We formulate a goal. Technique of wish fulfillment

What did fairy tales teach us as children? If you want it correctly, any desire can come true. What is the key word in this sentence? RIGHT. I won’t say that the method proposed below is the only correct one; in fact, this method was formulated after many methods were tried, described in numerous manuals on the topic “How to become happy, healthy and rich in half an hour.” Not everything described in the manuals turned out to be easily applicable in practice. Like many of us, I have no willpower at all, but laziness, on the contrary, is very present. The method described below, as experience has shown, does not require much effort or making drastic decisions, and at the same time it still works smoothly and imperceptibly. So.

We should start from the beginning. You have a cherished desire. I really want something, but for some reason it just doesn’t work out. What to do? It's simple, here are three simple steps to achieve what you want.

Precisely define your deepest desire. Remember Almost any wish can come true, so think very carefully about what exactly you want. Give the first point of the plan enough time, think through your desire to the smallest detail. If you want to lose weight, determine exactly how many kilograms you need to lose and what waist size you would like to achieve. If you want to buy a car, what color will it be, what brand will it be, will it have a sunroof and what kind of seat upholstery will it have? If our goal is to find a man, then what kind of man are we looking for? Are we looking for a husband and father of future children? Are we looking for a passionate lover who does not infringe on our freedom? Are we looking for a wealthy friend who will share our hobbies and sponsor them? I’m not afraid to repeat myself - accurately formulating the goal is extremely important. Put yourself in the place of the order executor - if you simply say - I want a car, and don’t tell the universal mind which car will make you happy, as a result you can get anything from a business class Mercedes to a three-ton truck (yes, yes, it happened such). And you can’t argue, they asked for a car - here’s a car for you, get it and sign for it.

So, we have decided what we dream about. The next point, no less important - imagine that your wish has come true. That's right, the wish has ALREADY come true. We imagine not only the object of desire itself - the number on the scale, ourselves in a car dealership, ourselves in The registry office, but also what we will be like after our desire comes true. Imagine yourself losing weight. Imagine how you, thin and loud, walk along the beach in a swimsuit, and all the men around you “stack up by themselves”; imagine what kind of clothes you wear, imagine how you eat now (we remember that losing weight and buns at night don’t go well together, right?), imagine how easy it has become to move, and so on, in all the little things, imagine your life thinner. Imagine how happy you are, how happy those around you are that you have lost weight, how your reflection in the mirror smiles at you in the morning. A similar technique is used for any other desire. Car? Easily! We imagine how we choose winter tires for her and the smell of the interior, how we pull into the parking lot of our favorite store, how, standing in a traffic jam, we diligently listen to an audio course of the French language, how we worry about scratching the bumper, parking unsuccessfully at the curb, and how every day We rejoice, feeling like a car owner. Is the principle clear? Let's act! To do this, you don’t even need to specifically choose a time and place; we take a shower - we dream, we stand in line at the checkout at the supermarket - we dream, we go to bed - exclusively with pleasant thoughts and dreams. And so every day.

Actually, that’s all from practical recommendations. The third and final important point is to remember that the universe it takes some time to make your wish come true. Never stop, even if nothing happens, keep dreaming. The universal mind is what the universal mind is for, maybe you just need to “mature” a little so that your desire begins to come true. At one point, you will notice how, at first, very carefully your behavior, your sense of the world and yourself will begin to change. Your way of thinking and acting will not be the way of thinking and acting of a person who dreams of a car, but, on the contrary, of a person HAVING a car. And - we are at the goal, congratulations! By the way, I forgot to ask, before you wanted a car, did you want to get a license? ;-)

There are many techniques that make dreams come true, but not all of them work. We have found three proven techniques for making wishes come true that will help everyone.

Very often it turns out that for a long time we cannot decide which method to use to implement our plans. There are many exercises to make wishes come true, but for some reason not all give the expected result. And after another failure, you begin to wonder if it all really works, or if it was just someone playing a cruel joke on us.

Some argue that the same technique may work for one person but not for another, and that you will have to try a lot of exercises and rituals before you find your own method.

