Distance learning English via Skype. Is learning English via Skype effective? How to find a good school and teacher

When love sweeps us off our feet, we say sincere and tender things, think with our hearts and act naively. When you are truly in love, cherished words seem to be the most difficult words in life. What if the person is not impressed by your confession, or, worse, it’s only about the friendzone? It's better to be rejected than to bottle up your feelings. Why? Because you will be able to know whether the relationship will develop in the right direction or not. A simple and timeless “I love you” is enough... Or is it not enough?

In fact, you are capable of saying much more than a simple "I love you." Therefore, we offer you a set of phrases in which everyone can choose something to their taste. It doesn’t matter at all what level of English you speak - watch and remember, try and open up! After all, love is always relevant. So bring it on!

Poetic phrases

Previously, confessing love was much more difficult and... longer. Love letters arrived so slowly, and sometimes they didn’t arrive at all! But it was still much more epic than SMS messages. But believe me, you can be epic too! Even if you are not a writer or poet, these phrases will add variety to your love confessions.

I yearn for you.- I miss (long) for you.
I"m under your spell.- I'm fascinated by you.
I'm smitten with you. - I'm smitten by you.
You turn me inside out.- You turn my world upside down.
You"ve put a spell on me.- You bewitched me.
My heart calls out for you.- My heart skips a beat when I see you.
You make me feel young again.- You make me feel young again.
Come, let us make love deathless.- Let's go, let's make love immortal.
With you, forever won't be too long.- With you, forever won't be too long.
If you need to hear why I love you, I can go on all night.“If you need to hear why I love you, I can talk all night.”
I never knew how joyous life could be, until I saw your face.- I never knew how to live a happy life until I saw your face.
So, fall asleep love, loved by me... for I know love, I am loved by thee.- So, go to sleep, my love, loved by me... for I know, love, I am loved by you...
I love you, and I will love you until I die, and if there"s a life after that, I"ll love you then.- I love you and will love you until death, and if there is life after death, I will love you there too.

Honest and sensual phrases

These are the things you can say most seriously a person who simply must know about your feelings.

  • I"m yours.- I'm yours.
  • I adore you.- I adore you.
  • There is no other.- There is no one like you anymore.
  • You complete me.- You are my soul mate.
  • I"m totally into you.- I'm completely in love with you.
  • You"re my ideal woman.- You are my ideal woman.
  • You mean so much to me.-You mean so much to me.
  • I love you from the bottom of my heart.- I love you with all my heart.
Be actors
Copy characters from movies, TV shows or books! Imagine how
they behaved in a given situation and try to copy them
behavior. This can be fun!

Elegant phrases

These phrases do not sound emotional at all. If you have problems with expression
emotions, you can say something like this.

  • I"m rather partial to you.- I'm not indifferent to you.
  • You're not bad.- You're not bad.
  • I kinda like you.- I kind of like you.
  • I"m fond of you.- I like you quite a lot.
  • I have a soft spot for you.- I like you.

Old age is a joy

People who stay together for many years use phrases less
fiery, but still quite cute.

  • You"re my darling.- You are my dear.
  • You're my sweetie.- You are my sweetie.
  • I"m devoted to you.- I am devoted to you.
  • You"re my sunshine.- You are my sunshine.
  • You"re my other half.- You are my soulmate.

Compliments in English

  • You're my king.- You are my king.
  • You're amazing.-You're amazing.
  • You're my angel.- You are my angel.
  • You're incredible.-You're incredible.
  • You"re my princess.- You are my princess.
  • You"re my treasure.- You are my treasure.
  • You"re my Prince Charming.- You are mine prince charming(prince on a white horse).
watch a sunset or sunrise together- watch the sunset or sunrise together

English phrases for persuasion

If you are trying to get someone to love you.

