Boorish attitude at work. But still, what should you do if your subordinate has already become rude, but you need to continue your working relationship with him? Why do you have to respond to rudeness?

There probably isn’t a person on our father’s earth who hasn’t encountered rudeness in his life. Someone observed the unceremonious rudeness from the side, the other became the purposeful recipient of cynical impudence. Rudeness addressed to me is heard with constant regularity, and from all sides.
I will definitely be cursed in the minibus, insulted in the store and shamelessly humiliated in the beauty salon. The grannies at the drive-up bench, when they see me, take out microphones and begin to discuss me out loud. In the family, I am the whipping girl who is guilty of all human sins.
My friends spit in my face discourteously, although I myself am polite and courteous. The boorish attitude of my colleagues and boss towards me is not an unfortunate exception to the rule, but the norm of behavior. I am insulted because I help and save everyone. When I pull a colleague out of a career loop that he got into because of his negligence, and I write his report at night. When the angry patron for whom I make coffee, it is me who splashes out a stream of discontent.
I don’t know how to stop rudeness in the bud and don’t even try to bleat in response. I can only sob heart-rendingly and continue to behave even “lower than water and quieter than grass.” My mood is always at zero, and the built-in barometer of truth screams that it’s time to learn how to respond to rudeness. My goal is to understand why people are rude to you, to master ways to adequately respond to rudeness and insults. I propose to figure out together how to respond to rudeness and maintain your dignity.

Why people are rude to you: signs of a voluntary victim
By what criteria impudent rude people select their victims for rudeness, of course, these ignoramuses know best of all. However, psychologists say that those who demonstrate victim behavior to others are at risk of becoming an object of insult and humiliation. Scandalists by nature immediately identify in the crowd those who cannot “fight back” to his rudeness. They find someone who will passively endure bullying, due to which the aggressor will assert himself and rise in his own eyes.
Persons who profess victimhood (as the behavior of a victim is scientifically called) are predisposed to attract attention to their person from insolent people and rapists. They certainly find themselves in situations of rudeness that undermine mental health and pose a threat to life. On a subconscious level, they provoke an attack against them.

Such passive victims in life are distinguished by specific features:

  • their main feeling is irrational fear, which completely subjugates thinking;
  • they constantly anticipate that some tragedy will happen to them;
  • when faced with an obstacle and rudeness, they are not even ready to run, but freeze in horror;
  • they unconsciously hold on to their helplessness and dream of being saved;
  • they are ready to really suffer from rudeness in order to later receive the right to protection;
  • their souls are incinerated by the grievances they “cherish”;
  • such individuals are overly trusting and imprudent;
  • they refuse responsibility for their lives, wanting others to make the decision;
  • they feel guilty for everything that happens;
  • they are accustomed to enduring suffering that can be stopped.

  • All “scapegoats” are characterized by severely low self-esteem, lack of respect and love for their person. Often outsiders in life lack self-sufficiency, and their existence is consumed by an obsessive fear of loneliness. They strive to join leaders, choosing dependent behavior. They try to stay in the shadows, burying their heads in the sand, like ostriches. There are many reasons for such victimized behavior, but in most cases one becomes an “eternal victim” due to serious problems in childhood.

    Why are there so many rude people around: reasons for rudeness
    Although almost all of us are taught in childhood to be polite and cultured, some boors have rudeness in their blood. What drives a person to insult others? In most cases, the reasons for rudeness are as follows.

    Reason 1
    The desire to be noticed by another person. Such a person behaves aggressively due to a lack of attention and love. This flawed personality did not receive enough affection in childhood and did not hear words of praise. Her parents simply ignored her, demonstrating that the child was unnecessary and unwanted.

    Reason 2
    The desire to assert oneself at the expense of others. Such persons have an inferiority complex, and they require proof that they are worth something in life. By humiliating others, they rise one step higher in their fantasies.

    Reason 3
    Inability to control your emotions and properly get rid of accumulated aggression. In order to achieve internal balance, such persons must definitely throw off steam on the weak and defenseless.

