What should a teacher psychologist do at school? Working as a school psychologist

Conflict situations at school and problems associated with the educational process are common phenomena. Teachers cannot always resolve such problems due to their workload, and parents do not have enough knowledge in the field of child psychology to competently approach the solution to the problem that has arisen.

Profession: educational psychologist

A teacher-psychologist is an employee of an educational institution who monitors the social adaptation of students, works to correct deviant behavior of children, and takes measures aimed at preventing psychological deviations.

The school includes maintaining personal files of students, monitoring children and taking measures to eliminate problem situations. The personal qualities of a psychologist play a big role in the organization of his work. Mutual understanding, the ability to listen and make decisions are mandatory qualities that an educational psychologist must have.

The personal qualities of a psychologist must correspond to the position held. A child is more likely to make contact if the educational psychologist has the following qualities:

  • communication;
  • friendliness;
  • justice;
  • tolerance;
  • modernity;
  • intelligence;
  • optimism.

Not everyone can become a talented specialist in this field, since the productivity of a teacher-psychologist at school depends on the personal qualities of the person himself.

Job responsibilities of an educational psychologist

A specialist can hold this position only if he has a higher or secondary specialized education in the field of “Pedagogy and Psychology.” The Federal State Educational Standard, or Federal State Educational Standard, for a teacher-psychologist at school is regulated by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The functional responsibilities of a teacher-psychologist at school are not limited to resolving conflict situations and working with problem children.

We list the main job responsibilities of a psychologist:

  • Providing favorable conditions for the development, learning and socialization of students.
  • Identifying the causes of problematic situations between students.
  • Providing psychological assistance to children who need it.
  • Participation in the development of developmental and correctional programs.
  • Control of the educational process.
  • Consulting teachers and parents on issues of development, socialization and adaptation of children.
  • Analysis of children's creative and educational achievements and their academic performance.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of teachers.

This is only a small part of the responsibilities of an educational psychologist. A complete list is prescribed in the job descriptions when hiring a specialist for this position.

Educational psychologist program

The work program is drawn up for one academic year in accordance with the requirements of the Law “On Education”. Each program is developed with a specific purpose. To achieve the goal, a list of tasks is assigned, the implementation of which leads to the desired result.

Each program has several areas of work, and the activities of a teacher-psychologist at school are divided into the following areas: correctional and developmental, psychological and pedagogical, analytical, counseling and education. For each category of activity, a detailed action plan is drawn up. The means and methods that must be used to achieve the goal are listed.

The predicted performance results for each category of students are indicated. The program is compiled based on the individual and age characteristics of students. The program should include planning work with students’ parents, taking into account the individual characteristics of families, identifying dysfunctional, single-parent families. At school there is also supervision over the child's upbringing in the family.

Psychological education

In order for socialization and personal development to proceed harmoniously, it is necessary to create all the necessary conditions for this. In particular, take care of the formation of positive attitudes towards psychological assistance to the child among parents, teachers and the children themselves. In most cases, parents who do not have knowledge in the field of child psychology do not know how to behave when conflict situations arise. Sometimes it happens that adults make the situation worse with their reaction or incorrect behavior. The responsibilities of a teacher-psychologist at school include conducting classes on psychological education of teachers and parents at regular intervals. If conflict situations arise, the psychologist must begin individual work with the student and his parents.

Psychological diagnostics

At this stage, the psychologist diagnoses the psychological state of students. Reveals the characteristics of the emotional state, the level of development, and in some cases the degree of social neglect or the presence of mental disorders. carried out in different variations. This could be a test, an event, a group lesson, etc. An educational psychologist processes the information received during the diagnosis and identifies a risk group. Such a group may include children who do not have friends among their peers, students who create conflict situations, and children with weak emotional stability. Any deviation from the norm may be a reason to begin individual work with the child and his parents.

Psychological correction

Once the problem is identified, the behavior correction stage begins. The educational psychologist must prepare a program to correct the existing deviation. The activities of specialists and teachers should be carried out in conjunction with the activities of parents. A positive result of psychological correction will be the complete correction of deviant behavior.

Correction of deviations is carried out individually or within a group. In 1st grade, for example, group correction is practiced, which allows children to get to know each other better and unite into one team. This event is held in the form of a game.

Corrective work is aimed at children who have the following deviations from normal behavior:

  • hyperactivity;
  • aggression;
  • excessive anxiety;
  • excessive shyness;
  • presence of constant fear;
  • attention deficit;
  • poor memory;
  • difficulties in mastering the material;
  • difficult thinking.

If the deviation manifests itself very acutely, cannot be corrected, and at the same time there is a complex failure of the child within the framework of the school curriculum, then the psychologist should raise the question of transferring the student to a specialized educational institution.

Psychological prevention

Includes a set of measures aimed at creating favorable conditions for development, social adaptation and learning. An educational psychologist must prevent deviations or problems that a child may have when communicating with peers or teachers.

Preventive measures may include the following behavioral tactics:

  • friendliness in communicating with children;
  • teaching correct behavior through the personal example of an adult;
  • showing greater interest and attention towards hyperactive children;
  • providing a state of rest for children who are prone to fatigue;
  • gradual development of self-control skills in children.

Not only school staff, but also parents and relatives of the child should show a loyal attitude towards children. Classes on psychological prevention are conducted both within the class and between parallel classes.

Psychologist's work with parents of students

If situations occur in the child’s family that provoke any deviations, then the educational psychologist is obliged to conduct a conversation with the student’s parents. Without an integrated approach, it will not be possible to correct deviant behavior. The psychologist should pay special attention to children from disadvantaged families. Problematic parents are not always ready to interact, so it is necessary to choose appropriate communication tactics and outline the arguments and prospects for effective cooperation.

The psychologist must actively interact with parents and help them resolve controversial situations with the child. Parenting counseling can take place on an individual basis, if necessary. The parent's behavior tactics should not differ from the behavior patterns of teachers at school. Parents should consider the process of cooperation with a school psychologist as an opportunity to replenish their knowledge in the field of child psychology and pedagogy. A psychologist should not overload parents with work; this may scare them away. Interest in such cooperation will quickly disappear.