  • We"re a good match.- We are a great couple.
  • We complete each other.- We complement each other.
  • We"re meant for each other.- You Belong With Me.
  • We're perfect for each other.- We are perfect for each other.
  • You can"t deny what"s between us.-You can't deny what's between us.
  • I"d rather argue with you than kiss someone else.- I would rather argue with you than kiss someone else.
  • Every day I look at you and feel love and inspiration.- Every day I look at you and feel love and inspiration.
  • You are my world, gravity always pulls me towards you.- You are my world, gravity always pulls me to you.
  • Maybe you don't need the whole world to love you. Maybe you just need one person.- Maybe you don't need the love of the whole world. Maybe you only need one person.
  • If I were spelling out my favorite thing in the world, it’d be spelled “Y-O-U”.- If I spelled my favorite word, it would sound like this: “Y-Y.”
  • I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.- I love you not only for who you are, but for who I am next to you.
Cold. Warmer...
Play a kissing game. Think of a place on your body where you would
wanted to be kissed, but don't tell it to your significant other. Let you
they start kissing. If the kisser moves closer to the intended place,
say "warmer". And “colder” if they move in the wrong direction. Find out how long it will take them to find your treasured place.

“It started with a kiss... with an awkward and slightly drunken look across the bar.”

Romantic phrases in English

These kinds of phrases are said by characters in short stories... They can sound either
quite seriously or romantically, and sometimes slightly naively, if you
use them inappropriately.

  • I"m infatuated with you.- You turned my head.
  • You're my lover.- You are my beloved
  • You're captivating.- You're charming.
  • I'm addicted to you.- I'm addicted to you.
  • You're perfect.- You're perfect.
  • I've totally fallen for you.- I completely fell in love with you.
  • I can't wait to spend the rest of my life together with you.- I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.
  • Sometimes I can't stop looking at youYou look too damn good.- Sometimes I can’t stop looking at you... You’re too good.
  • You are the one I want to spend my life withmy soul mate.- You are the only one with whom I want to spend the rest of my life - my soul mate.
  • I am consumed by the desire to be with you, to talk to you and to feel you near me.- I am consumed by the desire to be with you, talk to you and feel you close.
  • I could search my whole life through and through an never find another you.“I could search all my life, always and everywhere, and never find another one like you.”
  • When you feel alone, just look at the spaces between your fingers, and rememberthat"s where my fingers fit perfectly.- When you feel lonely, just look at the spaces between your fingers and remember that my fingers fit perfectly there.
pick out a book and read aloud together- choose a book and read aloud together

Sincere confessions

If you're opening up to someone for the first time, you can try the phrases below.

  • I"m drawn to you. - I'm drawn to you.
  • I have feelings for you.- I have feelings for you.
  • I"ve got a thing for you.- I'm obsessed with you.
  • I feel something for you.- I feel something towards you.
  • I love you to the moon and back.- I love you more than anything in the world.
  • Everything about you turns me on.“Everything about you turns me on.”
  • I think of you as more than a friend.- I think of you as more than a friend.
    I love you more and more every day.- I love you more and every day.
  • I"ve had a crush on you for a long time.- I've been infatuated with you for a long time.
  • I just wouldn’t feel complete without you.“I didn’t feel complete without you.”
  • I can’t believe how hard I’ve fallen for you.- I can't believe how much I fell in love with you.
  • I cherish you above anything else in my life.- I value you more than anything in my life.
  • Every time I see you, you leave me breathless.- Every time I see you, I take my breath away.
  • You make my soul sing when you walk into a room.- You make my soul sing when you enter the room.
  • I can’t believe how perfectly we were made for each other.- I can't believe how perfect we are for each other.
  • You are the sunshine in my day and the moonlight of my nights.- You sunlight in my day and lunar in my nights.
  • I’m so excited that we have so much time to be with each other.- I'm so glad that we have so much time to be together.
    I will never love another person with as much intensity as I love you.- I will never love someone else as much as I love you.
    How did you become the absolutely amazing person that you are?- How did you become such an extremely amazing person that you are?
  • I don’t even want to think about what life would be like without you.“I don’t even want to think about what life would be like without you.”
  • Everything you do in my life adds to my happiness, subtracts from my sadness, and multiplies my joy.- Everything you do in my life adds happiness to it, subtracts sadness and multiplies my joy.
  • When I wake up, I’m smiling, because it’s another day with you.- When I wake up, I smile because it's another day with you.
Work from home
When you're both at home, send each other text messages (preferably on
English, of course) and pictures on the phone. Be brave, it's okay
they will be slightly dirty. Why wait? Write a message now!
+ 100 to karma!

