Impeccable Warrior. Principles of the Warrior's Way

Don Juan defined a warrior primarily as a fighter.

Being a warrior is the most effective way to live. A warrior doubts and reflects before he makes a decision. But when it is accepted, he acts without being distracted by doubts, fears and hesitations. There are millions more decisions ahead, each of which is waiting in the wings. This is the way of the warrior.

If a warrior decides something, he goes to the end, but at the same time he certainly takes responsibility for what he does. What exactly a warrior does does not matter, but he must know why he is doing it and act without doubt or regret.

A warrior accepts responsibility for all his actions, even the most trivial ones. The average person is busy with his own thoughts and never takes responsibility for what he does.

Taking responsibility for your decisions means being willing to die for them.

The warrior is the ultimate hunter who hunts with strength; he is not drunk or mad, he has neither the time nor the desire to achieve anything by deception, lie to himself or do the wrong thing - the stakes are too high. The stakes are his impeccable and free from excesses life, which he has spent so long strengthening and perfecting.

Excellence begins with some simple action that must be purposeful, precise and carried out with steadfastness. By repeating this action long enough, a person acquires an unbending intention. And unbending intention can be applied to anything. And once it is achieved, the path is clear. Each step will lead to the next, and this will continue until the full potential of the warrior is fully realized.

Actions have power. Especially when the one who commits them knows that this is his last battle. There is a special all-consuming happiness in acting with full awareness that this action may be your last battle on earth.

What the warrior calls will is the power within ourselves. This is not a thought, not an object, not a desire. Will is what makes a warrior win when his mind tells him that he is defeated. Will is what makes him invulnerable. Will is what allows the shaman to go through the wall, through space, into infinity.

Watch everything you do carefully. In the daily little things you do, there is something that will help you develop your will.

Being a warrior is not just about wanting to be one. It is rather an endless battle that will last until the last moment. No one is born a warrior, just like no one is born an ordinary person. We make ourselves this or that.

Any path is just one of a million possible paths. All paths are the same: they lead to nowhere. Does this path have a heart? If there is, then this is a good way; if not, then it is of no use. Both paths lead to nowhere, but one has a heart and the other does not. One path makes traveling along it joyful: no matter how much you wander, you and your path are inseparable. The other way will make you curse your life. One path gives you strength, the other destroys you.

If a warrior wants to eat, he can handle it because he does not suffer from hunger. If he is injured, he will cope with it because he does not suffer from pain. To be hungry or in pain means that a person is not a warrior, and the force of hunger or pain can destroy him.

When a warrior begins to be overcome by doubts and fears, he thinks about his death. The thought of death is the only thing that can strengthen our spirit.

A warrior lives by action, not by thinking about action or thinking about what he will think when he has finished acting.

The spirit of a warrior is not attached to either indulgence or complaints, just as it is not attached to victories or defeats. A warrior's only attachment is to battle, and every battle he fights is his last battle on this earth. Therefore, its outcome practically does not matter to him. In this final battle, the warrior allows his spirit to flow freely and clearly. And when he fights this battle, he knows that his will is impeccable. And so he laughs and laughs.

People, as a rule, do not realize that at any moment they can throw anything out of their lives. At any time. Instantly.

Anxiety inevitably makes a person accessible; he involuntarily opens up. Anxiety makes him desperately cling to anything, and having clinged, he is already obliged to exhaust either himself or what he is clinging to. The warrior hunter, on the other hand, knows that his traps will be caught more than once, so he doesn't worry. To worry is to become available, unconsciously available.

A warrior must learn to be aware of every action, to make every action conscious. After all, we came here for a short time, and the time allotted to us is too little, really too little, to touch all the wonders of this strange world.

“Death awaits us, and what we do at this very moment may well be our last battle on this earth. I call it a battle because it is a struggle. The vast majority of people move from action to action without struggle or thought. A warrior-hunter, on the contrary, carefully weighs his every action. And because he is very familiar with his death, he acts judiciously, as if his every action is the last battle. Only a fool could fail to notice how superior a warrior-hunter is to his fellow human beings. The warrior-hunter treats his final battle with due respect. And it is quite natural that the last action should be the best. It gives him pleasure. And it dulls fear."

If a person's spirit is destroyed, he simply needs to strengthen it - cleanse it and make it perfect. Strengthening the spirit is the only thing that truly makes life worth living. Not to act for the sake of strengthening the spirit means to strive for death, and to strive for death means not to strive for anything at all, because each of us falls into its clutches regardless of anything. The pursuit of perfecting the warrior spirit is the only task worthy of our time, worthy of us as human beings.

A warrior is first and foremost a hunter. He takes everything into account. This is called control. But, having completed his calculations, he acts. He lets go of the reins of a calculated action, and it happens as if by itself. This is detachment. A warrior is never like a leaf left to the wind. No one can lead him astray. A warrior's intention is unshakable, his judgment is final, and no one can force him to act contrary to himself. The warrior is determined to survive, and he survives by choosing the most optimal course of action.

Education doesn't matter. What determines our path is called personal power. A person’s personality is the total volume of his personal power. And only this total volume determines how he lives and how he dies.

Personal power is a feeling. Something like a feeling of luck or happiness. You can call it a mood. A warrior is a hunter of power. It must be hunted and accumulated through a lifetime of struggle.

Whatever we do and whoever we are is based on our personal power. If it is enough, then just one word spoken to us can change our life. And if it is not enough, then even if all the treasures of wisdom are revealed, it will not give us anything.

In the world of the warrior, everything depends on personal strength, and personal strength depends on perfection.

Excellence is doing the best you can in everything you are involved in.

The self-confidence of a warrior and the self-confidence of an ordinary person are two different things. An ordinary person seeks recognition in the eyes of others, calling it self-confidence. A warrior seeks perfection in his own eyes and calls it humility. An ordinary person clings to those around him, but a warrior relies only on himself. The humility of a warrior is impeccability in actions and feelings.

There are many things a warrior can do at certain times that would have seemed crazy to him a few years ago. These things themselves did not change; his idea of ​​himself changed. What was impossible then has become quite possible now.

The only course possible for a warrior is to act steadily, leaving no room for retreat. He knows enough about the warrior's path to do the right thing, but his old habits and the daily routine of life may hinder him on his path.

If a warrior achieves success in something, then this success should come gently, even with great effort, but without shocks and obsessions.

The warrior takes his destiny, whatever it may be, and accepts it in absolute humility. He humbly accepts himself as he is, but not as a reason for regret, but as a living challenge.

The warrior views himself as already dead, so he has nothing to lose. The worst has already happened to him, so he is clear and calm.

Only a warrior can stand on the path of knowledge. A warrior does not complain and does not regret anything. His life is an endless challenge, and challenges cannot be good or bad. Challenges are just challenges.

The main difference between a warrior and an ordinary person is that a warrior accepts everything as a challenge, whereas an ordinary person accepts everything as a blessing or a curse.

For a warrior, the most important rule in life is to carry out his decisions so carefully that nothing that happens as a result of his actions can surprise him, much less deplete his strength.

A warrior, as a teacher, must first of all teach his student one possibility - the ability to act without believing, without expecting rewards. Act only for the sake of action itself.

A man becomes courageous when he has nothing to lose. We are only cowardly when there is something else we can cling to.

A warrior has no opportunity to leave anything to chance. The warrior really influences the results of events with the power of his awareness and his unbending intention.

We make a choice only once. We choose to be a warrior or to be an ordinary person. There is simply no other choice. Not on this earth.

The warrior's path leads a person to a new life, and this new life must be completely new. He cannot bring his ugly old ways into this new life.

Everyone has enough personal power to do anything. In the case of a warrior, the trick is to turn your personal strength away from your weaknesses and direct it towards your goal as a warrior.

Anyone who wants to follow the path of the warrior must free himself from the passion to own and cling to things.

The course of a warrior's life is unchanged. The challenge is how far he will go along the narrow road, how flawless he will be within these inviolable boundaries...

The actions of people do not affect the warrior because he no longer has any expectations. A strange peace becomes the guiding force of his life. He adopted one of the concepts of the warrior's life - detachment.

It is much easier to move under maximum stress than to be perfect under normal circumstances.

A warrior is never besieged. To be under siege means that you have some kind of personal property that can be besieged. A warrior has nothing in the world except his impeccability, and nothing can threaten impeccability. However, in the battle for his own life, a warrior must strategically use all possible means.

He applies all the concentration at his disposal to the decision of whether or not to enter into battle, since every battle is for him a battle for his life. A warrior must be ready and willing to fight his last battle here and now. However, he doesn't do it randomly.

A warrior compresses time, even moments count. In the battle for your own life, a second is an eternity that can decide the outcome of the battle. A warrior is focused on success, so he saves time without wasting a moment.

A warrior has endless patience. He never rushes and never worries.

A sense of self-importance is the greatest and most powerful of man’s enemies. He is hurt and offended by the actions or encroachments of his neighbors, and this makes him weak. A sense of self-importance makes a person feel insulted by someone or something all his life.

Nothing strengthens the spirit of a warrior more than the need to deal with unbearable people who have real power and strength. This is the ultimate challenge. Only in such conditions does a warrior gain balance and clarity, without which it is impossible to withstand the onslaught of the unknown.