Psychologist's work in primary school

Starting school is a very important stage for a child and his parents. It is at school that the child begins to actively develop and adapt to society. Relationships with peers are built on the basis of a certain scheme, which is worked out by teachers and parents. Before a child enters first grade, a psychologist must determine readiness for school.

At the stage of starting children's education, the psychologist's task will be to adapt the child among his peers and teachers. Gifted children with a high level of development need to be given special attention so that they do not lose interest in learning. Students who have difficulty mastering the school curriculum need to be provided with timely assistance. Monitoring children's school progress is one of the responsibilities of an educational psychologist at school.

If a psychologist observes inappropriate behavior by children or teachers, he must respond immediately. The activities of a teacher-psychologist in elementary school are based on the characteristics of the perception and development of children of a given age. A trusting, cooperative relationship should develop between the child and the teacher.

An extracurricular activity, depending on its specifics, may have different goals. The educational psychologist selects tasks or games that can provide the necessary information about children. In this case, the purpose of the event will be diagnostics, identification of problematic situations in the team, and observation of children’s communication. Team assignments are suitable for this purpose. The guys will immediately identify several leaders who will lead the teams.

If children already know each other, but there are conflict situations between certain representatives of the class, then the purpose of the extracurricular activity will be to unite the team, form friendly and trusting relationships between students. In this case, the parties to the conflict must be on the same team. It is necessary to create a situation that will encourage children to cooperate.

The program of an educational psychologist at school should include various activities. They are held throughout the school year in all classes.

Analysis of the work of a psychologist at school

At the end of the academic year, a detailed report is compiled. An analysis of the work of a teacher-psychologist in a school should include conclusions about the fulfillment of set goals and objectives. The report lists the activities that were carried out by the psychologist, provides a list of problem children, and also describes in detail the progress of work with them. In the report, the psychologist indicates the names of the students with whom individual lessons were conducted.

The analysis includes a psychologist's conclusion about the readiness of high school students to choose a profession. A list of academic performance for each grade and a list of career guidance for students in grade 4 are compiled. This is done if the school provides career-oriented classes. The prospects for children's development for the next school year are also indicated.

In conclusion

The productivity of the work of an educational psychologist lies not only in reducing the incidence of conflict situations, but also in increasing academic performance among schoolchildren. This is a very important person in an educational institution.

"Ovcharova R.V. - 2nd ed., revised - M.: “Education”, “Educational Literature”, 1996. - 352 p.

The book presents specific experience in organizing psychological services in schools. The tasks of a school psychologist are outlined, the author's models are described, recommendations are given for working with students, teachers, and parents, and adapted methods are provided.










































MAP OF INTERESTS (modified technique of A.E. Golomshtok)






PROFESSIONAL CONSULTATION GAME (for working with a group of 3-4 people)



3. Your main assistant in your work is the newspaper “School Psychologist”. A lot of useful information can be found in the journals “Questions in Psychology” and “Psychological Science and Education”

4. Books by Marina Bityanova help you make a good start:

The book by Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor M.R. Bityanova outlines the author’s holistic model of organizing psychological services in schools.

The publication introduces the reader to the scheme for planning the work of a school psychologist during the school year, provides the author’s options for the content of the main directions of his work: diagnostic, correctional and developmental, advisory, etc.

Particular attention is paid to the interaction of a psychologist with teachers, the children's community, and school administration. The book will be of interest to school psychologists, teachers, heads of educational organizations and methodologists.

The book outlines the system of work of a school psychologist with children 7-10 years old. Specific diagnostic, correctional, developmental and advisory methods and technologies are provided. The author's approach to organizing the work of a psychologist during the academic year, based on the idea of ​​psychological and pedagogical support, is proposed. The authors structured the book in such a way that psychologists could use it as a practical guide for organizing work with children, their parents and teachers.

5. There are some nuances in choosing activity priorities:

If the school has a psychological service, then you work according to the existing annual plan, having discussed in advance the features of your activities. If you are the only psychologist at school, then it is better to organize activities based on a plan approved by the school administration. Take “under your wing” the main points of a child’s development: 1st grades (adaptation to school), 4th grades (psychological and intellectual readiness for transition to secondary education), 5th grades (adaptation to secondary education), 8th grades grades (the most acute period of adolescence), grades 9–11 (pro8.


I use standardized methods from Imaton.

In my arsenal I have:

Diagnosis of a child’s readiness for learning in 1st grade (methodology by L.A. Yasyukova)

Diagnosis of a child’s readiness for learning in the 5th grade (methodology by L.A. Yasyukova)

Diagnostics of psychophysiological properties (Toulouse-Pieron test)

Diagnostics of intellectual abilities (R. Amthauer Intelligence Structure Test, Koss Cubes) Diagnostics of personal qualities (M. Luscher Color Test, R. Cattell Factorial Personality Questionnaire, S. Rosenzweig Test, test for anxiety, to study character accentuations) orientation work, psychological preparation for exams).

Additional materials:

1. A selection of articles from the journal “Questions of Psychology”:

(some articles can also be accessed from the main page of the journal’s website)

Fridman L. M. On the concept of school psychological service, 01’1 p.97

Panyukova Yu. G. Preferred and rejected places at school (based on students’ essays and drawings), 01’2 p.131

Slobodchikov V.I., Shuvalov A.V. Anthropological approach to solving the problem of psychological health of children, 01’4 p.91

Stepanova M. A. Profession: practical psychologist, 01’5 p.80

Shuvalov A. V. Problems of development of psychological health services in the system of additional education for children, 01’6 p.66

Ilyasov I. I. Personality-oriented education at school: myth or reality?, 01’6 p.133

Development of psychological services in the system of additional education for children, 01’6 p.136

Aminov N. A., Molokanov M. V. Social and psychological prerequisites for special abilities of school psychologists, 92’1 p.74

Belous V.V., Shulga T.I. Practical assistance to a school psychologist, 92’1 p.168

