White July day sparkles strictly analysis. Andrey Bely complete collection of poems

"July day: sparkles strictly..."

July day: sparkles strictly
Unmoistened soil.
Continuous road.
Continuous fields.
And the dusty, midday flame
Dumb lump of blue
Fell on my chest like a muddy stone,
Undeniable fate.

No wonder the valleys dried up,
And the clouds piled up high.
And a warm and heavy drop,
Having started talking, they broke off.
With bottomless ineffability
Milky, brittle, young,
We crush the dark wave,
Plays over the water for a month.
Of the unattainable run
The unreachable wave
Indescribable bliss
Inexplicable depth.


Neither “yes” nor “no”!..
Mute answer -
Over the downpour of years
Into the extinguished light.

I'm immersed
In a sleepless moan:
Into a limp sleep
Dark times.

You are like water
You flow there -
At my age -
Neither “no” nor “yes”.



The difficult years dragged on
The ground froze... From the cracks
The fire that burned us for years
Now fading dully,
It was shining in the Mediterranean heat.

I look: under my feet
In the hardening, dead lands -
Outstretched, dead hands, -
Stretched in flour -

And the sky -
Like blue shawls:

And - again the earth separated;
And - a blue shawl: my wings.
And again the wings carry me
Once realized

And - there,
In turquoise lands,
In the dim lights, -

You are there:
In the pinkish
In non-heating
As before...

Should I surrender myself as before?
Hope -
Turquoise dew,
Get up, rise up in space
A sobering light. Sun!

October 1921


Wait for me

Distant, dear, -
Wait for me...

Distant, dear:
I will be!..

Your eyes will become to me -
Two stars.

They'll look at you in the fog -
Two stars.

We are in the distance -
Let's see;

And they gave distances -
Will become: smoke.

Between us, who have flared up, -
The babble of years!..

Between us, who have flared up, -
The light is shining.



The curtain fell: and - again
Sunsets are severely torn apart -

In the hunchbacks,
Stingrays -
- And in blue

With a persistent measured step
We pass over a black cliff...

Flashed -
Zigzag: -
- It exploded -
With an impulse.

The roads have gone out, as if in ashes;
The rough grasses have dried up...



We've gone deaf
Blinded -
- Forever!


To my sister

K. N. Bugaeva

No babbling of vines, no sad splash of water
And not the stars of a refined diamond, -
And you, and you, and - your crystal voice
And the sparkle of your inexpressible eyes...

The darkness in which you have me is thinning,
Having barely found it, I myself was exhausted,
Recreated by the influence of fire,
Composing me within me with radiance.

I am your mirage, crying with dew,
You are young Hebe above nature,
You brighten with native beauty
Into the mirages of the crying sky.

Everything, having brightened, carries your words:
And the crackling of dragonflies, and ripening seedlings,
And the trembling of the grasses, barely warm,
And the babble of vines into the silver waters.


“It will blink with the honey yellowness of stingrays...”

The honey-yellow stingrays will blink, -
The smell of pitch pine through the window -
Lemonna is a butterfly... And languidly curses
There is blue heat above the dove.

From behind the cover - the flickering of small moths -
From the heart - the words are a cheerful click.
Lyrical roles do not suit me:
You won’t be able to make any sense.

I am above myself - a sandy dune -
Once again it has sprouted as living grass!
Having fluttered, I lead, - absurdly, stupidly, youthfully, -
Once again - his dandy tune.

Once again they are close and dear to me, -
Bush raspberry leaves, -
Healingly spilled forces
And long-lasting days!

Once again the breath came out of me
A power unknown to consciousness, -
A wave of incessant roar,
Steamy heat and bird clicks from the groves.


“Snow is shriveled, peeling pulp...”

Snow is shriveled, peeling pulp.
The bush is covered with a swollen bud, like smoke.
How delightfully galoshes splash into the slush -
Whistle with the spring breeze.

Centuries, not years, in an extended minute.
Delight is in the air of an expanded chest...
In the pereserations of soft, mucky turbidity
The rains are falling on us like silver.

It broke in, poured out, into the dimness, into the darkness of the fog
A river swollen lightly and widely.
A moment, and it will turn blue like an ocean flood,
And he will click the bird... And it will be -
- Sun!


“I have suffered; and - alive... Still a runaway navy...”

I have suffered; and - alive... Still a runaway navy
From time to time a squeak rises from the heart...
But in the overflowing, over-shining reality
A thousand-lightning disk, rattling with light.

I feel youthful again: in my soul, - in my soul, clique -
Past darknesses and days are read separately.
You, darling?.. Ax, - it clears the ears
Relaxing, cheerful whistle of spring.

Everything, everything - clearly, in depth, clearly
In one life's birth "I" and "you"
Haze is spots born only by eyelashes:
The groaning of the sunny, shadowless heights.


From the jets of unchanging Lethe
Bowed into the day, empty and angry, -
You are the dark shadow of the planet;
You -
- rustle -
sculpted by darkness!

Shine in the worlds like the milky moon,
Flying with a death's head!
Fly like dust - like eternal fear
Above this -
- an abyss -
- fatal!

Look how dark it is!
What an empty peace all around!
Just like magic numbers -
Lights -
- magical -
- stars...

