The spruce tree covered my path with the blue of heaven. Afanasy Fet - The spruce covered my path with its sleeve: Verse

Afanasy Fet - the poet of “eternal values” and “absolute beauty”, the founder of new poetic genres - songs and lyrical miniatures - was a representative of a galaxy of poets who, in their work, renounced reality and sang only eternal themes.

The main subject of Fet’s depiction was a world in which “the beauty of nature is spread throughout the entire universe” and with its resting perfection is contrasted with a “low” existence full of meaningless vanity. In his artistic world everything is harmonious, measured, balanced. The lyrical hero in Fet's poetry is the image of the hero whose experiences, thoughts and feelings are reflected in the work. His character depends on the poet’s worldview. It seems to me that this poetic calm compensated for the author’s real life, full of contradictions. Turgenev also contrasted Fet, the “great poet,” with the landowner and publicist Shishkin, “an inveterate and frenzied serf owner, a conservative and lieutenant of the old school.” Perhaps this is why we perceive with such sensitivity the “lyrical audacity” of the author of the poem “The spruce covered my path with its sleeve.” So what was this audacity expressed in? As in most of his other works, the author paints a seemingly motionless picture for the readers, capturing its momentary state. This is all the same, passing from one poem to another, Fet’s desire to convey the beauty of the moment, to capture it in his poems.

How is a beautiful image created? The first two lines of each stanza are nominal sentences and sentences with homogeneous members. This allows the reader to see the picture painted and admire its unique beauty. The last two lines are an emotional response to what he saw. The mood of the lyrical hero is in tune with the state of nature. That is why musical means of influencing the reader play such an important role in the poem: rhythm, onomatopoeia, verse-by-verse design. The wind is the semantic dynamics in the first part of the poem, therefore alliteration is justified (an abundance of hissing and whistling sounds conveying the movement of the wind - Everything is humming and swaying // Leaves are spinning at our feet). And dactyl is this special song rhythm of the verse, unusually combining long and short lines and an accent at the end of every second line. (In the forest alone // I don’t understand; The leaves are spinning at my feet // A subtly calling horn, The leaves are as dead to me // You tenderly greet!) The mood that the picture evokes is impossible to accurately determine. The sensations are vague, hence the verb “I don’t understand,” which is often found in other poems of the poet. The state itself is contradictory: “noisy, and creepy, and sad, and fun.” The hero seems to dissolve in the world of nature, plunges into its mysterious depths, tries to understand the beautiful soul of nature.” The confusion that arises in the noise of the wind dissipates in the second part of the poem to the sounds of human presence, “a subtly calling horn,” “the call of the copper herald.” The mood of the lyrical hero also changes - two exclamatory sentences (“Sweet is the call of the copper herald to me!” and “Dead sheets to me!”) testify to this. And inversion (“unexpectedly heard”, “poor wanderer”) helps to draw attention to the words that, in the author’s opinion, carry the greatest semantic load.

The metaphor “The spruce covered my path with its sleeve” tells that the lyrical hero humanizes nature, sees its beautiful soul, and we understand how the spruce with its mother’s hand touched the strings of the author’s soul, and the feeling of purification, the joy of being, spiritual trepidation and excitement is conveyed from the book pages. Thus, in Fet’s poem the world of nature and human emotions merge, creating a unique phenomenon of Russian poetry. The author, depicting his hero at the moment of greatest emotional stress, shows the work of the human soul against the backdrop of a beautiful moment of nature, which makes us think once again that man is a grain of sand in the ocean called the “Universe”.

Afanasy Fet is a wonderful Russian poet, the founder of the poetic genre - lyrical miniature. The subject matter of his poetry is limited. His poetry is “pure poetry”; it contains no social issues of reality, no civic motives. He chose a stylistic storytelling device that allowed him to hide his soul from the reader behind the external flow of events. Fet cares only about beauty - nature and love. He considers poetry to be the temple of art, and the poet to be the priest of this temple. These two themes of Fet's poetry are closely related to each other. Fet believes that only nature and love can reflect all the beauty and charm of the surrounding reality. The character, experiences, thoughts and feelings of the lyrical hero in Fet’s poetry depend on the poet’s worldview.

Fet sought to convey the beauty of the moment, the momentary state. A striking example of this can be called his poem “The spruce covered my path with its sleeve”:

The spruce covered my path with its sleeve.

Wind. Alone in the forest

Noisy, and creepy, and sad, and fun, -

I won't understand anything.

Fet creates a beautiful image that allows the reader to see the picture painted and admire its unique beauty. In the lines of the poem, the poet uses nominative sentences and sentences with homogeneous members. The last two lines speak of the poet's conflicting feelings. His lyrical hero feels the state of nature. The poem affects the reader. Thanks to the abundance of hissing and whistling sounds, you can hear the sound of the wind:

Everything hums and sways,

Leaves are spinning at your feet.