Fear is one of the greatest forces in a warrior's life because it forces them to learn.

Death is the worst thing that can happen to us. But since death is our destiny and it is inevitable, we are free. He who has lost everything has nothing to fear.

Although the actions of the warriors pursue a hidden goal, it has nothing to do with personal gain. An ordinary person acts only when there is an opportunity to gain some benefit for himself. Warriors say that they act not for profit, but for the sake of spirit.

In the world of everyday life, a person can very easily change a word or a decision. The only irrevocable thing in the ordinary world is death. On the other hand, in the world of shamans, ordinary death can be canceled, but not the word of warriors. In the world of shamans, decisions cannot be changed or revised. Once accepted, they remain in force forever.

All difficulties for a person lie in the fact that intuitively he is aware of his hidden resources, but does not dare to use them.

A warrior does not feel discouraged when he fails in trying to change. We all go through the same bullshit. The only way to overcome it is to continue acting like a warrior. The rest will come by itself and through itself.

There is no use in being angry or disappointed in yourself. All that happens in this case is that your tonal has gone into its own internal battle. The battle within one's own tonal is one of the most undesirable states imaginable.

One of the principles of a warrior is to not allow anyone or anything to influence him, and therefore a warrior can even see the devil himself, but you can never tell from him. A warrior's control must be impeccable.

It doesn't matter what anyone says or does. You yourself must be an impeccable person. The battle is in this chest, right here.

Only one thing counts - action. Action, not talk.

The battle takes place right here on this earth. We are human beings. Who knows what awaits us and what kind of power we may have?

When it comes to the Chukchi, the imagination immediately pictures naive heroes of folk jokes. However, in fact, the people from the Chukotka region are harsh, irreconcilable, freedom-loving and vengeful. For 150 years, Chukchi warriors fought with Russian Cossacks, pioneers, and the regular army. Even the Soviet Union had difficulties in the region. The Soviets were able to establish their power here de facto only in the 50s of the last century. The Chukchi also fought with neighboring peoples. What is the secret of their fighters?

Warlike reindeer herders

External danger always forced the Chukchi to unite. All the villages here were not very large. Each had from 15 to 20 warriors. They were led by the strongest or most experienced fighter. Mostly men took up arms, because a strict patriarchy reigned in their society. Women went to war only in exceptional cases. Several settlements organized military detachments of 80-100 people. In exceptional cases, the Chukchi could assemble improvised armies of 500 people. In 1702, according to historical records, Anadyr was attacked by almost 3 thousand Chukchi warriors.

It is curious that the Chukchi tribes never entered into alliances with their neighbors with the exception of the Chukchi Eskimos.

Torture of “Russian Indians”

It was better not to get in the way of the Chukchi. A careless sign or action was regarded as a call to attack. During torture, the Chukchi had no mercy for their captives. Historians describe two types of torture that were most common. If the enemy needed to be forced to speak, he was tied hand and foot, and then the air supply was cut off. After the prisoner lost consciousness, he was brought to his senses, and the torture began again. Even the most persistent ones “cracked”.

If they felt special hatred for the enemy, then he was slowly but surely roasted on a spit.

Warrior Skills

Boys began to be taught how to use weapons for hunting and war at the age of 5. From the very beginning, children were taught to endure adversity, to be strong and resilient. By the age of 16, the boy was already becoming a very serious fighter and a good hunter. When it came to war, the Chukchi preferred tactics of guerrilla warfare, as well as lightning raids for the purpose of plunder and capture of prisoners.

Warrior Equipment

The Chukchi armor resembled the military attire of the Japanese samurai. Lamellar bone armor, which was made from deer ribs and walrus tusks. The bones were held together using leather straps. There were also bracers and leggings, and plate helmets. The back was protected by a long hem. An interesting element of the armor is the wing, which was clearly supposed to protect the warrior’s head from arrows. With the advent of Russian power, the Chukchi gained access to more advanced materials, including iron, and immediately began to use it in the manufacture of armor and weapons. The situation became so difficult that the imperial authorities even banned the sale of iron to the Chukchi.

The main weapon of the Chukchi warrior was a long, powerful bow of complex design, made of larch, spruce larch, birch, deer sinew and birch bark. The arrows for such a bow had a length of 60-85 cm. The tip of the ammunition was crowned with a bone, and later and less often with a metal tip. The shaft for the arrow was made from floating material.

The second weapon of the Chukchi was a spear. Most often it was long, about 2.5 meters. Sometimes it was replaced by a palm tree - an improvised weapon made from a large Chukchi knife and a 2-meter-long shaft. An important difference was that the Chukchi palm could be used as an ax or machete.

Some warriors carried slings and also bolos. The latter were worn as decoration on the head. Even children had such weapons with them. In skillful hands, these 10-12 ropes up to 90 cm long with weights at the end were a serious weapon. Of course, every Chukchi had a knife.

Do you want to know even more interesting things about how different nations fought? Then read about and it was a revolutionary weapon at the time of its appearance.

“There are rumors that if our merciful king starts a war with Turchin, the prince-voivode will come to the Crimea with fire and sword, and these rumors are welcome throughout Ukraine and the Lower Region, for if we don’t walk in Bakhchisarai under his leadership, then under whose else?

Let's take a walk, true god! - the Kurtsevichs responded.


  • Man is tempered in the crucible of history
  • Give me a plot of land in Poland
  • Checker, vodka, horse Mikolkin
  • Do dragoons dream of sniper rifles?
  • We are writing a letter to the Turkish Sultan

1654 Europe is again at a crossroads. In the race of great powers, first one or the other takes the lead. Now the Swedes dictate their rules to the enlightened world, but until recently the strongest union was the proud union of Poles and Lithuanians - the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Now they are going through difficult times. Our neighbors have become very dangerous - not just Sweden. The Kingdom of Moscow has recovered from the disastrous turmoil and is rapidly gaining strength. The Zaporozhye Sich is glowing with an unhealthy heat. The Crimean Khan is planning to expand his possessions.

The smell of gunpowder is becoming more and more noticeable over Eastern Europe. The turning point is about to come and the world will be transformed.

You and I know who ended up on the horse and who was under his hooves. But the mosaic of history could have turned out differently if there had been one more ambitious person on Earth in those days...

The authors of the new Mount & Blade took on fertile material. Correctly approach the image of a free governor in the era glorified by Sienkiewicz, and the result will not be a game - candy! Tweak the mechanics of the original, patch up the artificial intelligence, deepen the process everywhere, and the wrapper will favorably emphasize the charm of the content. If everything works out.

The old "Hero's Story" was about the pseudo-European Middle Ages. A universal topic that everyone can understand. But the fictional Calradia never dreamed of the intensity of passions inherent in Eastern Europe in the mid-17th century. The chosen period provides plenty of fodder for a fascinating and emotional narrative. From now on, behind the game action there is a real story, filling every little thing with meaning. There are no more alien, abstract names on the map. Now you can visit familiar Novgorod and Minsk, Vyborg and Warsaw, Moscow with its Execution Place and St. Basil's Cathedral. Or, say, Bakhchisarai, which has faded into the shadows of the past, but is memorable at least according to Pushkin.

The key features of the game remain the same. Our hero still starts the game as an unknown tramp; while traveling, he slowly gains experience and acquires loyal associates and simple associates. Mainly for hard cash, which still needs to be earned by fighting off robbers and overcoming other difficulties of a wandering life. As time goes on, there is more money in the wallet, and, accordingly, more fighters in the squad. As the army grows, so do the claims. Our ward dreams of ending his career as a close associate of one of the great rulers. Or even the great ruler himself, and with a noble army under his command.

And here the new game compares favorably with its predecessor. In A Hero's Tale, the taste of great achievements was insipid: from small skirmishes to big battles, the hero grew in level, accumulated wealth and possessions... but the game world greeted his successes with only silent acceptance. In "Fire and Sword" the player's achievements are given more visual, tangible weight.

The game quickly inclines the hero to choose a side. The young leader will disperse the petty bandits, provide the peasants with the desired goods, and will soon take on the instructions of a big man - some master or boyar. And here there is no escape from the call of History. Soon we will have to choose a side, decide who is dearer to us: Bogdan Khmelnitsky or Jan Kazimir, Alexei Mikhailovich or Stepan Razin, who is aiming for his place, and maybe even the Lithuanian tycoon Radziwill. You can also enlist in the service of the Turks and Swedes, however, in these cases the game will be plotless. But three campaigns should be enough to enjoy every little detail. It takes about sixty hours to complete the entire story tree.

The magic word "progress"

The game is no longer in the Middle Ages, but in modern times. Some things are irretrievably a thing of the past - for example, knightly tournaments. And the places are not right for them. In these parts, from time immemorial, men favored tavern fights.

Overall, progress has brought more than it has taken away. Gunpowder weapons became widespread throughout the world. It is capable of striking down an armored Reitar and has completely driven crossbows out of use.

The approach to capturing cities and fortresses has changed. Engineering thought has finally matured to the point of using ladders in quantity during an assault. Laughter is laughter, and the tactical depth of assaults has noticeably increased, because now you can attack in several directions. In addition, you can place a powder charge under the wall. And then try to break through the gap created by the explosion. Or give up trying to take the enemy by storm and poison his wells. Without water it is impossible to withstand a long siege.