In fact, everything is much simpler. Any technique will help if you follow certain rules and laws of the Universe. After all, they are the ones who greatly influence our Destiny, even if you don’t believe in it. Having studied the laws of the Universe, you will learn to make your dreams come true easily and quickly.

Three proven techniques for making wishes come true

Below are three ways that will help you realize everything you've dreamed of for so long. However, you need to remember that to fulfill any desire, except exercise, you need to start moving towards your goal. And it doesn’t matter whether you make a sharp throw forward or just a small step towards the goal. Even one action can trigger the entire mechanism, and the desire will begin to come true. Also remember to strictly follow the recommendations.

Visualization technique

You can do it at any convenient time, as long as no one distracts you. Sit comfortably and relax your body, take a few deep breaths. After this, imagine a golden-colored ball in front of you, smile sincerely and direct your love and warmth inside it. Look carefully at the area to see if you like it or maybe there is something about it that doesn’t suit you. In this case, correct everything you don’t like.

When the adjustments are completed, imagine yourself inside this sphere and your desire. Now connect them together. Think about how you will feel, how you will behave, etc., when your wish comes true. Pay attention to whether you are happy with its performance or if you do not feel comfortable enough.

After this, imagine how a ray of green light stretches from the area of ​​your heart, which pumps up your sphere like a balloon. Your light fills it more and more until it is completely filled. After this, release your sphere along with your desire into the Universe and slowly come to your senses. Open your eyes, smile and be sure that your wish will certainly come true.

If you have any of the Reiki levels open, you can strengthen your request with the help of this teaching. In this case, you practically won’t have to waste your energy. All you need is intention, a clearly formulated desire and reiki activation. As a rule, having the first stage, many argue that making wishes in this way is impossible and that this energy can only cure diseases. But it is not so. With some experience, you can not only treat people, but also make your dreams come true.

Simoron rituals

Recently, simoron techniques have been gaining powerful momentum. The point of these exercises is that you can come up with any funny action and during it make your most cherished wish. As a rule, many become fixated on their dreams and create an excess of energy, which can slow down the process. Simoron helps you easily release your desire into the Universe and thereby give the Higher Powers the opportunity to fulfill your dream in the best possible way.

This method is well suited for a large company where you can laugh heartily. Buy some gel balls. On one of them, write your wish with a marker or draw a symbol that will mean your dream. And tie it so that it doesn’t fly away ahead of time. You will need the remaining balls to lift your spirits. Take air from them into your lungs and then in a thin voice begin to read a poem or sing a song. All this is done to liberate people and start fooling around. Be sure that after such a performance everyone will laugh, even you. Repeat these steps until you run out of balls or have had enough fun. Here you can turn on your imagination to the fullest, organize a choir of singing balls and the like.

After this, take the pre-prepared balloons with your wishes and release them into the sky. Enjoy how they soar in the clouds, imagine that your wishes have already come true, and then forget about it. And you will soon be surprised how quickly and unexpectedly they came true.

Method of setting strict limits and promises

This method is often used in psychological practice. Its essence lies in the fact that you personally create conditions for yourself in which you simply cannot help but start moving towards your goal. This exercise encourages you to take action, and you yourself become both the customer of your goal and the executor. For example, you make a promise to yourself that if you don’t achieve your goal in a month, you will pay your friend for a fancy dinner at a restaurant. The cost of not achieving your goal must be significant enough to motivate you to move.

This exercise is quite tough and takes the wish-maker out of his own comfort zone, but it is also very effective. Remember that when setting goals, the deadlines must be realistic and the punishment severe. Those who have used this method claim that it is difficult to take only the first step, and then Fate itself presents all the possibilities on a silver platter.

By using one of these techniques, you will certainly get what you want. The main thing is to believe in yourself and not give up. And simple meditations will help you cope with excess tension and stress. Dream big, look for the positive in everything and don't forget to press the buttons and

We hope that this site really helps you, charges you with positive energy and gives you faith that your wishes really do come true. Therefore, in this article we will look at another concept of wish fulfillment. This is, so to speak, another important component that allows wishes to come true. But not everyone knows about it. Perhaps they know, but they don’t realize it. This article is dedicated to wish fulfillment techniques.

