FGBOU VPO Dagestan State Technical University. Dagestan State Technical University

The path to a successful professional career begins with choosing a university that can ensure your relevance and competitiveness in the labor market. This is a very responsible step, and it is important to do it independently and consciously.

Our century - the century of high technology - is unthinkable without computer technology and modern technical equipment. Therefore, as market reforms develop in our country, specialists with in-depth knowledge of technical disciplines and skills in using complex equipment will be in increasing demand. This is the kind of knowledge and practical skills you can get at the Dagestan State Technical University.

Today, occupying a priority position in the ranking of higher educational institutions, the university produces modern, competitive specialists trained to make effective decisions, familiar with modern methods of working in real market conditions, with a solid scientific base and a unique alloy of competencies.

It has a modern scientific, educational and technical base. Our graduates successfully work in scientific institutions and industrial enterprises in almost all sectors of the economy, both in Dagestan and in various regions of Russia and abroad.

The brightest and most interesting years of life are, of course, student years. In addition to highly qualified professional training at our university, you can engage in research work by continuing your education in graduate school and doctoral studies. In addition, you will be able not only to become professionals in your chosen specialty, but also to show your talents by participating in competitions and olympiads held annually, and the most cheerful and resourceful ones will continue the glorious traditions of the university KVN team.

Nonresident students are accommodated in dormitories whose buildings are located on campus. On its territory there are also gyms, stadiums, a student club, canteens, and a swimming pool. The high level of amenities on the university campus is confirmed by victories in All-Russian competitions held by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

You can improve your health in the university sanatorium, and in the summer in our sports and recreation camp “Polytechnic” on the shores of the Caspian Sea.

We wish you health and success! We are sure that Dagestan State Technical University is the right choice for you. We are waiting for you at our university.

T.A. Ismailov, President of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "DSTU", Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,

N.S. Surakatov, Acting Rector of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "DSTU", Ph.D., Associate Professor

This is a large educational, scientific and cultural center of the south of Russia, an innovative higher education institution with high intellectual and scientific potential. Since its creation, the university has graduated more than 50 thousand specialists in the most sought-after engineering professions, providing highly qualified personnel to many sectors of the republic and country.

The history of the creation of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "DSTU" began on January 24, 1970, when the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a Resolution on the organization of the Dagestan Polytechnic Institute. By order of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the RSFSR dated August 17, 1971 No. 330, the structure of the Dagestan Polytechnic Institute, the list of departments, laboratories and offices, as well as the advisory bodies of the institute was approved, and by order of the Ministry of Higher Education of the RSFSR dated February 24, 1972 No. 71 they were finally approved All organizational issues were resolved and the institute was created. The structure of the university included mechanical, instrument-making, construction, and technology faculties, as well as evening and correspondence faculties.

The need to create a technical higher education institution in Dagestan did not arise by chance. The end of the 50s - the beginning of the 60s of the XX century was marked by the rapid development of the exact sciences, space exploration, technical modernization of the country and, as a consequence, the rise of industrial production, an attempt to align the industrial and agricultural sectors of the economy in regions that were historically agricultural. For the construction and operation of large industrial enterprises, local engineering and technical personnel were needed. The development of the republic's productive forces and the enormous scope of capital construction required acceleration of the training of engineering personnel and the opening of a number of new technical specialties.

The first rector of the Dagestan Polytechnic Institute was Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, professor, prominent Russian scientist in the field of computational gas dynamics Kamil Magomedovich Magomedov. Heading the institute from the date of its foundation for 13 years, Kamil Magomedovich made a significant contribution to the development of the university, which had a significant influence on the development of technical science in Dagestan and on the development of industry in all the republics of the North Caucasus.

After his appointment in 1985 K.M. Magomedov to the post of Chairman of the Presidium of the Dagestan branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the institute was headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Mail Sultanovich Aminov. During the years of work M.A. Aminova, as rector, develops and improves research activities at the institute, acquiring a large number of various scientific equipment and instruments.

In 1995 By order of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education dated June 5, 1995. No. 852 The Dagestan Polytechnic Institute was transformed into the Dagestan State Technical University.

Fundamental changes at the university began in the 2000s, when the educational policy of DSTU focused on high international standards of higher education. Relying on valuable traditions, increasing intellectual capital, adopting the most advanced methods and development strategies, continuously improving its activities, the university has reached the forefront in science, education, and the educational sphere, and was the first in the region to switch to innovative development. All these years, characterized by the progressive and dynamic development of the university, the university has been headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation Tagir Abdurashidovich Ismailov.

