Harry Potter complete collection. The original Harry Potter books

Audio: Lossless

Duration: 0

Track list:

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone: FLAC: 01:13:34
Composer: John Williams

01. Prologue (02:12)
02. Harry's Wondrous World (05:21)
03. The Arrival Of Baby Harry (04:25)
04. Visit To The Zoo And Letters From Hogwarts (03:23)
05. Diagon Alley And The Gringotts Vault (04:06)
06. Platform Nine-And-Three-Quarters And The Journey To Hogwarts (03:14)
07. Entry Into The Great Hall And The Banquet (03:42)
08.Mr. Longbottom Flies (03:35)
09. Hogwarts Forever! And The Moving Stairs (03:46)
10. The Norwegian Ridgeback And A Change Of Season (02:47)
11. The Quidditch Match (08:29)
12. Christmas At Hogwarts (02:56)
13. The Invisibility Cloak And The Library Scene (03:16)
14. Fluffy's Harp (02:39)
15. In The Devil's Snare And The Flying Keys (02:21)
16. The Chess Game (03:49)
17. The Face Of Voldemort (06:10)
18. Leaving Hogwarts (02:14)
19. Hedwig's Theme (05:11)

II. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: 2002: FLAC: 01:10:17
Composer: John Williams

01. Prologue: Book II and The Escape From The Dursleys (03:31)
02. Fawkes The Phoenix (03:45)
03. The Chamber of Secrets (03:49)
04. Gilderoy Lockhart (02:05)
05. The Flying Car (04:08)
06. Knockturn Alley (01:47)
07. Introducing Colin (01:49)
08. The Dueling Club (04:08)
09. Dobby The House Elf (03:27)
10. The Spiders (04:32)
11. Moaning Myrtle (02:05)
12. Meeting Aragog (03:18)
13. Fawkes Is Reborn (03:19)
14. Meeting Tom Riddle (03:38)
15. Cornish Pixies (02:13)
16. Polyjuice Potion (03:52)
17. Cakes For Crabbe and Goyle (03:30)
18. Dueling The Basilisk (05:02)
19. Reunion Of Friends (05:08)
20. Harry's Wondrous World (05:02)

III. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: FLAC: 01:08:36
Composer: John Williams

01. Lumos! (Hedwig's Theme) (01:38)
02. Aunt Marge's Waltz (02:15)
03. The Knight Bus (02:52)
04. Apparition on the Train (02:15)
05. Double Trouble (01:37)
06. Buckbeak's Flight (02:08)
07. A Window to the Past (03:54)
08. The Whomping Willow and the Snowball Fight (02:22)
09. Secrets of the Castle (02:32)
10. The Portrait Gallery (02:06)
11. Hagrid the Professor (01:59)
12. Monster Books and Boggarts! (02:27)
13. Quidditch, Third Year (03:47)
14. Lupin's Transformation and Chasing Scabbers (03:02)
15. The Patronus Light (01:13)
16. The Werewolf Scene (04:25)
17. Saving Buckbeak (06:40)
18. Forward to Time Past (02:34)
19. The Dementors Converge (03:13)
20. Finale (03:25)
21. Mischief Managed! (12:11)

IV. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire:: FLAC: 01:15:13
Composer: Patrick Doyle

01. The Story Continues (01:29)
02. Frank Dies (02:10)
03. The Quidditch World Cup (01:52)
04. The Dark Mark (03:26)
05. Foreign Visitors Arrive (01:29)
06. The Goblet of Fire (03:22)
07. Rita Skeeter (01:41)
08. Sirius Fire (01:59)
09. Harry Sees Dragons (01:53)
10. Golden Egg (06:10)
11. Neville's Waltz (02:09)
12. Harry in Winter (02:54)
13. Potter Waltz (02:19)
14. Underwater Secrets (02:26)
15. The Black Lake (04:37)
16. Hogwart's March (02:44)
17. The Maze (04:42)
18. Voldemort (09:38)
19. Death of Cedric (01:56)
20. Another Year Ends (02:19)
21. Hogwart's Hymn (02:56)
22. Do the Hippogriff (03:37)
23. This is the Night (03:22)
24. Magic Works (04:02)

V. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: FLAC: 00:53:47
Composer: Nicholas Hooper