Like sheep, prisoners of the planet,
Everyone is wandering in empty orbits...
At least the take-off fire of a comet!
At least -
- fleeting -
- flash!

Everything flared up: both hearing and eyes...
Wing-like light and hum:
And the spirit - the light-feathered archangel -
Comet -
- heaven -
– pierced!

And - alien to the mountain's grief -
In the ring of rejected planets -
You fell like an angry shadow,
Face -
- squinted -
- to the light.



The sparkling fence crackles
Dry Christmas frost...

And somewhere the wind is a nimble thief
The rusty lock rattles;

And the garden was overgrown with snowdrifts.
And the same old turuses

Under Jehovah's beard...
Oh, the stars are Christmas tree beads, -

And you. Jupiter blue,
When will you break?

Take away the shining songs,
Stop the tearful game -

Universe, go out, crack:
You evil lump of stupid spinner!

You are a spawning fish!
No, it's better not to scream, not to touch

That lifeless crater:
It is black, like coke, like tar...

And on it, like a dead nail, -
The moon crawls over evil.


Old bard

Like crystals
Having chirped to me,
Swinging in the beam
The dragonfly trembles;
And fussing
From rusty herbs, -
The lizard shines.

Water is like fire;
The sky is like a cap...
What kind of tetanus
In glazed eyes!
And the same me
Lost Fool
In Yours, O God,
Vain spaces.

You are rainbows, you are
Arcade marbles!
You are a waterfall
Empty splendor!..
Not happy
Fragrant garden
When and in it, -
Like in a red-hot crypt...

Above muteness
swaddled years
Having spoken
Burnt eyes
I'll throw myself out
Into the unportable light
And I'll go away
Like lightning, like tears.

I'm barely alive
Bard pierced by an arrow -
Unhealed melancholy,
How evil, golden-headed
From the golden heat.



Raised his voice -
- Stubborn, crafty,
Like Pan -
- AND -
– Jerky -


Like a dream from oblivion,
Exactly a chiton
Violet, -
– Flutes -
– Per day
Trembling -
- Singing...
Sappho -
– From a scarf
Like air -
– Face -
I was enlightened -
To the sound...
Harp -
- Flowed -
– By the stream -
– Silver -
- Out of hand!


Cave Dweller

I am a dark monk -
Poor and naked;
I had a verb
Like thunder
Huge, -

When, pumping air,
There are clouds in the firmament

- "I -
Soul Doors;
Your home!

- Do it
My testament

I am love
Scared -
From lightning
My husband came out

He's a hand
And eyes to me
Pierced and burned
Feathered light.

God is with me!
I am like on fire!
I will heed the prophetic

With his disheveled
He's rotten
Seas and land, -

And the light flashed
And thunder filled -
My torn apart

I'm pale and hungry
And boss:
I live
Lurking like a beast
In the cave...

I am waiting:
Into a blinded world
Christ -
Will open fiery

Where the marbles of the white pool
The garden is decorated and where the laurel is tousled, -
There - at dawn he goes to Hussein’s house
Havey-Humzi, my beloved Moor!

His turban is like a snow miter,
A wave of muslin rinses from the shoulders,
Intertwining its foamy silk into azure;
And the shine of the eyes is like... the splash of curved swords.

Like smoke, the scattering of milky burnous;
Like a rose, pink gondura -
Plays with silver-whiskered scales;
A silver bracelet rattles into the night.

Behind the ear the flower sways lazily...
But... in the twilight... - the drum will explode!..
And - it splashes out, suddenly squealing tearfully,
Curved like a moon, a clear scimitar.

And the white veranda will turn red:
Swinging into the night, baring his teeth from his hand, -
There is the head of a prostrate grandee
Will rise above the river bank.


Coward of the cities

In coward cities
Rumble and voice

- “I am Christ”
Jesus, -
Here with you

I am thunder
I am world

I am you
To the light house

You are smoke, -
You are dust, -

Cover with smoke

Build yours
In easy years

Hands in thunder
And - let's sing:
"He is Risen!"



The fumes are boiling
Melts with pearl dew;
Barely smoke
From the pale distances, -

Like a gentle sigh
Like a flock of ermines,
On gray moss
Driving the shadows.

Steel tooth
In scattered yarn
Shine pierced
Diamond glass -

Under the kneading
Into the silver ridges,
Screaming, centaur
The karak tutted.



I threw away the day
Shadow Palm:
“O day, overflow!
Oh, dress me in light!”

And a shadow darted:
And like a sunny horse
Suddenly thrown from lightning
There's fire in my eyes.

And the air is playful
He flashed a smile;
And a shining mane
Blinked under the cloud;

And the roar rolled
In hunched eyelids;
And the thunder rumbled
In golden clouds;

From where, tearing up
In your light cloak, -
Bent over the thicket
Golden head -

With a golden hand
Rising into the fog -
Stooped, gray-haired,
Hollow-fronted titan.



Day and night the cat is a scientist

Everything goes around and around in a chain.

Diving into the dusk of the oak trees,
There are bustling fauns here
They show their tongue.
And the wayward Karla wanders,
Like a mushroom, puffing up its head;

With the gloomy hunchback Ammos
Wondering at the pearl dew
From a pale fawn day;
Staring with an ugly nose,
He looks at me tearfully.