Tsukerman G. A. What theory is needed in school psychology?, 93’1 p.114

Eremeev B. A. The main content of opinions about people among teachers, students, parents, 93’3 p.119

Myasoed P. A. Theory and practice in the work of a school psychologist, 93’4 p.73

Pryazhnikov N. S., Pryazhnikova E. Yu. Principles of organization and prospects of school psychological services in Russia, 94’2 p.99

Grigorieva M. N. Practical experience of pedology through the eyes of a school psychologist, 94’3 p.108

Yakovleva E. L. Psychological conditions for the development of creative potential in school-age children., 94’5 p.37

Savchenko E. A. On the readiness of high school students to resist immoral manifestations, 97’3 p.22

Repkina N.V. System of developmental education in school practice, 97’3 p.40

Zaika E. V., Lantushko G. N. Games for the formation of emancipation in the cognitive sphere of schoolchildren, 97’4 p.58

Varlamova E. P., Stepanov S. Yu. Reflective diagnostics in the education system, 97’5 p.28

Khasan B. I., Sergomanov P. A. The learning situation as a productive conflict, 00’2 p.79

Tikhonova I. A. Pedagogical communication in the school library: hidden psychological possibilities, 00’4 p.120

Kolmogorova L. S., Kholodkova O. G. Features of the formation of psychological culture of junior schoolchildren, 01’1 p.47

Milrud R. P., Mozheiko A. V. Diagnosis of persistent and temporary cognitive difficulties in primary schoolchildren, 01’3 p.117

Tsukerman G. A. The transition from primary to secondary school as a psychological problem, 01’5 p.19

Poddyakov A. N. Counteraction to training and development as a psychological and pedagogical problem, 99’1 p.13

Seleverstova N. Ya. Psychodiagnostics of a child: pros and cons, 00’3 p.14 2.

3. See attachments (file archives) to this article (

Teacher-psychologist at school is a specialist in the field of psychology who studies the mental state of students, corrects their behavior, helps in eliminating personal problems, adaptation in a team, helps improve the psychological climate in the classroom, and conducts explanatory work with parents and teachers. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in biology and psychology (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

The key tasks of this specialist are to help the student choose competent behavioral mechanisms, identify their psychological problems, and find internal and external balance. It is worth noting that a psychologist does not deal with pathological disruptions in the human psyche, but corrects his inner world and state of mind.

Features of the profession

It is believed that the profession of a psychologist becomes part of its carrier over time. The professional uses his skills and knowledge not only in working with patients, but also in everyday life, when communicating with loved ones. After all, the subject of study of a psychologist is the human soul, and it represents an inexhaustible resource for acquiring the necessary knowledge. Psychologists help a person connect his internal resources to solve current psychological problems. The main activities of a psychologist:

  • Psychological training, which includes training in methods of emotional self-regulation, the use of special exercises for personal growth and subsequent summing up.
  • Consultations involve communication between a specialist and students in order to find the best way out of a difficult situation.
  • Testing allows you to study the individual characteristics of the human psyche using interactive programs.

Staff psychologists at the school help students quickly adapt to new conditions, determine the child’s level of readiness for learning, provide career guidance to high school students, and work with difficult children. They are obliged to monitor the psychological health of students, create a comfortable environment for them, and conduct periodic mass examinations in order to identify people requiring psychological help.

Pros and cons of the profession

Such specialists play a big role in the lives of students and their parents, because they help quickly solve various types of problems, preventing dangerous consequences.

Educational psychologists use their knowledge to timely turn current events in the right direction. A child at school is faced with non-childish problems: difficult relationships with peers, lagging behind in studies, misunderstanding of others. If these problems are not solved, the child becomes tense and aggressive. In some cases, suicidal tendencies occur. If the psychologist takes adequate measures, the situation will stabilize.


  • the opportunity for personal growth, because a specialist is obliged to constantly improve himself;
  • acquired professional knowledge helps in everyday life;
  • the profession is considered creative and interesting;
  • the opportunity to really help people solve their problems;
  • knowledge of oneself and the depths of one’s consciousness.

TO cons The profession of “psychologist” can include periodic mental fatigue and emotional burnout. After all, such specialists immerse themselves in the patient’s problem headlong, passing information through themselves. Also, not everyone finds it easy to accept another person's worldview. Such professions oblige the specialist himself to have a crystal clear reputation so that his word has weight. It is unlikely that a patient will trust a doctor who cannot help himself.

Important qualities

Psychologists by nature must be altruists, since the emotional difficulties they have to face cannot be compensated for by any money. A high level of responsibility is a key requirement for a true professional.

The main qualities that a psychologist should have:

  • emotional and general intelligence must be at a high level;
  • the ability to listen and hear a person;
  • stress resistance;
  • tact and delicacy;
  • sociability;
  • observation;
  • optimism and self-confidence;
  • creativity and ability to offer non-standard solutions;
  • tolerance;
  • ability to calm the client;
  • empathy.

A specialist must be able to clearly formulate his thoughts. A sense of humor and endurance will also be very helpful.

Training to become a school psychologist

You can become a teacher-psychologist only after receiving a higher psychological education. After training, it is advisable to regularly attend specialized courses, thematic seminars and improve your own professional level.

Higher education

Duration of training: 4-5 years. Upon completion, the student receives a bachelor's or master's degree in psychology, as well as a corresponding diploma.

Place of work

Certified specialists can work in psychological centers, educational and medical institutions, on helplines, in private psychological consulting companies, and in enterprises as full-time psychologists. Many psychologists open private practices or work from home.


Salary as of 03/11/2019

Russia 15000—90000 ₽

Moscow 38000—110000 ₽


Only after graduating from a university can you apply for a position as a full-time teacher-psychologist in educational institutions. Many people use this practice to gain the necessary experience and subsequently start their own business. After defending your doctoral dissertation, you can become a doctor of psychology.


  • ability to use tools, ability to organize and conduct psychological research;
  • knowledge of the history and modern tasks of the science of “psychology”;
  • awareness of the basic methods of the profession;
  • the specialist must have an understanding of the human psyche and life activity;
  • knowledge of the basics of psychotherapy, developmental and correctional work;
  • knowledge of the basics of psychodiagnostics and psychological counseling;
  • have an idea of ​​the mechanism of the human brain, mental states.

