The main character of the story is a boy and war. Aphorisms and quotes from works of oriental literature

The time period that is described in this work is the Abkhazian war, which took place in 1992. At that time, the person telling this story to readers lived with his uncle in Gagra. One day a man named Valiko came to visit the author’s uncle; he was twenty-five years old. As it turned out, he participated in the Abkhazian war. He began to talk about how during the war he managed to capture two guard soldiers and how he spoke with the close people of the man whom he had to shoot because he stole things from people during the war.

After Valiko told these two stories, the author's uncle, whose name was Aslan, told his story about the doctor, his name was George. Everyone loved and respected Dr. George. Aslan said that he did not understand why and why such a kind and good person could be killed.

The author of the story was still young at that time and therefore sat in his own bedroom and listened to the dialogue of two experienced people from there. After listening to all this, he seriously began to think about the moral development of man. Then he was very worried about those stories, and he began to think about whether a person is still capable of changing and being better and kinder over time.

Picture or drawing Boy and war

Other retellings for the reader's diary

  • Summary of Panteleev Lyonka Panteleev

    A story about the ordeals of a teenage boy. By coincidence, Lyonka ended up in prison. He contacted a hooligan whom he had known before the war. Lenka had a hard life.

  • Summary of Andersen Nightingale

    The story took place in a Chinese palace, which was located in a wonderful place with a beautiful garden and various amazing flowers. Behind the garden there was a forest. And a nightingale lived near the seashore

Iskander Fazil

The boy and the war

Fazil Iskander

The boy and the war

The boy was already in bed when his father’s friend came to visit them with his adult son. His name was Uncle Aslan, and his son's name was Valiko.

These were guests from Abkhazia. The boy vacationed in Gagra with his father and mother for three years in a row. They lived with Uncle Aslan. And these were the happiest months of his life. Such a warm sun, such a warm sea and such warm people. They lived there in the same big house as here in Moscow. But unlike Moscow, people lived there completely differently. All the neighbors - Abkhazians, Georgians, Russians, Armenians - visited each other, drank wine together and celebrated all sorts of holidays together.

If someone made jam, or baked a cake, or cooked something else tasty, he would definitely treat his neighbors. This was their custom. Everyone in the house knew each other, and there was a special platform on the roof, the likes of which do not exist in Moscow houses, where neighbors gathered for festive evenings.

And now there is a terrible war in Abkhazia and people are killing each other. What they did not share, the boy could not understand. Now the excited voices of parents and guests were heard from the kitchen.

You seem to have been at war? - the boy’s father asked Valiko. Valiko was about twenty-five years old, he was a dashing taxi driver.

Yes,” Valiko readily agreed. - That's what happened to me. When we broke into Gagra, I captured two Georgian guardsmen. I took away the weapon and took him to the base. And next to me is a Cossack. I see that these guards are very depressed. I tell them:

Guys, nothing will happen to you, you are prisoners.

And suddenly one of them bends down and pulls a grenade out of the top of his boot. I didn’t have time to come to my senses, and the machine guns were behind us. Apparently he was a desperate guy, like me. In a word, he throws a grenade at me, and they run. The grenade hit me in the chest and bounced off. Thank God, at such a close distance it does not explode immediately. She needs six seconds. I jumped on the Cossack, and we fell to the ground together. Blast, but we were lucky. The fragments did not hit us. My leg was slightly scratched. I jump up and run after these guards. They, of course, did not have time to run far. He ran around the corner where they had turned and took out both of them with a burst of machine gun fire. I walk towards them and think how lucky we are that the grenade didn’t hit us.

And suddenly I see two people, an old man and a young guy, leaving the house, right in the place where the dead guardsmen lie. And on their backs they have these bales. They step over the dead guardsmen and move on. I immediately realized that these were looters. We take the city, which means our marauders.

Drop the bales! - I shout to them in Abkhazian.

Drop the bales, otherwise I'll shoot! - I shout to them again.

The young man turns in my direction. And the bale behind him is larger than himself.

Mind your own business,” he says, and they move on.

I freaked out. We are dying here, and they are collecting junk. He threw off his machine gun and gave them a burst of fire at their legs. He didn’t hit the old man, but the young man fell. I didn't even bother approaching them. It was necessary to go into battle. In a word, we recaptured Gagra.

Fifteen days pass. I completely forgot about this incident. I live in a hotel. All our soldiers lived in a hotel. That day we rested. Suddenly a neighbor from the bottom floor runs up to me and says:

Armed guys have come for you. All with machine guns. They have a perfumed look. Maybe you need help?

There is no need, I say, for any help.