Phrases for easy flirting

These phrases express your emotions without being too serious.

  • Love ya!- Love you!
  • You're so awesome.- You're so disgusting.
  • We make a good team.- We are a great team.
  • You suck less than most people.-You're not as bad as most people.
  • I"d totally shave my legs for you. - I would definitely shave my legs for you.
  • You just made me laugh so hard I almost peed my pants.“You made me laugh so much, I almost wet my pants.”
  • Your sense of humor is fantastic. And by that I mean you laugh at my jokes. Which is fantastic.-You have a fantastic sense of humor. By this, I mean the fact that you laugh at my jokes. Which is fantastic.
  • I really like that you understand my sarcasm, because it"s an advanced level and not everyone get it.- I really like that you understand my sarcasm, because it is at an advanced level and not everyone catches up with it.
  • Sometimes you"re the most difficult person to deal with. But other than that, I think you"re pretty perfect.- Sometimes you are the most difficult person on the ground. But other times, I think you're quite perfect.
  • If ninjas captured you, I would spend all of my free time training to be a stellar ninja. Which might take some time, since I am very far from being that, but I want you to know that I would eventually save you.-If you were kidnapped by ninjas, I would spend all my free time to become the perfect ninja. Which may take a while because I'm very far from being such a ninja, but I want you to know that I will save you eventually.

get fancy- trying on clothes and showing off to each other, being weird, being original, performing tricks

Passionate phrases

In case of “fire”, break the glass and use the following phrases.

  • I want you.- I want you.
  • Let's get it on.- Let's do this.
  • I love your body.- I love your body.
  • I"m burning for you.- I'm burning for you.
  • You're so effing hot.- Crap! How hot you are!
  • You've got what I need.- You have what I need.
  • I love watching you workout.- I love watching you do exercises.
  • I love to %$ you(because you don"t have to use "making love" all the time). - I love f*ck you (because you shouldn’t constantly say “make love”).
  • I %$ing love you. - I love you! (when it boiled)
  • You make me burn with desire.-You make me burn with desire.

Dangerous phrases

The following expressions are quite dangerous as serious statements. But you can
feel free to joke or write them in a love letter.

  • I idolize you.- I adore you.
  • I worship you.- I worship you.
  • We"re soul mates.- We are kindred spirits.
  • You"re my goddess.- You are my goddess.
  • I'm crazy about you.- I'm crazy about you.
  • You"re my everything.- You are everything to me.
  • I can't live without you.- I can't live without you.
  • We were meant to be together.- We were destined to be together.
  • I can't bear to be apart from you.- It’s unbearable to be without you.
Kiss on schedule
Create a tradition. For example, you can kiss certain time and a specific day of the week. This may be a special time for you for one reason or another.

Phrases for relationships

These phrases are useful to describe your relationship status, or
where you would like to send them.