    Reason 4
    Elementary fatigue. Mental fatigue or physical exhaustion reduces the ability to control your emotions. So it turns out that you were rude to someone else, but you yourself don’t understand why. However, such a phenomenon is a one-time occurrence, and it is followed by sincere repentance in a cultured person.

    Reason 5
    Low level of culture due to improper upbringing in childhood or being in an antisocial environment. It is unlikely that a person who grew up in a family of alcoholics will know social norms and rules of etiquette. That is, for uncultured barbarians there is simply no difference: to act politely or to be brazenly rude.

    Reason 6
    A feeling of complete impunity. When a person understands that everything is allowed to him, he can get away with rudeness. He is confident that there will be no punishment for his immoral actions.

    Reason 7
    In some cases, the insolence spoken is an accident, manifested in moments of despair. Sometimes people who are deeply depressed react extremely violently and offensively to attempts by loved ones to help them, perceiving this as an encroachment on personal space. In this situation, it is necessary not to fight rudeness, but to try to eliminate the true cause of a person’s melancholy.

    What to change in behavior so that they stop being rude to you: the correct reaction to rudeness
    How to behave when you are rude? The main step is to change your character traits that attract the offender, to transform the victim’s way of thinking to the model of the owner of life.

    Step 1
    We learn to assume a confident appearance. A person with his head held high and his shoulders squared looks dignified and is less likely to attract offenders. We always maintain neatness and neatness in our clothing. As a rule, the objects of insults are slovenly people dressed in very strange things. We do not show fussiness and haste. Inconsistent, chaotic actions are perceived as weakness, which is easy to mock.

    Step 2
    Sometimes it is useful to give your appearance a disdainful appearance. We remember and try to match the intelligent grandmothers with pursed lips and a contemptuous look. We portray bewilderment on our faces, as if a tsetse fly was circling in front of us incomprehensibly.

    Step 3
    We devalue the phrases spoken by the offender. We find fault with every word, correcting his speech mistakes out loud. Impudent people are not known for their oratory skills and often make speech mistakes. Our task is to notice and ridicule them. Laughter and subtle humor are powerful weapons against aggression and rudeness.

    Step 4
    Let's summarize what the boor said. In the heat of the moment, an aggressor often addresses his claims not to a specific person, but to all of humanity in general. In response to his attack: “Everyone is a bastard,” it is logical to clarify: “Who is everyone? Women over forty or drivers driving red cars? Such a remark will interrupt his flow of anger and cool down the ardor for reflection.

    Step 5
    We develop the nonsense we hear to gigantic proportions. To the tirade: “Deputies are bastards, they don’t work! And I won’t work anymore, especially for such pennies,” can add a cool feature. Like, they don’t work, and don’t work. Adam did not work in paradise either, and yet the apples grew. And Eve came from a rib. And everyone was happy. Complete absurdity will numb an angry person and switch his thoughts to thinking about something global.

    Step 6
    We contrast. The task is to divert the boor's attention to flaws that are more significant than those addressed to us. To my husband’s insult: “Look who you’ve turned into, you garden scarecrow,” we admit our “sin” and answer: “You notice my curlers on your head, and Lyuska from the next apartment is cuckolding her husband, your brother.” Let this not be entirely correct in relation to Lyuska, but the angry husband will leave our head alone and begin to condemn the bitch neighbor. And we will gain time to calm our nerves.

    Step 7
    A great way to calm down the aggressors who strive to notice all the shortcomings in our work. Peacefully and friendlyly invite them to do this task, which they understand better than we, the professionals, on their own for the same fee. This quickly sobers up customers who are 100% convinced that they will complete the task assigned to us a hundred times better and reproach us with every wrong comma, while not understanding the difference between a period and a colon.

    Step 8
    Mentally we decorate our offender. In your fantasies, you can put a clown hat on a cruel boss and decorate his face with a jester’s nose. Such an image created in thoughts will not allow you to take the offender seriously and will make you laugh because of his absurdity. Let this step not slow down the impulses of the boor, but our souls will be cheerful and comfortable.