I remembered the young man whom I wounded in the leg. What to do? And I was wearing the same jacket that I have now. I took a grenade in both pockets and went out. Hands in pockets. The grenade is not visible. Ready for anything.

I see a car parked about twenty meters from the hotel. And here there are four people at the hotel. All with machine guns.

I approach them without taking my hands out of my pockets.

What do you need?

Did you shoot our brother? Here he is sitting in the car.

Yes, I shot, I say and tell everything as it happened. I tell you how we were almost blown up by the guards and how their brother and the old man dragged bales from the house. I’m telling you, and I’m watching them closely. If anyone grabs a machine gun, I’ll blow everyone up and blow myself up.

And they were a little confused. They just can’t understand why I, unarmed, am not afraid of them. I’m standing with my hands in my pockets, and they’re holding machine guns over their shoulders. And then the eldest of them says, nodding towards the car:

Let's get there. Can you repeat in front of him everything you said here?

Of course, I say, let's go.

I walk next to him, but keep my hands in my pockets. We approached the car. The one I wounded in the leg is sitting in it. I recognized him. And I repeat everything as it was, and the guy in the car winces with anger and shame. The car windows are open.

Did he tell the truth? - asks the one who brought you.

Yes,” the one in the car agrees, and scolds his relatives to God and to the soul for bringing him here.

And my hands are still in my pockets.

What's that in your pockets? - finally asks the one who led me to the car. He’s already guessing about something, he’s standing too close.

Grenades, I say, are not money. I fight, not rob.

“You are a real man,” he says, “we have nothing more to do with you.”

“I have nothing to do with you either,” I answer him and walk back with him, but I still keep my hands in my pockets.

So we parted ways. War.

There are terrible cruelties on both sides. But I swear to my mother, I have never shot at an unarmed person. These two don't count. I freaked out. They threw a grenade two steps away.

Why didn’t you come out with a machine gun, but with grenades? asked the boy's father.

“If I had gone out with a machine gun,” Valiko replied, it would have been a massacre. And they were so confused, they didn’t understand why I wasn’t afraid of them. I calculated correctly. I was ready to explode with them. And therefore he held himself firmly and calmly. If they had sensed my jitters, someone would have dropped the machine gun. And so they were confused, and then it was too late.

It’s okay for you to brag,” his father interrupted him, “a happy accident saved you both from the guardsman’s grenade and from the relatives of this wounded man.” According to the theory of probability, if you are lucky twice in a row, there is very little chance that you will be lucky a third time... Keep in mind!.. Do you know that Doctor George was killed?

He clearly addressed the boy's father. The boy's heart skipped a beat. He remembered Doctor George so well. He lived in the house of his father's friend. After work, he went out into the yard and played backgammon with his neighbors. There were always men crowding around. Doctor Georgy joked loudly, and everyone roared with laughter.

Once Doctor George said:

Today I'm on the bus from the hospital. Suddenly one passenger shouts: Doctor Georgy, you are being robbed! Then I felt that the guy standing next to me was rummaging in my pocket. I caught his hand and said: This is not a robbery, this is a medical examination. The bus laughs. Many people know me. The guy turned red as a pepper. There was just a stop, and I unclenched his hand. He jumped out of the bus. If a thief is capable of blushing, he can still become human.

Why was he killed? - asked the boy's father.

Who knows,” answered Uncle Aslan. - But he loudly scolded both Georgian and Abkhaz nationalists. I learned about what happened from our neighbor. Then the battles for Gagra were still going on, I couldn’t find a place for myself, because I didn’t know whether my son was alive or not.

Two men armed with machine guns entered our house at night and knocked on the neighbor’s door. She opened it.

We need Doctor George,” they said, “he lives in your house.” Show him his apartment.

Why do you need Doctor George? - she asked.

“A friend of ours is seriously ill,” one of them said, “we need Doctor Georgiy.”

Why do you need Doctor George,” the neighbor answered, “my husband just died.” He was sick and could not stand all this horror. There are a lot of medicines left from him. I'll give them to you.

She immediately did not like these two with machine guns.

We don’t need your medicine,” one of them said, starting to get irritated, in a threatening voice, “we need Doctor George.” He must help our comrade.

With some kind of bad feeling, as she later said, she went up two floors and pointed to the doctor’s apartment. To say that she does not know where he lives would be too implausible for our Caucasian life.

Showing them to Doctor George's apartment, she stopped on the stairs to see what they would do. But then one of them harshly ordered her:

Go to your place. We don't need you anymore.

