Examples of truth and lies in life. Is there a good lie?

White lies.

Whether we like it or not, we are faced with lies every day. Relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbors and acquaintances are capable of telling lies, while hiding information that concerns you directly. Everyone is familiar with the expression white lie, and many actively use it under any pretext. However, can a lie really be saving and useful to a person, after all, the secret sooner or later becomes apparent, then the understanding comes that he was deliberately deceived, and begins to consider the lie as a betrayal, this gives rise to distrust of others.
A lie is information that is knowingly untrue and by and large must make the situation or person better than they are. WITH early childhood braggarts appear, and later people grow up for whom any lie is good. A feature of the psyche is avoidance unpleasant situations, as well as feelings of guilt and shame, so it’s easier to hide an act than to go through a whole bunch of discomfort, there is a fear of exposure and shame, this becomes a reason for new lies. The most banal fear and irresponsibility in relation to one’s actions encourage everyone more people lie.
Of course, life is very unpredictable and multifaceted, and there are situations in which the truth may not really matter. special significance, but a person must know it. By hiding the truth, you make decisions for someone else, mistakenly thinking that you understand their needs. If a person is dying and wants to know how much he has left, would it be a crime on your part to take away from him last days when he thinks there is still time. Sometimes we take on too much and hurt our family and friends. Of course, you need to help, but only when asked, and you see that it is necessary in other cases, let the person decide for himself what is good for him.
A lie in itself carries a negative connotation; by deceiving, you yourself stop trusting people and begin to look for a catch. The fact that the prefix for good is added to the word lie does not change its meaning. We try to justify our actions, not wanting to admit even to ourselves that it is wrong and not good. A lie gives rise to a lie in return; if you constantly leave things unsaid, evade the answer, hide information, then you should not expect that those around you will be honest and honest. decent people. After all, like attracts like, and people probably understand everything, and more often they subconsciously feel it, noticing changes in facial expressions, gestures and voice.
People who constantly tell white lies are easy to pick out from a crowd or recognize in a direct conversation. They behave extremely unnaturally, speak quickly, their voice changes timbre and intonation, there is no clear logical connection in their speech, and of course boasting, which is considered a harmless lie. During the conversation there are no answers to the questions asked, basically a monologue takes place in which the interlocutor is trying to convince you of something in which he himself does not believe. It is very difficult to communicate with such people; as a rule, they are selfish and outcasts in the team, which forces you to once again remind them of their merits.
Before you commit a white lie next time, think carefully about whether your perception of reality matches the one you want to help. And if you are tired of lies and want to change, stop lying to yourself, accept and love yourself the way nature created you. Then deep personal changes and re-evaluation will occur within you life values, you will notice how the world around you changes, everything is filled with purity and trust, without which the creation of good is not possible.

White lies, white lies... What do we mean by these concepts? Is lying immoral in all forms, or is it more than justified in some situations? Many philosophers and others have asked this difficult question. Let’s try to philosophize with you too!

We use lies to avoid trouble. Usually. When we are late for work, we lie that we are stuck in a traffic jam, stuck in an elevator, or carrying an old lady across the road (fortunately, our imagination is working to its fullest for the purpose of self-preservation). We lie to our parents. In childhood - so as not to scold, in youth - so as not to worry, in mature age- so that they advise less... And, naturally, we believe that this lie is exclusively for the good!

We use lies when we don’t know the answer to a question and don’t see a way out of the situation. What child has not heard the story of the stork, the store and the cabbage? “When he grows up, he learns the truth,” that’s what we think. Of course he will! And in what way? (Here, however, age must be taken into account).

What if your son was given a geometry problem in seventh grade that you weren’t very good at at school? What will we say? That's right: “Well, sit and think! Everything is simple here!” Well, why not admit your helplessness, really? Is this lie also for the good? For the benefit of whom?

At the dawn of a new relationship, we want to appear better. And we deceive. A little bit. A little bit. Or not a little bit. Here they are interesting points! My friend met a man whom she really liked. He hated smoking women and the smell of tobacco in general. Lenochka smoked like a steam locomotive, but she lied that she didn’t smoke. And she quit! Here it is, a white lie! Moreover, for the benefit of everyone)))

And sometimes it gets funny! It was a long time ago when no one had even heard of contact lenses. One girl was very shy about her poor eyesight and glasses with thick lenses, so she wore them only in the most extreme cases. And, of course, the young man with whom she began a relationship did not even know about such a “little thing.” Well, just think, I put salt in the tea instead of sugar - I’m worried, that’s all. But that is not all! The fact is that nature gave the guy fiery red hair and eyebrows, which he regularly dyed radically black. But the girl didn’t notice this! Because I neglected my glasses. In short, after the wedding everything became clear, and even then, not immediately. But the family has existed for thirty years, they have an adult daughter. Love is stronger than misunderstandings! So it goes!