  • I can't get over you.- I can’t stop looking at you.
  • I want to take this slow.- I wouldn't want to rush things.
  • This is more than a crush.- This is more than a hobby.
  • I"m ready to take it to the next level.- I'm ready to move to the next level.
  • I think I wanna have your baby!- I think I want a child from you.
  • I hate everyone today, but you - you I can stand.“I hate everyone today, but you—I can stand you.”
  • I’m more in love with you today than I was yesterday.- I am more in love with you today than yesterday.
  • I love it when we talk, and I love it when we don’t.- I love it when we communicate and when we don’t communicate.
  • You look even better now than when I met you.-You look even better than when I met you.
  • Whatever you have to do today, I"m glad to be doing it with you.- Whatever you have to do today, I'm glad I'm doing it with you.
  • You look great today. How did I know? Well, you look great everyday.- You look great today. How did I know? Well, you look great every day.
  • If I could pick one moment and keep it shining, always new, of all the days that I have lived, I"d pick the moment I met you.- If I could choose one best and brightest moment in my life, keep it fresh and bright, out of all the days that I have lived, I would choose the one when I met you.
  • At this very moment, my thoughts of you have me smiling. You do that for me... did you know that?- At this very moment, my thoughts about you make me smile. You're doing this for me... did you know about this?
  • A piece of my heart is always missing when you’re not with me.- A piece of my heart is always missing when you are not with me.
  • I never wanted to have anything in my life that I couldn't stand losing. It's too late for that now.- Never in my life would I want to have something whose loss I could not survive. Now it's too late.
  • Sometimes I feel like my heart will burst with all of the longing and excitement I feel when I think of you.“Sometimes I think my heart will burst from all the longing and excitement that I feel thinking about you.
  • They say you only fall in love once, but that can't be true... Every time I look at you, I fall in love all over again.- They say that you only fall in love once, but this cannot be true... Every time I look at you, I fall in love again.
In the darkness
Cover your partner's eyes with a blindfold or sleep glasses. Speak pleasant words in a whisper. Compliments will sound much nicer and more meaningful. You can also play the game at the same time. Take a few objects like an ice cube, a brush, a silk veil or a back scratcher and touch them to your loved one. Task: guess what kind of object it is.

Cold and strict phrases

These phrases are even less emotional. They are always useful for objective
expressing your feelings.

  • I"m physically attracted to you.- I feel physical attraction to you.
  • You are the object of my affection.- You are the object of my affection.
  • We have a good chemistry.- There is good chemistry between us.
  • I feel affectionate towards you.- I feel tenderness towards you.
  • I care for you deeply.- You are not indifferent to me.

Old-fashioned phrases

These phrases have already gathered dust and are long out of fashion, but you can still
sometimes hear them from people.

  • You're my best girl.-You are my best girl.
  • I"m sweet on you.-I'm in love with you.
  • Do you want to go steady?-Do you want a serious relationship?
  • Will you go with me?-Will you agree to go to dinner with me?
  • I"m enamored with you.-I'm fascinated by you.
  • I'm mad about you.-I'm crazy about you.
  • I hereby declare my love and affection towards you.-I hereby want to convey my love and affection towards you.
  • Roses are red; violets are blue; sugar is sweet, and so are you.- Red roses, blue violets, sweet sugar and you too.


All ages are submissive to love. We hope you have found something interesting for yourself and are ready to give moments of tenderness and pleasure to the people you care about. But most importantly, don’t forget to shoot them with a red-hot love cannon English phrase! Love and be loved, guys!<3

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

Love me tender, love me sweet...

When studying English, it is impossible to ignore the topic of love. We all know that “many songs have been written about love,” and in all the languages ​​of the world. Poets, writers, composers, singers, artists - they all sing and glorify this wonderful feeling in their work.

Of course, love can be different - for parents and for children, for animals and nature, for the homeland and hometown. However, most of all they talk and write about the love of a man and a woman - romantic or tragic, happy and unhappy.

A declaration of love, especially if it comes from a loved one, can inspire and “lift to heaven.” Although, it is worth noting that in ordinary life people very rarely talk to each other about their feelings in their native language, let alone a foreign one.

If you are one of those people who easily and happily talk about their love, and at the same time study English, you will probably be curious to know how to confess your love in English so that your loved one understands the depth of your feelings? Don't you think that a simple “I love you” will be enough?

And it’s right that you don’t think so. In fact, in English there are many ways to express your tender feelings.

Let's confess our love in English

The easiest way to learn to talk about love in English is from English songs.

For example, Elvis Presley’s famous song “Love me tender” contains a full set of the most tender and reverent phrases about love.

What is it worth: “You have made my life complete.” Which translated into Russian will sound something like this: you filled my life with meaning.

Or: “All my dreams fulfilled” - all my dreams came true.

We talk a lot about dreams in our love confessions. The most common phrases:

You are my dream – You are a dream of mine (You are my dream).

You made all my dreams come true.

You are my dream come true.

I dream about you - I dream about you.

Of course, when declaring our love, we are not only talking about dreams. But also about fate, life, about everything in the world.

