Characteristics of the positive characters of the childhood story. Relationship with a mentor

Maksim Gorky



1913, Nizhny Novgorod. The story is told on behalf of the boy Alyosha Peshkov.


My first memory is the death of my father. I didn’t understand that my father was no more, but the cry of Varvara’s mother was etched in my memory. Before this, I was very ill, and my grandmother Akulina Ivanovna Kashirina, “round, big-headed, with huge eyes and a funny, loose nose,” came to us. Grandmother sniffed tobacco and was all “black and soft”, like a bear, with very long and thick hair.

On the day my father died, my mother went into premature labor. After the funeral, my grandmother took me, my mother and my newborn brother to Nizhny Novgorod. We went on a steamboat. On the way, my little brother died. Grandmother, trying to distract me, told me fairy tales, of which she knew a great many.

In Nizhny we were met by many people. I met my grandfather Vasily Vasilich Kashirin - a small, dry old man “with a red beard like gold, a bird’s nose and green eyes.” Alyosha’s uncles, Yakov and Mikhailo and cousins ​​came with him. I didn’t like my grandfather, “I immediately felt an enemy in him.”


My grandfather’s family lived in a large house, the lower floor of which was occupied by a dyeing workshop. They didn't live together. Mom got married without a blessing, and now her uncles demanded her dowry from her grandfather. From time to time the uncles fought. The house “was filled with the hot fog of enmity between everyone and everyone.” Our arrival only intensified this enmity. It was very difficult for me, who grew up in a close-knit family.

On Saturdays, the grandfather whipped his grandchildren who had misbehaved during the week. I didn’t escape this punishment either. I resisted, and my grandfather beat me half to death. Afterwards, when I was lying in bed, my grandfather came to make peace. After that, it became clear to me that my grandfather was “not evil and not scary,” but I could not forget and forgive the beatings. Ivan the Tsyganok especially struck me in those days: he put his hand under the rods, and he received some of the blows.


Afterwards I became very friendly with this cheerful guy. Ivan the Gypsy was a foundling: his grandmother found him one winter near her house and raised him. He promised to become a good master, and his uncles often quarreled over him: after the partition, everyone wanted to take Gypsy for themselves. Despite his seventeen years, Gypsy was kind and naive. Every Friday he was sent to the market for groceries, and Ivan spent less and brought more than he should have. It turned out that he was stealing to please his stingy grandfather. Grandmother swore - she was afraid that one day Gypsy would be captured by the police.

Soon Ivan died. In my grandfather’s yard there was a heavy oak cross. Uncle Yakov vowed to take him to the grave of his wife, whom he himself killed. The gypsy fell to carry the butt of this huge cross. The guy overstrained himself and died from bleeding.


Time has passed. Life in the house was getting worse. Only grandmother's tales saved my soul. Grandmother was not afraid of anyone except cockroaches. One evening the workshop caught fire. Risking her life, the grandmother took the stallion out of the burning stable and burned her hands very badly.


“By spring, the guys split up,” and my grandfather bought a large house, on the ground floor of which there was a tavern. My grandfather rented out the rest of the rooms. There was a dense, neglected garden growing around the house, sloping down into a ravine. My grandmother and I settled in a cozy room in the attic. Everyone loved their grandmother and turned to her for advice - Akulina Ivanovna knew many recipes for herbal medicines. She was originally from the Volga. Her mother was “offended” by the master, the girl jumped out of the window and was left crippled. Since childhood, Akulina went “to people” and begged for alms. Then her mother, who was a skilled lacemaker, taught her daughter her skills, and when fame spread about her, her grandfather appeared. Grandfather, being in a good mood, also told me about his childhood, which he remembered “from a Frenchman,” and about his mother, an evil Kalashnikov woman.

Some time later, my grandfather began to teach me to read and write using church books. I turned out to be capable of this, and soon I fluently understood the church charter. I was rarely allowed outside - every time the local boys beat me until I was bruised.