It is impossible to grasp the mood of the lyrical hero. He has vague feelings - “I don’t understand anything.” He tries to dissolve in the world of nature, tries to comprehend its mysterious depths, to understand the “beautiful soul of nature.” But the sound of the wind dispels this confusion. The hero hears the “subtly calling horn”, “the call of the copper herald” and his mood immediately changes - “Sweet is the call of the copper herald to me!” and “The sheets are dead to me!”

Fet represents nature as a person, sees its beautiful soul, this is evidenced by the metaphor “The spruce covered my path with its sleeve.”

In this poem by Fet, nature merges with human emotions. The poet depicts his hero at the moment of greatest emotional stress, showing his soul against the backdrop of a beautiful moment of nature.

All essays on literature for grade 10 Team of authors

6. Analysis of the poem by A. A Feta “The spruce covered my path with its sleeve...”

Afanasy Fet is a wonderful Russian poet, the founder of the poetic genre - lyrical miniature. The subject matter of his poetry is limited. His poetry is “pure poetry”; it contains no social issues of reality, no civic motives. He chose a stylistic storytelling device that allowed him to hide his soul from the reader behind the external flow of events. Fet cares only about beauty - nature and love. He considers poetry to be the temple of art, and the poet to be the priest of this temple. These two themes of Fet's poetry are closely related to each other. Fet believes that only nature and love can reflect all the beauty and charm of the surrounding reality. The character, experiences, thoughts and feelings of the lyrical hero in Fet’s poetry depend on the poet’s worldview.

Fet sought to convey the beauty of the moment, the momentary state. A striking example of this can be called his poem “The spruce covered my path with its sleeve”:

The spruce covered my path with its sleeve.

Wind. Alone in the forest

Noisy, and creepy, and sad, and fun, -

I won't understand anything.

Fet creates a beautiful image that allows the reader to see the picture painted and admire its unique beauty. In the lines of the poem, the poet uses nominative sentences and sentences with homogeneous members. The last two lines speak of the poet's conflicting feelings. His lyrical hero feels the state of nature. The poem affects the reader. Thanks to the abundance of hissing and whistling sounds, you can hear the sound of the wind:

Everything hums and sways,

Leaves are spinning at your feet.

It is impossible to grasp the mood of the lyrical hero. He has vague feelings - “I don’t understand anything.” He tries to dissolve in the world of nature, tries to comprehend its mysterious depths, to understand the “beautiful soul of nature.” But the sound of the wind dispels this confusion. The hero hears the “subtly calling horn”, “the call of the copper herald” and his mood immediately changes - “Sweet is the call of the copper herald to me!” and “The sheets are dead to me!”

Fet represents nature as a person, sees its beautiful soul, this is evidenced by the metaphor “The spruce covered my path with its sleeve.”

In this poem by Fet, nature merges with human emotions. The poet depicts his hero at the moment of greatest emotional stress, showing his soul against the backdrop of a beautiful moment of nature.

