The main and minor characters of Tolstoy's adolescence. Parting with grandfather Karl Ivanovich

Immediately after arriving in Moscow, Nikolenka feels the changes that have happened to him. In his soul there is a place not only own feelings and experiences, but also compassion for the grief of others, the ability to understand the actions of other people. He realizes the inconsolability of his grandmother’s grief after the death of his beloved daughter, and is happy to the point of tears that he finds the strength to forgive his older brother after a stupid quarrel. Another striking change for Nikolenka is that he shyly notices the excitement that the twenty-five-year-old maid Masha evokes in him. Nikolenka is convinced of his ugliness, envies Volodya’s beauty and tries with all his might, although unsuccessfully, to convince himself that a pleasant appearance cannot account for all the happiness in life. And Nikolenka tries to find salvation in thoughts about splendid isolation, to which, as it seems to him, he is doomed.

They report to the grandmother that the boys are playing with gunpowder, and although it is just harmless lead shot, the grandmother blames Karl Ivanovich for the lack of childcare and insists that he be replaced with a decent tutor. Nikolenka is having a hard time breaking up with Karl Ivanovich.

Nikolenka’s relationship with the new French tutor does not work out; he himself sometimes does not understand his insolence towards the teacher. It seems to him that the circumstances of life are directed against him. The incident with the key, which he inadvertently breaks while inexplicably trying to open his father’s briefcase, finally brings Nikolenka out of peace of mind. Deciding that everyone has deliberately taken up arms against him, Nikolenka behaves unpredictably - she hits the tutor, in response to her brother’s sympathetic question: “What’s happening to you?” - shouts how disgusting and disgusting everything is to him. They lock him in a closet and threaten to punish him with rods. After a long imprisonment, during which Nikolenka is tormented by a desperate feeling of humiliation, he asks his father for forgiveness, and convulsions occur to him. Everyone is afraid for his health, but after twelve hours of sleep Nikolenka feels good and at ease and is even glad that his family is experiencing his incomprehensible illness.

After this incident, Nikolenka feels more and more lonely, and his main pleasure is solitary reflection and observation. He observes the strange relationship between the maid Masha and the tailor Vasily. Nikolenka does not understand how such a rough relationship can be called love. Nikolenka’s range of thoughts is wide, and he is often confused in his discoveries: “I think, what I think, what I think about, and so on. my mind went crazy..."

Nikolenka rejoices at Volodya’s admission to university and envies his maturity. He notices the changes that are happening to his brother and sisters, watches how his aging father develops special tenderness for his children, experiences the death of his grandmother - and he is offended by conversations about who will get her inheritance...

Nikolenka has a few months left before she enters university. He's getting ready in Faculty of Mathematics and studies well. Trying to get rid of many shortcomings of adolescence, Nikolenka considers the main one to be a tendency to inactive reasoning and thinks that this tendency will bring him a lot of harm in life. Thus, attempts at self-education are manifested in him. Volodya's friends often come to him - adjutant Dubkov and student Prince Nekhlyudov. Nikolenka talks more and more often with Dmitry Nekhlyudov, they become friends. The mood of their souls seems the same to Niklenka. Constantly improve yourself and thus correct all of humanity - Nikolenka comes to this idea under the influence of his friend, and this important discovery he considers it the beginning of his youth.