Soon our quiet life ended. One evening Uncle Yakov came running and said that Uncle Mikhailo was going to kill his grandfather. From that evening, Uncle Mikhailo appeared every day and caused scandals to the delight of the entire street. So he tried to lure his mother’s dowry out of his grandfather, but the old man did not give up.


Closer to spring, my grandfather unexpectedly sold the house and bought another one, “on Kanatnaya Street.” The new house also had an overgrown garden with a hole - the remains of a burnt bathhouse. On our left was Colonel Ovsyannikov, and on our right was the Betlenga family. The house was filled with interesting people. Particularly interesting to me was a parasite nicknamed Good Deed. His room was filled with strange things and he was constantly inventing things. I soon became friends with Good Deed. He taught me to correctly present events, without repeating myself and cutting off all unnecessary things. Grandmother and grandfather did not like this friendship - they considered the parasite a sorcerer, and Good Deed had to move out.


I was also very interested in Ovsyannikov’s house. In a crack in the fence or from a tree branch, I saw three boys playing in the yard in harmony and without quarrels. One day, while playing hide and seek, the younger boy fell into a well. I rushed to help and, together with the older children, pulled out the baby. We were friends until I caught the eye of the colonel. While he was kicking me out of the house, I managed to call the colonel “an old devil,” for which I was beaten. Since then, the Ovsyannikov Jr. and I communicated only through a hole in the fence.


I rarely remembered my mother. One winter she returned and settled in the freeloader’s room. My mother started teaching me grammar and arithmetic. Life was difficult for me in those days. Often the grandfather quarreled with his mother, trying to force her into a new marriage, but she always refused. The grandmother stood up for her daughter, and one day the grandfather severely beat her. I took revenge on my grandfather by ruining his favorite calendar.

The mother became friends with a neighbor, a military wife, who often had guests from the Betlengs’ house. The grandfather also began to organize “evenings” and even found the groom’s mother - a crooked and bald watchmaker. His mother, a young and beautiful woman, refused him.


“After this story, the mother immediately grew stronger, straightened up tightly and became the mistress of the house.” The Maksimov brothers, who migrated to us from the Betlengs, began to visit her often.

After Christmas time I suffered from smallpox for a long time. All this time my grandmother looked after me. Instead of a fairy tale, she told me about her father. Maxim Peshkov was the son of a soldier who “rose to the rank of officer and was exiled to Siberia for cruelty to his subordinates.” Maxim was born in Siberia. His mother died and he wandered for a long time. Once in Nizhny Novgorod, Maxim began working for a carpenter and soon became a renowned cabinetmaker. My mother married him against the will of my grandfather - he wanted to marry his beautiful daughter to a nobleman.


Soon the mother married the youngest Maximov, Evgeniy. I immediately hated my stepfather. Out of frustration, my grandmother began to drink strong wine and was often drunk. In the hole left over from the burnt bathhouse, I built myself a shelter and spent the whole summer in it.

In the fall, my grandfather sold the house and told my grandmother that he would no longer feed her. “Grandfather rented two dark rooms in the basement of an old house.” Soon after the move, my mother and stepfather showed up. They said that their house burned down with all its belongings, but the grandfather knew that the stepfather had lost and came to ask for money. My mother and stepfather rented poor housing and took me with them. Mom was pregnant, and my stepfather was deceiving the workers, buying credit notes for products at half price, which were used to pay at the factory instead of money.

I was sent to school, where I really didn’t like it. The children laughed at my poor clothes, and the teachers did not like me. At that time, I often misbehaved and annoyed my mother. Meanwhile, life became more and more difficult. Mom gave birth to a son, a strange big-headed boy, who soon died quietly. My stepfather has a mistress. One day I saw him hitting his pregnant mother in the chest with his thin and long leg. I swung a knife at Evgeniy. Mom managed to push me away - the knife only cut my clothes and slid along my ribs.