    Step 9
    We can also mentally transport the evil-doer to a disgusting place. For example: imagine a boor in the form of a slave serving his duty in the galleys. Maybe his captivity forces him to behave rudely and aggressively? Then we should feel sorry for him, not condemn him. A noble feeling in the soul will not allow resentment to develop and will save the mood.

    Step 10
    We accept a sincere, compassionate and condescending position. We can gently pat the aggressor on the back, gently touch his hand, and say how much I understand you. Such gestures of friendliness and sympathy will give the hedgehog the opportunity to hide his thorns.

    Remember that starting to be rude in response to insults is a sign of weakness. If you perceive the aggressor as a laboratory rat, and stick to your line of behavior, even if it is absurd, this will not only improve your mood, but will also stop the rat’s attempts to attack.
    As I realized during my research, the best way to respond to rudeness is to eliminate the impudent insulters from your environment. Communicate with friendly and positive people, recharging yourself with the energy of optimistic goodness, capable of preventing insults, humiliation, or rudeness from occurring in your life.

    There are people who put their desires above the interests of everyone else. They completely ignore the fact that they live and act in a society where norms of communication and behavior must be observed.

    As a rule, such citizens are overly persistent, unreasonably excited and require increased attention to themselves. They also try to “jump the line” everywhere, disturbing the comfort and tranquility of those around them. “For me, and no one else!” - this is how you can briefly describe their behavior. But it is common knowledge that one person’s personal freedom ends where others’ problems begin. That is, you have the right to behave only in such a way that it does not interfere with others, does not create inconvenience or discomfort for them.

    But life shows that, unfortunately, we ourselves are not able to change such people. Unless they can be isolated from society with the help of law enforcement agencies - if they have crossed the line of the law. But if it still hasn’t come to this, and you suffer from someone’s unpleasant antics, learn to ignore or react minimally to other people’s attacks, rudeness and bad manners. Especially if you are forced to communicate with intemperate people at your workplace.

    Rudeness is the main proof of the lack of arguments.
    Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova

    Calm, just calm...

    It is best to try to remain calm and cool. Remember the words of the fairy-tale character Carlson about remaining calm in any situation.

    Very useful advice when you can correct not the surrounding reality, but your attitude to what is happening.

    As you know, a violent reaction to someone else’s aggression only inflames the boor, so respond in a distinctly correct manner. Especially if this is your client, and you depend on him for your job.

    If, for example, he wants you to drop everything and urgently pay attention to him, then answer like this: “Sorry, I’m busy right now, but as soon as I’m free, I’ll immediately take care of you and serve you.”

    Then just stop noticing it for a while. To do this, mentally imagine that you are separated by a glass wall that does not allow sound to pass through, or a waterfall. This method of psychological defense will become a tub of cold water for a heated and unbalanced person. Well, then try to help him in a professional and correct manner.

    Think about the fact that the unfounded claims of a dissatisfied person may not be caused by you at all, but provoked by completely different reasons - the current circumstances in the individual’s life, his poor health, fatigue, self-doubt, inability to satisfy needs and desires, personal problems, etc. .

    You, as they say, just fell under his hot hand. So you shouldn’t immediately take the blame on yourself, get upset and react to something that has absolutely nothing to do with you personally.

    Ability to switch

    Also learn to switch your attention from negativity to positivity. For example, you had to listen to something unpleasant addressed to you. But you don’t get into a fight, but remember how other people praised and thanked you.

    You can also look at something that pleases your eyes at this moment. This could be a vase of flowers, a reproduction on the wall, a funny figurine, or anything that is in close proximity to your workplace. Even the view from the window can change your mood for the better.

    Be sure to praise yourself when you manage to restrain yourself, not lose your temper and not lose your temper, and keep your emotions under control. After all, this means that you have mastered the skills of self-regulation.

