Characteristics of Montagues and Capulets. U

), Juliet was repeatedly cited as an example.

Well, leaving aside the question of how logical it is to cite a literary work written in England in the 16th century about Italy in the 13th-14th centuries as evidence anything at all, let's discuss Juliet's age. Can it be used as an argument that such a young girl could have been married off early? And was she really young?

To begin with, Shakespeare writes, voicing the words of Juliet's father regarding the wedding with Paris:

She is not yet fourteen years old;
Let two more lush summers die -
Then Juliet can become a wife.

That is, the girl’s father clearly states that until she turns 16 there will be no weddings; which suggests that even then this is not the norm, according to some.

However, let's dig deeper: before the tragedy written by Shakespeare in 1591-1595, there were other works about these unhappy lovers. On the basis of which, in fact, Shakespeare wrote his masterpiece.

(It turned out that during the summer I had so much rest that I developed dysgraphia and dyslexia, so don’t hesitate to point out to me that that word is misspelled and all that).

At the beginning of the tragedy, Shakespeare introduces us to Juliet Capulet, an ordinary carefree girl (like many others at her age), surrounded by the love of a caring father and mother, a cousin Tybalt, to whom she is strongly attached, a friend - the Nurse, to whom Juliet trusts all the secrets, after all, having lost her own daughter, she nursed her from infancy. Juliet lives in prosperity, she has a noble, respected family in Verona.

She is almost fourteen, however, she is not yet thinking about marriage, deep down hoping to meet her love, although until now this feeling has not yet visited her heart. Celebrations and dancing are one of some of the entertainments of a diligent young girl against the backdrop of ordinary everyday life.

Juliet is always submissive to the will of her father and mother - in those days, parents were more revered by children than in our time. Therefore, to her mother’s unexpected proposal to take a closer look at the young Count Paris at the ball, as a possible groom, Juliet unquestioningly agrees:

“I will try to look kindly,
But this is only for you.
I am only carrying out your orders."

The girl is aware of the hostile relationship between her family and the family of Signor Montague, but this topic worries her little, she remains neutral; Juliet does not experience crazy hatred for the Montagues, instilled in her since childhood (such as, for example, in her brother Tybalt), she simply means this as a matter of course. Juliet, whom Shakespeare endowed not only with a big heart, but also with a big mind, is more reasonable and has her own opinion: it is stupid to try to hate people just because they are “some kind of Montagues,” because she is not familiar with them and in her personal memory Initially, they did not cause any offense to her and her family!

For the first time, Juliet had to seriously think about this after the ball, when she managed to fall in love with young Romeo Montague, and expressed her thoughts on this matter out loud on the balcony.

What is Montague? Is that their name?
Face and shoulders, legs, chest and arms?
Are there really no other names?
What does the name mean? A rose smells like a rose
Either call it a rose or not.
Romeo by any name would be
The height of perfection that he is.

Having fallen in love with Romeo with her heart, her mind and the awareness instilled by her parents that the Montagues are evil for their family, an enemy, fight with each other in her young head. But Juliet still listens to the voice of her heart and common sense prevails over stupid prejudices - she is not so callous, not so blind as to hate only at the behest of her parents.

There is no affectation, licentiousness or feigned virtue in her, she is sincere in her feelings, which she cannot hide, which Romeo immediately admits, but upon realizing, he is afraid that he may regard her impulse as frivolity. She is afraid of creating the wrong impression of herself.

“Maybe I seem gullible?
Of course I'm so much in love
Why should you seem stupid?
But I'm more honest than many, touchy
Who play prudes,
I should have been more restrained
But I didn’t know that they would hear me.
Sorry for the ardor and don't accept it
Direct speeches for ease and accessibility.”

Juliet is the first to offer Romeo a secret marriage, a legal marriage - in her opinion, proof of love. This is the only way, and not otherwise, that she can be with him - that’s how she was raised.

"If you truly love
And you're thinking about marriage - tomorrow morning
You and my messenger let me know,
Where and when do you want to perform the ritual...
But if you plan
It's bad, then I pray...
Then, I pray, give up your quest
And leave me to my melancholy."

In the grip of new feelings and blind love, she does not think about the consequences; the young people justify their action with hope (voiced by Father Lorenzo) - naively believing that the families, having learned about their marriage in the future, will make peace for the sake of their happiness. They do not allow the idea that the spirit of hostility may be stronger and doom their love to death.

Father Lorenzo:
“I expect happiness from this union,
He can turn enmity into love.”

On a rainy day, when Juliet learns from the Nurse about the death of her beloved brother Tybalt, who fell at the hands of her husband, she certainly falls into despair. Words of reproach to Romeo escape from her lips, which she immediately regrets - the love and life of her lover are worth much more to her than the life of her brother and even the lives of her parents combined.