And she went to her room. Night. There are still battles in the city. Single woman. I was scared. Half an hour later she heard a car being started downstairs, the noise of the engine was heard and then it died down. She decided that it was most likely they who took the doctor away. From the very beginning of the war, the doctor managed to send his family to Krasnodar. He stayed to live with his mother-in-law.

The neighbor again went up to the floor where the doctor lived to ask his mother-in-law where they had taken him and how they had treated him. She knocks and knocks on the door, but no one answers her. She thinks maybe she got scared and hid. Shouts loudly: Tamara! Tamara! - so that she recognizes her voice. But there was no answer. And then she realized that things were bad. These two with machine guns took the doctor and his mother-in-law away. If they needed a doctor for a patient, why did they need his mother-in-law, who had nothing to do with medicine? She returned to her apartment.

Literature lesson summary

“The world of adults through the eyes of a child” based on the story

F. Iskander

"The Boy and the War".

Conducted by a teacher of the highest qualification category Gabaraeva I.M.

Lesson objectives:

1. Educational: to develop the ability to perceive, analyze, critically evaluate and interpret what is read, to understand the artistic picture of life reflected in a literary work, at the level of not only emotional perception, but also intellectual comprehension.

Developmental: develop the ability to define concepts, create generalizations, establish analogies, build logical reasoning and draw conclusions;

the ability to organize educational cooperation and joint activities with the teacher and peers;

Freely use various types of dictionaries, reference books, including those on electronic media.

Educational: to cultivate the ability solve moral problems based on personal choice.

Lesson type: lesson on learning new knowledge.

Equipment: exhibition of books by Fazil Iskander, portrait of the writer, projector, computer.

During the classes:

1.Teacher’s word: Good morning, dear fifth graders! On this wonderful sunny day, I would like to remind you that everything will be fine if you are attentive to each other and to those around you, and try to understand everything. what is happening in the world around us. As you know, this year we are studying works whose heroes are your peers. We observed children in a variety of cases - both in the family circle and among peers, in dangerous situations and in fun moments. Remember which of the heroes you especially remember and why?

Now let’s listen to the monologue of one of your peers.

A student reads the poem “Memory of a School Lesson”

I asked the teacher timidly:
- What is the cranium?
- Skull?! - exclaimed the teacher
And he pulled down his jacket painfully.
What a strange question? Cranial...

This is basically a box like this
Where our mind and experience are stored,
What has been gained through centuries of teaching.
Because historically
We will look into the issue...

Before us
Our Central Russian plain,
And on it Svyatoslav and his squad.
What do we see? The picture is familiar.
Feast on the mountain. Everyone drinks from the shell.
But, the custom of the people is trampled,
Prince Svyatoslav drinks from the skull.

And, of course, he is wrong about this,
For the skull is a sacred vessel,
From which, fortunately, they do not drink.
So wine and separation from the squad
The foundations of the community were destroyed.
The conclusion, I think, will be clear to everyone:
Alcohol is dangerous to health.

I asked again, embarrassed and timid:
- What is the cranium?

- Oh, stupid! - exclaimed the teacher,
Opening the magazine ominously, -
Name me such an abode,
Wherever your teacher moans.
Here's a pointer. Here's the map. To the blackboard!

I woke up in terrible sadness.

Who do you think could write such poetry? How do you imagine this poet? This is the poet and prose writer Fazil Abdulovich Iskander.

2- Who is Fazil Iskander? Presentation on computer, prepared by students.. Messages from students about the writer and his diverse work.

“I am a Russian writer, but a singer of Abkhazia.”

Guys, have any of you been to Abkhazia? Then, perhaps, you have heard the legend that the Abkhazians tell all guests of the republic. It talks about how God distributed lands to different nations. The representative of Abkhazia came later than everyone else, when the entire land had already been divided. He was late because he was receiving a guest. Having learned about this, God said: “I have one part of the land left, which I left for myself, but so be it, I will give it to the Abkhazians, since they value hospitality above all else.” This is how the Abkhazians got a wonderful land with a blue sea, majestic mountains and a warm climate. This is where the writer comes from, whose work we will get acquainted with in this lesson. Fazil Abdulovich Iskander was born in 1929 in Sukhumi. They say that a tree can only grow as high as its roots. By the roots of Fazil Iskander one can judge what a powerful personality he is. He spent his childhood in a mountain village and in his grandfather’s Sukhumi courtyard, where he came for the summer. Look at the nature that surrounded him! (Slideshow with views of Abkhazia).

His father was Persian by birth. But one stormy night, eight-year-old Fazil said goodbye to his father and never saw him again. Deported to Iran, my father died in a foreign land.

