Charitable Foundation Vera Children in lieu of flowers. How the “Children Instead of Flowers” ​​campaign is carried out in different regions of Russia

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4 years ago, teacher from Moscow Asya Stein proposed holding a flash mob for teachers on the first of September. The idea immediately found support, turning into a large-scale action that helps make the lives of many children a little better.

website admires the simplicity and genius of this idea and calls on all parents and schoolchildren to adopt it on September 1st.

4 years ago, literature teacher Asya Stein invited her colleagues to organize a flash mob on September 1

“Dear fellow teachers! Dear parents of schoolchildren! I propose to organize a special flash mob on the first of September with the code name “Live Children Instead of Dead Flowers” ​​or simply “Flowers of Life”!”

The idea is simple: on September 1, parents of schoolchildren are asked to give their teacher only 1 bouquet instead of 30 lush bouquets from the class, and transfer the saved money to support terminally ill children.

The idea immediately found support from other teachers and schoolchildren

In 2015, 200 schools and 500 classes took part in the event; in 2016, the number of participants tripled. In the first year we managed to collect 8 million rubles. And in the next one - 10 million more.

A little arithmetic

In 2016, approximately 14 million children went to school. If we assume that half of them came to class on September 1 with a bouquet for at least 500 rubles, then it turns out that in just 1 day, schoolchildren spent 3.5 billion rubles on flowers!

And if you imagine that each of the 1.2 million teachers in our country will receive only 1 bouquet, then you will be able to save an astronomical amount: more than 2 billion rubles! This money would be enough for several years of work of charitable foundations. Agree, wilted flowers in the staff room are not worth it.

This year the event will be held for the 4th time. The organizers hope to break the record of 2017, when 39 million 560 thousand rubles were collected.

This money went to help seriously ill children - wards of the Vera Foundation and the House with a Lighthouse children's hospice.

These funds were used to purchase medicines, medical equipment, special food and hygiene items for terminally ill children from 463 Russian families.

For example, Polina from Tobolsk received a large supply of consumables for the machine with which she breathes.

Little Dima, who is not even 2 years old, suffers from spinal muscular atrophy. Thanks to the participants of the action, he received an active stroller, and with it freedom of movement.

2-year-old Masha from Moscow has an organic lesion of the central nervous system. The funds raised during the “Children Instead of Flowers” ​​campaign were used to purchase medicines and food, car seats and products for fixing legs.

And there are hundreds of such stories. And our children should definitely know about them, says Nyuta Federmesser, founder of the Vera Foundation.

“The more attention we pay to children who are seriously ill, the more valuable and merciful our own children are. It is important not how much we collect, but who takes part in the collection. These are teachers, parents and children - those who shape our future."

Founder of the Vera Foundation Nyuta Federmesser

This is how a simple teacher taught not only children, but also adults, perhaps the main lesson - the lesson of kindness. We are grateful to Asya and all those who supported her initiative and proved that doing great good deeds is not so difficult.

In 2014, Asya Stein, a teacher at one of the Moscow lyceums, suggested not giving teachers many bouquets on September 1, but purchasing one from the whole class and donating the remaining money to charity. The first event was held in favor of the Vera Foundation and was called “Children instead of flowers.” Over the course of five years, many other funds have joined the initiative; all the shares have different names, but the essence is the same. And the total collections of all funds are approaching one hundred million rubles. But during this time there was also a lot of controversy and dissatisfaction on the part of parents, who accused the funds of emotional blackmail and defended their right to any number of bouquets as a gift to the teacher.

“Philanthropist” asked some of the organizers of the event in 2018 why help and participation in the “Children Instead of Flowers” ​​campaign is so important and valuable for the foundations, as well as the schoolchildren themselves and their parents.

This is a lesson in kindness for children and adults

Yulia Matveeva, President of the Vera Hospice Fund:“It is very important to learn lessons of kindness, warmth, humanity, and mutual respect in childhood. We want the “Children Instead of Flowers” ​​campaign to unite teachers, schoolchildren and their parents in the desire to see the world in its entirety. Including noticing those who now need our help. The “Children Instead of Flowers” ​​campaign not only helps us raise funds for the purchase of vital equipment for terminally ill children, but also creates a different culture of society’s attitude towards those who were “invisible” just yesterday.