“I’m at my grandfather’s again.” The old man became stingy. He divided the farm into two parts. Now she and her grandmother even took turns brewing tea. To earn bread, my grandmother took up embroidery and weaving lace, and I and a group of guys collected rags and bones, robbed drunks and stole firewood and planks “in lumberyards along the banks of the Oka.” Our classmates knew what we were doing and mocked us even more.

When I entered third grade, my mother and little Nikolai moved in with us. The stepfather disappeared somewhere again. Mom was seriously ill. The grandmother went to the house of a rich merchant to embroider a cover, and the grandfather fussed with Nikolai, often underfeeding the child out of greed. I also loved playing with my brother. My mother died a few months later in my arms, without ever seeing her husband.

After the funeral, my grandfather said that he was not going to feed me, and sent me “to the people.”

The boy Alyosha Peshkov tells a story that began in 1931 in Nizhny Novgorod.

My father's death is the first thing I remember from childhood. Due to my youth, I did not understand how strong this loss was. I remember the wild sobs of my mother Varvara. This happened after my illness. My grandmother came to treat me; her hair was black as pitch. Having become nervous, my mother gives birth to my brother prematurely on a fateful day for us. My baby brother and I are going with my grandmother to Nizhny Novgorod, having buried my father. My brother dies on the ship, and my grandmother distracts me by reading fairy tales out loud.

Many people came to meet us in Nizhny Novgorod, including three of my uncles. My grandfather, whom I met there, did not like me.

The big house in which the whole family lived became my refuge. Their life was not harmonious. My mother's brothers wanted to take my mother's dowry. Since she did not marry according to her father's will. From time to time you could watch my uncles fight. With our arrival, quarrels became more frequent. I felt uncomfortable living there; I was used to friendly relations in the family.

Saturday was education day. Grandfather beat all the children who had misbehaved during the week with rods. I got it in full.

I have a cheerful friend Ivan the Gypsy. He was given to his grandmother in the cold season. He was going to become a famous master. And it was another stumbling block for the uncles; after the division of property, everyone wanted to appropriate it. The 17-year-old boy was sympathetic and simple-minded. On Fridays he was sent to the market to buy food. Ivan always stole a little and therefore spent less money, which could not but please the greedy grandfather. Because of fear of punishment, grandmother did not approve of this.

Once Ivan had to carry a cross to the grave of Yakov’s wife, whom his uncle himself took the life of. He injured his internal organs and started bleeding. Ivan died.

Time passed. Living in the house became more and more unbearable. I only enjoyed my grandmother's tales. During a fire in the workshop, the grandmother severely damaged her hands in the fire while saving the stallion.

In the spring the uncles left. My grandfather bought a two-story house with a tavern on the ground floor. All rooms were for rent. In the attic there was a room with amenities, where we stayed with my grandmother. She won the love of all her neighbors and helped treat illnesses with herbal remedies. She was born near the Volga. Her mother was paralyzed, so her grandmother had to beg. Her mother taught her to weave lace; she was an expert in this matter. Grandfather met grandmother when she was a famous lacemaker. Later I learned to read and write with the help of church books. I was a gifted student and knew the church rules well.

The following spring, my grandfather suddenly bought a new house “along the Ropeway”, having sold the old one. Our neighbors were: Colonel Ovsyannikov and the Betlenga family. I was interested in spending time with a freeloader nicknamed “Good Deal.” He made unusual things. I began to express my thoughts beautifully, thanks to his teachings. But soon Good Deed leaves, and his grandparents accuse him of witchcraft.

Colonel Ovsyannikov had three sons, they were very friendly and played happily. But somehow I ran to save the youngest of them when he fell into the well. We became friends, but the colonel didn’t like our friendship and he kicked me out. In my hearts, I called him “old devil”, for which I received lashes. But through the hole in the fence we still maintained relations. In winter, my mother came and taught me to count and write. The grandfather forced the mother to find a husband. The Maximov brothers often visited us. Evgeny Maksimov and my mother got married. I didn't love him.