Self-analysis of work experience and constant self-improvement help a psychologist achieve high results in the relevant field.

Famous psychologists

Dale Carnegie is considered one of the most famous and famous psychologists. He wrote numerous books, essays, articles and lectures. His works are actively used not only by professionals, but also by ordinary citizens who are trying to streamline their lives and understand their own “I”. Lydia Ilyinichna Bozhevich is our compatriot who lived and worked at the beginning of the last century and devoted her life to studying the secrets of the human soul. Having received the knowledge of a professor of psychology, Lydia Ilyinichna continued persistent research in the field of psychology and devoted many works to this topic. Today they are used as teaching aids in many psychological departments.

The list of world celebrities who have devoted their lives to psychology is very extensive and continues to grow. This proves the popularity and relevance of the profession of “psychologist” at all times. After all, the human soul is still a completely unexplored and mysterious object.

Since psychologists appeared in Russian schools, the attitude towards them has not changed much: parents and teachers still doubt the effectiveness and efficiency of their activities. Educational psychologist Manana Zakharenkova told Mel what the mission of a school psychologist is and under what conditions his work with children will be successful.

For those who are preparing for the main school exam

The presence of a psychologist at school is sometimes the only opportunity to notice a child’s problems in a timely manner and provide him with prompt support. But still, not everyone is sure that an educational institution needs a full-time psychologist, and many are skeptical about the work of a psychologist in principle. There are several misconceptions about who a psychologist is and what he should do. Here are the most common ones:

1. “Psychologist and psychiatrist are the same thing”

A psychologist and a psychiatrist are different professions. A psychiatrist is a doctor who works with mental illness and prescribes medications. A psychologist is not a doctor. He does not make any diagnoses and works with healthy people, helping them resolve their difficulties.

For example, if a girl is dissatisfied with her appearance and has low self-esteem, then a psychologist will help. But if there are signs of anorexia or bulimia, then this is already the sphere of a psychiatrist (since these are diseases). But in this case, it is the psychologist who can distinguish one from the other in time and recommend the necessary specialist. And time is one of the most valuable resources.

2. “The best psychologist is a friend (mother, neighbor, high school student)”

Of course, advice from loved ones can help us cope with a difficult situation. But often this is not enough, and we need an outside view from a person who is not only not involved in our lives, but also owns the tool of psychological assistance and understands the processes taking place. In the end, you can ask your boxer neighbor to remove a bad tooth with one precise blow, but we still go to the dentist.

3. “The psychologist will give the right advice and solve all the problems”

But the psychologist does not give advice. His task is to help the client cope with difficulties himself, and not to solve them for him. In other words, he does not hand a man a fishing rod so that he does not go hungry, but leads him to the idea that in order to eat, he needs to get this very fishing rod and go fishing, and not wait for fish to rain from heaven.

4. “A psychologist will immediately solve all problems”

It won't solve it. Without labor (participation, desire) on the part of the client, nothing will happen. Very often a child is brought in with the request: “Do something with him!” And I want to answer: “I don’t have a magic wand!”

There are no simple solutions in psychology and no result without effort, which must be made not only by the child, but also by his loved ones. Only joint and systematic work will give the desired result. Don't skip classes or quit work halfway through; If a psychologist assigns homework, you must complete it. After all, life doesn’t give bad marks for “unlearned lessons.”

The most important thing in the work of a school psychologist is to provide support (to children, parents, teachers) in a difficult situation. A psychologist is the main assistant in conflicts, quarrels and simply troubles in life

It is to him that people can come to “pour out their souls” and speak out. This is individual work, often long-term, because a specialist not only helps one-time, relieving a symptom, alleviating the condition here and now, but also accompanies the person for the required time. And this could be two, five, or fifty meetings.

For a family that has had communication difficulties for years, 60 minutes is clearly not enough to solve all the problems. If an older child needs help, you can work with him individually. If a primary and secondary school student encounters problems, then the work should be carried out mainly with parents. Everything that happens to a child is a consequence of life in a family.

5. “The psychologist does not take part in the educational process”

Despite the fact that psychologists are not part of the main teaching staff, they are directly related to the educational process.

Everyone (schoolchildren, children, and teachers) is afraid of the Unified State Exam. There are trainings on psychological training that will help not only cope with stress, but also master techniques for developing memory, attention, and thinking. Moreover, ideally, this work will begin not in the eleventh grade, but much earlier. After all, developing stress resistance a couple of months before the exam is not easy. Here it is important to pay attention to both emergency self-help techniques in a situation when “panic sets in” (a good way is to drink water in small sips, massage the points at the base of the thumbs), and the preventive part (daily routine, healthy lifestyle, positive attitude, to the Unified State Exam as an entertaining adventure that will definitely end well).

In addition, there are a lot of situations that are not directly related to the educational process, but in one way or another affect academic performance and attitude towards school.

  • If a child has just started school or has moved from primary to secondary school, a psychologist helps him adapt;
  • If conflicts often arise between children in the classroom, the psychologist is faced with the need to develop communication skills and group cohesion (role-playing games, trainings, excursions, extracurricular activities);
  • If teachers begin to get sick often or a “hot” period of the year begins (exams, certifications, etc.), a psychologist conducts training for them to relieve stress.

By the way, about working with teachers. She is not in last place. Where the teacher is calm and happy, the children are calm and happy. In modern society, the teacher is placed in the position of “service personnel”, and the student is the “master of the situation”. Therefore, teachers today are in dire need of help.

6. “The psychologist only conducts diagnostics”

Indeed, for those who do not delve into the work of a psychologist, the word “diagnosis” characterizes it. Perhaps this is why a psychologist is often called a doctor. However, diagnosis is not in the first place. Because it is a tool, but not a direction of work. Diagnosis for the sake of diagnosis is pointless.

