Astronomy, which they want to return to schools, is not interesting to modern children. The Minister of Education promised that astronomy will definitely return to the school curriculum

Divorced from my husband five years ago. From the marriage there are two children aged 9 and 11 years. I’m tired of solving and carrying all the family problems on myself, and besides, my husband started going out. I left him, as they say, “with one knot”... All this time I was organizing a house from scratch, paying off three loans, raising children, it wasn’t easy. Thank God I was lucky and I changed my job and started earning more. Life began to get better, more or less. A year ago I met a man... And Oh God... This is the man I dreamed of. The complete opposite of my ex-husband. And care and attention. One thing... He is a single father... His wife left him and their child and went to his best friend. In principle, this situation did not frighten me and I thought, well, where are there two children and the third will not be a hindrance... But it turned out that everything was not so simple... I, like a wise woman, immediately began to look for an approach to the child, bought her toys, completely replaced them her wardrobe, the poor child didn’t even have decent things, everything was so washed out.... I bought her a bunch of beautiful rubber bands for the garden. I tried my best to please. The girl is 5 years old... The child is problematic, does not understand anything, in the kindergarten they complain about her that she does not obey, does not want to study... At home she does whatever she wants, does not respond to comments. She says that she understands and immediately does it again!!!
The mother does not participate in any way in raising the child, does not pay child support, citing the fact that she is paying off a joint loan... Oh well, God be with her...
We all lived together for a year... I thought that she would change and we would live happily... But nothing changed...
I was infuriated by her behavior and because of this I was constantly in a bad mood, so Alexei and I started arguing. I couldn’t tell him that his daughter infuriates me... I understand that he loves her more than life itself... I thought about breaking up, but I love him and he loves me very much... and he communicates well with my children, with my son goes to chess.... I don’t know what to do.. It seems to me that his daughter will never change and I will never be able to love her....



Old foreign cinema

In the Soviet Union, people often went to cinemas; tickets literally cost pennies. Not everyone had videos; television was not as crowded with TV series and films as it is now. There were still cinemas. There were almost no American militants in their repertoire.

There were French films that became classics: about the gendarmes, about the adventures of the dim-witted hero Louis de Funes, as well as “The Unlucky Ones,” “Papas” and other comedies with the participation of Gerard Depardieu and Pierre Richard. These comedies were loved by many Soviet citizens in the USSR.

At the same time, we watched films about Fantômas with the wonderful Jean Marais, and the Polish film “Anatomy of Love” became a real revelation for Soviet viewers.

A separate topic is Indian films. The public absolutely loved them: such love, such bright colors and such beautiful actors! “Mother's Love”, “The Tramp”, “Mister 420”, “Zita and Gita”, “Bobby”, “Disco Dancer” and others have been reviewed many times. The spectators were not embarrassed by the songs and dances and the famous fights, in which the sound of the blow was ahead of the blow itself. Popular Indian actor Mithun Chakraborty is just worth it.

The Mexican film “Yesenia” also shocked girls’ hearts. And, of course, they all dreamed of becoming irresistible Angeliques.

The boys loved films about Indians and Tarzan. We ran for the Magnificent Seven and McKenna's Gold many times! And in the courtyards they often played Zorro.

The most interesting thing is that almost all foreign films released in theaters are considered cinema classics. And what actors! Alain Delon, Jean Paul Belmondo, Adriano Celentano, Gojko Mitic...

Time for talented people and the flourishing of cinema!


Elena Nefedova

I’ll say right away that I saw doctors when I was 2 years old, and no one saw any problems. Is this character?
The youngest daughter is 2.1. He doesn’t speak very much, there are no phrases, probably 20-30 words. The rest is incomprehensible. She is efficient, understands everything, responds to names, fulfills requests. She goes to the potty and eats herself.
But for the last 4 months the behavior is just out of whack... She freaks out if something doesn’t suit her. And when he freaks out, he starts throwing everything. That is, he specifically takes everything that is at hand and throws it. Or brushes it off the table. A toy, remote control, cup - whatever. Very touchy. If she throws something, I can slap her on the hand. That is, in terms of strength - when I simply put my hand on her arm, there is no talk of even the slightest pain - she begins to roar and yell, and turns all red. And until either I give up or someone comes up to take pity on her, she won’t calm down.
Another joke: if he doesn’t want to go somewhere on the street, he sits on the ground. And that's all. Either wait for half an hour and persuade him, or grab him by force and run. If I leave, he won’t run after me. Well, it also happens at home that he can lie on the floor in protest.