The main goal of the university’s scientific and educational policy is the introduction of innovations, ensuring the training of specialists at the level of world qualification requirements and the effective use of educational, scientific, technical, and innovative potential for the development of the region.

Today the structure of the university includes 12 faculties, 51 departments, 5 research institutes, including the basic ones for the region: Research Institute of Thermoelectric Instruments and Devices and Research Institute of Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies, 22 specialized centers, including the largest in the North Caucasian Federal District Center for Modern Information technologies, the International Educational and Scientific Center of DSTU and the Softline company, which is the official representative of Microsoft Corporation in Russia, the Educational and Scientific Center "Modern Electronic Elements and Technologies", created jointly with Analog Devices, Inc., a number of other innovative and technological structures, as well as 3 branches in the cities of Kaspiysk, Kizlyar, Derbent and many specialized scientific and educational laboratories. The university operates a “Center for Communication with Industry and Assistance in Employment of Graduates” and a “Center for Advanced Training and Retraining of Managers and Specialists.” In September 2013, a business incubator “Plug&Play Dagestan” was opened on the basis of the university, later renamed “Peri-Innovations”.

The university has passed licensing of the main educational programs: in 49 areas of bachelor's training, 11 specialties, 40 areas of master's, 24 areas of postgraduate study and 7 specialties of secondary vocational education.

The university staff actively participates in research under scientific and technical programs and grants. Projects are being implemented under the federal target program "Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia", the analytical departmental target program "Development of the scientific potential of higher education." The university traditionally carries out research within the framework of grants from the President of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Dagestan, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation (RGNF), and research under the state assignment of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Undergraduate and graduate students of the university receive scholarships from the President of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Dagestan, the G. Makhachev Foundation and a number of other foundations. According to the program “Participant of the youth scientific and innovative competition U.M.N.I.K.”, the main goal of which is to identify young scientists seeking to realize themselves through innovative activities, to stimulate mass participation of young people in scientific, technical and innovative activities through organizational and financial support innovative projects, young university scientists have repeatedly become winners. To date, 11 projects of this program are being implemented at the university. Faculty, graduate students, and students of the university annually participate in competitions at various levels. In 2013, within the framework of the Federal Target Program “Development of Electronic Component Base and Radio Electronics,” the university entered into a state contract with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation on the topic: “Development of technology for creating a system and equipment for automating the design of complex radio-electronic systems and complexes based on the corporate network of Basic Design Centers.” Within the framework of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 218 “On measures of state support for the development of cooperation between Russian higher educational institutions and organizations implementing complex projects to create high-tech production,” the university participated in the competition together with OJSC Dagdizel Plant. In order to improve the quality of education at the university, DSTU participated in a competition to create a scientific laboratory under the guidance of leading foreign scientists. Teachers, students and graduate students participated in such competitions as: The First Republican Competition of Youth IT Projects “DagITstan”, Republican Competition of Youth Innovative Projects, Competition “Best Scientific Article” (Cologne, Germany), Competition for Medals of the Russian Academy of Sciences with Prizes for young scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, competition “Grants of the President of the Russian Federation to support young Russian scientists (candidates and doctors of science)”, State Prize of the Republic of Dagestan in the field of science, technology, literature, journalism, art and architecture, competition of grants of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of leading scientific schools of the Russian Federation, competition for the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation, etc.

DSTU traditionally holds intra-university competitions: “The best inventor of DSTU”, “The best monograph of DSTU”, “Grants from the rector of DSTU”, “Innovative potential of DSTU youth”, etc. The winners of the competitions received grant support.

The fruitful inventive activity of university scientists is confirmed by relevant patents, certificates and licenses. Over the past 10 years, the university has received more than 2,000 patents and positive decisions for inventions and utility models, as well as 31 computer certificates and databases, which is one of the best indicators among universities and scientific institutions of the Russian Federation. The scientific and production centers of DSTU work with the largest Russian and international companies, for which research is conducted in a variety of directions.

The advanced developments of the technical university are exhibited at the largest exhibitions of scientific achievements, among which the Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies "Archimedes", the International Salon of Research and Technology Transfer "INVENTICA" (Romania), the Russian-British Forum of Inventions and Innovative Technologies (UK) should be highlighted. , International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies "New Time" (Ukraine), All-Russian Exhibition-Fair of Research and Innovation "INNOV" (Novocherkassk), International Invention Fair SIIF (Seoul, Korea), Dagestan Economic Forum , Dagestan interregional exhibitions with international participation “Business Dagestan” and “Dagprodexpo”, etc.