7. A school psychologist is a gofer

In well-organized institutions, the psychologist works in accordance with his job responsibilities. But there are also those in which the psychologist, in addition to his main job, does something that no one has time to do at school. Unfortunately, this depends on the leader, who either understands or does not understand the responsibility that lies with the school psychologist and his task. This is, as they say, the “human factor”. It happens that a talented economist is assigned to sort out papers. Although here, too, a competent psychologist will be able to turn everything in his direction. Sent the class on an excursion? A good opportunity to observe the interaction of children in an informal setting. Was it replaced? Great, there's a whole lesson for working with this class. Everywhere you can find its advantages.

8. “A school psychologist does the same thing year after year and does not grow professionally.”

A school psychologist, perhaps, has even more ways for professional growth than anyone else. We have the opportunity to attend advanced training courses, conferences, seminars, master classes and other events for free, where you can communicate with other specialists, exchange experiences, and gain new ideas and skills. Not to mention the practical experience that is gained every day.

Another question is desire. But here, as in any other profession, there are those who are always searching and moving forward, and there are those who sit passively all their lives on one chair.

Myths are born from ignorance and lack of experience. No matter how many there are in the psychologist profession, it is important for children and parents to understand one simple thing: a psychologist is that person at school who is always on your side. If it’s hard, offensive or scary - come! We will look for a way out of the situation together.



The question arises: where, how, and how long should a school psychologist work? By asking this question, we do not at all doubt that his work site is a school. The psychologist carries out his basic observations on a daily basis in the city.

still school life. But it cannot be limited to desk-based, paper-based diagnostic work. Some forms of organizational, coordination, and self-educational work require specialists to go beyond the school.

The working day of a psychologist is not standardized. He has to work in the evenings and weekends. This means that his work schedule, agreed upon with the administration, must take into account the peculiarities of his employment.

Finally, many areas of his activity (psychotherapeutic, correctional, advisory, training) require specific conditions.

For normal work of a psychologist, at a minimum, you need a combined office with 12-15 seats, equipped with a telephone, a typewriter, and a closed cabinet for storing psychodiagnostic techniques and research results. You can imagine the optimal conditions for a psychologist to work: from a noisy school corridor you enter a cozy room. The cheekbones are draped with soft fabric that matches the furniture. Quiet music is playing. Here is the equipment necessary for physiological measurements, a color-musical device, video equipment, an automated psychologist’s workstation with a constantly expanding collection of psychodiagnostic techniques, an archive, the ability to view data files, draw up certificates and conclude a psychological examination 1 ^ The working part of the office is hidden from visitors by a partition or soft curtain. The overall dimensions of the office are 5 x 6 x 3 m.

The part of the office used for training sessions, psychological relief, and counseling must be decorated in a special way. Three walls - two side and the front - are painted. The back wall is draped with double massive dark green curtains. The office has 12 chairs in three rows; the upholstery of the chairs matches the back curtain in color and texture. The chairs are deep, soft, with high backs and soft armrests. The walls of the office can be double. The outer part of the wall is a stretcher for stretching a painting canvas.

There are special requirements for painting 2. The canvas must be carefully primed so that the drawing does not

"See: Announcement about the automated workplace of a psychologist // Questions of psychology. - 1990. - No. 5. - P. 120. 2 Requirements developed by A.A. Repin.

the texture of the fabric appeared, the drawing was done carefully, with small details drawn out, in a rich, colorful manner, with matte paints that did not reflect glare of light. Painting can also be done on walls. It carries a significant psychological load and contributes to the formation of an emotional state of peace and relaxation. In the phase of plot imagination of psychological themes, specific associations that arise in people during the period of perception of a picture of living nature depicted on the walls of the office are used. The painting compositionally represents a single whole.

The rounded ceiling and walls create the illusion of an expanded perspective, a stereoscopic effect, which is very important when the dimensions of the premises are limited - the ceiling and walls should not put pressure and create a depressing impression. The plot of the picture corresponds to the same tasks. On the front wall, which carries the maximum visual load, the calm dark blue surface of the lake is depicted with thickets of reeds in the background and willow branches bending towards the water. A smooth, rounded line of transition to the side walls, which gradually merges with the sparse birch grove depicted on them, deepens the stereoscopic effect of the space. Light birch trunks also solve a psychological problem: they emphasize the color of lush green foliage and grass, promote peace, a sense of space, and create a bright, upbeat mood.

The painting should not contain images of roads, buildings and other distracting details that may cause unnecessary associations for the intended purpose. There should be no, for example, felled trees that cause negative emotions.

The light spectrum is dominated by light, rich green tones, with purple almost excluded. Red, orange, yellow shades are used to a limited extent, promoting excitement and increasing the activity of the central nervous system. Green grass and shrubs are done with a minimum content of cold tones.

The space between the inner and outer sides of the walls is about 0.5 m. It serves for additional sound insulation and placement of acoustic speakers. -The door is also double, in the form of a hemisphere, simulating summer. The wall painting is illuminated by a group of lamps installed above the back curtain

walls. “The lamps are equipped with special light filters that provide three types of lighting: dark-evening, day and night light.

Such an office gives the school psychologist the opportunity to organize work scientifically, increases the efficiency of his work, and helps create an atmosphere of confidential communication and psychological comfort.

The school's large expenses on equipment for the office will pay off if the psychologist carefully thinks through the cyclogram of its use in working with students, teachers and parents. It should indicate the time the psychologist works with a particular category and the forms of assistance.

In our practice, the office work schedule looked like this:

Day Watch Teachers Students Parents
Monday 9-12 12-14 15-16 18-19 Individual counseling Psychodiagnostics (processing of results) Psychological gymnastics School for parents of students in grades I - IV
Tuesday 9-12 2-14 15-16 18-19 Psychodiagnostics Psychodiagnostics (processing of results) Elective for girls (training) Helpline, 1st shift School for parents of V-VIII grades
I 9-12 12-14 15-16 Modular courses Elective for young men (training) Psychological gymnastics Individual consultations
9-12 12-14 15-18 Pedagogical consultation Helpline, 2nd shift School of Three Cs Individual consultations

The weekly grid plan, which is drawn up on the basis of a long-term plan, requests from the teaching staff, and the administration, reflects the entire content of the psychologist’s activities. A specific amount of work is determined for each day. One day a week is allocated for self-education and processing of psychodiagnostic materials.