Children help children by accepting the lesson that everyone is equal and everyone has the right to a dignified active life, despite all the difficulties and obstacles.”

Photo courtesy of the press service of the Vera Foundation

A holiday remains a holiday

Anna Sysoeva, development director of the Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation:

“Every year there are more and more participants in such September first events - not only our fund, but also several others, for example, the Vera Hospice Fund. This means that more and more attention is being attracted to the action and there are also those who do not think it is very correct. In our experience, this usually happens in cases where people do not fully understand the mechanics of the promotion and do not understand how it works.

In no case do we want to deprive children of a holiday and take away from them the opportunity to please the teacher on the first day of school. We do not encourage you to give up flowers altogether - we encourage you to collect one, but a very beautiful and thoughtful bouquet from the class.

You can agree, for example, that each child brings a gerbera or a rose of a certain color, or buy a flower for each student in advance, distributing them in front of the line. The holiday should remain a holiday for everyone: for children, for teachers, and for those whom the first and second help by participating in a charity event.”

Photo courtesy of the press service of the Vera Foundation

This is a personal choice of the students themselves and their parents

Elena Martyanova, PR Director of the Vera Hospice Fund:“We rejoice at any initiative that parents come to us with. We have been holding the “Children Instead of Flowers” ​​campaign for the fifth year now - and every time after September 1, teachers and parents came to us again who wanted to hold a similar campaign for Teacher’s Day, hold a fair at school, or collect tea or coffee for hospices. And we very much support every such step. Of course, reading publications about how some schools hold a “prom in jeans”, abandoning dresses and pretentious parties in favor of a soulful walk and helping one or another fund, we dream that someone will decide to support us in this way. But still, this should not be an imposed decision, but the choice of the high school students themselves.”

Photo courtesy of the press service of the Konstantin Khabensky Foundation

Anyone can become a participant

Alena Meshkova, director of the Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation:“The beauty of this action is that anyone can initiate it: the class teacher or just a teacher, parents, and maybe even an individual child. There is no need to wait for any order from the director or, especially, the Department of Education. Last year, for example, we had a case when a sixth-grader from Novy Urengoy, having read about such an initiative on a social network, persuaded her classmates and their parents to participate - as a result, this class raised 18,601 rubles for children with brain tumors. And the whole city found out about it thanks to the local TV channel, which she invited.

We want as many people as possible to understand that the “Lessons of Kindness” campaign is, in fact, a benefit for everyone: parents don’t have to rack their brains over a bouquet, teachers don’t have to carry home three armfuls of completely different flowers, children get involved in charity, and the children who are still sick and cannot go to school receive invaluable help.”

Photo courtesy of the press service of the Vera Foundation

There are always more bouquets on September 1 than a teacher can take home

Anna Mikhailova, curator of the “Flowers with Meaning” campaign at the Creation Foundation: “ There are always more bouquets than a teacher can take home, and many teachers are sad to see flowers left in the classroom soon die. That’s why we suggest thinking about giving the teacher one large, beautiful bouquet from the class, and donating the equivalent of the cost of the remaining flowers to our charity foundation for medical care for children with serious and rare diseases.”

This really helps

In 2017, the Vera Foundation and the House with a Lighthouse children's hospice supported 1,157 schools and 6,500 classes from 132 cities and towns in Russia. As a result, together the two organizations collected a fantastic amount - more than 39 million rubles

The “Lessons of Good” campaign of the Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation was supported by 134 classes from 61 schools in 2016 and 2017 alone. Over the course of two years, students and their parents transferred almost one and a half million rubles to the fund. Thanks to this amount, it was possible to help thirteen children with brain tumors: they paid for examinations, treatment, medications, consumables and rehabilitation courses necessary for recovery after treatment.

In 2017, 15 classes from 6 Moscow schools took part in the “Creation” fund’s campaign. In total, “Flowers with Meaning” collected 240,040 rubles, which were used to pay for treatment for 6 children with various diseases.

Photo courtesy of the press service of the Vera Foundation

September 1st is happiness. As well as the ability to share it

Lida Moniava, Deputy Director of the House with a Lighthouse Children's Hospice: “ The House with a Lighthouse Children's Hospice cares for 500 terminally ill children. You can’t imagine how their parents would like, like all ordinary people, to take their child to school on September 1, to take an ordinary photo with flowers and a school backpack, without this damn tube in the neck, without a wheelchair, without a ventilator. But you are unlikely to meet terminally ill children at school, because our city is not adapted for the disabled, and a wheelchair costs as much as a car.