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Summary of the story
Immediately after arriving in Moscow, Nikolenka feels the changes that have happened to him. In his soul there is a place not only for his own feelings and experiences, but also for compassion for the grief of others, and the ability to understand the actions of other people. He realizes the inconsolability of his grandmother’s grief after the death of his beloved daughter, and is happy to the point of tears that he finds the strength to forgive his older brother after a stupid quarrel. Another striking change for Nikolenka is that he shyly notices the excitement that the twenty-five-year-old maid Masha evokes in him. Nikolenka is convinced of his ugliness, envies Volodya’s beauty and tries with all his might, although unsuccessfully, to convince himself that a pleasant appearance cannot account for all the happiness in life. And Nikolenka tries to find salvation in thoughts of splendid loneliness, to which, as it seems to him, he is doomed.
They report to the grandmother that the boys are playing with gunpowder, and although it is just harmless lead shot, the grandmother blames Karl Ivanovich for the lack of childcare and insists that he be replaced with a decent tutor. Nikolenka is having a hard time breaking up with Karl Ivanovich.
Nikolenka’s relationship with the new French tutor does not work out; he himself sometimes does not understand his insolence towards the teacher. It seems to him that the circumstances of life are directed against him. The incident with the key, which he inadvertently breaks while inexplicably trying to open his father’s briefcase, completely throws Nikolenka out of balance. Deciding that everyone has deliberately taken up arms against him, Nikolenka behaves unpredictably - she hits the tutor, in response to her brother’s sympathetic question: “What’s happening to you?” - he shouts how disgusting and disgusting everyone is to him. They lock him in a closet and threaten to punish him with rods. After a long imprisonment, during which Nikolenka is tormented by a desperate feeling of humiliation, he asks his father for forgiveness, and convulsions occur to him. Everyone is afraid for his health, but after twelve hours of sleep Nikolenka feels good and at ease and is even glad that his family is experiencing his incomprehensible illness.
After this incident, Nikolenka feels more and more lonely, and his main pleasure is solitary reflection and observation. He observes the strange relationship between the maid Masha and the tailor Vasily. Nikolenka does not understand how such a rough relationship can be called love. Nikolenka’s range of thoughts is wide, and he is often confused in his discoveries: “I think, what I think, what I think about, and so on. The mind went beyond the mind... “
Nikolenka rejoices at Volodya’s admission to university and envies his maturity. He notices the changes that are happening to his brother and sisters, watches how his aging father develops special tenderness for his children, experiences the death of his grandmother - and he is offended by conversations about who will get her inheritance...
Nikolenka has a few months left before she enters university. He is preparing for the Faculty of Mathematics and is studying well. Trying to get rid of many shortcomings of adolescence, Nikolenka considers the main one to be a tendency to inactive reasoning and thinks that this tendency will bring him a lot of harm in life. Thus, attempts at self-education are manifested in him. Volodya's friends often come to him - adjutant Dubkov and student Prince Nekhlyudov. Nikolenka talks more and more often with Dmitry Nekhlyudov, they become friends. The mood of their souls seems the same to Niklenka. Constantly improving himself and thus correcting all of humanity - Nikolenka comes to this idea under the influence of his friend, and he considers this important discovery the beginning of his youth.

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Immediately after arriving in Moscow, Nikolenka feels the changes that have happened to him. In his soul there is a place not only for his own feelings and experiences, but also for compassion for the grief of others, and the ability to understand the actions of other people. He realizes the inconsolability of his grandmother’s grief after the death of his beloved daughter, and is happy to the point of tears that he finds the strength to forgive his older brother after a stupid quarrel. Another striking change for Nikolenka is that he shyly notices the excitement that the twenty-five-year-old maid Masha evokes in him. Nikolenka is convinced of his ugliness, envies Volodya’s beauty and tries with all his might, although unsuccessfully, to convince himself that a pleasant appearance cannot account for all the happiness in life. And Nikolenka tries to find salvation in thoughts of splendid loneliness, to which, as it seems to him, he is doomed.

They report to the grandmother that the boys are playing with gunpowder, and although it is just harmless lead shot, the grandmother blames Karl Ivanovich for the lack of childcare and insists that he be replaced with a decent tutor. Nikolenka is having a hard time breaking up with Karl Ivanovich.