He was raised by one mother, whom he loved very much and thought highly of, although she was a simple peasant woman and had not read a single book in her life. She was naturally really smart. But the main teacher was the grandfather. The main thing, except for Abkhazia and the harsh but fair moral commandments of the mountains.

The most noticeable quality of F. Iskander is humor. The funny thing comes out of nowhere for him, always unexpectedly. The essence of creativity does not depend on what it describes: an empire or a small village. And the meaning of his work is that he brought the country that has existed for forty years, where the mountain village of Chegem is located between heaven and earth, closer to us, and we felt the importance and significance of a small nation, any nation.

3.- Look, here it is “F. Iskander’s Country”, which is inhabited mainly by your peers.(Book Exhibition).

4. In the poem read, the teacher asked the student to go to the board with a map. Let's follow his advice and find it on the mapMoscow , Abkhazia, Gagra.

The work with which we will work is called “The Boy and the War.” Isn’t it a somewhat unusual name? Why? Because children and war are incompatible concepts. Let's prove this by selecting epithets for each of the words. A boy is small, cute, cheerful, mischievous, inquisitive, enthusiastic, happy, etc.

War is cruel, bloody, senseless, terrible, merciless, fratricidal. We can say that these concepts are opposed to each other. But what kind of war are we talking about in this story? By the way, let's clarify the genre features of the story.

5. Message from a previously prepared student about the Georgian-Abkhaz war of 1993.

6. Now let's turn to the text. How many semantic parts can the story be divided into? How did the peoples of Abkhazia live before the war? How did their life differ from that in the capital?

What evaluative words does the author use to convey the delights of the peaceful life of the peoples of Abkhazia?

Did the boy like this life?

What questions does he ask himself after learning about the war in Abkhazia?

How did you imagine the hero of the story? Draw his verbal portrait.

7. The inhabitants of Abkhazia are depicted differently during wartime...

Valiko's story about captured Georgian guards.

What character qualities does this hero of the story have?

Why did he “get both of them with a burst of machine gun fire”?

How you saw Valiko, draw his verbal portrait.

8. The story contains a number of words and expressions whose meaning needs clarification. Pupils who have prepared in advance give an interpretation words dashing taxi driver, shied away, guardsmen, looters, bales, nationalists.)

Why did Valiko, who had never fired at unarmed people, fire a burst at his own people, and even civilians? What angered him?

How does Valiko behave with the visiting relatives of the wounded guy? Why does he come out with grenades and not a machine gun?

How these people treated him, confirm with the words of the text.

Let's imagine that we are eyewitnesses of these events. Come up with a dialogue that could take place between the marauder guy and his relatives after communicating with Valiko. (Work in groups)

How do you understand the meaning of the phrase fluke?

9. War is a test of humanity for many people. Some, like looters, lose their human qualities in the pursuit of profit, while others remain human in any situation. Such a hero in the story was Doctor George.

Why did the boy’s heart skip a beat when he learned about the death of Doctor George?

What kind of person was Doctor George?

What is remarkable about the case of the thief on the bus? What phrase said by the doctor about this could become an epigraph to our lesson?

Look, what an interesting detail, the author does not show the reader Dr. George, but shows the actions of people associated with him: a neighbor, an excavator operator, Aslan. How do these people behave?(they behave differently: the neighbor is worried, she feels sorry for the doctor, she understands that he is doomed and she is helpless to prevent this; excavator operator is a selfish person; Uncle Aslan gives all his money to bury the body of a good man).

Why is the nationality of the people who killed the doctor not named? (He was equally disliked by all the nationalists who incited the war, and he could have been killed by both Abkhaz and Georgian nationalists. Iskander also does not name the nationality of the doctor himself; it is important for the author that the hero be a real person. )

What impression did the story about the death of Doctor George make on the boy?

How did the world of adults appear before him?

10. Under the influence of what events do we grow up? How did the boy change after the night that shocked him, stunned him? Find and read the portrait of the boy. What means cosmic melancholy?

What does the father see as the reasons for such a change in his son?

What questions worry the boy?

Use a dictionary to find out the meaning of a word pessimist. Which of the boy's thoughts does the father consider pessimistic? 5. How the father tries to dispel his son’s thoughts: “It’s somehow disgusting to live if you don’t know that people are gradually becoming kinder.”

6. Based on the example of whose lives, both father and son come to the conclusion that “good is stronger”?

What do you understand about the person?: is he changing, what is changing him, and is everyone capable of change? Do the characters in the story change, if so, who and how? Which great Russian writer is mentioned in the story? I think it's the wordsL.N. Tolstoy can be the answer to the question that tormented the boy: “One of the most common misconceptions is to consider people good, evil, stupid, smart. A person flows, and there are possibilities in him: he was stupid, he became smart, he was angry, he became kind, and vice versa.”