However, guns, pistols and military tricks are all men's pastimes. While the stronger sex was learning to destroy each other's hunters, women were doing the real thing. How they learned to sing by the 17th century is something you need to hear. Here it is, the soul of the game: in the bewitching voices of the female choir, singing about the joys and sorrows of those times. Gives me goosebumps! And even if nothing else from the soundtrack is remembered, you want to listen to these songs and listen to them again.

He had one joy: war, war

Your grace, as I see, few campaigns with the grassroots have glorified you.

A small war - small glory, a great war - great glory.

Henryk Sienkiewicz, “With Fire and Sword”

The secret to the success of an epic game is the right balance of elements, interpenetrating mini-games. If they are selected in the right proportions, when mixed, gold is obtained. The previous Mount & Blade suffered from unevenness: dense here, empty there. The combat system was developed much better than anything else. The developers of “With Fire and Sword” tried to achieve greater balance and tighten up the weak points.

What any game in the series would be GTA no missions? We dare say a much less memorable experience. To some extent, the three plots of “With Fire and Sword” take the game to a new level. They just still lack significance.

The developers have done a great job to make the world of the game historical and authentic. The costumes and weapons were painstakingly recreated. Historical realities are observed: behind every boyar or nobleman there is a real historical figure. And in this beautifully tailored, truthful world, the hero now even has a purpose for being. One thing is missing, but an important one - the breath of living history. It is enough for a tactical game, but for a story game it is formulaic and flat. Alas.

West is West, East is East, and together they... come together, and how!

Much has improved. Updated graphics. Opportunities have expanded. A quick battle mode has appeared. Life in Eastern Europe is more fun than in good old Calradia. And it became more pleasant to wave a saber, to lead a detachment, and to advance big politics. There is somewhere for the free soul to roam.

Only, in essence, the old fairy tale in a new way remained a tactical action movie with a set of side “fun”. Of course, in dizzying battles you forget about the details. Maybe because they remained details? It's a bit of a pity for the unrealized potential. After all, the groundwork for more is great. Create a powerful, full-blooded plot, balance other elements of the game with battles - and this will be a five-year event at least. Practically " Space Rangers"with passions for Sienkiewicz.

How much your humble servant would give for just one built-in mini-game “write a letter to the Turkish Sultan”! Nobody promised, but I thought - what if? Who knows, maybe in the future... After all, the originalMount & Bladeonce arose from one man's dream of the perfect game. A game that will have everything he wants.

In the meantime - while your swords are drawn, and forward, on a dashing horse, to defeat your enemies! Don't relax too much, Sultan!

Looking around our native land

The map of Eastern Europe is dotted with various settlements. Let's look at them in detail.


Lord's Hall.People of noble blood and their guests come here to receive them. They are approached for instructions, to carry them out, or in search of the right person from the same country.

Kabak.Hot spot. In total, there are usually three or four people in the tavern: the innkeeper, the mercenary and a couple of other visitors.

  • Innkeeper. You can contact the owner of the establishment for lodging and entertainment. It costs much more than just spending a night in the city - as much as twenty-five thalers. But strength is restored at lightning speed. And for a tidy sum you can sign up for all visitors and increase your reputation.

Note: in the city, your squad requires only half of the usual payments. So, restoring strength here is not only safer, but also more economical than in an open field.

  • Mercenary. There are a variety of them in taverns. Local and newcomers, experienced and still green, numerous and unique. But everyone is ready to join your squad for a reasonable fee.
  • Satellite. Special mercenaries are also looking for a worthy commander in taverns. We will talk about them in detail later.
  • Bookseller. You can purchase valuable goods from these traveling hustlers for a hefty sum. Reading books at rest and during long sieges has a good effect on the hero.
  • Mediator. A man who can sell your captives into slavery for good money. If the moral aspect does not bother you, this is a good way to get rich.
  • Traveler. Knowledgeable comrade. If you are looking for a person around the world and cannot find him, for a reasonable fee the traveler will indicate his current location.
  • Visitor. Just a regular who came to have a good time. If he is in the mood, you can offer him a fist fight. And bet for a victory for a small amount. It’s not for fun to hit each other.

Let's say that the result of the dispute did not suit you, or your friend was simply not a good person. You can seriously quarrel with a visitor and show the adversary in the backyard how much he can do, already with a weapon in his hands. Just don't be surprised if he calls a couple of friends to help!

Note: If a regular is not very eager to fight, it’s worth trying to get him drunk first. But keep in mind: you won’t meet drunk customers in the taverns of the Crimean Khanate. Alcohol is, after all, prohibited for Muslims.

Market. Here some get rich, while others leave their savings. For greater convenience, goods are distributed among four merchants. The most savvy can also walk around the market and find out what profitable deals can be made today.


The same city, only much less populated and somewhat better fortified. Taverns and markets are not kept in fortresses, but they are still allowed to stay. And if you ask politely, they will let you in to see the noble gentlemen staying in the fortress.


The common people have a simple life. What can be done in the village?

Walk around the center Sometimes you need to look around the village and find someone. Most often you will be interested in the local elder. You can talk with him about the state of affairs in the village, buy livestock, and recruit recruits. And sometimes there is a job for a compassionate guest.

Visit the market. The rural market is different from the urban one. Peasants sell food and the simplest household items. And they do not pay in specie, which they have never had before. They prefer natural exchange. Although they will not refuse your money.

Force the peasants to give up supplies. If your threats are convincing enough, the peasants will part with part of their supplies. But if you give in, you will feel what the anger of the people is.

Steal livestock. If you can’t come to an agreement with the headman, why not just take away the desired cow without asking? The main thing is not to get caught.

Loot and burn the village. If you break the resistance of the peasants, you can make a lot of money. Please note that this terribly worsens relations with the village and the country that owns it. The burned village will be empty for some time, and then will return to its former life.

Mercenary camp

The best way to quickly put together a large squad is to visit one of the five camps scattered around the map, one for each country. There are five types of fighters available for recruitment. After you pay for the services of a certain class of mercenaries in the camp, others will no longer be available to you until the previous ones leave you for some reason. Until then, in the camp it will be possible to join the ranks of selected warriors and purchase more effective weapons and equipment for them.

This is how the sons of the fatherland mature

A character is made up of characteristics, skills and the ability to wield various weapons. There are only four characteristics: strength, agility, intelligence, charisma. They give small advantages and determine how much the hero can develop his skills. And this is where the significance of any character lies. The development limit of a skill is equal to the characteristic to which it is assigned, divided by three without a remainder.

Each level brings one stat point and one skill point.

This is important: When selecting skills, keep in mind that they are divided into personal and squad. A personal skill affects who has developed it. Squad skills affect the entire group. If there are two people in a group with a squad skill, it does not stack. It is assumed that the most capable person is involved in this matter. So there is no point in developing each of the squad skills for more than one squad member.

Characteristics and skills


The main thing it is needed for is to carry more advanced equipment. The best weapons and armor require high strength. The fact that each point in strength gives one health point is a nice bonus. Finally, a strong hero hits harder.

Iron skin. Increases health by 2. From the “if there is nowhere to put it” category. But you can never have too many points, and to feel the difference, you need to significantly develop your skill. Let's move on.

Powerful blow. Increases damage from all melee weapons by 8%. If you want your hero to walk in the front ranks of the army and encourage fighters to perform great deeds by personal example, this is your skill.

Powerful Throw. It also increases damage, but from throwing weapons and by as much as 10%. For those whose weapon of victory is a well-balanced hatchet, this skill is valuable. Moreover, a certain level of skill is needed in order to use the best throwing weapons.

Power shot. The increase in damage for this skill is the highest - 14%. Although the draw of some bows simply does not allow the damage to increase beyond a certain level. If you are planning to become an archer, take it.


It is important for the equestrian, since thoroughbred horses are demanding of this characteristic. It will also be useful for others: each point brings 5 ​​units of skills and speeds up the hero’s attacks by 0.5%.

Weapon Proficiency. Increases the limit to which weapon skills can be increased. Each invested unit increases it by 40. We take it when we approach the top bar in any skill. If, of course, we plan to further develop it.

Shield Mastery. Shield damage is reduced by 8%. The hero blocks attacks faster and easier. Let the strength of the shield be restored in each new battle, but there is little joy when it shatters into pieces in the heat of battle. Therefore, the skill is most useful for everyone who uses a shield.

Athletics. Running faster. The benefit is doubtful. You need to invest too many points to gain a tangible advantage over other infantrymen. And the horseman will overtake you and overtake you anyway.

Horse riding. A hero with this skill gallops faster and can handle more thoroughbred horses. The advantage of horsemen is enormous in any battle except assault. One of the most useful skills.

Shooting on horseback. Who wouldn't want to shoot more accurately, more painfully, and not fall out of the saddle? Those who would not like to invest in other skills. And for a horse archer - just right.

Collecting trophies. Squad skill. Increases profit from any loot by 10%. There will be more of it, in addition, things will be of better quality. A nice, though not vital, skill.


Compared to other characteristics, this one is noticeably more significant. After all, for increasing intelligence, the hero receives additional skill points. In addition, intelligence is associated with many skills.

