Photos from the end of the school year. Let's end the school year with humor: photo selection

The school year is over,
Summer is quickly coming to us!
What I congratulate you on
And, of course, I wish
Don't lose knowledge
Don't forget anything
Relax, gain strength,
To be successful again
Next academic year
No worries and no hassle!
Let summer be happy
Bright, colorful, beautiful!

The academic year has ended -
On vacation! Forward!
Relax, have fun,
By September, gain strength.

A sea of ​​entertainment awaits you,
And miracles and adventures.
Let this summer bring
Lots of joy and light.

Take care of your health,
Get better, grow up
To start magically
New school year!

Congratulations on the end of the school year! For everyone it was different, for some it was a life lesson, a new discovery, important events, for others it was another portion of knowledge, skills, abilities; simple or complex, but for everyone and everyone, full of reflections, conclusions, plans. Let the time of rest and reboot not be in vain, but let everyone return strong, healthy, beautiful, ready for a new start.

The school year has flown by,
There were many achievements
New knowledge, important things,
A sea of ​​joyful moments!

We wish everyone to develop,
So as not to stand still,
Return to school together
To learn science!

The school year has come to an end,
There are a lot of things to do during the holidays:
Relax, sunbathe, take a walk
And also visit the sea.

Happy end of the school year!
The mood is only magical,
Optimism, fun, friends
And beautiful cloudless days.

The school year has passed
Let him take with him -
Unsolved problems
And tests to boot.

Those lessons that are boring
You don't need them anymore.
From home exercises
Rest without regrets.

Don't waste time in summer
Enjoy, relax.
But with the arrival of September,
School is waiting for you again!

The school year has flown by
There was a lot of trouble in it,
You tried, you weren’t lazy,
They studied as best they could.

Summer is ahead of you,
Everyone must gain strength,
So that with new inspiration,
Come to the exercises in September.

The school year has ended
And summer is ahead.
We wish you very colorful
You have time to spend!

May your holiday be fabulous
And every day is fun.
And then, with renewed vigor,
Let's go to school!

Holidays again - a year is over,
There are many good things ahead.
Games, jokes, joyful laughter,
Beaches, hikes, accomplishments, success.
Cool I wish you all a rest,
So that by the fall you will be drawn to school.

Hooray! The school year has passed!
He had so many worries.
They gave all their strength to study,
We didn't rest at all.

Thanks to all teachers
For your kindness and attention!
See you again in September.
In the meantime, school - goodbye!

The school year is over
He was complex and strict,
Now you can relax
Vacations - go!

We don't need an alarm clock
Textbooks, notebooks,
You can throw the backpack,
It's sweet to sleep until lunchtime.

Go to the river
With beloved friends,
Long live the holidays
How long have we been waiting for you!

Lyudmila Malivanova

Behind academic year, how many worries he had -

Teachers' councils, master classes, other things are a whirlwind!

The year flew by unnoticed, and, summing up,

We state: success (We still love ourselves).

Happy summer to all of you Congratulations, From my heart I wish you

Spend it usefully, like flowers blooming (Olga Gracheva maam. RU.11.06.2013)

Such a wish and congratulations on the end of the school year, we presented the teaching staff of our kindergarten.

We are children and group teachers"Beryozka" attending the "Magic Square" club

(teaching children origami techniques).

Postcards were presented at the last final teachers' meeting. (I regret that I didn’t take pictures of everything postcards, for all the teachers, we have 25 of them in the garden)

I present to you children's master class on making a greeting card.

To make a pencil, take a rectangle of single-sided colored paper, the size of which will determine the size of the pencil. We place the rectangle with the white side up and bend a thin strip, about 1 centimeter, with the colored side up.

Fold the rectangle in half along the long side.

On the colored side of the rectangle, we bend two opposite corners to the central fold line, and we get two triangles to the right and left of the fold line.

We re-fold the triangles, bending them at the center line, they have become narrower and longer.

We turn the resulting workpiece over with the white side up and bend it; if you folded it lengthwise before, now you need to do it across, like this.

We turn the workpiece over again and fold the strip along the long side towards the center, on the right and left, i.e. on both sides. And so that the craft holds and does not unfold, we put one side to the other, like in a pocket, and you can glue it on top.

Our pencils are ready, now we need to make a pencil holder so they don’t get lost.

I won’t describe how to make a pencil holder, it’s an ordinary paper cup that we all fold since childhood.