I tip my hat to him:
- “My respect, sir!..” And Ammos -
I graze, I babble listening,
Your shining flock
Heavy, kind, yellow wasps;

He looks into the curly, foamy stream;
And under the green pine
Blows fog from the nostrils;
And above the pine tree stands arrogant
And a lean giant.

And the whole day will be hectic
There is the same gnome in the forest cave;
Crimson, angry, frantic, -
Forges silver arrows,
Thunder is preparing for the night.

Done!.. The clouds will clear;
She blinks and crawls;
The ridge opens up above the forest;
And the wind meows from the branches,
Like a crazy, wild cat.

And someone is jumping along the road,
Your legs stretching out
On a rotted, gray stump...
Looms - black-horned dusk;
And he cries - a white-legged day.



Passes the road
Gone from the world -
Crowned with two horns
The king is crazy.

And they shine huge
Eyes -

Into the ominous, dark

And they splash out of dust
Pieces of purple, -

Like red wings
A frightened bird.

He's in a wild field
Palms -

And a wild field
Let's chase.



Forest wilds... There, at the edge
A ferocious boar lay down in the bushes;
There are courier huts
They look into the swampy darkness;

There are naked women there at night,
Grasping your sides with your hands,
Shaking like the bellies of toads, -
They scratch the trepak with a whistle;

There, with a trampled, stumpy bald spot,
Putting on a three-piece hat, sitting on a tree stump,
Bullhead, piebald goblin
Lighted a crackling fire...

Smoke is billowing... On the strict field
Dust wags like a gray propeller;
And the wind wanders along the roads;
And the thunder roars dully;

And - the ancient, fatal charioteer, -
Gray-haired, disheveled Andron, -
Rattles the cart, flogs the game,
Flashed by flying lightning.



God's -
– Fiery
Arrows, -
Our stone will rise

Where should we run away?
Out of anger?
And how to squeal
From black holes?

Spirit -
Womb, -
– Bubbling gases, -

Old temple -
- Where -
Out of anger
Brutal, -
– Bezlobyy
Narrow-eyed -
- Ham!

Priest of lard, chewer
Bread, -
Tuxedo -
- Coffin, -

With a snap, pressing
Sky, -
– Your black
Bowler -
- On the forehead, -
Conscience -
– Lakovym

Belly -
– Karakov
Coat, -
Here -
Will run to the end
For the purposes -
- So that -
– From the cabinet

burst out
Into nothing!



- "Ring -
- Take off mine:
Mine is like ice -

- In the raw, -
– Like ice, deaf
Earth - quickly
Cover it!..

- My spirit -
– The through one will take off
Into the fields - through

- You -
– Will find it silver
Boiling -
- Love! -
- My!.."
And – then – well -
– Fragrant
Field, -

Rye, -
into the night
Flying away
Waves, wind,

Suddenly smeared
Kolokoltsov -

Like in a dream -
- Crying,
Silver -
Trezvon -
– Tech –
- Funeral...


Reworked Poems


Sound, oh pale one

Be silent - suffering

Breathing - sonorous

Soul – seven-string

Fly -
Above the babble of years!

Shine -
Heavenly runes!

Call me
Poet, -

And tear it up
Its thin

1900, 1921


Are you -
- My
They weren't?
Are you -
- Fast

Were there
Weren't they -
– Sparks, -

Garevo -
– Dust -
- From the haze -
- Years!

No, -
Don't measure!..

Tree -
- There -
- Dancing
Frantically -
- In the din.

By hand
Dead -
- Us…

Falls -
- Falls -
- Falls -
- Night…

Give me -

Away, -
- Hateful, -

She burst into tears -
Away -
– Sharp-winged -

She burst into tears
Vyspry -
– Sharp-winged -

I'm falling -
- I'm falling -
- I'm falling -
- I…

Can't overcome
You, -


1900, 1929

The East has turned pale

The East has turned pale,
The East is numb,
The East has dawned -
- Like a monk
Singing, -

Over the shadow of the aspen trees,
Over the laziness of the vines,
Above the canopy of the valleys -
- East

Birches are through;
The swarms are dewy,
Cut flowers…
- And the white ones, -
These -

We hid in the summer;
And in the summer we learned:
We, the children, said,
- What are these -
Oh light!

August 1901, 1921


The same - dew, slopes, fog...
Above the weeds -
The cooling rustle of the clearing,
Starving poor people.

And in freedom, in freedom - bondage;
And harsh
Our region -
Throws it at us from a cold field,
Sends us a cry: -
- “Die.”

Maramorokhs are carried across the field:
The same flocks of unsatiated deaths
Under the slopes
They mow with braids -
Under the slopes

Yellow, yellow grass whistles;
And the ring of horizons threatens: -
Sharpenes with whistlebreakers
Wet with empty spitters

1908 (25)


“Yes, maybe,” you said, “
Not that..."
“Until the new one,” she exclaimed.
Siren, -
Dating..." But we knew:
Into nothing
Boiling boils over

- “I don’t believe that forever...”
And so -
I asked: your eyes
They didn't lie...
We were washed through
And the waves into crying eyes
They patched it up.