Education. Allows honored heroes to share their knowledge with young ones once a day. Everyone who is below the character's level receives a little experience (a higher skill means more is transferred). Quickly pays for the invested points. It should be developed as early as possible and to the limit. If satellites also join in the training, the experience of your army will grow by leaps and bounds.

Tracking. Squad skill. Allows you to see on the map traces of recently passed units. And when developing a skill - and some information about them. All this is more curious than useful. So it’s quite possible to save points and take a companion with this skill into your squad.

Tactics. Squad skill. Increases your advantage in battle. But only for every second point in skill. The usefulness of this greatly depends on the settings for the scale of the fights. One fighter out of a hundred is not enough. One out of twenty is already significant.

Finding the way. Squad skill. Speeds up movement around the map by 3%. Very often, these few percentages turn out to be critical in the question of “who will catch up with whom.” It is better not to rely on companions, but to develop this important skill on your own.

Vigilance. Squad skill. Expands the visibility of the group on the global map by 10%. It can be useful to spot the enemy from afar, but there are many more useful things.

Logistics. Provides six additional spaces for items and equipment. If you manage to do without this skill, honor and praise to you. And if there are always not enough places, don’t skimp, spend a point.

Dressing wounds.Accelerates squad healing by 20%. Without this skill, you will have to constantly stop to rest. And the safety of city walls may be too far away. So it's a necessary skill. It is only important to decide: to develop it in your hero or to find a knowledgeable companion. Fortunately, there are skilled healers among them.

Surgery. Squad skill. For each point, any warrior in the squad has a 4% chance of not dying when receiving a normally fatal wound. A very useful skill, and the further you go, the higher its importance. After all, you will have more and more troops.

First aid. Squad skill. Each unit is five percent of your health restored after the battle. Dressing wounds is probably more useful if you're not fighting a lot of fights back to back.

Engineering. Squad skill. Helps build siege engines and strengthen your possessions. Moderately useful.

Belief. Helps in negotiations, persuasion, intimidation. Depending on the playing style, it will be completely useless for some, but will bring great benefits to others. One thing is for sure - at first it is worth focusing on more important skills for survival.


Each point in charisma increases the maximum squad size by one.

Leadership.Increases maximum squad size by 5, increases morale and reduces maintenance costs by 5%. A lot of useful things in one skill.

Trade.Squad skill. Your transactions become 5% more profitable. In addition, you will learn about profitable trading offers faster. It is worth acquiring a knowledgeable companion - a merchant, and saving your points for other important skills.


There are plenty of all kinds of clubs, axes, spears, swords, axes and other murder weapons in the game. It differs in attack speed and damage caused (and ranged weapons also differ in accuracy and ammo reserves). Weapons are divided by damage type into stabbing, cutting, crushing. The type determines the timing of the swing and the method of avoiding the blow.

Note: wounds from blunt weapons are less likely to be fatal. If you want to take many prisoners, arm your troops with clubs.

In addition, instruments of war are also divided into classes of development. If the hero knows how to swing a halberd, that means he can handle a reed just as well. We improve our weapon skills in two ways.

At each level we are given 10 points. We can put them all into one skill, but then we will soon reach the bar set by the Weapon Mastery skill. In addition, the higher the skill, the more points it costs to further advance in it. Therefore, choose several areas of development. One class of weapon for close combat, one for ranged combat and, if desired, a backup option for special cases.

In addition, skills increase with their successful use. We cut down a dozen enemies with a saber - we learned how to hit harder and faster. So the skill rises even above the allowed maximum.

One-handed weapon There are plenty of varieties of it in the game, it’s impossible to list them all. The key and common advantage for all of them is that you can take a shield in your second, free hand. And it significantly increases the fighter’s chances of survival.

Two-handed weapon.Too big to handle with one hand. Although there are examples that are handy to use this way and that. Usually the swing of such a weapon is long, but the impact force is significant.

Polearm weapon.Extremely dangerous if handled skillfully. One on one, you can simply keep an enemy with a short blade away from you at a dangerous distance. Some spears allow a mounted warrior to ram an opponent. It can be either one-handed or two-handed.

Bows If someone thinks that bows are morally outdated, let them tell the Tatar raiders about it. And in the 17th century, bows still had an important advantage over other ranged weapons: speed. Circling around the enemy on horseback and showering with a hail of arrows is a time-tested tactic.

Firearms.Gunpowder is power! Shotguns and pistols hit far, quite accurately and very powerfully. Such a weapon has only two problems. Small: you can’t shoot some guns on horseback - the risk of falling off your horse is too great. Big: Reloading takes forever.

Throwing weapons.For exotic lovers. A well-thrown knife or dart hits the enemy no worse than any other weapon. But the reserves for each battle are too small and the distance over which they fly is too small. It is usually easier to cut down an enemy in hand-to-hand combat.

And all for one!

As we have already mentioned, you can meet companions in taverns. There are a total of sixteen of them roaming the lands of the game. Each one has a character, a history, and preferences. Some people don't get along with each other. Many people have painful issues. A wise commander will respect the pride of his subordinates so that they do not quarrel with him and with each other.

After all, the trouble is worth it. Many companions are skilled fighters, others are talented managers and healers. There are a lot of useful squad skills in the game; you can’t pay enough attention to everything alone. This is where satellites come in handy. A well-chosen team will mitigate the shortcomings of their boss.

Companions cannot die in battle. Unless they lose consciousness. And if it turns out that your companion leaves you, say, if you are captured, do not despair. Look again and you will find it in one of the taverns.

So, it's time to introduce you to these fine ladies and gentlemen.

Pan Zagloba.An old nobleman, boastful, loud and quarrelsome. Servant to the king, father to the soldiers. He doesn’t like it when his salary is delayed and he is poorly fed. Level 3. Iron Skin 5. Power Strike 3. Weapon Skill 75.

This is important: in the campaign dedicated to the Swedish invasion of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Pan Zagloba is an obligatory companion. You will need to find it immediately. In this, as in the search for other companions, your best assistants are travelers in taverns.

Tepes.Scion of the Transylvanian rulers, a distant descendant of Prince Vlad, nicknamed Dracula. Weighed down by family glory. Level 5. Leadership 3. Training 2. Riding 2. Many military skills each 1. Weapon skill 60.

Father Spasokukotsky. A priest who was defrocked for drunkenness and scandals. He wields a long pike and an equally long tongue equally well. Does not tolerate those who lose. Level 4. First aid 3. Surgery 2. Trade 1. Wound dressing 1.

Cossack Mamai.Introduces himself to everyone as a distant descendant of “that same” Mamai. The embodied spirit of the Cossacks. He despises commanders fleeing the battlefield. Level 10. Power Strike 3. Horseback Riding 3. Athletics 3. Weapon Skill 135. Mamai is an obligatory companion in the Zaporozhye Sich campaign, but not from the very beginning.

Karlsson.Drunk Swedish Landsknecht. He even drank away his personal weapon, but the cuirass remained with him. Level 5. Many military skills of 2. Weapon skill 70 (Polearmed - 130).

Fedot.A fugitive archer from the Kremlin hunting order. Doesn't believe in fairy tales. An ardent defender of the common people, he will not allow them to be robbed and oppressed. Level 6. Athletics 2 Pathfinding 2. Pathfinding 2. Many combat skills each 1. Weapon skill 50 (Guns - 100)

Elisha.The youngest boyar son. Tragically ill... allergic to alcohol. His service in Rus', of course, did not go well. Joined the willing people. Does not deal with robbers and those who do not remember debts. Level 2. Horseback riding 4. Athletics 1. Weapon skill 50.

Bakhyt.Tatar executioner, dismissed due to redundancy. Fate was often unkind to him. But he performs his service steadfastly as long as he is fed properly. Level 7. Powerful strike 4. Prisoner holding 2. Weapon skill 40 (Two-handed - 130)

Olgerd.Orthodox Litvin from the Smolensk region. A nobleman, he led squadrons in attacks more than once. During the war, his lands passed into the hands of the Moscow Tsar, but he himself remained loyal to the nobility. Level 3. Many combat and military skills of 1. Weapon skill 60.

Victor de la Buscador.The origin is dark, but it is clear that he is a nobleman. He was the commander of Radziwill's mercenary infantry. He left the service for love, but the beauty turned out to be flighty. Well equipped and armed. Level 9. Tactics 4. Leadership 2. Combat skills 1 each. Weapon skill 125.

Nogai.Tatar troublemaker. He incited part of the Nogai horde to oppose Khan Girey. Now he stays away from his native lands. Very demanding, gets irritated at any violation of discipline. Level 6. Horsemanship 3. Athletics 2. Weapon skill 80.

Sarabun.Kiev doctor. Tries to use patients according to the methods of the French engineer Boplan. Contrary to what was expected, he copes well with the duties of a squad healer. Opponent of robbery. Level 5. Wound Dressing 4. Surgery 3. First Aid 3. Weapon Skill 50.

Oksana.The most natural Ukrainian girl. Poltava Vorozhka. She wanders because in her old place she was accused of causing cow deaths. Her craft forbids her from killing people. Level 3. Trade 2. Many skills of 1. Weapon skill 40.

