Big encyclopedia of oil and gas. Impact of negative factors on humans

All people from our environment carry various negative influences. Whether we like it or not, when we contact our interlocutor, this energy also affects us. Let's say your interlocutor is sad and talks about his problems. After such a conversation, there will clearly not be any increase in positive emotions. We are not able to isolate ourselves from society. Therefore, it is important to learn not to give in to other people’s moods and maintain emotional balance.

How to protect yourself from people's negative energy

First of all, it is important to let go of expectations. Don't expect good or bad from people. It is impossible to predict what any given meeting will bring. Even people you think are extremely positive can be unpleasantly surprised. It’s better not to guess how the event will go, but to act according to the situation. Usually, situational decisions in dealing with people turn out to be the most correct.

People are completely different. The world is full of people filled with negativity and hatred. When contacting such people, it is better to keep your distance. Such individuals tend to take out their dissatisfaction on others. In addition, they often deliberately try to provoke a person to express negative emotions, receiving satisfaction from this. This behavior often manifests itself unconsciously, but it doesn't make it any easier for you. Therefore, try not to succumb to the provocations of such dissatisfied individuals. Without emotion, parry offensive jokes, criticism and other unpleasant things that you may hear from them. In this case, you will be considered a winner, since the negative will remain with the one who brought it.

The best way to avoid negative influences is to have an optimistic attitude and self-confidence. If you are confident in yourself and have an optimistic outlook on things, it will be difficult to get you out of your emotional balance. We must try to find positive moments in every person and every situation. In this case, you will be fine, and no one will be able to dissuade you from this. You can also even help those around you by sharing positive energy.

If we are talking about a long-term relationship, and a person retains negative energy all this time, then it is better to think about breaking such contacts. Your positivity will not decrease, but your negativity will decrease. At the same time, it is not necessary to express everything in person. It's better to just start avoiding contact with him. And if no conclusions are drawn, the relationship will end on its own. This way you will get rid of the negative influence factor.

Find a way that suits you to wash away the negativity that you often encounter. Breathing practices and meditation are good for clearing your mind of any thoughts. Many people shed their negativity in the gym, during intense exercise. People who play sports are statistically less susceptible.

Don't be afraid to refuse people. Especially when your emotional state begins to shake a little. Excessive emotional stress at this moment can even provoke a nervous breakdown.

Remember that the negative influence and energy of the environment is a problem of the environment until you let it into yourself and into your life.

Bye everyone.
Best regards, Vyacheslav.

Every person is negatively affected: fatigue, irritability and sudden pain are signs of an energy attack. Simple tips will help you fight negative energy.

Everyone has moments when “something goes wrong,” a streak of failure begins, and diseases appear that cannot be treated with traditional treatment. Doctors cannot make an accurate diagnosis, and meanwhile the condition is worsening. The body malfunctions, the person is haunted by an unreasonable feeling of anxiety, detachment and apathy.

Signs of an energy information attack

The consequences of negative influences are often similar to the symptoms of a disease. Observe your physical and emotional state. Perhaps deterioration in well-being, nervous breakdowns and irritability are provoked not by a cold or fatigue, but by an energy attack.

There is an easy way to check this. Take two glasses of drinking water. Taste it and make sure it is the same. Take one glass, cover it with your right palm and wait five minutes. Imagine that your energy flows into a glass, filling it. Test the water again. If the taste does not change or even becomes better, then there is no effect on you. If the water in the glass seems bitter, sour or salty to you, you need to cleanse your energy.

The body is the first to notice negative manifestations and energy imbalances and begins to send alarm signals in the form of headaches, nausea, and a feeling of constant hunger - energy is spent fighting the negative impact and does not have time to recover for normal functioning.

Anxiety and irritability appear, uncontrollable bursts of activity give way to apathy. A sudden change in mood that is not typical for you can also be a sign of a dangerous influence.

Insomnia alternates with the desire to sleep all day, dreams become chaotic and disturbing. An image of a person you don’t know may flash in your subconscious. After sleep, you feel even more tired, and nightmares and dreams are possible in which you run away in panic. There may be a persistent fear of falling asleep and seeing something frightening.

Irritation and anger make it impossible to restrain emotions, and relationships with other people worsen. A thriving business suddenly stalls or completely collapses. There is a feeling that everything is falling out of hand: dishes break, it is impossible to finish a trivial task, minor household injuries become more frequent, especially with the participation of sharp objects.