Barely a sickle
And under the steering wheel they were emboldened by the light
They sulked on the ship
They sang for the shallows
On the night of the siren.

And here you are into the vastness
It's gone;
On the pale horizon,
Worried Cloud
It has risen
Praised by the bright

Into the whirlpools, into the smoke of dolphins
The ship turned white like a swan
Flew away.
And the West faded away like stripes
Sky-high paws
Spread flat.

1901 1921

About polar peace
(cello speaking)


In crystal
Dali, -
- Where -
– Clear
Bugle beads -
– Reshot
Brilliance: polar flocks
Ice -
- Where -
- Illustration
Sunset - pity
Blind people
Gazes -
- In sad times
Buruna -
- The schooner set sail.


– By sail -
- Red,
Like a clear ruby, -

– Stronger
Songs -
- Under the dawn -
- Set sail -
- Into cereal
Fog -
- Pomors.


Turns on -
– Breaks
Your song -
- Walks
By the waters, -
- Worn -

Bitter sea!
- Year
Osiyaniy -
- Over the years
Will rush
There -
– Hurricanes
Explosive -
Will fly off -
- Into the whirlwind


Nothing will change!..
Only -
– Rebels
Yes, he's amusing himself
Keith -
– Torrential
Fountains -
- Penami,
Water -
- Into the whirlwind


And over the stone
Ridge -
– Unintelligible
Godin -
Fell out quickly
A heap
White ash

– Got stronger
Crystal yarn
Polar darkness.
showered -
– Fiery
Trouble -
– Spots
Soldered ice floes.

July 1901, 1922


The field is poor:
Stump mold:
They have horns in them
Darkness of shadows.

Clouded by smoking
Moldy Pond:
In the azure sky
The rod will be pulled out.

Full of turbidity
All of existence:
Full of horror
My heart.

- “With a dark paw
I'll catch you..."
With a dark paw
Thrown into darkness.

1901, 1929


I'm waiting to receive your verb from the flame.
I'm waiting for signs... But horror, -
- Oppressive spirit -

Like a thief
How to thief -

In the mountains

Shaggy dust mutters in the clouds, -
Sweeps the disheveled grief -
- Sushi…
Like a slave
In the hole, -

I'm saving

From the clouds an evil flying snake
A needle of fire will pierce me -
- Aimless...



1901, 1931

Waves of dawn

In the spring waves of dawn
The crosses of the bell towers screamed.
Burn my heart, Tory:
Again I am free and free.

Sends me distance again
Sighing, melting rest:
Its blue enamel,
Your gentle, purple air.

And - the first, light shadow,
And - light squeals of swallows;
The lilacs are shaking again
Radiant, clean spray.

And the sighing forest blows
I smell the smell of spicy spikenard...
At the slope of the airy skies
Cheetah skin stretched.

1902, 1918


And the same one is staggering
And the same coolness

And the same melodious
Squealing, flies out
Of the days -

Airy above the fields
Flying spots

There, to the blue one
Hall, -
Means all-seeing
God -

Whisked up dust
The road;
And the shepherd boy cries

Like light dust,
Melting like a cloud
In tears, -

Like a lark
Pouring, -
I will inspire life
In the skies.

March 1902. 1931


The distance is like glass:
Above the golden field -
- The oats are making noise...

Everything, everything is over!
From an impatient soul -
- The question disappeared.

The ears are boiling
Above that boundary -
– Like evil wool;

The sun flies away
Krasnozolotoye -
- Into the gray dust.

The shadows will grow
The ghost world -
- Through a wave,

Breathing in the fields
Like golden purple -
- The heat will fade.

No - nothing!
And - nothing will happen -
- And you will die...

And the world will collapse...
And God will forget him... -
-What are you waiting for?

world axis
Time will shake -
- The light will go out.

Empty in the darkness
It will melt like gray smoke, -
- Flight of the planets.

The meadow is blooming...
Flies away, growing cold, -
- In pearl-barley heat,

Rushing with rust, -
- Crimson ball.

Spaces go dark
Decaying into dust; -
- And I; and - you...

There is no life there:
They threaten, rushing there, -
- My fingers.

July 1902, 1931

N.V. Bugaev


Flamed behind a distant copse
Amber-red gold sunset.
Grasshoppers make annoying noises
They threw it at us. Smoke billowed from the huts.

We sat down, and - something full of meaning,
You calculated, bending over a stump.
And - the thread wove. And – the numbers added up.
And the twilight breathed a chill.

You said: "Flying monads
In the zone waves of splashing times, -
We do not exist; and we are communities,
Where in the world the trembling world is lit.

We are a swarm of worlds. Worlds are swarming around.
We will become the world. We will rise above the world.
Immeasurable universes look
In the blind feelings there is rebellious darkness.

The defeated gods of blind feelings, -
We rise in the palace of the world."
And I was silent. And someone on the road
A light swayed from the dusk.

Your eyes are both joyful and tender
They looked at me from under the glasses.
And there, and there - above the bankless field -
The abyss of existence was azure.

And there was a little light behind the distant copse
Greenish gold sunset:
Grasshoppers make annoying noises
They threw it at us. Smoke billowed from the huts.