Is this even normal? Nothing like this had ever happened to the eldest. So I’m in a slight shock, although everyone around me just says how lucky I am that my youngest daughter is so calm and obedient. Whereeeee? By the way, they adore her in the garden, she just behaves perfectly there. How is that?
And this behavior happens to me, and to my husband, and to my grandparents!!



Topic to chat. Do you think about your children’s skills? Will explain. A friend’s son is a couple of months younger than mine, and so she proudly sends me a video of her baby crawling across the floor like a worm. She happily writes that he is starting to crawl. But for me, it’s just fussing on the carpet))) Or he kicks his butt back, and she thinks that he gets on all fours. I'm just either too critical of my son or a realist. But until he specifically crawled at least 30 centimeters, I somehow didn’t say that he was starting to crawl. And if he sits with support on one arm, he is not sitting yet. Which camp will you join and why?


White and fluffy

Can a person who saves not someone else’s life, but his own, be considered a hero? Billy Johnson, the youngest son of Ada Blackjack, the only woman to survive alone in the Arctic, believed it was possible, and engraved on her tombstone: “Heroine of Wrangel Island.”


Starting next year, some schools across Russia will introduce the study of astronomy as a pilot project. Today, the study of stars is unpopular among schoolchildren: they do not show interest in science even in those educational institutions where there are observatories and telescopes. There are also no teachers specializing specifically in astronomy: physicists are ready to teach the subject, but some will have to undergo advanced training.

Russian Education Minister Olga Vasilyeva came up with the initiative to return astronomy to schools more than a year ago, immediately after her appointment. Now the minister has clarified: first, an experiment will be conducted. In the 2017-2018 academic year, schools in different regions will be selected where astronomy will be taught as part of a pilot project. According to the minister, the teaching program has existed since Soviet times, when astronomy was studied everywhere. “There is an astronomy program. Therefore, I think that some schools will be piloting it as a separate subject this year, and in the normal mode, for everyone, it will be a little later,” Olga Vasilyeva explained in one of her latest interviews on the pages of the federal media.

According to the Ministry of Education and Science, astronomy disappeared from the basic curriculum of the school curriculum in 1991, but astronomy clubs remained in schools, and many schools include an astronomy section as part of physics lessons, say ministry experts. In fact, this is not entirely true. According to school teachers, astronomy is taught in few places today. Science is unknown and uninteresting to children, so teachers do not see the need to independently introduce additional classes. The Ministry of Education of the Sverdlovsk Region could immediately name only one - school No. 76 in the city of Lesnoy.

“The Ministry does not separately collect information about educational programs for schools separately. Therefore, it is difficult to say in which schools they teach astronomy and where there are electives. But there are such schools. For example, in Lesnoy there is a school with an observatory where children study. Several other institutions have electives,” said the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Sverdlovsk Region.

Open sources also point to school No. 76 in Lesnoy, which was originally built and put into operation along with an observatory for the study of celestial bodies. There is indeed an observatory at the school, as well as telescopes for observing the stars. But, according to the director of the educational institution, Nikolai Vostryakov, technical capabilities do not attract a large number of children who want to study astronomy.

“We have an astronomical club, led by an engineer from the Electrokhimpribor Plant. He is interested in astronomy at an amateur level, but is very knowledgeable about the subject. But, despite the fact that we have a base for study - an observatory, telescopes - today the circle is attended by about 10 people. This is approximately 1% of the total number of students. That is, astronomy is unpopular. Although those who study, write projects, take them to the regional and federal levels, receive some prizes,” said Nikolai Vostryakov, director of school No. 76 in Lesnoy.

“In principle, we, and other schools, will be ready to comply with the ministry’s decree if it is decided to return astronomy. After all, this is not even innovation, it is a return to what was. All physics teachers who work at the school can teach astronomy. But here the question arises: by cutting which subject will astronomy be introduced? Today the curriculum is very strict; it is impossible to add another hour due to sanitary standards. That is, if astronomy is introduced, some other subject will be cut.”

When referring to the experience of physics teachers, school leaders mainly mean older teachers - the same ones who taught children astronomy before its exclusion from the school curriculum in 1991. New teachers, theoretically, can also teach, but they have no practice and it is possible that advanced training will be needed. And if we talk about graduates of recent years, then they may have problems with astronomy. For example, at the Ural State Pedagogical University, the discipline “Astronomy” is taught for future physics teachers, but in a reduced volume: the course of lectures is only 108 hours, although previously it was more 200 hours. Starting from the new academic year, enrollment of students will open for the “Physics and Natural Sciences” major, which also includes an astronomy course, the university told And theoretically, such graduates will be able to teach a lesson. But today’s graduates’ diplomas still say “teacher of physics,” whereas earlier, when the astronomy course was full-fledged, it said “teacher of physics and astronomy.”