The university carries out serious research work covering 52 scientific areas, and there are 3 specialized councils for the defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations.

Since 2005 University employees take an active part in the "START" program, organized by the State Fund for Assistance to the Development of Small Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Field. As part of this program, 11 small enterprises have been created that are engaged in the development of high-tech products. They are part of a business incubator operating as part of the DSTU Technology Park, which allows for the most effective integration of education, science and production.

On behalf of the Head of the Republic of Dagestan Ramazan Abdulatipov, 20 basic departments of the university were created at specialized enterprises. Basic departments also function under the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment of the Republic of Dagestan, the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development of the Republic of Dagestan, and other departments and organizations of the region.

The education of students, the total number of which is more than 10 thousand people, is carried out by a highly qualified scientific and pedagogical staff of the university, consisting of 126 doctors of sciences and professors, about 500 candidates of sciences and associate professors, corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and RAASN, 42 academicians and corresponding members of Russian and international public academies.

The university trains specialists in such promising areas and specialties for the republic as nanoelectronics and nanomaterials; microsystem technology; means of communication; electrical power systems and networks; protection in emergency situations; oil and gas business; fermentation technology and winemaking; forensic examination; innovation; highways and airfields; hydraulic engineering; computer software and automated systems; radio engineering; examination and management of real estate; technology of public catering products; design of garments; Applied Informatics; organization and traffic safety, etc.

The university has developed a system for organizing and conducting olympiads, competitions, as well as student participation in olympiads and competitions at various levels. The third regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in computer science and physics, All-Russian competitions of final qualifying works, All-Russian subject Internet Olympiads and Olympiads in specialties among students are held annually. Many students - winners of intra-university and online Olympiads take part in Olympiads held in the regions of the country, taking first and prize places.

The University pays great attention to ensuring active interaction between departments and graduates with employers. Autumn and spring alumni fairs are held annually, to which heads of enterprises and organizations of the republic, graduates, departments and faculties are invited. At the same time, interested employers are given the opportunity to directly dialogue and conclude contracts for the employment of the best graduates. At the same time, meetings of representatives of enterprises and organizations with departments are held, where issues that are problematic for enterprises are discussed, ways and means of cooperation are determined.

The university has a scientific and technical library, the fund of which amounts to over 1 million copies of literature. Foreign students are accommodated in dormitories with all amenities. On the campus there are gyms, stadiums, a student club, canteens, and a dispensary.

DSTU is a five-time winner of the Republican Student Spring. Representing the Republic of Dagestan at the All-Russian Student Spring, only the guys won a triumphant victory in Chelyabinsk, winning 3 first, 2 second and 2 third places. Having entered the national team of the Russian Federation, DSTU became the winner of the Grand Prix of the International Student Spring Festival of the CIS countries in the Caucasus. The university's KVN team is the winner of regional tournaments, takes prizes at the All-Russian competition "Cheerful! Healthy! Lucky!", and successfully performs in the Central Krasnodar KVN League. In May 2013, the dance ensemble of the DSTU "Peaks of the Caucasus" won two bronze medals at the All-Russian and International Delphic Games, held in Novosibirsk.

In honor of the 40th anniversary of DSTU, the university's tourist and sports club climbed the nameless peak of Shalbuzdag East (third tower, 4050 m), which is now called "Polytech Peak".

DSTU is the winner of the All-Russian competition for the best student dormitory (campus), organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, twice the winner of the republican competition "Best student dormitory". For many years in a row, DSTU has been the winner of the “Best University Yard” competition held by the Administration of the city of Makhachkala.

The university has created all the conditions for training students in a wide variety of sports. The university hosts a large number of sporting events: competitions in freestyle wrestling, volleyball, table tennis, chess tournaments. The university set a world record: a checkers tournament was held in a simultaneous game, in which more than two thousand students and university teachers took part. DSTU has two football fields, modern gyms for weightlifting, kettlebell lifting and fitness, a table tennis hall, and a summer sports ground for basketball and volleyball. Among the university's graduates are world and European champions, winners and medalists of the Olympic Games. Among the best football teams of universities in the North Caucasian Federal District and Southern Federal District, the Polytech team competes and wins victories at zonal football championships. On the shores of the Caspian Sea, 30 km from the university, there is a sports and recreational camp "Polytechnic".

The university is especially proud of its own swimming pool - one of the largest in the North Caucasus.

By initiating new socio-economic and innovative projects, DSTU successfully implements the priority areas and tasks of higher professional education. The university modernization strategy allows for the implementation of effective development programs for the near future, taking into account the wide capabilities of the technical university.