You are my destiny, you are my happiness. It is with these phrases that Paul Anka declares his love in a popular song.

I will always (eternally) love you – I will always love you, remember Whitney Houston’s song from the movie “The Bodyguard”?

I will love you till the end of time.

Most often, we say, in love/head over heels in love. There is an idiom in the English language that, if literally translated into Russian, will sound very funny, but it will help you express your emotions in in this case— I fell head over heels in love with him/her.

If you are more restrained in expressing your feelings, you can say it more simply - I fell in love (I fell in love).

Is it about love at first sight? It is a first sight love.

Do you want to say that your whole life is in him (her)? He (she) is all my life.

About love and separation

If you are separated from your loved one and miss you terribly, the equally famous song “I'm mad about you” performed by Sting will help you express your feelings, or, as we would say in Russian, I'm going away from you (for you) crazy, I'm crazy about you. This is perhaps one of the most beautiful and popular songs about love and separation.

I’m lost without you – Sting sings. This can be translated into Russian in different ways: I am lost without you (I am dying), I miss you, I feel bad without you, etc.

Of course, not everyone can and wants to talk about love in poetry. And even if you just tell your loved one - I miss you so much, I miss you terribly), he will understand how bad you feel without him.

Or you can say with beautiful phrases from a song by pop musician Haddaway, known to millions of people:

I miss you more than words can say - I miss you more than words can express.

I’m gonna need you more and more each day - I need you more and more every day.

Don't be afraid to talk about your feelings! Love is wonderful. Are you embarrassed to confess your feelings in Russian? Learn to do this in English from popular songs and with our help and love each other!

Today it is difficult to find an Internet user who would not know about the existence of such a program as Skype. This application is usually associated with free Internet communications and video conferencing. In addition to free Internet telephony, group chats and file sharing, the Skype program also has other useful features that are not known to all users.

For example - study English via Skype with a native speaker for free. How can this be implemented in practice? After all, it is not very polite to directly contact any English-speaking Skype user and demand communication.

How to find an English-speaking interlocutor on Skype

This opportunity has already been provided and all problems have been solved! Proceed according to the following plan.

There, in the Skype community, you can find a native speaker of the language you are studying, and there are also special language clubs. You will learn the language with an Englishman, and in gratitude this foreigner will study your language - after all, you are also a native speaker of your native language? And someone in other countries is very interested in your ability to speak your language perfectly and absolutely without an accent.

Alternative language teaching via Skype

If you just ask the phrase in Google search English via Skype, then you will be offered other options for learning languages ​​outside the Skype community. These are various online language schools or courses where you will be offered a limited number of Skype lessons for free. After completing the free course, you may want to continue training for money.

The advantage of paid training is that they take things seriously. You can chat on Skype with an English-speaking interlocutor for free for years and still not master fluent speech. And vocational schools use special techniques that allow you to master the language in the shortest possible time. In general, the choice is huge and, if desired, you can find language courses that are suitable for your level of knowledge at minimal cost or even completely without payment.

Dear readers!

I've been studying via Skype for six months now. If it weren’t for my husband, who kept telling me about Skype for about a year, and the BP website, who sent me an application for distance learning during the summer holidays, when there weren’t many students, I probably would never have started. I was scared by everything - from buying headphones with a microphone and the technical side of the lesson to how I would look on camera?

Preparing for such classes at first took more than two hours, choosing the right board, looking for all sorts of additional programs for lessons. How I prepared (and am preparing) for classes via Skype:

1) After testing, I choose a textbook in accordance with the age and level of the student.

2) I determine the purpose of each lesson and what skills we will develop.

3) I select material for a specific lesson, throwing out everything from the book that I don’t like and adding my own.

But now, when preparing a lesson, I feel like I’m in the shoes of the authors of the textbook, and sometimes my imagination runs wild so much that you regret that there are only 24 hours in a day, otherwise I would have done such a lesson!


As for the technical side of training via Skype, I use the virtual whiteboard Idroo, it costs relatively inexpensively - 10 euros per month. You can also use it for free, but then you are allowed to create only 10 boards. If you have one online student, this is enough. And if you study en masse, it’s better to pay for a subscription.

