Arctic Maritime Institute named after V.Voronin. Arctic Maritime Institute named after V

About the university

Historically, Arkhangelsk was the first and until the beginning of the 18th century remained the only seaport in Russia.

The population of the Northern Territory has been engaged in marine fishing and fishing for centuries. Vital necessity forced the Pomors to explore the expanses of the White, Barents and Kara Seas. Practical knowledge of the sea, currents, winds, ice conditions, and shipbuilding was passed on by the Pomors from generation to generation.

Russian foreign trade was conducted through Arkhangelsk with Western European countries and, above all, with neighboring Norway. Objective conditions dictated the need to have a maritime educational institution in the country to train competent navigators of the merchant fleet.

By decree of Empress Catherine II on March 23 (12), 1781, a nautical school was established in Kholmogory, the homeland of the great Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov, which became the first maritime educational institution in Russia, where specialists were trained for the needs of the merchant fleet. Five years later she was transferred to Arkhangelsk. The state educational institution, the Arkhangelsk Naval School named after Captain V.I. Voronin, originates from it.

Over its two-century history, the school has gone through a number of transformations:

Since 1781 - a nautical school;

Since 1841 - skipper training courses;

Since 1899 - trade and maritime school;

Since 1920 - technical school of water transport;

Since 1924 – technical school of waterways;

Since 1928 - maritime technical school;

Since 1944 - a nautical school.

And the story of the country’s oldest seafarer began like this:


Arkhangelsk Governor General

A. P. Melgunov

Alexey Petrovich!

Until the future of the establishment of a nautical school in the city of Kholmogory, you can use the plan of the same school in our local capital, established on behalf of the order of the Public Charity, published with our permission, for which purpose a copy is attached.

Based on it, as long as the required amount is assigned to it, we allow you to take two thousand rubles from the money belonging to the treasury for the remaining amounts established, notifying our actual Privy Councilor and the Prosecutor General Prince Vyazemsky.

However, we remain in your favor.


To St. Petersburg

March 12, 1781

In October 1781, the first 33 students sat down to learn complex maritime science. Who were they, the first pupils?

In June 1781, the journal of the Order of Public Charity recorded:

“The nautical school is intended to serve for all this governorship of city residents in their favor, so that their children will be taught the sciences necessary for navigation, without any payment ... who should be the only ones from the middle-class children of the poor and especially orphans (by age no less than ten and no over twenty years old.”

The nautical school included the following classes: Russian literacy and writing, arithmetic, geometry, merchant navigation, spherics, astronomy, circular navigation, accounting on the Italian model, in addition, the mandatory four foreign languages: Dutch, English, German, French. Almost illiterate philistine children and orphans had to comprehend these sciences. Knowledge was assessed very categorically: “stupid”, “mediocre”, “understandable”.

Comprehending such a volume of disciplines required enormous physical and mental expenditures; good nutrition greatly contributed to successful learning.

For example, a contract was concluded with the official Morozova. Among his points was this: “Keep listeners with fresh and healthy food. Food production should be at least three times a day and without limiting the quantity for each listener, but so that everyone is full and happy.”

Future sailors were sent for sailing practice on merchant and fishing vessels. At first, the Pomors were very reluctant to take young trainees (they were 14 years old) on their ships. And then the Ministry of Finance made a rather harsh decision: “For the departure of a ship from the White Sea ports without students or without certificates from their teachers that the institution does not have a student available for this, the shipowner guilty of this is subject to monetary penalties in favor of the courses.”

Sea charts, compasses and other navigational instruments were issued only to those ships on which students of skipper courses were located.

Students who successfully completed the courses were awarded various navigator's accessories, with which they then came to work independently.

By the end of the 19th century, seafaring graduates completely replaced foreign navigators and skippers on Pomeranian ships, as a result, the merchant fleet of the North gained a certain independence. Thus, a problem of great national importance was solved.

Graduates of the school successfully explored the Arctic, the Northern Sea Route, Antarctica and were active participants in a number of large polar expeditions. It is no coincidence that more than twenty names of students of the educational institution are immortalized in geographical names on the map of the Arctic and Antarctic. The names of ice captains are known far beyond Russia: D. I. Shwanenberg, A. S. Kuchin, V. I. Voronin, A. K. Burke, A. I. Dubinin, M. G. Markov, G. V. Dranitsyn and many others.