Recently, the topic of wish fulfillment has been gaining momentum. Why? Because finally, the mystery is revealed. The secret of making wishes come true. Some people won’t believe this, but as they say: “To each his own” . You and I believe that wishes can come true if you find special equipment!!! Each person has his own. Still, every person thought and asked the question: “Why is that person more successful than me if he doesn’t even have a secondary education?”

There are people who are worse than you. Worse in intelligence, talent, skills (depending on which ones, of course). Well, they are worse than you and have much less experience than you. But they live better. And it seems that they were born that way. But is it?

Why is this happening?

We will not talk here about the power of thought and the laws of extension. You should have known this a long time ago. Why is this happening my answer is this : They are doing something right and they are doing it unconsciously. They think correctly. They feel right. They believe until the end. And so they do the right things. They go to the events that are true and necessary for them. Events do not fall on our heads. We are the ones going to them. And it depends on how our brain is configured. And our brain is a kind of compass. Whatever wave he is tuned to, that’s what he will follow throughout his life. Therefore, it is important to properly tune your brain. And not just for one day, but for the rest of your life. You won't get your first results tomorrow. Perhaps in a year. But this does not mean that you need to “hold out” for a year in order to get results immediately, as time passes. Of course not. Miracles will happen to you all the time!!! But only if you begin to turn your helm towards another life. And while you are wrapping, everything happens to you, as it happened before. So have the conscience to be constant. Agreed?

I described how to tune your brain to the desired wavelength in the book " Rainbow of Happiness." There are clever techniques that allow you to do this as quickly as possible. Although if you are not new to such matters, then you will still learn something new. This is not available anywhere on the Internet. Now about one component that we will reveal here.

The technique of wish fulfillment is an important component

Personally, I understood how wishes come true. I want you to understand too. If you really want to learn how to make your desires come true, then you can check out the course " Technique for making wishes come true from BC Chance." There you will learn about one more Very an important component that will allow you to fulfill your wishes. If you take this information seriously, the effect is guaranteed. Many have already done this, so do you, dear readers.

What kind of component is this that allows wishes to come true? It’s difficult to describe it in words or give it a name, but you must literally with your desire "soak up" What does it mean to be soaked? This means that you must (again, it’s difficult to explain in words), let’s say, see and feel your desire in everything. If you want to attract love, then you must feel it every day and see your love in everything. Here you are watching a romantic film, what happens there, all this is love, it happens to you (only positive moments). You are watching a video with your favorite singer, and this singer is your love.

You have to feel it every minute. Every thought you have should be connected to your desire. This happened to me, and my wish came true after 7 months and in an amazing way. I hope you understand what I mean.

Unfortunately, our words are the most primitive way we express anything. And yet I will still give an example. You want to attract more money into your life. You should also be imbued with this desire. Whatever you look at, listen to - it’s all connected with your desire - attract more money. You really live it.

Usually in such situations, when a person is really saturated with his desire, a filter of information occurs. You begin to notice everything related to your desire. If you wanted a Porsche 911, you even begin to notice them. On TV, for example. And, of course, you begin to notice your desire even where it is not there at all. For example, with the same car Porsche 911. You just notice something similar to it, like a sports car. And as soon as you saw it, another sports car, you thought about Porsche 911.

In addition, all your thoughts about what you want are positive. In other words, you don't have it, but you think you have it. You even felt it so plausibly that you are no longer particularly interested in it. You've had this for a long time and you're tired of it.

Every thought, every focus is directed towards your desire. You walk and feel joy at the same time. This can be compared to being told that you have won the car of your dreams and it will be delivered to you soon. How would you feel in moments of anticipation? That you already really have it. You would feel joy within yourself. It's the same here. You don’t have this, but you think differently!!! Why? Because our brain, as has been said more than once, does not distinguish the difference between the real world and the imaginary world. If you have replayed something in your head many times, then at the moment of realizing it, you no longer feel that it is something too special. Or that it was so scary to do it. For example, have you imagined how many times you went on stage and experienced (real) fear and nerves? You have done this so many times in your head that at the moment of this event, it seems that not everything turned out to be so scary.


