Geography of the United States of America. North America

Everyone means something different by the word "America". Some will say that this is a country. Another will answer - part of the world. And the third will call it a continent. So what is it? Continent or mainland. Let's figure it out.

Continents and continents

Continents and continents are geographical concepts. Some people think that these are the same thing, while others talk about differences. This is where confusion and different numbers of objects arise. What is a continent and where did this concept come from?

The continent is a colossal piece of land, washed on all sides by oceans. In addition, it is argued that the main part of the continent is located above the surface of the World Ocean and has an underwater continuation. The same description applies to the continents. The only difference is that the continental part is not divided by the ocean, but the continental part can be divided using artificially created channels.

This is such an interesting review. The conclusion follows on its own. America is divided into two (North and South) by the Panama Canal. Now let’s look at the two continents separately.

North America

North America is a continent located in. It must be said that both Americas have one lithospheric plate, from which the continents are formed. North America is the third largest continent on Earth, and also the northernmost. It is washed on three sides by oceans: the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic.

Majestic mountains stretch on both sides of the continent. In the west there are the powerful Cordilleras with the highest mountain located in Alaska: the peak height is more than 6000 meters. From the east it is bordered by the lower, but no less picturesque Appalachian Mountains. And the central part of the continent is cut by the magnificent and powerful rivers Mississippi, Missouri and Rio Grande. There are also huge freshwater lakes and the magnificent, world-famous Niagara Falls and many geysers. It is located on the border of the two states of the USA and Canada.

South America

South America is a continent unique in its nature and landscape. At the eastern end stretch the magnificent Andes, formed as a result of volcanic activity on the fault. There are still many active volcanoes in this part. The east is dominated by flat terrain, replete with majestic tropical forests and vast deserts. Here are the basins of the largest rivers in the world: the Amazon, Orinoco and Parana. In ancient times, in the Amazon River valley there lived a civilization whose legends still circulate.

Discovery of America

As everyone knows from history, the discoverer of America was Christopher Columbus. This event took place in 1492 due to the fact that the Spanish kings needed a shorter route to India. That is why South America was called the West Indies for a long time. Columbus landed for the first time in the Bahamas and only 10 years later on his 4th voyage he reached the Caribbean Sea and the northern part of South America.

North America was discovered by the British in 1498, when an expedition led by Cabot reached the east coast of America and went almost to Florida. Unfortunately, these studies and discoveries did not bring anything good to the local residents. The America-Europe connection ended up being a huge tragedy for both some and others. Everyone knows about wars of conquest and the destruction of Indians for the sake of better lands.

Nature of the continent

Due to their location, the Americas have unique natural resources. The remoteness from other continents contributed to the formation of flora and fauna that was different from the rest of the world. In addition, the continent lies in different climatic zones.

This is a colossal transition from the cold arctic to the tropical climate in the south. Accordingly, the vegetation is represented by all kinds of northern trees: cedars, cypresses, and in the central part of the mainland you can find unique giant sequoias.

South America has a warmer climate. There are many tropical rainforests, fertile soils and unique crops. After all, it was from America that the well-known tomatoes, potatoes, corn and beans spread throughout the world.

America today

The states of America today number 50 separate countries, about 1 billion people live there. Due to migration from Europe, the peoples of America today are very diverse. North America is largely populated by the English, French, slaves brought from Africa, and native prairie Indians. In South America, the Portuguese and Spanish had a greater influence, expanding their colonies until the 20th century.

In terms of their development, states are also not homogeneous. The USA and Canada have a high level of development. The former British colonies adopted the capitalist system, which led to economic growth. And the rest is considered Latin America. It largely went the other way, and today it is mainly agrarian states.

The Meaning of America

What is the essence of America today? This is a part of the world with its own characteristics, both politically and economically. The nature and geography are very different from the rest of the world we know.

It's no secret that Greater America occupies an important place on the international stage. The USA and Canada are the most developed countries on the entire continent. They are largely financial support for the rest of Latin America. It is also a supplier of oil, agricultural products and the latest technologies to the whole world. America is an advanced tourist destination. Photos of attractions only confirm this. This part of the world is visited by millions of people every year.

The third continent of our planet in area, which is 24.2 million km2. It is washed by the waters of the Atlantic, and... The continent is heavily indented, which is the result of movement. There are many islands and archipelagos near the mainland, the largest of which are and. The coastline is made up of numerous bays and peninsulas.