Some teachers study without virtual boards, simply cut out the necessary exercises from the textbook and send them to the student, but, in my opinion, the board is much more convenient. Let's take a look at it:

On the blue panel at the top there are tools that allow you (from left to right) to move images and inscriptions, draw with a pencil, underline, highlight in a frame, write, create formulas (I’ve never used this, but who knows), erase material and move the board, and also use a pointer to show the student where to look for the hamster.

The most fun thing for me in Idroo is to draw and draw in class; joint creativity unites and relaxes as much as a cup of tea. The first picture shows a dictation based on the words studied and wordsearch compiled using this site. The second picture is training of the there is/there are structure using an image of a room, and then reproducing it using the written clue words. Most teenagers take such tasks with a bang, but many adults suffer and blush while trying to scribble a cat on the board.

There is a chat available on the right side of the Idroo panel, but I don’t use it, I write everything directly on the board. There is also a call function, but I have never used that either.

Even at the beginning of my Skype journey, I tried the virtual board Realtimeboard, it has a nicer interface and has more features - you can upload both video and audio there, it is constantly updated and improved. It turned out to be a little difficult for my students, so I switched to Idroo. Now I'm going to return to Realtimeboard, because it offers more fun for the same money.

Update: I no longer use Idroo for classes, now I'm working on Realtimeboard, you can read it here.

I also use the learningapps application for online lessons, in which I create exercises to repeat the material - wordsearches, crosswords and matching exercises.

You can prepare/cut tracks for online classes (I cut online), select videos from Youtube. It all depends on the needs of the student and the flight of your imagination.

Pros and cons

As you can see, an online lesson provides more opportunities to use modern technologies. And another huge plus is tea with cookies in a cozy kitchen... oh, that is, the student’s eyes do not run wild from the stacks of papers printed out for class, he does not ask “why don’t we do this in the book?”, does not leaf through the textbook 2 minutes, remembering how in Russian this cursed page one hundred and thirty-five is (although searching for a page has its own plus). All necessary material is displayed on the board, which the student can view after the lesson (if the teacher has not deleted it, of course).

Otherwise, an English lesson via Skype is not much different from a “live” lesson. It’s a little more exhausting, but that’s me personally; many friends say that Skype works better for them.

The easiest way to learn English online is with adults 20-35 years old. Few children under 12 know a computer well, so sometimes you have to be distracted during class to explain how to turn on a track, find a Skype chat, or view a sent picture. But not all adults are also familiar with technology; even those who spend days on social networks may not know how to open a link that was sent to them in a chat. Some people are embarrassed by their computer illiteracy, so here you still need to be patient and delicate in your explanation.

If it’s really difficult for a student, you can ask to show your screen on Skype (that button in the form of a plus sign) and tell them how to register on the board or find this or that tool on the panel.


Studying via Skype is usually cheaper than studying in person. And not only because both the student and the teacher do not spend time or money on travel, do not print anything and do not buy textbooks. Price dumping by teachers from the regions also has an impact. Prices for English lessons in the regions are much lower than prices in big cities, sometimes by a factor of 5. Therefore, lessons via Skype for teachers from the periphery are very profitable. Same as for the student.

Do you teach students via Skype?

What technologies do you use for these activities?

I look forward to your comments!

English courses via Skype are no less effective than individual lessons with a tutor: you also see and hear the teacher. Moreover, online lessons have a number of advantages. For example, the teacher sends you educational materials via Skype already in the first lesson. In addition, the teacher immediately corrects your mistakes in the chat. After classes you can fix new words and expressions.

Online English courses have a number of advantages compared to classical classes. For example, a teacher can record a lesson with you. Viewing the recording will allow you to understand your mistakes in pronunciation, and also subsequently evaluate your progress in learning the language. Also, during the study, the teacher can show you exercises and educational materials on his computer.

English lessons via Skype are a new level of online education, when students do not need to come for a conditional time for a short lesson and then waste time on the road again. Time is money, so courses via Skype will allow you not only to save money, but also to effectively distribute your free time.

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