All great changes in the life of one person, as well as of all humanity, begin and are accomplished in thought. In order for a change of feelings and actions to occur, a change of thought must first occur.


Answer the question: “Why doesn’t the boy have a name in F.’s story?

Write a letter to the boy, try to explain that “good is stronger.”

Make up the story of a beggar woman.

Author information

Salei Irina Alexandrovna

Place of work, position:

MAOU "Gymnasium No. 1" MO "Akhtubinsky District" Deputy Director for Educational Management, Teacher of Russian Language and Literature

Astrakhan region

Characteristics of the lesson (lesson)

The level of education:

Basic general education

The target audience:

Teacher (teacher)




The purpose of the lesson:




Students in the class (auditorium):

Used textbooks and teaching aids:

Lanin B.A., Ustinova L.Yu., Shamchikova V.M. etc. Literature 5th grade Textbook (in two parts)

Equipment used:

Computer with Internet access, projector, screen

Short description:

Literature 5th grade lesson-reflection “Is a person kind or not kind?” based on the story “The Boy and the War” by F. Iskander.

Literature lesson in 5th grade based on the story by F. Iskander “The Boy and the War”


educational problems:

implementation of homework;

formulation of lesson objectives;

working with the diagram;

group work

(The groups were created by the teacher, each group was given an envelope with an assignment, and at the end of the work an assessment sheet. The groups work with the text of the textbook, the pages are indicated, and use a computer with Internet access);

creating a cluster;


Previous lesson assignment: read F. Iskander’s story “The Boy and the War”, design coloring cards with a color association with the story read at home; Dictionary: warm people, fluke, looter, cosmic melancholy, pessimist

Terms:story, epigraph, aphorism, quote

During the classes: children attach cards with completed homework to the board

Background presentation

On the desk: inscription and diagram

F. Iskander “The Boy and the War”

  • Guys, at home you read F. Iskander’s story “The Boy and the War” and colored the cards in colors that associated the impression of what you read. See which colors are dominant. What do these colors symbolize?
  • After reading the story at home, you saw that on the surface, I think we, working together, will discover the deep meaning that Fazil Iskander put into the short story.

Creating a problematic situation. Fixing a new learning task:

In the 90s, a new girl came to the 5th grade in which I worked, a refugee girl, Georgian, with the name Dodo, which was unusual for us. We introduced ourselves and the lesson continued. Throughout the lesson, the piercing eyes of a child who had fled from the war looked at me. When the bell rang, the kids poured out of the class in a carefree crowd, the girl came up to me and said: “Teacher, thank you for the lesson!”

Why do you think the girl thanked her for the lesson?? (This was an ordinary lesson, and the child thanked not for its quality, but for the opportunity to sit at a desk, and not under a desk, to lead an ordinary peaceful life, without the horrors of war. The child appreciated what was ordinary and not significant for us. The war brought your own adjustments)

How is this situation related to F. Iskander’s story “The Boy and the War”?(The story about the war hooked the boy and made him think about life)

There is a diagram on the board, what common words can we write under the arrows?(lesson (life), war).

Why is there a person in the center of the diagram? Why (sign -? )? (Everything in literature is about a person, his problems, his ideas about the world)

What two parts can we roughly divide the story into: war (the story of Aslan and his son Valiko), the search for an answer to the boy’s question “Are people kind or not?”

Key episodes of part 1:(using background presentation slides) the peaceful life of the peoples of Abkhazia, the stories of Valiko and Aslan: the incident with the guards, the looters, the life and death of Doctor George.

Key episodes part 2:(using background presentation slides) The old beggar woman who fed the dogs is the “answer” to the question.

Group assignments. Pages are listed.

Group 1: page 277

1. Using Internet resources, find Moscow, Abkhazia, Gagra.

2.How did the peoples of Abkhazia live? How did their life differ from that in the capital?

4. Did the boy like this life?

5.What questions does he ask himself after learning about the war in Abkhazia?

6. How did you imagine the hero of the story? Draw his verbal portrait.

Group 2: pages 277-278

1.Valiko’s story about captured Georgian guards.

2. What character qualities does this hero of the story have?

3. Why did he “get both of them with a burst of machine gun fire”?

4. How you saw Valiko, draw a verbal portrait of him.

5.Using online resources, explain the meanings of words dashing taxi driver, shied away, guards. (

Group 3: pages 278-280

1. Using Internet resources, explain the meaning of the word marauders. ( Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary.

2. Why did Valiko fire a burst of fire at his own people, and even at civilians? What angered him?

3. How does Valiko behave with the visiting relatives of the wounded guy? Why does he come out with grenades and not a machine gun?