Or this is how it could be. You're rocking out, for example, in a nightclub, and suddenly you see a couple kissing. And everything would be fine, but only one of the defendants is the husband of your best friend! Here, again, are options. First: your friend is (supposedly) visiting her mother in Kopeisk at this time, and she is warming herself in Tunisia. Second: Your friend, pregnant last month, is waiting for his beloved Sashulenka from a meeting with foreign partners. Well, what should we do? I’m not sure that you want to participate in this, and it’s not a great thing to cause discord in the family. So, what should we do? Keep silent, or notify urgently? So I don’t know... Again, if we consider option number one, then there are no special problems. Two of a Kind. What if it’s the second one? Is it really worth worrying about pregnant Tanya? By the way, keep in mind that if you open your friend’s eyes to her husband, in any case you will remain extreme. And who needs this truth? You?

Lying in relationships is a special topic.

Let me remind you of an old bearded joke.

The not-so-sober husband returns home in the morning. Wife: “Where have you been? Apparently at a meeting? And then you celebrated a little? And then the taxi didn’t come for a long time? Where's the lipstick from? Is someone leaning against you in the elevator? And what's that? Where are the women’s panties in your pocket???” Husband: “Darling, you are so smart, well, come up with something yourself!”

The situation is quite real. One is lying, the other knows that he is lying and reassures himself own lies. We can say that the two are trying to save the marriage. With the help of lies. Why?... Although, that’s their business...

Now let's, only very carefully, touch on a more delicate topic. So, the person is seriously ill. Terminally ill. But they don’t tell him. They regret it. There have been cases when faith, hope, and along with them ignorance lifted patients out of bed. But there are others too! As a rule, if trouble or misfortune happens to us, we mentally ask heaven: “Lord, FOR WHAT?” And very few people think of asking the question: “Lord, WHY?” Maybe a person has the right to think “why”? And miracles happen! After all, the most powerful weapon– our consciousness and faith!

"Better the bitter truth than sweet lie“,” “A small lie leads to a big one,” “Rust eats iron, and a lie eats the soul,” “What is false is rotten,” - this is what people say. But sometimes we want to be deceived. Well, that's just the way people are. Moreover, there are many professions and types of activity that are ready to help us with this for a certain reward!

Remember, you can deceive anyone, but you won’t be able to deceive yourself. Bye! Be happy!

Early in the morning Lopatin and Vanin left for the first company. Saburov stayed: he wanted to take advantage of the calm. First, they sat with Maslennikov for two hours compiling various military reports, some of which were really necessary, and some of which seemed superfluous to Saburov and introduced only due to a long-standing peaceful habit of all kinds of bureaucratic work. Then, when Maslennikov left, Saburov sat down to the task that had been postponed and was weighing on him - to
answers to letters sent to the dead.


Popular wisdom says: “Better the bitter truth than a sweet lie.” Is this really so, and does a lie always have only negative connotations behind it? The problem of white lies is raised in the text given to me by K. Simonov.

History knows many people who once distinguished themselves by unusually bright, sincere, kind deeds, and one of such cases is the hero of the story with which the author introduces us. Its hero, Saburov, being in war conditions, taking advantage of the lull and a few minutes of free time, often took the weight off his heart with one good deed: he answered letters from killed soldiers that came to them from their relatives. The author draws our attention to the fact that the majority in Saburov’s place would have ignored the letters, refusing to take on this heavy burden. But the hero could not so easily pass by the grief of others and preferred to help his neighbor, overcoming his own pain. However, in the very process of writing the letter, Saburov faced difficulties and moral torment: to answer cynically and briefly, as any person indifferent to someone else’s misfortune would answer, or to lie for the greater good, diversifying the answer with details of the heroic death of their soldier that were necessary for family and friends. K. Smirnov emphasizes that the hero himself did not lie and considered only lying for the sake of good intentions the only acceptable one. Therefore, he decided on an embellished story full of mutual grief, realizing that for those grieving, any news about the murdered person would be fraught with danger. complete change life, the entire future, which means they simply needed such support. Our hero simply knew what people needed and gave it to them, finding the right words and choosing the right turns, believing that such a lie will only make it better and ease the suffering of those who are grieving.