In 1937–1938, the crew of the steamship Smidovich, led by Captain V.V. Glotov, captured by the Spanish fascists, showed amazing resilience and self-control in 1937–1938. Almost the entire command staff of the ship consisted of school graduates.

During the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War, many graduates defended their Motherland with arms in hand and showed mass heroism while sailing in northern convoys and dangerous single voyages. More than twenty of them commanded warships and auxiliary vessels of the Northern Fleet. Three of them - I. M. Krasnoselsky, D. G. Ponomarev and A. A. Shestakov were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for their personal courage.

But graduate A.T. Kholin, as the head of the Radio Communications Center of the 1st Belorussian Front and the only native of the Arkhangelsk region, had a chance to be present on the night of May 8-9, 1945 at the signing of the act of unconditional surrender by the Germans. Moreover, through the radio station he deployed, the first message was transmitted to Moscow that the surrender had been signed by the German command.

In August 1944, in the Kara Sea, during an unequal battle of the icebreaking steamer “A. Sibiryakov" with the heavy German cruiser "Admiral Scheer", senior engineer N.G. Bochurko, following the captain's order, opened the seacocks, and the burning, wounded ship with the national flag fluttering disappeared under the water. Bochurko repeated the immortal feat of two sailors from the destroyer Steregushchy during the Russian-Japanese War, who, not wanting to give up the destroyer and the naval flag to the enemy, opened the seams and died along with the ship.

Already in peacetime, school graduates: A. G. Abakumov, N. Z. Veselkov, A. I. Vishnyakov, A. F. Pinezhaninov, I. A. Ponomarev, A. N. Purgin, A. P. Sukhondyaevsky for valiant labor were awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

And graduates V.P. Kokovin and A.I. Veshnyakov were awarded the title “Honorary Citizen of the City of Arkhangelsk.”

More than fifty ships are named after outstanding students of the school: A. S. Kuchin, V. I. Voronin (four times), A. K. Burke (twice), M. G. Markov, A. G. Mochalov, I. M. Zamyatin , P. I. Bashmakova, G. I. Pospelova, E. A. Taratina, S. V. Gudina, T. I. Fomina, I. N. Chagina, K. I. Sushikhina, etc.

Twelve graduates of the school were awarded prestigious State Prizes: G. D. Burkov, G. A. Voronich, V. V. Loskutov, V. M. Mudrov, M. D. Koshelev, N. G. Leontyev, G. M. Ushakov, V. A. Sarapunin, N. K. Durakov, V. M. Solovtsov, V. N. Frolov, A. V. Yudin.

Graduates B. E. Klopotov and A. V. Yudin headed the largest shipbuilding plants in St. Petersburg - Admiralteysky and Baltic, in those years when the first Soviet nuclear icebreakers "Lenin", "Arktika" and "Sibir" were built there.

P. A. Ponomarev had the honor of being the first captain of the nuclear icebreaker "Lenin", and P. I. Burkov - to become the first captain of the first ship of marine science - "Perseus".

More than forty students of the school were awarded the title of Doctors and Candidates of Sciences for their research, mainly in the field of improving marine technologies.

Well-known captains in the North A.F. Pinezhaninov, E.I. Kupri and P.N. Gerasimov became winners of an honorary naval prize - the “Golden Cane” of the Canadian port of Montreal.

From the walls of the school came a whole galaxy of famous mechanics, whose creative work, innovation, and bold solutions to major technological issues created for them respect and gratitude in the wide maritime circles of the North. These are T. I. Fomin, V. L. Makarin, A. P. Izbitsky, I. A. Glagolev, M. G. Mikhov and many others.

During the Soviet period, graduates of the school successfully completed the tasks of the party and government in the famous Kara “grain” expeditions, in the voyages of the legendary icebreaking ships “G. Sedov", "A. Sibiryakov”, “Chelyuskin”, in saving the expedition of U. Nobile and I. D. Papanin, showing courage and endurance in the high latitudes of the Arctic.