01. Fireworks (01:46)
02. Professor Umbridge (02:33)
03. Another Story (02:38)
04. Dementors in the Underpass (01:43)
05. Dumbledore's Army (02:40)
06. Hall of Prophecy (04:26)
07. Possession (03:19)
08. The Room of Requirement (06:08)
09. The Kiss (01:56)
10. A Journey to Hogwarts (02:53)
11. The Sirius Deception (02:34)
12. Death of Sirius (03:57)
13. Umbridge Spoils a Beautiful Morning (02:39)
14. Darkness Takes Over (02:57)
15. The Ministry of Magic (02:47)
16. The Sacking of Trelawney (02:13)
17. Flight of the Order of the Phoenix (01:32)
18. Loved Ones and Leaving (03:16)

VI. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: FLAC: 01:02:53
Composer: Nicholas Hooper

01. Opening (02:54)
02. In Noctem (02:00)
03. The Story Begins (02:05)
04. Ginny (01:30)
05. Snape & The Unbreakable Vow (02:50)
06. Wizard Wheezes (01:42)
07. Dumbledore's Speech (01:31)
08. Living Death (01:55)
09. Into The Pensieve (01:45)
10. The Book (01:44)
11. Ron's Victory (01:44)
12. Harry & Hermione (02:52)
13. School! (01:05)
14. Malfoy's Mission (02:53)
15. The Slug Party (02:11)
16. Into The Rushes (02:33)
17. Farewell Aragog (02:08)
18. Dumbledore's Foreboding (01:18)
19. Of Love & War (01:17)
20. When Ginny Kissed Harry (02:38)
21. Slughorn's Confession (03:33)
22. Journey To The Cave (03:08)
23. The Drink Of Despair (02:44)
24. Inferi In The Firestorm (01:53)
25. The Killing Of Dumbledore (03:34)
26. Dumbledore's Farewell (02:22)
27. The Friends (02:00)
28. The Weasley Stomp (02:51)

VII. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1: FLAC: 01:13:56

CD 1
02. Snape to Malfoy Manor
03. Polyjuice Potion
04. Sky Battle
05. At The Burrow
06. Harry and Ginny
07. The Will
08. Death Eaters
09. Dobby
10. Ministry of Magic
11. Detonators
12. The Locket
13. Fireplaces Escape
14. Ron Leaves
15. The Exodus
16. Godric's Hollow Graveyard
17. Bathilda Bagshot
18. Hermione's Parents
19. Destroying the Locket
20. Ron's Speech
22. The Deathly Hallows
23. Captured and Tortured
24. Rescuing Hermione
25. Farewell to Dobby
26. The Elder Wand

CD 2
01. Voldemort
02. Grimmauld Place
03. The Dumbledores
04. The Tale Of The Three Brothers
05. Bellatrix
06. My Love Is Always There

VIII. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2: FLAC: 01:08:09
Composer: Alexandre Desplat

01. Lily's Theme
02. The Tunnel
04. Gringotts
05. Dragon Flight
07. A New Headmaster
08. Panic Inside Hogwarts
09. Statues
10. The Gray Lady
11. In the Chamber of Secrets
13. The Diadem
14. Broomsticks and Fire
15. Courtyard Apocalypse
16. Snape's Demise
17. Severus and Lily
18. Harry's Sacrifice
19. The Resurrection Stone
20. Harry Surrenders
21. Procession
22. Neville the Hero
23. Showdown
24. Voldemort's End
25. A New Beginning

IX. Music from the Harry Potter films / Music from the Harry Potter Films: APE: 00:54:34
Composer: John Williams - Patrick Doyle

01. Harry's Wondrous World
02. Nimbus 2000
03. Fawkes The Phoenix
04. Dobby The House Elf
05. The Chamber Of Secrets
06. Gilderoy Lockhart
07. Quidditch World Cup / The Foreigners Arrive
08. Harry In Winter
09. The Hogwarts March
10. The Potter Waltz
11. The Black Lake
12. Another Year Ends
13. The Hogwarts Hymn
14. Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban-Suite (Mischief Managed / A Window To The Past/ Buckbeak's Flight)
15. Hedwig's Theme

Rosman Publishing has prepared an updated complete collection of books about Harry Potter!