    Telling the truth is not rudeness, but a characteristic of a business person who is accustomed to saving time.
    Anatoly Stepnoy. Heart in armor

    Always be a little distant from those with whom you have contact, and focus not on other people’s behavioral manifestations, but on your professional responsibilities. That is, if you want to maintain your own mental strength and inner balance, then in the workplace do not become too immersed in other people’s problems, especially when they do not relate to your job responsibilities.

    Do not try to replace other specialists. For example, a salesperson should not be a psychologist, a pharmacist should not be a doctor, and a taxi driver should not be a consultant on car repairs and purchases.

    To make routine duties and boring actions cause you less irritation and rejection, try to disrupt the usual course of things, at least in small ways. Otherwise, communicating with people, especially with visitors to your establishment or clients, can turn into real torture for you.

    Their unpleasant manners and last-ditch actions will suddenly break your patience. Then from a friendly person you can instantly turn into. And the consequences can greatly damage your career. Therefore, we will immediately agree that annoying routine little things can seriously interfere with proper communication with people.

    Let's say, if you are a seller, start laying out goods from different shelves. And during the prescribed break, either drink tea or just go outside and breathe some air. And if, for example, you are a taxi driver, try to choose different routes to the final destination. In general, figure out what and how you can change to make it psychologically easier for you.

    When you come home after work, take off, like a uniform, other people's worries and problems that you were burdened with at the workplace. To do this, be sure to change your outfit to home clothes - comfortable and cozy, take a shower or at least wash your face. Then take a break of 15-30 minutes to be alone with yourself and relax.

    Do something special relaxation exercise. For example, this:

    • Sit in a chair, take a comfortable position, place your hands on your knees and close your eyes.
    • Gradually relax the muscles from top to bottom, starting from the forehead, cheeks, lips, neck and ending with the calves and feet.
    • At the same time, imagine, for example, that you are warmed by the rays of the gentle spring sun. You feel warm, calm and pleasant.
    • Breathe evenly, and when you feel better, inhale deeply, then hold your breath and exhale vigorously.
    • After this, immediately open your eyes.

    For family and friends

    It is clear that it is often difficult to communicate even with acquaintances, friends and relatives. Especially if you are an overly emotional, vulnerable and anxious person.

    Make it a rule to be more lenient towards the weaknesses of others, besides, you have known these people for a long time and are quite capable of predicting their reaction to certain words and actions.

    Be always friendly and do not allow yourself to be provoked into a quarrel. And if that doesn’t work, find an opportunity to end the unpleasant conversation, or even better, leave the room where a scandal is brewing.


    And finally, a very simple rule: smile more often! After all, open, sincere and joyful people spread positivity around them. And if you learn to create an atmosphere of goodwill in your close circle, believe me: this habit will spread to your entire environment as a whole.

    We considered the question of how to put a subordinate in his place.

    But what to do if you are openly called to a conflict? If a subordinate is rude?

    Of course, we all understand that conflicts cannot be resolved by force, but it is a pity that not everyone realizes this. There are all sorts of situations (okay, if not regularly).

    What to do in this case?

    The first thing is not to give in to provocations. If you fall for the boor's lead, you have already lost.

    Second, think for a second about how critical this situation is for you. Maybe you yourself are the reason why you are being rude?

    If the reason is not you, then the simplest action on your part may be to ignore. Yes, just ignore all attacks in your direction, this is an elementary and most effective remedy.

    You see, the boor is interested in the final state - your final inflamed emotional state, and not just like that, but so that you also respond emotionally. This is where a surprise awaits, the seasoned bully already has an ace up his sleeve, he’s just waiting for this. He really lacks emotions. We are all a kind of emotional vampires and everyone evokes reciprocal emotions as best they can. This is the only way boors can do it. Take him and deprive him of these emotions, deprive him of his ultimate goal. Usually, when faced with being ignored, the boor quickly cools down and retreats.

    But there are situations when ignoring is not enough. Hamlo incorrectly perceives your lack of reaction, interpreting it as your defenselessness. And then he begins his attack. He will continue the offensive until you come to an open conflict, in which you can be caught and thus remain “in the dark.”