Ingri.Swedish sutler. Cynical, unprincipled, bitchy... but what a housewife! After a shipment of wine that “smelled of horse urine,” he no longer supplied goods to the Swedish army. Level 5. Logistics 4. Trade 4. First Aid 2. Weapon Skill 65.

Two things are most terrible in Rus': rebellion and angry women.

Varvara.Russian woman, originally from Novgorod. He enters the burning huts and stops galloping horses. Heavy on her hand - she accidentally killed her husband with a rolling pin. After which she fought off the guards and went to fight. Level 5. Trade 2. Healing skills 2 each. Weapon skill 50.

Fatima.Tatar, slender as a gazelle and dangerous as a leopard. Former bodyguard of the beloved wife of the Turkish Sultan. The Sultan once strangled his wife and sent Fatima for sale. She escaped, cutting out the guards. Does not tolerate cowardice or dishonesty. Level 8. Powerful throw 4. Athletics 4. Combat skills 1 each. Weapon skill 90.

On behalf of the noble master

Why do those in power live in the world? Of course, to provide our hero with tasks! Without them, life would be monotonous. They are a good source of money, experience and reputation. If we exclude introductory and story quests, there are eight types of quests left.

  • Deliver a letter.It’s difficult with messengers in Eastern Europe. Noble gentlemen will often ask you to convey a message to someone. This is a simple matter. Most likely, the right person can be found in his own domain. You hand over the letter personally, and the job is done. If the comrade you are looking for is not at home, it is worth asking around other lords and travelers in taverns. And you don’t have to think about the difficulties of the way back. The reward for such a task is presented by the recipient.
  • Kill the robber.Here you will have to work hard. True, you don’t need to spend a long time looking for your adversary all over the world. The employer reports in which locality he was last seen. This is where the horse should be directed. On the spot we rely only on ourselves. Passers-by are unlikely to tell you where to look for the scoundrel. Look out for a nervous person who can't find a place for himself. The robber will probably be hiding in the nooks and crannies or propping up the wall of some building. Convict him of crimes. The bandit will have to run away from you in battle. Nobody needs him alive, so you can shoot him in cold blood on the spot and return to your employer for a well-deserved reward.
  • Collect a debt from a nobleman. In high circles, the bad habit of taking money and not returning it is no less common than among ordinary people. Helping to clear out debt is a costly endeavor, but a rewarding one. First you need to find the debtor. He is usually ready to return the money... but not all of it. You have to pay the rest out of your own pocket. But it's never too late to haggle a little! And also - to put pressure on the debtor’s conscience. This will worsen your relationship, but will bring you closer to completing the task.
  • Explore villages.The only thing that's easier is delivering letters. The nobleman names three settlements. You just need to get to each of them, and then return to the employer with a report.
  • Provoke a war.The task is simple in essence, but requires difficult moral choices. A warlord who wants to start a small, victorious war is looking for a sacrificial lamb for this purpose. You can help him. He sets requirements for the daredevil. From you - a fighter suitable for them. He is sent to the enemies with a letter testifying to the treachery of their sovereign. The daring envoy dies, hostilities begin, and you leave the governor with a reward.
  • Train peasants in the village.Safe and well rewarded assignment. You need to arrive at the named village, spend a little time training the villagers and conduct a training fight with them on poles.
  • Bring a squad of fighters.Clear as day. The ruler needs warriors. You supply him with these warriors. They are usually easiest to recruit from a mercenary camp.
  • A duel with a lord who insulted a lady.The only task that is given not by the high lords themselves, but by their wives. It happens that a lady in a conversation complains about an offender who is spreading bad rumors about her. The slanderer must be found and challenged to a duel. If you successfully defend her honor, the lady will show you her favor and, on occasion, will plead for you with her husband.

It happens that not only big people, but also ordinary peasants need help. The village headman also sometimes gives us some work to do.

  • Bring cattle.It's not a complicated matter. It doesn’t matter how the cattle will be obtained. You can steal it from a richer village, you can buy it. The main thing is to drive the cheerfully mooing little cows into the village safe and sound and hand them over to the headman.
  • Deliver goods To get the most out of an assignment, it is helpful to know the market conditions. Knowledge of history also helps: the realities of time and place are strictly observed. Where did salt come from on most Russian tables? Right. So, the prices for it will be lower there.
  • Deal with the robbers Dashing people got into the habit of robbing peasants returning from city fairs. This is a good opportunity for you to profit from trophies and earn a reputation.

Great glory

It was foreshadowed by signs in the heavens, and excited human faces, and the flashing of swords, and the howling of dogs near the huts at night, and the neighing of horses that smelled blood. War!

Henryk Sienkiewicz, “With Fire and Sword”

Sooner or later, repetitive tasks become boring. There are also unique, original assignments in the game, but they are only enough for the first time. Soon the moment comes for real exploits. When your reputation in one of the three “story” countries reaches ten, you can begin completing story missions for that state.

To start the script about Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, it is enough to turn to any noble gentleman and agree to take his side. From now on, the fate of Poland should be discussed with all the Poles encountered until one of them offers to find Pan Zagloba. And once you find him, Zagloba will know what to do.

Scenario Zaporozhye Sich begins with a request from a subject of the Zaporozhian Army. A Cossack village was attacked by bandits, help is needed. When they are driven out, the mortally wounded old man will tell you about a certain Black Hetman. Questions from the Cossack governors will show that your friend Jacques de Clermont knows something about the Hetman. So the wheels started turning.

Plot Kingdom of Moscow It's a little more difficult to get started than the other two. The first order is given by an arbitrary Russian commander. You will have a conversation with him about False Dmitry, and for additional information you will be required to help in a raid on the Poles. Destroy any three villages of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and the boyar will point to the person you need.

It's time and honor to know

Not everyone likes to storm the heights of political Olympus. Tired of the worries of camp life, you can always retire. All you have to do is “take action” in the camp menu and then “terminate the life of an adventurer”. That's it: fanfare, end of the road.

This is interesting: Experienced players sometimes compete with each other in speedrunning games. The developers decided to make fun of them. The fastest way to complete the game is to select the “Leave” option in the dialogue before creating a character.

The retirement screen provides a neat list of all your achievements. It depends on them who the hero will retire from military affairs. In the worst case, he will eke out a miserable existence. At best, he will become a loyal hand of the sovereign and focus on governing the country. If the result you see upsets you, it will not be too late to come to your senses and achieve a better life for your character.

We hope that our tips, coupled with the training built into the game, will be enough to get back on your feet and get stronger. The world of “Fire and Sword” awaits its heroes. Wherever fate takes you, let the sword and fire be your help in times of need, noble lords!

1 2 All

Be Warrior - Means live for real brave, honest and dignified in the face of any danger, fears, doubts. Life Warrior may have nothing to do with military operations, and at the same time - not all Warriors.

Warrior- only the one who, not in words, but in actions, places above all else Honor, Faith in himself and his comrades, Dignity and Courage.

Military commandments

1. We are what we think about ourselves.

Everything that happens is the consequence of our thoughts, so control what you think about. A winner does not think like a victim.

2. Believe in yourself

Don't say: " I can't do this". Instead, ask yourself: “ How can I do this?". So you will find a way.

3. Be consistent, avoid fuss

Don't rush to learn everything at once. Path Warrior very long, distribute your efforts and set priorities.

4. Don't be a slave to your desires. Keep everything simple and moderate

Find the golden mean in everything. All problems come from excesses, both in self-indulgence and in excessive asceticism.

5. Act and live consciously

Warrior cannot afford to go with the flow of life when he only has one life. His path is the path of conscious choice and active action.

6. Win and don’t be afraid of defeats

Strive to be the best, but don't be afraid of mistakes and failures. They are your best teachers.

7. Connect your mind, body and spirit as one. Your enemies do not fear you, but the Warrior in you

The body is your weapon, the spirit is its strength, the mind is its skill. Only together they are able to successfully fight and defeat enemies.

8. Achieve everything yourself. Never ask for anything

U Warrior everything can be taken away except what he has achieved himself. This is with him forever.

9. Once you get down to business, bring it to the end. Keep your word

Do not leave unfinished business and debts behind you - their responses will haunt you. A person is judged by the difference between word and deed.

10. Act quickly and decisively. Self-doubt is a Warrior's worst enemy

Make your choice consciously. Once you make a choice, never doubt or regret it. The tree falls, eaten by worms. Don't let the worms of doubt destroy your spirit and mind.

11. Don’t regret the past, don’t be afraid of the future, live in the present.

Warrior commits the greatest stupidity when he regrets the past. By forgetting the present, he loses the future.

12. Be responsible for your words, actions and your ignorance

Search only in yourself the reason for all failures. Only you yourself are responsible for everything that happens to you and around you. The stronger the responsibility Warrior, the wider the range of events that it can influence.

13. Change yourself if you want to change the world

In your hands Warrior enormous power - he can change the world around him by changing his attitude towards it.

14. Don't be afraid of anything. A warrior can be destroyed, but never defeated!

You can destroy the body Warrior, but his will and spirit cannot be broken.

15. Be impeccable. Don't feel sorry for yourself and don't indulge yourself

In the face of possible death every second, human weaknesses are irrational. When Warrior impeccable in everything, he is protected from accidents and reproaches.

16. Don't judge others

Accept others for who they are, with their mistakes and shortcomings. Be Warrior Not everyone can do it.