Please tell your healthy children that life can be very different. Happiness is to get up early in the morning - on your own feet. Happiness is when you can eat your own breakfast.

Happiness is when you can say “hello” to your classmates. Happiness is to stand in this large crowd on the morning of September 1st and smile. But the greatest happiness in the world is when you can help someone. To do, even just a little, for another person. As a sign of solidarity with families where children with incurable diseases live, we urge you to take part in the “Children Instead of Flowers” ​​charity event.”

About the dangers of the “Children instead of flowers” ​​campaign...

This initiative arose, perhaps, without malicious intent; the initiators, perhaps, did not have a conscious attempt to discredit the holiday of September 1 and finally finish off the school. Although, if you look at the composition of the board of the Vera Foundation and pay attention to their other public shares, doubts inevitably arise that the Foundation’s initiative does not have a double bottom. For example, the founder Nyuta Federmesser is a favorite of the Orthodoxy and Peace portal. At the end of November 2015, Pravmir even organized a discussion with her participation. Two other prominent authors of the portal also took part in that conversation - one of the most prominent representatives of the neo-renovationist party in the Church, Archpriest Alexy Uminsky, and an apologist for sodomy, a writer. By the way, Ulitskaya is a member of the board of trustees of the Vera Foundation. The ideology of these people is known and understandable. On the Foundation's board there is another well-known advocate for children, family and school - Anatoly Chubais.

Indeed, why come up with this stupid action of refusing flowers to teachers in order to help sick children. If the Foundation wants to help sick children, it is more logical for it to turn to rich people and invite them to donate some amounts to help the sick. We are told that this action instills compassion in healthy children and their parents, as well as teachers who refuse flowers to help the sick. Well, let’s say that instilling mercy in parents and teachers in this way is a very strange activity. But if the founders of the Foundation really care about instilling mercy in healthy children, then they should organize visits by healthy children to the sick, and not invite children to show mercy at the expense of adults.

I would like to appeal to parents and teachers in this regard. Dear parents, don’t be afraid to bring flowers to school! Dear teachers, do not be embarrassed to accept flowers! Do not pay attention to dubious provocative initiatives!

Payment instructions (opens in a new window) Yandex.Money donation form:

Other ways to help

Comments - 14


13. Alexander Vaskin, Russian priest, Soviet Army officer : Reply to 3., Hyuga:
2017-08-30 at 18:05

The Soviet school is as much a myth as the T-34 tank. What, isn’t the T-34 the best tank of World War II? And the gearbox. Because of such a miracle box, the driver cannot turn on the required speed, the tank stops and catches an enemy projectile. And visibility, but the driver does not see anything through the viewing slots and opens the hatch. This is on the battlefield.

11. Russian Stalinist :
2017-08-30 at 14:00

As for the topic of the article, this is generally some kind of nonsense, where are the flowers for teachers on September 1, and where is the help for sick children.

10. Russian Stalinist : Reply to 7., Silvio63:
2017-08-30 at 13:54

The Soviet school is as much a myth as the T-34 tank. What, isn’t the T-34 the best tank of World War II? And the gearbox. Because of such a miracle box, the driver cannot turn on the required speed, the tank stops and catches an enemy projectile. And visibility, but the driver does not see anything through the viewing slots and opens the hatch. This is on the battlefield. So here is the school.> G. Guderian >>> O. Carius >

That’s right, Hitler’s generals and tank crews do not lie, because it is difficult to suspect them of “Stalinism.”
Right up to the Kursk Bulge, where Tigers and Panthers were used in large numbers for the first time, the Germans did not have an adequate response to the T-34.
But even despite the fact that the T-34s could penetrate the armor of Hitler’s menagerie only at close range, this did not help the Nazis, and the Citadel failed, which predetermined the final and irrevocable turning point in the war in favor of the Soviet Union.

9. Rudovsky : Re: Why pose the question like this: flowers for our teachers or sick children?
2017-08-30 at 13:27

Vladimir Antsiferov
Hello, Vladimir:) I’m glad to see you too. Your polite speeches, as always, spread like honey through my soul and my heart.