About the university

The Dagestan Polytechnic Institute, the first technical university in the Republic, was created in 1972 on the basis of a branch of the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute; in 1995, the Russian Ministry of Education transformed it into the Dagestan State Technical University (DSTU).

Today DSTU is one of the largest universities. More than 12 thousand students and about 350 graduate students and doctoral students study at the university. The structure of the university includes 15 faculties, a department of pre-university and post-graduate training, a faculty of retraining and advanced training, postgraduate studies in 35 and doctoral studies in 5 areas, and specialized dissertation councils. The university trains engineering personnel in 49 specialties and 2 areas (bachelor's degree), covering many areas of the national economy. The university has its branches in Kaspiysk, Kizlyar, Derbent.

The university employs more than 108 doctors of science and professors, more than 300 candidates of science and associate professors, in total more than 600 highly qualified teachers, 24 university employees are corresponding members and academicians of various academies.

Nonresident students are accommodated in dormitories with all amenities. On the campus there are 3 gyms, stadiums, a student club, canteens, and a dispensary. On the shores of the Caspian Sea, 30 km from Makhachkala, there is a university medical and health camp.

In order to effectively use the scientific, educational and technological potential of the republic, organize innovative activities aimed at creating and selling modern scientific and technical products, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Dagestan approved the proposal of the Dagestan State Technical University to create a technological park of the Republic of Dagestan on its basis.
The university provides training in the relevant HPE specialties: land reclamation, reclamation and land conservation; hydraulic engineering; water supply and sanitation; oil and gas business; protection in emergency situations; management and computer science in technical systems; computers, complexes, systems and networks; innovation; computer software and automated systems; household machines and appliances; electrical power systems and networks; microsystem technology; biotechnical and medical devices and systems; radio engineering; service; household radio-electronic equipment; means of communication with moving objects; industrial and civil construction; Heat and ventilation; examination and management of real estate; fermentation technology and winemaking; technology of canned food and food concentrates; food technology; technology of bread, confectionery and pasta; design of garments; sewing technology; leather and fur technology; economics and enterprise management (in mechanical engineering; in the oil and gas industry; in construction); state and municipal administration; organisation management; marketing; mathematical methods in economics; applied computer science in economics; taxes and taxation; customs affairs; applied computer science in jurisprudence; forensic examination; theoretical and applied linguistics; psychology; document management and documentation support for management; socio-cultural service and tourism; tourism; public relations; accounting, analysis and audit; world economy; organization and safety of traffic; highways and airfields.

Postgraduate studies are conducted in the following scientific areas: mechanics of deformable solids; condensed matter physics; Thermophysics and theoretical thermal engineering; biophysics; biochemistry; friction and wear in machines; mechanical engineering technology; machines and apparatus for refrigeration and cryogenic equipment and air conditioning systems; devices, systems and medical products; antennas, microwave devices and their technology; telecommunications systems, networks and devices; elements and devices of computer technology and systems; automation and control of technological processes and production; mathematical and software for computers, complexes, systems and networks; mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software packages; organic matter technology; food biotechnology; processes and apparatus of food production; materials science of textile and light industry production; building structures, buildings and structures; foundations and foundations, underground structures; construction materials and products; hydraulics and engineering hydrology; structural mechanics; solid-state electronics, radio-electronic components, micro- and nanoelectronics, devices based on quantum effects; economics and management of the national economy: theory of management of economic systems; macroeconomics; economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes; innovation management; regional economy; logistics; labor economics; population economics and demography; environmental economics; land management; accounting, statistics; mathematical and instrumental methods of economics; social structure, social institutions and processes.

There is a scientific and technical library, the fund of which amounts to over 900,000 copies of literature.

The university has implemented and operates a quality management system for training specialists, covering all forms of university activity; the automated system “ASU – University” is also in operation and is annually improved, which uses a corporate network covering more than 800 computers located on the territory of five academic buildings.

Research and innovation activities are aimed at training highly qualified specialists and creating competitive products and high-tech technologies. The system of scientific departments of DSTU includes the State Research Institute "Prognoz", an innovation and investment center; Republican Engineering Center for Integrated Automation; marketing center; Research Laboratory of Regional Economic Problems; seismology center; "Internet center" and scientific and creative center of the RAASN. A university innovation complex with a technical profile was created by Government Decree.