9-10 Targeted attendance at a mathematics lesson in VIII “B”

classroom (work with low-performing students).

10-12 Psychological study of VIII “B” grade students (learning motivation, attitude towards the teacher).

11-12 Group consultation for mathematics teachers (diagnosis and development of learning motivation in adolescents).

12-13 Lecture “Pedagogy of cooperation and development.”

16-18 Individual consultations for parents of students at risk.

18-19 School for parents of teenagers (“Difficult child or difficult circumstances?”).

Since the administration and members of the teaching staff have a very superficial understanding of the scope and nature of a psychologist’s work, it is important to orient colleagues on this issue. Thus, the duration of various types of work of a school psychologist is determined as follows.

J№ /tt Type of work Average Notes
p/p time, h
Individual psychological diagnostic 6,0 Based on
ka, processing of results, execution of the contract one education
ideas and recommendations tannika
Group psychodiagnostics, treatment of re- 16,5 Based on
results, registration of psychological group of 20
inclusions pupils
3 Individual counseling for teachers and 1,5 For one conversation
Group counseling for teachers and re- 2,0 For one conversation
Preparation for the pedagogical council 5,0 Without diagnostic
technical work
Individual counseling for educated
a) primary school age
primary 1,5 For one conversation
subsequent 0,7
b) adolescence
primary 2,0 For one conversation
subsequent 1,0
c) high school age
primary 2,0 For one conversation
subsequent 1,0
Professional consultations Without holding
a) with secondary school students 3,0 psychodiagnostic
b) with high school students 5,0 Based on
[ one student
gosya (including
conversations with teachers
lyami and education
Individual correctional work with restoration 30,0 For one student
nurseries current
Group correctional work with educated 20-25 For one group
Business games, training with teachers: For one game
Preparation 8,0 for one cycle
carrying out classes
AND Preparing to speak at the teachers' meeting, se- 3,0 For one me-
minaret for teachers, students acceptance
Preparation for conducting “educational” cha- 3,0 For one me-
owls for children acceptance
. Conversation with teachers 0,3 For one conversation
Daily final documentation 0,5
Summarizing work results, writing a report 5,0 In half a year
Consultations in scientific centers, participation in me- 8,0 per week
todical seminar of school psychologists
Working in the library 5,0 per week
" 16 that ttttttttttttt ttShSh ----^j.

To regulate the performance of functional responsibilities, we recommend that the psychologist include dominant areas of activity in the grid plan.

Psychodiagnostics and treatment of re
research results.

Helpline, individual
and family counseling. .

Psychocorrectional and psychopro
preventive work.

Conducting communication training
ansov psychotherapy, psychological


Conducting modular courses,
pedagogical councils, teacher councils, classes
ity in coordination meetings.

Working in the library.

Which permanent documentation is it necessary to have a psychologist?

1. Experimental work program on conc.
a topic relevant to school (for 2-3 years).

2. A school psychologist’s work plan for the year, drawn up
in the following areas:

Diagnostics of the school community.

Diagnostics and forecasting of the pedagogical process.
- Consultative work with students, teachers, parents
teachers, managers.

Corrective work with students.

Psychoprophylactic work in the school community.

Organizational work, interaction with the city, paradise
onny centers.

3. Cyclogram of the work of the psychological relief room.

4. Schedule of the psychologist’s work for the week.

5. Psychodiagnostic documentation.

6. Brief plans and programs for classes.

In the course of his work at school, a psychologist has to perform various functions and master various forms of their implementation. This is a consultation, social-psychological

gical training, psychological and pedagogical consultation, etc. Let’s look at some of them.

Consultation is one of the main forms of work of a school psychologist. It can be diagnostic, stimulating, recommendatory in nature, and serve as a means of increasing the psychological and pedagogical literacy of teachers and parents. The form of consultation can be anonymous (helpline), face-to-face, individual, group (group of students, teachers, parents, family).

Consultation via a helpline ensures prompt communication, gentle conditions, and psychological support for the client. Not every teacher, student, or parent who is unable to independently resolve specific difficulties that have arisen and overcome the state of psychological discomfort will demonstrate their helplessness. Many people in dire need of psychological help prefer to turn to an unfamiliar, invisible specialist, arbiter, or adviser. A psychologist comes to the aid of this category of people through a helpline. Analyzing the situation, drawing certain conclusions and giving specific advice, he should not rush to impose his opinion. It is much better to give the interlocutor the opportunity to draw the same conclusions himself. Very often, the client only expects approval of the decision he has already made and needs to be convinced using objective approaches. It is likely that in some cases a psychologist cannot provide specific help. Then his advice will be aimed at reassuring the person, showing that the hopelessness of his situation is imaginary. Many clients expect simple sympathy and complicity. Therefore, a sympathetic attitude, sincere interest in personal problems, and the psychologist’s trust in all types of consultations are of paramount importance. Consultative assistance from a psychologist, just like medical assistance, involves getting rid of suffering, the cause of which is rooted in the sphere of communication.

Getting to know the client during oral psychological counseling begins with a short meeting, during which the client’s complaint is heard and an impression is formed about him based on his behavior and the nature of communication with the psychologist. A spontaneously narrated complaint has a certain structure, in which it is possible to identify a locus (about whom or what the client is complaining about), self-diagnosis (what explains the nature of

one or another violation), a problem (what he would like to change in the situation, but cannot) and a request (what specific help he expects from a psychologist). In Appendix No. 4 we provide a sample of a reception card that a psychologist can use in family counseling.

Age-related psychological counseling of students is an independent area of ​​activity for a school psychologist. The purpose of such systematic consultations is to monitor the progress of students’ mental development based on ideas about the normative content of the periodization of this process. The main objectives of this type of counseling are the following:

1. Orientation of parents, teachers and other persons involved
in education, in the problem of age and individual
features of the child’s mental development.