    Let's simulate the situation:

    An employee has pushed you, you are emotional. When the arguments are over, and the adrenaline level goes off scale, fists will be used. Here strength will show who is... stronger (but not right). Or maybe it won’t show, they’ll just separate you. So what is next? Have you proven to everyone that you can swing your fists? Do you think your authority will increase? No. You will only be fired. As a rule, both parties are dismissed without proceedings, only if there are no witnesses to the incident who are ready to confirm that you are in accordance with Art. Civil Code of the Russian Federation 152 - defended their right to demand the abandonment of information discrediting honor, dignity or business reputation. Although what did they demand, with their hands? Hands can't talk. In any case, this is a stigma for the rest of the time you work in the office. Maybe they'll even give me a nickname.

    Let’s skip the legal aspects - whether you will both be imprisoned for 14 days for violating public order or not. Whether one of you will sue for personal injury or not. It doesn't matter! So? Or is it important? Maybe you don't want to sit in jail? This is still humiliation. Or look for witnesses, testify, pay a lawyer, etc. and so on. If all this is worth shaking your fists at, then go ahead and defend your honor and dignity...

    Personally, freedom is dear to me, but boors - they come and go. So the maximum that they can get from my attention to them is the same rudeness. What is called a wedge wedge.

    So if a subordinate is rude, he won’t get punched in the face by me. But I will get on his nerves. In general, rudeness to a boss is fraught with accelerated dismissal. This situation cannot be left unpunished. And science will be different.

    Rudeness at work is, unfortunately, not a rare phenomenon. The majority of people interviewed stated that they had directly encountered this phenomenon in one form or another. Have pity on the boor - he has problems with self-esteem. But don't let him raise it at your expense...

    Who's being rude

    People who are deprived of public attention, but are in dire need of it, can become boors. If they cannot achieve it through personal merit, they will try to stand out by humiliating others.

    Primitive people who are not trained in communication skills behave boorishly. They do not know how or do not want to communicate differently. It’s easy to be rude, but to react constructively, you need to make an effort.

    People with psychological and emotional problems are rude. Rudeness and the accompanying aggression give them the illusion of self-affirmation. By humiliating and intimidating other people, they increase their self-esteem.

    How to respond to rudeness

    If the boor is a bus passenger or a saleswoman, you can get out of an unpleasant situation by leaving the bus or store. But what if the boor is your colleague or boss?

    Ignoring- one of the methods in the fight against rudeness (which often accompanies mobbing).

    It is important for a boor not only to let off steam, but also to provoke a response from you. Your emotions are energy food for such a person. Don’t “feed” him, don’t give in to provocation. Instead of snapping back, show calm. In order to let your feelings subside, start looking at the boor. Look not into the eyes, but just above the eyes. Or count the buttons on his shirt.

    Calmness will also help you if your boss is rude to you. However, psychologists advise not to hold on to a job where a boss who does not respect his subordinates commands.

    Even if you don’t want to lose your job, you shouldn’t patiently endure the impudence of your bosses either. Don't let yourself be yelled at. During the first incident, let the boorish boss understand that he should not raise his voice at you. Stick to this position in the future.

    Perform your duties to the best of your ability., gain connections and experience, and at the same time look for a new job.

    If the boss called you to the carpet, don't make excuses, this will only add fuel to the fire. Record all the claims made against you and say that you will respond to all points - in writing. Wait until your boss calms down and give him the report.

    By the way, if there is a higher management over a boorish boss, inappropriate behavior can come back to haunt him. As a rule, HR service employees become wary when competent employees leave the company one after another, and if they find out that this is caused by the boss’s rudeness, they report this to the CEO.

    Do not look within yourself for the reasons for your colleague’s or boss’s boorish behavior. These are their internal problems, not yours. Minimize direct communication If possible, interact with such a person in writing so that you always have evidence of boorish behavior on the part of the manager. Ham understands that it is no longer easy to express himself in a letter using the same words that he is used to in live communication. His internal “brake” begins to work, since a boor is usually a coward and afraid of responsibility.