The Vikings took part in the discovery and exploration of the mainland (10th century); Englishman D. Cabot, who explored the eastern and northern shores of the mainland (XV century); Englishman G. Hudson (XVII century), Englishman A. (XVHI century); Norwegian R. (XX century). The Russians also made a great contribution. They discovered and developed large spaces in the northwestern part of the continent: they were V., G. Shelekhov, A. Lirikov.

The western part of the continent is occupied by mountains, in the northern part of which their highest peak rises - a mountain (6193 m), covered with snow and glaciers. The mountains are unusually beautiful: deep depressions are adjacent to huge ridges and the mountains are dissected by deep valleys. The central and eastern part of the mainland is occupied. In the east of the continent there are low ones. They are badly damaged.

North America is located in all but the equatorial region. This creates big differences in her. In the north of the continent, low temperatures are observed in winter; solar heat does not reach the earth, since there is a polar night there. There are frequent, large snow storms. The center of the continent is characterized by cold winters and relatively warm summers. The large extent of the continent from west to east leads to the formation of significant climatic differences: changes in temperature, amount and season of precipitation. In the south of the mainland it is hot all year round; there is a lot of rainfall on the coast and islands.

The climate of the continent is significantly influenced by the relief: the absence of mountain ranges in the north creates conditions for the penetration of Arctic air masses to the southern latitudes; The absence of mountains also helps tropical species sometimes penetrate far to the north. The differences between these air masses create conditions for formation that bring many disasters. Ice cover also has a cooling effect on the continent's climate.

: Western Hemisphere, Northern Hemisphere, Northern America.

Area of ​​North America: 20.36 million km2

Extreme points of North America:

  • extreme northern point – Cape Murchison, 71°50` N. sh.;
  • extreme western point - Cape Prince of Wales, 168° W. d.;
  • extreme eastern point - Cape St. Charles, 55°40` W. d.

North American climate types: arctic, subarctic, temperate, sharply continental, oceanic, subtropical, tropical, subequatorial.

Geology of North America: Most of North America is occupied by the Precambrian North American (Canadian) platform.

Relief of North America: the average height of the continent is 720 m; mountain belt of the Cordillera, hills, plateaus and lowlands of Labrador and the Appalachians, Laurentian Uplands, Great Plains, Atlantic and Mexican lowlands.

Additional information: North America is washed by the Arctic, Pacific and; North America's population is about 475 million.

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South America is the fourth largest continent on the planet. In the east it is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, in the west by the Pacific, and the northern coast belongs to the Caribbean Sea. Let's take a closer look at the extreme points of South America - the wettest continent on the globe.

Geographic coordinates of the extreme points of the continent of South America

The area of ​​the mainland is 17.7 million square meters. km, but if we count all the adjacent islands, then this value is slightly larger - 18.28 million square meters. km.

The continent's topography is very diverse and contrasting. The east is dominated by plateaus, lowlands and high plains, while the Andes mountain ranges are located in the west. The highest point is Mount Aconcagua - it rises above sea level at 6959 m.

Rice. 1. Aconcagua

If you draw a straight line along the continent from the southernmost point to the northern, then this distance will be 7350 km. The length from the east coast to the west in the widest part of South America will be just over 5 thousand km.

In degrees, the location of the extreme points of the continent is as follows:

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  • in the north - Cape Galinas (12° north latitude and 72° west longitude);
  • in the south - Cape Froward (53°54′ south latitude and 71°18′ west longitude);
  • in the west – Cape Parinhas (4°40′ south latitude and 81°20′ west longitude);
  • in the east - Cape Seixas (7°09′ south latitude 34°47′ west longitude).

Cape Gallinas

The northernmost outlying point of the mainland is located in Colombia on Cape Gallinas, which belongs to the Guajira Peninsula. This point in the north is very arbitrary, since the coastline has smooth contours.

Cape Galinas is notable for the fact that not far from it there is an ancient settlement of indigenous people - the Wayuu Indians. Despite all modern achievements, they continue to live like their ancestors, observing ancient traditions and rituals.

Cape Froward

On the territory of Chile, on the small Brunswick Peninsula, the southernmost point of the mainland is located.