Flowers bloom over a quiet grave.
The circle of bright life has quietly closed.
By some irresistible force
I'm drawn to you, friend!

Everything from your open windows
I look into the garden... One thing, one thing forever...
And the sun's chervonets sheds
There's a fiery spot on my hand.

And the wind sweeps: “We are gods,
Walking through a swarm of worlds - there,
Where the sun shines into bright palaces,
Where are the purple ridges of clouds..."

1903, 1914

The breeze will rustle

The breeze will rustle
White-trunked birch;
The sad wreath sways
A rattling, porcelain rose.

Black swallows years;
The air is blowing, sweet...
It will blink with a slight crack
The light of a lamp.

You're not dead - no, no!
We'll see you soon...
Will not be washed away by the streams of years
My quiet grief.

Above the grave hill
Because of the lilac branches
Pale white face
The genius bows quietly.

August 1903, 1922


And the crayfish are old; and - the darkness of gilding;
In the spill of silver there is a black hole in the icon case; -

And someone in it threatens with a silver finger;
And the red snake stinks with the holy cross.

A gray-haired archpriest under a wax candle
He stood up like a golden hump from golden doors;

With a cross, like a mace, he hit the gray incense:
The vestments lit up as if engulfed in flames.

Two rays of light, like two eagle wings...
And, screaming heavily, the bells tremble.

July 1903, 1921


Winds - a drawn-out voice, snows -
Rebel Run
From afar...

Twisted crosses
On white snow
Shadows turn blue...

From tender tears and snowy bliss
It blows from the field
Sweet news...

Burning in a row
Berez -

Turning robin
Over the grave...

Chapel pale
The silver head sweeps away
Frost, -

The chapel is poor
Silver head - shines
In blue...

Heavy oak, like a sentinel,
He listens sadly
To the sounds of torment -

Shaggy with snow, in a harsh howl
Lifts up

And he will rush
His distant moan:
With a rush...

And rushes around
He became numb -

And only -
– Height
In an angry

And only -
- Into silence
It sounds -
In the snow -
- The voice of a friend...

1903, 1922


Cast iron cabinets
Sticking out under the porch;
Sprouted flower beds;
Abandoned house.

Noble families
Peeling coat of arms;
And - thickets of lilies;
And - thickets of willows.

There's a torn shutter
The window will slam;
There life is cut short
Dark bottom -

Couches, chaise longues,
Chimes, cases
And dead ancestors -
They faded out of the darkness.

Under the arches
It gets dark sometimes
There are crying parks
A mumbling swarm.

Completed by: Leushina Olga,
1st year master's student, "Literary Education"

Analysis of A. Bely’s poem “July Day: Sparkles Strictly”
Text of the poem.
* * *
July day: sparkles strictly
Unmoistened soil.
Continuous road.
Continuous fields.
And the dusty midday flame
Dumb lump of blue

Undeniable fate.

No wonder the valleys flowed
And the clouds piled up high.
And a warm and heavy drop,
Having started talking, they broke off.
With bottomless inexplicability,
Milky, brittle, young,
We crush the dark wave,
Plays over the water for a month.
Of the unattainable run
The unreachable wave
Indescribable bliss
Inexplicable depth.

Analysis of the poem.
"July Day..." is landscape poem, in which this July day is described. The work is written in the style of symbolism, with its characteristic emotionality and characteristic artistic and expressive means.
At the end of the poem, the author practically idealizes some images, showing their perfection":
Of the unattainable run
The unreachable wave
Indescribable bliss
Inexplicable depth.
Andrei Bely shows that this cannot be done: it is impossible to achieve run and wave, to describe bliss and to explain depth.

The imagery of this poem is also contained in punctuation marks. At the end of many lines, the author puts a period, which means completeness, and therefore a semantic pause.
With the help of these means of expression, the poem is filled with emotional depth, unusual rhythm and memorable images.

Architectonics of the text.
Poetic line
Poetic size
Number of pyrrhichiae


Unmoistened soil.
Iambic tetrameter

Continuous road.
Iambic tetrameter

Continuous fields.
Trimeter trochee with truncated foot

And the dusty midday flame


Dumb lump of blue
Iambic tetrameter

Fell on my chest like a muddy stone,
Iambic tetrameter with truncated foot


Undeniable fate.
Iambic tetrameter

No wonder the valleys flowed
Iambic tetrameter with truncated foot

And the clouds piled up high.
Iambic tetrameter

And a warm and heavy drop,
Iambic tetrameter with truncated foot

Having started talking, they broke off.
Iambic tetrameter

With bottomless inexplicability,
Iambic tetrameter with truncated foot

Milky, brittle, young,
Iambic tetrameter

We crush the dark wave,
Iambic tetrameter with truncated footh

Plays over the water for a month.
Iambic tetrameter


Of the unattainable run
Iambic tetrameter with truncated foot

The unreachable wave
Iambic tetrameter

Indescribable bliss
Iambic tetrameter with truncated foot

Inexplicable depth.
Iambic tetrameter

The poem consists of five quatrains, which is also evidenced by the special composition of the rhyme. The rhyme is cross, precise.