Methods of protection against energy shock

If the influence exerted on you has a non-magical basis, you can protect yourself by practicing meditation. It will help you release your own energy and direct it to your own protection. It is important during meditation to imagine a protective shell and try to stretch it so that it covers you like a cocoon. To restore energy, it is important to cleanse not only yourself, but also your home from negativity.

If you hear or feel negativity directed at you, say the following words: “It will bounce off me and come back”; “From whom evil came, to him it will return”. You can also use the power of prayer and ask for protection: "God save us. Turn away evil from me and grant me peace and health.”

You can remove the negative impact by performing a ritual that will stop the energy leak and restore vitality. Prepare 5 candles, sea salt and red ribbon. Fill the bathtub with warm water, light candles, tie one of them with ribbon. Dissolve salt in water, saying: “Salt from the bottom of the sea will get rid of the evil eye. It will cleanse me, remove the negativity". Immerse yourself in water for 15-20 minutes, peer into the flame of a candle and imagine how the negative is burning in the fire. Rinse off any remaining salt with cool water and say: “Water washes away all evil, all misfortunes, all bad weather”. With the words “negativity go away, burn in the flame,” extinguish the candle. It must be taken out of the house wrapped, buried or thrown away.

You can protect yourself from targeted negative influences with the help of cleansing rituals from damage and the evil eye. Beware of bad words addressed to you and try not to provoke aggressive people. Live in peace and joy, because emotions affect energy flows. We wish you good health, and do not forget to press the buttons and

21.11.2016 06:40

Damage is a common type of negative energy that ill-wishers purposefully use to cause harm. One of...

Man lives by continuously exchanging energy with the environment, participating in the transformation of substances in the biosphere. In the process of evolution, the human body adapts to natural climatic conditions. Under natural conditions, a person deals with solar radiation, wind movement, and the earth's crust. The energy level of technogenic negative impacts of plants, the uncontrolled release of energy in the technogenic environment, is the cause of an increase in the number of injuries, mutilations, occupational diseases and deaths.

A person violates safety requirements for the following reasons:

1. due to ignorance of these requirements

2. due to unwillingness to comply with safety requirements known to him

3. due to inability to fulfill the requirements

4. due to the inability to fulfill the requirements (for reasons beyond the control of the person)

Violations may be:

Relatively constant (a person underestimates the danger, is prone to risk, safe work is not encouraged)

Temporary (a person in a state of depression, alcohol intoxication)

Negative factors affecting people are divided into:

1. natural (natural)

2. anthropogenic (caused by human activity)

Dangerous and harmful factors according to the nature of their action are divided into:





Physical hazards and harmful factors include:

1. moving machines and mechanisms, moving parts, O equipment, not

2. sustainable structures and natural formations

3. sharp and falling objects

4. increase and decrease in temperature of the air and surrounding surface

5. increased dust and gas pollution

6. increased level of noise, acoustic vibrations, vibrations, increase or decrease in barometric pressure

7. increase in the level of ionizing radiation

8. Electrical voltage

9. increased levels of electromagnetic radiation, ultraviolet and infrared radiation

10. insufficient lighting and reduced lighting concentration

11. increased brightness, pulsation of light flux

12. workplace at height

Chemically hazardous and harmful factors include:

Industrial poisons


Medicines used for other purposes

Chemical warfare agents

Chemically hazardous and harmful factors are divided into:

The nature of the effect on the human body

Routes of entry into the body

Biologically hazardous and harmful factors are:

Pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, special types of microorganisms (fungi) and their metabolic products

Plants and animals (bird flu).

Biological pollution of the environment occurs as a result of accidents at biotechnological enterprises, wastewater treatment plants, and insufficient wastewater treatment.

Psychophysiological production factors determined by the characteristics of the nature and organization of work, the parameters of the workplace and equipment. They can have an adverse effect on the functional state of the human body, its well-being, emotional and intellectual spheres and lead to a persistent decrease in performance and poor health.

Based on the nature of their action, psychophysical dangerous and harmful production factors are divided into physical (static and dynamic) and neuropsychic overloads: mental overstrain, overstrain of analyzers, monotony of work, emotional overload.