Nikolenka’s relationship with the new French tutor does not work out; he himself sometimes does not understand his insolence towards the teacher. It seems to him that the circumstances of life are directed against him. The incident with the key, which he inadvertently breaks while inexplicably trying to open his father’s briefcase, completely throws Nikolenka out of balance. Deciding that everyone has specifically taken up arms against him, Nikolenka behaves unpredictably - she hits the tutor, in response to her brother’s sympathetic question: “What’s happening to you?” - shouts how disgusting and disgusting everything is to him. They lock him in a closet and threaten to punish him with rods. After a long imprisonment, during which Nikolenka is tormented by a desperate feeling of humiliation, he asks his father for forgiveness, and convulsions occur to him. Everyone is afraid for his health, but after twelve hours of sleep Nikolenka feels good and at ease and is even glad that his family is experiencing his incomprehensible illness.

After this incident, Nikolenka feels more and more lonely, and his main pleasure is solitary reflection and observation. He observes the strange relationship between the maid Masha and the tailor Vasily. Nikolenka does not understand how such a rough relationship can be called love. Nikolenka’s range of thoughts is wide, and he is often confused in his discoveries: “I think, what I think, what I think about, and so on. My mind has gone beyond my mind...”

Nikolenka rejoices at Volodya’s admission to university and envies his maturity. He notices the changes that are happening to his brother and sisters, watches how his aging father develops a special tenderness for his children, experiences the death of his grandmother - and he is offended by conversations about who will get her inheritance...

Nikolenka has a few months left before she enters university. He is preparing for the Faculty of Mathematics and is studying well. Trying to get rid of many shortcomings of adolescence, Nikolenka considers the main one to be a tendency to inactive reasoning and thinks that this tendency will bring him a lot of harm in life. Thus, attempts at self-education are manifested in him. Volodya's friends often come to him - adjutant Dubkov and student Prince Nekhlyudov. Nikolenka talks more and more often with Dmitry Nekhlyudov, they become friends. The mood of their souls seems the same to Niklenka. Constantly improving himself and thus correcting all of humanity - Nikolenka comes to this idea under the influence of his friend, and he considers this important discovery the beginning of his youth.

is a trilogy called “Childhood. Adolescence. Youth". This trilogy is autobiographical work, and the story “Adolescence,” which we will now briefly analyze, is accordingly the second in this trilogy.

In the story “Adolescence,” Tolstoy continues to outline the events in the life of the main character-narrator, who introduces himself as Nikolenka Irtenyev.

We learn a lot about the main character from the first part of the trilogy - “Childhood”, but now the author touches on the period of Nikolenka’s growing up, when he becomes a teenager. When analyzing the story “Adolescence” by Tolstoy, it is worth saying that adolescence here begins from the moment when Nikolai turns fourteen years old. He goes to live with his grandmother in Moscow.


After Nikolai’s mother died, he and his family, as we noted above, moved to his maternal grandmother. However, the grandmother has no time for grandchildren, and she does not particularly raise any of them. My father also has his own worries - not only does he look at many things in life too simply and takes things lightly, he is also a lover of play.

In the analysis of “Adolescence”, it is very important to note that the upbringing of children is ultimately entrusted to the tutor Karl-Ivanovich, but very soon the tutor is fired, so the grandmother decided. And his place is now taken by a sophisticated French valet, whom Nikolenka clearly does not like.

The main character's attitude towards himself and others

The main character of the story always felt that he was lonely, and day by day these feelings intensified. Nikolai understood that no one needed him, no one was truly interested in him or loved him. Many complexes arise from this, and one can analyze his behavior. Nikolai is timid, not confident in himself, he thinks that he is extremely ugly. Often spending time alone with himself, he thinks a lot about life and those around him.

Kindness Nikolai contributed to the fact that he helped the wedding of Masha and Vasily take place (a maid and a servant in the house), although Nikolai himself considered himself in love with Masha, afraid to reveal his feelings.

It is impossible to imagine an analysis of Tolstoy’s story “Adolescence” without mentioning Nekhlyudov. After all, it is he who, coming to Nikolai’s brother, begins to be friends with the main character. At that time, the grandmother’s house, after her death, became the property of her sister, and Nikolenka himself was preparing for college.