By winter, my grandfather rented two miserable rooms and sold the house. My mother and stepfather arrived penniless. They lived poorly, their stepfather cheated to earn pennies. I didn’t like going to school; the children made fun of my poor clothes. The mother gave birth to a boy, but he soon died. The stepfather goes after his mistresses and beats his mother. I swung a knife at him, but my mother did not let me finish what I started.

I lived with my grandfather, he became very greedy. I got involved with bad company and stole. A mother arrives with a small child, and soon she dies before my eyes. The grandfather even saves on food for the child. After burying my mother, my grandfather kicked me out because he did not want to support me.


“The Golden Time of Childhood” in the works of Tolstoy, Bunin and Gorky Alyosha Peshkov - the main character of the story "Childhood" Grandmother Akulina Ivanovna Grandmother in the life of Alyosha Peshkov (based on M. Gorky’s story “Childhood”) Kindness and cruelty in the life of Maxim Gorky’s hero “Childhood” The story of the Gypsy (based on M. Gorky's story "Childhood") What is the idea of ​​M. Gorky’s story “Childhood”? The image of Alyosha Peshkov in “Childhood” by M. Gorky Portrait of a grandmother in M. Gorky’s story “Childhood” Why did Alyosha Peshkov maintain a kind heart in harsh living conditions? (based on M. Gorky’s story “Childhood”) Comparative characteristics of the main characters of the stories by L. N. Tolstoy “Childhood” and M. Gorky “Childhood” The fate of grandfather Kashirin (based on M. Gorky’s story “Childhood”) Characteristics of a literary hero in M. Gorky’s work “Childhood” Images of Alyosha, grandmother, Gypsy and Good Deed in M. Gorky’s story “Childhood” Autobiographical story Gorky’s social and “pedagogical” guidelines Portrait of a grandmother in the story fb2

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In 1851, Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy traveled to the Caucasus. At that moment there were fierce battles with the mountaineers, in which the writer took part without interrupting his fruitful creative work. It was at this moment that Tolstoy came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a novel about the spiritual growth and personal development of a person.

Already in the summer of 1852, Lev Nikolaevich sent his first story, “Childhood,” to his editor. In 1854, the part “Adolescence” was published, and three years later - “Youth”.

This is how the autobiographical trilogy was designed, which today is included in the compulsory school curriculum.

Analysis of a trilogy of works

Main character

The plot is based on the life of Nikolai Irtenyev, a nobleman from a noble family who is trying to find the meaning of existence to build the right relationship with the environment. The characteristics of the main character are quite autobiographical, so the process of finding spiritual harmony is especially important for the reader, who finds parallels with the fate of Leo Tolstoy. It is interesting that the author seeks to present a portrait of Nikolai Petrovich through the points of view of other people whom fate brings together with the main character.



In the story “Childhood” Kolenka Irtenyev appears as a modest child who experiences not only joyful, but also sorrowful events. In this part, the writer reveals the idea of ​​the dialectic of the soul as much as possible. At the same time, “Childhood” is not without the power of faith and hope for the future, since the author describes the life of a child with undisguised tenderness. It is interesting that the plot makes no mention of Nikolenka’s life in her parents’ home. The fact is that the boy’s formation was influenced by people who did not belong to his immediate family circle. First of all, this is Irtenyev’s tutor Karl Ivanovich and his housekeeper Natalya Savishna. Interesting episodes from “Childhood” include the process of creating a blue drawing, as well as the game of rowers.


The story “Adolescence” begins with the thoughts of the main character who visited him after the death of his mother. In this part, the character touches on philosophical issues of wealth and poverty, intimacy and loss, jealousy and hatred. In this story, Tolstoy seeks to convey the idea that an analytical mindset inevitably reduces the freshness of feelings, but at the same time does not prevent a person from striving for self-improvement. In “Adolescence,” the Irtenyev family moves to Moscow, and Nikolenka continues to communicate with the tutor Karl Ivanovich, receiving punishments for bad grades and dangerous games. A separate storyline is the development of the relationship between the main character and Katya, Lyuba, and also his friend Dmitry.