Tybalt is killed, Romeo is exiled!
In exile! There is only one word: "exile"
Ten thousand brothers were killed at once.
Tybalt is killed - enough grief already.
If only this would end with one!
But if grief needs complicity
And the sorrows of the community of others -
Why follow these words:
“Tybalt is killed” - I didn’t hear
“Father” or “mother died”, or “both”?
I would mourn them as it should be.

This speech coming from the lips of such a young and sweet creature is a little shocking. Juliet is so obsessed with her feelings that she is ready to sacrifice everything that is dear to her. Perhaps she said this in the heat of the moment, in a fit of emotion, and her mind was not thinking straight. After all, in the end she will sacrifice only herself.

For the first time, Juliet shows her character, prone to desperate struggle, when she goes against her parents and dares to contradict her angry father, thanking but rejecting the honor given to her to become the wife of the groom they have chosen. This is a difficult moment in her life; she understands that her family is trying for her happiness, but she cannot reveal the truth. The always loving father threatens to kick her out of the house if the wedding is canceled, and the mother hits her with the words “leave me, you are not my daughter.” So many blows of fate fall in a row on the head of the unfortunate girl, who until recently knew no worries and worries: the death of her brother, the expulsion of her husband, the impending bigamy - dishonor, betrayal of her love. In desperation, she tries to find understanding from her faithful Nurse, but she, not fully realizing the strength of her ward’s feelings, advises her from the bottom of her heart to “follow the count.”

“Romeo is banished; I'll bet -
He won't come back to claim you
And if he returns, it will only be secretly,
And if this is the case,
I suppose - marry the count.
And your current husband is so far away,
What is it – like a dead person, the same benefit.”

This was the last straw: the only one who always supported her in everything suddenly moved away, and Juliet chose death over marriage. In this way, she will remain pure before God, herself and her lover.

Go, adviser, - from now on I
I closed my heart from you. To Lorenzo
I'm coming. And if he doesn’t give salvation,
Then I will find deliverance in death.

Juliet does not consider the options of escaping with Romeo or confessing everything to her parents (in this case, they will be forced to refuse such a noble groom as Paris) - since this could cast a shadow on the honor of the Capulet family. Never disgrace your name!

She readily drinks Father Lorenzo's medicine, although she suspects that it may be poison. But there is no other way out, Juliet must use the last chance, even if her fears are not in vain - she has already decided to die, having prepared a dagger waiting under her pillow in the wings. All the doubts, all the horror that overwhelms her, spill out in her famous monologue, what could be worse than the unknown: whether she will die or live - only separation from Romeo can be worse. And with the words “Love, give me strength,” she boldly drinks.

“And if the monk gave me poison insidiously,
To kill me for fear of dishonor,
When would it be revealed that I was with Romeo
Did he get married before he married Paris?
What if I woke up from horror,
I'll go crazy in the dark and be wild
Play with the bones of buried ancestors,
And I will snatch Tybalt from his shroud,
And in a frenzy with my great-grandfather's bone,
Will I crush my skull like a club?”

Before our eyes, this girl is growing into a heroine! The courage of young Juliet is also evident at the end of the tragedy, when she, without hesitation, remains in the crypt, refusing the salvation that Father Lorenzo offers her.

Father Lorenzo:
“Don’t ask, let’s run, the guards are already close.
Let’s run, Juliet, I can’t hesitate.”

“Go, go. I'll stay here."

It seems that subconsciously Juliet already understands that she wants to stay here forever, dying next to her loved one. She sees no point in her continued existence without Romeo, whom she lived and breathed. And if the guards discover her, the secret will be revealed, the family will face shame, the parents will turn away from her. But it’s unlikely that the girl thought about all this; she acts impulsively and confidently: she finds Romeo’s dagger, rejoicing at such luck, and pierces herself.

But this is just a little girl dancing at a ball in her beautiful dress, among the smiling faces of admiring guests... Juliet’s love is truly stronger than death.

We believe that she and Romeo met in heaven and smiled, holding hands, watching from above as their parents extinguished the fire of a long-standing enmity forever.

Juliet is a complex character. She became the personification of fidelity, devotion, courage and eternal youth. Love and Juliet are inseparable, Juliet is love itself. Many tourists pilgrimage to Verona (Italy), where Juliet’s House is located, a balcony on which our heroine supposedly exchanges phrases with an ardent young man, a bronze statue of Juliet herself, as the Veronese people see her. “Juliet's Wall” is carefully pasted over with small multi-colored notes that tourists write to wish them luck in love, believing that the patroness of this bright feeling, young Juliet Capulet, will help them find it. You can even visit Juliet's Tomb, where, according to legend, her remains were buried. Also in Verona there is the so-called Juliet Club, an organization consisting of several activists who deal with the “Juliet mail”, responding to letters sent from all over the world, addressing directly the heroine herself. Thus, Juliet continues to live among us.