    If the manager ignores your desire to communicate via email or ICQ and allows himself to insult you in public, then it is best to answer him absolutely calmly and without unnecessary rhetoric in front of everyone: “I will give you a written answer to your comment, but I am not at all happy with your tone.” and the expressions you use. Since I believe that this manner of expression is contrary to the corporate principles of such a serious company as ours, and, accordingly, damages its image, I will report this to the human resources department today.” In this case, you really need to go to the personnel department, preferably taking witnesses with you - colleagues. The best thing write a memo or memo, which clearly states the essence of what happened and a request to take measures to prevent a recurrence of a similar situation. Naturally, this only makes sense if there really was rudeness, otherwise you, and not the boss, will be under suspicion.

    Of course, if all other options have been exhausted, you can sue. Although in our country it is often easier to quit.

    Based on materials from

    Good day, dear readers. Today we will talk about what constitutes rudeness of employees at work. You will find out why such an attitude may arise. You will become aware of how you can fight back against the attacks of your colleagues. Familiarize yourself with the rules of conduct that will protect you from the desire of other employees to speak rudely.

    Signs of an unhealthy work environment

    Rudeness in a team can arise due to a negative atmosphere in the work environment. So the characteristic features include:

    • indifferent attitude of employees to their obligations, they simply follow instructions, do not try to establish relationships with each other;
    • if a clear line between work and rest has not been drawn, and there is no normal organization of the work regime, then employees will experience nervous overstrain, which will lead to irritability and nervousness, problems of self-control, and rudeness;
    • an envious attitude towards other people's achievements leads to the beginning of gossip behind the back of a successful colleague, which over time will develop into a rude statement in person;
    • rejection of newcomers, fear of new competition also causes rude treatment from old-timers;
    • shifting your responsibilities to other colleagues can cause aggressive behavior;
    • a boss who is accustomed to rude communication sets the most unhealthy example for his subordinates, and a negative psychological environment will develop in the team.


    Before you think about how to respond to a boor, think about what motivates him, why he behaves this way. Let's look at the most common reasons for rude behavior.

    1. The desire to stand out from the gray mass, to attract attention to one’s personality. It doesn’t matter to him whether they will condemn or approve of his behavior, the main thing is that they will pay attention.
    2. A way of self-affirmation. By humiliating colleagues with rude words, a boor increases his self-esteem and feels like the strongest.
    3. Rude behavior is a way to throw out accumulated negativity, an attempt to relieve stress. If a person once allowed himself to behave like this, you need to treat it with understanding. If he regularly fails to cope with accumulated aggression, he poses a danger to the team.
    4. Heightened self-esteem. A person comes to the conclusion that rudeness is the norm of behavior, he does not care about the feelings of other people. He will easily walk over other people's heads and trample on the self-esteem of his colleagues.
    5. Natural rudeness. In fact, the employee is not able to remain silent once again; he says everything directly, without thinking about the consequences.
    6. Aggression. A person sees enemies around him and assumes that everyone is against him. He uses rude behavior to defend himself from people. This is self-defense from imaginary problems.
    7. Inability to correctly argue your opinion, defend your position.
    8. Fatigue, psychological reboot.
    9. Lack of love. Such a person grows up in such an environment, perhaps facing physical violence. So a person grows up with a negative attitude towards the whole world.

