Belarusian National Technical University in English. Belarusian National Technical University (BNTU)

  • Region: Minsk region
  • Locality::Minsk
  • Ultrasound type: University
  • Type of ultrasound: Education
  • Address:

    220013, Minsk, Nezavisimosti Ave., 65.

  • Phones:

    292-77-52 (reception), 292-38-42, 237-39-25, 292-81-00 ( admissions committee)

  • URL:
  • Email:[email protected]

On December 10, 1920, the Minsk Polytechnic School of the “technical school” type was transformed into a higher technical school educational institution"Belarusian State polytechnic institute"(BSPI) for training engineers with higher education in the main areas of production activity of the state.
In the early 40s of the XX century. BPI has become one of the leading technical universities Soviet Union. 32 departments of four faculties trained engineers in seven specialties. The number of teachers increased to 180, including 19 professors and 71 associate professors. For 1933-1941 About 2,000 engineers were trained.
Great Patriotic War interrupted the work of the BPI. It resumed in 1945, when 375 students began classes. In 1949, the number of students increased to 1,500 people, more than 160 teachers worked in 37 departments.
1991 - The Belarusian Order of the Red Banner of Labor Polytechnic Institute was transformed into the Belarusian State Polytechnic Academy (BSPA) (resolution of the Council of Ministers Byelorussian SSR dated January 17, 1991 No. 149).
2002 - The Belarusian State Polytechnic Academy was transformed into the Belarusian National technical university(BNTU) (decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 165 dated April 1, 2002).
Since its founding, the university has trained and graduated: over 175 thousand highly qualified specialists for the Republic of Belarus, as well as over 6,500 specialists for 120 countries.
Today the university is the coordinator of the activities of engineering and technical universities of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus in developing standard and curricula and programs, preparation of textbooks, teaching aids and another educational literature. He actively participates in the formation regulatory framework for the system of higher and secondary specialized education.
BNTU - initiator of adoption educational standards in engineering specialties, development and implementation in domestic production new technology and technology.
The Belarusian National Technical University has the most developed sports facilities in the Republic of Belarus: 18 gyms, a stadium, a ski base, a bicycle center, sports grounds, and a sports and amenities complex.
Currently, more than 35,000 people are studying at BNTU, of which 18,833 are full-time students. correspondence form training - 14538, graduate students - 267, doctoral students - 6, undergraduates full-time and part-time - 503, lyceum students - 240, listeners preparatory department– 112, cadets of the military-technical faculty – 423.
The training of engineering personnel for the national economic complex of the country in 89 specialties is carried out by 17 faculties, 5 institutes, which include 119 departments and 2,195 teaching staff. Of these, 1049 have academic degrees and titles, including 2 academicians of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 199 doctors, professors and 829 candidates of sciences, associate professors.
One of most important tasks facing the Belarusian National Technical University is the formation of personnel potential adequate to the modern parameters of the world political, economic and technological development. The condition for stability and prosperity of our state is improving the quality of education. The objective replacement of the thesis “education for life” with the thesis “education throughout life” becomes educational sphere the norm of life.
Over the years since its founding, the university has grown from a small polytechnic school, which enrolled several hundred students in 1920, into the leading and largest technical university Republic of Belarus, achieved international recognition, and remains an important historical and cultural center, a forge of professional personnel for all industries national economy Belarus.
Today, the Belarusian National Technical University provides qualified personnel to many sectors of the country's national economy.
The activities of a team of thousands over nine decades allows us to speak about the high potential of the Belarusian national university, which in the near future will definitely take its rightful place among the leading universities in the world.


Coordinates: 53°55′15″ n. w. 27°35′34″ E. d. /  53.920833° s. w. 27.592778° E. d.(G) (O) (I)53.920833 , 27.592778

State educational institution of engineering and technical profile. Leading educational institution in national system education of the Republic of Belarus in this profile.

To enter BNTU, you must pass centralized testing.