The name of the cape first appeared in 1587 and in translation it means “wayward”, “rebellious”. This is how the famous sea pirate Thomas Cavendish christened the cape, and this directly indicates the fact that it was not at all easy for medieval ships to pass by the cape.

Rice. 2. Cape Forward

In 1987, Cape Froward received its “insignia” - an impressive cross made of metal alloys.

Cape Parinhas

In the west, the outlying point of South America is Cape Parinhas, which belongs to Peru. It is a coastal ledge on which the lighthouse is located.

Parinhas is a fairly secluded place: the distance to the nearest settlement is more than 5 km. But precisely because of this, here you can observe seals in their natural habitat, which have chosen the neighboring bay.

Rice. 3. Cape Parinhas

Cape Seixas

There has been some confusion regarding the definition of the extreme point in the east. For a long time, geographers were sure that this was Cape Cabo Branco, which belonged to Brazil. A lighthouse was even built here as a memorial sign. However, later, during more accurate measurements, it was recorded that the extreme point is located nearby - it is Cape Seixas.

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North America is considered the largest continent on Earth. In terms of area, it ranks 3rd after Eurasia and Africa. Its area is 20.4 million sq. km. If you count the adjacent islands, the area of ​​the mainland is 24.3 million sq. km. The continents of North America and America are part of the world.

North America is home to the largest country in terms of population and level of development of the continent - the United States. In addition, Canada, Mexico, and a group of Central American countries are located on the mainland. These countries supply raw materials, fuel, and labor to the United States.

North America has some similarities in nature with Eurasia. In North America, as in Eurasia, there are arctic deserts, tundra, taiga, steppes, deserts, and subtropical forests. Permafrost is common in the northern part of the continent.

The nature of North America is unique in many ways and has many of its own natural continental and world records in the most extreme lands, relief, waters, climate, flora and fauna. The most extreme continental points: Cape Prince of Wales, Cape St. Charles, Cape Mariato and Cape Murchison. The most extreme islands of North America: the islands of Cocos, Ellesmere, Attu, . In North America, the North Magnetic Pole is located near Ellesmere Island.

About extreme points

North America is shaped like a triangle, with its apex in the south and its expanding base in the north. The continent is gradually expanding from south to north. The extreme western and eastern points of the continent are at a great distance

The extreme western and eastern points are located at a great distance from each other. It is equal to about 110 degrees or 6000 km.

– extreme western point
mainland. its coordinates are 65 degrees N. w. and 168 degrees W. d. It is located on the western coast of the state of Alaska and is washed by the waters of the Bering Strait, which connects the seas. The rugged beauty of the cape is amazing, with its snow-covered mountains and forests reflected in the blue waters of the ocean.

Easternmost point of Cape St. Charles. coordinates of the point 52 degrees north latitude. 56 degrees W. The village of Tochka is located in the east of the Labrador Peninsula. The beauty of the location of the extreme eastern point of North America is extraordinary.

The cliffs drop steeply to the Atlantic Ocean, green taiga covers the surface, and the vast expanse of turquoise water create a unique spectacle.

The continent of North America stretches greatly from north to south. The length is 64.5 degrees.

The northernmost point of the mainland is Cape Murchison
. It is located on the shores of the northernmost peninsula of the Butia Peninsula, washed by the waters. Its coordinates are 72 degrees N. w. and 92 degrees W. d. The harsh northern nature of the cape is amazing and mysterious in its own way. There is an abundance of swamps and lakes in the area adjacent to this point. The area is covered with sparse tundra forest and covered with mosses and lichens.

The southern point of North America is Cape Mariato. This point is located on the western part of Panama's Pacific coast. Its coordinates are 8 degrees N. w. and 81 degrees west longitude. The nature of the surrounding area is represented by tropical rainforests.

The most, most extreme islands of North America

The southernmost island is Cocos Island. It belongs to Costa Rica. The island is located in the eastern Pacific Ocean west of Costa Rica. Many secrets exist around this island. More than 300 treasure hunting expeditions were made here. Here they looked for Incan gold and the treasures of famous pirates. No one found any treasure on this island.

Costa Rica has passed a law stating that if someone finds a treasure, then 50% of the treasure must belong to the country. The government of Costa Rica decided to capitalize on people’s desire to find treasures on Cocos Island.

The northernmost island of the mainland is Ellesmere.