    How to behave

    1. A colleague's rudeness should not be considered as your shortcoming. There is no need to take what is said personally. In fact, these are the problems of the person who behaves this way. An indicator of his bad manners and rudeness. In addition, you need to take into account the fact that the person’s mood could have been spoiled earlier, perhaps he has serious problems, and you simply fell under the hot hand.
    2. If an employee always behaves this way, then this is his manner of behavior, communication style, an established habit. Such a person remains a boor in all areas of his life. Therefore, you should not take it personally. Treat such manifestations calmly, pretend that you don’t notice anything. But you don’t need to follow his example.
    3. If the person is not a pathological boor, then you can try to identify the reasons for such behavior. Sometimes you can directly ask about what happened, especially if this has not been noticed before. If a colleague does not want to make contact and pour out his soul, simply reduce communication with him.
    4. If rudeness at work takes you by surprise, you understand that you have been chosen as a whipping pillow, it is better to silently move away from the offender, pretend that you do not notice his attacks.
    5. Sometimes during such treatment you can give the opposite reaction. They are rude to you, but you remain calm, polite and courteous, smiling back at your interlocutor. This will confuse the offender and bring him to his senses, especially if the reason is a bad mood and he did not want to offend you personally.
    6. If a person is angry at something you did, ask for forgiveness. If this does not stop him, he has already flared up, is wound up and wants to throw out all the accumulated negativity, then you should get ahead of him by saying: “I understand you perfectly, I myself would be angry in this situation if I were in your place.” After such words, your colleague will feel awkward, and perhaps he will even apologize for wanting to be rude to you.
    7. If the team is discussing rudeness on the part of an employee, do not participate in this, essentially, gossip. If someone complains to you about the behavior of a colleague, say that you sympathize and smoothly change the topic of conversation. Personally, never engage in such conversations.
    8. Do not enter into an active dialogue with a rude person; it is enough to say a couple of barbs to put him in his place. Say that you had a better opinion of him.
    9. If you see that boorish behavior is an attempt to attract attention to yourself, ignore the rude person.

    How to treat a boorish boss

    Let's look at the answer to the question of how to react to the rudeness of your boss, how to behave in such a situation.

    1. If you know that a manager has such a negative trait, try to minimize communication with him. Answer all instructions briefly, so that he does not have the desire to add something, for example, “I understand everything, I will carry it out,” “You are right,” “I agree with your opinion.”
    2. If your boss yells at you, tell him directly that you are becoming absent-minded and are not able to work efficiently under such influence.
    3. Ask the boss to speak calmly, without unnecessary rudeness, otherwise such communication is meaningless and spoils the work process.
    4. There is no need to try to justify your mistakes if you made a mistake. Just fix everything. Tell your boss that you understand that what you did was wrong and quickly fix this problem.
    5. Never be rude in response, especially if your workplace is dear to you. Continue to treat your boss with respect and maintain chain of command. But you shouldn’t allow yourself to be humiliated, especially if it’s not deserved. Say directly: “Why are you raising your voice at me?”, “What did I do to deserve such an attitude?”
    6. Do not remain silent when your manager is rude to you, otherwise he will get the impression that you can always be treated this way. Make even the slightest attempt to defend your opinion, just don’t reach the point of impudence.
    7. Let the manager speak, do not interrupt his monologue. At this time, think through your arguments.

    How to prevent rudeness in a team

    The best answer to the question of how to deal with rudeness is to prevent it. Let's look at how this can be achieved.

    1. If you are a new person in the team, immediately make it clear that you cannot be treated like a doormat. Be friendly, but don't allow yourself to be offended.
    2. Don't show weakness. It is important that your colleagues do not notice your lack of self-confidence. Don't let boors hurt your pride. Increase your self-esteem regularly.
    3. In response to rudeness, smile, express yourself monotonously, but loud enough to be heard.
    4. Don't forget about social significance in your team. Maintain subordination; you should not establish friendly relations with a person of higher rank.
    5. Show yourself as a highly qualified specialist. If you are a beginner, let everyone know that you are a professional in your field.
    6. Try not to stand out from the crowd. Do not provoke people to show negative emotions towards you.

    Now you know how to resist rudeness. Remember that first of all you need to identify the reason for such behavior of a colleague and try to understand his state of mind. Do not forget that rude statements should not be taken to heart; most likely, you simply found yourself at the wrong time, in the wrong place, and the employee has nothing against you personally. Save your face, do not give in to the temptation to repay your colleague with his own coin.

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