For some time you will live your desire and see her in everything. You will be haunted by a feeling of inspiration and joy that this is truly yours. This is such a special feeling and difficult to describe. You can speed up this process if you use special techniques for this. You can also sign up for training 3-week training in wish fulfillment techniques. This is very powerful training.

In this article, we talked about one component that makes wishes come true. You can develop such a state—the state of “impregnation”—through meditation and performing special techniques through it. Actually, in this article I gave you all the recommendations. Then everything depends on you. So it was, so it is and so it will always be.

I wish you that your wishes really come true. So that you feel some kind of magical state. And, of course, may you always be lucky!!!


Positive psychology 14.12.2013

Dear readers, probably each of us often makes wishes, right? Whether they come true or not is another question. We probably all want our desires to coincide with those wishes that we hear from loved ones or simply say them to ourselves.

But once you make a wish, what happens in the end? Do they often come true for us? Today on the blog I want to talk about techniques for making wishes come true. Perhaps some of you are familiar with them, perhaps some information will be completely new to you. In any case, this topic, in my opinion, is worthy for us to expand our thinking horizons a little and become a little children, a little wizards...

This is especially important for us now, during the New Year holidays.
In the bustle of passing days, we do not notice how a holiday is approaching us, beloved not only by children, but also by many adults. Some kind of array of a decorated Christmas tree, a festive menu and upcoming fun, it looms ahead, imperceptibly getting closer and closer. And even those who are not supporters of such celebrations and, perhaps, do not accept the festive hype, feasts and fun, still love this holiday. For what? Of course, for its symbolism and magic.

Looking back at our childhood, we understand why in our subconscious the New Year is associated with something fabulous and magical. After all, this period is a time of desires, as well as hopes and faith. The very first confirmation of this is the tradition of making wishes during the chimes. You are probably not only familiar with this, but have also ever tried, closing your eyes and clutching a glass of champagne in your hand, to say your desire to yourself. The same treasured one. And for a moment, an unshakable confidence settled in you that your wish would definitely come true, because you want it so much! And guess what? We were very close to the truth. But we'll talk about this a little later.

And what are children's aspirations to receive a long-awaited gift worth? After all, the good wizard Santa Claus will definitely bring a New Year's surprise.

One way or another, the period of the New Year holidays is the time when this magic of magic and the general “desirable” mood is just in the air. More pragmatic people expect gifts from their loved ones; some even know what they will receive. And those in whom, no matter what, believe in those same fabulous miracles, hope that their cherished desire will be fulfilled by fate itself.

But a considerable part of people believe that everything that is wished for will definitely come true - you just need to be able to make wishes. On this basis, there are many techniques for fulfilling desires, which, according to reviews of those who have tried them, almost always work.

People thought about how to make their wishes come true many centuries ago. Confirmation of this is all kinds of conspiracies and rituals. Many of them, having changed slightly, have survived to this day and are today successfully used by those who believe in their functionality. But we are most likely not talking about magic or religious faith. Modern esotericists argue that the main driving force for the fulfillment of a desire is the person himself, or rather his desire to receive what he has wished for. Having correctly formulated and directed this desire into the Universe, we have every chance of receiving a response.

The best techniques for making wishes come true

There are hundreds of recipes and techniques for making wishes come true.
Some of them are aimed at specific desires (money, love, material values), while others assume abstract concepts of “success” and “happiness” as goals.

Simoron School

These techniques are funny and even humorous. The main point is to approach life lightly and with a smile on your face. A prerequisite is that we carry out the ritual and believe unshakably in its fulfillment. As an example, I will give one of the money rituals.

Green socks are a ritual to attract money.

So, we take green “money” colored socks and wash them to wash away all the previous information. After drying, we put a banknote of any denomination in each sock, saying “Charge yourself with money!” Next, take a blank sheet of paper and visualize your desire on it. Yes, yes, we will not just ask for money, we will ask for what we want to get for this very money, which is still not enough. For example, a new computer, a car or a tour to an exotic island.