The poem is characterized by polymetry and a clear graphic rhythm.
Inversion: Plays 2 months 1 over 3 water 4
Epithets: July, unmoistened, continuous, dusty, midday, dumb, blue, cloudy, indisputable, warm, heavy, bottomless, milky, brittle, young, dark-haired, unattainable, indescribable, inexplicable.
Metaphor: the day sparkles; noon flame; a dumb block; bottomless ineffability.
Comparison: like a muddy stone
Personification: having spoken, they stopped.
Neologisms: streamed, dark-colored,

Repetitions: continuous road/continuous fields of unreachable run/unreachable wave
Gradation: continuous road continuous fields
Dynamics: sparkles; fell; flowed out; have developed; speaking; broke off; crushed by a wave; plays, runs.
Statics: strictly; unmoistened earth, continuous road, fields, dusty, midday flame, mute, blue, muddy stone, indisputable fate, a drop of warm, heavy, bottomless, milky, brittle, young moon, dark, unattainable wave, indescribable bliss, inexplicable depth, valley, clouds, heights, above the water,


July day
Unwetted ground

Dusty midday flame
Continuous road

Continuous fields

The valleys flowed

The clouds piled up

We crush the dark wave

The elusive wave

Sound recording


Unwetted ground
Continuous road

And the dusty midday flame
And the dusty midday flame (conjunction of consonants)

Dumb lump of blue
sparkles strictly

No wonder the valleys flowed (Confluence of vowels)
Undeniable fate.

We crush the dark wave,
No wonder they flowed (conjunction of consonants)

Milky, brittle, young,
And a drop of warm and heavy, (conjunction of consonants)

Indescribable bliss (Vowel combination)
Having started talking, they broke off.

Inexplicable depth.
With bottomless inexplicability, (conjunction of consonants)

Milky, brittle, young,

We crush it with a dark wave, (a confluence of consonants)

The poem paints a rural summer landscape before us. appears before us art painting roast July day. A summer July day is merciless in its scorching, suffocating atmosphere. The sun stands high and “sparkles” strictly - it is a “dusty midday flame.” The earth is not moistened, the road and continuous fields are frozen in their vastness. The picture actively unfolds horizontally, in its vastness of lines. But the hour of this languor is short-lived and soon one picture of a hot, arid summer day is replaced by another. Clouds roll in (“and the clouds piled up high”) and the first drops of life-giving heavenly moisture fall after a long break. The vertical space of the rain that fell appears as a heavenly “blue block.” And then it collapses, the whole stream breaks off, the noise of which is similar to a conversation (“having spoken, they stopped”). And now a month has been illuminating the transformed summer landscape, the long-awaited rain brings with it water

“unreachable waves, inexplicable depths.” All this gives rise to indescribable bliss.
A bright, accurate depiction of the landscape is facilitated by an abundance of various means artistic expression. This is inversion, and neologisms, and large number the most beautiful metaphors and epithets. It is the abundance of metaphorical expressions, epithets and neologisms that makes it possible to give the most highly graphic description of a July day, whose inexhaustible “ardor” was pacified by the arrival of rain at the end of the day:
Milky, brittle, young,
We crush the dark wave,
Plays over the water for a month.

Worth noting special treatment dynamics and statics. At the same time, statics are used and predominate in to a greater extent when describing a July day frozen in its midday flame. While the dynamics characterize the arrival of rain and the watering of valleys, earth, and fields with moisture. The rain is depicted sublimely, allegorically, symbolically, the entire final quatrain exalts this majestic and mysterious natural power of rain:
Of the unattainable run
The unreachable wave
Indescribable bliss
Inexplicable depth.

At the same time, parallelism and repetition enhance the energy natural strength rain, water. The landscape is drawn as a complete picture, visual images are drawn with incredible beauty artistic images the “flame” of a July day and the bottomless inexplicability of “water”, the rain at the end of this hot, suffocating, dusty, but still beautiful day in its artistic landscape.


“July day: sparkles strictly...” Andrey Bely

July day: sparkles strictly
Unmoistened soil.
Continuous road.
Continuous fields.
And the dusty midday flame
Dumb lump of blue
Fell on my chest like a muddy stone,
Undeniable fate.

No wonder the valleys flowed
And the clouds piled up high.
And a warm and heavy drop,
Having started talking, they broke off.
With bottomless inexplicability,
Milky, brittle, young,
We crush the dark wave,
Plays over the water for a month.
Of the unattainable run
The unreachable wave
Indescribable bliss
Inexplicable depth.

Analysis of Andrei Bely’s poem “July Day: Sparkles Strictly...”

The poem “July day: sparkles strictly...” refers to Bely’s landscape lyrics. The plot is divided into three parts. In the first eight lines, readers are presented with a hot summer day. The earth is exhausted and exhausted without life-giving moisture. The sun beats down mercilessly, as if scorching nature with fire - it’s dusty, stuffy, it’s hard to breathe. The poet shows the landscape in static form. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine any active movement in such excruciating and exhausting heat. In addition, in world art, summer afternoon is often perceived as the time when nature falls asleep, when most living creatures prefers rest in the shade to being in the sun. The landscape unfolds horizontally. It is important for White to demonstrate its vastness, infinity - “continuous road”, “continuous fields”. The period of midday languor does not last long.