Conclusions in the analysis "Adolescence"

Tolstoy in his work shows the change inner world hero, and it is more important for us than his changes in appearance associated with the period of growing up. Nikolai now looks at everything differently and tries to find the meaning.

It is very important that Tolstoy was able to masterfully reflect the relationship of a teenager with adults, his psychological and emotional state. Many young people, reading the story, can recognize themselves in the main character, and this will help them reconsider their view of something in life.

Tolstoy’s work is very relevant, be sure to read it, or we suggest you read the summary of “Adolescence”. We hope that you liked the analysis of the story “Adolescence”; we will be glad if you can look into our literary magazine more often

Immediately after arriving in Moscow, Nikolenka feels the changes that have happened to him. In his soul there is a place not only for his own feelings and experiences, but also for compassion for the grief of others, and the ability to understand the actions of other people. He realizes the inconsolability of his grandmother’s grief after the death of his beloved daughter, and is happy to the point of tears that he finds the strength to forgive his older brother after a stupid quarrel. Another striking change for Nikolenka is that he shyly notices the excitement that the twenty-five-year-old maid Masha causes in him. Nikolenka is convinced of his ugliness, envies Volodya’s beauty and tries with all his might, although unsuccessfully, to convince himself that a pleasant appearance cannot account for all the happiness in life. And Nikolenka tries to find salvation in thoughts of splendid loneliness, to which, as it seems to him, he is doomed.

They report to the grandmother that the boys are playing with gunpowder, and although it is just harmless lead shot, the grandmother blames Karl Ivanovich for the lack of childcare and insists that he be replaced with a decent tutor. Nikolenka is having a hard time breaking up with Karl Ivanovich.

Nikolenka’s relationship with the new French tutor does not work out; he himself sometimes does not understand his insolence towards the teacher. It seems to him that the circumstances of life are directed against him. The incident with the key, which he inadvertently breaks while inexplicably trying to open his father’s briefcase, completely throws Nikolenka out of balance. Deciding that everyone has deliberately taken up arms against him, Nikolenka behaves unpredictably - she hits the tutor, in response to her brother’s sympathetic question: “What’s happening to you?” - shouts how disgusting and disgusting everything is to him. They lock him in a closet and threaten to punish him with rods. After a long imprisonment, during which Nikolenka is tormented by a desperate feeling of humiliation, he asks his father for forgiveness, and convulsions occur to him. Everyone is afraid for his health, but after twelve hours of sleep Nikolenka feels good and at ease and is even glad that his family is worried about his incomprehensible illness.

After this incident, Nikolenka feels more and more lonely, and his main pleasure is solitary reflection and observation. He observes the strange relationship between the maid Masha and the tailor Vasily. Nikolenka does not understand how such a rough relationship can be called love. Nikolenka’s range of thoughts is wide, and he is often confused in his discoveries: “I think, what I think, what I think about, and so on. My mind went crazy..."

Nikolenka rejoices at Volodya’s admission to university and envies his maturity. He notices the changes that are happening to his brother and sisters, watches how the aging father develops a special tenderness for his children, experiences the death of his grandmother - and he is offended by conversations about who will get her inheritance...

Nikolenka has a few months left before entering university. He is preparing for the Faculty of Mathematics and is studying well. Trying to get rid of many shortcomings of adolescence, Nikolenka considers the main one to be a tendency to inactive reasoning and thinks that this tendency will bring him a lot of harm in life. Thus, attempts at self-education are manifested in him. Volodya's friends often come to him - adjutant Dubkov and student Prince Nekhlyudov. Nikolenka talks more and more often with Dmitry Nekhlyudov, they become friends. The mood of their souls seems the same to Nikolenka. Constantly improving himself and thus correcting all of humanity - Nikolenka comes to this idea under the influence of his friend, and he considers this important discovery the beginning of his youth.

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