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The ancients said that poets are born. And Fet really was born a poet. Remarkable artistic talent was the essence of his essence, the soul of his soul. Already from childhood, he was “greedy for poetry”, experiencing incomparable pleasure, “repeating the sweet poems” of the author of “The Prisoner of the Caucasus” and “The Bakhchisarai Fountain”. In a German boarding school, he felt his first “attempts” towards poetic creativity: “In quiet moments of complete carefreeness, I seemed to feel the underwater rotation of flower spirals, trying to bring the flower to the surface; but in the end it turned out that only spirals of stems were striving outward, on which there were no there were no flowers. I drew some poems on my slate board and erased them again, finding them meaningless.”
The spruce covered my path with its sleeve.
Wind. Alone in the forest
Noisy, and creepy, and sad, and fun, -
I won't understand anything.
Fet's lyric poems met with enormous success mainly in literary and therefore rather narrow circles. The same Botkin had to admit this directly, noting that although in the magazines of those years Fet’s lyrics were spoken of with “sympathy and praise, but nevertheless, listening to the feedback about it from the non-literary public, one cannot help but notice that it is somehow then she looks at these praises incredulously: she does not understand the dignity of Mr. Fet’s poetry. In a word, his success, one might say, is only literary: the reason for this, it seems to us, lies in his talent itself.”
The latter is only partly true. The real reason lay not so much in the nature of Fetov’s poetic talent, but in its sharp, even more acutely revealed inconsistency with the “spirit of the times.” Unlike the brilliant exponent of this “spirit” - Nekrasov, Fet’s lyre throughout his work was not re-voiced “in a different way.”
Everything around is humming and swaying,
Leaves are spinning at your feet.
Chu, you can suddenly hear it in the distance
Subtly calling horn.
In the narrowed artistic world of Fet's poetry - in the absence in it not only of civic motives, but also in general of connection with social issues posed by the "spirit of the times" and acutely worrying his contemporaries - the critics of the sixties saw Fet's fundamental flaw. All this marked the final discord between Fet and the “spirit of the times.”
A departure from the unsatisfactory real world into the world created by art, from the fight against evil, from “battles” - into aesthetic contemplation - all these are characteristic features of the type of literary romanticism that Gorky called “passive” and the founder of which in Russia was V.A. .Zhukovsky. Fet's lyrics undoubtedly contain features related to Zhukovsky, which arose as a result of both historical continuity and typological coincidences. But there is also a significant difference between them.
In the ideal world of Fet's lyrics, in contrast to Zhukovsky, there is nothing mystical and otherworldly. The eternal object of art, Fet believes, is beauty. But this beauty is not “news” from some otherworldly world, it is not a subjective embellishment, an aesthetic poeticization of reality - it inherent in herself. “The world is equally beautiful in all its parts,” Fet asserted. - Beauty is scattered throughout the universe and, like all the gifts of nature, influences even those who are not aware of it, just as the air nourishes those who, perhaps, do not even suspect its existence. But for an artist it is not enough to be unconsciously influenced by beauty or even to be swept away in its rays. As long as his eye does not see its clear, although subtle-sounding forms, where we do not see it or only vaguely feel it, he is not yet a poet... So, poetic activity is obviously composed of two elements: the objective, represented by the world external and subjective, the poet’s vigilance - this sixth sense, independent of any other qualities of the artist. You can have all the qualities of a famous poet and not have his vigilance, instinct, and therefore not be a poet... Do you see or smell in the world what Phidias, Shakespeare, Beethoven saw or sensed in it? "No". Go! You are not Phidias, not Shakespeare, not Beethoven, but thank God if it has been given to you to at least perceive the beauty that they overheard and spied in nature for you.”
Fet remains faithful to the idea of ​​“beauty” as a really existing element of the world surrounding a person. “The whole world is full of beauty, from great to small,” we read in one of his later poems, adjacent to the period of “Evening Lights.” And in this respect, Fet follows not Zhukovsky, but Pushkin, in whose all-encompassing creativity, among the countless seeds and shoots that sprout in subsequent Russian literature, there is an undoubted and, in its own way, very significant “Fetov” grain.
Sweet is the call of the copper herald to me!
The sheets are dead to me!
It seems from afar as a poor wanderer
You greet tenderly.
The brilliance, strength, sharpness, depth and at the same time poetry of Fet’s mind are evidenced by his critical articles and samples of his artistic prose. And he devoted all this intellectual wealth, all the tension of will, all the strength of his soul to achieving his goal, going towards it by all means, without distinguishing between good and evil, sacrificing everything that was closest and dearest to his idea-passion.

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet

The spruce covered my path with its sleeve.
Wind. Alone in the forest
Noisy, and creepy, and sad, and fun, -
I won't understand anything.

Wind. Everything around is humming and swaying,
Leaves are spinning at your feet.
Chu, you can suddenly hear it in the distance
Subtly calling horn.

Sweet is the call of the copper herald to me!
The sheets are dead to me!
It seems from afar as a poor wanderer
You greet tenderly.

The last period of Afanasy Fet’s work is inextricably linked with the name of Maria Lazic, a Polish beauty with whom the poet was once in love. He did not want to connect his life with this girl from a ruined family and chose to break off relations with her, which he later bitterly regretted. The situation was aggravated by the fact that Maria Lazich soon died in a fire, and Afanasy Fet blamed himself for her death.

If the early poems of this poet were permeated with the lightness of life and naive enthusiasm, then after the death of Maria Lazic her image began to be invisibly present in almost every work of this author. The poem “The spruce covered my path with its sleeve...”, written in 1891, is no exception in this regard. It came into being after a whole series of penitential works dedicated to his beloved had been written. Fet fully tasted the bitterness of this loss and, according to eyewitnesses, even became mentally damaged due to grief. However, no one, including the poet’s legal wife, until his death could unravel the mystery of his rather strange behavior, because Fet refused to publish poems dedicated to Maria Lazic.

However, the work “The spruce covered my path with its sleeve...” was published during the poet’s lifetime and was included in the collection “Evening Lights.” This is explained by the fact that the poem contains only an indirect allusion to Maria Lazic, which is simply impossible for an uninitiated person to catch. From the outside it seems that Fet, who at one time was carried away by philosophical themes, has again returned to landscape lyrics. Indeed, the author masterfully describes a snowy forest in which he feels “creepy, sad, and fun.” A storm arises, due to which the last autumn leaves “spin at our feet,” but in the noise of the wind the poet imagines a “subtly calling horn.”

This sound is so sweet and pleasant to Fet that he is ready to succumb to temptation and go to the call of the “herald of copper,” which he perceives as the voice of fate. But few people realize that in the last line of this poem lies the answer. It seems to the poet that “from afar you tenderly greet the poor wanderer,” and in this phrase we are talking about Maria Lazic. Fet dreams of meeting her, although he understands perfectly well that for this he will have to give up his life. However, such a prospect does not frighten him at all, and he is ready to joyfully obey the mysterious call that draws him into eternity.

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