Automotive and Tractor Faculty (ATF)


Dean Bakhanovich Alexander Gennadievich,


  • Cars
  • Internal combustion engines
  • Technical operation of vehicles
  • Tractors
  • Organization of road transport and traffic
  • Hydropneumatic automation and hydropneumatic drive
  • Economics and logistics
  • Commercial activities and accounting in transport"

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (MSF)


Dean Yakimovich Alexander Maksimovich


  • Mechanical Engineering Technology
  • Metal cutting machines and tools
  • Economics and organization of mechanical engineering production
  • Intelligent systems
  • Strength of mechanical engineering profile materials
  • Theoretical mechanics
  • Machine parts, lifting and transport machines and mechanisms
  • Theory of mechanisms and machines


The faculty building is located on Khmelnitsky Street, 9 (academic building 6).

Faculty of Mechanics and Technology (MTF)


Dean Ivanitsky Nikolai Ivanovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.


  • Machines and technology for metal forming
  • Metallurgical technologies
  • Metallurgy of cast alloys
  • Materials Science in Mechanical Engineering
  • Powder metallurgy, welding and materials technology
  • Occupational safety
  • Chemistry
  • Machinery and foundry technology


Yakub Kolas Street, 24. Educational building 7.

Faculty of Information Technologies and Robotics (FITR)


As of February 2011.

Dean Trofimenko Evgeniy Evgenievich, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor. Deputy Deans Ryzhko Tatyana Egorovna Kovaleva Irina Lvovna Rusakevich Dmitry Alexandrovich Ratkevich Evgeniy Petrovich

History of the faculty



  • Sports Engineering


The scientific library of BNTU is one of the oldest university libraries in the Republic of Belarus. Located in two buildings on Yakub Kolas Street and Independence Avenue in Minsk.

Photo gallery


See also

  • Category:BNTU graduates



Coordinates: 53°55′15″ n. w. 27°35′34″ E. d. /  53.920833° s. w. 27.592778° E. d.(G) (O) (I)53.920833 , 27.592778

State educational institution of engineering and technical profile. The leading educational institution in the national education system of the Republic of Belarus in this profile.

To enter BNTU, you must pass centralized testing.

Automotive and Tractor Faculty (ATF)


Dean Bakhanovich Alexander Gennadievich,


  • Cars
  • Internal combustion engines
  • Technical operation of vehicles
  • Tractors
  • Organization of road transport and traffic
  • Hydropneumatic automation and hydropneumatic drive
  • Economics and logistics
  • Commercial activities and accounting in transport"

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (MSF)


Dean Yakimovich Alexander Maksimovich


  • Mechanical Engineering Technology
  • Metal cutting machines and tools
  • Economics and organization of mechanical engineering production
  • Intelligent systems
  • Strength of mechanical engineering profile materials
  • Theoretical mechanics
  • Machine parts, lifting and transport machines and mechanisms
  • Theory of mechanisms and machines


The faculty building is located on Khmelnitsky Street, 9 (academic building 6).

Faculty of Mechanics and Technology (MTF)


Dean Ivanitsky Nikolai Ivanovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.


  • Machines and technology for metal forming
  • Metallurgical technologies
  • Metallurgy of cast alloys
  • Materials Science in Mechanical Engineering
  • Powder metallurgy, welding and materials technology
  • Occupational safety
  • Chemistry
  • Machinery and foundry technology


Yakub Kolas Street, 24. Educational building 7.

Faculty of Information Technologies and Robotics (FITR)


As of February 2011.

Dean Trofimenko Evgeniy Evgenievich, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor. Deputy Deans Ryzhko Tatyana Egorovna Kovaleva Irina Lvovna Rusakevich Dmitry Alexandrovich Ratkevich Evgeniy Petrovich

History of the faculty



  • Sports Engineering


The scientific library of BNTU is one of the oldest university libraries in the Republic of Belarus. Located in two buildings on Yakub Kolas Street and Independence Avenue in Minsk.

Photo gallery


See also

  • Category:BNTU graduates


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