We write our desire on the sheet, and in the form of a statement: “I’m going to the Maldives!” You can even paste a photo of the resort itself for greater persuasiveness. All that remains is to place the sheet with the wish on the windowsill so that the moonlight falls on it at night, and put your “money” socks on top. At the same time, do not forget to say: “The moon wakes up - the wish comes true, the moon rises - money comes.”

In the morning, hide the piece of paper in a safe place and do not forget to periodically take it out and admire it, repeating the words about the fulfillment of your wish. And the bills removed from socks must be exchanged on that very day - this is how the ritual is activated. That's all. Put on your charged green socks more often and most importantly, believe that the Universe has already begun to work on making your desire come true.

Wish card.

The essence of the technique: everything is written in the present tense and pictures are selected - your desires, dreams.

How to apply everything?

On a piece of Whatman paper you need to write your desires, or rather plans and intentions. An accurate message is definitely needed. That is, you need to say not “I want”, but “I started/bought/made”, etc.

They usually place their own photograph in the center, and around it are wishes (“I bought a car,” “I’m healthy,” “I’m married”). It’s good to complement your wishes with illustrations - an image of a car/wedding/resort can be found in old magazines. Hang everything in a visible place so that it is in front of your eyes all the time. It’s not difficult to do, and everything works, you just have to believe it!

Notebook 100 days.

In a notebook or notebook you need to count one hundred pages and on the last one write your desires, again in an affirmative form and as a fait accompli. Every day we need to describe on each new page of the notebook the actions that we did to implement our plans; you can simply describe your day and mood. This technique is directly aimed at awakening determination. After all, by programming ourselves for success, we subconsciously try with all our might to achieve it. The Universe will definitely react to such active actions.

Technique for fulfilling wishes “Glass of water”

Many consider this technique to be one of the most powerful and effective. There is something in it from the ancient rituals of charming water, but the author of its modern interpretation belongs to Vadim Zeland. You know about my love for transurfing, so I will dwell in more detail on this technique of fulfilling desires. How to apply everything?

We write down a wish on a piece of paper, which we formalize in the form of a fact that has come true: “I am healthy and happy. Illnesses pass me by. My body works without failures or disturbances.” Place a glass of water on this piece of paper (preferably melted water or spring water). Then, rubbing our hands, we try to feel our energy between our palms, something like a ball. We concentrate and place our hands around the glass of water placed on the sheet with the desire. So we seem to charge it with our energy.

Do not forget to concentrate on your desire all this time and repeat it, mentally visualizing it. Next, just drink water. The ritual must be performed in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed. Vadim Zeland claims that the intention will definitely be realized.

By the way, I would like to draw an analogy between this technique and the widely known New Year’s ritual. After all, holding a glass of champagne in our hand as the chimes strike, we also make a secret wish and, with faith that it will come true, drink the contents of the glass. And if you also take into account the magical transition from one time to another and the energy of universal wishes simply floating in the atmosphere, you can safely hope that the magic of the ritual will work. The main thing is to believe.

Tibetan wish fulfillment techniques

The wisdom of Tibet is known to everyone. The main thing that makes Tibetan techniques stand out is the pronunciation of specific mantras. They are considered a sacred text and involve precise proclamation of sounds with full concentration. For greater effectiveness, they are recommended to be pronounced in specific phases of the moon and a specific number of times. It is believed that they contain a sacred meaning and, together with correctly directed energy, they have the most powerful power.

You know, I've been lucky in life. Fate gave me a meeting with a Tibetan monk. This was last summer. I won’t write the details, I simply can’t for many reasons, but a very remarkable event really happened. I saw all these rituals.

The main conditions for performing wish fulfillment techniques.

  • The wish you make should not be harmful. To no one and nothing. These are the conditions for harmonious existence in the Universe, which rewards good only upon a kind request. And there is a certain bright hope in this or some unspoken law of life - do only good, wish only good.
  • Unshakable faith that your wish will come true. And even the feeling that what was dreamed has already come true. According to psychologists, in this way we configure our subconscious to perform all possible actions and measures that will ultimately lead to that very cherished goal.