17. Don’t betray your teachers and comrades

By betraying those who walk the same Path with you, you betray your Path and yourself.

18. The only criterion for a Warrior’s combat effectiveness is the duel

Use any situation in your life as a challenge, as an opportunity to prove yourself and gain even greater strength in the fight against your shortcomings.

19. Don't be arrogant

Never consider yourself better than others. Everyone is different, and you can learn something from everyone. And the mind, closed by the shield of vanity, is unable to comprehend anything new.

20. Work on yourself. There is no limit to perfection

Never stop at the goal you have achieved, there is always something else to strive for. Only by improving yourself, Warrior getting stronger.

Way of the Warrior

Not doing yourself

To achieve the second attention, it is necessary to accumulate a sufficient amount of personal power. You need to change your view of the world in a certain way, follow certain guidelines that magicians grouped together and called “the path of the warrior.” If a student, following these guidelines, performs not doing yourself.

Let's say a person considers himself missing. This is his doing: he constantly tells himself about this, he believes in it. To act on it doing, he must lie to himself for eight days. Instead of telling himself the “truth” that he is disgusting, rotten and a pile of worthlessness, he must tell himself that he is the exact opposite, while knowing at the same time that he is lying, that he is absolutely hopeless.

This lie will help attract him to another doing. And then he will be able to understand that both doing false and unreal, and that to cling to any of them is a waste of time, because the only, real thing in a person is the being that will die. To reach this being means to reach a state in which there is no longer doing yourself.

Only freed from the old doing, a person can make himself strong by leading an impeccable lifestyle. And to do this, he must get rid of old habits, act, making himself strong, despite his knowledge that it is impossible to change himself, this is not doing himself.


When setting out on the path of a warrior, one should remember that the main thing for a warrior is impeccability.

One of the concerns of a warrior is to release energy so that it can be used to face the unknown. Impeccability helps to redistribute energy.

Figuratively speaking, the world of people rises and falls, and people rise and fall with their world. The art of being a warrior is to be outside of everything and to be invisible, so as not to waste your energy on trifles.

Impeccability is the correct use of energy.

Impeccability is not a morality, it is the best use of our energy levels, it is the lack of self-importance.

Being excellent means doing the best you can in everything you are involved in. Moreover, you must push yourself beyond your boundaries all the time.

To be impeccable means to understand what you want in life, and thereby support your determination to achieve it. And then do everything in your power and even more in order to realize your aspiration.

The belief of magicians is that an impeccable life in itself inevitably leads to a feeling of sobriety of thinking, and this, in turn, leads to a change in the warrior’s perception of the world and the ability to perceive the unknown, to see. Moreover, the magicians came to the conclusion that impeccable people do not need anyone to lead them in teaching. They can, saving energy, do on their own what magicians do. All a warrior needs is perfection, energy, strength, and this begins with one action that must be precise, deliberate and constant. If this action is repeated long enough, one gains a sense of unbending intention that can be applied to anything. When this is achieved, the path is clear.

Unbending Intent

An unbending intention is the pursuit of an absolutely clearly defined goal, not disturbed by any conflicting interests or desires.

If a warrior sets a goal, he does everything possible to achieve it, and to do this he uses unbending intention. But in order to develop an unbending intention towards something, a warrior must discard everything unnecessary and realize what exactly he wants to achieve.

Path of the Heart

Whatever a warrior does, he always chooses a path and decides to take it only if this path is for him the path of the heart.

There are millions of paths, so you should always remember that a path is just a path. If a person feels that this is not his path, then he should not stay on it under any circumstances. Of course, in order to have such clarity, a person must have sobriety of thinking.

There is no use wasting your entire life on one single path, especially if that path has no heart. Any path has no beginning, no end, no goal, except for the point at which you stand. And therefore, if a path has a heart, then it is a good path, and if it does not, then this path is of no use: both paths lead to nowhere, but one has a heart, and the other does not. One makes traveling along it pleasant and joyful, and as long as you walk along it, you are one with it. The other way makes you curse your life. One path makes you strong, the other weakens you.

The warrior acts decisively, choosing a path, testing it as many times as he finds necessary, and then asking himself, and himself alone, whether this path has a heart. When a person realizes that he has chosen a path without a heart, this path is already ready to kill him. At this point, very few people can break their focus and leave this path.

It should be remembered, however, that the decision to stay on the path, or to abandon it, must be free from fear and ambition: fear makes a person blind, and in the same way ambition does not allow one to look at things soberly. Both make a person cling to one path, forgetting all the others. Therefore, only by freeing yourself from fear and ambition can you make the right decision.

Warrior Shields

A warrior deliberately selects the things that create his world. For his daily life, he chooses paths that have heart. It is the consistent choice of paths with heart that distinguishes a warrior from the average person.

A warrior intentionally chooses only paths that have a heart, as each item he chooses is a shield that protects him from the attacks of the forces he learns to harness.

The average person, equally surrounded by these inexplicable forces, is inaccessible to them because he has other shields for protection: people do what people do. These are their shields. What people do absorbs all their attention, and thus creates a description of the world in which these inexplicable powerful forces simply have no place. The warrior deliberately opens himself to the influence of these forces, and no longer has the protection of ordinary people. As a result, whenever a warrior has a collision with any of those inexplicable and inexorable forces, his lumen, located on the luminous fibers in the navel area, opens, making him more accessible to death. When it opens, it is necessary that will was ready to fill it. But will fills this gap only among magicians, since they specifically develop their will. However, if a person is a warrior without yet being a magician, that is, without sufficiently developing his will, then, starting from a certain point, a time comes for him when he can no longer use the shields of everyday activities as effectively as an ordinary person. . The old shields are no longer reliable for him, as he begins to realize the meaninglessness of the routine that people do.

This is why the warrior, from the very beginning, deliberately selects the constituent parts of his world, surrounding himself with paths with the heart as shields. Only paths that have a heart can provide effective protection for the warrior: in a critical situation of collision with those forces that meet in the area of ​​the second attention, the only way to repel their attack is to return to the area of ​​the first attention, and for this the warrior must switch his attention to such things that bring him real joy and satisfaction.

Warrior strategy. Strategic list

Walking along the paths of life, a warrior always uses strategy to achieve his goals.

It is necessary to check your actions with your goals and adjust both the actions and the goals themselves: the world is constantly changing, and therefore the warrior is constantly rechecking and adjusting his strategy.

The warrior's strategic list includes all those behavioral structures that are not important from the point of view of survival and well-being, but are nevertheless present in his life. Next, he decides which items on this list can be changed to reduce energy expenditure, and thus increase his personal power.

In a warrior's strategic list, self-importance appears as the factor that drains the most energy.

To create a strategic list, a warrior must completely rethink his life and figure out what he is doing for what. In doing so, the warrior discovers what is the path of the heart for him and what is not, and develops a strategy according to which he must redirect his life so that he follows his predispositions in everything.

The essence of the warrior’s path lies precisely in a certain approach to the consistent choice of behavior in relation to life situations that a warrior encounters in this world. What a warrior chooses is always smarter than what our parents, teachers, and older friends taught us in this world. The choice of a warrior is intended to correct a person’s lifestyle, changing his attitude towards life itself.

There are two main options for approaching life. The first is to submit to it: either by adapting to its demands or by fighting against them. The second is shaping your life situation in accordance with your own plans. A person is capable of shaping his life situation in accordance with his own attitudes.

When speaking about the formation of a life situation, magicians mean awareness of what people’s actions and their interactions actually are, what underlies a person’s actions. Through awareness, we can gain the energy to shape the consequences of every choice we make and the entire course of our lives.

As magicians say, a warrior must constantly track himself. In fact, in order to reconsider your life, it is absolutely necessary to constantly monitor your actions, track yourself in order to be well aware of what you are doing and why.

Sober thinking

In order to learn to consciously change one’s own state of consciousness in order to make one’s life more effective, a warrior needs to develop a special strength in himself - a sense of sobriety of thinking; it is a natural and deep tendency to explore and understand.

To have sober thinking means: always take into account everything that may be relevant, always consider all possibilities before making a choice; this means constantly reviewing everything you do, looking for the best way; but the main thing is to maintain constant control in any situation.

A person who has a sober view of things is able to find a new path, the best among others, because when making a choice, he looks through all the options and does not cling to the old beaten paths. Therefore, it would be fair to say that a feeling of sobriety and balance is the basis of stalking, for this feeling is precisely what allows smooth, harmonious shifts of awareness to occur.

Control and discipline

Discipline is the consistent conscious execution of actions aimed at implementing a certain strategy. Acting with discipline means doing what you have to do in accordance with your strategy, at a time when the course of events seems to force you to give up everything and indulge in self-indulgence or simply indulge in pleasure, forgetting about everything else and losing such way of sobriety of thinking.

Setting your spirit in such a situation is called control. Control is keeping part of the attention on the attention itself, that is, observing one’s own actions and one’s own state of consciousness, consciously adjusting them in accordance with the requirements of the strategy.

Discipline is impossible without control, because conscious action implies control.

A person with control and discipline is able to very effectively solve the problems that life puts before him. Such a person is called a warrior. Strictly speaking, until a person has mastered control and discipline, he is still only a student; having mastered them, he becomes a warrior.