The finale of the trilogy - “Youth” - is dedicated to the main character’s attempts to get out of the labyrinth of internal contradictions. Irtenyev’s plans for moral development collapse against the background of an idle and petty lifestyle. Here the character encounters the first love worries, unfulfilled dreams, and the consequences of vanity. In “Youth” the plot begins with Irtenyev’s 16th year of life, who is preparing to enter university. The hero experiences the joy of confession for the first time, and also faces difficulties in communicating with friends. Tolstoy strives to show that life has made the main character less sincere and kind towards people. Nikolai Petrovich's neglect and pride leads him to expulsion from the university. The series of ups and downs does not end, but Irtenyev decides to create new rules for a good life.

Tolstoy's trilogy was realized with an interesting compositional idea. The author does not follow the chronology of events, but the stages of personality formation and turning points in fate. Lev Nikolaevich conveys through the main character the basic values ​​of a child, teenager, and youth. There is also an edifying aspect to this book, since Tolstoy appeals to all families not to miss the most important moments in raising a new generation.

According to many literary scholars, this is a book about the most important role of kindness, which helps a person to stay away from cruelty and indifference, even despite serious life trials. Despite the apparent ease of narration and fascinating plot, Tolstoy’s novel hides the deepest philosophical subtext - without hiding moments from his own life, the author seeks to answer the question of what challenges of fate a person has to respond to in the process of growing up. Moreover, the writer helps the reader decide what kind of answer to give.

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Alyosha Peshkov Alyosha Peshkov is the main character and narrator of the story. In early childhood, he settles in his mother's family - the evil and scandalous Kashirin family. The story "Childhood" is Alyosha's story about his hard life with the Kashirins. >>> Grandmother Grandmother Akulina Ivanovna Kashirina is a kind, energetic woman. She is about 60 years old. Grandmother becomes Alyosha's best friend for many years. >>> Grandfather Grandfather Vasily Vasilyevich Kashirin is a respected, wealthy man, the owner of a dyeing workshop. He is about 80 years old. Grandfather is a smart, but greedy and cruel person. >>> Alyosha’s mother Varvara Vasilievna Kashirina (married Peshkova, Maksimova) is a young woman. After the death of her husband, Varvara leaves her son Alyosha to be raised by his grandmother Akulina. >>> Alyosha’s father Maxim Savvateevich Peshkov is Alyosha Peshkov’s father and Varvara’s husband. Maxim Peshkov is a kind, cheerful person. Dies at a young age. >>> Uncle Yakov Uncle Yakov Vasilyevich Kashirin is one of the two Kashirin uncles. Yakov is an angry, cruel, stupid, envious person. Jacob beat his wife to death. >>> Uncle Mikhailo Uncle Mikhailo (Mikhail Vasilyevich Kashirin) is Alyosha’s second uncle, a cruel, envious, evil man. He beats his pregnant wife, aunt Natalya>>>Tsyganok Ivan Tsyganok is a 19-year-old boy, a foundling, raised in the Kashirin family. Gypsy is a cheerful, kind person. He dies due to the fault of his uncles Yakov and Mikhail. >>> Master Grigory Master Grigory Ivanovich is a kind, smart old man, a faithful assistant to grandfather Vasily in his workshop. Eventually Gregory goes blind and becomes a beggar. >>> Good Deed Good Deed is a man whose name is not indicated in the story. He rents a room in the house of Kashirin's grandfather. Good Deed is a kind, sweet and very lonely person. He becomes Alyosha's best friend, but soon the grandfather drives the man out of the house. >>> Aunt Natalya Aunt Natalya Kashirina is Uncle Mikhail’s wife, a timid and quiet woman. Pregnant aunt Natalya suffers beatings from her husband and suffers in the Kashirin family. During the birth of her third child, she dies. Sasha Yakovov Sasha Kashirin (Yakov's son) is the son of Uncle Yakov, cousin of Alyosha Peshkov. An angry, cunning boy, just like his father. Sasha Mikhailov Sasha Kashirin (Mikhailov's son) is the son of Uncle Mikhail and Aunt Natalya, cousin of Alyosha Peshkov. Quiet, sad and lazy boy. Katerina Katerina Kashirina is the daughter of Uncle Mikhail and Aunt Natalya, cousin of Alyosha Peshkov. Nanny Evgenya Nanny Evgenya lives in the Kashirins' house and takes care of the children. Evgeny Maksimov Evgeny Maksimov is Alyosha Peshkov’s stepfather, Varvara’s second husband. Evgeniy is a nobleman. Having married Varvara, he loses all the money at cards, which is why the family falls into poverty. He beats his wife and cheats on her. Uncle Peter Uncle Peter is a cab driver, a lodger in the house of grandfather Kashirin. Alyosha listens with interest to his stories from the life of peasants. Uncle Peter commits suicide. Death in Pocket Igosha Death in Pocket is a blessed man. Local boys offend and beat Igosha. Alyosha, on the contrary, treats the poor man with sympathy.