The colorful design of the set is made in the style of the magical world of Harry Potter. Magical landscapes with views of Hogwarts school and a postal owl bringing news will continue to remind Potter fans of this fantastic story even after the film.

Included includes all 7 Harry Potter books.

Box size: 14.5 x 20.5 x 27.5 cm. The books have hard covers. A very convenient edition - ALL the books at once (and you don’t need to buy Harry Potter one at a time - either all or none!). The books sold in this set are the same books that have been sold individually for a long time. The box is made of thick soft cardboard, strong - you can store books in it, it does not fall apart. In total, seven books contain 4208 pages of text.

All new editions of Harry Potter.

Attention! In the fall of 2016, new books about Harry Potter from Rosman are coming out - these are magnificent collectible books that tell everything that you always wanted to know in more detail!

Book 1. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

An eleven-year-old orphan boy, Harry Potter, lives with his aunt's family and does not even suspect that he is a real wizard. But one day an owl flies in with a letter for him, and Harry Potter's life changes forever. He learns that he is enrolled in the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, discovers the truth about the mysterious death of his parents, and as a result he manages to uncover the secret of the philosopher's stone.

Book 2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

translator: Marina Litvinova

Disturbing events are taking place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Someone is attacking the school's students, and the teachers suspect that it is a mysterious monster that is hiding in the legendary Chamber of Secrets. Harry Potter and his friends solve the mystery of the Chamber of Secrets, and now Harry must fight Lord Voldemort again. Will he be able to win this time?

Book 3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

translator: Marina Litvinova

For twelve long years, Azkaban, the dark prison of the wizarding world, held a well-known prisoner named Sirius Black. He was accused of murdering thirteen people and was considered the heir of Lord Voldemort. And so he fled, and from the traces he left it is clear that this time the killer set out to get rid of Harry Potter. Now Harry Potter is in danger, even outside the walls of his wizarding school, even surrounded by friends - because among them there is a traitor who is ready to open the way for the killer to Hogwarts.

Book 4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

translators: Marina Litvinova, N. Litvinova, A. Lyakh, M. Mezhuev, Elena Salomatina

Harry Potter is about to enter his fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. New spells, new potions, new teachers, new subjects... It's all familiar, and Harry is looking forward to the start of the school year. But the school is suddenly bombarded with amazing news: this year the Triwizard Tournament will be held at Hogwarts, and of course, everyone wants to take part in it...

Book 5. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

translators: Vladimir Babkov, Vasily Golyshev, Leonid Motylev

Harry Potter is looking forward to the end of the holidays and the start of the fifth school year at Hogwarts. The young wizard suffers from loneliness more than ever, and the ridicule and nagging of the Dursleys have become completely unbearable. In addition, he is sure that Voldemort has been reborn and will soon begin to act. Dangerous and exciting adventures, fierce struggles await you again, true friends and the magical world of Harry Potter.

Book 6. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

translators: Maya Lahuti, Sergey Ilyin

The Ministry of Magic suffers defeat after defeat in battles with Voldemort. Even Muggles are suffering from the second war - disasters occur every day, the causes of which no one knows. But even in war, life goes on. Harry, Ron and Hermione, like all sixteen-year-olds, study, go to parties and fall in love. However, danger is getting closer. Despite Dumbledore's best efforts to protect the school, very strange events occur at Hogwarts. This time the Pensieve will reveal to Harry the most big secret The Dark Lord, and in order to win, Harry is forced to sacrifice what is most precious... Which side will the mysterious Half-Blood Prince take in this war?

Book 7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

translators: Sergey Ilyin, Maya Lahuti, M. Sokolskaya

Harry Potter faces the most terrible test in his life - a mortal battle with Voldemort. There is no one to wait for help - Harry is more alone than ever... Harry's friends and enemies appear in a completely unexpected light. The line between Good and Evil is becoming more and more elusive... In the 7th and final book, J.K. Rowling reveals all the magical secrets.