Humility and detachment. Warrior mood

Detachment is called control of desires. A warrior is always in control of his desires, he is always detached.

What makes us unhappy is desires. But if we learn to reduce our desires to zero, then the smallest thing we receive will be a true gift. For a warrior, desires are just thoughts. In other words, desires exist for a warrior insofar as he concentrates his attention on these things and thinks about them. The warrior views all desires as thoughts, and as such can subdue or discard them altogether.

An ordinary person may be offended and upset by what happens to him in life, and he may complain about his life, feeling that everything around him is forcing him to dance to his tune. But at the same time, an ordinary person does not even think about the possibility of controlling his desires and his emotional states. He simply floats with the flow, carried away by his passions and desires, like a leaf given to the will of the wind. There is no power in his life. The warrior calculates and acts: he retreats, renounces himself, from all his desires, for the sake of action aimed at achieving them. As long as a warrior acts in the right frame of mind, no one can force him to act against himself or against what he considers right.

There is no force in the world that lacks mood. And any mood is a path. Therefore, controlling your mood is very important. The warrior's mood always combines control and detachment. Since detachment is a type of control, it is not surprising that a warrior is always in a state of control, and at the same time he is detached.

It is always convenient to act in such a mood. It takes you through all the bullshit and leaves you clean. The warrior mood is required for every single action. Otherwise you become distracted and clumsy. A warrior is always in complete control and never indulges his desires, he does not allow the forces of life to take over him.

A warrior knows that attention can be controlled. And he uses this knowledge!

If a warrior wants something that he cannot achieve or obtain at the moment, he simply switches his attention to something else that brings him peace and pleasure: he stops wanting. However, if a warrior knows that his desire can be fulfilled, he creates a strategy to achieve his goal and acts. If he cannot do anything now, but knows that he can achieve his goal later, he simply waits: he uses his patience to resist the forces of his life. The warrior knows what he is waiting for and he knows what he is waiting for; and while he waits he wants nothing, so whatever little thing he gets is more than he can take. To be hungry or in pain means that a person has given up and is no longer a warrior, the power of hunger and pain destroys him.

To achieve detachment, a warrior must think about his death. Only the thought of imminent death makes a person detached so that he cannot indulge in anything. He knows that death is hunting him and will not give him time to become attached to anything, so he experiences everything and everyone without greed.

Of course, it can always happen that a person’s capabilities will be limited by external circumstances, and it will be very difficult for him to achieve satisfaction.

Humility is accepting your fate as it is; this is the use of attention in such a way that, on the one hand, you remember that your desires are unattainable, and on the other hand, not to concentrate attention on this, not to indulge in sadness and self-pity.

A warrior is always merciless because pity is useless; this mood does not coexist with strength. Pity (for yourself or for someone else) takes away time and energy that could be used to change the situation in your own or someone else's life. There is no point in complaining or being sad - instead, you should take action.

A warrior looks at things soberly and therefore knows what he can change in his destiny and what he cannot. With this knowledge, he always strives to change what he can change if his heart tells him to do such an action.

When a warrior achieves his goals, when a warrior experiences feelings of joy and satisfaction, he nevertheless still maintains detachment: the warrior does not allow his attention to fully concentrate on anything, losing control. A warrior never allows himself to be overwhelmed by feelings - be it a feeling of sadness or a feeling of joy. He maintains control in any situation.

So, the basis of a warrior's behavior is control, detachment and, above all, humility. Accepting your fate in complete humility, not as a reason for regret, but as a living challenge, is the first thing a warrior must do on the path to impeccability. Only by accepting his fate can he move forward in his studies. Resistance to what cannot be changed is a road to nowhere.

But in order to accept his fate, a person must first take a sober look at his life and at himself, he must rethink his life, and after that he must find out which paths in life are the paths of the heart for him. And only by doing this will he be able to fully understand his fate and accept it from beginning to end.

You need to understand what he cannot achieve at all and what cannot be achieved in the near future. And in regard to these things, the warrior must accept his fate with complete calm and serenity of spirit and in absolute humility. Without indulging in self-pity, but tuning his spirit, he must act according to plans, following with joyful calm the paths of his heart. Then the road to strength will be open to him.

Controlling stupidity

The combination of control and a sober view of the world leads the warrior to a state that magicians call control of one's own stupidity.

1. Assume that something is more important than something else. This means that there is some reason, some criterion, according to which this something is more important. But you can always find another criterion according to which this something will be not more, but less important than something else. Therefore, for something to be truly more important, we must give some reason why it is more important to use the "criterion of importance" according to which it is more important than something else, rather than the one according to which it less important. We will never be able to find a criterion that makes this something truly more important than anything else.


Suppose urinating in public is wrong, that is, following the rule that urinating in public is wrong is more important than following the opposite rule that it is okay to urinate in public if you want to. But what is the criterion for choosing the first rule as more important? Let's assume that the first rule is more important, since urinating in public places means creating aesthetic discomfort for others. But, on the other hand, who said that protecting others from aesthetic discomfort is more important than saving yourself from a bladder rupture? It is necessary to prove that protecting the aesthetic preferences of others is more important than one’s own health. We can try to find some reason for this, but we will again find ourselves in the same situation, since there will certainly be a counter-reason for this reason.

2. In reality, obviously, when we talk about the importance of something, we are not based on logical reasoning, but on feelings: we feel that something is more important than something else. But the warrior knows that feelings can be controlled. The whole point here is in the manipulation of attention: we can maintain attention on the feeling that something is more important than something else, or we can switch our attention, and we will feel that this something, on the contrary, is less important; finally, we can make ourselves feel that these things are completely equivalent. And this can be applied to anything! And if so, then it turns out that nothing is really more important than anything else.

Realizing all this, a warrior can no longer be guided in his actions by a sense of the importance of something, understanding all the conventionality of it. Therefore, when performing actions, a warrior is based solely on whether these actions correspond to his predisposition or not. The importance of something does not bother him at all. In other words, a warrior follows the paths of his heart in everything, while understanding that all this has absolutely no meaning. This is called controlling stupidity.

Controlling your own stupidity involves two aspects:

1. Controlling your stupidity means constantly remembering that you are a fool and know nothing about this beautiful and terrifying world.

An ordinary person, as a rule, does not pay attention to this, so the world for an ordinary person is something taken for granted, where everything is known in advance, since he is smart and knows everything; he gets used to believing that he knows everything about the world. A person finds himself caught in a vicious circle of his own stupidity, and can no longer notice his stupidity and take control of it.

The warrior, on the other hand, breaks this cycle. The warrior remembers that as long as he thinks of the world as something known and predictable, he is a hopeless fool. This is how the warrior controls his stupidity.

2. Controlling your stupidity means constantly remembering that your actions are the actions of a fool who knows nothing about this beautiful and terrifying world.

An ordinary person, as a rule, does not think like that. He feels the importance and reasonableness of his person, and as a result of this, his actions also seem reasonable and important to him. He gets used to believing that acting in accordance with his ideas about the world is better and more reasonable. And by doing “important” things, a person gets used to feeling important.

A warrior, on the contrary, does not feel anything like that. He does not believe that some of his actions are better or more important than others. The warrior realizes that he knows so little about the world that in light of this he cannot consider his actions as the most reasonable. Therefore, he does certain actions not because they are more important than others, but simply because these actions correspond to his disposition to a greater extent than others. This is control of stupidity.

As a result of this attitude towards things, a warrior begins to view his life completely differently than an ordinary person. Everything that a warrior does, everything that happens to him in life is neither good nor bad; everything in life is a challenge.

The average person views everything that happens to him as a blessing or a curse. A warrior treats everything as a challenge for himself. The life of a warrior is a response to a challenge. And challenges are neither good nor bad.

A warrior is busy with action, and not with thinking whether his actions are good or not. The warrior simply weighs all the circumstances soberly, and then chooses the best action he feels he can take. He simply chooses a path with his heart and follows it. The warrior knows that his life will end, ultimately, very quickly. He knows that he, like anyone else, is not going anywhere. He knows that no thing is more important than another; if you look at him, he looks exactly like an ordinary person, except that the stupidity of his life is under his control.

Since there is nothing more important than everything else, the warrior chooses an action and performs it as if it matters. Having completed the action, the warrior calmly steps aside, he does not care whether his actions were good or bad, whether they brought results or not.

Rule for stalker

An ordinary person builds his relationship with the world on the basis of a sense of self-importance and other habits. The goal of a warrior is to get rid of habits, and first of all, the habit of feeling the importance of oneself and one’s actions. But getting rid of them, the warrior loses the previous foundations of interaction with the world, and he has a need to acquire new foundations. The fundamentals that guide a warrior’s actions are instructions for him, called the “rule for a stalker.”

1. Everything that surrounds us is an immeasurable mystery.

The warrior concentrates his attention on the fact that he really knows almost nothing about this world: all that he really knows is limited mainly by the actions of people and what people do; everything else that people are used to believing in is nothing more than models that do not perfectly describe the part of the world that people are used to paying attention to.

2. We must try to solve the mystery of this world, without even hoping for success.

In essence, the warrior does not care about the outcome; For a warrior, the very process of searching, the very contact with the endless mysteries of existence is important. This is precisely what becomes the main goal of a warrior in life.