“We are ready to launch advanced training courses for astronomy teachers if we see such a need,” emphasized the director of the Institute of Physics and Technology of the USPU Petr Zuev. Graduates of a bachelor's degree in physics who also want to teach astronomy will be able to take such courses.

Meanwhile, astrophysicists do not agree that physicists should teach astronomy. In their opinion, astronomers should teach astronomy. This opinion was previously expressed in an interview with by Pavel Skripnichenko, an employee of the Department of Astronomy and Geodesy at the Institute of Natural Sciences of UrFU. “If we now organize a campaign to return astronomy to schools, it will not be effective. There are simply no astronomy specialists. Astronomy should be taught by an astronomer. Few competent astronomers are produced. And there simply aren’t enough for all schools. It seems to me that there is no astronomy at all in pedagogical universities. None. In our region, UrFU produces them. Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Tomsk, Irkutsk also graduate astronomers - and that’s all,” the scientist shared.

Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva said that she considers it necessary to return astronomy lessons to the school curriculum. The head of the ministry said this at a press conference in Moscow on Wednesday, answering a question about the future fate of the canceled item, Interfax reports.

“Previously, schools had this subject for an hour a week. There is no doubt that this hour should return,” Vasilyeva said, as quoted by TASS. The head of the Ministry of Education and Science could not answer the question of when exactly astronomy will be included in the lesson schedule again, but assured that this will definitely happen.

The head of the department of state policy in the field of general education of the Ministry of Education and Science, Anastasia Zyryanova, recalled at a press conference that astronomy disappeared from the basic plan of the school curriculum in 1991, RIA Novosti reports. She recalled that astronomy clubs remained, and in many schools the astronomy section is taught in physics lessons.

As for other abolished subjects from the school curriculum, according to Olga Vasilyeva, for example, classes in basic military training, which were previously in high school, should not be returned. “It seems to me that the skills that we had in this subject are successfully used in the subject of life safety. And from the very elementary grades,” the minister said, adding that it is not possible to introduce a specific new subject.

In February, it was reported that the State Duma Education Committee would propose returning astronomy to the school curriculum, and the collection of signatures on this issue was carried out by the Moscow Planetarium with the support of Roscosmos. The deputies expressed the opinion that the study of astronomy is important for the formation of a scientific picture of the world and it was a mistake to exclude this subject from the program.

Until 1991, the study of astronomy was allocated 35 hours in the graduating class, and it was a separate school discipline. Currently, there is no official ban on teaching this subject; at the same time, astronomy does not appear in the federal basic curriculum. Schools may choose to introduce it as an elective course, but usually the extra hours go to core subjects. Astronomy is taught only in schools with in-depth study of physical, mathematical and natural sciences.

Last October, Vasilyeva’s predecessor, former head of the Ministry of Education and Science Dmitry Livanov, said that the ministry does not plan to return astronomy to school courses.

Let us recall that Olga Vasilyeva, who previously served as deputy head of the presidential administration’s department for public projects, was appointed to the post of Minister of Education on August 19. Speaking to reporters the day after her appointment, Vasilyeva announced the need to improve preparation for the Unified State Exam and passing it. In mid-September, the minister proposed reducing the number of textbook lines in primary grades, and also assured that grades in Russian schools would not be abolished.

There will definitely be a comeback in astronomy. So Interfax quotes the Russian Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva, who announced this on September 21. The subject has not been on the school curriculum since 2008; since then, not a single space textbook can be included in the list approved by the feds. Not surprisingly, Vasilyeva’s statement caused a lot of noise.

Tatyana Kargina, head of the astronomy club at Multidisciplinary Language Gymnasium No. 4:

“In the age of space technology and space exploration, knowledge of astronomy is necessary. This piques children's interest. The small amount of astronomy that children have in a high school physics course arouses genuine interest in children and they regret that so little time is devoted to this subject.”

Tatyana Kargina has been in love with the heavenly bodies for more than thirty years. However, she does not support the idea of ​​introducing astronomy at the expense of other disciplines.

Tatyana Kargina, head of the astronomy club at Multidisciplinary Language Gymnasium No. 4:

“Maybe due to elective courses. It would be a pity if this would infringe on some other general education subject, because there are no unnecessary subjects and no extra hours.”