2. Timely primary identification of children with various
deviations and disorders of mental development and directions
referring them to specialists.

3. Prevention of secondary psychological complications in
children with weakened somatic or neuropsychic health
Roviem, recommendations on mental hygiene and psychoprophylaxis.

6. Correctional work in special groups with children,
parents, teachers.

7. Psychological and pedagogical education of the population.


1. Analysis of information received in the initial conversation with
parents, specialists, teachers, establishing contacts
the one with the child.

2. Conversation with parents aimed at obtaining information
mations about the previous stages of development of the child, his inside
family relationships and social circumstances.

3. Collection of information from other institutions about the state of health
rovya (if necessary).

4. Observation of the child in natural conditions.

5. Experimental psychological examination of the child.

6. Data processing, casual analysis of results.

7. Psychological diagnosis of the child.

8. Psychological and pedagogical purpose.

9. Control, repeated consultation.

The results of the consultation are summarized in a psychological diagnosis, which reflects the level of the child’s current development and determines his prognosis.

1. Level of current development:

a) age-psychological characteristics;

b) social development situation;

c) the level of development of leading activities and its compliance

d) neoplasms of age, their development;

e) difficulties and deviations, their causes.

2. Conditional-variant development forecast (zone of the nearest

a) disclosure of the problem field of development alternatives;

b) showing the conditions for optimal development.
We suggest using developments during consultation.
the age development map we have drawn (see table).

Age card

Age period

Junior school age (6-

Middle school age (11-15)

Leading activity

Intimate and personal communication in the process of OPD and training


Mental neoplasms

The emergence of an internal plan of action, consolidation of arbitrariness, stable forms of behavior and activity. Development of a new cognitive attitude towards reality. Formation of student positions, development of social orientation. Initial formation of character.

A sense of maturity, a desire for independence.

Critical thinking, tendency to reflection, formation of self-analysis. The desire for communication, the assessment of companionship and friendships as personal achievements. Growing difficulties, puberty, sexual experiences, interest in the opposite sex.

Increased excitability, frequent mood swings, imbalance. Noticeable development of strong-willed qualities. The need for communication, the need for self-affirmation, for activities that have personal meaning.

Age period

Early childhood (0-3)

Preschool age (3-6)

Leading activity

Direct emotional communication and object-manipulative activity

Role play

Mental neoplasms

The need for communication, emotional relationships.

Development of speech and visual-effective thinking, mastery of upright posture. The emergence and development of attitudes towards objects as things that have a specific purpose and method of use.

Development of orientations: “What is it?”, “What can be done with it?”

The need for socially significant and socially valued activities. Initial formation of personality. Formation of the first ethical authorities. Development of self-esteem and aspirations. The predominance of arbitrariness of mental processes, motives of behavior associated with interest in the game process. The greatest significance and predetermination of relationships in a small circle. The emergence of a children's community.

Intensive form of personality (value judgments, principles, ideals, beliefs). A form of self-awareness, self-determination. The desire for self-education, self-knowledge, self-improvement. Critical attitude towards adults. Philosophical and romantic age. Psychosexual orientations. Civil rights and responsibilities.

Time for individual counseling of a preschooler - Up to 45 minutes, a younger schoolchild - up to 1 hour, a teenager and a senior schoolchild - up to 1.5 hours. Diagnostic data is processed after consultation; psychological diagnosis and prescription can be given at a follow-up consultation.

Seeking psychological counseling is usually associated with a person having a problem that he is unable to resolve on his own. This happens in cases when he does not understand the problem, does not see its causes and ways

decisions, does not believe in their capabilities, or is in a state of stress, increased levels of anxiety, or panic.

It is important for a practicing psychologist to create an environment of safety for the client, a non-judgmental, sympathetic attitude towards him, giving him the right to feel, think and act as he considers possible for himself. This position does not mean complete agreement with the client; it only expresses the psychologist’s desire to understand a specific individual, penetrating into her inner world, to understand the meaning of a person’s actions and experiences, and the tendencies of his personal development.

Focusing on a specific person, his problems, and not on “a person in general” contributes to the psychologist’s holistic view of a person. The problem of understanding a particular person is not solved by an eclectic set of research procedures or even a whole battery of tests. However, this does not mean that existing diagnostic procedures are useless for a practical psychologist. If a psychologist has identified a specific symptom, then the optimal method of psychocorrection is not in selecting recommendations for the identified symptom, but in clarifying its place in the holistic state of the individual. An unpleasant symptom may turn out to be a manifestation of qualities that are valuable to the individual. Thus, getting rid of anxiety in some cases can lead to passivity, indifference, and complacency. Therefore, the success of a psychologist’s work depends on his ability to understand a person as a whole, based on his individual personal manifestations.

Overestimating the role of psychodiagnostic procedures and the desire to hide one’s insecurities behind them can cause irreparable harm to the client. Methods are only a tool, an auxiliary means; their objectivity is very conditional and is associated with the interpretation of the researcher. That is why a novice psychologist should not belittle the role of confidential communication and intuition. In a psychological counseling situation, the psychologist relies on his personal resources and the personal resources of his client. That is why, when summing up the results of working with a client, especially a child, it is better to overestimate a person’s capabilities and abilities than to underestimate them. This is especially true in cases where the information is intended for teachers and parents.

So, having identified certain syndromes during counseling, the psychologist can determine the type of help based on the determinant of the complaint:

1. Psychological illiteracy of parents - inform
explanation, clarification.

2. Distorted parental relationships - psychocorrection
this work.

3. Psychopathology of parents - referral for treatment.

4. Disharmony of the child’s mental development - psychocore

5. Violation of the child’s personal development - stage II diagnostic
nostics, psychocorrection of the child and parents.

6. Delayed mental development of a child - consultation,
referral to a defectologist.

7. Psychological underdevelopment of a child - direction to

8. Damage to mental development - referral to psi

9. Distorted mental development - direction to psi
hiatru [IZ].

Consilium- a collective method of studying students. The tasks of the council include:

1. Identifying the nature and causes of deviations in behavior and
students' learning.

2. Development of a program of educational measures for the purpose of
rections of deviant development.

3. Consultation in resolving complex or conflict situations

The principles of organizing the work of the consultation: respect for the individual and reliance on the positive, “do no harm”, integration of psychological and methodological knowledge, i.e. maximum pedagogization of diagnostics.