In the second part of the poem, the picture painted by the poet changes greatly. The sky was covered with clouds. The much-desired, long-awaited rain poured onto the “unmoistened land,” giving life and salvation from the heat. If previously the landscape unfolded horizontally, now Bely’s gaze glides vertically. The focus of his attention is the life-giving moisture falling from heaven to earth. The second part of the text under consideration is distinguished by dynamics. Movement here is associated with water, water – with life. A similar view is typical of Tyutchev’s lyrics, with which Bely was well acquainted. The sound of rain in the poem “A July Day: Sternly Sparkles...” is similar to a conversation. Its drops are heavy and warm, capable of nourishing the earth. In the third part of the work, darkness sets in and the stream of water that fell from the sky dries up. Night comes, a “milky, brittle, young” month appears. Nature rested, purified, transformed, and “indescribable bliss” reigned. The final quatrain is a celebration of the majestic life-giving power of rain.

The poem “July Day: Sparkles Strictly...” is a great example landscape lyrics Andrey Bely. The poet uses many means to describe nature artistic representation: original metaphors, bright epithets, beautiful metaphors, non-trivial comparisons. Thanks to this, both a hot July day and a saving summer rain, and quiet good night, in which the new moon looks down on the earth from heaven.

Completed by: Leushina Olga,

1st year master's student, "Literary Education"

Analysis of A. Bely's poem "July Day: Sparkles Strictly"

Text of the poem.

* * *

Unmoistened soil.

Continuous road.

Continuous fields.

Dumb lump of blue

Undeniable fate.

No wonder the valleys flowed

And the clouds piled up high.

And a warm and heavy drop,

Having started talking, they broke off.

With bottomless inexplicability,

Milky, brittle, young,

We crush the dark wave,

Plays over the water for a month.

Of the unattainable run

The unreachable wave

Indescribable bliss

Inexplicable depth.


Analysis of the poem.

“July Day...” is a landscape poem in which this July day is described. The work is written in the style of symbolism, with its characteristic emotionality and characteristic artistic and expressive means.

Of the unattainable run

The unreachable wave

Indescribable bliss

Inexplicable depth.

Andrei Bely shows that this cannot be done: it is impossible to achieve run and wave, to describe bliss and to explain depth.

The imagery of this poem is also contained in punctuation marks. At the end of many lines, the author puts a period, which means completeness, and therefore a semantic pause.

With the help of these means of expression, the poem is filled with emotional depth, unusual rhythm and memorable images.

Architectonics of the text.

Poetic line

Poetic size

Number of pyrrhichiae



July day: sparkles strictly


Unmoistened soil.

Iambic tetrameter


Continuous road.

Iambic tetrameter


Continuous fields.

Trimeter trochee with truncated foot


And the dusty midday flame

Iambic tetrameter with truncated foot


Dumb lump of blue

Iambic tetrameter


Fell on my chest like a muddy stone,

Iambic tetrameter with truncated foot


Undeniable fate.

Iambic tetrameter


No wonder the valleys flowed

Iambic tetrameter with truncated foot



And the clouds piled up high.

Iambic tetrameter



And a warm and heavy drop,

Iambic tetrameter with truncated foot



Having started talking, they broke off.

Iambic tetrameter



With bottomless inexplicability,

Iambic tetrameter with truncated foot



Milky, brittle, young,

Iambic tetrameter



We crush the dark wave,

Iambic tetrameter with truncated footh



Plays over the water for a month.

Iambic tetrameter



Of the unattainable run

Iambic tetrameter with truncated foot



The unreachable wave

Iambic tetrameter



Indescribable bliss

Iambic tetrameter with truncated foot



Inexplicable depth.

Iambic tetrameter


The poem consists of five quatrains, which is also evidenced by the special composition of the rhyme. The rhyme is cross, precise.

The poem is characterized by polymetry and a clear graphic rhythm.





















Inversion: Plays 2 month 1 over 3 water 4

Epithets: July, unmoistened, continuous, dusty, midday, mute, blue, cloudy, indisputable, warm, heavy, bottomless, milky, brittle, young, dark-haired, unattainable, indescribable, inexplicable.

Metaphor: the day sparkles; noon flame; a dumb block; bottomless ineffability.

Comparison: like a muddy stone

Personification: Having spoken, they broke off.

Neologisms: flowed, dark-haired,

Replays: continuous road/continuous fields
unattainable run/unattainable wave

Gradation: uninterrupted road continuous fields

Dynamics: sparkles; fell; flowed out; have developed; speaking; broke off; crushed by a wave; plays, runs.