4. Confirm how these people treated him with the words of the text.

5. Come up with a dialogue that could take place between the marauder guy and his relatives after communicating with Valiko.

6. How do you understand the meaning of the phrase fluke?

Group 4: pages 280-283

1. Why did the boy’s heart skip a beat when he learned about the death of Doctor George?

2.What kind of person was Doctor George?

3.What is remarkable about the case with the thief on the bus? What phrase said by the doctor about this could become an epigraph to our lesson?

4.Look, what an interesting detail, the author does not show the reader Dr. George, but shows the actions of people associated with him: a neighbor, an excavator operator, Aslan. How do these people behave? ( they behave differently: the neighbor is worried, she feels sorry for the doctor, she understands that he is doomed and she is helpless to prevent this; the excavator operator is a selfish person; Uncle Aslan gives all his money to bury the body of a good man)

5.What impression did the story about the death of Doctor George make on the boy?

6. How did the world of adults appear before him?

Group 5: pages 283-286

1. How did the boy change after the night that shocked him, stunned him? Find and read the portrait of the boy. What means cosmic melancholy?

2. What does the father see as the reasons for such a change in his son?

3. What questions worry the boy?

4.Using online resources, find out the meaning of the word pessimist. Which of the boy's thoughts does the father consider pessimistic? ( Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

5. How the father tries to dispel his son’s thoughts: “It’s somehow disgusting to live if you don’t know that people are gradually becoming kinder.”

6. Based on the example of whose lives, both father and son come to the conclusion that “good is stronger”?

Let's look at the diagram, compiled by us at the beginning of the lesson, say, working in groups on tasks, listening to your comrades’ answers, what you understood about the person: does he change, what changes him and is everyone capable of change? Do the characters in the story change, if so, who and how?

We create a cluster and record the students’ answers. As a result of the words of L.N. Tolstoy:

I really like the entry made by L.N. Tolstoy in his diary in 1898: “One of the most common misconceptions is to consider people good, evil, stupid, smart. A person flows, and there are possibilities in him: he was stupid, he became smart, he was angry, he became kind, and vice versa.”

All great changes in the life of one person, as well as of all humanity, begin and are accomplished in thought. In order for a change of feelings and actions to occur, a change of thought must first occur.

Before you are cards and colored pencils, choose a color that matches your perception of the story after working in a group in class.

Complete the evaluation sheet.

Homework(creative at students' choice):

Answer the question: “Why did F. Iskander call the story “The Boy and the War”?”

Write a letter to the boy, try to explain that “good is stronger.”

Make up the story of a beggar woman.

Make a quotation book of smart phrases that could guide you in life.

Technological lesson map

A common part.

Item: literature

Class: 5

Lesson topic:« Is a person kind or not?” based on the storyF. Iskander “The Boy and the War.”

Lesson type: reflection lesson


educational results: subject, meta-subject, personal.

Subject Students realize the importance of reading and studying literature for their further development;

form the need for systematic reading as a means of understanding the world and oneself in this world, harmonizing relations between man and society, and multidimensional dialogue; participate in the discussion of what they read;

They form the ability to perceive, analyze, critically evaluate and interpret what they read, to understand the artistic picture of life reflected in a literary work, at the level of not only emotional perception, but also intellectual comprehension.

Metasubject Students acquire the ability to define concepts, create generalizations, establish analogies, build logical reasoning and draw conclusions;

the ability to organize educational cooperation and joint activities with the teacher and peers;

Freely use various types of dictionaries, reference books, including those on electronic media.

Personal. Students acquire social experience that allows them to navigate the world around them and interact with it;

solve moral problems based on personal choice.


educational problems:

implementation of homework;

formulation of lesson objectives;

creating a problematic situation. Fixing a new learning task;

working with the diagram;

posing problematic questions and then answering them;

analytical work with text;

group work

(The groups were created by the teacher, each group was given an envelope with an assignment, and at the end of the work an assessment sheet. The groups work with the text of the textbook, the pages are indicated);

creating a cluster;


homework (creative, student’s choice)

Basic concepts studied in the lesson: story, epigraph, aphorism, quote, evaluative vocabulary

Type of ICT tools used in the lesson: Internet resources

Methodological purpose of ICT tools: information retrieval

Hardware and software:

Educational Internet resources: Catalog of educational resources on the Internet

Organizational structure of the lesson

Stage 1. Entering into the topic of the lesson and creating conditions for conscious perception of new material

Greeting, checking preparedness, organizing attention.

Setting educational objectives.