Nikolenka Irteniev, the main character of the story “Childhood,” written by a brilliant writer, takes readers back to distant childhood, and also opens the spiritual and moral world of a child.

What is the characteristic of Nikolenka Irtenyev? How did the author treat him? Did he idealize his hero? And what did he want to convey to the hearts of readers by choosing the image of a child as key and central in his work?

Let's briefly analyze the realistic, life story that L.N. Tolstoy wrote, “Childhood,” and try to find answers to the above questions.

Childhood image

The characterization of Nikolenka from the story “Childhood” begins from the very first lines of the work. Before us appears a sleeping boy, whose sleep is protected by his kind, loving mentor.

From the child’s brief remarks and reflections it is clear that he is the son of a landowner, who grew up in hothouse conditions, a little spoiled and eccentric, but very kind and gentle.

It is not for nothing that the narration is conducted in the first person. This gives us the opportunity to better know the boy’s thoughts and feelings, his childish spontaneity and childish seriousness.

The characterization of Nikolenka Irtenyev is a characteristic of Tolstoy himself, since many of the events and incidents described in the story are taken directly from the author’s memoirs.

What did L.N. Tolstoy keep in his memory? “Childhood” reveals to us his first years of life; it not only vividly and effectively characterizes the younger generation of wealthy landowners, but also criticizes and exposes the immorality and hypocrisy of the noble lifestyle of that time.

Appearance of the main character

The portrait of Nikolenka from the story “Childhood” presents us with a rather ugly boy of ten years old with a large nose, large lips and small eyes, with curls constantly sticking out on the top of his head.

The boy is very worried about his external shortcomings. Because of this, he is sometimes overcome by sadness and despair. He even asks God for external beauty and is ready to give all that is most valuable just to have an ideal appearance.

And although sometimes it may seem that the main character deliberately describes himself as such a little freak, his elders repeatedly talk about his ugly appearance. This is noted even by the one who loves Nikolenka more than anyone in the world - his mother. On the other hand, she more than once emphasized the spiritual attractiveness of her youngest son.

Conflicting feelings

What is Nikolenka like in the story “Childhood”?

This is an ordinary boy, a little envious, a little absurd, but very kind, gentle and conscientious.

Most likely, Irtenyev’s conscientiousness is his inner core, which attracts us to the main character.

He may commit ugly acts, may have bad judgment, may think and feel things that are reprehensible, but he will always, always (!) feel shame and regret, remorse and some remorse after this. After this, I want to believe and hope that Nikolenka will change, improve and become better.

Relationship with a mentor

How do Nikolenka’s conflicting feelings manifest themselves?