Andrey Karpov
extortion is too harsh a word. Rather, compensation, a non-market and non-legally regulated mechanism for the redistribution of mat. benefits (it is no secret that along with flowers they also present expensive stationery sets, sweets, gift cards) in favor of teachers, who - and this is a real tradition - are considered poor public sector employees (which is true in a significant part of the Russian Federation).

Vladimir Petrovich
Well, actually, that’s what some people did - they gave away all their property (and went to preach) and no gifts for your birthday or sacrificial rams at the altars of Artemis-Apollo.
Then these people began to be recognized as saints.
So it goes.

8. Andrey Karpov : Re: Why pose the question like this: flowers for our teachers or sick children?
2017-08-30 at 12:01

Vera's proposal is within the logic of fundraisers. They are constantly looking for ways to attract new donations. The standard method is to identify points of inappropriate (non-pragmatic) spending and offer to replace them with contributions to the fund. Flowers on September 1 are not a pragmatic expense. Therefore, the proposal to replace them with donations for a good cause is expected and natural...

However, a person cannot give up all non-pragmatic spending. Or rather, he can refuse, but this is unlikely to contribute to his mental health. Therefore, such proposals have quite natural limitations...

In addition, replacing flowers with a monetary contribution is not entirely adequate. Flowers are visible. Giving flowers is a mutual pleasure, which is why there is a general feeling of celebration. Transferring money is not a pleasure at all. This is a pragmatic action, it can be considered due, but not pleasant. Therefore, we may lose the holiday, but it is unclear what society will gain in return. Donations will obviously be less than spending on flowers...

On the other hand, flowers on September 1st have become a mandatory option (a deep tradition). Therefore, they can be perceived as an extortion. This is not very good... So, of course, there is a reason for the proposal from the fund...

7. Silvio63 : Reply to 3., Hyuga:
2017-08-30 at 10:44

The Soviet school is as much a myth as the T-34 tank. What, isn’t the T-34 the best tank of World War II? And the gearbox. Because of such a miracle box, the driver cannot turn on the required speed, the tank stops and catches an enemy projectile. And visibility, but the driver does not see anything through the viewing slots and opens the hatch. This is on the battlefield. So here is the school.

In the East, the Russians had few tanks for a long time, and their radio equipment was unsatisfactory. However, just a few months after the start of the war, the Russians acquired the T-34 tank, which was significantly superior to German tanks in its armor protection, armament and maneuverability.>>
G. Guderian >

engineer Lieutenant General E. Schneider >

O.Karius >

6. Vladimir Antsiferov : Reply to 3., Hyuga:
2017-08-30 at 10:08

I report that I studied at a Soviet school in the city of Khotkovo, Moscow region, entered the 1st grade in 1958, graduated from the tenth grade in 1968 with a silver medal, and never once brought a bouquet of flowers to school. There was no such thing in the traditions of the Soviet school at that time. We didn’t live well and therefore there was no money for bouquets. Ten years later, everything changed and the bouquet of flowers began to perform a different function - the parents competed with each other in the richness of the bouquet, but this no longer had anything to do with the respect of the teacher. This has already become false. Later, some began to bring their children to schools in cars - and this was also false - sheer bragging. During all the years of studying at school, they never demanded even a penny for the needs of the school, and then they began to demand. Who is to blame for this? The authorities and RONO - the teacher is obliged to equip the classroom, while the state did not give the teacher a penny for this. This is where the hypocrisy comes from. And in general, I will report that the Soviet school was not that good and the Soviet form of education was far from the needs of life. The Soviet school is as much a myth as the T-34 tank. What, isn’t the T-34 the best tank of World War II? And the gearbox. Because of such a miracle box, the driver cannot turn on the required speed, the tank stops and catches an enemy projectile. And visibility, but the driver does not see anything through the viewing slots and opens the hatch. This is on the battlefield. So this is the school. I would suggest not giving bouquets of flowers at all when I studied at Moscow Higher Technical School - they didn’t bring flowers there either. Respect for a teacher is not measured by the richness of the bouquet. The parents themselves don't care about the teacher. Lies all around and everywhere! Starting from school.