Self-determination of the student to carry out educational activities

Duration of the stage

Main types of educational activities,

aimed at the formation of this educational result

Creating a problematic situation. Fixing a new learning task

Teaching methods


type of educational activity


They try to solve the problem in a known way. Fix the problem.

The teachers are listening. Construct statements that are understandable to the interlocutor.

Accept and maintain the learning goal and task.

Function, role of the teacher at this stage

Organizes immersion into the problem.

Checks students' readiness for the lesson.

Clarifies students' understanding of the lesson objectives.

Brings up a problem.

Creates an emotional mood.

Stage 2. Organization and self-organization of students during further learning of the material. Organization of feedback.

Formation of a specific

educational result, group of results

Duration of the stage

Collaborative exploration of the problem.

Finding a solution to a learning problem.

Working with a diagram, analytical work with text (story by F. Iskander “The Boy and the War”)

Teaching methods

Partial search

ICT tools to implement this

type of educational activity

Form of organization of activities


Collective. Analyze, prove, argue their point of view. Consciously construct speech statements and reflect on their actions. Explore the conditions of the educational task, discuss substantive solutions


Main activities of a teacher

Encourages you to express your opinion.

Notes student engagement
to work in class.

Stage 3. Workshop

Formation of a specific educational result/group of results

Designing a method of action, solving particular problems

Duration of the stage

The main type of educational activity aimed at the formation of this educational result

Working with a textbook and Internet resources

Teaching methods

Search engines

ICT tools for implementing this type of educational activity

Forms of organizing student activities

Collective. Work in groups. Students work with cards that contain recommendations and tasks. Participate in discussion of the content of the material. Exercise self-control.

Functions/role of the teacher at this stage

Organizer, observer

Main activities of a teacher

Organizes educational interaction among students (groups) and the following discussion of the compiled models

Stage 4. Checking the results. Correction.

Duration of the stage

Types of learning activities to check

educational results obtained

Speech by students.

ICT tools for the implementation of types

educational activities

Control methods

Students completing scorecards

Correction methods

Correct and supplement student answers

Form of organization of activities



Functions, role of the teacher at this stage

Coordinator and controller

Main activities of a teacher

Organized by:

  • peer review;
  • collective verification;
  • students' evaluative statements;

Provides a qualitative assessment of the work of the class and individual students

Stage 5. Summing up, homework

The boy was already in bed when his father’s friend came to visit them with his adult son. His name was Uncle Aslan, and his son's name was Valiko.

These were guests from Abkhazia. The boy vacationed in Gagra with his father and mother for three years in a row. They lived with Uncle Aslan. And these were the happiest months of his life. Such a warm sun, such a warm sea and such warm people. They lived there in the same big house as here in Moscow. But unlike Moscow, people lived there completely differently. All the neighbors - Abkhazians, Georgians, Russians, Armenians - visited each other, drank wine together and celebrated all sorts of holidays together.

If someone made jam, or baked a cake, or cooked something else tasty, he would definitely treat his neighbors. This was their custom. Everyone in the house knew each other, and there was a special platform on the roof, the likes of which do not exist in Moscow houses, where neighbors gathered for festive evenings.

And now there is a terrible war in Abkhazia and people are killing each other. What they did not share, the boy could not understand. Now the excited voices of parents and guests were heard from the kitchen.

You seem to have been at war? - the boy’s father asked Valiko. Valiko was about twenty-five years old, he was a dashing taxi driver.

Yes,” Valiko readily agreed. - That's what happened to me. When we broke into Gagra, I captured two Georgian guardsmen. I took away the weapon and took him to the base. And next to me is a Cossack. I see that these guards are very depressed. I tell them:

Guys, nothing will happen to you, you are prisoners.

And suddenly one of them bends down and pulls a grenade out of the top of his boot. I didn’t have time to come to my senses, and the machine guns were behind us. Apparently he was a desperate guy, like me. In a word, he throws a grenade at me, and they run. The grenade hit me in the chest and bounced off. Thank God, at such a close distance it does not explode immediately. She needs six seconds. I jumped on the Cossack, and we fell to the ground together. Blast, but we were lucky. The fragments did not hit us. My leg was slightly scratched. I jump up and run after these guards. They, of course, did not have time to run far. He ran around the corner where they had turned and took out both of them with a burst of machine gun fire. I walk towards them and think how lucky we are that the grenade didn’t hit us.

And suddenly I see two people, an old man and a young guy, leaving the house, right in the place where the dead guardsmen lie. And on their backs they have these bales. They step over the dead guardsmen and move on. I immediately realized that these were looters. We take the city, which means our marauders.

Drop the bales! - I shout to them in Abkhazian.