How can one not recall the famous phrase of Kozma Prutkov “If you want to be happy, be happy”? And also the saying that “everything is in our hands.” It’s probably no coincidence that these expressions have become popular.

How to make a wish? Alexander Sviyash.

I suggest watching the video. Psychologist Alexander Sviyash talks about this very simply and clearly. Pay attention to all the subtleties. I always listen to him with pleasure.

Dear readers, we would all like to wish you only faith in yourself. And the Universe will definitely hear us. And on New Year’s Eve you should definitely try one of the techniques for making wishes come true. Perhaps create your own. And may the magical moment of the birth of the first new day in the coming year become for you a confident step towards goodness, happiness and prosperity.

Happiness to everyone, may our wishes come true! Believe in it - everything will be exactly like this!

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Desires have no days off.
R. Burton

Do you know that if a desire is not fulfilled, then there is something inside you that prevents the fulfillment of this desire? And this something is a conglomerate of your feelings, thoughts, emotions, bodily reactions, which, having been digested, have become your beliefs, dogmas and postulates, so to speak, the ultimate truth. You may not realize this, but once you made a decision based on certain external and internal stimuli, and this decision was “cemented” inside, sprouted into your essence and now controls you and your life. Moreover, this happened at such an early age that one can only remember these decisions under hypnosis.

So it turns out that our desires are not fulfilled because of ourselves.

This thought constantly caught my eye, persistently thrust itself into reality, leading to a kind of stupor, because it was not clear how to remember and cancel these decisions and finally achieve what I wanted.

I read and read various texts on this topic, studied methods and techniques of NLP programming, tried simoron and the technique of immersion in the “magic city”. But this did not give any effect, and the question: “How? How can I finally make my wish come true?” - stood before me in all his doomed-searching splendor.

No man can outwit his deepest desires. He can only pretend that he has outsmarted them. – F. Werfel

Not long ago I started playing games with my subconscious again, and decided on another experiment. Having found this method on the Internet, I was skeptical about it at first. But, after various mixed reviews, I decided to go through the experiment on my own, so as not to give strangers’ opinions about it.

The technique turned out to be as simple as a Siberian felt boot. But, at the same time, it is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

The technique is to write down your most desired desires in a notebook with your own hand, everything that is necessary to say that life is a success. What you really need for a happy life.

I will not describe the technique of formulating desires; there is plenty of information on this issue.

But it will be more effective to go a little from the “other side” and write down everything that interferes with the fulfillment of your desires, the absence of which in every possible way drives you into depression, melancholy and hopelessness, everything that bothers you and, in general, makes your desire unfulfillable.

It's simple.

We take a notebook and write. I decided to take the second path and write what I lack in my life so that I can honestly say to myself that life is a success.

The stupor began with the formulation of a desire, not only was it necessary to formulate a desire based on the principles of formulation, but also some desires turned out to be somehow “not worthy” to be written. I took the experiment completely seriously, so I decided not to scatter myself and write down five of my most cherished desires.

Desires are necessary to keep life in constant motion. – S. Johnson

It must be said that a handwritten recording has a huge fusion with the subconscious, essentially being a command to the subconscious that begins to be executed immediately. Therefore, think several times before writing down your desire, you can even try a pen, just as if “agreeing” with the subconscious that this, so to speak, is an incomplete version of your desire and you are “working” on the wording.

The subconscious is conservative, and it does not immediately “run” to carry out all the commands of the conscious mind, since the commands for it are external and usually do not bring anything good. Therefore, the subconscious seems to be trying to circumvent this tendency, offering options for writing desires on a computer, in an electronic notepad, or even limiting itself to a thought experiment. Accordingly, the commands then become less explicit, or even not taken into account at all.

So just paper and pen.

When you try to write wishes, you will feel a certain barrier, and the desire that you so wanted to be fulfilled becomes a threat to your peace of mind, which makes you think whether you need to write it at all.