And you yourself, huga, or whatever your name is, is a complete lie in an “Orthodox wrapper”, you vile liberal, you’ve already gotten enough of the ghoul Rudovsky here with his slander, so the T-34 tank has already dragged in. And Leningrad had to be surrendered to the fascists, ah, huga. You are a “pure” accomplice of all these “teachers, Sererenikovs, Posners, Vyrapaevs, Svanids, Federmessers, Steins, Chubais, Solovyovs” and all the other demons from the small liberoid people...

5. Vladimir Antsiferov : Answer to 1., Rudovsky:
2017-08-30 at 10:01

Is this a new fashion - to call any incomprehensible (or misunderstood!?) thing “Protestant-Iscariot”? And what is the point of equating a TV series with charity? This initiative arose, perhaps without malicious intent, from the initiators maybe there was no conscious attempt to discredit the holiday of September 1 and finally finish off the school (c) Maybe? Is it difficult to ask the initiators of this fund directly? Call or send a fax or send a letter - it’s elementary! What will finish off the school is not the lack of carnations, but the meager salaries (and, as a result, corruption), the lack of advanced training courses, low-quality training programs and manuals. Well, let’s put it this way, instilling compassion in parents and teachers - a very strange occupation (c) But how to educate him? There is a certain holiday when the accents are very clearly placed. And then people who are focused on some events and phenomena are suddenly asked to look at other events and phenomena. This is actually a vicious logic for you - to present everything in a negative light. Well, how can an article like “don’t pay attention to dubious materials of the Russian folk line” appear on the website of this foundation!? So what? Will this make anyone feel better?

You are putting everything in a negative light, Rudovsky, you are a victim of the Jewish ideology of consumption and profit, you are a scumbag, Rudovsky!

4. Tatyana65 : In fact, this initiative has an unpleasant odor...
2017-08-29 at 23:40

Everything is correct, there are many questions, why are there such clouds of flowers...? But in the West they give bouquets, one at a time for a living person, officially so..., coldly...
And only at funerals do they fill the graves with flowers. Maybe there should also be a cry: “Not bouquets for the dead, but medicine for children”?
Much more noble, why do the dead need flowers?..
And the presence of Chubais in this campaign completely discouraged me from transferring money to their fund. It’s as if he himself earns so much that he could provide each sick child with the necessary treatment, but no...Rather, he’ll warm his hands here too. Children will get a penny from these “flowers” ​​and Uminsky will not help.

3. Hyuga : September 1, in the minds of many generations of Russian and Russian people, was associated with a holiday, an integral part of which is a bouquet of flowers for the teacher.
2017-08-29 at 22:00

I report that I studied at a Soviet school in the city of Khotkovo, Moscow region, entered the 1st grade in 1958, graduated from the tenth grade in 1968 with a silver medal, and never once brought a bouquet of flowers to school. There was no such thing in the traditions of the Soviet school at that time. We didn’t live well and therefore there was no money for bouquets. Ten years later, everything changed and the bouquet of flowers began to perform a different function - the parents competed with each other in the richness of the bouquet, but this no longer had anything to do with the respect of the teacher. This has already become false. Later, some began to bring children to schools in cars - and this was also false - complete boasting.
In all the years of studying at school, they never demanded even a penny for the needs of the school, and then they began to demand it. Who is to blame for this? The authorities and RONO - the teacher is obliged to equip the classroom, while the state did not give the teacher a penny for this. This is where the hypocrisy comes from.
And in general, I will report that the Soviet school was not that good and the Soviet form of education was far from the needs of life. The Soviet school is as much a myth as the T-34 tank. What, isn’t the T-34 the best tank of World War II? And the gearbox. Because of such a miracle box, the driver cannot turn on the required speed, the tank stops and catches an enemy projectile. And visibility, but the driver does not see anything through the viewing slots and opens the hatch. This is on the battlefield. So here is the school.
I would suggest not giving bouquets of flowers at all when I studied at Moscow Higher Technical School - they didn’t bring flowers there either. Respect for a teacher is not measured by the richness of the bouquet. The parents themselves don't care about the teacher. Lies all around and everywhere! Starting from school.