This is what we got cards for kindergarten teachers.

And you, dear colleagues, I Congratulations on the end of the school year.

I wish you health, further creative success, and a good summer holiday!

Publications on the topic:

There is very little time left until the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day! I offer the simplest and at the same time original postcard.

The long-awaited Spring has arrived. And although the weather is not yet very pleasing to us with warm and sunny days, our souls are light and festive.

Wall newspaper "Greeting card for March 8th for all women in kindergarten" Goal: create a wall newspaper for March 8th! Tasks: develop small.

Good afternoon I bring to your attention a master class on making a greeting card for mom. Mom is the dearest, the most beloved, the most.

Good afternoon colleagues. The holidays are not over yet, you can still congratulate your friends with a postcard, which I want to bring to your attention.

Warm. Sun. Can't sit at home. Poems are not memorized, examples are not solved, vocabulary words are not crammed... When you hear the word “school,” yawning and nervous scratching of the head begin. All these are signs of the end of the school year, during which we had to gnaw and gnaw at this granite of science brought here by someone unknown. Moreover, they gnawed everything, but it still did not shrink. Let's treat with humor what cannot be changed. The holidays are just around the corner, I want to breathe out and relax. Happy end of the school year, dear schoolchildren!

Our selection of photo jokes about what happened to us and our children during the school year. Surely there are similar stories in every family archive, let's share.

We celebrated the first of September something like this. No, of course, most people are happy to meet their classmates, but at the mention of homework, early morning rises and school lunches, yawning takes precedence over other emotional manifestations.

- Tell me, Vovochka, what subject do you like best at school?
- Ringing, dad!

- Children, you need to sit quietly at school, if you want to ask something, raise your hand.
Vovochka holds out her hand.
- Do you want to ask something, Vovochka?
- No, I'm just checking how the system works.

While children are whining “I don’t want to, I won’t go...”, parents are rejoicing at the breath of freedom.

How we do our homework

The lessons were invented in order to quarrel between parents and children.

What is the most important thing in learning to read? Of course, the teaching method...

At the meeting, Marivanna said to watch your posture. That's right! Watch your posture!

I taught my son lessons... The only thing worse than gluing wallpaper with my wife!

Doing homework with mom is not at all like doing homework with dad...

... I used to think that the worst thing was learning lessons. Now I understand that the worst thing is to learn lessons with your child: you don’t remember half of them, and you don’t know the rest.

Lessons done! The son is deaf. The mother became hoarse. The neighbors learned it by heart. The dog retold.

If you want to remain a loving mother and an adequate neighbor, entrust the checkup to your cat))

Notebooks and diaries are a chronicle of school life

Complaints about bad handwriting, illiterate expression of one’s thoughts and other “side” effects of modern society are just a statement of fact; teachers have already learned to live with it.

A boy raised by bloggers drove his teacher into hysterics with comments in his diary.

Our black and white memories

School years are wonderful. And, unfortunately, they fly by very quickly. We begin to understand this only when school days with their difficulties and joys are a thing of the past, and they are replaced by new “adult” problems that require making responsible decisions.

Now we remember with a smile the “ancient” school bags and briefcases, school uniforms, collection of waste paper and scrap metal, political information, yard games, cleanup days... But for the schoolchildren of that time these were the same everyday life, filled with their own sorrows and joys, experiences and anxieties, laughter and tears, friendship and trembling feelings.

What do you think these schoolchildren are doing? This is how they escaped the scorching sun.

They still hand over waste paper today, but before everything was somehow more fun, more exciting or something...

You can’t scare the pioneers with spring cleaning, not like today’s schoolchildren...

Dear adults! Take the time to find your school album and tell your children about the time when you were schoolchildren. Such memories bring closer, closer and strengthen the family. We begin to look at many things differently, many little things that seem like a stumbling block are not worth it at all... Let's keep pleasant images from school life in our memory, let's not dwell on failures and difficulties. Let your studies and memories of it be a joy!

Before you scold your child, remember yourself at his age. Hug, pat on the head, kiss - and go drink your valerian.

Dear schoolchildren, mothers and fathers, grandparents, teachers and all those whose everyday life is in one way or another connected with school. Congratulations on the end of the school year! We wish you good memories of school and, most importantly, a great holiday to gain strength and meet the new school year with joy, positively, and with a thirst for new knowledge. And don’t forget, you still have to write an essay “How I spent my summer”! Let the summer be bright so that there is something to tell the teacher about...