Systematically operating, with a permanent composition of participants, endowed with the right to recommend and control, the council can be considered as an independent form of collective mental activity with a specific range of diagnostic and educational tasks.

The diagnostic function of the consultation is to study the social situation of development, determine the dominant development, potential opportunities and abilities of students, recognize the nature of deviations in their behavior, activities and communication.

The educational function of the council includes the development of a pedagogical correction project in the form of a series of educational

The rehabilitative function involves protecting the interests of a child who finds himself in unfavorable family or educational conditions. The meaning of family rehabilitation is to increase the status and value of the child as a family member. The essence of school rehabilitation is to destroy the image that has developed among teachers and peers, to overcome the obstruction of the state and psychological insecurity and discomfort.

The composition of the consultation is formed taking into account its purpose (the head of the consultation, a psychologist, a school doctor, a correctional inspector, a specialist consultant, teachers, members of the parent committee, reference persons desired for the child).

Methods for preparing a council meeting may vary. Diagnostic brainstorming, diagnostic chain, diagnostic monologue are used at the preparatory stage, when a student’s diagnostic card is drawn up.

At the second stage, a meeting is held to which students and their parents are invited. Procedural outline of the meeting: organizational moment, hearing the characteristics, its addition by members of the council, interviews with parents and students, preparation of a pedagogical diagnosis, exchange of opinions and proposals for correction of students, development of recommendations.

The documentation of the consultation includes three items: an order on the organization of the consultation and its composition for the academic year, a journal of the consultation and diagnostic cards of students. The consultation journal is filled out by a psychologist and contains approximately the following columns:

The psychological and pedagogical council can also consider a wider range of problems related to the differentiation of training, the creation of classes with in-depth teaching and adaptation classes, gentle workload, and issues of professional selection

and professional consultations, etc. Examples of such consultations are the “Difficult Class” and “Professional Intentions and Possibilities of Class Students” consultations, tested in our practice.



Purpose: collective study of the difficulties of teaching and upbringing students in a particular class with the help of the school psychological service; identifying the reasons causing difficulties for students and teachers; development of educational and management measures to eliminate these causes.

Participants: psychologist, specialist teacher, administration, heads of school education, teachers working in this class, class teacher, representatives of the class activists.

Preparatory work

1. Study of the state of educational work in the classroom
(administration, heads of the methodological association).

2. Psychological and pedagogical study of pedagogical principles
trained students through conversations, questionnaires, and observations
niya (psychologist, teachers).

3. General acquaintance with the class, observation on special
program, conversation with the class teacher and teachers (psi
chologist, administration).

4. Studying interpersonal relationships in the classroom using
sociometric methodology and students’ attitudes towards the department
nal teachers (psychologist).

5. Preparing a map of the class and individual students from pre-primary
compelling characteristics and recommendations of a psychologist and
teacher (psychologist, school doctor, teachers).

6. Coordination of the progress of the pedagogical consultation and the conditions for its holding
nia (administration, psychologist, teachers).

Progress of the consultation

1. Psychological and goal setting.

2. Speeches by participants: search for psychological and pedagogical
reasons for difficulties in working with the class and ways to eliminate them
constructive, friendly basis.

3. Psychological and pedagogical analysis of submitted proposals
zheniy, discussion of the recommendations of the pedagogical conference.

1. Explore interpersonal relationships in the classroom, you

identify leaders, outcasts, identify reference groups, give recommendations on the formation of a class team and the organization of CTD

2. Involve in psychological gymnastics

difficult students in this class

3. Conduct corrective classes with students

4. Provide assistance to the class teacher. Give

a strong mentor from reference persons - class teachers. Control his activities

5. Prepare thoroughly for extracurricular activities

pits, think over the topic, content, work plan, as well as ways to involve difficult children, plan organizational issues

6. Mutual visitation. Development of uniform requirements.

Focus on contact teachers. Enrichment of methodology, content, restructuring of communication style, eliminating cases of violation of pedagogical ethics


7. Resolve the issue of replacing a Russian language teacher and


Training- a group form of work with various categories (teachers, students, parents, families), which has as its main goal the development of communication competence. Socio-psychological training can have a specific focus: sensitivity training, role-playing, business behavior. Each type of training also has a diagnostic task, which is solved not so much by the presenter as by the participants themselves.

Communication training is of particular importance in school settings. The teaching profession belongs to the “person-to-person” type of profession. The subject of a teacher’s work is another person, and one of the main means of work is communication. And yet, it is pedagogical communication that is the stumbling block of the modern school. Communication skills

The teacher’s abilities (the ability to adequately perceive another, accurately convey information and experiences to him through words, intonation of speech, facial expressions, pantomime, behavior) are, as a rule, poorly developed.

The goal of socio-psychological training (T-group) is the development of social intelligence, professional and pedagogical communication skills. Group members increase their knowledge of how they are perceived, what forms of their behavior are approved, and what forms are rejected and condemned by others. In addition, group members develop the ability to understand other people and their relationships, and they learn to predict interpersonal events.

Therefore, the following training effects can be considered:

1. Self-diagnosis:

a) obtaining specific information about yourself;

b) finding out how a person appears in the eyes of others;

c) finding out how independent his ideal “I” is.

2. Diagnostics:

a) development of self-analysis;

b) development of skills to differentiate feelings clearly and clearly
express yourself;

c) the realization that the discovery of the “I” is possible only in
tact with others.

3. Checking settings for images of others:

a) developing an understanding of the other’s position;

b) developing sensitivity to non-verbal forms
their manifestations;

c) developing the ability to listen and understand others;

d) psychotherapeutic influence.

The group is formed from teachers who want to increase their social intelligence.

The maximum number of participants in a group is 25 people (medio group), the optimal number is 7-9 people (micro group).

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