Both before the revolution of 1917 and in subsequent years, the school had and still has experienced teaching staff. Over the years, the following have gained universal respect and love: A. V. Grigoriev, A. G. Vasin, M. A. Kraskovsky, K. M. Bursin, N. V. Veshnyakov, L. A. Bergen, S. Ya. Isakovich, A.I. Opravin, A.A. Suvorova, M.V. Kuznetsova, R.I. Morzhova, T.E. Trofimova and many other teachers, whose long-term and inspired work left a deep mark in the hearts of their students.

In the post-war years, great concern for the further development of the school and its material and educational base was shown by the authoritative heads of the educational institution - A. G. Vasin, A. P. Zamotkin, O. M. Lopukhin, V. V. Redchenko.

In March 1971, on the initiative of teacher G.P. Popov, a school museum was opened, which is now eagerly visited by naval veterans, schoolchildren of Arkhangelsk and the region, participants in the Great Patriotic War, polar explorers, guests of the city, and in recent years, foreign delegations. Memorable meetings of former graduates of the school are held here.

It should also be noted that there is such a long-standing, stable tradition when, after the father, his son graduates from the school, when, after his older brother, the younger one graduates from the naval school. And today in the North many family dynasties of graduates of the educational institution are known. Among them are the dynasties: Kotsovs, Ponomarevs, Glazachevs, Veshnyakovs, Panfilovs, Malygins, Voronins, Mironovs, Fomins and others.

It is no coincidence that the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, by its resolution of February 13, 1980, named the Arkhangelsk Naval School after the outstanding ice captain V. I. Voronin, who graduated from the school in 1916. We also note that all his five brothers graduated from the same educational institution.

On March 18, 1981, the school was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for its great contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists for the merchant fleet.

And on March 23, 1981, the school, the first among all secondary maritime educational institutions in our country, worthily celebrated the 200th anniversary of its founding.

Currently, the majority of graduates have proven themselves to be authoritative captains, navigators and ship mechanics who worthily represent our Motherland abroad, working in senior positions in Rosmorflot, Northern and Murmansk Shipping Companies, Arkhangelsk and Murmansk seaports, the Register of the Russian Federation, shipbuilding and ship repair plants.

The educational process, methodological and educational work at the school is carried out by 51 teachers and 10 educators. They include Honored School Teachers of the Russian Federation and Honored Cultural Workers of the Russian Federation - 6 people, Honorary Workers of the Marine Fleet - 22 people, Honorary Workers of Secondary Vocational Education - 3 people, Excellent Student of Public Education - 1 person, Honorary Doctor of the Pomeranian International University named after M.V. Lomonosov - 1 person, Laureates of the M.V. Lomonosov Foundation - 2 people.

Teachers of the core disciplines have maritime diplomas as sea captains, sea navigators, and senior engineers.

Personnel training at the Arkhangelsk Nautical School is carried out in accordance with state educational standards and the requirements of the International Convention on Training, Certification of Seafarers and Watchkeeping 78/95. according to professional educational programs of specialties:

- “Marine navigation”;

- “Operation of transport power plants (in water transport)”;

- “Means of mechanization and automation (in water transport).”

Preparation is carried out in full-time and part-time departments. Over 224 years, the school trained 15,571 specialists, of which 600 people were trained before 1917 in 136 years. In 2005, 109 graduates received diplomas as navigator technicians and ship mechanics.

Along with a diploma of secondary vocational education, a school graduate receives a working (maritime) diploma and international certificates in accordance with the International Convention on Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers 1978/95.

During the training, cadets undergo the necessary swimming practice on ships of sea and river shipping companies of Russia, on ships of foreign shipping companies, in seaports, and at ship repair yards. The duration of training in all specialties is 2 years 10 months, on the basis of 9 classes - 3 years 10 months.

Senior cadets have the opportunity to simultaneously study at the correspondence branch of the State Maritime Academy named after Admiral S. O. Makarov, which is located in the school building.

All cadets of the school are fully supported by the state, including three meals a day, uniforms, a stipend, and accommodation in a dormitory.

The school has 27 laboratories and 16 classrooms. Laboratories and classrooms are equipped with modern operating equipment, educational models, videos, local television communications, computer video and audio equipment. The laboratory of technical teaching aids and computer technology is the base for all academic disciplines. A bank of educational computer programs, access to the international computer network INTERNET, and an educational television channel with a fund of educational videos are concentrated here. Classrooms and laboratories of special disciplines have interactive computer programs. The school has a NAVI-TRAINER simulator, which allows you to practice ship control skills during the day and at night using the bridge instrumentation of a modern ship and an electronic map.