University scientists take an active part in the implementation of state budgetary and contractual research work, thematic plans, grants and projects on scientific and technical progress: “Machines and technologies of the future”, “Transfer technologies and complexes”, “Conversion and high technologies”, “Reaktiv”, “South of Russia” , “Mountains”, “Development of new composite building materials”, “Federal-regional policy in science and education”, “Innovative activities of higher education”, “Integration of science and higher education in Russia”, “Scientific research of higher education in priority areas of science and technology”, “Development of the scientific potential of higher education”, “Start”, etc.

The North Caucasus sections of the journals “Izvestia of Russian Universities. Radioelectronics" and "Instrument Engineering", many conferences, symposiums, seminars and scientific schools, including international ones, are held. Every year, DSTU scientists publish more than 1,200 scientific papers, the university submits more than 200 applications for inventions per year, and actively participates in exhibition activities.

The university's educational and research laboratories are equipped with modern technological equipment and instrumentation.

The Center's information resources are integrated into a single corporate network of the university, to which all workstations are connected: computer rooms, laboratories, faculties, departments, management staff, departments, library and other departments. Two university buildings located far from each other are connected to each other via a fiber-optic channel with a throughput of 2 Gbit/s. Other buildings located on the university campus, including individual faculty buildings, the library, and the student dormitory, are connected via Ethernet technology using special cable channels (P - 296, P - 270). Level 3 switches from D-Link are installed as active equipment. To organize backup channels for information exchange between remote buildings, radio relay communication lines are used.

Over the past 15 years, the automated system “ASU-VUZ” has been functioning and being annually improved, which provides all calculations, processing, preparation, documentation and documentation support for the management of the educational process and scientific research. Starting from the processing of applicants’ documents and ending with the issuance of diplomas to graduates, the processes of planning, organizing and managing the educational process are divided into technological cycles, for which autonomous and interconnected subsystems “Applicant - test generation” have been developed; "Applicant - testing"; "Contingent"; “Dean’s Office – 1st year”; "Scholarship"; “Teaching load and curriculum” “Calculation of teaching load”; “Distribution of teaching load”; "Wage"; "Session"; “The teacher through the eyes of a student”; “Current certification of students”; Session - exam schedule"; "Session"; "Diploma". The automated automated control system "University" is part of the intra-university quality management system for training specialists, providing automation of the collection and processing of data on the current activities of each university department and the presentation of the results of statistical processing for making management decisions.

DSTU carries out international activities in close cooperation with foreign universities and organizations in accordance with agreements on scientific, technical, educational and cultural cooperation: Gomel State Technical University named after. BY. Sukhoi (Republic of Belarus); University of Poitiers (France); Donbass Engineering Academy (Kramatorsk, Ukraine). Together with ANALOG DEVICES INC (USA), one of the world's leading companies in the field of production of electronic components and signal processing technologies, a training and research center “Modern electronic elements and technologies” was created, which trains specialists in the field of electronics, microprocessor technology and digital signal processing.

The university participates in the international project “Support for Russia’s participation in European research programs” (RUSERA), in the European project TACIS TEMPUS “Application of the Bologna process in technical universities of the North Caucasus.”

DSTU is the organizer and participant of a number of international seminars (Russian-Japanese seminar “Advanced technologies and equipment for materials science, micro- and nanoelectronics”, “Educational services of Russian universities, prospects for bilateral cooperation”, Malaysia); conferences (“Engineering problems in the development of large cities” (AFES, France), Russian-German conference “Medium-sized businesses: new prospects for trade and economic cooperation”); exhibitions in Hanover (Germany), Plovdiv (Bulgaria), Izmir (Turkey), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia); congresses (MAPRYAL); information sessions (on cooperation programs with the UK under the auspices of the British Council; information days on European scientific and technical cooperation programs (INCO and FP6 programs).

Over the past 5 years, scientists have prepared and published 74 monographs, 52 collections of scientific papers, 4173 scientific articles, received 112 Russian patents, and filed 169 patent applications for inventions. 41 textbooks with the stamp of the Ministry of Education of Russia and educational and methodological associations, volume 307.8 pp. and a circulation of 6,450 copies, 77 textbooks stamped by the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "DSTU" with a volume of 436.3 pp. and a circulation of 17,150 copies, 374 methodological instructions, volume 748 pp. and a circulation of 41,300 copies.
Outstanding alumni.

Among the university graduates are Members of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Members of the State Council of the Republic of Dagestan, the People's Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan, Chairmen of City Assemblies, heads of city and district administrations, heads of ministries, scientific institutions and industrial enterprises, both in Dagestan and other regions of the Russian Federation. There are many outstanding athletes who glorified Dagestan and Russia: champions of the Olympic Games, world, Europe and Russia.

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