This island is not just the northernmost island of mainland North America, but also the most northern island of the Earth. This island is located 10 degrees north of the northernmost point of the mainland. This is the northernmost landmass in the world. The island is located northwest of the island of Greenland. It belongs to the Canadian Arctic archipelago. To the east of the island lies the border between Canada and. The area of ​​the island is 196 square meters. km. The shores are indented by fiords. The nature of the island is very harsh and beautiful in its own way. Mountain rocks, snow, ocean ice, northern lights. The polar night lasts 5 months.

The easternmost island of North America is Greenland.

It is located northeast of North America. It is the largest island on Earth by area.

Westernmost island - Attu.

This island is located in the Aleutian Islands archipelago. This island is located in the eastern hemisphere. It was discovered by the Russians during the Kamchatka expedition of V. Bering in 1745. The island is part of the Aleutian Islands archipelago. The island has an area of ​​892 sq. km. The island is 56 km long and 32 km wide. Only 20 people live on the island.

North magnetic pole

Location and movement of the magnetic pole

The North Magnetic Pole is located in North America - this is also a definite record for the continent. It is located near Ellesmere Island, which is the northernmost island off the mainland. The magnetic pole has been in North America for about 200 years. Its coordinates were first determined by R. Amundsen in 1831.

Scientists have found that the north magnetic pole is changing its position. He's moving. Over the past 150 years, it has shifted 110 kilometers to the north. It is expected that by 2045 it will be significantly closer to the Taimyr Peninsula.

Every year the movement of the magnetic pole accelerates. The Earth's magnetic field is weakening, although its magnitude is already small. It is hundreds of times smaller than an ordinary horseshoe magnet. But we must not forget that the volume of the Earth's magnetic field is enormous. It extends to an altitude of 90,000 kilometers. Scientists have found that over 150 years the magnetic field has weakened by 10%.

The movement of the magnetic pole is associated with the influence of cosmic bodies and the structural features of the Earth's core. The liquid outer core of the Earth transmits vibrations of the shell with a delay. The solid core rotates more slowly and the axis of rotation shifts.

Description of North America: list of countries, capitals, cities and resorts. Photos and videos, oceans and seas, mountains, rivers and lakes of North America. Tour operators and tours in North America.

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North America is not only the USA, Mexico and Canada: in total, there are 23 countries on the mainland and nearby islands, 16 of which belong to Latin America, and another 7 to Central America. In addition to independent states, in this region there are so-called dependent territories - modern colonies of European countries and the Americas. North America is a unique continent in its ethnic, natural, climatic and cultural composition, which can be studied endlessly.

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Tourism in North America

America is the second destination after Europe in terms of the number of foreign tourists. Half of international flights take place in the USA and Canada, with the Caribbean islands taking second place, receiving 12 million tourists a year. The main types of tourism are beach, sports, excursion, and business tourism.

There are 5 tourist areas:

  1. The eastern region (northeastern USA and southern Canada) attracts travelers with architectural and historical monuments and the culture of local peoples.
  2. The western zone is an untouched wilderness, national parks of the USA and Canada, famous ski resorts.
  3. The central zone is occupied by agricultural crops, there are no bright attractions, so the flow of travelers is small.
  4. The northern (Alaska and northern Canada) zone is the choice of those who admire the harsh nature, love ski resorts, exotics and are interested in the historical heritage and modern development of the region.
  5. The southern zone is the coast of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. There is a mild climate, bright sun, warm water in the seas and oceans, so tourists who prefer beach holidays, exoticism and traditional cordiality and hospitality come here.

America's National Parks


North America is washed by three oceans - the Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic; separated from Eurasia by the Bering Strait, and from South America by the Isthmus of Panama. The western part of the continent is occupied by the Cordillera mountain system, where the highest point of the continent is located - Mount McKinley (6194 m). The lowest point is Death Valley (86 m below sea level). The most famous natural monuments of North America are the Grand Canyon on the Colorado River, Yellowstone Park, Niagara Falls, and the Great Lakes.

The total territory of North America is 24.25 million km², the population is about 579 million people (8% of the world's population). The majority are immigrants from Europe. Also, a significant part of the inhabitants of the mainland are representatives of the Mongoloid race - both immigrants from Asia and the indigenous population - Indians, Aleuts and Eskimos. African Americans make up another 20 million of the population, many mulattoes.