This subconscious mind leaves itself a loophole in order to verify the truth of what it wants. After all, if we do everything that our consciousness wants, which is subjected to information attacks every second, the action of the hormonal system, emotions and feelings, this is a direct path to self-destruction.

Direct commands to the subconscious always lead to a reformatting of a person’s inner world, and this cannot be ignored. The subconscious will never give us what we want without changing anything in a person’s self-image. Moreover, a person will eventually get what he wants, but only this will happen in such a roundabout way that various logical conclusions are powerless here. It can be such a series of accidents, absurdities and troubles that it defies any logic, and, what’s most unpleasant, a person can get scared and give up what he really wanted.

Imagine a train that is designed to pick up speed almost at lightning speed, and the trigger is some kind of energy that pushes the engine forward. And so the train, subject to the impulse of energy and the force of the engine, rushes to a certain point at the end of the journey. And then the driver sees a huge wall in front of him, gets scared and pulls the stop valve. What will happen to the train? At best, he will remain intact to move on, but inside the train everything will be broken and spoiled.

So it is with our desires. Written by hand on paper, they are the energy that pushes the train forward. And if you get scared and decide that your desire is no longer what you need, then you can imagine what will happen. Therefore, if you wish, then wish to the end!

Have you noticed that other people, as if playfully, get what you just can’t get? While you are striving with all your might, it seems that this is it, what you want is nearby, just stretch out your hand, but something constantly happens that interferes with the fulfillment of your desire. This something is precisely those very beliefs, postulates and dogmas, those decisions that we once accepted as true. And when you decide to roll back a desire, based on the decisions you once made, the subconscious gives its owner a hell of a headache. And if you decide again, using various techniques, to start the mechanism of fulfillment of desires, then the subconscious mind will organize a cross-country race without any chance at all of getting what you want.

So, handwriting is a prerequisite for this technique, and when you write something for yourself, you get the feeling of something shameful, sometimes stupid, and generally nonsense that you want to quickly throw out or not do. This subconscious mind “protects” a person from rash desires, since, I repeat, writing your desire by hand is a direct command for fulfillment.

Another condition of this technique is not to wish for money, since money is not an independent subject, and basically all of it is needed to buy the necessary thing, travel, repair and other things. Therefore, you need to make plans for repairs, a trip, a thing, but not money.

You also don’t need to arrange a fun life for yourself and impose any restrictions. “If I find a new job, I’ll definitely go to the gym,” “If I have an apartment, then I’ll constantly gather friends together,” “If the business goes wrong, I’ll get drunk.” These are self-limiting additional programs that block the fulfillment of desires. You promised in the heat of the moment, but you don’t want to fulfill it, for example, you don’t want to go to the gym, do you think your wish will come true?

And don't include other people in your desires. At least try. That is, “I want to marry Vasya” will not work. Family and children, happiness in marriage and family life - this is your formulation.

If everything is done correctly, you get an instruction for the subconscious, which will begin to be executed immediately, if not for the very beliefs that we talked about at the beginning. Therefore, under each desire it is necessary to write various “blocking” phrases, beliefs, postulates, opinions that interfere with the fulfillment of this desire; let’s call them blocks for brevity. We write down these blocks under each desire, and do not get distracted by anything else.

For example: “I want to get married.” Blocks: a) I’m fat, and they don’t marry fat people, b) I don’t know how to cook, but then I’ll have to, c) I’m afraid to give birth, and without children a family is not a family, d) I’m afraid that he will cheat on me and I’ll be left alone with children in my arms, d) I’m afraid that he will drink, but now he only seems good. I think the meaning is clear.

Further, a necessary condition for this technique is its regularity. It is advisable to write blocking beliefs under each desire every day for one month. Don’t give up after a couple of days, as if everything is clear, but go through to the end.

So, how did I go through this experiment myself?

1 Week. Having written all my wishes on separate sheets of paper in a notebook, I formulated all the blocks that were lying on the surface, it turned out quite cheerful and voluminous. During the week, I filled up quite a decent amount of the notebook, but the blocks did not end, and I, inspired and in joyful anticipation, was going to go through the remaining weeks at the same pace. Basically, the most superficial block about the lack of what I wanted in my life rested on money. For every “I want,” the first block was: “There is no money for this,” and for the second, “I want,” and for the third. The intensity of desires did not weaken, and everything came easy.