For example, in his relationship with the children's teacher, a German by birth, Karl Ivanovich. Life did not work out for this poor man in his distant homeland, and he came to Russia in search of happiness. The German did not find wealth and prosperity, but, being kind and warm-hearted by nature, he became very attached to his students and, in the simplicity of his soul, gave them all of himself.

Nikolenka loves her poor mentor very much and feels sorry for him. For example, he dreams of growing up and helping his teacher, easing his grief and even sacrificing a lot for him.

His sincere love for Karl Ivanovich is also manifested in practice: Nikolenka often approaches his mentor, gently takes his hand and affectionately calls him a “dear” teacher.

However, multiple drastic changes occur in the boy’s soul. He can scold and be angry with the disadvantaged teacher, answer him rudely and impudently, and wish for everything bad. And all this just because of a strict suggestion, a short remark or a bad grade!

Of course, later, having analyzed his wrong behavior, little Irtenyev begins to feel remorse and try to make amends.

Relationship with Ilenka

The characterization of Nikolenka from the story “Childhood” clearly emerges in his relationship with Ilenka Grap, who was the same age as the main character. Ilenka was a sickly, quiet child, bullied and bullied by his rich comrades. His father had neither wealth nor title, but tried to maintain acquaintance with the Irtenyevs in the hope of further patronage. How difficult it was for Ilenka to communicate with the inflated barchuks, who offended him, humiliated him, insulted him and even beat him!

Children, already capable of showing cruelty, brought the unfortunate boy to tears, without even thinking about the fact that he was experiencing mental anguish and torment.

Memories of Ilenka’s persecution lie like a dark spot on Irtenyev’s heart for many years. He, so gentle and sympathetic, with a subtle, understanding soul, reproaches himself for following the lead of the grown-up boys and not standing up for the defenseless, disadvantaged boy.

Hero's lordship

However, in Nikolenka’s attitude towards the people below him there was always a note of arrogance and swagger. He considered himself much higher than Karl Ivanovich and Natalya Savishna, servants attached to him with all their souls. He treated his poor peers with contempt and arrogance, considering himself better and smarter.

Where did such a sense of arrogance and superiority come from in this nice, sweet child? The characterization of Nikolenka from the story “Childhood” fully reveals to us the causes and consequences of his actions and judgments.

A little boy was brought up in the house of a rich, arrogant landowner. From infancy he was taught that he was a master's son, worthy of honor and reverence. With his mother's milk, Nikolenka absorbed a sense of superiority and a desire to live in luxury and contentment, among serving, servile people.

Many noble children were raised this way. And this was a common occurrence at that time.

Hard tests

But this does not mean that little Irtenyev lived in a castle in the air, protected by fate from problems and worries. No, he was also touched by troubles and experiences, leaving an indelible sad mark on his tender soul.

The image of Nikolenka Irtenyev in the story “Childhood” is the image of a rich boy who has known personal grief and subtly feels the suffering of others.

Despite a comfortable and passive existence, the main character experiences severe emotional trauma: misunderstanding of his older brother, arrogance of a friend, pride and immorality of a father who cheats on his mother and ruins the entire family.

However, Nikolenka's most sad memory is the sudden death of her mother.

Relation to maman

The image of the mother is the brightest, most beautiful image in the story, while in the work there is no specific description of the appearance or detailed characteristics of the woman.

For Nikolenka, her mother is the most beloved creature on earth. He does not hesitate to show tenderness and affection to her, he loves to often spend time with her and communicate. Most likely, it is thanks to the early influence of his mother that the boy grows up to be such a kind and sympathetic child, capable of compassion and feeling of guilt. Therefore, the characterization of Nikolenka from the story “Childhood” would be incomplete and one-sided if it were not for the description of his relationship with his mother.

The death of the person he loved most left an indelible wound in the boy's heart. He cried and suffered a lot, experiencing the bitter loss in his own way. He did not understand how a blooming and cheerful mother could turn into a yellow, withered creature with closed eyes and an unrecognizable face.