Significant areas still remain uninhabited - this applies to both the mountainous areas in the west of the continent and the northern lands of Alaska. The southern part of the mainland, the Caribbean islands, the Great Lakes region and the Pacific coast are more densely populated.

North American countries

Continental states

It is North America that includes independent states on the exotic Caribbean islands: Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Barbados, Haiti, Grenada, Dominica, the Dominican Republic, Canada, Cuba, Mexico, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Kitts and Nevis , Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica.

One of the most interesting (and largest) countries on this continent is USA. There are a lot of national parks, many domestic tourism destinations and world-famous resorts in Florida, Hawaii, and California. Alaska and the northern states attract ski lovers. Those who come to the USA for the first time cannot deny themselves the pleasure of visiting the casinos of Las Vegas, Hollywood and Disneyland in California or Florida. Popular US cities among tourists are New York, Washington, Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas.

Canada- a center of ethnographic and ecological tourism: the country’s coasts are not very suitable for a beach holiday. But there are a lot of national parks, forests, lakes that attract nature lovers, and many slopes await lovers of alpine skiing. Here is the famous Niagara Falls, the fantastically beautiful Thousand Islands archipelago at the source of the St. Lawrence River - a famous resort of the early 20th century. And lovers of antiquity are attracted by the historical sights of Ottawa, Quebec, and Toronto.

Mexico can be called an ideal tourist destination: it has some of the best beaches in the world, beautiful national parks, three thousand years of cultural and spiritual heritage of the Mayans, Aztecs and Olmecs. Mexico is also known for excellent service, hospitality and many opportunities for ecotourism, rafting, diving, etc.

America is the second destination after Europe in terms of the number of foreign tourists. Half of international flights take place in the USA and Canada, with the Caribbean islands taking second place, receiving 12 million tourists a year.

Island states

Cuba famous for its beaches, the best of which are located in the vicinity of the country's capital, Havana, and the resort center of Varadero. There are many caves on the island, the most interesting of which is located near the city of Matanzas. Those interested in history will be attracted by a variety of attractions: Trotsky's house, the castle-like Chapultepec Palace, the San Francisco Monastery, and connoisseurs of American literature will certainly visit the Ernest Hemingway House Museum near Havana.

Jamaica- one of the largest islands of the Caribbean archipelago, located in the very center of the Caribbean Sea, at a distance of 145 km south of Cuba. Once the famous island of pirates, Jamaica is now a beach paradise. The recreation area near Montego Bay, the resorts of Negril, Ocho Rios, and Port Antonio are especially popular among tourists. The local underwater park attracts deep-sea diving enthusiasts.

Bahamas are located north of Cuba, not far from the USA. This is an equally famous tourist area. The capital of the archipelago, Nassau, is a resort center with one of the largest casinos. In addition, the Bahamas are famous for its national parks and historical museums, where monuments of ancient Indian culture are exhibited. The Coral World underwater observatory has recently opened.

Dominican Republic- a very fashionable resort in the last decade, located in the eastern part of the island of Haiti. Mountains, evergreen forests, beaches, always fresh tropical fruits and clear waters of the Caribbean Sea attract more than 2 million tourists every year. It was this island that Columbus saw at the end of his famous journey. In honor of him, a grandiose memorial was built on the coast - a monument and museum in the form of a truncated pyramid.

Haiti- a state in the western part of the island of the same name in the Caribbean Sea. It is the most mountainous country in the Caribbean, known for its stunning landscapes and fantastic beaches.

Barbados combines the beauty of nature, the romance of beaches, secluded relaxation and exciting adventures. The island is famous for its rum and the architecture of Bridgetown, on one of the streets of which there is a monument to Admiral Nelson. In the island's national parks, unique species of tropical plants and animals have been preserved in wild conditions, and not far from the coast, divers can admire coral reefs. However, even if you don’t want to leave the beach, you will still appreciate the uniqueness of the local landscape: the sand on the coast of Barbados is pink!

Aruba, British Virgin Islands, Guadeloupe, Curaçao, Martinique, Montserrat, Puerto Rico, Saint Barthelemy, Sint Maarten, Turks and Caicos Islands. Most of them are islands of volcanic origin, most often dormant volcanoes. Thanks to them, there are many geysers, hot springs and small lakes with “boiling” water. On the coast there are beaches with black and yellow sand. The most fashionable resorts are Anguilla, Antigua, Aruba, Saint Lucia, Curacao, etc.

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