The school year, as usual, was bright and eventful, and came to an end completely unexpectedly. We know that you and your students will remember this year with many joyful moments. It brought victories to many and helped them take an important step towards achieving their goals.

We offer you interesting ideas that will help you finish the school year brightly and leave positive memories for the whole summer!

Ideas waiting for summer

1. Counting the days until the holidays

Display a student-created tear-off calendar in your classroom. You will need thick cardboard with a colorful themed design and attached sheets of paper with numbers indicating the number of days until summer. Sheets can be attached with double-sided tape, buttons or using PVA glue.

Advice: You can use balloons instead of a tear-off calendar. Playing with balls can be turned into a daily ritual. At the beginning of the day, the attendants inflate the balloon, write on it with a marker how many days are left until the holidays, paint and decorate it. At the end of the day, you can ceremoniously burst the balloon.

2. We remember the outgoing school year

Create a memory board. Each student can hang a sticker on it with a short description of a bright event of the outgoing year. For example: “I won the math olympiad!”, “I went to the concert of my favorite band.”

The children will be interested in sharing their memories and reading about the achievements of their classmates.

3. Prepare unusual cards

To make your postcard interesting, prepare portraits of schoolchildren in profile, in which the students say something or even shout. Cut out the photo and paste it onto colored cardstock. Next to it, glue a blank made of white sheet, similar to the inserts that are used in comics to convey the thoughts of the hero.

4. Decorating the classroom like summer

Use summer themed supplies that you or your students can bring from home to decorate your classroom. These could be seashells, an old fan, summer themed books. The main thing is not to overdo it, because the children may get distracted and forget that the school year is not over yet.

Creative ideas for the last class hour

1. Conduct a hit parade of knowledge

Give the guys blank sheets of paper and ask them to make their own TOP 10. Each item on the list is an interesting topic or simply a fact that the student learned in class or while preparing homework. For example: “I discovered Bunin’s work”, “I learned how to make pointers in technology lessons”, “I learned the multiplication table”, “I learned that the platypus has no stomach!”

2. Preparing a time capsule

This idea is as old as time, but every year it becomes more and more popular. Preparing a time capsule is exciting and captivating for both first-graders and graduates. Let us remind you that a time capsule is a message to the future, addressed to yourself or to schoolchildren of the future. The simplest and most durable capsule format is a plastic bottle or container, and its contents are a letter with a message and greetings from the past.

Advice: Add small souvenirs or symbolic gifts to the capsule. You can also put a flash drive with photos or a video message there.

3. We write a message to our successors

This idea is similar to a time capsule, but is different due to a number of features. The idea is simple - the guys write a message to schoolchildren who are a year younger and will take their place next year.

4. Preparing a plan for the summer

To make your summer vacation eventful and memorable, you need to approach its planning responsibly. Help the children prepare their own vacation plan, in which they can include their wishes and dreams.

By the way, we give all participants of competitions and olympiads colorful preparations for their personal plan for the summer. Participants can print it out and write down the most important tasks and plans there.

Photo ideas for the holiday lineup

1. Create “talking” photographs

You can have a fun photo shoot using our templates. Download and print them. Let the kids choose the template they like best.

2. Capture your feat in a photo

Perhaps, for every student, the school year is a challenge and test that gives him many pleasant emotions. Help the children feel the joy that another test in their school life is behind them, and they coped with it with dignity.

Conduct a photo shoot with our photo templates.

3. Make up a class motto

Come up with a class motto or slogan for the outgoing school year. Compose it from our template letters and take an original group photo. Each student can hold one or two letters.

4. Use your favorite chalkboard

An original photo session can be held right in the classroom. To do this, you need to decorate the school board with thematic drawings. If your students study in a specialized class, for example physics and mathematics, you can use formulas, drawings and diagrams as drawings. It is better to take pictures in front of the board separately, with parents and teacher, or in small groups of 3-4 people.

Advice: Join us in our video flash mob “Last Call 2017”. All participants will be able to convey congratulations on the end of the school year to teachers and students around the world, and we will prepare memorable awards for everyone. We remind you that participation is voluntary and free!

Topic to talk: We hope you will use our tips. But perhaps you have your own, original, proven way to diversify the last day of the school year. Would you like to share?

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