And at the same time, the boy describes all his sensations and feelings with boundless sincerity and directness. He calls the moment of self-forgetfulness spent near the coffin of his beloved parent the truest manifestation of grief. In other cases, when Nikolenka cried and sobbed for his mother, he did it out of a sense of pride, pretentiousness and selfishness, honestly admitting this to himself and experiencing deep shame and contempt for himself.

The influence of Nikolenka’s image

As we can see, in his story “Childhood” Tolstoy created a bright, original image of Nikolenka Irtenyev, who teaches us to react correctly to our misfortunes and failures. The work also shows that childhood is an important time for the development of a child’s personality and worldview, which will leave an indelible mark on his mind and heart.

Characteristics of the hero

In the story “Childhood,” M. Gorky spoke about his childhood years, in which his grandmother occupied perhaps the most important place. Strange, very plump, big-headed, with huge eyes, a loose reddish nose. The boy's grandmother appeared in his life when his father died, and until the end of his days she was always there.

The boy sees and understands that grandma is beautiful on the inside, she is soft, affectionate, kind, trying to understand and help in any situation.

Despite her plumpness, the grandmother walked very easily, smoothly and deftly. Her movements were like a cat's.

Grandma had a very pleasant snow-white smile, her eyes flashed with warm light, and her face became young and bright.

Her hair was black, very thick, long and unruly. Therefore, when my grandmother combed her hair with a rare-toothed comb, she usually got angry.

The grandmother spoke cheerfully, smoothly, in a singsong voice. She mentioned God often. Everything she said was warm and affectionate, so the boy became friends with his grandmother from the first day, she became his most faithful and closest friend, the most understanding person. Later he realized that his grandmother was the kind of person who gives her love selflessly; she loves the world as it is.

M. Gorky reverently remembers his grandmother, and perhaps it was his unselfish attitude towards people that helped the writer later endure M. Gorky’s story “Childhood” is autobiographical. Everyone who surrounded Alyosha Peshkov helped the writer grow, albeit with the pain of memories and grievances, but it was a school.

His grandmother Akulina Ivanovna aroused trembling, still unconscious love in the boy. A man of a rich soul, colorful appearance, possessing the wisdom that is characteristic of the Russian people.

Alexey saw his grandmother for the first time when she was “in her sixth decade of summer and spring.” No one could perceive the world around her the way her grandmother perceived it. From the shore floating past, from the domes of churches sunk in the sky, she could cry or laugh. And who else could tell the boy such tales that the hardened bearded sailors asked: “Come on, grandmother, tell me something else!..” For Alyosha Peshkov, grandmother became the light that everyone should have in life. She became his most faithful friend, “the most understandable and closest person.” “She was all dark, but she glowed from within... with an unquenchable, cheerful and warm light.”

Alyosha learned selfless love from his grandmother, since his grandfather’s family, where he unwittingly ended up, lived according to the harsh rules established by his usurper grandfather. It seems that from time to time there is a glimpse of a kind person in him, but the shell snaps shut... and don’t cross, otherwise the reprisal will be with rods. The grandmother knew her grandfather’s character well and was not afraid of him, unlike other family members. She could become a mountain for anyone if her grandfather was wrong.

The house was filled with her warmth, her love and light, living energy. She put her whole soul into caring for her children and grandchildren. The unwanted Gypsy, thrown under the gate of the house, was accepted by the grandmother as if she were her own, she fed the boy and left him. Working from dawn until late at night around the house, my grandmother saw everyone and everything that happened around her, paying attention to everyone who needed her.

And her heroism during the fire was equal to the elements. Both the flame and the grandmother fought for the workshop. Who will win. She saved what was dear to her, was her home, her household; the fire burned what it considered its prey. The fire was extinguished, the grandmother received burns, but she also found words of consolation for others.

M. Gorky went through the school of generosity and severity, love and malice, but all his life he tried to analyze his actions, give love, and educate himself. And thank fate that he had such a wonderful grandmother.

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