Drop the bales, otherwise I'll shoot! - I shout to them again.

The young man turns in my direction. And the bale behind him is larger than himself.

Mind your own business,” he says, and they move on.

I freaked out. We are dying here, and they are collecting junk. He threw off his machine gun and gave them a burst of fire at their legs. He didn’t hit the old man, but the young man fell. I didn't even bother approaching them. It was necessary to go into battle. In a word, we recaptured Gagra.

Fifteen days pass. I completely forgot about this incident. I live in a hotel. All our soldiers lived in a hotel. That day we rested. Suddenly a neighbor from the bottom floor runs up to me and says:

Armed guys have come for you. All with machine guns. They have a perfumed look. Maybe you need help?

There is no need, I say, for any help.

I remembered the young man whom I wounded in the leg. What to do? And I was wearing the same jacket that I have now. I took a grenade in both pockets and went out. Hands in pockets. The grenade is not visible. Ready for anything.

I see a car parked about twenty meters from the hotel. And here there are four people at the hotel. All with machine guns.

I approach them without taking my hands out of my pockets.

What do you need?

Did you shoot our brother? Here he is sitting in the car.

Yes, I shot, I say and tell everything as it happened. I tell you how we were almost blown up by the guards and how their brother and the old man dragged bales from the house. I’m telling you, and I’m watching them closely. If anyone grabs a machine gun, I’ll blow everyone up and blow myself up.

And they were a little confused. They just can’t understand why I, unarmed, am not afraid of them. I’m standing with my hands in my pockets, and they’re holding machine guns over their shoulders. And then the eldest of them says, nodding towards the car:

Let's get there. Can you repeat in front of him everything you said here?

Of course, I say, let's go.

I walk next to him, but keep my hands in my pockets. We approached the car. The one I wounded in the leg is sitting in it. I recognized him. And I repeat everything as it was, and the guy in the car winces with anger and shame. The car windows are open.

Did he tell the truth? - asks the one who brought you.

Yes,” the one in the car agrees, and scolds his relatives to God and to the soul for bringing him here.

And my hands are still in my pockets.

What's that in your pockets? - finally asks the one who led me to the car. He’s already guessing about something, he’s standing too close.

Grenades, I say, are not money. I fight, not rob.

“You are a real man,” he says, “we have nothing more to do with you.”

“I have nothing to do with you either,” I answer him and walk back with him, but I still keep my hands in my pockets.

So we parted ways. War.

There are terrible cruelties on both sides. But I swear to my mother, I have never shot at an unarmed person. These two don't count. I freaked out. They threw a grenade two steps away.

Why didn’t you come out with a machine gun, but with grenades? - asked the boy's father.

“If I had gone out with a machine gun,” Valiko replied, “it would have been a massacre.” And they were so confused, they didn’t understand why I wasn’t afraid of them. I calculated correctly. I was ready to explode with them. And therefore he held himself firmly and calmly. If they had sensed my jitters, someone would have dropped the machine gun. And so they were confused, and then it was too late.

It’s okay for you to brag,” his father interrupted him, “a happy accident saved you both from the guardsman’s grenade and from the relatives of this wounded man.” According to the theory of probability, if you are lucky twice in a row, there is very little chance that you will be lucky a third time... Keep in mind!.. Do you know that Doctor George was killed?

He clearly addressed the boy's father. The boy's heart skipped a beat. He remembered Doctor George so well. He lived in the house of his father's friend. After work, he went out into the yard and played backgammon with his neighbors. There were always men crowding around. Doctor Georgy joked loudly, and everyone roared with laughter.

Once Doctor George said:

Today I'm on the bus from the hospital. Suddenly one passenger shouts: Doctor Georgy, you are being robbed! Then I felt that the guy standing next to me was rummaging in my pocket. I caught his hand and said: This is not a robbery, this is a medical examination. The bus laughs. Many people know me. The guy turned red as a pepper. There was just a stop, and I unclenched his hand. He jumped out of the bus. If a thief is capable of blushing, he can still become human.

Why was he killed? - asked the boy's father.

Who knows,” answered Uncle Aslan. - But he loudly scolded both Georgian and Abkhaz nationalists. I learned about what happened from our neighbor. Then the battles for Gagra were still going on, I couldn’t find a place for myself, because I didn’t know whether my son was alive or not.

Two men armed with machine guns entered our house at night and knocked on the neighbor’s door. She opened it.

We need Doctor George,” they said, “he lives in your house.” Show him his apartment.

Why do you need Doctor George? - she asked.

“A friend of ours is seriously ill,” said one of them, “we need Doctor Georgiy.”

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