Dangerous and harmful factors, by the nature of their action, can simultaneously belong to different groups.

Rationing This is the determination of quantitative indicators of environmental factors, characterizing safe levels of their influence on the health and living conditions of the population.

N standards cannot be set arbitrarily; they are developed based on the study of the relationship of the organism with various environmental factors.

There are:

Maximum permissible concentration (MPC)

Acceptable Residue Quantities (ARQs)

Estimated Safe Exposure Levels (ISEL)

Maximum permissible emissions (MPE)

Maximum permissible discharge (MPD)

Standards are an integral part of sanitary legislation and the basis of sanitary supervision; they are a criterion for the effectiveness of measures being developed and implemented to create safe living conditions.

Psychics do not divide magic into black or white. “Black magic” is a common man’s concept. For a psychic, magic is a tool, like a knife. You can cut bread with a knife, and with the same knife you can kill a person, and this will not make the knife white or black.

With magic, everything happens about the same. It all depends on the internal limitations and ethics of the magician himself, who uses force for the benefit or harm of other people. Magic that causes harm is popularly called black. And people also have concepts: evil eye, damage, love spell, curse. Let's figure out what it is.

Types of external influence

Evil eye- unintentional damage to another person's aura. In transport or at work, you were shouted at, talked to someone too emotionally, etc. If at the same time you got a headache, stomach, throat, that is, damage to the aura, by the way, there are very severe forms of such unintentional damage.

Damage- deliberate harm to another person, with the performance of various magical spells and rituals.

Love spell- although this action is classified as love magic, for me, it is a special type of damage that changes the consciousness and karmic paths of another person. There are many varieties and side effects from such exposure. Illnesses, insomnia, apathy, depression, and aggression towards loved ones appear.

Damn- severe damage that radically changes and destroys the structure of a person’s vital energy. A family curse is the same thing, only the magical inclusion occurs along the family line and affects relatives along a certain blood line. Often drawn from past incarnations. Damage, the evil eye, a curse, a love spell, and much more are called by psychics magical work or magical influence. The word “magical” means that a person did a “dirty trick” to another not with his own hands. He called upon certain spirits or forces of the subtle world, and agreed with them to perform this or that work. The laws are the same everywhere. The magician simply found specialists (spirits) who, for a certain fee, undertook to do what he wanted.

If the negative impact was produced by the person himself, then such an impact is called extrasensory. Typically, extrasensory (destructive) influence comes down to astral impacts of varying degrees of severity.

How to determine whether there is an outside influence on you or not?

Here are some accompanying signs:

  • If you often wake up for no reason between 3 and 5 in the morning and cannot fall asleep, this is an almost 100% sign that magical work is being done on you.
  • Suddenly there is a feeling of stiffness and pressure in the chest area - this usually indicates the penetration of energy that is alien to you into your aura; an attempt at magical or extrasensory influence.
  • The events of your life take on a sharply destructive character. You don't get enough sleep. You have nightmares or suddenly stop remembering your dreams altogether. Perhaps all this is caused precisely by magical influence.
  • Your habits have changed dramatically. The body reacts inadequately to alcohol. You started drinking a lot of water (tea, coffee). There is a persistent feeling of inner restlessness. You don't find a place for yourself. They began to lose weight sharply or, on the contrary, gain weight.
  • Unreasonable deterioration in health. Malaise, weakness, feeling of heaviness throughout the body. Deterioration of skin quality. Apathy, depression, severe headaches. No identified medical reasons.

Children and animals feel negative energy very well. Therefore, if neither one nor the other “loves” you or has sharply changed their attitude towards you (and other signs listed above are observed), then it is better to turn to a healer or psychic.

Signs of negative impact are many and often very difficult to diagnose. A person always subconsciously feels that something is wrong with his life, and the sooner action is taken, the less consequences there will be.

Many people think about the reasons - why do they do such work? As a rule, this is aimed at draining your energy, your potential for abundance, material wealth, luck, health, abilities, youth, years of life and many other useful and necessary things. It’s easier to “squeeze out” than to work on it.
For your information

Many “black magicians” use photographs posted by you on social networks to inflict damage and astral attacks: “VKontakte”, “Odnoklassniki”, etc., where they also find a lot of additional information they need, for example, a birthday.

Based on lectures by Andrey Gorodovoy

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