Statics: strictly; unmoistened earth, continuous road, fields, dusty, midday flame, mute, blue, muddy stone, indisputable fate, a drop of warm, heavy, bottomless, milky, brittle, young moon, dark, unattainable wave, indescribable bliss, inexplicable depth, valley, clouds, high, above the water,




July day

Unwetted ground

Dusty midday flame

Continuous road


Continuous fields

The valleys began to flow

The clouds piled up

We crush the dark wave

The elusive wave

Sound recording



N eo ow A w e nn oh h e ml I

Not pr e r s vn oh d O r O G A

A dusty n O l at days e vyny square A m e no

A n s l b n th n O l at days e vn th pl A m e n ь(conjunction of consonants)

N e m oh lumps O y g O l at b O th

St. e rk ae T page O G O

N e d A r O m And sstr ui l And s d O ly(vowel sequence)

N e pr e r e To ae m Ouch With at d b b Ouch.

dr O b And m in O ln oh dark O l O nn O th,

N e d A r ohm and sstr ui l And With ь(conjunction of consonants)

M O l O personal, l O mk And th, m O l O d O th,

AND To A pl her those pl oh and T I and e l oh, (conjunction of consonants)

N eo pis ye m oh neg A (Vowel stack)

Z A G O V O r And V , O b O ditch A l And With b.

N ee зъ I sn And m O th deep And us.

S n ee h ya sn And m O st yu b e building O nn oh, (conjunction of consonants)

M O l O chn oh, l O mk yay, m O l O d Ouch,

dr O b And m V O ln oh T e pl O l O nn oh, (conjunction of consonants)

The poem paints a rural summer landscape before us. Before us appears an artistic picture of a hot July day. A summer July day is merciless in its scorching, suffocating atmosphere. The sun stands high and “sparkles” strictly - it is a “dusty midday flame.” The earth is not moistened, the road and continuous fields are frozen in their vastness. The picture actively unfolds horizontally, in its vastness of lines. But the hour of this languor is short-lived and soon one picture of a hot, dry summer day gives way to another. Clouds roll in (“and the clouds piled up high”) and the first drops of life-giving heavenly moisture fall after a long break. The vertical space of the rain that fell appears as a heavenly “blue block.” And then it collapses, the whole stream breaks off, the noise of which is similar to a conversation (“having spoken, they stopped”). And now a month has been illuminating the transformed summer landscape, the long-awaited rain brings with it water

“unreachable waves, inexplicable depths.” All this gives rise to indescribable bliss.

A bright, accurate depiction of the landscape is facilitated by the abundance of various means of artistic expression. This includes inversion, neologisms, and a large number of beautiful metaphors and epithets. It is the abundance of metaphorical expressions, epithets and neologisms that makes it possible to give the most highly graphic description of a July day, whose inexhaustible “ardor” was pacified by the arrival of rain at the end of the day:

Milky, brittle, young,

We crush the dark wave,

Plays over the water for a month.

It is worth noting the special relationship between dynamics and statics. At the same time, static is used and prevails to a greater extent when describing the July day frozen in its midday flame. While the dynamics characterize the arrival of rain and the watering of valleys, earth, and fields with moisture. The rain is depicted sublimely, allegorically, symbolically, the entire final quatrain exalts this majestic and mysterious natural power of rain:

Of the unattainable run

The unreachable wave

Indescribable bliss

Inexplicable depth.

At the same time, parallelism and repetition enhance the energy of the natural force of rain and water. The landscape is drawn as a complete picture, the visual artistic images of the “flame” of a July day and the bottomless inexplicability of “water” and rain at the end of this hot, suffocating, dusty, but still beautiful in its artistic landscape day are drawn with incredible beauty.

The poem “July day: sparkles strictly...” refers to Bely’s landscape lyrics. The plot is divided into three parts. In the first eight lines, readers are presented with a hot summer day. The earth is exhausted and exhausted without life-giving moisture. The sun beats down mercilessly, as if scorching nature with fire - it’s dusty, stuffy, it’s hard to breathe. The poet shows the landscape in static form. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine any active movement in such excruciating and exhausting heat. In addition, in world art, summer afternoon is often perceived as the time when nature falls asleep, when most living beings prefer resting in the shade to being in the sun. The landscape unfolds horizontally. It is important for White to demonstrate its vastness, infinity - “continuous road”, “continuous fields”. The period of midday languor does not last long.

In the second part of the poem, the picture painted by the poet changes greatly. The sky was covered with clouds. The much-desired, so-long-awaited rain poured onto the “unwatered earth”, bestowing life and salvation.

from the heat. If previously the landscape unfolded horizontally, now Bely’s gaze glides vertically. The focus of his attention is the life-giving moisture falling from heaven to earth. The second part of the text under consideration is distinguished by dynamics. Movement here is associated with water, water – with life. A similar view is typical of Tyutchev’s lyrics, with which Bely was well acquainted. The sound of rain in the poem “July Day: Sparkles Strictly...” is similar to a conversation. Its drops are heavy and warm, capable of nourishing the earth. In the third part of the work, darkness sets in and the stream of water that fell from the sky dries up. Night comes, the “milky, brittle, young” month appears. Nature rested, purified, transformed, and “indescribable bliss” reigned. The final quatrain is a celebration of the majestic life-giving power of rain.

The poem “July Day: Sternly Sparkles...” is a magnificent example of Andrei Bely’s landscape lyrics. To describe nature, the poet uses many means of artistic representation: original metaphors, vivid epithets, beautiful metaphors, non-trivial comparisons. Thanks to this, before the eyes of the readers there appear a hot July day, and a saving summer rain, and a quiet, calm night, in which a young month looks down on the earth from heaven.

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