  • Languages: Russian
  • Publisher: Rosman-Press
  • ISBN 978-5-353-05460-3; 2011

It's good when you can completely escape from the world around you and enjoy exciting adventures. This gives unforgettable emotions and a lot of new impressions. The Harry Potter series of books written by JK Rowling is perfect for this. It includes 7 fantasy novels that make you forget about reality. The story of an unusual boy delights many readers. The books opened up a new magical world that was able to intertwine with real reality - thematic events are held in many countries, fan clubs are opened, and works are written based on the novels in the series. The films about Harry Potter deserve special attention, and in this edition readers will be able to see already familiar images of the Hogwarts wizarding school and the colorful landscapes of its surroundings. Presented here complete collection books, made in the style of the magical world of Harry Potter, which creates an extraordinary atmosphere while reading.

A boy who for a long time considered himself quite ordinary. A boy who was denied parental love and a strong family. And one day he found out that he was not at all as ordinary as he thought. When I entered Hogwarts School of Magic, everything changed. Here he found friends, wise mentors and a lot of useful knowledge. He became completely different. Now his name is known to everyone - Harry Potter. The same boy who survived a collision with great evil. In the magical world, he not only made friends, he learned that he had enemies. And the most main enemy- invincible and so terrible that people shudder at the mention of him and are afraid to say his name out loud. And it is Harry Potter who will have to meet him face to face.

The work was published in 1997 by Rosman-Press. On our website you can download the book "Harry Potter. The Complete Collection" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 4.78 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper form.

Books about Harry Potter were published in Russia by Rosman-Press; currently the rights have been transferred to the publishing house Makhaon. The translations of Rosman and Makhaon are completely different. The new books from Makhaon have magnificent covers, the translation is by M. Spivak, it causes controversy, but, nevertheless, is also worthy of reading, although there are more bad reviews than good ones. Nevertheless, the translation is lively and interesting to read. If you haven't read the old books, and this option is the first (and only) - you most likely won't notice any shortcomings.

For those who have read old books, the translation seems unusual at first, but you can get used to it, especially since it accurately reflects the essence of the original text.

Earlier, at Rosman, at different books series there were different translators.

Also in Russia there are sets of books about Harry Potter in the original, in English, for sale. Various editions, UK publishing houses.

Rosman, Harry Potter

This set is from 2011 edition.
Can be found in second-hand bookshops.

Also see - Harry Potter deck of cards.

And a set - 3 decks of Harry Potter cards.

Updated complete collection of books about Harry Potter! The colorful design of the set is made in the style of the magical world of Harry Potter. Magical landscapes with views of Hogwarts school and a postal owl bringing news will continue to remind Potter fans of this fantastic story even after the film.

The set includes all 7 Harry Potter books. The books here are:

Book 1
Harry Potter and philosopher's stone translator: I. Oransky

An eleven-year-old orphan boy, Harry Potter, lives with his aunt's family and does not even suspect that he is a real wizard. But one day an owl flies in with a letter for him, and Harry Potter's life changes forever. He learns that he is enrolled in the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, discovers the truth about the mysterious death of his parents, and as a result he manages to uncover the secret of the philosopher's stone.

Book 2
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets translator: Marina Litvinova

Disturbing events are taking place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Someone is attacking the school's students, and the teachers suspect that it is a mysterious monster that is hiding in the legendary Chamber of Secrets. Harry Potter and his friends solve the mystery of the Chamber of Secrets, and now Harry must fight Lord Voldemort again. Will he be able to win this time?

Book 3
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban translator: Marina Litvinova

For twelve long years, Azkaban, the dark prison of the wizarding world, held a well-known prisoner named Sirius Black. He was accused of murdering thirteen people and was considered the heir of Lord Voldemort. And so he fled, and from the traces he left it is clear that this time the killer set out to get rid of Harry Potter. Now Harry Potter is in danger, even outside the walls of his wizarding school, even surrounded by friends - because among them there is a traitor who is ready to open the way for the killer to Hogwarts.

Book 4
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire translators: Marina Litvinova, N. Litvinova, A. Lyakh, M. Mezhuev, Elena Salomatina

Harry Potter is about to enter his fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. New spells, new potions, new teachers, new subjects... It's all familiar, and Harry is looking forward to the start of the school year. But the school is suddenly bombarded with amazing news: this year the Triwizard Tournament will be held at Hogwarts, and of course, everyone wants to take part in it...