Although the author's position is not expressed explicitly, the logic of the text convinces the reader that lying is not considered something negative and unnatural if it is committed with good intentions. A white lie helps a person to believe in the best and brighten up his grief with a few happy moments, which means that sometimes it is better to lie, overpowering one’s own principles, rather than leaving a person alone with the truth that is corroding him from the inside.

I am close to the position of K. Simonov in that I also believe that lying is a priori bad, but if a lie can save one or even several people, you can afford to help similar help. White lies are embellished information delivered with only good intentions, and are a lifeline for those who cannot bear the hard truth.

The hero of M. Gorky’s play “At the Lower Depths” adhered to a similar position. Luke also believed that in some cases a person should not present the truth as it is - this could harm him. Self-deception, according to the hero, can affect many things, including moral and physical state person, - that’s why he tried to “save” Anna kind words and by deed and called on all the residents of the shelter to do the same. But it is worth noting that Luke did not deny the fact that sometimes it is still worth saying the “bitter truth,” but only when it is appropriate and timely.

A.S. Pushkin in the story " Captain's daughter” also raises the issue of white lies. The writer reveals it using the example of a situation when Pyotr Grinev needed to save his beloved from certain death, and he found nothing better than to lie about her origin. Peter, having learned that Masha Mironova, the daughter of Captain Mironov, was facing death and, possibly, cruel bullying, introduced her to Pugachev as a poor orphan, which became a “white lie.” It is worth noting that Peter himself was a man of honor and dignity and did not put up with lies and slander in any of their forms, but in this case he decided on a similar act, which saved the life of the poor girl.

After reading the text, you understand that the author’s goal was to distinguish between the concepts of “lie” and “white lie.” The author sought to convince us that today, when society has been taken over by cynicism and a disregard for people, it is important to remember that helping one’s neighbor is, first of all, sincere empathy for his tragedy, and in this case, a lie for the good takes on a completely different form and other subtext.

Here we have selected for you popular problems regarding lying from texts for preparing for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. The arguments revealing them are selected from Russian literature. You can download all this in table format at the end of the article or read them directly on this page with convenient navigation on problematic issues.

  1. One of the central themes in Gorky's play "At the Depths" is the problem of white lies. Thus, Luke and Satin represent two opposing points of view: to tell the truth, despite mental anguish, or to lie, but with intent, suggesting compassion for “your neighbor.” The preacher consoled the inhabitants of the shelter and gave them hope, even if it was not supported by real reasons. But the sharper spoke out against such false healing; he told the truth head-on, without thinking about how his interlocutor would accept it. In his opinion, real man obliged to live with with open eyes, without illusions. Since Luke capitulated with his philosophy and left those who believed him to their fate, we conclude that the author is on the side of Satin, that is, a lie cannot be justified by good.
  2. Sometimes in life there are situations that suggest the presence of a lie to save oneself or loved one. A.S. Pushkin in the novel “The Captain's Daughter” contrasts ordinary deception with the “white lie” that helped Masha Grineva escape from Emelyan Pugachev. If not for the cunning move of Pyotr Grinev, the innocent girl could have been executed. Each of us must distinguish between cases when to bend our hearts means saving a person from terrible misfortune. Then we can go against the truth. But in other situations, when we're talking about about personal gain, this trick is immoral and borders on a moral crime.
  3. Comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" also contains the theme of pretense and deception. The main character assumes the existence of lies, but only in cases where it is necessary for the sake of salvation true love. So, for example, Sophia deceives Famusov in order to secretly meet with his secretary. Her intentions are pure, but with this crookedness the girl approaches the hypocritical way of life of that society, whose morals are far from ideal. Her feeling turns out to be an exposed illusion, her knight turns out to be an ordinary swindler, and her lie turns out to be the first step into the secular world of falsehood and deception. So even a “white lie” does not lead to good, because a person cannot always figure out what is good.