Week 2. The block in the form “There is no money for this” was no longer quoted, because it was immediately followed by the question: “Why don’t you have money?” And the excavation of rubble began to answer this question. Old grievances and complexes began to open up like ulcers. Blocks from childhood began to appear, a self-destruction program emerged, something like “I am unworthy to live on earth and should not have appeared at all.” Attacks of aggression and wild irritability began; everyone seemed to be enemies who needed to be destroyed. I tried to look at all this as if it were a movie, as if not participating in it, but simply watching from the sidelines. After all, when you watch a movie, it does not oblige you to anything, you are not a participant, you are an observer. I realized that if there is no money (naturally, in an amount that would suit me), that means that other people do not want to give it to me (we do not take salary into account). And questions of a different kind arose, why people don’t want to give them to me.

Week 3: the blocks suddenly ended and went around the second circle. The wording is different - the essence is the same. Block on the experiment itself and the thought that this is all a waste of time and nothing will change. Reluctance to write and return to it again. The level of panic and chaos inside has increased, sociopathy and increased excitability are developing with the transition to aggression. Devaluation of yourself and the desires you wrote. I'm tired of writing blocks every evening, I want to stop the experiment. Pull the stop valve. Dead end. Self-sabotage. Excuses. Reluctance to look into oneself in depth.

4 week. Second wind. The feeling of endless repetition of the same actions. Blocks upon blocks appeared. For example, in response to the block “I’m not worthy of this,” another block “I’m worthy of this, but...” immediately appears. The blocks that pop up are not true. The feeling that the blocks are concentrated on the surface and it is impossible to dive deeper. The body resists. I want and don’t want to finish the experiment quickly. Fear that the experiment will solve my problem because it opens my eyes. Something that I had not noticed before becomes obvious. Experiment is an antivirus program that finds and destroys those that threaten the operation of the system. The antivirus is working. Insight with money. I understood why my relationship with them did not work out. The feeling that I was never able to grasp the main thing that stretches from childhood and relationships with the world through parents / Rod. The main thing is hiding in the depths of the subconscious and does not want to be pulled out into the light of day.

Last days of the experiment. The decision to extend for another week, in a vain attempt to pull out programs going back to early childhood. Did not work out. Desires “deflated” like a balloon, and it no longer matters whether they will come true at all.

We rarely fully understand what we really want. – F. La Rochefoucauld

General feeling from the experiment: All those parental attitudes come up, fateful scenes from early childhood, where certain postulates were instilled in me that I lived by all my life. Powerful programs. NOT the opportunity to fall completely “deep”, as if there was a wall there and it was beyond my control. Everything superficial has flown away. Inner maturation. Understanding that it was I myself who once chose these beliefs and still live by them. Fatigue. There was an understanding that I had been looking for one thing all my life, in different ways. And it persistently knocked on my door and waited for me to open it.

Leveling of interpersonal relationships, and it is not clear what to do now without all this husk.

Result: Some desires “fell off” during the experiment; two months after the end of the experiment, two more began to be realized. And with virtually no effort on my part. The subconscious removed and destroyed those blocks that stood and did not allow the desire to come true. Moreover, the mechanism of this destruction is still not clear. But this is not important, what is important is that something that has hindered life for years and required a solution as a result of a short experiment has earned the right to life. I know for sure that I will go through it again.

There is a final phase in the experiment. But if you voice it here, it will break the whole process. I invite everyone who took the risk of taking the experiment and conscientiously wrote out the blocks for a month to request a text from me with the final phase.

I just want to warn you that it is undesirable to find out what is in the final phase of the experiment before it is completed, because otherwise everything will turn out to be ineffective.

The experiment will be effective once or twice, but it is a fairly powerful technique for fulfilling desires. I advise you to try it and your life will quickly and easily begin to change for the better.

P.S. I have a mini-guide describing the technique of making wishes come true, which you can download and save to your phone, computer, print and read at a convenient time -

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