Book 5
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix translators: Vladimir Babkov, Vasily Golyshev, Leonid Motylev

Harry Potter is looking forward to the end of the holidays and the start of the fifth school year at Hogwarts. The young wizard suffers from loneliness more than ever, and the ridicule and nagging of the Dursleys have become completely unbearable. In addition, he is sure that Voldemort has been reborn and will soon begin to act. Dangerous and exciting adventures, fierce struggles, true friends and the magical world of Harry Potter await you again.

Book 6
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince translators: Maya Lahuti, Sergei Ilyin

The Ministry of Magic suffers defeat after defeat in battles with Voldemort. Even Muggles are suffering from the second war - disasters occur every day, the causes of which no one knows. But even in war, life goes on. Harry, Ron and Hermione, like all sixteen-year-olds, study, go to parties and fall in love. However, danger is getting closer. Despite Dumbledore's best efforts to protect the school, very strange events occur at Hogwarts. This time the Pensieve will reveal to Harry the Dark Lord's biggest secret, and in order to win, Harry is forced to sacrifice his most precious... Which side will the mysterious Half-Blood Prince take in this war?

Book 7
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows translators: Sergey Ilyin, Maya Lahuti, M. Sokolskaya

Harry Potter faces the most terrible test in his life - a mortal battle with Voldemort. There is no one to wait for help - Harry is more alone than ever... Harry's friends and enemies appear in a completely unexpected light. The line between Good and Evil is becoming more and more elusive... In the 7th and final book, J.K. Rowling reveals all the magical secrets.

Swallowtail. Harry Potter

These books are newer. 2014 edition.

There are options when a stereo postcard is attached to the book, the image seems to be alive, it moves if you look under different angles, a beautiful gift for Harry Potter fans!

Harry Potter book order:

Book 1
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Harry Potter thinks he is an ordinary boy. He lives with Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia and cousin Dudley, who make him sleep in a cupboard under the stairs. Then Harry starts receiving mysterious letters and his life is changed for ever. He is whisked away by a beetle-eyed giant of a man and enrolled in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The reason: Harry Potter is a wizard!

Book 2
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter is a wizard. He is in his second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The three friends, Harry, Ron and Hermione, are soon immersed in the daily round of Potions, Herbology, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts and Quidditch. Then mysterious and scary things start happening. First Harry hears strange voices, and then Ron's sister, Ginny, disappears...

Book 3
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter, along with his best friends, Ron and Hermione, is about to start his third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry can't wait to get back to school after the summer holidays(who wouldn't if they lived with the horrible Dursleys?). But when Harry arrives at Hogwarts, the atmosphere is tense. There's an escaped mass murderer on the loose, and the sinister prison guards of Azkaban have been called in to guard the school...

Book 4
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

The summer holidays seem never-ending and Harry Potter can"t wait for the start of the school term. It is his fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and there are spells to learn and (unluckily) Potions and Divination lessons to attend. But Harry needs to be on his guard at all times - his worst enemy is preparing a horrifying fate for him...

Book 5
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter is due to start his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He is desperate to return to Hogwarts and find out why his friends, Ron and Hermione, have been so secretive all summer. But before he even gets to school, Harry survives a terrifying encounter with two Dementors, attends a court hearing at the Ministry of Magic and is escorted on a nighttime broomstick ride to the secret headquarters of a mysterious group called the Order of the Phoenix.. .

Book 6
Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince

It is Harry Potter's sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As Voldemort's sinister forces amass and a spirit of gloom and fear sweeps the land, it becomes clear to Harry that he will soon have no choice but to confront his destiny. Can Harry succeed in the death-defying tasks ahead?

Book 7
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Harry Potter is preparing to leave the Dursleys and Privet Drive for the last time. The future that awaits him is full of danger, not only for him, but for anyone close to him - and Harry has already lost so much. Only by destroying Voldemort's remaining Horcruxes can Harry free himself and overcome the Dark Lord's forces of evil. In a final and perilous journey, Harry must find the strength and the will to face a deadly confrontation that is his alone to fight.

The original Harry Potter books

Today in Russia you can buy sets of books in English, all of Harry Potter in the original. If you can read English, this is the most interesting option. Moreover, there are many options for such kits on sale, from different UK publishers.

High-quality, convenient books, many gift sets, in beautiful packaging.

All options for such kits are .

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