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Juliet is the last descendant of the Capulet family, who formerly ruled the continent of Neo Verona. Her family was killed before her own eyes by the head of the Montague family. All this happened when Juliet was only two years old and she hastily forgot all the events that happened to her. All these 14 years she pretended to be a boy named Odin and lived, along with the remaining members of the Capulet house, with William.

Juliet is an excellent swordsman and in order to somehow alleviate the suffering of the people of New Verona, she helps them under the guise of the Scarlet Wind - a defender of justice who will always come to the rescue. But despite this, she is a pacifist and very kind by nature, she can never kill a person and always looks for alternative ways to solve problems.

On the eve of her birthday, Juliet meets a young man named Romeo at the Rose Ball of New Verona and falls in love with him at first sight. On her 16th birthday, she was promised to reveal the whole truth hidden from her - this promise was fulfilled. She had to take revenge on the Duke of Montague for the merciless death of her parents and defend the honor of the house of Capulet. Being naive and very kind, this news shocked her; she was definitely not prepared for such a turn of events. Soon Juliet again learned the terrible truth: the Romeo with whom she fell madly in love at the ball is actually the son of the Duke of Montague. After the life given by Lancelot, the pharmacist who treated the Scarlet Wind, to save Juliet, she had no choice but to accept all this cruel truth and begin to fight, forgetting all her true feelings.

After the betrayal of her old friend Conrad, Juliet is forced to flee and encounters Romeo again, but now she and he no longer have to hide their love. They decided to live where no one knows them, where neither Montagues nor Capulets exist. They settled in an abandoned house far from New Verona and swore an oath of eternal love to each other. It was there that Juliet discovered the roots of the tree and began to hear the voice of Escalus. After some events, they are arrested and sent to New Verona, where Juliet is immediately sentenced to death. Members of the Capulet house decide to save her, but during the rescue, Juliet is washed away by a gushing stream of water and carried straight to Escalus - the tree that has already predetermined her tragic fate.

After everything that happened, she decides to fight and not retreat anymore, but to fight not in order to take revenge on the Duke of Montague, but to fight in order to create a renewed New Verona, which no one has ever seen before - this was already the beginning of the revolution.

According to most people, the eternal work of William Shakespeare “Romeo and Juliet” is considered a symbol of true and pure love. The writer wrote many plays and a sonnet on this topic, but the most memorable is still the story of two heroes who, despite their young age, were able to recognize this true feeling and preserve it until the “coffinstone”.

A timeless piece of love

The main characters of this story are Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet. Members of two families who have long been at odds with each other. The tragedy takes place in Verona, a town that brings together the two young heroes of the play at one of the balls.

Young Romeo immediately notices the sweet and truly beautiful Juliet, feelings for whom flared up in him like a fiery flame. And this flame could no longer be extinguished either by the feud of families, or by time, or by death. The same feelings flare up in the young lady in the very first minutes of meeting her Romeo. But what is Juliet Capulet really like, what true feelings was she capable of?

Brief description of Juliet

A sweet, pure and carefree creature - this is how one can describe the young lady who plays the main role in the work. From birth, the girl was surrounded by love and care from both her parents and her nurse. Juliet was only fourteen years old, and all she could spend her free time on were the holidays and balls that her noble family constantly organized. She spent the rest of her time at home, accompanied by her servants. This characterizes Juliet as a modest and immaculate girl.

The girl treated her loved ones and family with love and deep respect. Juliet followed all the wishes and instructions of her mother and father. She also admitted that she would soon need to get married, although she did not want to think about it. The thought of marriage for love did not leave her, despite the fact that this feeling had not yet visited her.

The external characteristics of Juliet are practically not described in the play, but from the context of the work we can assume that the girl was very fragile, charming and beautiful. And this is completely consistent with her inner world and feelings.

The birth of love

Juliet also accepted the fact that her family had long been at enmity with the Montagues. Although hatred of them was instilled in her own family since childhood, the girl did not want to enter into conflicts between the warring parties and remained neutral on this topic. According to the young lady, it would be foolish to harbor resentment towards them just because they are Montagues.

Juliet had to feel all the hardships of this family feud only after her first meeting with Romeo. That's when she first thinks about it. The author endowed this young creature not only with a big heart, but also with a mind that tells her that love should be above parental decrees and someone else's enmity.

Love Characteristics of Juliet

Having confessed their feelings, the lovers decide to have a secret wedding, which, according to the priest, was supposed to rise above all grievances and reconcile the warring families. It was able to prove the true feelings of the young, all their purity and innocence.

Love for young Romeo so overshadows the young lady’s mind that all other troubles and adversities fade into the background for her. She easily accepts the death of her brother, who died at the hands of Montague. As she herself admits, she would have survived a thousand more such deaths, but not the news of her lover being expelled from the city. Juliet is ready to sacrifice anyone to her feelings, if only her Romeo would be next to her.

