in the subject position and a predicate expressed by a noun in the nominative case. In such sentences, a dash is usually not needed, but if the sentence is pronounced with special emphasis, then a dash is appropriate. It is this construction that we find in sentences 8, 39, 40. They allow us to imagine the boy’s feelings, to understand to what extent it was important for him not to break his word.

15.2 Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of sentence 53 of the text: “A boy who has such a strong will and such a strong word will not be afraid of the dark, will not be afraid of hooligans, will not be afraid of worse things.”

The author, starting from the boy’s ordinary, neutral phrase, expresses a far-reaching assumption about his fate. He means that if a small child already knows how to overcome himself so as not to lose his honor, then he will continue to do the same.
For example, from sentences 1 and 2 we can conclude that the boy is scared and upset, he wants to go home. However, when the narrator asks him to leave, the child does not agree, since he cannot break his word.
Even when the narrator offers his interlocutor a way out (“I’ll stand here for you for now”), the boy does not agree, because the man is not a participant in the game and is not a military man. This proves that the boy has a very strong will. He knows how to forget about his fears for the sake of honor. This means that he will not retreat in the face of any danger, will not be afraid not only of the darkness, but also of death in battle, if he actually becomes a military man.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word SELF-EDUCATION? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-discussion on the topic: “What is self-education?”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis.

Self-education is a person’s ability to work on himself, on his character, improving it. Every person should be able to educate themselves, because parents and teachers will not be around all the time. In the end, a person grows up and must take care of himself. But you need to learn to work on yourself as early as childhood.
For example, in the text by L. Panteleev, the boy tries to accustom himself to always keep his word. He does not leave his post, although it is just a game and it is already dark and scary. He cultivates honesty and loyalty to his word, because these are very useful qualities that will certainly be useful to him in life. The boy works on himself, because no one is watching him and forcing him to keep his word: most likely his careless playmates will not remember him. But he himself cannot afford to deviate from his rules.
I think this is very important: to do the right thing when no one sees you and can neither praise you for the right behavior nor scold you for the wrong one. I don’t always succeed, but I’m also working on myself. For example, I’ve been studying English on my own for several months now: I want to learn a hundred new words by the end of the year. I admit that victory is often very difficult for me, but I am confident that I will achieve my goal, because this is the task that I set for myself.

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