But the Transbaikal astrophotographer knows where the additional galactic clocks are hiding.

Anatoly Mishakov, astrophotographer:

“I think it’s a very good idea to bring astronomy back into the classroom. It is better to replace even with difficulty. For me, astronomy is much more interesting than sitting and cutting something out at work.”

To the question “Is there life on Mars?” Even recognized scientists cannot always answer accurately. But earthlings don’t always cope with simpler tasks.

- How many planets are there in the solar system? You asked me such a question, I don’t even know, sorry.

- I don’t remember, honestly. I haven't studied it.

- Nine. Can you list them? Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Earth...

- I taught poorly, to be honest.

- At what level did you study it at school? It was not studied at my school and I really regret it.

- Which star is the closest? Orion constellation. I just don't remember the name.

- Do you know what the Milky Way is? Yes, of course, this is our galaxy. Did you like astronomy at school? Of course I still love you. What do you like about this item? It is limitless and can be studied for a very long time.

- Does the sun revolve around the Earth or the Earth around the Sun? The earth around the sun.

- Do you like astronomy?

- Yes, we should introduce it soon.

- You are happy?

- So happy.

Well, Transbaikal residents don’t know astronomy that bad. Nevertheless, along with fragmentary knowledge about the solar system, educational unsystematicity remains in our heads. Let's hope that the asteroid belts will have their finest hour in the school curriculum, and then astronomy will become a constant companion of the modern student.

Natalya Arshinskaya, Maxim Lobachev, Valery Shirokov

6 million students from 10 to 18 years old will take part in the All-Russian School Olympiad. This is almost 60 percent of all students. The Olympiad is held in 24 subjects, including Spanish, Italian, and Chinese, which recently appeared on the schedule.

We do not yet plan to further expand the list of languages. This year there is one more innovation: the Olympiad in Russian language and mathematics will be held in fourth grades, said Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva. - Why specifically in these subjects? Here the tasks are more prepared, the methodological elaboration is clearer.

Olga Vasilyeva recalled that the Olympiad movement began in Russia in the 19th century with an astronomy competition.

The Olympics were a success. In 1934, an Olympiad in mathematics was held, in 1938 - an Olympiad in chemistry, and in 1965, Olympiads in other subjects appeared, including history and literature, the minister explained.

The winners of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren can represent the country at international competitions, which are held in seven subjects - mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, geography, astronomy. Plus, there is also an international natural science Olympiad.

Russian teams always bring prizes and gold medals from international Olympiads. The most successful fields for us are physics and mathematics. This year, our schoolchildren brought four gold medals from the International Physics Olympiad in Zurich and the same number of gold medals from the International Mathematical Olympiad in Hong Kong. The Russian team always wins gold medals at international astronomy Olympiads. For example, in 2013 there were even three of them.

Infographics "RG". Photo:

Unfortunately, now there is no astronomy as a separate subject in school. Hours of studying it are included in the physics course, but physics teachers complain that they do not have time to complete the program even in their main subject. What can we say about astronomy?

When asked by journalists whether it was time for Russia, a space power, to return astronomy lessons to school, Minister Olga Vasilyeva answered: “Astronomy should be taught in school, there is no doubt. There will definitely be a return. We are now thinking about how to do this.”

Astronomy should be taught in school, there is no doubt. There will be a refund for sure

But initial military training (CVT) will not appear in the school curriculum. According to the minister, all the skills that were previously given to schoolchildren at CVP are in the basics of life course. Except perhaps for the task of assembling or disassembling a Kalashnikov assault rifle.

Regarding the Unified State Exam, including basic mathematics, which causes difficulties for many schoolchildren, Olga Vasilyeva expressed her opinion:

My deepest conviction is that every student needs a subject base in every discipline. Students pass and will all pass basic mathematics.

At the same time, schools, according to the minister, are not and should not be evaluated according to the Unified State Examination. Meanwhile, the ratings of many schools today are compiled based on two main indicators - the results of the Olympiads and the Unified State Examination. But there is another approach. One of the major rating agencies this year compiled a list of top schools in Russia, based on data on which universities enrolled the majority of graduates. For the analysis, universities were taken from the top 20 of one of the university rankings.

It is not clear, however, whether or not local authorities took this rating into account when allocating additional funds to support the best schools? Or did you just count the number of hundred-pointers?

Infographics "RG". Photo: Leonid Kuleshov / Irina Ivoilova

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