2. Vladimir Petrovich : Re: Why pose the question like this: flowers for our teachers or sick children?
2017-08-29 at 19:44

In lieu of flowers, teachers receive a contribution to the fund. Instead of a birthday gift, a contribution to the fund. In lieu of flowers to your loved one, donate to the fund. Nonsense! Charity is one thing, but a gift to a teacher is another. If a person has a spiritual need to provide charitable assistance, he will always find someone to do it and when. But not instead of a completely different traditional, also spiritual, holiday. Moreover, to contribute funds to which Lyudmila Ulitskaya is a member of the board of trustees..?

1. Rudovsky : Re: Why pose the question like this: flowers for our teachers or sick children?
2017-08-29 at 18:54

Is this a new fashion - calling any incomprehensible (or misunderstood!?) thing “Protestant-Iscariot”?
And what is the point of equating a TV series with charity?

This initiative arose, perhaps, without malicious intent; the initiators, perhaps, did not have a conscious attempt to discredit the holiday of September 1 and finally finish off the school (c)
May be? Is it difficult to ask the initiators of this fund directly? Call or send a fax or send a letter - it's elementary!
The school will be destroyed not by the lack of carnations, but by meager salaries (and, as a consequence, corruption), lack of advanced training courses, low-quality training programs and manuals.

Well, let’s say that instilling mercy in parents and teachers in this way is a very strange activity (c)
How to educate him? There is a certain holiday when the accents are very clearly placed. And then people who are focused on some events and phenomena are suddenly asked to look at other events and phenomena.

This is actually a vicious logic for you - to present everything in a negative light. Well, how can an article like “don’t pay attention to dubious materials of the Russian folk line” appear on the website of this foundation!? So what? Will this make anyone feel better?

A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

September 1st is a holiday or an outdated tradition

First, let's remember what September 1st is. The beginning of the school year, a holiday for children and teachers. How are we used to celebrating holidays and, most importantly, congratulating our beloved teachers? Of course, with beautiful bouquets of flowers. There are traditions that do not change for years, and this is one of them. Beautiful, dressed-up children come to the assembly line, listen to the director's parting words for the entire subsequent school year, and then go to their classes, discussing with their classmates as they go what changes have taken place in their lives during the holidays.

But what if we look at what this holiday looks like for parents? In addition to the necessary items for teaching a student, everyone needs to buy a beautiful bouquet for their teacher.

What if there are several children and each has their own teacher? The amount spent on the celebration is quite impressive. But this is a tradition, as without this.

In 2016, one of the teachers came up with the idea that bouquets for September 1 are not the most necessary thing. After all, no matter how it happens, the teacher does not take all 30 bouquets to his home. He can take one or at most two, and the rest will be in the staff room. Of course, I won’t tell anyone the secret that flowers don’t last long. They delight our eyes for several days, and then they go into the trash bin and we forget about them. So does this make sense? It turns out that no. That is why the teacher came up with the idea that it was possible to hold a charity event on September 1 without flowers.

What kind of promotion is this: September 1 without flowers

It's no secret that there are many disabled children on our planet who need help. Most often, we do not think about this problem until it affects us and the families of our loved ones. Most children become disabled for one reason or another. There's no one to blame, that's life. And it’s certainly not the children’s fault. Many are kept in shelters and hospices, which do not have enough financial support to help every child.

What if, instead of buying another bouquet on September 1, we donate these funds to charity? After all, this is exactly what can help many children. We will be able to purchase the necessary medicines and equipment for sick children.

Of course, many may say that September 1 is a holiday, and charity can be done at another time and in another place. But why should good deeds be postponed until later? After all, as we said earlier, buying so many bouquets is an irrational waste of our own funds. The teacher can be presented with one bouquet from the entire class, and the money saved can be donated to the fund.

Agree, this looks more reasonable. We will preserve the tradition of celebrating September 1, help sick children, and also be able to teach our own children that they need to help each other. After all, a holiday will not cease to be such due to the lack of many bouquets, you must agree. You can always find an alternative that would suit everyone.

Remember yourself at the age of your children. Did you really like standing in the sun, listening to speeches and holding the bouquet to yourself, afraid of breaking it?

A friend once had an incident on her way to the line. The parents in the class decided that it was not worth buying a lot of flowers, but that it was better to collectively collect a beautiful bouquet. True, this was not entirely thought out. Instead of chipping in and buying one bouquet, everyone had to bring a certain number of flowers, and then assemble a mosaic in class. And so she goes, contented, happy with three beautiful flowers and imagine her horror when one flower breaks and she is left with two! She had never been so ashamed, after that she also thought about the need for this tradition.