Tragic end to a love story

The turning point in the fate of the young lady is the desire of her parents to marry her to a noble count. Juliet's heart breaks at the prospect of her impending marriage and the betrayal of her eternal and only love. Then the girl goes for help to the local priest, who offers to drink a special potion that can put her to sleep.

The courage shown in this scene can change all thoughts about Juliet’s gentleness and carefreeness. The characterization of the hero shows all her courage and determination in the name of saving love. She knows that she could die if the priest gives her poison instead of sleeping pills, but she still does this act in order to get closer to her chosen one.

All fears and doubts are dispelled by Romeo's death. Ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of reuniting with her beloved, she sacrifices herself. Juliet Capulet dies in her family crypt, having pierced herself with Romeo's dagger. True love, living in the hearts of young heroes, cannot bear the thought of further life without its soulmate. Courage, devotion and endless fidelity personify Juliet in the final scene of the work.

The tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" shows the importance of true love in the destinies of people. This feeling is capable of any feat and sacrifice. Even if that sacrifice is one's own death. Shakespeare gives Juliet Capulet all the qualities of a real woman: loyalty, devotion, care and eternal love.

While Verona bears this name,Not the statue will be more valuable,
than Juliet's monument true, in her.

Directors never tire of filming the immortal novel William Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet" about great love and devotion. Each of the directors George Cukor in 1936, Renato Castelani in 1954 G, Franco Zeffirelli in 1968, Luhrmann base in 1996, Carlo Karlei in 2013. shocked the world community with their heartbreaking pictures of unhappy lovers from Verona.

In my opinion, the authenticity of the story between Juliet Capulet And Romeo Montague— is deeply questionable, and only the well-coordinated work of the author of the plot William Shakespeare, first directed by George Cukor in 1936 y, and Verona authorities, who began at the speed of light, immediately after the release of the first picture and the frenzied reaction of the audience, to equip Juliet’s supposed house, and everything connected with her residence in Verona, led to such a stunning success. Well, then the other directors, feeling such a need, again and again revived the great love on the screen, and then, under the general tears of the world community, they killed it again.

But let's go places famous Montagues(it is believed that they were a prototype of a really existing clan Monticole) And Capulet (Capelletti prototype), described William Shakespeare and several more of his predecessors. The Monticoles were very influential in Verona, even created a party that brought the clan to power Dela Scala, however, their influence subsided, and in 1426 they moved to Udine, were forced to sell the house. The house is now privately owned and closed to public viewing.

Close to Arenas Verona there is a memorial plaque with a bust, and next to it, on the plaque there is a quote from his brilliant tragedy "Romeo and Juliet".

Building on Kapella street, 27, we know him as « Casa di Giulietta» , that is, yes, a family really lived there Dal Capello, even the family sign “hat” has been preserved - “capello” translated from Italian. In 1667 this family sold the house the Rizzardi family, then the owners were Failler, Ruga, De Mori and others. In 1907, it was bought by the Verona authorities for the Juliet Museum, where there is not a single authentic household item.And in 2002 there was an exhibition of costumes and items fromZeffirelli's film "Romeo and Juliet" .

Notes asking for help in love for Juliet

Tourists leave notes in the hope that Juliet, in the form of a minister "Club Juliet", will come down and help in his love problem. Well, the most important thing, apparently, is to sincerely believe that a miracle will happen to you.

Every year 16 of September they celebrate in the courtyard Juliet's birthday And The 14th of February on Valentine's Day people gather here to greet and reward those who wrote the most insightful letters to Juliet.

The famous marble Juliet's balcony. A Romeo, it turns out, there was a climber, since he could easily climb onto it, judging by the plot.

And maybe it’s not bad, sometimes to believe in a fairy tale... It will take us into the world of pure love, devotion and beauty... I am happy, every time I am in Verona, to walk through the streets to Juliet’s house to greet her.
Romeo and Juliet. Part 2: there is no sadder story...
Romeo and Juliet. Part 3: is the story real...
Romeo and Juliet. Part 4: love lives at:

Svetlana Konobella, from Italy with love!

About konobella

Svetlana Konobella, writer, publicist and sommelier of the Italian Association (Associazione Italiana Sommelier). Cultivist and implementer of various ideas. What inspires: 1. Everything that goes beyond generally accepted ideas, but honoring traditions is not alien to me. 2. A moment of unity with the object of attention, for example, with the roar of a waterfall, a sunrise in the mountains, a glass of unique wine on the shore of a mountain lake, a fire burning in the forest, a starry sky. Who inspires: Those who create their own world, full of bright colors, emotions and impressions. I live in Italy and love its rules, style, traditions, as well as know-how, but the Motherland and compatriots are forever in my heart. Editor of the portal www..

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