3. The warrior, knowing his duty to try to solve the mystery of the world around him, takes his place among these mysteries, and considers himself as one of them.

Consequently, for a warrior there is no end to the mystery of existence, be it a pebble, an ant, or himself. This is the humility of a warrior. Each is equal to everything else.

And knowing that there is infinitely more in everything in the world than he knows, the warrior also realizes that his own capabilities are limitless, indescribable and immeasurable. And knowing this, the warrior strives to reveal them.

Thus, the rule for a stalker is the quintessence of the entire teaching of magicians.

Principles of stalking

Following the prescription of the rule for a stalker, a warrior follows the paths of life, and in his actions he proceeds from the seven principles of the art of stalking. These principles are the practical basis for a warrior’s interaction with everything that surrounds him.

The principles of stalking are:

1. Consciousness of choice and sobriety.

The warrior himself chooses the place for the battle. A warrior never relaxes control, and does not allow anyone or anything to drag him into something that he himself does not want to do. He always takes full responsibility for everything he does, because he knows that he makes any decision in the face of imminent death. Any improvisation can be successful only if it is properly prepared, and in order not to find yourself in a disadvantageous position, you should always soberly assess the situation, using all available information for this, and only then decide whether or not to enter into battle .

2. Discarding unnecessary things.

The warrior strives to keep things simple; he always discards everything that is not necessary. The complexity of a situation is nothing more than one aspect of the attitude towards it. The complexity of any situation is determined by how you perceive it. So, by controlling attention, you can control the complexity of any situation. And if so, is it worth complicating things? After all, any battle is a battle for your own life.

3. Performing actions with full dedication.

When deciding whether or not to enter a battle, a warrior knows that any battle is a fight for his own life, and he must fight to the end, here and now. Taking responsibility for your decisions means being willing to fight to the end.

4. The need for relaxation.

A warrior must be able to relax, give up on himself and not be afraid of anything. Only then the forces leading us open the way and help. To perform with full dedication, you need to constantly push yourself, and fear is a good tool for this. A warrior must relax his concentration from time to time so as not to lose sobriety, concentrating on the same thing. And to be able to stop in time, you must always be detached, never losing control.

5. Control of the degree of attention.

Faced with the unexpected and incomprehensible, and not knowing what to do, the warrior retreats for a while, allowing his thoughts to wander aimlessly. Relaxing your concentration allows your body to relax and your mind to expand its focus and see things in a new way. Expanding your perspective is sobering and ultimately allows you to find a solution.

6. Intensity of life.

When a warrior acts, he compresses time. Here even seconds count. In the battle for your own life, a second is an eternity that can decide the outcome of the battle. A warrior is focused on success, so he saves time without wasting a moment.

7. Detachment.

A warrior never puts himself forward. Acting in the shadows is much more effective than acting in the foreground. In order not to lose sobriety, a warrior must be an observer detached from the world, even while in the thick of things. And in order not to experience unnecessary influences from outside, a warrior should try to attract as little attention to himself as possible and refrain from contacts with others unless these contacts are truly necessary.

Results of applying the principles of stalking

1. A warrior never takes himself seriously. He laughs at himself.

2. A warrior is patient because he acts without haste, but also immediately. The warrior is driven by the awareness of his own death, so he simply does not have time to mess around, and there is no time to make false steps.

3. A warrior has endless improvisational abilities. A warrior does not have time to cling to old proven paths and make mistakes by concentrating on one thing. A warrior strives to look at things soberly. In every situation, he seeks a solution that is most adequate to this situation, and in order to act in this way, the warrior strives to expand his view of the world, his sphere of attention. And this inevitably leads to the emergence of new opportunities for him, which the warrior immediately uses. Hence the ability to improvise, to perform new, unexpected actions - so unexpected that ultimately they can lead the warrior to stop the world, to achieve second attention.

Four moods of stalking

Ruthlessness, cunning, patience and gentleness are the essence of stalking. They are the basis which, with all its ramifications, must be studied step by step. Guided by the principles of stalking, a warrior must embody these four moods in all his actions.

Ruthlessness is a mood in which there is no pity for oneself or for anyone else.

By pitying others, a person, in fact, first puts them in his place, and then pours out feelings on them, which are feelings of self-pity.

To feel sorry for someone means to think that this someone is the same as you. Meanwhile, if we discard the habit of believing that all people are the same, then it becomes clear that everyone is different, although they are accustomed to concentrating their attention on a number of the same things. And if some person perceives the world differently than you, then those things that would make you feel sorry for yourself if you were in his place, quite possibly, will not make him feel sorry for himself. And in this case, your pity for him will be completely meaningless and useless.

However, pity is meaningless and useless in any case: pity takes away time and energy that could be spent on changing the situation that causes you to feel pity.

Thus, ruthlessness is not cruelty, and does not imply refusal to help someone. But since a warrior, controlling his stupidity, understands that almost all people are different from him in one way or another, obviously, a thing that he may consider helping someone may not be perceived by this someone as help at all, and may not be by her. And therefore, the impeccability of a warrior in relation to others is to help them in the best possible way, but only if they ask you for it.

Cunning or skill is a mood that encourages the search for the most adequate means of resolving a situation. A warrior does not choose the first solution that comes to him. He searches, explores, paying attention to more and more new aspects related to the situation, and then finds the best, non-standard, cunning solution. A warrior never acts straightforwardly. He is always skilled, and his skill masks everything he does, hiding the edge of his merciless blows.

Patience is a mood of detachment and dispassion, lightness and peace, and at the same time complete control and attention to everything that happens; this is a mood of waiting, in which there is no fuss and restlessness, but there is also no slowness, but there is only the power to wait - to wait as long as necessary, even if you have to wait for an eternity.

Patience has two aspects: long-term and short-term. Long-term is actually patience, the ability to wait for a long time. Short-term is endurance - the ability not to react immediately, but to wait, soberly weighing all aspects of the situation when necessary.

Gentleness, moderation is a mood that combines humility and active action; gentleness implies a very careful and attentive attitude towards everything; to be soft means to always find and use such a force of influence that is the best in all respects, which carries a powerful impulse, on the one hand, but, on the other hand, the results of its influence are not undesirable. Gentleness is strength without violence.

Ruthlessness allows you to act effectively; cunning allows you to improvise; moderation allows you to adequately implement the strategy; patience makes it possible to take the required steps exactly when needed.

Ruthlessness, cunning, patience and gentleness are the four stages of learning stalking. These four moods must be practiced and improved until they become completely refined and invisible to others. And for this, a warrior must constantly track himself, adjusting his behavior.

But ruthlessness should not be heartlessness, cunning should not be cunning, patience should not be slowness, and gentleness should not be stupidity. A warrior must be ruthless but charming; cunning but delicate; patient but active; soft, but persistent.

Mages develop the perfect combination of ruthlessness, cunning, patience and gentleness. These four principles of stalking are inextricably linked with each other and are the guiding force in all the actions of magicians: gentleness requires patience; in order to be able to wait, one must realize the advantages of “cunning” actions compared to straightforward ones; To act truly skillfully, you need to be able to take risks, you need to be free from rational fears, and for this you need to be free from feelings of self-pity, from a sense of self-importance.

To act truly effectively, to always find adequate means to resolve any situation, all four moods are required. Therefore, any action performed by a magician is inevitably governed by these four principles. In other words, any action of a magician has a premeditated plan and execution and synthesizes the four fundamentals of stalking.

Magicians use these four stalking moods as a guide to action. These four moods represent four different states of mind, four different intensities of influence, through which magicians can change their perception and internal state, and this is necessary for effective interaction with the outside world.

Patience and sense of time. Man of knowledge

So patience is dispassionate waiting.

A warrior knows what and what he is waiting for, and he is not in a hurry or worried, he simply does what he must - this is the essence of patience. And this is the great pleasure of a warrior.

Patience is inextricably linked with a sense of time. A warrior gains a sense of time only after he gains patience. It comes, so to speak, “with the practice of waiting.” Patience, like other stalking attitudes, must be cultivated long enough to become truly a strength. That is why the four moods of stalking are four stages of learning this art, which can only be completed sequentially, as a result of long practice. In the same way, the sense of time can only come to a warrior over time, after he has fully mastered patience.

Time sense is the ability to accurately sense the moment when everything that was previously held back must be released. The sense of time also controls the awareness of the moment when it is necessary to do something that was not intended to be done in advance, but can be most successfully done precisely in the given circumstances.

Control, discipline and patience are like a dam behind which everything accumulates. The sense of time is the gateway in this dam.

Patience means restraining one's spirit from what a warrior knows rightfully must happen, therefore patience has nothing to do with the plans that a person can make, but is determined only by the person's personal strength: in the case when the warrior has full control, discipline and a sense of timing, patience ensures that whoever deserves something gets it.

A person who has patience and a sense of time is in a state of fine balance with the entire world around him, unmistakably feeling what and when he should do, what steps he should take in his studies. In other words, such a person receives knowledge directly from everything that surrounds him. Such a person, as magicians say, has silent knowledge, that is, he receives knowledge without the help of words. Therefore, a person who has mastered patience and a sense of time is called a man of knowledge. From the book The Mystical Journey of a Peaceful Warrior by Millman Dan

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