What can you come up with instead?

To make the line look festive without flowers, you can use balloons and then launch them into the sky. I think it will look very beautiful and interesting, and all children and teachers will remember it.

How does the promotion work?

You can act independently or make a collective donation as a class. You must fill out a form on the foundation’s website, in which you will indicate your details, as well as your school, class and class teacher, and then make a donation. As you can see, there are no complicated procedures.

And for anyone who may have doubts about the honesty of the charity event, a report on the amount of funds that were collected will be posted on the foundation’s website within a month. In the future, reports will be issued on what needs these funds were spent on and what assistance we were able to provide.

This action has been going on for several years. Every year, through collective efforts, we managed to collect more than 18 million rubles, and if we add up, the amount is unrealistic. With these funds we were able to provide assistance to thousands of sick children and will be able to help many more in the future if we support the September 1st campaign without flowers.

In conclusion, I would like to say that each of us has our own troubles and problems. We are in the abyss of our own experiences and everyday affairs. But every time I complain and cry about my problems, the thought comes to my mind that someone else is doing much worse than me. Don’t forget about basic humanity, because doing good deeds is so simple.

Finally, I would like to wish well-being to you, your families, friends and loved ones. Share the article with your friends on social networks and subscribe to the blog, because there is still a lot of interesting information waiting for you. See you soon!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

The charity event “Children instead of flowers” ​​will traditionally be held on Knowledge Day. Its essence is simple: do not buy it for the teacher, but give one bouquet from the class. The money saved is donated to help sick children. Every year more and more schools join the action. Last year, 6.5 thousand classes from different regions of Russia took part. Then almost half a thousand families received money. Currently, 700 children across the country are waiting for help. Read more in the material of MIR 24 correspondent Artem Vasnev.

- They gave you one bouquet, and was that enough?

- Yes, my parents gave me one bouquet, and I was glad.

Mathematics teacher Yulia Yakovleva has been in the profession for 13 years. In the career of every teacher, a bouquet on September 1 is the norm. But five years ago, a new tradition appeared, which became a nationwide campaign: saving on bouquets for charity. The meaning of the flash mob: one bouquet goes to the class teacher, the rest of the money goes to seriously ill children.

“The greatest joy on Knowledge Day is to meet our children on the threshold of school,” noted mathematics teacher at School No. 498 in Moscow, Yulia Yakovleva.

In Russia, this year the lines will bring together 15.5 million schoolchildren. A million of them are first graders. The kids are guaranteed to come with flowers. The average bouquet in Moscow is about 1,500 rubles, in the regions the price tag is 1,000 rubles. Simple arithmetic. If on September 1st all schoolchildren in the country come with flowers, then it will be quite a decent amount - 15 billion rubles.

“Agree with the teacher to come to the lineup with one flower instead of a bouquet. Put it all into one beautiful bouquet, and use the saved money for charity and make hundreds of seriously ill children happy,” says the PR director of the Vera Hospice Fund.

Last year, 132 cities took part in the event. Raised millions. The Vera Foundation reports for every ruble. This is for the skeptics. The Bashinkaev family doesn’t even think about it. Parents are doctors, they know what pain and illness are, and they tell the truth to their children.

“Very right decision. One bouquet of it will be enough for the teacher. But children still need money more,” says Zulyana Bashinkaeva.

Mom, returning from work, brings each of her four children a carnation. The round sum is converted into good. The funds will also go to help this blond girl - Kira is now undergoing a rehabilitation course.

Second-grader Kira got an electric scooter just this spring. She will now ride it to school. The girl has a serious genetic disease - . The body is naughty, and Kira dreams of becoming an actress.

“Well, we have dances at school and I liked the dances. Everything works out for me and I don’t need to do anything there at all. It’s easy to remember,” says the schoolgirl.

“On New Year’s Day, Kira participated, we had a concert, Kira was our Snow Maiden. I sewed a dress for her walker. And she made a splash there,” said her mother Alla.

All schoolchildren still have time to be a wizard. And their parents have the opportunity to give them this opportunity.

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