Students have access to: a dormitory, a dining room, two buffets, a library with a reading room, an assembly and sports halls, a sports and recreation complex, a medical unit, a fund of international and national standards “Standardization Services”, an international computer system INTERNET, an editorial and publishing department and a multiplying section.

As part of the school, a Regional Center for Continuing Professional Education has been established, which provides advanced training, additional professional and simulator training for court officers in accordance with the requirements of international conventions, and training for ordinary personnel in blue-collar professions.

On March 23, 2018, a branch of the State University of Maritime and River Fleet named after Admiral S.O. Makarov - Arctic Marine Institute named after V.I. Voronin celebrated his 237th birthday. In honor of the holiday, ceremonial events were held at AMI, which were attended by many honored guests.

A highlight was the opening of the ERS 5000 TechSim Full Mission ship power plant training complex in room 207, which was attended by representatives of shipping companies in the region. Speaking at the event, AMI Director Elena Albertovna Smyaglikova noted that strengthening the training base is one of the main directions of development of the institute, and the new ship power plant training complex will allow for high-quality training of cadets and ship specialists of all levels in accordance with the requirements of international and national documents, according to programs coordinated with the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport.

A ceremonial formation of personnel dedicated to the 237th anniversary of the founding of the V.I. AMI took place in the gym. Voronin. Government officials, partners, colleagues, veterans and graduates came to congratulate the institute staff. Wishes of good luck and further development were heard from member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Viktor Nikolaevich Pavlenko, honorary citizen of Arkhangelsk Pavel Nikolaevich Balakshin, director of the Institute of Further Professional Education of the State University of Medical Sciences named after Admiral S.O. Makarov Sergei Dmitrievich Aizinov, General Director of Transas Navigator LLC Igor Borisovich Gapeshko, Director of the White Sea-Onega branch of the State University of Murmansk and Russian Federation named after Admiral S.O. Makarov Albert Olegovich Sbitnev, head of Wilson Maritime Recruitment Agency LLC Andrei Vladimirovich Lukin, Chairman of the Council of the Arkhangelsk public organization “Veterans of the Northern Fleet” Anatoly Nikolaevich Butko and other honored guests.

In a solemn atmosphere, awards were given to AMI employees and cadets.

A beautiful end to the holiday was the creative evening “Meeting of Generations” with the participation of veterans of the maritime industry, AMU-AMI graduates of different generations and today’s cadets.

For reference: on the banks of the Northern Dvina, in the Arkhangelsk region, next to the country’s first seaport, the gateway to the Arctic, the cradle of military shipbuilding, a maritime educational institution was opened 237 years ago, which marked the beginning of the training of navigators and skippers for the Russian merchant fleet. The decree of Empress Catherine II on the opening of a nautical school in Kholmogory, one of the first in Russia, was signed on March 23, 1781. The Arctic Marine Institute named after V.I. originates from it. Voronin (AMI).

Nautical (navigation) school, skipper training courses, trade and maritime school, maritime technical school, nautical school - stages of formation and traditions that are now continued and developed by the Arctic Maritime Institute named after V.I. Voronin - branch of the State University of Maritime and River Fleet named after Admiral S.O. Makarova.

Many AMI graduates entered the chronicle of Russian navigation: participants in the first Arctic expeditions, defenders of maritime borders during the war years, glorious workers of the country's sea and river fleet. AMI graduates have proven themselves to be respected captains, navigators and ship mechanics; they work in many shipping companies in the country, worthily represent Russia abroad, and work in senior positions in Rosmorflot, Northern and Murmansk Shipping Companies, the country's seaports, shipbuilding and ship repair plants.

The institute’s staff makes every effort to train qualified personnel for the water transport system, fishing and maritime fleet of the country. Arctic Marine Institute named after V.I. Voronina is developing and moving forward confidently.

Branch of the State University of Music and Russian Federation named after Admiral S.O. Makarov - AMI named after V.I. Voronina

Edited by the Department of Extracurricular and Educational Work

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