False values

  1. False values ​​- a boat without lifebuoy. Victims of circumstances suffer because they did not realize their own mistake in time. Sofia Pavlovna - main character Comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"- is a “hostage” of his own beliefs. So, Sophia’s ideal is the modest Molchalin, while Chatsky, who loves her all his life, is a person “not her type.” The collapse of her hopes for a future together with her father’s secretary collapses after she learns that Molchalin’s feelings are not reciprocated. It's becoming a real tragedy, which Sophia cannot cope with due to her shock. Alas, her values ​​turned out to be extracts from vulgar novels, and not real truths that guide a person.
  2. Often, false values ​​can play a cruel joke on the entire society. For example, in N. Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General" people are accustomed to building their own future on greed, hypocrisy and self-interest. They were engaged in embezzlement long years. Their desire to appear before the auditor in the role of respectable managers is an opportunity to save their place, but, having given their savings to the impostor, they found themselves captive to their own values. Because of them, they found themselves in a comical situation, which turned out to be a complete failure for them.
  3. A.S. Pushkin in the novel "The Captain's Daughter" contrasts morality and ethics with false values. For example, Pyotr Grinev did not tarnish his honor even when he was threatened with execution. The same cannot be said about Shvabrin, who went over his head for personal wealth - this suggests that false values ​​kill in a person everything that connects him with people. Alexey followed the path of selfishness and reached the collapse of his desires and hopes, because society turned its back on him.

The Problem of Hypocrisy

  1. The same person can contain both virtue and commercialism, but what exactly prevails in him? F tried to answer this question. Dostoevsky in the novel “Crime and Punishment”, where Pyotr Luzhin simply plays the role " decent person", when in fact he is "low and disgusting." His desire to woo Duna is explained not by “love”, but by the desire to have a pliable wife who will revere his every word. However, he strenuously pretends that this is not so. The hypocrisy and meanness in his behavior, fortunately, were noticed before fatal mistake Dunya, therefore Peter was expelled in disgrace.
  2. In A. Chekhov's story “Tears of a Crocodile” we can see both hypocrisy and duplicity. Main character– Polycarp of Judas “suffers” from the injustice of the lives of poor people, while he himself rips them off to the last thread. "Crocodile Tears" - stable expression, which signifies the grief of an insincere person like Judah. His behavior cannot be justified in any way.
  3. Outwardly wealthy man with material point vision may not be as “consistent” in the soul. This is what he says L. Tolstoy in the novel “War and Peace”, where Prince Vasily does everything based on his own benefit. Even coming to Anna Pavlovna did not mean “secular politeness”, but the possibility of settling their children. He deceives Pierre, almost robs him, miraculously not having time to intercept the will of the old count. But in words the hero is always exquisitely courteous and kind, he has high position and good reputation.

Remorse of a deceiver

  1. The problem of remorse for telling a lie is clearly visible in V. Astafiev’s story “A Horse with pink mane» . The main character, the boy Vitya, must collect a basket of berries to get the coveted gingerbread, but the guys persuade him to collect grass and put berries on top. The boy is tormented by his conscience for a long time, and he decides to confess to a deliberate lie - this suggests that Vitya is capable of confession own mistake, and this is an undoubted step towards the “highest moral ideal.”
  2. A similar example can be seen on the pages V. Bykov's story "Sotnikov". Throughout the story, the author introduces us to several characters, and one of them recalls the incident with his father’s Mauser, from which he fired. Having admitted the mistake, he still feels remorse for the lie, which was that his mother pushed him to the “truth”, and not his desire.

Consequences of lying

  1. A similar example can be found on the pages of the novel M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time", where Grushnitsky’s slander against Princess Mary for the sake of revenge on Pechorin dissolves in justice. Deciding to switch the duelist's weapon, the dishonest man becomes exposed. Gregory realized that his friend wanted to win the battle by deception. Then the inactive weapon goes to the deceiver himself. Grushnitsky dies, and Pechorin draws disappointing conclusions.
  2. In A. Ostrovsky's play "Dowry" the main character wants to deceive herself by marrying unloved person. She becomes his bride, mechanically preparing for an unwanted wedding. However, at the engagement dinner, she is again overcome by an attraction to Paratov, who invites Larisa to the Swallow. She abandons her obligations and sets sail to her death. The next morning, the insulted groom killed her, and she could only thank him for this, because she was disgraced and abandoned to the mercy of fate. Alas, it is impossible to build happiness on lies.

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